Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra

This topic continues from the previous one whose header was of “Hridayakasha as the Path to Sumeru” … This is the fourth chapter of this series of topic on Hridayakasha Garbha … Hence aspirants must read first three parts, prior proceeding into this one … Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra, literally means as a system or processes that are related to the womb like state of the cave of ether of the heart … Hridayakasha has many caves, but here we shall mainly be focusing on some caves like the cave of knowledge, cave of wisdom (i.e. cave of neutrality of wisdom), cave of three qualities, etc., and rest of the caves of ether of heart shall be taken up in later parts of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra …

Important note: This is a highly restricted topic as it is not for the masses … It is only for those very rare aspirants who have reached an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to proceed into it …

Because Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra also serves as a base path of liberation, so even when it is a restricted knowledge system, I decided to publish it, but with some limitations, some of which that have already been mentioned in earlier topic of “Restricted topics” and also in another topic which has the header of “For who this is not” …

So unless as a minimum, you satisfy the requirements as mentioned in these two topics, do not read any further than this … And if you continue beyond this part, then you are only doing so at your own peril, for which I cannot hold any responsibility, whatsoever, now or ever …


Base of further discussions on Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra …

Prior I proceed within this topic, following points are to be noted …

  • It took me about 12 years to make my first entry into the first amongst those many-many (actually too many) extremely subtle caves of heart … So, barring a few evolutionary ready and thus rare aspirants, no aspirant should expect miracles of sudden entry into their own cave of heart and that too, soon after entering into the systems and process of the cave of heart (Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra) as have been discussed here …
  • This first amongst those many-many caves of heart, is the cave of emptiness (Hridaya Shunya Guha), which is also present in the cave of heart … It is within this cave of emptiness, that all other caves of heart are present … This is because this cave of emptiness envelopes all other caves of heart …
  • Whenever we enter the cave of heart, then that entry is always within the cave of emptiness of heart (Hridaya Shunya Guha) and this entry of the subtler vehicle of aspirant (i.e. aspirant’s consciousness vehicle which realizes the subtle components of this cave of heart) is always in an upside down position … By upside down position, I mean that, the position of the subtler (consciousness) vehicle which enters the cave of heart is reverse of the position of the physical vehicle at that time … Due to this reason, since I used to be in a sitting position with my head upwards and feet downwards, so my subtler body (i.e. the consciousness vehicle which enters the cave of heart and thence self realizes) used to enter into this cave of heart in a state used to be head downwards and feet upwards … This fact is something that is always there whenever I have entered the cave of emptiness of my own heart …
  • When the vehicle enters into this cave of emptiness of heart, then there is a certain buzzing sound heard … This buzzing sound (like a bee) is just prior to the time of entry and this state is like passing through some form of a “very subtle slimy substance” which also calms the mind of an aspirant … But this extremely subtle slimy substance is present at only one point of entry … This subtle slimy substance is the ether of heart (or Akasha Mahabhuta of heart) and it is of a bright purple color …
  • As soon as the entry is made and thence the subtler realizing vehicle (i.e. the consciousness vehicle) straightens up (i.e. it becomes upright), a “white colored being” is seen within that emptiness which envelopes all the caves of heart … As these entries kept happening, then ultimately due to the high stature of “neutral wisdom” which this “white colored being” holds, I started addressing him as “wisdom guide (Gyan Guru)” … And at some later time, I came to know that within the Buddhist lore, he is also addressed as Bodhisattva Avalokiteshwara … I called him Gyan Guru (i.e. wisdom guide) as within this cave of emptiness, he is of those attributes which are very similar (actually same) to the white colored, very subtle ninth sphere of macrocosmic nature (i.e. Para Prakriti) and thus, he also represents “the utter purity of neutrality (of wisdom)” which itself is of the ninth sphere … Ninth sphere is also addressed as cloud nine in Buddhist lore …
  • Behind Gyan Guru (wisdom guide) are standing many other motherly and fatherly figures, but to know then just read about Buddha Amitabha family as they have been well described within the Tibetan Buddhist lore (Mahayana Tantra) …
  • Barring a few rare instances of interaction with Gyan Guru, he doesn’t speak much … He was the one who showed me the cave of my eternal guide (Sanatan Gurudeva Sri Vishnu) … This cave is also present in the heart and it rests within the same non-lighted state of the cave of emptiness of heart …
  • The stage of self realization which is discussed here is only after entering the cave of emptiness, which itself is present within the cave of heart …


Proceeding further …

  • This topic (or Hridayakasha Garbha) is as a conversation between this little student (who writes this text) and his eternal guide (Sanatan Gurudeva Sri Vishnu) …
  • Whatever, wherever and whenever the eternal guide who resides in the cave of my heart (and he also resides the cave of heart of every other true aspirant) told to do, I did those things and also wrote about them, soon afterwards … That’s how this chapter was born …
  • But this final part which would be published and which itself is that conversation between me and my eternal guide, whilst both of us sat in the cave of ether of heart (Hridayakasha), is with some amendments because at that time of writing, I made too many mistakes in sentences and words, which probably was due to my consciousness (i.e. consciousness vehicle or subtle vehicle which sees and self realizes all that is written here) was invariably resting in a state which was neither here, nor there nor even anywhere else … The state at that time was like hanging in the middle of nowhere and thus those mistakes in sentences and words had happened at that time, which I have tried best to correct in this finally edited version …
  • Prior to whatever is discussed in this topic, another topic of nine sphere of nature was transited through and where this transit was also with the divine assistance and blessings of my eternal guide who resides within one of the inner caves of heart … But I have not disclosed that knowledge prior publishing this topic, as it has no relation to this topic …
  • Barring one or two aspects, this topic can be successfully completed without the knowledge of nine sphere of nature … Plus I fear that if I disclose the intricacies of those nine spheres, which relate to the union of Purusha (Maker’s consciousness) and Manas aspect of Prakriti (Mind of macrocosmic nature), then there are very high chances of aspirants directly entering into Nirbija Samadhi (i.e. the absorption within original timeless aspectless seedless state of Maker’s Makings and which itself was prior to the commencement of Makers Makings itself) … If an aspirant is not ready for this entry of primordial seedless-ness of Maker’s Makings, then that aspirant would surely de-incarnate within a few weeks …

Purusha Prakriti Yoga is the most dangerous Yoga for those aspirants who are not evolutionary ready … Since after roaming most of the lands (nations) of this planet, I already know that majority of humanity is not ready for such a knowledge system, so as of now, I have decided to not publish that part of this text, which relates to a transit through and thus a self realization of these nine spheres of Mother nature


Prior to meeting the eternal guide in the cave of heart …

Prior to entering the cave of heart and meeting the eternal guide who also resides within one of the inner caves of heart, I probably was the most notorious Yogi, as I used to fiddle around with anything, including but not limited to the subtleties of mother nature (Maa Prakriti), some of which are described below …

  • Cause rain at will if I felt hot … Hide the sun behind clouds if feeling hot …
  • Divert storms if I did not want to divert my ship to avoid it … This is in line with an old saying at sea which goes thus “Fools force weather and ice … Wise sailors always avoid them” …
  • Fiddle with the impressions (Samskaras) that are present within the macrocosmic plane of consciousness (Brahmic Mahat Chitta) and also fiddle around with my own impressions (which are present in the orb of consciousness or orb of Chitta of my own Antahkarana Chatushtaya, which is also called as the bliss sheath and the same is also addressed as Anandamaya Kosha) …
  • Change wind direction if it was not favorable to my commanded ships …
  • Bind those nasty entities which used to trouble me or cause interruptions in my meditations and thence also use them to do whatever jobs I wanted to do (Basically make them slaves) … There was a time when I had hundreds and further thousands of these bound entities with me …
  • Change ocean currents (if my ship was missing Laycan, so as to speed up my ship and make the ports on time) … I never ever missed a Laycan (load days of a ship) irrespective of what the charterers or owners used to say …
  • Every sea port (and also ever place) has a divine entity who acts as a subtle guardian of that port … If at a place (including every part of the ocean, which also has it’s own guardian entity) my ship was about to pass or arrive and if the guardian entity did not come to meet me prior to my arrival and tell me about the schedule, perils and everything else about his (or her) guarded area, then I used to bind them too and this binding was kept until they succumbed (and thus, surrendered to me) … And since I travelled (including sailing at sea) across almost all oceans and lands masses of this planet, so this rule was followed by me throughout my sailing days in mercantile marine, and especially as a ships’ master (Captain of a ship) …
  • And as those years passed, a stage was reached, where, if my commanded ship was about to pass an area, the guardian entity used to come and offer salutations a few days prior to my ship transiting that area … And if my ship was to arrive port, then prior the owners, charterers or even the local terminal or local agent told me about my ship’s schedule at that port, the guardian entity of that sea port used to come and always tell me in detail … Prior even arriving close to that port (say a few days prior arrival) I also used to know everything that related to my commanded ship stay at a port, including but not limited to the exact berth name, anchorage position (exact Latitude and longitude of anchoring) and schedule of my ship at that port … These guardian entities of ports used to also tell me about the time when that anchorage position would be empty so I could adjust my ETA to that position (ETA is an abbreviation of “estimated time of arrival” at a port or anchorage or location, but because I was already advised by the guardian entity of that place and that too, prior to arrival of my ship at that port or anchorage, so for me it was naught but an “exact time of arrival”) …
  • Even sea storms have their Devata (Guardian divinity) and thus there were times, when I never left the port even when a storm was approaching it whilst my ship was waiting at those ports and this decision to not leave that port was even when my ship owners, charterers, terminal and local agents were shouting “Captain, leave port, a storm is coming directly at you) … This was because the guardian divinity of that storm had already told me that he (or she as the case was) would be diverting the storm at so-and-so-many miles from my ships position … If that storm really diverted, I saluted that divine entity of storm and if that storm did not follow what its own guardian entity had told me, then I used to tie up that entity and make it my servant (but only until that guardian entity promised to not lie or do any other monkey tricks again) …


Proceeding further …

  • And to top it off, I also made my own subtle body double (which in Yoga Tantra, is called as a Kritya) …
  • The body double (or Kritya) is an indestructible, invincible, all travelling, eternal subtle body, which a yogi makes (creates) for himself and that too, from within himself …
  • And this Kritya has no restrictions in executing tasks as per the instructions of it’s own creator (I.e. the Yogi who make this Kritya, which as such is his or her own body double that is resting within the subtle realms) …
  • A Kritya is like a 24x7x365 servant, who is eternal, always awake, a supreme unconquerable guardian and it would only listen to the Yogi who created it (and not to any other human, God or angel or anyone else) … It is an invincible body which can also be used to war also …
  • If properly originated by a Yogi, a Kritya is his (or her) exact body double … This means, that Kritya would look exactly like that Yogi, who created it …
  • But one afternoon, whilst I was making this Kritya in my room, a sudden disturbing sound came … This diverted my attention from this process of creating my own Kritya … And this diversion, which though was for a very little while, deviated that Kritya and made it darker that what I am in addition to his body not exactly same as mine … I saw that the Kritya has a body which is somewhat like a hybrid of my current body and the body which was an earlier transmigrated incarnation (I.e. entering the physical world through the process of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit texts is also termed as Parkaya Pravesh) … So, I could no longer relate fully with it, even when it was mine only …
  • And due to the after effects of that deviation, sometime after this Kritya was made, it no longer remained of my color (it became much darker in color) and features it also began changing its attributes (became different from what I had thought off, when I made it) …
  • So at that time, because I did not wish to relate to it, so I left it with some instructions that related to this world and then told it, that once the job is completed, it would return back to the macrocosmic plane of Kritya and from there be at service to the seat of Devaraja Indra
  • Indra is the ruler of divine worlds, who self manifests out of the Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva … In in Agama Lore, Tatpurusha is also addressed as Tatpurusha face of Shiva … And within another timeless lore, as is of the Yoga Tantra, the same Tatpurusha is also addressed as Ukar (or the Sound of O or simply as Okar) … And the same Tatpurusha is also addressed as Hiranyagarbha Brahma in various texts that relate to the ‘eternal way of life (or Sanatan Dharma)’ …


