Law of Vedic trinity … Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh

Here we would discuss the root from where the concept of creator (Brahma), preserver (Vishnu) and Mahesh or Mahesha (destroyer or rejuvenator) came by … Here we discuss Law of Vedic trinity (Trideva Siddhanta) and where this law also happens to be the one from where many other similar concepts were originated during history …

This topic continues from the previous one which had the header of “Law of cessation of flows … Mega evolved one … Highly evolved one” …


AA) …

Regarding Mega evolved ones … Law of Vedic trinity … Trideva Siddhanta …

Here we shall discuss the mega evolved one with respect to their condition of existence (state of existence) and also discuss the categories of mega evolved ones (types of mega evolved ones) …

Here we shall only discuss the three types of mega evolved ones i.e. ones who are ceased in principles, ones who are ceased in process and ones who are ceased in laws … Thus the other two types of mega evolved ones (i.e. ones who are ceased within emptiness and ones who rest within the attributeless, shall not be discussed here) …


AA-1) …

State of existence of a mega evolved one who willingly accepts cessation …

Above painted sketch relates to this discussion and is painted as was self-realized many years back …

In above painted sketch …

  • The dark colored cord is the mega evolved one who rests in cessation of flows and dynamism
  • The diamond white colored cords are the universal etheric fields of each of the lingam shaped universes … This relates to abode of creator (Brahma Loka) which is also addressed as Sadyojata (or Sadyojata face of Brahma or Sadyojata face of Shiva) …
  • These universes are shown as elongated orb like shapes in above figure …
  • And the dull yellow color as is depicted in above painting denotes the macro-elemental earth (i.e. earth element or Bhu Mahabhuta or Prithvi Mahabhuta) … Thus, this self-realization as depicted in above future is from within the earth element (or Bhu Mahabhuta) and its sound is of Ujjayi (i.e. sound of victory over allness or simply, the Ujjayi Nada) … Ujjayi is also the sound of a great man amongst all men and gods (i.e. a Mahamanava) …
  • The reddish specs as shown at some places in above figure denotes the macrocosmic attribute of action (Rajoguna or Rajas) …
  • The non-lighted state at top of above figure denotes is denoting the root nature (Moola Prakriti), who is also addressed as Shunya Tattva (elemental nature of zeroness), Sarva Shunya (emptiness of allness) Shunya (zero) and also as Shunyata (empty nature or emptiness or voidness) …


Proceeding further …

For the benefit of other evolving microcosms and the universe (in which a mega evolved one resides at that time), the mega evolved sage accepts a cessation of flow … And thence also enters it …

This is to ensure that the world or plane of existence (i.e. Galaxy, etc.) and/or the universe (as the case may be) doesn’t get severely chaotic (due to excess of flows and dynamism that are emanated out of that mega-evolved one) or destroyed … And this is also to ensure that the evolution process can be continued in a pristine state, which itself is by rendering appropriate cyclic corrections of it, and which would be whenever these mega evolved ones would be entering into the physical worlds so as to primarily do this job …

After willingly accepting and thence a state cessation of flows and dynamism that mega evolved aspirant’s physical vehicle also dies … The death of that physical vehicle as stated here, actually is through a state where that physical vehicle evaporates due to the heat which gets generated in it and thus it vanishes from the physical worlds …

For accomplished Yogi’s who are not a mega evolved one, except for a few lifeless parts that are left behind (like nails, hair, etc.,), this vanishing of physical vehicle leaves no trace of it in the physical realms because all elements which make it, enter into emptiness (Shunyata) … But for a mega evolved one, even these parts vanish …

For most accomplished Yogi’s, this entry into emptiness is via a variety of aspects, like the ones listed below …

  • Six colored orb like Siddha body which has the sound of OM (or sound of AUM or AOM) in it …
  • As Bodhichitta which has 24 streaks of non-lightness (i.e. 24 non-lighted streaks of subtle ripples are there in Bodhichitta) … This denotes a the stage of winning over 24 elements (of Samkhya) by that Yogi …
  • As Antahkarana Chatushtaya which has only three orbs which relate to the three colors of the three macrocosmic attributes (i.e. Red color for Rajoguna, Blue color for Tamoguna and a subtle white color for Sattvaguna) … And where, eventually these three also dissolve into the non-lightness as is of emptiness and which the Yogi sees through a direct cognition …
  • And in that rare case, if that Yogi still doesn’t de-incarnate (after completion of above mentioned stages), then is the stage of self-manifestation of various Siddha bodies (Siddha Sharira) in that Yogi’s microcosm and where these Siddha bodies also get absorbed into their respective macrocosmic principals (i.e. Siddha Loka or deva Loka) and this is what makes that Yogi to walk the path of divine beings (i.e. Deva Yana, which in Buddhist lore is also called as Mahayana) … This sets that Yogi on the path of being a mega evolved one (i.e. being a Universe within Universe) who all Deva’s (divine beings and Gods) also respect …
  • And if that Yogi is really a mega evolved one, then that Yogi also subtly completes the Sadashiva Pradakshina (i.e. Circumambulation of five faces of Sadashiva or Panch Mukha Sadashiva) …

