Warrior of Zero infinite Infinite zero … Mahatam … Mahashunya

Here we shall discuss the warrior of zero infinite and infinite zero and thus discuss the warrior of Mahatam, or Maha Tam, which is also termed as Maha Tamas or great darkness of allness and also as Mahashunya … He leads the war and also leads to the war that is “only and only’ for establishment of Vaidik Rashtra (or Sanatan Rashtra of Sarveshvara or in other words, the eternal kingdom of the lord of allness) … Thus the sage of Mahashunya, is returned only for establishment of the Kingdom of lord of allness … I.e. establishment of eternal Kingdom of god of all, as the Gods kingdom on earthly plane itself …

His advent is what every prophecy of any of the triple times describes, so far as return of the golden age cycle and as far as the one who establishes that golden age cycle, are concerned …

This topic is the thirteenth one in this series of Zero and Infinity (or Infinity and zero) and it continues from the previous topic that had the header of “Yogic mathematics of Infinity and Zero” … Hence please read all previous topics prior this one …


Proceeding further …

To that divinity who had self-manifested in the form of a divine motherly figure, whom I met in Kwinana, Australia, way back and close to the end of the first decade of this century and whilst I was signing-off from a ship after handing over command to the incoming master (captain), and where that divinity also stood on the road for a long time, waiting, so as to meet me, and whose husband who was driving that taxi had told me that she was related to “JC” and that she was addressed as (don’t want to disclose her name) … Are offered my Salutations, prior I begin with this topic on Mahatam Siddha or Mahashunya Siddha …


Defining Vaidik Rashtra … Which always manifests in every golden age …

Some bits of this part of the topic were discussed in an earlier topic of “What Sampradaya, Parampara, Bharata” … So, here we proceed shall further …

Vaidik Rashtra is the entire macrocosmic creation (Maker’s Makings) and thus the term Vaidik Rashtra also denotes the entirety of allness of macrocosm (or Brahmand), whose eternal ruler is the lord of allness or Sarveshvara (Sriman Naaraayana) and where that Sarveshvara, the eternal universal lord , is also the eternal universal king of his eternal kingdom (Makers Makings), in addition to being the eternal Guru (Sanatan Gurudeva) of each microcosm (including each aspirant) who resides in that Vaidik Rashtra (macrocosmic kingdom of Lord of allness and her each part) …

The end result of return of every Mahatam Siddha, is just the same as is discussed later on in this topic … And when this end result gets manifested, then this end result is what is known as a golden age (Satyuga or Kritayuga or Age of Truth), where the lord of allness, himself, is the ruler and teacher of all (I.e. the sole king of allness is also the teacher or Guru of all beings, all of who only reside in his own macrocosmic kingdom) …


Proceeding further …

How can the age of truth come, if the ruler and Guru of that age is not the ultimate truth himself … The lord and Guru of allness (or Sarveshvara) …

How can an age of truth come in its utterly universal state, if the ruler and Guru of that age, is not the ruler and Guru of allness, i.e. Sarveshvara (Lord of allness or Sriman Naaraayana), who himself is Yogeshwara (the lord of root path of evolution and liberation, or Lord of Yoga and thus the universal Guru) …

And in addition to above, where Sarveshvara (Lord and Guru of all) is the sole deity referred to by the finality of knowledge, as was told by all Vedic sages and was addressed as Sriman  Naaraayana, who himself is Vishvakarman and is also addressed as Sadashiva and in whom all the entire macrocosm and its each microcosm (including Deva’s) reside and who simultaneously also resides in all microcosm’s (including Deva’s) …

Unless the ruler (King or Samraat) and teacher (Guru) is such, how can a golden age come …

And since the next human age is definite the golden age, so its ruler and teacher would also be just as it has been discussed here … And his Rashtra, as vaidik Rashtra, which in Vedas is subtly told as Bharat (which has somehow gotten misinterpreted as the present day, Indian mainland …