Change in psyche after meeting the eternal guide inside the cave of my heart …

But all this changed soon after I reached the cave of my eternal guide, which itself is present in my own subtle component of heart …

And soon after this stage, that earlier extremely arrogant, high headed, sometimes violent but mostly peaceful, crazy man who earlier was as me and who used to think that he is invincible within the subtle realms of the macrocosm, suddenly became an insignificant Little Student (of the eternal guide) …

This change manifested soon after entering into that cave of heart, where the eternal guide (Sanatan Gurudeva Sri Vishnu) resides …

This was because my I’ness (Ahamkara) and also my Am’ness (Asmita) was completely shattered and dissoluted as soon as I saw my eternal guide, within my own cave of heart  …

And the strange part was, that, though an adult I am, but soon upon entering the cave of my eternal guide, I used to become like a seven year old boy … So, a little student is what I eventually became of the Absolute being (as my Guru who lives within my own heart) …

And from that time, I remain a little student of the Absolute being, just as I also was during my many previous incarnations and also during those further transmigrated incarnations (i.e. entering into a physical form by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is also called as Parkaya Pravesh) that have also been transited through … By me … Till now …

This topic is about my conversation with my own revered eternal guide and where this conversation was held within the cave of my own heart, i.e. inside that highly secret cave of heart, where the eternal guide resides …


With above as a base, I begin this topic …

In this entire topic, wherever I have written the phrase “Little Student”, there I have meant myself i.e. myself as the subtle consciousness vehicle which had entered the cave of heart and was within the divine guidance of the eternal guide (Sanatan Gurudeva or Sri Bhagwan Vishnu), who is also present within my own cave of heart (and he is also present within the cave of heart of each true aspirant … Of now … And ever …


Cave of three qualities … Triguna Guha …

Once when my subtler (consciousness) vehicle was resting in the cave of heart where eternal guide is present, the eternal guide caught the hand of his little student, got up from his seated position and started walking in a particular direction … Then, we both entered the cave of womb like state of ether of heart (Hridayakasha) …

The eternal guide then pointed out to a cave and said … “This cave is the cave of the three qualities” and then he pointed out to another cave opposite to this cave and said “This cave is the cave of the three non qualities” …

And then the guide further said “these two caves (or qualities and non qualities) are opposite to each other and are also facing each other” …


Note: The cave of non-qualities are not painted in above figure, for obvious reasons i.e. to prevent future misuse … But I am sure, that those aspirants who are evolutionarily ready, would see this cave whenever they enter the cave of their own heart and thence meet up with the same eternal guide, who would also be in their own subtle component of heart …


Moving on …

The little student looked at these two caves and found that these were exactly opposite to each other, from where the eternal guide and his student were sitting right now …

And then the eternal guide continued “The white color is of the cave of neutrality of wisdom (Sattva Guna) … Red color is of the cave of action (Rajoguna) … And blue color is of the cave of inertia (Tamoguna) … The inertia (Tamo Guna) resides within envelope of action (Rajo Guna) which itself resides within envelope of neutrality of wisdom (Sattvaguna) … This is how it is within each of these caves” …

The eternal guide pointed to these caves one by one and said … “Now look and see it for yourself” …

The student saw this and nodded a yes, as the cave of inertia was enveloped by the cave of action, which was further enveloped by the cave of neutrality of wisdom …


The eternal guide further continued “in-between the intersection of white  colored cave of neutral wisdom and red colored cave of action is the yellow colored cave which is towards the side of wisdom and is a slightly less bright white colored cave (It is actually matt-white in color) towards the side of action … The former (yellow colored) is the cave of knowledge (Vijyana Guha) and the latter (matt-white colored) is the cave of consciousness (Chitta) … Cave of consciousness has various types of colored impressions within it” …

The eternal guide continued … “As also within the periphery of this cave of action is a light pink colored cave … This light pink color is of Vyana Prana, that envelopes each of the Prana and Upa Prana (i.e. it envelopes each of the five vital airs or life forces and five sub vital airs or sub life forces) … This is how these Prana and Upa Prana are when these are in a state of eternal oneness to each other and within their own cave of prana, which is also present in cave of ether of heart” …

The student saw this and said “yes, it is visible” …


And then the eternal guide pointed out to the red colored cave of action and the blue colored cave of inertia and said “within the intersection of the action and inertia is a much brighter and vibrant blue … This is the cave of mind” …

Then the eternal guide smiled and said “Your mind was stuck in-between action and inertia … That is why you were like you were … Till now” …

The little student saw this and gave an ashamed look to the eternal guide …


The eternal guide laughed and continued … “The vibrancy of blue color which is visible in mind, is due to knowledge pervading the mind … When this knowledge resides within the mind, then even when the mind is residing at the intersection of these two qualities (action and inertia), the color of cave of mind is much brighter than the qualities … The knowledge pervades (permeates) the mind and thus is in contact with and is residing inside the mind … But even when this knowledge is actually an entity originated from wisdom and thus is residing within the pervadement of the sphere of wisdom of white color, yet in this cave knowledge is pervading the mind” …

The little student saw it, but could not make anything of it, so he gave a blank look to the eternal guide …

Laughing and catching the hand of little student, the eternal guide continued … “Even when your mind is trapped in actional and inertial aspects, yet your knowledge (Vijyana) pervades it and where this knowledge is also permeated by the neutral wisdom (Sattva) … That’s why you are how you are, totally straight forward in your actions (he meant binding entities who cause disturbance to me … Basically attitude of “tit for tat”) and yet you were neutral once others listened to you and surrender to you (he meant once they agree to become righteous and surrender to my such demands, I used to also release those entities in utter neutrality to my earlier deeds)” …

Since this was a fact, so the little student nodded in agreement …


And the eternal guide pointed out to his little student and then to a cave within inertia and continued “within the inertia is the cave of the macro-elements with each of the macro-elements resting within the ether” …

The eternal guide continued further … “Ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) is enveloping macro-elemental air (Vayu Mahabhuta), which is further enveloping macro-elemental fire (Agni Mahabhuta or Prakash Mahabhuta or simply Tejas), which is further enveloping macro-elemental water (Jal Mahabhuta) which is further enveloping macro-elemental earth (Prithvi Mahabhuta)” …

And then, with even a break, the eternal guide continued even further … “As also the ether (Akasha Mahabhuta) is pervading macro-elemental air, which is further pervading macro-elemental fire, which is further pervading macro-elemental water and which is further pervading macro-elemental earth (Bhu Mahabhoot) and where this pervadement is such, that, each of these are pervaded by their hierarchical subtler, until the subtlety of the cave of neutrality of wisdom (Sattvaguna)” …

The student looked at each pointing of the eternal guide and nodded an affirmative …


The eternal guide said “Now we shall get into each of these caves and see for ourselves” …

Then the eternal guide caught his little students hand and took his little student into the first of these caves …


 “Cave of neutrality of wisdom (Cave of wisdom or Sattvaguna Guha)” … 

The eternal guide said … “This is the cave of neutral wisdom and this is also the cave which denotes the utter neutrality of macrocosmic wisdom, as also this cave denotes the universal wisdom sphere, that is present in a microcosmic state inside each aspirant … This cave relates to ninth sphere of nature, which is also termed as Para Prakriti and is also addressed as cloud nine” …

The little student looked around and said “this white color is of a sameness of wisdom guide, the sage who is guarding your cave of heart (i.e. the cave of the eternal guide)” …

The guide smiled “yes, but not quite” …


And then the eternal guide continued … This is the cave which has three parts and each part is differentiated by the brightness of colors of the shades of white” …

The little student saw this and thus he nodded in agreement …

The eternal guide continued “This is the pure wisdom, wisdom just as it is in its neutrality towards allness, it is of a pure white color, very subtle in its state … It does not have that high luster and is also not dull white in color (what he meant was that it is not matt white in color, like the cave of consciousness) …

And then the eternal guide firmly said … “Remember this part until we have completed our transit through all these caves within the cave of ether of the heart, because neutral wisdom pervades all other caves of the ether heart and thus you would see it in all other caves too” …

The little student nodded in agreement …


Then the eternal guide continued further … “The wisdom is the primary requirement to even enter the cave of the heart , so unless an aspirant has arrived at a sameness to the utter neutrality of this wisdom, the cave of the heart cannot even be arrived at by that aspirant … This is because the same wisdom, which in its own state of being in attributed-form (Sagun Sakaar Awastha) is guarding the cave of the heart and that attributed-form state of wisdom (i.e. my Gyan Guru) shall not even allow the aspirant to enter the cave of heart unless this requirement is complied … This would even be when the aspirant’s mind has already pervaded his (or her) own subconscious vault and this rule also stands firm in any other case whatsoever, like the aspirant holding a “next of nextness” of evolution , etc” …


Little students note to explain the phrase of “next of nextness of evolution”: “Next of nextness” means that some evolutionary stages which were to be transited prior to arrival at current evolutionary standing, have been missed out by that aspirant … Thus, even when the aspirant as of now is holding his (or her) current evolutionary standing, but because the earlier missed out “real next’s of evolution (or simply, some stages of evolution)” that aspirant cannot enter into the cave of heart …

Little students note continues:  Due to this reason, such aspirant cannot enter into the cave of heart, until they temporarily lower their evolutionary standings into those states of evolution, where their “real next’s” were missed out and thence they clear them (i.e. enter them and thence evolve beyond them), prior they again return back to their current evolutionary standings … This knowledge is also not held by Gods and Satan’s, divine beings (Deva’s) and angels … It is a strictly secret system and is also guarded by some highly accomplished sages, who are known to only a few other within the entirety of Maker’s Makings …

Little students Note continues:  So, if during your entire course of evolution, which has been continuing right from the time you were begun as a microcosm within the genius of Maker’s Makings, if any aspect of “real nextness of your evolutionary process” has not been fully complied with, then you would not be able to enter your own cave of heart … And as soon as you comply, then due to absence of breaking factors (or subtle stoppages) of “next of nextness” within your evolutionary process, the entry into cave of heart would also become easy for you … The applicability of this note is independent of your path of evolution, belief, faith or God you believe in and everything else … We shall discuss this in a later topic …


And the eternal guide continued “This is the cave which has the pure wisdom and unless an aspirant has arrived at its essence, which itself is of the “wise words” and which can be felt here, that aspirant shall be stopped by this wisdom in a human form” …

Little students note: wisdom in a human form is the attributed-form state of wisdom, who as such is my wisdom Guide or Gyan Guru and who is also addressed as Bodhisattva Avalokiteshwara … He guards the entry point of the cave of heart and does not allow any aspirant to enter it, unless the aspirant is showing all signs of ripeness and rightness of evolutionary readiness to enter this cave of heart …

Little students note: By wise words, the eternal guide had meant the essence of statement, “There is nowhere to go, nothing to do, nobody to be” … These wise words denote a detachment from allness and her each part and thus they denote a stage of detachment which can only be termed of a very high incomparable order … Unless an aspirant holds such detachment, the wisdom guide who is guarding the entry point of the cave of heart, would never allow that aspirant to enter the cave of heart …


And the eternal guide further continued “This cave is the cave which ensures purity and piousness of righteousness … This stage is achieved when the aspirant has let go of all the effects of all of the other caves of heart … This let go is also under a realization of their incompleteness without their pervader, which is none other than (this cave of) wisdom … As also an aspirant realizes that eventually it is this quality of neutral wisdom which shall have to be realized as the primary quality, because of the fact that it is the pervader of all the states of cyclic existence (the begun part of macrocosm or macrocosmic matrix) and also of each microcosm” …

Then the eternal guide firmly told … “Remember this color and its shade, so you rest within this subtlety of wisdom, even when we go into other caves … Keep watching for this subtle white light in all other caves, as this light is present everywhere … This is because, the neutral aspect of wisdom pervades everything that is macrocosmic and microcosmic”

