The Being beyond is Brahma

This topic shall discuss the statement “The Being beyond is Brahma” … This statement relates to Attributeless infinite being (Brahm or Brahman) who itself is the eternal, infinite, omnipresent, omnidirectional, omnipotent and omniparient one, who is also addressed as Brahm in Vedas … This self realization eventually leads to the accomplishment of a colorless siddha body (attributeless siddha body) …


SS-1 … Limitations of descriptions of this topic … The figure of this state cannot be painted as it relates to the colorless (attributeless) body, which as such is naught but a bodiless accomplishment vehicle (i.e. a bodiless-body) …

I have written bodiless body as this body is not bound by attributes and their form or formless and thus it actually is a vast infinite boundless body which self manifests within the aspirant’s physical vehicle and it also extends till the entirety of Maker’s Makings … And beyond …

And since the colorless siddha body (Nirguna Sharira) of above descriptions cannot even be painted, so I am unable to describe it through a painted sketch …


SS-2 … “The Being beyond is Brahma” … The path of omnipotent, omniparient and omnipresent one (or Brahm) …

The path of self manifestation of this colorless accomplishment vehicle can be described in a way as is stated below … This is the path of self realization of eternal, infinite, omnipresent, omnidirectional, omnipotent and omniparient supreme being … This is also the realization which leads to accomplishment of the colorless body (colorless vehicle or Nirgun Sharira) …

“When all that is as Maker’s Makings or macrocosmic creation (i.e. various macrocosmic states) that is also present within the aspirants microcosm, becomes absorbed into their respective primary, principal and primordial macrocosmic parental causes, then the aspirant becomes freed of allness, even whilst still he (or she) may still be alive (or incarnated)” …

After this stage the aspirant walks free of allness and her each part, as the fully liberated one and yet still alive and thus continuing as an incarnated one within his (or her) earlier human bodied form (i.e. attributed-form or Sagun Sakaar Awastha) …

This is because after the entirety of macrocosmic states (i.e. entire macrocosmic creation) which earlier were present within that aspirant’s microcosm, are already returned back to their respective macrocosmic causes, then the hold of the macrocosmic creation upon such an aspirant, also ends …

Thus such an aspirant may seem to be incarnated and thus may even seem to be a bearer of his (or her) physical body, but he is not even related to the macrocosmic creation or her any part, within whose vast and divine envelopes his (or her) physical vehicle is seeming to be residing at that time …

Thus at such a time, if anyone would ask the macrocosmic creation or any of her divinities (i.e. divine worlds or their divine controllers) regarding the whereabouts of such an aspirant, then the reply of the macrocosmic creation and/or her divinities would inevitably be as follows …

He was, but now he is not

None of the inhabitants of the gross or subtler worlds of the entire macrocosmic creation or beyond, can ever know about the whereabouts of such an aspirant who is being discussed here and who as such is the rarest of rare ones due to being the holder of the colorless vehicle (Nirguna Sharira) of our current discussion …

Thus unless such an aspirant self-declares his presence to others, nobody can ever know about his presence within any of the worlds (gross or subtle or divine worlds) of the entire Maker’s Makings …

This is also the reason why a few Avatar(s) of Sriman Naaraayana had arrived and even the sages, divinities and divine beings of this world did not known of the arrival of these Avatars …

The same is told in the bible as far as the second advent of Christ is concerned where it is told that “nobody knows, not even the angels” for only the Lord knows about it … And this is also the reason for Biblical sages to advice their adherents to be vigilant about the second coming, for it would be “like a thief in the night” …

All above is due to the same discussed fact that one who ends up holding the colorless vehicle (i.e. the attributeless accomplishment vehicle or the Nirguna Sharira or Nirgun Sharira) whose path of manifestation (i.e. manifestation of the colorless vehicle) is already stated in a very subtle way within this topic, cannot be known, unless that man self-declares his own presence in the world …

Due to this reason, his sudden coming in front of all others would also become a shock to those adherents who are staunch followers of the knowledge systems which relate to him …

And to prevent the shame which could also come by for such adherents, they may even term him as the reciprocal of that pristine subtlety which as such is of the really awaited one, which as such is also denoted even within his physically manifested and thus gross bodied state … This would also be seen as a fact …


SS-3-A … Detachment to all earlier merits … Detachment to all earlier accomplishments …

Plus as a matter of fact, when any aspirant self realizes his (or her) own colorless accomplishment vehicle (Nirgun Sharira), then he (or she) also loses all earlier accomplishments and merits which related to any of the attributes of form or formless divinities …


It is due to this reason that the ancient Vedic sages had also stated as follows …

One whose consciousness gets stationed in Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm (i.e. attributeless-infinite and thus the colorless dimensionless final state) holds no accomplishments (Siddhi’s) …