In reality of what was told by Vedic sages, who had named the Vaidik Rashtra (i.e. Vaidik Kingdom) as Bharata, had meant is as the multi-universal macrocosmic creation (i.e. the entirety of Makersmakings) which itself is the eternal Kingdom of the timeless and fathomless Lord of allness (Sarveshvara) …


Advent of Mahatam Siddha … Mahashunya Siddha … Warrior of Maha Tamas …

The sage who accomplishes this state of being such a warrior of zero infinite and infinite zero, is Mahatam Siddha or the Siddha of Mahashunya (or Mahashunya Siddha or Maha Shunya Siddha) …

And whilst he stays as such a spiritual warrior, he rests in a hidden state within that Maha Tamas, as is of Mahashunya, which can also termed as Mahatam (Maha Tam) and which as such is the great darkness of allness … And all this, whilst he still holds a physical vehicle in a gross (physical or lower) world, like this one …

He is the one who has accomplished Mahashunya, in his earlier incarnations and thus he by himself, is the entire Maha Tamas (allness of great darkness) in a human incarnated form …

But even when he is so due to his past incarnations accomplishments, yet he still needs a spark to re-achieve that state of Maha Tamas, so as to be the spiritual warrior of Mahatam (i.e. a spiritual warrior of “great darkness of allness”) …

Unless he is granted that spark, he cannot be that spiritual warrior of Mahashunya (the great emptiness, which as such is the 21st and final level of emptiness) which is also termed as macrocosmic state of voidness (emptiness of allness or the great darkness) …

From that macrocosmic state of voidness, everything had self-originated, during those timeless and further timeless mega-eons ago … In that macrocosmic state of voidness, everything that has begun within the Makers Makings, has kept rested and ever since the eternity that has passed (after its beginning) … And within that same macrocosmic state of voidness, everything that is as the macrocosmic creation, eventually would continue to rest, until the pending fathomless eternity that still remains of the Maker’s Makings … And where the entirety of Makers Makings, itself is the sole eternal kingdom of the sole lord of allness (Sarveshvara) …

Such a warrior of Maha Tamas (i.e. warrior of great darkness of allness) is the one who is capable of playing in the entirety of macrocosmic playgrounds, even when he still rests in a human incarnated form on a physical world (like this one) …

And he is also capable to lead to the end of a degenerate age, even prior the destined time of end of that degenerate age has arrived …

On behalf and for the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) and all the self-expressions, self-manifestations and self-presence of that attributeless absolute being (Nirguna Brahman) as macrocosm and each microcosm, he acts as the universal rejuvenator, because in addition to holding the destructive principle, within his own microcosmic physical body, he also holds the preservation, origination, veiling and unveiling macrocosmic principles, within which the entire macrocosm resides and to which he already is one because of being based in Brahmand Yoga (i.e. union to allness of macrocosm and it’s each part), Mahashunya Yoga and Mahatam Yoga (The latter two aspects of Yoga, would not be discussed in this text because of the fact, that, such a knowledge cannot be given in a lower world, like this one) …

Whenever a Guru Yuga (Age of Sages) comes, which itself is that human golden age (Manav Satyuga) that runs within the larger time span of a divine degenerate age, a Sage of Maheshwara, enters the physical world through the path of transmigration of soul, and then he eventually takes over the role of a “universal rejuvenator (or Mahatam Baba)” …

And as a universal rejuvenator, he stays at one location and yet he plays within the entirety of those macrocosmic playgrounds, and with the only intention to change the degenerate age (Kaliyuga) into that Guru Yuga (human golden age cycle) …

And thus, eventually, he also becomes known the Yuga Sthapak of that Guru Yuga i.e. one who lays down the subtle yet strong foundation, upon which that Guru Yuga, that is yet to come, would eventually be resting …


Proceeding further …

Slowly and steadily, after his physical vehicle takes birth, all deities leave their temples, so as to be with him, in that process of ending of the divine degenerate age and thence the re-establishment of the human age of truth …