The little student looked up at the divine face of his eternal guide and nodded again in affirmative …


The cave of knowledge (Vijyana Guha) …

Then then eternal guide again took hold of the hand of this little student (who writes this text) and walked in a certain direction and then the two arrived at the next cave …

When inside the next cave, the eternal guide said “this is the cave of knowledge which we have arrived now” …

The little student looked and saw the colors were brighter here, it had tinges of whitish yellow in it (yellow with a white light pervading it) and was as if the white has suddenly turned into a higher purity and thus was more vibrant now … However the calm that was within this cave was lesser as compared to the previous cave (of neutral wisdom) …

The eternal guide continued “Be not mistaken by this vibrancy of colors of white and yellow that you see here, as vibrancy denotes a furthering away from the serenity (or calmness) of pristine nature and thus when we are residing in any of the caves that are present inside ether, then this vibrancy and brightness of colors also denotes a higher instability … More serene is a color, higher it is in its evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchy” …

And then the eternal guide continued further … “Due to this vibrancy and brightness of colors of this cave (or knowledge), it thus denotes a higher grossness as compared to the earlier visited cave of neutrality of wisdom … And since the further caves which we would be visiting later on, are increasingly grosser, so as and when we shall get into the further caves that are present in this womb of ether, the brightness and vibrancy of colors would also keep increasing … All this vibrancy denotes a lesser quantum of calm causing factor (i.e. lesser subtlety) and thus a corresponding higher grossness shall be seen in further caves, when we visit them, later on” …

The little student nodded as it was simple to understand basis knowledge achieved during his deeper meditative states …


And the eternal guide continued “This is the cave which the wisdom has manifest into, so that the higher subtlety that was within the cave of wisdom is not there … This higher grossness is needed as evolving aspirants can never relate to the extreme subtlety as is of the neutral state of wisdom and thus for such aspirants, “wisdom (Gyan or Jnana which as such is an omniscient and omnipresent nature of self-acquired-knowledge)” leaves its neutrality and enters into a slightly grosser state of “knowledge (Vijyana or acquired knowledge) which can be grasped by evolving aspirants … This is to ensure that evolving aspirants can relate to the grosser state of knowledge and thence reach at the subtler neutrality of essential wisdom (Inner knowledge) and thus arrive at the cave of wisdom as a wise one who is already stationed within the perfectly detached essence of wise words, about which I have already told you, earlier on” …


The little student nodded in understanding, but had a doubt, so he asked his eternal guide … “How can it be possible that an aspirant could be firmly stationed within the wise words, after gaining knowledge which is not seen to be based in absolute calmness, especially within this cave of knowledge” …

The eternal guide smiled and replied “You have been many times round this planet (planet earth) whilst you were working on merchant ships and then rose to be a commander of very large ships, which due to their sheer dimensions cannot even enter most ports of the world … What was the primary difference between the smaller ships and larger ones, VLCC’s or ULCC’s that you call them” …

The little student thought and said “The larger ones do not roll so much and also do not have those higher pitch angles which I found in smaller ships, especially when navigating in rough seas or when closer to frontal depressions and storms … This is due to a greater deadweight and thus a higher displacement due to larger dimensional state of bigger ships” …

The eternal guide smiled and replied “remember, earlier on, when we had discussed that the principles of the macrocosmic matrix (cyclic existence or Samsara), which are applicable to any one entity (or microcosm) are also applicable to any other entity (or microcosm) who resides within the same macrocosm … This was discussed to be due to the universal nature of cosmic laws … If this was not the case, then the essential oneness of everything, everyone cannot be maintained everywhere within the same macrocosm … And in absence of this, essential pluralistic monism of the macrocosmic creation would also be destroyed” …

The little student nodded in agreement as this fact was already known to him …

The eternal guide continued … “A larger ship has a greater displacement and so is the macrocosmic displacement, higher of any aspirant who is holding a higher neutrality of wisdom … Since wisdom denotes neutrality towards opposites, so any aspirant who is wise, is also calmer than others who are not because dualities of any sort do not touch him (or her) … This is the same as ships with higher displacement being calmer (i.e. they have rolling and pitching less as compared to smaller ships) even when they are within similar weather conditions (Rough weather) … And the same is with the wise ones, as they maintain their calm even in rough situations during their lifetimes, and this is also due to the fact that these wise ones holding a higher macrocosmic mass and thus are also having a higher macrocosmic displacement, so they have lesser disturbances (movements of mind)” …

And the eternal guide continued “when the knowledge is based upon the intrinsic fullness of allness, then a realization of allness that takes place, is as a whole and in such case, there is lesser movement (disturbance) within the mind due to which mind is steadied and this is the state of a wise one … Or we can also say that the aspirant’s life-ship ends up having a higher macrocosmic displacement and thus it is not rolling and pitching as much do your smaller merchant vessels (simile for evolving aspirants) … The same is for each aspirant because when the higher knowledge is gained from the authentic scriptures (or texts of real wisdom) and when that which is written in authentic texts, is also experienced through ones self realizations, then the deviations of mind are evolved over due to manifestation of self-knowledge … This is because the need for knowing anything else ends and this state is closer to the calm as is when one has arrived or almost arrived at the essence of the wise words” …

The eternal guide continued further, whilst smiling … “This is same as what Vedic sages have told, that, what use are scriptures for one who has known it all through a direct self realization … This is because such ones don’t need scriptures any more, they themselves become the essence of scriptures and thus end up holding a higher macrocosmic displacement … And on the contrary, Vedic sages have also said, what use are the scriptures for those who have not even begun in the path of knowing it all through their own self realizations … And thus, only evolving ones need scriptural knowledge” … Evolving ones can be compared to a ship with a less displacement and evolved ones to those ships that have a very high displacement, which makes them move not, even in adverse weather conditions of their journeys of their own lives” …

The little student nodded in agreement … As by experience the little student knew, when the ships are fully loaded and thus have a higher displacement, then they do not have very high movements (i.e. do not roll or pitch so much) as compared to unloaded ships (or in other words, ships in a natural ballast condition) and he also recalled those ships stability lectures at nautical schools which also prove this with relation to the KG, KM curves and residual or fluid GM values …


The eternal guide continued and sarcastically asked “what is the difference within a coastal or river port to an offshore port or terminal” …

The little student thought and replied “It’s so much better offshore as less number of persons to deal with there, as also the turnaround is faster and more peaceful due to this non-interference from greedy local authorities who want to take everything home for a simple fault of ships documentation or staff” …

The eternal guide smiled and said “ this is how it is when the knowledge is full in an aspirant … An aspirant who is full of knowledge derived from a direct self realization always chooses to be offshore (away from civilizations), instead of being inshore (within the deviated sounds of humanity) and this is also because that wise aspirant holds a higher macrocosmic displacement and thus he (or she) also ends up having a higher draft (draft depth of a ship below water) so his ship of life also cannot enter coastal ports and river waters which have a high traffic density … And due to this reason, such ones prefer to not get into congested waters of the river and inland ports (simile for human societies and their civilizations)” …

The eternal guide continued further and said, “The same is with ones who hold a higher knowledge (i.e. self realized wisdom), so such ones also end up staying farther from those disturbing congestions as are within those deviated sounds and corrupt dances of human civilizations of any degenerate age … This is why evolved sages invariably choose to reside at isolated spots of this planet, like remote mountains, distant rock caves and forests, etc” …

The eternal guide continued even further … “And this always happens with each aspirant who acquires a fuller state of self realized knowledge, as such ones eventually cut themselves off from the rest of the world, even when they may be living in that world … This is the reason for self realized sages to stay away from sounds of human civilizations, and many amongst such ones also retire in wilderness of remote mountains, forests, riverbeds and other isolated spots of this planet where these deviated dances of humanity are lesser, or totally absent … All this is due to their higher macrocosmic displacement and this is just like your very large merchant ships which have a higher draft and displacement, so such ships also do not enter into congested ports and thus they mostly remain offshore (i.e. free from sounds of humanity)” …


The little student nodded in understanding, looked upwards towards the divine face of his eternal guide and asked … “How is all this talk related to wise words” …

The eternal guide continued whilst giving a faint smile … “When any aspirant enters into the essence of wise words, then that aspirant reaches an inner fullness and thus has a higher macrocosmic displacement … Such ones prefer to stay clear of congested traffic areas, as are within those ever differing and thus changeful unrighteous, dual, self serving greedy ways and noises of human civilizations of a degenerate age …

The eternal guide kept talking … “This condition is the same as  larger ships being away from most ports (i.e. being offshore) due to their higher draft and displacement which cannot allow them to approach most ports of the world” …

The eternal further said … “And even if these highly evolved ones stay in the midst of human civilizations, they prefer places which have the right aura and energies, Like monasteries, temples etc. … This is what your Guru of previous incarnation and whose Guru Dakshina your present transmigrated incarnation is, had referred to, through his given word of ‘Sangha’ … Being in Sangha is also like being offshore only, as in such places where the real or essential nature of Sangha exists, deviated sounds of human civilizations are mostly not there” …


And then the eternal guide continued even further … “The same but to a much larger extent happens for any aspirant who enters into the self realized essence of the wise worlds … Unless running out of options, like you ran out and thus had to return back to this physical realm so as to render your Gurudakshina to the guru of your earlier transmigrated incarnation, whom this world addressed as Gautama Buddha, such sages prefer not to even surface out of their remote hermitages, which may even be in their homes that are in middle of large cities” …

The eternal guide further stated … “The primary identity of such a wise one is that even his neighbors would not se him stepping out his house, often … And as at matter of sooner or later fact about such wise ones who have already entered into the essence of wise words, they ultimately renounce the entirety of allness and thence enter into Poorna Sannyasa (or full renunciation or renunciation of entirety of allness and her each part) … A very less percentage of these wise ones may hold this end stage (of full renunciation), but only if they have some duties pending towards their Guru or parents or towards a deity, etc., but even in such a case, a wise one cannot ever escape from the finality of Poorna Sannyasa … Poorna Sannyasa is a stage of “being Brahman”, i.e. Kaivalya Moksha … Such ones never return back to any state of existence, be it gross existence or subtle existence or even divine existence or even an impressional state of existence or be it any other mode of existence that anyone can ever say or imagine” …

Then eternal guide looked down at his little student and said pointing to himself “This one also cannot manifest in physical planes and any student who has to come to know it, has to arrive at its cave and while that student rests within the higher displacement of a higher knowledge, as is of the cave of knowledge in which we both are sitting right now … Unless the authentic scriptural knowledge which is acquired from a scripture or words of a Guru is based in, I (eternal guide) cannot ever be arrived” …

The little student nodded in understanding as he himself took 12 years of study and research to reach the cave of heart where the eternal guide eternally resides as the Guru of triple times, of each true aspirant …


The eternal guide now continued “This is the cave of knowledge as is within the cave of wisdom … And this is the cave where the essence of wisdom manifests and that too prior this essence of wisdom (or wise words) get transferred from this cave (or knowledge) to all that ever is existing within the “entirety of macrocosm (i.e. four states of macrocosm)” …

The little student nodded in understanding …


The eternal guide continued “This knowledge is transmitted by many means which are within writings, spoken words, seen sights and inferences based on these … And finally the self realization” …

The eternal guide continued further … “As also this knowledge is transmitted by many words and sights which are not even spoken or seen by the eyes of the physical vehicle and yet can be within those nine types of clairvoyance … As also this knowledge is also transmitted by feelings which itself is the language of the causal body … And when the knowledge is full and up to the brim, the knowledge body cannot hold this anymore within itself and thus begins to transmit this knowledge to all there ever is within the macrocosm” …