This is because of the fact that attributeless-infinite is denoting the supreme-accomplishment (Param Siddhi) which pervades (or permeates) and envelopes all other Siddhi’s …

And since the pervader cannot even continue as a pervader it is attaches itself to the pervaded because in such a case, that pervader would only become the pervaded and thus the pervader would not even remain as the subtler pervader of the grosser or pervaded …

So when the colorless vehicle (Nirgun Sharira) of extremely vast expanses (Infinite or Nirakaar or Anant) becomes self realized by any aspirant, then that aspirant just detaches from all earlier attainments (or accomplishments or Siddhi’s) because of the fact that all these earlier attainments are only found to be resting within the dimensionless and thus extremely vast fathomless envelopes as are of the final attainment (Param Siddhi) i.e. the colorless vehicle …

Thus those who hold the supreme accomplishment (Param Siddhi) as is discussed here, never “directly” hold any of the other (or earlier) accomplishments which they were holding prior to this self realization of their own colorless vehicle …

And this is why it was thus stated by those very ancient sages of Vedic lore who had known this fact through a direct cognition …


SS-3-B … Indirect relationship to previous accomplishments of all previous incarnations …

Continuing with above discussions …

But at the same time, since colorless vehicle itself is the pervader and enveloper of all other accomplishments that ever are or could ever be, so the holders of this colorless accomplishment vehicle can also recall all other accomplishments at their own sweet will, use them till they wish to use them and then again detach from them … Thus there is also an “indirect” relationship to all earlier accomplishments (Siddhi’s) that the aspirant had attained during the long-long course of his (or her) evolutionary existence …


Thus basis above …

This is the reason for some Siddha paths to say that the knower of attributeless-infinite being holds all Siddhi’s (all accomplishments that ever are or could ever be) …


SS-3-C … Unity of above (SS-3-A and SS-3-B) … Essence of path of Sanatan Dharma i.e. Swatantra Chintan …

And both above variations of knowledge are only related to the same colorless accomplishment vehicle (Nirguna Siddha Sharira) which itself is the supreme accomplishment (Param Siddhi) as it relates to the same attributeless infinite being (or Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or Brahm or Brahman) only …

Thus eventually both these paths are related to the same Absolute being and yet due to two different ways of looking at it, are the different ways of telling the same fact …

These facts I have very subtly told in below discussions, and thus the aspirant’s would only have to dig out the vast number of jewels from these discussions, themselves …

The path of these two major streams of Sanatan Dharma could be thus told …

  • What does a Mukta (fully liberated one) have to do with Siddhi’s (accomplishments) … What use are Siddhi’s to the one who already is a Mukta … This is because he cannot even be a liberated one (Mukta) unless he is also liberated from accomplishments (Siddhi’s) …
  • And what does a Siddha have to do with Mukti (liberation) … What use is Mukti (liberation) for a sage who already is a Siddha (a fully accomplished one) …
  • And yet both self realize the same attributeless-infinite being (Parabrahman or Brahman) whom they may even addressed by different names, whilst they walk their own different paths … This is only possible due to the Pluralistic yet Monist essence of Sanatan Dharma (or simply, Dharma) to which these two paths relate and which could also be told as “Swatantra Chintan” …


SS-4 … Loss of right to be a Guru …

Since during this transmigrated incarnation (i.e. incarnation that gets arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul), I was supposed to walk the path of the former (i.e. SS-3-A) for a considerable amount of time, so my eternal guide (Sriman Naaraayana) had temporarily taken back the Guru Tattva from me … This was the reason for writing an earlier topic of “Where to go” …


SS-5 … The Being beyond is Brahma

It eventually is to that colorless or attributeless bodiless-body (Nirguna Sharira) which is self realized to be within the aspirants microcosm (within the physical vehicle of the aspirant) and which due to its boundless nature is also found to be extending till those fathomless expanses of beyond all that is termed as beyond in any knowledge system of now or ever, that the header of this topic relates and which was thus told …

The Being beyond is Brahma

And where the term beyond extends to all that is known, unknown, imagined and visualized by anyone of now or ever and also into that which is beyond …

This term only relates to the absolute being (who in other words is also addressed as Parambrahma) whose self realization itself is as the colorless (attributeless) dimensionless (infinite) accomplishment vehicle (Siddha Sharira) that is being discussed here …

And at this evolutionary stage, that Yogi also knows the innermost essences of the great statement of the four Vedas (i.e. Vedic Mahavakya), which as such is the final knowledge that could ever be attained by any aspirant and during any of the triple times …


That’s all for the currently discussed set of topics whose sub-header is of “The Being is Brahma” …

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