This leaving of temples by Deities was already discussed in an earlier topic of “exit and return back of Deva” …

And this process of return back of deities and thus the process of change of human ages, also speeds up after the transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit texts is stated as Parkaya Pravesh), of that sage from Maheshwara takes place in his physical vehicle itself …

As times progress after his transmigration of soul (or Parkaya Pravesh) takes place, many-many countless Siddha’s, Rishi’s, Bodhisattva, Arhat, angels and other divine beings, Deva and Devi,  etc., also join in so as to take part in that process of change of ages …

This process of joining in of above mentioned divinities, etc., also completes soon after half of the last phase of change completes i.e. “108/2 years – 10% years = 48.6 years” after the birth of the physical vehicle of that Mahatam Siddha (i.e. one who has already accomplished and thus won over the great darkness (in his earlier incarnations) and thus he is the warrior against the great darkness itself) …

As far as the present stage of change of ages is concerned, this process of completing would have to be soon after 2022.0134 AD and in any case not later than 2023.34 AD (This time is as per requirements of present day condition of wheel of time or Kaalchakra) …

Thus within the above stated time range, would be the beginning of wide spread chaotic stage (inner and outer chaos within humanity, of here and beyond realms), that would be of internal and external wars, economic collapses (as Artha or economics is the only Purushartha of Kaliyuga, which as such is ending at this time), social chaos and ultimately a collapse due to livelihood and food issues, absence of proper leadership in the world and thus its many nations, chaos regarding safety of humanity and their security of ways of life, etc-etc., which always come during change of any divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) into the incoming Guru Yuga (Age of Sages) …


Warrior of Mahashunya … Mahashunya Baba … Mahatam Baba … Warrior of Shunya Brahman …

The pristine divinities of multi-universe know him as Mahashunya Baba, Mahatam Baba and as the warrior from Mahashunya, warrior of Maha Tamas and as the warrior of Mahatam …

And because, Mahatam (or Maha Tamas) is not liked by sages (as it denotes darkness of macrocosmic stature), so those seers who had known above stated fact, had also stated, that this darkness cannot be escaped from due to it being of a macrocosmic stature and this is what was termed as Maha Tam (Mahatam or Maha Tamas or the great darkness) … This is why Tamas, which means darkness, is told as bad by some sages …


Proceeding further …

The same non-lightness is also arrived when Prakriti (feminine principle or Yin) unites to Purusha (masculine principle or Yang) …

And due to this reason, these sages had also warned that such a state must not be entered into i.e. masculine and feminine principles must never be unioned, as after their union, a state of eternal darkness would be arrived at, from where a later escape is very-very difficult and would make an aspirant continue in it, even in the eons that would follow after that darkness is entered into …

This was told so, due to the fact, that, union of masculine and feminine principles, leads to a seedless absorption (Nirbija Samadhi) where all past Karma and Karma Phala (deeds and fruits or simply, all merits) are also extinguished …

After the merits are extinguished, then due to absence of these merits, the aspirant gets stuck in that darkness for a very long time (as without merits of Karma and Karma Phala, deeds cannot take a quicker effect due to absence of cause and effect, in the first place) …

And since darkness is not considered as good as lightness in any scripture, so was the reason of this warning against entering into darkness, by some sages …


Proceeding further …

But this eternal darkness, is exactly the same as is told in Nasadiya Sukta of Rigveda as “darkness is enveloping darkness”, which itself means, all that is at this state, is darkness …

And yet the sage of Nasadiya Sukta of Rig Veda, had only meant its finality as “non-lightness enveloping non-lightness”, which itself is Shunya Brahman (i.e. allness of emptiness, which itself is as emptiness of allness or in other words, infiniteness of zeroness, that also is as zeroness of infinity or in other words, Zero infinite, which itself is the infinite zero) …

In fact, this is how it is … Zero or emptiness denotes non-lightness (which looks like eternal darkness also) and infinity denotes self-luminous being (Swayam Prakash Brahman) …