That emptiness in which the Yogi enters, is only as a state of emptiness of allness, which can also be termed as the state of voidness of allness (or Sarva Shunya) … This aspect of emptiness is also the same as that which is told as primordial zeroness (Anadi Shunya) and also as Shunya Tattva (which means as elemental state of zeroness from which the entire macrocosm and its each microcosm had originally self-originated)” …


Proceeding further …

As the Yogi’s physical body and its elements vanish, they enter into the 1st intermediary state of emptiness (i.e. emptiness of individualities) and thence also process into the 2nd intermediary state of emptiness, which as such is of a condition of emptiness of corpus (or all that is as macrocosm or any other group of aspects) …

And beyond this stage is the state of emptiness (zeroness of allness or voidness of allness) …

And after this stage, because that mega evolved Yogi doesn’t wish to enter into his (or her) final liberation, so from his etheric field, vast etheric energies condense within that emptiness and then his etheric field goes beyond the universe in whose envelopes that Yogi was residing till then …

And then after this stage, that Yogi’s etheric field hangs out of the universe and is like a dark colored cord which is still connected to the universal etheric field …

The lifeless and thus non-lighted (dark) etheric field into which that Yogi and his entire flows and dynamism transform, remains attached to the universal etheric field whilst that Yogi (who at this time is like a very large sized non-lighted etheric) is existing out of the universe in which he had evolved to his mega evolved stature within the macrocosmic hierarchies

The universal etheric is of a diamond white color … This state of universal etheric directly relates to the Sadyojata face of Sadashiva, from whom the creator deity of Vedas, i.e. Brahma, had self-originated … This diamond white color also denotes the pristine abode of creator of allness, which in Vedic lore is also termed as Brahmaloka … Prior to accomplishment of this, the aspirant also becomes the holder of the Siddha body which is called as the diamond white body (or Brahma Sharira) …

So, after self-acceptance of the state of cessation of flows and dynamism, that Yogi’s who only remains as a non-lighted etheric field of vast dimensions, hangs out of the same universe where he had attained to the status of being a mega evolved being

And where that vast non-lighted ceased-etheric state of that Yogi is also attached to the universal etheric field (i.e. the universal energy or universal vitality) within which that Yogi had attained to the state of being a mega evolved one

And once such a state is attained, that highly evolved Yogi, whom all Gods and deities also revere, can remain like this until the entire pending time span of the then creator (Brahma) of that universe …

Note: Brahma has a time span of existence of 311.040 trillion human solar years (as per middle time units of precession of equinox and these middle time units are the ones which have always been utilized in all Vedic calculations) … Brahma has a total time span of existence of 100 Brahma Years (i.e. 100 Brahma Varsha) and as of now, Brahma is in his 51st year … And where one Brahma year (i.e. Brahma Varsha) is of 3.11040 trillion human solar years (as per middle unitary value of time or Vedic time units that relate to the earth’s axial precession) … This time span of one year of Brahma (i.e. Brahma Varsha) is also the time span of one revolution of Milky way galaxy around the center of the universe, which as such is like a staff of fire that is very well described in the Vedic knowledge and has been termed as the stage of Lingodbhava


AA-2) …

Category of mega evolved one … Types of mega evolved ones … Vedic Trinity …

Note: Even when there are five types of mega evolved ones, yet in this text I have told only 3 … And with this, I would be clubbing the 2nd and 3rd types (i.e. cessation within process and cessation within laws) into one aspect in certain parts of the discussions … And due to this reason, those who are ceased in universal process (which relates to preservation or Sri Vishnu) and those who are ceased within the cosmic laws (which relates to destruction or Guru Shiva) would be told as one and the same in certain sections of this series of topics … This is because these two can be merged into one at some point of time because the large scale rejuvenative destruction (which relates to Guru Shiva) always needs preservation (which relates to Sri Vishnu) to prevent a total annihilation of the universe …

Note continues: If the act of universal preservation is not acting along with and at the time when the act of destruction happens, then the end result of this would be a total annihilation of the universe … And since I really don’t wish to be a part of knowledge which leads to suchness of large scale destruction, so within some parts of this and some later topics (when we take up the subtle aspect of origination, progress and destruction of the universes), I would be clubbing the aspect of cessation within process (which relates to universal preservation aspect of Sri Vishnu) with the aspect of cessation within laws (which relates to universal rejuvenative destruction aspect of Sri Vishnu) … And where this clubbing of the two concepts (or Preservation of Sri Vishnu and destruction of Shiva) can also be considered as their eternal union which is also told within the Vedic concept of “Harihara (i.e. Half Hari or Sri Vishnu and Half Hara or Shiva)” …


Proceeding further …

After entering into cessation and thus after the stage of being a extremely large sized etheric field which remains attached to the universe’s etheric field, these mega evolved ones eventually take over one of the following two categories …