And the eternal guide kept talking further … “Eventually a state is arrived at where the orb of knowledge of bliss sheath (Antahkarana Chatushtaya) gets full and thence this fullness is also transferred to the knowledge sheath (Vijyanmaya Kosha) which then becomes based within such a fullness, that the aspirant itself decides, that he (or she) has known everything that was to be ever known through transmitted knowledge … This is one of the initial stages of entering into wise words, which we had discussed as the sentence of … “There is nothing to do, nowhere to go and nothing to be” … The knowledge then conveys these to the mind sheath (Manomaya Kosha) from where it gets transferred to the vital air sheath (Pranamaya Kosha) … After this stage is when the aspirant actually gets stationed in the wise words, which as such are the essence of the cave of neutral wisdom”

And then the eternal guide pointed to the student and said ”This one also was no different” …

Then the eternal guide continued and asked the student “Which of the caves is having an energy field which brings a greater calmness … This cave of knowledge or the cave of wisdom” …

The little student who had noted the subtlety of the cave of wisdom replied “This cave of knowledge is not as calming as the previous cave of wisdom was” …


The eternal guide smiled and said “Yes, as this cave (of knowledge) is a grosser manifestation of the cave of wisdom, as also this cave was manifested from the cave of wisdom itself and thus the cave of wisdom is surrounding this cave of knowledge” …

And then the eternal guide pointed to the subtle white light cave of wisdom and asked “Is the cave of wisdom seen to be pervading and enveloping the cave of knowledge” …

The little student nodded in agreement …


The eternal guide continued and said “This cave knowledge also has the neutral white light of wisdom within it and this is seen as a fact if one shall see the color of the cave of wisdom which is pervading this cave” …

The little student looked and saw the wisdom pervading the knowledge and nodded in agreement …


The eternal guide reiterated … “So we agree, that the neutral white light of wisdom from which the knowledge manifests is in turn residing within this knowledge and the same wisdom also envelopes it” …

The little student nodded in agreement …


The eternal guide continued “The wisdom which manifests as knowledge had to adopt a higher grossness (such as words, texts, understandings and inferences based on these) such that the knowledge could separate out of the wisdom, as the wisdom which resided entirely within its essence could not even have turned to a higher subtlety than what it originally was … And thus the wisdom had no option but to turn grosser, as no beingness or entity would have realized wisdom in its utter neutral state, if wisdom itself was not arrived to a grossness of state which was within a readable or spoken or communicable state and further if wisdom had not resided within each spoken word, read of spoken letter and thus communication, then the transmitting of wisdom would not even have been there from such means of knowledge transfer as are available within the begun states of macrocosm” …

And then the guide said “In case where wisdom would have remained in its sameness of subtle neutrality and just as it is within in its cave and thus it would not have turned into the slightly grosser state of knowledge which could be transferred from one microcosm to another, then this condition would have caused a severe loss of evolution for each microcosm which was ever begun within the Maker’s Makings … This is as, no aspirant would have ever evolved unless the aspirant would have firstly known, to where this evolution eventually leads … And in such a case, there would have been no concept of evolution and liberation in ay text” …

And the guide continued “eventually a stage always reaches, where the displacement of knowledge within an aspirant becomes arrived to a state of sameness to the displacement of entire macrocosm, this is also the stage when the aspirant shall then have no option, but to reside within the wise words, which itself are essence of the cave of neutrality of wisdom” …



The little student nodded in agreement … But then he further asked “Why not have a state where the knowledge is just slightly grosser than wisdom and with not so much of relative differences in these two, as I see here” …

The eternal guide replied with the same faint smile “as this would lead to a case of ever “next of nextness” to manifest instead of the “real nextness” that must be maintained during the evolutionary process of each and every microcosm which has begun within the Maker’s Makings … This is as, if the knowledge was just a little different in subtlety from wisdom, then each of the vast numbers of diverse and different macrocosmic aspects and their hierarchies could not even exist within the same macrocosm” …

The eternal guide continued further … “As also, if knowledge was very close to the high subtlety of wisdom, then grosser aspects would not even be able to hold the subtler knowledge, because such a condition would have made the knowledge so subtle, that it would have been beyond the grasp of grosser or physical microcosm’s (physical bodied aspirants) … And since knowledge pervades the mind and Prana also, so if knowledge was very close to the subtlety of neutral wisdom, then the mind and Prana would not have have been without reigns and in such a case, this macrocosmic creation would have been nothing but a place of continuous and eternal chaos as knowledge is the reigns of the horse like, eternally galloping (i.e. wandering) state of mind … Without knowledge, Mind and vitality is nothing but self destructive for each microcosm (including, any aspirant) … This is why differences of relative subtlety of knowledge and wisdom are higher” …

The eternal guide continued … “As also, to ensure availability of knowledge across the hierarchies of evolutionary states of evolving microcosm’s, the knowledge also has a hierarchy of subtlety within itself and this hierarchy is also present within the macrocosmic plane of knowledge (Brahmic Vijyana Kaya or simply, the bright yellow colored Dharmakaya, as was told by Gurudeva of my previous incarnation, i.e. Gautama Buddha)… And where this hierarchy also is such that the subtler (or higher) components of knowledge were placed towards the sphere of macrocosmic wisdom and the grosser ones are towards the next cave we shall also go to, in a while” …


Then the eternal guide continued … “But this is valid only until the consciousness impressions have been unseeded and thus this is only valid until the aspirant arrives at an impressionless state of his (or her) own consciousness orb (i.e. the aspirant arrives at Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) … After arriving at an impression state of consciousness, the consciousness pervades knowledge instead of the present condition as we see here, where knowledge is pervading consciousness” …

The eternal guide then clarified … “In evolving aspirants, the consciousness orb (of causal body) is not impressionless … Impressions are grosser than consciousness and knowledge … Presence of impressions within the consciousness orb (of causal body or Antahkarana) makes the consciousness to have a higher resultant grossness as compared to knowledge … This leads to a state where even when in its original state, the consciousness was subtler than knowledge, but after these grosser impressions get stationed in the consciousness, the resultant subtlety of consciousness becomes lower than the subtlety of knowledge (as knowledge does not adopt any impression, like the consciousness does) … Thus in such a case, knowledge pervades consciousness and this itself is the case in all evolving aspirants … And due to this reason, evolving aspirants have always needed the help of written or spoken knowledge of scriptures so as to get into jobs which lead then towards attaining the original impressionless state of their own consciousness orbs (Chitta) or their causal bodies (Karana Sharira or Antahkarana Chatushtaya)” …

The eternal guide kept continuing with his clarification … “But as an aspirant evolves, he (or she) keep entering into subtler aspects, i.e. aspects which relate to allness, instead of relating to a mere corpus or to an individuality … This leads to build up of subtler impressions and eventually paves the path to enter the cave of heart and thence meet me (i.e. eternal guide) … After this stage, the aspirant enters into Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra, so as to unseed all past, visible and non-visible impressions (i.e. move beyond the law of cause and effect) and thus attain an impressionless state of consciousness (i.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) …

The eternal guide continued further with his clarification … Once the impressionless state of consciousness (i.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) is achieved, then due to absence of impressions, the consciousness gets restored at its original subtlety, which as such is higher than knowledge … In such a case, that aspirant does not need knowledge of scriptures or words of a Guru anymore because he (or she) is just remaining as a being who is led by his (or her) consciousness alone and where his own consciousness is naught but the sky of consciousness (Chidakash) which pervades and envelopes the entirety of Maker’s Makings, including the macrocosmic plane of knowledge … This non-need of scriptures by such ones was what was told by Vedic sages through their statements like, “What use are scriptures to those who have already known IT all, within its fullness of allness” …

Then the eternal guide continued even further … “In the original state of Maker’s Makings, the consciousness was impressionless and thus it was more subtle than knowledge and thus at that original timeless state of time when time was naught but as an undivided eternity, consciousness was pervading knowledge … But then consciousness adopted impressions from the originating macrocosm and microcosm’s, and after this stage, the consciousness became relatively grosser than knowledge and thus after this stage, knowledge was pervading consciousness … This is how it is in all evolving ones” …

The eternal guide continued further … “And since, each evolving aspirant has always needed assistance of the pervader to reach a higher evolutionary standing (as is of the pervader), so evolving aspirants have always needed authentic knowledge, so as to evolve … This is what led to the need of origination of macrocosmic plane of knowledge, which itself is the one that has gotten manifested as the orb of knowledge inside each microcosm’s bliss sheath and also as the knowledge sheath (Vijyanmaye Kosha) and these are in addition to this cave of knowledge in which we both are present right now …

The eternal guide continued further … And these impressions from originating macrocosm and microcosm’s which were present in the macrocosmic plane of consciousness also got transferred to the consciousness orbs of developing (originating) microcosm’s … When impressions rest in consciousness orb (Chitta) of causal body (Anandmaye Kosha), then the consciousness has a higher relative grossness as compared to knowledge … In such a case, knowledge pervades consciousness … But when consciousness orb becomes impressionless, then the consciousness orb (of causal body or Antahkarana) again reaches its original subtlety which is higher than knowledge and in such a case, the consciousness pervades knowledge … This is how it is within the highest state of Mahayana Tantra, which as such is told as the accomplishment of Bodhichitta … This is because, Bodhichitta denotes the attainment of an impressionless state of consciousness i.e. Bodhichitta denotes that an aspirant has gone beyond the Law of cause and effect and has also gone further than its governing principle, i.e. principle of interdependent origination …


Proceeding further …

And the eternal guide then caught the hand of student “lets walk across the dimensional state of this cave and see the hierarchy ourselves” …

The little student and his revered eternal guide them got up from their seated position, and then started walking together, hand in hand …

With his little student, the eternal guide began to walk in a direction and said “We are walking to the direction which is away from the cave of wisdom and so we can see the difference of subtlety within the hierarchy of subtlety even when we shall remain within the same cave (of knowledge) … Slowly shall we walk and see the ever greater grossness which manifests within this cave, as we keep getting farther from the cave of wisdom” …

The little student followed the instructions of his eternal guide and walked with the eternal guide in the direction that the eternal guide had chosen …

The eternal guide walked a certain distance and stopped and asked “do we have a higher or lesser grossness here” …

The  little student replied “greater than before, even when we still are within the same cave of knowledge” …

The eternal guide asked further “can we see the wisdom in sameness of its state to the wisdom as it was within its own cave (i.e. cave of wisdom)” …

The little student nodded in agreement …

The eternal guide asked further “Do we see the earlier knowledge which was subtler than here to be pervading this state, that is here” …

The little student again nodded in agreement …

The eternal guide said “ so, here we have wisdom pervading the earlier subtlety of knowledge which is further pervading the grosser state of knowledge that is here and such that all states of knowledge are pervaded by the same wisdom also” …

The little student nodded in agreement …

The eternal guide and the little student walked a further distance in the same direction and stopped and asked “do we have a higher or lesser grossness here as compared to what was at the earlier point” …

The student replied “grossness is greater than before within the same cave and even greater than what was at previous points of this cave of knowledge” …

The eternal guide continued “so, we agree that as we keep moving away from the cave of wisdom and whilst we still are within the same cave of knowledge, the grossness has increased” …

The little student nodded in agreement …

The eternal guide asked again to the student “do we also agree that each state within the cave of ether there was previously transited, is also pervaded by this state that we are in now?”