Thus, in his finality, this warrior of Mahatam, is also the “Warrior of Shunya Brahman” …


Proceeding further …

And contrary to above discussions … There have been those seers who have stated that zeroness (voidness) is all that needs to be entered into so as to exit out of existence itself …

So, basis above two reciprocal aspects …

  • The former category of sages had not known the omnipresent attributeless infinite (Brahman), who is also present in lightness and darkness alike … These were sages who self-realized Brahman, through the path of light …
  • And the latter category of sages, had known the eternal presence of omnipresent attributeless infinite Brahman, in lightness and darkness alike … These were sages who self-realized Brahman, through the path of non-light and light alike …
  • But as a matter of fact, this stay within eternal darkness of emptiness of allness (i.e. emptiness of fullness), which itself is the allness of emptiness (i.e. fullness of emptiness) is not permanent, especially if the aspirants path was rooted in “union of masculine and feminine principles (i.e. Purusha Prakriti Yoga)” …
  • Above bullet point is told as per personal experiences, because within this “union of feminine and masculine principles (i.e. Prakriti Purusha Yoga)”, due to the stage of a seedless state of absorption (Nirbija Samadhi) that is finally arrived, the aspirant is freed of entirety of Makersmakings and is also free of seeds of Maker’s Makings (i.e. the aspirant is also free of the seeded Samskara or impressions that were of the Ichha Shakti or divinity of desires of the creator, which as such are the root of conditions of self-originated states within the Maker’s Makings) …
  • Continuing with above bullet point … And in such a case, it is very easy to directly cognize the attributeless infinite being (Parabrahman) from within that seedless state and thence leave that seedless state whilst on the further path of union to Brahman …
  • As a matter of fact … The seer of that colorless, is your own Atman, which at this stage is also the same colorless and thus in such a stage, you are only as your own Atman and where your own “Atman is Brahman (the colorless pervader of allness, including of non-lightness which is being discussed here)” …
  • Continuing with above bullet point … Thus, after Nirbija Samadhi, since only the Atman remains in its attributeless state, and which itself is the attributeless infinite Brahman, so due to this reason, the final stage of self-realization of the final reality of “Atma is Brahma”, is definitely possible, but provided prior entering into the path of union of masculine principles (whose end result is of Nirbija Samadhi) the aspirant is a knower of path of Advaita Vedanta … Unless the aspirant is such, that aspirant would stay for an indefinitely long time within that eternal darkness, about which the some of the Vedic sages had warned …
  • Continuing with above bullet point … Thus basis above, those who had given the earlier discussed warning, were not rooted in the path of Vedanta, even when they were Vedic (Vedantic) sages … I tell this as per personal experiences within that eternal darkness, because the colorless light, which denotes Nirguna Brahman, is definitely present in that macrocosmic state of darkness (about which the sages had warned future aspirants) …
  • Continuing with above bullet point … That aspirant who successfully enters into and thence also finds the way of moving beyond our discussed eternal and great darkness, attains the title of “Mahatam Siddha and Maha Tamas Siddha (the conqueror of great darkness)” …
  • And he is the one who would be assisting “an Avatar like person” in his mission, for he would be the silent (hidden) destroyer of afflictions of Kaliyuga and all the afflicted ones …
  • And when this aspirant would return back to an incarnated state, so as to participate in the ending of Kaliyuga, then all Devi and Deva, Rishi and Siddha, Arhat and Bodhisattva, and all spiritual sages and spiritual warriors of the triple times, would be standing by his side, because due to being the Mahatam, they would know he is the great destroyer of darkness (including of Kaliyuga) …
  • Continuing with above bullet point … Such an aspirant is also talked about since ancient times where sages have also “subtly named” him as Mahatam Baba, the great destroyer of darkness and people based in darkness of Kaliyuga and who would be assisting the an avatar like person, during the final war for establishment of self-luminous and eternal Dharma
  • This war is only against the dark Adharma and less dark Vidharma of Kaliyuga and is running across the impressional realms (Samskarik Satta), subtle realms (Sookshma Satta) and gross or physical realms (Sthool Satta) simultaneously and due to this, once this war is won, then the luminosity of Dharma would also get established across these three primary realms of Makers Makings …
  • And because that sage who is addressed as Mahatam Baba by some Vedic sages, would be fighting the final war for end of Kaliyuga (which would also be his final war in the multi-universal Makersmakings) and that too with the intention to only assist “an Avatar like person”, his war would be universal even when he would be in a tiny human bodied form …
  • This war would be such that, the deviated (degenerate) humanity and other beings of this gross, subtle and divine realms, would not know what all hit them, when did it hit them, where all did it hit them and how many times did it hit them …
  • That war which would be initiated by Mahatam Siddha, would be universal in which all Devi and Deva, Rishi and Siddha, Bodhisattva and Arhat, divine beings and angels, etc., and all ancient Vedic warriors would be joining and thus participating …
  • And coincidentally, as per the place from where he would return, which itself is the divine realm of Great lord of allness (i.e. Maheshwara), which within some paths of the Sanatana Dharma (i.e. the eternal way of life, here and beyond) is also addressed as Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, so he would be known as the Sage of Maheshwara and would eventually be addressed as the Sage of Tatpurusha, who came to this world and led to a human golden age and that too, within the darkness of an ongoing Kaliyuga itself …
  • But even when above is true, there have been cases where the Avatars only took over the role of a universal destroyer, and thus, that Avatar himself was Mahatam Siddha … So, how it would go by in the future times, is anybody’s guess only …
  • And there have also been cases, where only a Mahatam Siddha came to a lower world and where that Avatar did not take birth in a human or other microcosmic form, as that Avatar stayed in a formless state only and yet led the change of the then age cycle … So, how it would go by in the future times, is anybody’s guess only …