The little student nodded in agreement …

The eternal guide continued “This is the hierarchy that we shall also see within each state which is not the essential state of neutrality of wisdom because anything that is not neutral, always has a hierarchy … Each that is hierarchical, is dual in nature … Thus to get out of dualities of hierarchies, the better of paths is to adopt neutrality towards allness … This is what was told in scriptures as Sarva Samta (neutrality towards allness and its each part) … And due to the same reason, maintenance of neutrality (i.e. equanimity or Samta) has always been a very important part of Yoga Tantra also …

The eternal guide continued … And when we shall arrive at the macro-elemental earth (Bhu Mahabhoot), these hierarchical differences shall be so much, that even the macro-elemental earth element shall be seen to be pervaded by a range of hierarchies … As such, upon our arrival at the cave of macro elemental earth (Prithvi Mahabhuta), we shall see each state of hierarchy to be pervading it and just as is it were a glass within another glass, within yet another glass … in an endlessly uncountable hierarchy” …

The eternal guide continued “Everything that is manifested across the Maker’s Makings, only gets manifested after resting within and under the effects of the  principle of interdependent origination … But there are other principles also, which come to play during origination, sustenance and rejuvenation process of each microcosm who rests within the Maker’s Makings … And all these shall be seen to be merged together when we shall arrive at the macro-elemental earth … Remember this part”

The little student nodded in an affirmative …

The eternal guide again caught the hand of the student continued “Come, now we shall cross the cave of knowledge so as to arrive at the cave of consciousness” …


Cave of consciousness (Chitta Guha) …

After walking a short distance, the eternal guide said “This is the cave of consciousness and this cave of knowledge are directly related to each aspect that relates to the word “Impression (i.e. Samskara)” … All that is as a visible and invisible impression (Pratyaksha – Apratyaksha or Drishya – Adrishya Samskaras) is present in the cave of consciousness … We would see this fact too” …

The little student looked up to the guide and nodded in understanding,  as at that time the consciousness was having many aspects of impressions within it, which were ranging in a variety of colors and their placement hierarchies inside the cave of consciousness itself … This was because the same was also told by the eternal guide when this little student had walked with him, through the eighth mega-sphere of mother nature (i.e. walked through the entirety of eight spheres that make Apra Prakriti) …

The eternal guide had said at that time “by the time we shall return back to the two mega eight sphere from where we commenced this journey into the cave of ether, all these impressions shall have already exhausted their fruiting’s and unseeded … And then this consciousness shall not even be having any of these impressions that we see right now in this cave of consciousness …

The eternal guide continued further … Each aspirant who has walked and correctly undergone the systems as are discussed within this womb of ether of heart (I.e. Hridayakasha Garbha), has eventually succeeded in unseeding all of his (or her) impressions and thus such an aspirant also becomes free of existence … This freedom can either be after completion of destined time span of that incarnation (In which this Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra is successfully completed) or it can even be during the time span of his (or her)  current incarnation … In Yogic and Vedic lore, the former condition of liberation is addressed as Videhamukti (i.e. liberated upon de-incarnated) and the latter is told as Jeevanmukti (i.e. liberated whilst still incarnated)” … The path to either of these conditions commences from the same Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra … And upon successful completion of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra, the aspirant always passes through conditions that sages had subtly (implicitly) told in Brahmasutras, chapter 4 …

The little student was surprised, but he still gave an affirmative nod for understanding …

The eternal guide continued speaking with his eternal smile “This cave of consciousness is the one where all impressions which were generated through desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds reside … This is also the cave which leads to the generation and implantations of the reflections of these generated impressions within the consciousness plane of a world (or a plane of existence or even within the consciousness plane of a universal sphere) … And this is also the cave which we shall visit later on” …

The little student nodded, but was still in a surprise, why return back when already completed?, is what he thought … But never conveyed it to his eternal guide, as he through that a self realized Guru is always right for his students …

The eternal guide continued “This cave is the cave where each desire is manifested as impression … As also this cave is the cave where each desire there ever is within the sphere of desire is residing within an impressional state … As also, this is the cave where each fruit that was received as effect to an earlier undergone cause, is present” …

The little student nodded for understanding …


The eternal guide continued “We shall have to study this cave right from where we are because to get into the farther states where lower (grosser) impressions are existent, is not good …

And pointing at the student the eternal guide said “not good for this one as of now, as certain impressional fields can even cause a temporary arrest of evolution for the aspirant and this temporary arrest is even when the aspirant has already let go from these impressional fields and is awaiting these impressional seeds to unseed from his (or her) own consciousness … Prior these impressions are unseeded, these cannot be transited through or else these shall again attach to the aspirant, so due to this reason we shall have to crossover from this cave in a hurry so as not to cause any problems of stagnation to this little one (pointing to the student) …

The eternal guide walked a certain distance and told to stop … And then said “We shall observe this cave only from here i.e. (just at the entry point of this cave)” …

The student nodded in agreement and said “Different colors of these impressions colors are visible from here too … And color of impressions here is more whitish silvery, the impressions here also have a greater shine as compared to impressions at greater distance from here and the impressions that are at the opposite extremity of this cave seem to be of some weird dullish colors” …

The eternal guide said “Even when the impressions have been let go under a detachment, the impressions stay put till the beingness either rolls over or has effected an unseeding of these impressions … This unseeding is by making these impressions to pass through “Yoga Agni or subtle Yogic fire or the fire of union which also manifests within this cave of ether (ether has all these discussed caves present in it) … Yoga Agni only manifests after the aspirant has become an austere i.e. the aspirant has already undergone through some higher practices of inner austerities” …

Even though the little student nodded he still was in amazement, as to what this is all about …

The eternal guide continued “right now we shall also not cross any further than this part of the cave … As also, each cave has an opening into the ether and it is within ether that each cave resides, thus Hridayakasha or ether within cave of heart is a very very large cave” …


Then the eternal guide took the student they both came to the place where only the ether existed and at the same time, all the caves were visible from there … And then the eternal guide said “this is the real middle for this one’s (pointing to the little student) current state of evolution and this real middle also shall keep changing as one evolves towards an ever newer and higher or subtler middle state”…

The little student asked “So how to know what is the real middle of evolution that is applicable at any time and for anyone”  …

The eternal guide replied “This cannot be known to any evolving aspirant, unless that aspirant has arrived at the cave of subconscious and then that aspirant transits through the cave of ether … But prior to this stage, the eternal guide who also is within that aspirant, shall also get manifested to assist in this regard” …


The little student nodded in understanding and then asked “Well that is the wisdom and just as is said in Srimadbhagvad Gita, so does the inner eternal guide refer to Sri Bhagwan Vishnu … or the eternal guide refers to Amitabha Buddha of Gautama Buddha’s wisdom or does eternal guide mean Okar of Sri Patanjali Yoga Sutras or does this word relate to Hiranyagarbha or Karya Brahma of Vedic texts” … Kindly clarify …

The eternal guide only smiled, did not reply, continued pointing to the cave of consciousness and said firmly “Sweep all these impressions without any desire as a doer or reaper of results and thus whilst you rest in dispassion and such that the sweep begins from the impressional fields which are closest to the shining impressions which are next to the cave of knowledge ” …

And then the eternal guide pointed out to the cave of knowledge which was also visible from within the ether …


Eternal guide clarifies …

Eternal guide explains … Soil of consciousness …

At this instruction, the little student was completely shocked … This meant annihilation …

The eternal guide smiled and said “You have already let go of these impressions under your inner dispassion to these and this was even prior we first met … And these impressions are not even yours, as these were adopted from the child who exited out when you took over this physical vehicle in which you currently reside … Impressions adopted during the transmigration of soul, so as to comply to the demands of the donor of physical vehicle, cannot be of the transmigrated one and thus since you have transmigrated in this incarnation, so even when these impressions are residing within your consciousness, they are not yours, as they rightfully belong to the accumulated cause and effects of the donor of this physical vehicle, which you have taken over, so as to render your Gurudakshina that remains pending from your previous incarnation” …

The eternal guide continued … “Adopting impressions of donor was under agreement with the door because this was the condition that was put by the donor for donating his physical vehicle to you … The conditions that were put by the donor and prior the donor agreed to donate his physical vehicle to you, is the reason for these impressions to be present in your consciousness” …

The eternal guide continued … But in your case, because you already were impressionless prior you had transmigrated this time around and since evolution is a one way process, so once the consciousness is impressionless in any incarnation, it stays impressionless till eternity and this fact stands firm irrespective of whether you adopt any further impressions or not … This is an unsaid law, that once an aspirant arrives at an impressionless state of his own consciousness (i.e. aspirant enters into the stage of Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta), then the soil of his (or her) consciousness can never make trees from seeded impressions that such an aspirant may adopt at any later stage of time, due to special circumstances which are beyond his (or her) control and just as was your case this time around” …

The eternal guide continued explaining … “So if only once an impressionless state of consciousness is attained by an aspirant and that too during any incarnation of that aspirant, then that aspirant’s consciousness can never fruit any further impression which may get placed in that consciousness, and due to any reason, whatsoever … Thus, even when you see these impressions in your own consciousness, these really are not yours and they can never be yours as the soil of your consciousness is no longer fertile to make these seeded impressions to become trees that fruit in any future, that remains of the supreme genius that is as the Maker’s Makings … And also beyond” …

The eternal guide kept continuing his explanation … “Thus due these these explained reasons, these impressions cannot be called as yours even when you have adopted them from the donor of your physical vehicle, because this is what that donor wanted in return for his donation of this physical vehicle … But this demand of the donor of physical vehicle, has led to a state where the transferred impressions also do not (any longer) belong to the donor … And since you adopted them when your consciousness was already impressionless and as was explained earlier, ‘once consciousness becomes impressionless, then it stays impressionless until eternity’, so these impressions which you had adopted from the donor of your physical vehicle, cannot even be called as yours because the soil of your consciousness does not even relate to them” …

The the eternal guide reiterated and told … “And thus, once the consciousness becomes impressionless, then the soil of that consciousness is no longer fertile to fruit any further impression and this is even if the aspirant may due to some uncontrollable circumstances, end up adopting some impressions, as was your case during this transmigrated incarnation” …

The eternal guide kept continuing even further … As also, since the soil of your consciousness is not fertile (due to your earlier impressionless state as was prior these impressions from the donor, were adopted by you), so in any case these impressions would be rendered flowless during the coming times and thus they would be like dark colored burnt seeds which cannot grow into trees that can provide further fruits to you or to anyone else (including the donor) … Due to this reason, if you unseed them now or they get unseeded later on due to the consciousness no longer having a fertile soil to make them (adopted impressions) to grow into trees, then it really does not make any difference as far as your evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies is concerned … As of now, these impressions are neither belonging to the donor (as the donor has already donated them to you) nor do they belong to you (as your consciousness is no longer fertile to hold them and fruit them) and that is why you see them not being attached to the dull white colored light of your consciousness” …

The little student saw this fact and was so shocked that no words or nods of agreement were there and he kept looking up to the face of the eternal guide in an utter disbelief …

The eternal guide smiled and said “The child who was less than ten years old and whose physical vehicle was taken over by you under an agreement which said, that you shall have to fruit all the impressions of the child, but excluding the last impression, which the original aspirant only has to fruit … Thus, as per that agreement, this fruiting was to be done by you, instead of the child fruiting within his lifetime, is what made these impressions to enter your consciousness orb … And thus you came under the affect these impressional fields even when these impressional fields are neither caused nor effected by your past deeds, so due to this reason, they don’t belong to you and thus, they are like an extra baggage which is kept in you and to which your “own being” doesn’t even relate … So as far as the relation of these impressions to your own being is concerned, these impressions are like a garbage which is lying in your already purified consciousness … And since the consciousness can never be a garbage bin, so this garbage need to be evicted as soon as possible, and that too, by you only” …

The eternal guide kept continuing to explain … “As such, after adoption of these impressional fields from the little child whose body was taken over by you, you have also had to fruit these into their further cause and effects within the last “about” two and half decades, but this fruiting was only to bring these impressions to that higher subtlety, which is sufficient to make an an entry into the cave of heart so as to meet this one (Eternal guide pointed to itself)” …

The eternal guide continued explaining … “As also, unless the inner subtlety of an aspirant has arrived to a sameness of a state which is to be entered into (i.e. self realized), that aspirant cannot even self realize and thence enter that state … Thus, for you to make an entry into the cave of emptiness, your subtlety had to be increased and to do this, the impressional fields which were adopted from the child who had donated his physical vehicle to you, also had to be fruited and brought to similar state of subtlety, as is closer to the vibratory bandwidth of subtleties which are protecting the cave of emptiness (so that everyone cannot enter this cave) … But to increase this inner subtlety, the aspirant also needs to be detached from worldly transient things and this was the reason for your detachment from the world, that has already been over these last few years … And as a matter of fact, only after this entry into cave of emptiness, was when you reached the secret cave where I reside in your own cave of heart” …