Proceeding further … To discuss the war of Mahatam Siddha, against Kaliyuga …

This entire topic was written sometime in-between 2008 AD and 2011 AD …

But I add this part in End of February of 2022, so as to be able to publish this entire topic around the beginning of April 2022 (i.e. sometime during Navratra that falls at the start of Hindu new year in April 2022, i.e. start time of the Vikram Samvat of 2079) …

  • I know this war against Kaliyuga and all Mlechha realms (here the word Mlechha means, those who have junk desires, bad desires, lower desires, corrupted desires and thus, this term had nothing to do with any specific religion or place) was started in the beginning of 2019 AD … This was originally begun against the subtle Mlechha realms of the entire multi-universe …
  • And on 21st February of 2022 AD, the subtle realms were won … This was when this Sage from Maheshwara (i.e. Mahatam Baba) had then started the war within the impressional realms (Samskarik Satta) …
  • Samskarik Satta is where all divinities of Mlechha systems (i.e. their deviated gods, angels and prophets etc.) reside …
  • And this war would be fully won prior the end of April of 2022 AD, because without the support of subtle realms (which have already been won, on 21st April of 2022 AD), the war in the impressional realms, is only like eating a piece of the macrocosmic Christmas cake …
  • Samskarik Satta (impressional realm) is the grandfather, Sookshma Satta (subtle realm) is the father and Sthool Satta (gross or physical realms) is the grandchild …
  • Thus, soon after 12 Feb 2022, when the children would slowly (gradually) come to know about their father already lost (conquered), they would slowly (gradually) keep getting more and more crazy and prepare for and thence go to war (Inner and outer war in various lands would take place) …
  • When the war on impressional realms of Mlechha’s started (on night of 21st Feb of Feb 2022, and same time when the subtle realms were won), slowly and gradually all Mlechha ways of life and their systems (of Kaliyuga) would also start becoming chaotic and eventually end, because such systems have no place in the incoming human golden age cycle
  • Prior to the end of April 2022, when the Samskarik Satta (impressional realms) of Mlechha’s would also be conquered, then all humans of here and beyond realms, and who relate to Mlechha Vada (Mlechha philosophies) would slowly and gradually become crazy …
  • Thus sometime after April 2022, would begin the process of end of all Mlechha Dharma’s and all Mlechha’s, who due to the effects of this Kaliyuga cycle, have also entered into (or born in) Sanatana Dharma …
  • Thus prior and after April 2022, there would be internal and external problems starting for many nations and also religions …
  • And this would continue until human golden age (Manav Satyuga) is established “within” the currently undergoing Kaliyuga …
  • The chaos that is coming to this world after April 2022, would be manmade, natural and also divine … And the end stage of this process would be the establishment of the “Sanatana Dharma (i.e. establishment of the eternal way of life, here and beyond) …
  • Sanatan Dharma has never come without shaking each microcosm’s core …
  • And this time also, it would be no different as the next age being a human golden age (Manav Kritayuga) which due to running in the much longer time span of the continuing divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga), would only be an age of sages (Guru Yuga) … Guru Yuga is the age of Sanatan Dharma as it is a Vaidik Yuga (i.e. it also is the age of Vedas) …
  • And that Mahatam Siddha, would be its (Guru Yuga’s) second Guru, in addition to primarily being none other than a little student of Sriman Naaraayana, just as every self-realized, all-realized sage-warriors of Vedic history have also been …
  • I know, like every sage-warrior of the eternal Vedic history, even Mahatam Siddha of our current discussion, would do what he is meant to do as per the call of present times and its eternally cyclic wheel of time (i.e. (eternally cyclic nature cycle of time or Kaal Chakra) …



Vaidik Rashtra … And Mahatam Baba …

The Vedic Rashtra (i.e. a Vedic Kingdom) is the multi-universal state of the macrocosmic creation …

The king of this Vedic kingdom is Sarveshvara (Lord of allness), who itself is Sriman Naaraayana …

The above discussed war of Mahatam Baba, is “only and only” for returning the entire multi-universal to its Sanatan Samraat (eternal king) who also happens to be the Sanatan Gurudeva (eternal guide or eternal Guru) of every microcosm (including the human microcosm or humanity of here and beyond realms) …

During the currently underway Kaliyuga, humans, who during Kaliyuga are mostly Mlechha, have already played enough with their corrupted, divisive and evolutionarily regressive systems …

Thus, Mahatam Baba would be destroying all these systems, their adherents from their very cores and thence paving the path of return of the multi-universe to its true king and eternal guru, who as such is none other than Sarveshvara (Sriman Naaraayana) …

During the incoming Guru Yuga, all kingdoms (countries) that we now see, would be politically, geographically, geopolitically, economically, socially, culturally, militarily and religiously united to each other …

But because to reach that united condition of humanity of this planet, the present systems would need to be evicted out (completely destroyed), so this is what would be the end result of war of Mahatam Baba, who in this text, is also addressed as the Sage from Tatpurusha and also as one who lays down the subtle yet strong foundation of the incoming Guru Yuga and thus, he also is the Yuga Sthapak (of Guru Yuga) …


End state reached after arrival of Mahatam Siddha or Mahashunya Siddha …

As far as the end state of what is arrived after any Mahatam Siddha or Mahashunya Siddha had completed his nominated jobs, which itself were as per the call of the lord of primary dimension of macrocosmic creation i.e. the lord of time (or Mahakala) and its pristine divinity (Ma Mahakali), following is what it is like …

  • Establishment of Vaidik Rashtra, which itself is the kingdom of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation …
  • The sole King and universal Guru of that Vaidik Rashtra (i.e. the entire macrocosm) is none other than Sarveshvara (Lord of allness and her each part, i.e. Sriman Naaraayana) … And such an age cycle is the one which is called as a golden age cycle (Satyuga or Kritayuga) …
  • Laws shall be universal laws … Because Sarveshvara never follows the current nonsense of manmade laws … Thus humans (of this and all other realms of existence) would also be resting within the “universal nature of cosmic laws” which itself are of Sarveshvara …
  • The way of life, shall be eternal and thus Vaidik (or of Sanatana Dharma) …
  • The path of evolution shall be of Yoga Tantra … This is as Sarveshvara also holds aspects of Maheshvara (the Great Lord or universal lord), and who himself is the lord of Yoga, Yoga Tantra, is the sole Yoga Guru and is also the Yogeshwara (Lord of Yoga and all Yogi’s) …
  • All religions would become one and unite to the Agama and Nigama Lore’s of Sanatan Dharma (i.e. Vedic way of life) … Thus, all religious divisions of present day humanity, would be missing … The start of this would be through the union of seven major religions, four of which (as of now) already are in Sanatan Dharma …
  • All manmade nonsense of political, geographical and geopolitical divisions would be non-existent … The world would be returned back to the same condition, as was when the Maker had made the genius of its Makings …
  • Dharma aspect of Purushartha, would be restored to its eternal glory and thus all Adharma and Vidharma of today, would be absent in that golden age …
  • Economics would be of “give to give ever more” in lieu of the current stage, which as such is of “take more to take ever more” and that too by whatever means … Thus, Artha (economics) would be pristine, just as it is within the four Purushartha and thus the path of liberation (Mukti Marg), from that stage of Artha would be present during the incoming golden age …
  • Desires would become pristine and thus Kama aspect of Purushartha would be Nishkama (i.e. taintless desires) … That Kama which is not Nishkama, is not a part of Purushartha, just as it now is …
  • Moksha aspect of Purushartha, would be passing through mother nature (Maa Prakriti), the mother of all … Unlike as it now is, where gains of anything, including Moksha (liberation) always lead to degeneration of elements, within and beyond the tiny human microcosm … Thus, Dharma would be Sarvabhauma (universal) and not restricted to this or that text or the present state, where this or that path, is deemed to be better than others … In that golden age, “all paths lead to the same home” …
  • Divine beings would roam earth in a physical form, just like the then humanity, and be guiding aspirants … And yet the sole Guru would remain as Sarveshvara …
  • Many Siddha’s, Rishi, etc., would be returning for guiding aspirants in a variety of paths, that make Sanatan Dharma intrinsically pluralistic yet essentially monist, and yet the sole Guru would remain as Sarveshvara …
  • Physical, subtle, divine and impressional aspects of mother nature (Maa Prakriti) would be refreshed from her current degenerate state as is during Kaliyuga … And thence become abundant, within and beyond all … There will be no need to earn, as mother nature (Ma Prakriti) would provide her then better amongst all children, that the entire humanity would also be at that time in incoming golden age cycle …
  • But since most of the world of today is unfit to enter that golden age cycle, so know for sure that a “cyclic yet mass destruction” is going to happen during the coming years of the coming few decades, that are leading this world to the inauguration of the incoming Guru Yuga … This “cyclic yet mass destruction” would only be to evict from this world, all those who are not ready to enter into that human golden age cycle, that is already standing at this worlds doorway and is only waiting the call from the Lord of of time (Mahakaal) and its pristine divinity (Mahakaali), so as to enter into this world …
  • That roar of a 330 million lions, which itself is the roar of Vedas, would begin getting heard … Soon … To some aspirants …
  • And as times would progress within that human golden age, everyone in that incoming golden age cycle, would hear that roar … Within and beyond their own microcosm’s …

I know that as of now, many would not believe above written facts …

But since time always remains as the sole proof of truth of correctness of words, so I can only say to such ones, that …

Wait till your own future generations arrive, for they would remain with no choice, but to say that this little student of the absolute being (Param Brahma), had told exactly as it was in that run-up to the Guru Yuga … And he had also correctly stated the conditions that  would be during the time of your coming generations (humanity of that Age of Sages) …


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