The eternal guide continued explaining further … “And you took almost two and half decades to do this feat of turning these adopted impressions subtler and this was even after the same feat was already done by you earlier on (within your many past incarnations) when you had ‘also” returned back as a transmigrated soul, instead of being a womb born one” …

The eternal guide continued explaining even further … “All this long drawn effort was only to reach in the cave of heart where ‘this one resides’ said eternal guide whilst pointing to himself … And thence to eventually undergo through the Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra so as to permanently evict these unnecessarily adopted impressions to which your inner being doesn’t even relate … And just imagine, how much helpful this chapter shall be to those ‘deserving ones’, of now and of future times, who also reside in an evolutionary status which is close to yours  … Unless you do this yourself, how would you tell about it to others and unless you tell, how would anyone get benefitted … So, do as I have told you earlier on” …


Eternal guide explains … The deserving ones …

The little student, still in a state of shock, even when he knew some of these aspects earlier on, but he still had some doubts, so he asked “Who is the deserving one?” …

The eternal guide replied “all those who have either been very good children to their parents and/or have been excellent students to their guides (Gurujan), are the deserving ones when viewed from within those subtler states of their consciousness impressions and such aspirants have very subtle impressions within the consciousness orbs of their causal bodies (i.e. Anandamaya Kosha) … This is the primary requirement for deciding if one is deserving or not” …

The eternal guide continued further … “As also, the category of desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds that the aspirant resides in (or relates to or undergoes) and that aspirant’s consistency to these four aspects, is the governing factor for the secondary requirement for deciding if he (or she) is deserving or not … And finally, the quantum of detachment from allness that the aspirant currently holds is the tertiary and final requirement for deciding whether any aspirant is the deserving one or not … This told sequence is also such that, the tertiary shall not even be arrived at, unless the primary and secondary have been complied with” …

The eternal guide asked … “Why did you not adopt Sannyasa, even when you wanted to?” …

The student replied … “Because my parents, close relatives and friends would not have allowed me to do so and also they would have become saddened if I would have left them … And I had also promised the two wives I had of my incarnation that was seven incarnations away from now, that when I complete whatever is told to me by Gurudeva Brahmarishi Vishvamitra, then in that incarnation I would not adopt Sannyasa like my previous incarnations … And since one of them has also not gotten married all these eight incarnations of hers and she has also kept coming back a few years after my returns to the physical realms (as she used to follow my returns by a time span that was close to 1/1000th of a Vedic human age cycle), so I also had to keep that promise for her utter purity across this time span of almost a million years, but she doesn’t know about this … OM Gauri Naaraayani Namostute … So I decided to stay in the middle way, of being in a worldly married life and renunciation (Sanyasi) and thus still as a bachelor” …

The eternal guide said … See, this is the proof of compliance to first requirement … Any other reason … Just recall the past?” …

The little student replied “Yes, in compliance to what was agreed much prior to prior taking over the body of the little child, which I only vaguely remember as of now” …

The eternal guide smiled “see, this is the proof compliance to second requirement which was required to fruit those adopted impressions to a higher subtlety” … Any other? … Just think deeper …

The little student replied after a thought “Got even detached for liberation or non liberation, this or that or even not this or not that aspect of higher knowledge … And in those times or days, just wanted to know the truth, just as it really is within its perfectly naked state which is detached from all dualities” …

The eternal guide replied with a loud laugh “See, compliance to third and final requirement” …

And then the guide hugged the student and said “Even when this little one (little student) did not even know these requirements in this incarnation, the compliance was brought in effect due to his destiny and which itself is governed not by his deeds, but by the blessing of Guru’s of his many previous incarnations … And this is the effect of past lives that have been of you, so as to automatically make you arrive at compliance to these three requirements” …


Eternal guide explains … Some past lives and its knowledge …

“What all was in the past lives that I don’t clearly know so as to get convinced and follow your rather strange instructions, that somehow seem to me like an annihilation” asked the little student …

The guide replied “That you shall know only when your evolutionary status within the macrocosmic hierarchies has arrived at its ripeness and rightness to know such things and which can only happen if you let go of this extra burden of impressions which have caused a veil (of truth) for you  and which were somehow adopted by you, due to the demands of the donor of this physical vehicle in which you currently reside … However, all that can be said as of now, is that the evolutionary status which is already achieved by this one (pointing to the student) is not even arrived at by a handful of aspirants during history of Maker’s Makings … And this is what the macrocosmic divinities chose your return at the time of change of the present human age cycle (Manav Yuga Chakra) …

The eternal guide continued … “Just a few have ever achieved this macrocosmic evolutionary displacement that you currently hold and have been holding since the time you were as a little student of Gurudeva of your past incarnation, i.e. Gautama Buddha to whom you had also gone as a little child, so as to learn the sixth and last knowledge system (of Samkhya) and which itself was in compliance to the instructions of your Guru of another previous incarnation, whom this world addresses as Brahmarishi Vishvamitra … Within this universe, there is not one aspirant who has accomplished five amongst six knowledge systems and is also ready to accomplish the sixth one, as of now” …

The little student knew about this, so he nodded in agreement …

The eternal guide continued … “And what I have told you, is the path to accomplishment of the sixth, which has remained pending as your Gurudeva Buddha Gautama had stopped you from completing it in your previous incarnation and he had also said, that you would be completing it in the next incarnation (this incarnation) and where that next incarnation in which you would would be completing, would be his Gurudakshina … But you must know, that, the path to that completion also passes through what I have told you to do, so don’t think too much, just do as you have been told” …


The little student somewhat knew this as a memory of his past lifetimes, but annihilation of impressions was not something to which he could relate, so he said nothing …

And the eternal guide continued “You had also “almost” completed this system and its path during your the previous incarnation … But it could not be fully completed during the previous incarnation because your Gurudeva, Gautama Buddha had stopped you and had told you to complete it in your next return back to the physical realms … This was his Gurudakshina for which you have returned this time around … You already know this fact, isn’t it? …

The little student nodded in a half affirmative as this knowledge was not crystal clear, it was like a blurred memory of past lifetime …


Eternal guide explains … There can never be two exactly-equals at the same time …

And the eternal guide continued further and said … This stopping by your Gurudeva was because there can never be two aspirants of similar macrocosmic evolutionary standing within the same macrocosm and that too, at the same time … And due to this reason, your honorable guide of past incarnation (Buddha Avatar) had asked you for one last and final return back into these sufferings of cyclic existence (Samsara) … Your previous incarnations Gurudeva did not want his student to suffer any more than what already had been experienced by him (student), but then the laws of macrocosm also cannot be ignored by anyone, even if he is an Avatar of Sri Vishnu … Then the eternal guide pointed to himself, even I as the eternal guide of all microcosm’s, cannot deviate from this aspect of our discussion” …

The eternal guide said … “So was the reason for him (Buddha Avatar) to ask a Gurudakshina (Gurudakshina is a return gift from a student to his or her Guru and it needs to be rendered in a way, which is exactly the same as as was asked for, by the Guru) where you were asked to return back for one last and final time, so as to distribute your knowledge to this worlds inhabitants … Due to this reason, your Gurudeva of last incarnation had stopped you from completing the path and thus, during your previous incarnation, the final road was not walked by you” …

The eternal guide continued “And also it was due to this reason, you also had to roll over (i.e. de-incarnate) a few days prior your previous incarnation’s honorable guide left his physical vehicle (i.e. he had entered Parinirvana) … As also, this de-incarnation of yours had to be earlier than your Guru, because any otherwise there was a chance that immediately after your Guru left his physical frame, you would have to start entering into the finality itself, as then you would not be in non compliance to the macrocosmic law which I have subtly discussed earlier on and which was not what your Gurudakshina meant … Your Guru had asked you had to return back for one last and final time so as to reach the completion stage and thence distribute the knowledge to the deserving ones … Thus, so save this chance of non-compliance towards your Gurudakshina, you had to de-incarnate a few days prior to your Gurudeva, Gautama Buddha entered into his Parinirvana and thence you also had to return back for one last and final time, this time around” …

The eternal guide continued  … “As such, when the honorable guide of your last incarnation had asked you for one last and final return back into existence, he had actually complied to the requirement of macrocosmic nature that there cannot be two all-knowing ones within the same macrocosmic system and at the same time span … And you had to de-incarnate prior to the Parinirvana of your Guru of previous incarnation (Gautama Buddha) so as to remove that remote chance of entering into the completion stage of self realizations, soon after your Guru left the world and into his Parinirvana and this would have caused a non compliance to that Gurudakshina, as your previous incarnation’s Gurudeva had asked for one more return back to the physical realms … As such, only after his time span had expired, you entered your current transmigrated incarnation, but only as a little student of the Absolute, which you have eternally been, till nowness of now” …

The eternal guide continued … But to comply with the requirements of the Guru of your previous incarnation (Buddha Avatar), you who really were the gem of beyond realms, had to be extracted from beyond realms and had to be covered with dirt of impressions (of the donor) and also scratched a bit to make it arrive in seemingly dirty (or an unpolished state) and thus keep you hidden within this world, until the time was ripe and right” …

The eternal guide continued … “But because a gem is a gem, irrespective of ‘seeming in an apparently unpolished or dirty state’ due to being covered with dirt (of impressions) for a certain limited time span and which itself is to keep the gem hidden from everyone else in gross, subtle, divine and impressional realms, so that gem’s carrier could not have been any other than the mother of macrocosmic wisdom, who is also the consort of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (Golden womb of creation) and whom Vedas addressed as Maa Gayatri and who is also addressed through her seed sound of Akar (i.e. first seed sound of OM) within the Vedas and also within the root path of Yoga Tantra … And she is also the one who is addressed as Buddha Prajnaparamita and whom the Biblical lore’s describe as the woman clothed with the sun” …

The eternal guide continued … “This requirement of bringing the polished gem covered in dirt of impressions was even more when that seeming dirty unpolished stone and which which actually was a polished gem in his core, was being brought by your divine mother into a plane of existence which was much-much lower than what your current evolutionary standing is within the macrocosmic hierarchies … This is why you entered this world, as an unpolished gem and this is even when, in the ultimate reality of your evolutionary standing within the Maker’s Makings, you already are polished and shining, much-much prior to that stage of time when you even arrived into the current transmigrated incarnation … But this unpolished like state was also one of the requirements of Gurudakshina of your Guru of previous incarnation, where you were told to self realize again and which meant, that the gem could not have entered this world in its original polished state” …

And then the eternal guide said whilst pointing to the little student “These impressions of the donor are ‘that’ dirt, on ‘this’ gem the eternal guide said, whilst pointing to the little student … So, ‘this’ gem would also have to remove that dirt which is of the impressions of the donor (or the physical vehicle), so as to comply to his Gurudakshina … Thus, don’t waste any more time and do as you have already been told” …

The eternal guide continued even further … “As also, until this gem shall shine forth, it also had to be kept hidden and thus your father’s profession kept him in closed military cantonments … And your profession was such that even when you travelled across the globe, the types of ships did not even let you allow to meet more than a few people and this also gave you the much needed state of isolation from the sounds of civilizations, so as to ponder deeper into the “reality of non-duality of current degenerate times and “dualities of apparently believed realities” that as of now are believed in and related to by majority of this worlds inhabitants … But when you think of, it should be as reverse of what the conditions actually are, as ‘duality of non-reality and reality of non-duality” …

And the eternal guide continued … “If what you are told about yourself, was not the case, then how could a text with such detailed information about macrocosmic and microcosmic states be written by someone like you, who within his current incarnation had never even read any authentic knowledge text, until his own written text was already almost completely written him … Have you ever wondered on this fact, that you wrote the entire text even prior you had even read the first authentic text of the ancient wisdoms that still are available in this world … Well, this is because all that is written here was remembered by you because you had already completed in your past incarnations … And this incarnation is only to polish that gem of knowledge in such a way, that only the deserving get it and this would even be when you would be distributing to to the world, so as comply to the Gurudakshina prior walking into walk the last path … Alone … And free of the entirety of allness itself” …

And then the eternal guide continued even further … This is as, whenever any aspirant is walking its last path, he (or she) has to be free of all add-ons such a knowledge, karma or cause and their effects, wisdom, consciousness, mind, attributes and all there ever is within the entirety of Maker’s Makings and where the Maker’s Makings also are none other than a self expressed, self manifested self present state of the Absolute being (Parambrahma)” …

The eternal guide continued … “This last path is also a very difficult process, as it leads to severities of sufferings especially when one is entering isolation from allness by letting go all those Siddha bodies into their respective macrocosmic principal or parental states and where these Siddha bodies denote the macrocosmic states within the microcosm of such an aspirant and where they also auto manifest within the aspirants microcosm and then also begin auto dissolving into their respective macrocosmic principal states (which as such are present within the greater macrocosmic creation) … This severity of suffering shall also have to be experienced by this one, said the eternal guide, whilst pointing to the little student … This is also how it has been for anyone who has walked into Kaivalya and that too whilst still physically incarnated in a grosser world system, like this one … Kaivalya is a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part and thus Kaivalya also denotes a fully independent state” …

The eternal guide smiled and continued … “And as a matter of fact, to ensure such a path of a final exit from allness (i.e. path of a final liberation or Nirvana or Kaivalya or Moksha) remains present within Kaliyuga (degenerate age), your last incarnation’s Guru (Buddha Gautama) had asked you for your one last and final return back into this gross part of cyclic existence, as he knew his given wisdom would be disintegrated by the other-wise ones who were to arrive arrive into this world during the future stages of this degenerate age and thence they would also be taking over this world, due to the effects of a degenerate age cycle … Other-wise ones are those who portray themselves as wise, even when they really are not” …

The little student was so shocked that no words or nods were there now and he just kept looking up to the face of the eternal guide in an utter disbelief and yet listening to everything that the divine eternal guide was telling him …


Eternal guide clarifies … Agreement prior transmigration …

The eternal guide said “Whenever a physical body of anyone is exchanged, the exiting donor (i.e. who gives up and thus donates his or her physical body) can put certain clauses in the agreement which is held within the subtle worlds … These meetings are held in subtle realms between the astral vehicle of donor (i.e. Sookshma Sharira of donor of physical vehicle) and the appropriate vehicle of the recipient of physical vehicle (which can even be an even subtler body if the recipient is already a highly evolved one) … This meeting between donor and recipient of that physical vehicle, is when the donor’s physical vehicle is sleeping and thus his (or her) subtle body (astral body) is already out of the physical body (When we sleep the astral body goes out of the physical body) … And at this time which is prior to when the donor agrees to donate the physical vehicle to the recipient, the donor of physical vehicle can ask for anything from the recipient of the physical body (i.e. the one who is taking over the physical body of that donor and that too where this take over is by the process of transmigration of soul) … And also, after taking over the physical vehicle, the recipient of the physical vehicle would need to do all that was agreed and this is irrespective of what sufferings are required to grant that wish as was asked by the donor” …


The little student was in a severe shock mustered some courage to ask “what was agreed by us and for what … I only remember it vaguely as of now” …

The eternal guide smiled and said “So you forgot it … This is why I say that as of now, even when you essentially were a polished gem in your previous incarnations and thus you could see through the triple times, as you were the Kala Atma (i.e. Kalatman or one who is related to the finality of time, or eternity and whose soul itself is denoting that eternity of time and due to this reason, such an aspirant is the seer of entirety of triplicity of times)” …

The eternal guide continued … “But because of these extra impressions of the donor that are enveloping and thus veiling your own pristine gem like state from you and which you actually are in your realty, you cannot see through the enveloping veil of those extra enveloping impressions (which were adopted from the donor of physical vehicle) and due to this, you also cannot fully remember what was agreed between you (the recipient) and the donor of the physical vehicle … So, to reach back your own earlier state of being that polished luminous gem, a Kalatman, whether whether you like it or not, you would have to unseed these unnecessary extra impressions (which are adopted from the donor) so as to comply to the requirements of Gurudakshina of your Guru (Gautama Buddha) … And to unseed these impressions, you would need to do that, which I have already told you earlier on … There is no way to escape this part as far as complying to the Gurudakshina, which remains pending since your last incarnation, is concerned” …

The eternal guide continued … “It was agreed that the recipient of physical vehicle (i.e. the little student who writes this text) shall “almost” effect the liberation of that donor (i.e. little child who had exited out after handing over his physical vehicle to the little student)” …

The little student who still was in a bit of shock, asked the eternal guide “why was this required when you have said earlier on, that one last impression of the original desire stays as a minimum and due to this last impression, the person who donates shall have to be born one last time again, to effect the fruiting of this last impression”, so why this contradiction …

The eternal guide replied … “That’s why it was told as ‘almost effect the liberation” and it was never stated as ‘effect a final liberation’ of the donor of physical vehicle” …

The eternal guide smiled and continued said … “The phase ‘almost effect liberation” is only possible when the last and final impression, which is like an octahedral transparent or translucent crystal that is pointed at one end, is evicted out of the head of the aspirants physical vehicle, i.e. you … This impression comes out of the Shivarandra of that aspirant and is this stage is achieved after successful completion of transit through the Shiva Taraka Mantra, which as such is none other that a state of accomplishment of Shakti Shiva Yoga and thence successfully transiting through the entire path of Ashtama Chakra (or Eighth chakra of Yoga)” …

The eternal guide continued further … “When above minimum transits are completed by an aspirants consciousness, then does this last impression (Antim Samskara) come out of the top of skull of that aspirant and from a location where Shivarandra is present … And soon afterwards this impression dissolves into ether and reaches back the donor of the physical vehicle … But to evict this impression out, the path of Hridayakasha Garbha has to be successfully transited through by you and for which, you have to do that which I have already told you to do earlier on” …

The little student understood, but only some part of this talk and asked his revered eternal guide … “What evolutionary standing is needed to do as told by you and regarding this impression” …


Eternal guide replies … Evolutionary standing until colorless body …

The eternal guide said … “Such jobs can never be done by anyone other than a sage who returns back from Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva … Tatpurusha is also addressed as Hiranyagarbha in Vedas and he is also Okar (Ukar) of Yoga Tantra and also of Upanishads (Vedas) … Tatpurusha is head as the middle sound of A-O-M (i.e. middle of sound of OM) and he is as the sound of O in OM Naad … Tatpurusha is the Lord of yoga (i.e. Yogeshwara), the king of Yoga (Yogiraaj), he is the innermost essence of Yoga (Yogatman), Guru of all Yoga and Yogi’s (Yoga Guru), he is the originator of Yoga (Yoga Karaka) and thus is also addressed as great lord of allness (Maheshwara)” …

The eternal guide continued … “Such a sage who returns back from Tatpurusha is already holding the golden body prior he gets transmigrated and thus becomes as the recipient of the donated physical vehicle … Golden body is also termed as Hiranyagarbha Sharira and in the lore’s of the Gurudeva of your previous incarnation (i.e. Buddha Avatar) the same golden body is also termed as Buddha body of reality … This golden body can also be called as the microcosmic state of macrocosmic face of Tatpurusha which is also present inside each aspirants microcosmic physical vehicle i.e. golden body is also the Tatpurusha Sharira” …

The eternal guide continued … Amongst the four cardinal faces of the five faces of Sadashiva, Tatpurusha was the first face to self originate … Thus, in the evolutionary path, which itself is reverse (or opposite) of the origination path, Tatpurusha also becomes the last face of Sadashiva that would get accomplished by any Yogi … So, when a Yogi returns back from Tatpurusha face, he is that Yogi who is standing on the doorway of liberation … Only such a yogi can accomplish the job of evicting the last and final impression from his Shivarandra and thence paving the way for the stage where this impression auto-dissolves into Akasha (ether) and thence returns back to the door of the physical vehicle … No other type of transmigration can render this capability … But for you to return back this last and final impression to the little child who had donated his physical vehicle to you, you would have to do what I have told you to do earlier on i.e. dissolute your impressions … There is no other way to effect this return of the last impression to the little child in whose donated physical vehicle you currently reside” …

The eternal guide looked down towards the little student, smiled and continued … “One who holds the golden colored Tatpurusha Sharira, prior to entering a physically incarnated state, always proceeds to the entirety of Five faces of Sadashiva (Panch Mukha Sadashiva) … Thus, such a sage always enters into the Ishana face of Sadashiva, which as such is like a colorless, self luminous, omnipresent, omnidirectional, omniparient yet self-detached, infinite, attributeless crystal, and who in Vedas is also addressed as Nirguna Brahman … Self luminous is that who illumines everything, everyone and whose illumination is present everywhere and yet nothing sees or knows IT, as IT stays hidden behind everything, but only until an aspirant reaches a ripeness and rightness to self realize IT, “Itself Within Itself” … A sage who attains to this state is the rarest of rare and such a sage never returns back into any of the gross (physical), subtle, divine or even the impressional realms of Maker’s Makings … Such a sage who has attained Ishana, becomes dissolved into Pancha Mukha Sadashiva and ultimately Paramshiva, and he becomes the holder of Nirguna Sharira or the colorless body … He merges to Brahman, and becomes Brahman” …

The eternal guide continued … “A drop is a drop until it merges to the ocean … In the root of that drop is the same ocean (as to become the drop, that drop originally had evaporated from the ocean) … And when that drop would complete it’s entire evolutionary process, then it would again return back to the same ocean … So, due to this, in the finality of that drop, is also the same ocean only … Due to this, the base and finality are one and the same, for each drop (each microcosm or aspirant) … On similar lines, each microcosm is like a drop and Brahman the fathomless ocean … Once the drop of water (microcosm) merges to the ocean (Parabrahman) it becomes the ocean (Brahman) because it ceases to remain as the drop (Microcosm or aspirant) that it earlier was … This is what happens when any sage unites to the Ishana face of Shiva (i.e. unites to the entirety of Panch Mukha Shiva)” …

The eternal guide continued … “After this stage, that sage becomes Shiva (absolute consciousness, knowledge and activity) and that sage also becomes the absolute nature of creation, preservation, rejuvenation, veiling and unveiling principles … And in such a case, he (or she) thus says to himself (or herself) …

When I myself am Shiva (Supreme consciousness), then whom can I worship

So such a sage only worships his own Atman, who itself is Shiva (Brahman)

He is Atman (Shiva), who itself is Brahman (Shiva) … Both are one and the same


Eternal guide clarifies … Sage who has accomplished Nirguna Sharira …

The eternal guide smiled and continued further … “He is like the one, whose all vehicles are then colorless (i.e. he holds a Nirgun Sharira or in other words, he gets stationed in his own Swaroop Stithi, which is Nirguna) … In such a state, he does not even have a causal body, so he normally cannot ever return back, even as a transmigrated or a directly manifested one … But such a sage can still be recalled back in rare circumstances, like due to the call of the ‘lord of time (Mahakaal)’ and/or the call of the ‘divinity of the lord of time (Maa Mahakaali)’ … And in such a case, since they don’t have any body other than the attributeless body, so they also would be granted a golden body for that return back and after this their return back to physical realms shall also take place by adopting the path of transmigration” …

The eternal guide continued … “So, even those who hold the attributeless body, can be recalled back in very rare circumstances, but to make them return back, Tatpurusha would grant them a golden body so as to make them fit for transmigration, because whilst only holding the colorless body, no return back to any physical, subtle, divine or impressional realms, can ever happen … But a return back of such ones, can only be termed as a rarest of rare phenomenon … Such ones are never recalled back for normal jobs, they only return for those jobs which other cannot execute” …

The eternal guide continued … “But the process of return also makes such sages to also agree to adopt the Pancha Kosha (which means as Five Sheaths) and which as such are food sheath (Annamaye Kosha), vital air sheath (Pranamaya Kosha), mind sheath (Manomaya Kosha), knowledge sheath (Vijyanmaya Kosha) and bliss sheath (Anandamaya Kosha) … The process of adoption is reverse of the sequence that you have been told here” …

The little student who had known this aspect partly, asked “From whom and why do they adopt those causal and other bodies and who grants them the golden body” …


Eternal guide clarifies … Adoption of five sheaths by sage who holds a Nirguna Sharira …

The eternal guide smiled pointing to the student “From the donor of physical vehicle are adopted five sheaths and the golden body is granted by Tatpurusha face of Shiva, but through his own eternal self expression of Hiranyagarbha Brahma … But this golden body is transferred to the recipient of physical body of donor, by the eternal consort of Tatpurusha, who is also addressed as Maa Gayatri in Vedas and as Maa Brahmini in Pancha Vidya Tantra” …

The eternal guide continued … “Maa Brahmini is an expansion of Maa Gayatri and Maa Gayatri is an expansion of Maa Brahmini … Maa Gayatri is the consort of Hiranyagarbha Brahma who as such is an egoless aspect of creator … But when the same Hiranyagarbha, begins creation, then he becomes based in ego and thus is called by another name of Karya Brahma (i.e. Brahma who creates) and at such a stage, his consort is addressed as Maa Brahmini … Thus Hiranyagarbha is both egoless and egoistic deity and he is the only one who is both an egoistic and non egoistic being … There is no other like Hiranyagarbha Brahma” …

The eternal guide continued … “You are the son of Gayatri when you arrived to this world, for she was and still is the mother of your current transmigrated incarnation, especially at the time when you arrived to this world in an egoless state … She had carried you in her divine womb whilst you were being transferred from Tatpurusha face of Shiva till this world … And after you begin your jobs as per your Gurudakshina, you would be taken care by Brahmini, for she is the mother of your deeds that can only be done after adopting an ego of a certain type, because those deeds cannot be done in an egoless state or the state of absence of I’ness … Thus, for you, both are your mothers, Maa Gayatri gave birth to you after keeping you in her divine womb as you were transported from Tatpurusha to this physical world and Maa Brahmini would be your Gurumaa and protector after you begin your jobs and thus you need to get into an egoistic state which would be needed to do those jobs as per your Gurudakshina …

The eternal guide continued … As of now, you already remember your divine mother, Maa  Gayatri … And when you self realize the ‘seed sound of Emaho‘, then you would know who Brahmini is, because in that state of self realization of Emaho, Brahmini would be sitting in your Brahmarandra chakra (or Sahasrara or thousand petalled lotus of top of head) … Remember this discussion and also remember that for you, Brahmini is the expansion of Gayatri when you begin doing jobs prior you leave this world and at the same time, Gayatri is the expansion of Brahmini when you arrive to this world and same shall also be when you leave this physical plane and enter into Ishana after completing your jobs in this world … Thus at the time of leaving this world, the same Gayatri shall be the one who would again bear you in her divine womb, so as to transport you out of this physical realms and into your next destined evolutionary state, which as such is of Ishana face of Shiva … Thus remember, Brahmini is Gayatri in an egoistic attributed form (Abhimani Sagun Sakaar Awastha) of Adi Parashakti i.e. Shakti of Paramshiva (or Brahman) when Hiranyagarbha acts as Karya Brahma and same is applicable to you too because macrocosmic laws have a sameness of effect on all … And the same Brahmini becomes as Gayatri in an egoless state (Anabhimani Awastha) of the same Adi Parashakti, so as to be the consort and eternal helper of egoless Hiranyagarbha (Golden womb of macrocosmic creation) … Both are the same for you and both are your divine mothers and Guru” …

The little student somewhat understood and asked … “But what about the return back from Ishana as you did not complete that lecture … Is it possible and if so how, because how can a colorless attributeless body (Nirguna Sharira) incarnate or transmigrate in an attributed world system” …

The eternal guide replied “Such ones never even hold any vehicle, neither a mind vehicle (Manomaye Kosha), nor a knowledge vehicle (knowledge sheath or Vijyanmaye Kosha) nor a vital air sheath (Pranamaye Kosha) nor even a causal vehicle (causal body or bliss body or Antahkarana Chatushtaya) … So such ones have to take over all these bodies in totality and and that too, from the donor of the physical vehicle … But to be able to do this, such ones are also granted the golden body, as this body is of Hiranyagarbha, who is both an egoistic deity (Abhimani Devata) and a non-egoistic deity (Anabhimani Devata) … Thus, it eventually is the golden body, which forms a link between the non-egoistic state in which the transmigrating one rests prior transmigration and the egoistic state in which he ends up in, after transmigrating to the physical vehicle” …

The little student understood and asked … “What happens to such a transmigrated one, after he (or she) transmigrates” …

To this the eternal guide replied … “Since all these bodies were taken over from the donor and only for entering into that transmigrated incarnation, so within ones single lifetime as a transmigrated one, all these shall also have to be brought back to their original colorless states … But this also means, to do a job of many-many lifetimes within that single transmigrated lifetime itself … This is due to the effects of principle of eternal evolution, which as such is having only unidirectional effects i.e. ever upwards” …

The eternal guide continued … “Due to the effects of this principle, the evolution can only be upwards and never downwards and the firmness of effects of this principle are also such that, no matter what any aspirant may try or do, his (or her) evolutionary standing can never fall … This also means, that when such an aspirant de-incarnates, then his (or her) evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies can never be lower than what was at the instant when that aspirant had transmigrated into a physical world system … And this also means, that such an aspirant would need to get into a system, which would restore his evolutionary standing into that state which was of prior he (or she) had transmigrated into this world … That system is Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra, so do what I have already told you … The sooner you complete it, better it is for you … So, don’t waste any more time in these questions and answers” …

The little student neither said anything nor gave any sign of agreement or disagreement and just looked up to the divine face of his eternal guide …


Eternal guide clarifies … Restoring evolution in a single transmigrated incarnation …

So the eternal guide continued … “By itself, this job of restoring this earlier condition of evolution,  is a mountainous one because what is normally done in many lifetimes, would need to be completed in a single one or else such an aspirant would come on the wrong side of the ‘principle of eternal evolution’ itself … And this would not be a very happy state of affair, for that aspirant” …

The eternal guide did not stop here and he continued … “As far as you stand, for complying to your Gurudakshina, you regressed in your evolution due to these adopted impressions of the donor … But this regression cannot last beyond your current lifetime because the macrocosmic principles, process and laws would never allow such a situation, like regression in ones evolutionary standing to a level which is below that level that was when he (or se) had entered into that world … Thus, accept it or not, these adopted impressions have to be unseeded by you” …

The eternal guide kept saying thus … “And remember that after unseeding them, you would also enter into a very severe form of suffering because you actually are doing that job, which normally would be taking many and further many lifetimes … So the sufferings of all these lifetimes would suddenly pounce upon you … But remember in that suffering state, that it’s all a part and parcel of compliance to the macrocosmic principles, process and laws, especially the principle of eternal evolution” …

And the eternal guide continued … “As also, keep this in mind as this would be proved as true in that state of suffering … When any aspirant returns back from a higher evolutionary standing, like a return back from Tatpurusha face and thus that aspirant is holding a golden body, then nobody can know about him because Tatpurusha also denotes the ‘macrocosmic veiling principle (Tirodhan Krityam)’ … But after some time, when that aspirant begins doing his jobs for which he had undergone that transmigration which was also as per the call of time, then eventually the higher deities always come to know of that aspirants presence in the physical world” …

The eternal guide continued further … “And after this stage, these deities always leave their forts (temples) so as to stand by and support that transmigrated one, so he doesn’t regress in his evolutionary standing … Remember this, as they would come to your aid later on and you would also know that they have left their forts (temples) when there shall be signs like fire, destruction of idols, falling of stones and other non-divine acts in these temples … Even the Bodhisattvas shall be returning to support you … Siddha’s of ever way of life (paths of Sanatana Dharma) would be returning as and when they keep coming to know and thus you would see these signs in their temples whenever they begin returning … These returns shall also be within subtle realms in addition to being in gross realms … When you see such signs, know for sure that these deities, Siddha’s, Rishi’s and divine beings have already known your presence as a holder of the “golden body” and one who is proceeding into Ishana face of Sadashiva and thus you would be the one who would be accomplishing the colorless body (Nirgun Sharira) within this transmigrated incarnation itself” …

The eternal guide continued … “All those deities, divine beings (Deva), Siddha’s and Rishi’s etc, who keep coming to know about this fact, would then begin leaving their temples and traditional places and begin returning either to the subtle or to gross realms of this world system and these would be to support you for the cause of your return … I.e. render your Gurudakshina, which includes distributing the wisdom for making a subtle base of the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) which is going to last for about 10 millenniums once the Kaliyuga (degenerate age) completes in a few years from now … You have returned back from Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva for this job also and due to this, these deities would be supporting you and some of the deities who had came to know of that incarnation and further transmigration, also began incarnating in this world, soon after you arrived … During coming times, you would keep knowing about such deities” …

With no words, the Little student totally blank, looked at his eternal guide …


Eternal guide explains … The little student finally agrees …

The guide stopped and looked straight at the student and stated … “But it is so much better if you could it do this unseeding of your adopted impressions without having the need for such deities to intervene” …

The eternal guide waited for a while, again looked straight at his little student and continued speaking … “After all an impression is an impression, even if it were emptied out, but not unseeded … Such impressions lead to extra jobs for such deities as if you don’t unseed them prior you de-incarnate, then the deities shall have no option but to adopt these, to save you from non compliance of the macrocosmic principles, process and laws, especially the principle of eternal evolution” …

The eternal guide again waited while again looking straight at his little student and continued speaking further … “If an aspirant who has returned back only as per the demands of a Gurudakshina and his time of return back was decided by the lord of time (Mahakaal) and not as per his own evolutionary needs (i.e. he could have stayed in the subtle realms for a longer duration as his accumulated merit is still not exhausted) and if such an aspirant has such a non compliance towards principles, process and laws of Maker’s Makings, then that non compliance is also deemed to be of the deities of the Maker’s Makings” …

Looking straight into the eye of little student, the eternal guide continued … “And since these macrocosmic deities cannot afford this black spot on their pristine clothes, so they would remain with no option but to adopt your impressions so as to save themselves from a consequent non-compliance (because ultimately it is their non compliance also) … Thus, if you don’t do what I have told you earlier on, then out of no choice, at some stage of time they (deities) would be adopting these impressions slowly and unseeding all them altogether … This is because these pristine deities can never accept contravening of macrocosmic principle of eternal evolution, which implicitly also says, that, there can no reverse evolution (or de-evolution) possible within the entirety of the Makers Makings … And definitely not from a transmigrated one, who is already standing at the doorway of liberation and has only returned back to comply to a Gurudakshina and where his timing of return was only decided by the lord of timeless nature of time i.e. lord of eternity (Mahakaal aspect of Shiva)” …


The little student nodded in understanding, folded his hands while he was bowed down in reverence to the eternal guide, politely requested his eternal guide …

“Guru Chandramukha (divine moon faced Guru or divine serene faced guru), please show the way and it shall be done for them (The Deities) so that they do not have that extra job to release this one (the little student) by absorbing any impression (of this little student), including that last impression about which I already know by past experience” …

The little student continued with folded hands and head bowed down in reverence … And said thus …

“Guru Atmana (The Guru as the Atman of allness), please show the way and I shall walk by your shown path” …

And the little student who still was with his head bowed down and hands folded in reverence and was looking at the lotus like feet of his guru, finally said … “In this knowledge of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra, that you tell me in your own divine ways, I remain as your Atmanya (I remain connected to Atman, who itself is Guru Atmana)” …


The eternal guide touched the head of little student, blessed him and said “So Be IT” …


Continues …


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