  • 1st … Those who are ceased within principles of Makers Makings … Brahma … This is related to the act of origination (Utpatti Krityam) and thus it relates to the grandfather and creator of allness (i.e. Pitamah Brahma) … Thus, principles of Makers Makings (whose deity is Brahma) are related to the creator of allness and since principles cannot ever be known without knowledge of the process (whose deity of Sri Vishnu) and laws (whose deity of Rudra or Shiva), so Brahma’s worship was restricted by Vedic sages as relating to Brahma (i.e. the deity of principles), without prior relation to Vishnu (i.e. the deity of cosmic process) and/or Shiva (i.e. deity of cosmic laws) would only be deemed as a contravention of compliance with the requirements of real nextness (i.e. law of real next) for whose compliance (i.e. for ensuring its compliance) the Makers Makings is very firm …

And because, unless the earlier stage of process is transited through, the principles cannot ever be known, so due to this reason, Sri Vishnu is the one who is majorly associated to in the Vedic lore and which itself is to save the chances of entering on the wrong side of law of real nextness …

  • 2nd … Those who are ceased within the process of Makers Makings … Sri Vishnu … This is related to the act of preservation (Stithi Krityam) and thus it relates to Sri Vishnu (my eternal guide or eternal guru or Sanatan Guru) … The cosmic process (i.e. universal process, that is as the one process there only is) is related to Sri Vishnu and the same process is also a part of evolutionary paths … And since evolution is directly related to the Vedic Peetha (i.e. Vyasa Peetha), so is it told in Vedic lore that Sri Vishnu is the First Peethadheeshwar (i.e. first bearer of four Vedic seats of learning and path of liberation) …
  • 3rd … Those who are ceased within the laws of Makers Makings … This is the Shiva Siddhanta (Rudra Siddhanta) … I don’t wish to discuss this in detail … I say so even when I know, that in this series of topic, at some places, it would be unavoidable …


As a matter of fact …

  • Laws govern the macrocosm …
  • Process organizes it …
  • Principles are the end result …


And above is even when …

  • Shiva, who is the deity of cosmic laws, is timeless eternity, which as such is the finality of time and thus is the eternal unknown as far as knowing his fullness is concerned …
  • Sri Vishnu is the continuity of eternity in the form of cycles of time and thus is the eternal knowable yet indescribable in his fullness …
  • Brahma is the deity of principles, is the root of self-manifestation of process and laws and thus is giver of all above …

As also, since the principles came first, then came the process and then the laws to govern allness and whilst these laws rested in purviews of the principles and process and the process rested in the purviews of the principles, yet in their hierarchy, the three deities of these three aspects (i.e. principles, process and laws) are equal, because these three are the three primary self-expressions of the same attributeless infinite absolute being (i.e. Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) …


Thus, basis above …

  • Shiva (who denotes the laws and compliance to them) is having the least stature in the three (i.e. Vedic trinity) … And yet is the higher of the three because he by himself denotes eternity which as such is timeless in its beginning-less beginning and fathomless in its final endless state and within whose envelopes allness rests … Everything rests in the womb of time and thus time whose deity is Shiva, is the one within whom everything that is here or beyond, eventually rests …
  • Vishnu (who denotes the universal process) is having the middle stature in the three (i.e. Vedic trinity) … And Sri Vishnu is the only eternal guide (Sanatan Gurudeva) of all that has ever begun within the Maker’s Makings … And since, in the Vedic lore (i.e. the pluralistic monist path of macrocosmic creation), the Guru holds the higher of all stature (Guru is even higher than the deity you worship), so Sri Vishnu being the eternal guru, is told as highest and as the bearer of all the seats of evolution and liberation, that have been called as the Amnaya Peetha (or Vyasa Peetha) … And since the process of evolution is eternal, so it is also related to eternally moving wheel of time (i.e. eternally moving cycle of time or Kaalchakra) that also has three aspects, of past, present and future … So, Sri Vishnu is also the deity of the triple times (i.e. Sri Vishnu is also the deity of each moment of time that is already gone by, each ever-changeful state of the present moment of time and each moment that could ever be in any future time span) … And this is why, in depictions, Sri Vishnu is placed in the middle of the Vedic Trinity …
  • Within the Makers Makings, Brahma (who denotes the principles) is having the higher stature amongst the three (i.e. Vedic trinity) because Maker’s Makings eventually is Brahma’s creation … And yet, Brahma who denotes act of origination (Utpatti Krityam) is also denoting (and thus ensuring) the presence of his created allness within the purviews of eternity of time (i.e. finality of time whose deity of Shiva) and also within the purviews of the ever moving wheel of time (or cycle of time or Kala Chakra, whose deity of Sri Vishnu) … And this is why, Brahma has no portfolio within time … This is because, Brahma only ensures the presence of his originated macrocosm and microcosm’s within the two aspects of time, which as such are the finality of time or eternity (whose deity is Shiva as Mahakal) and the ever moving wheel of time or cycle of time (whose deity of Sri Vishnu) … Thus from the point of view of the dimension of time, to know Brahma, the pre-requisite of knowing the cycle of time and final eternal nature of time can never be avoided … It was also due to this reason, that Vedic sages had restricted the worship of Brahma …


Thus, basis above …

During the undefined and thus eternal existence of the macrocosm and every microcosm, following is what remains applicable …

  • During the entire evolutionary process … No microcosm can ever miss its relation to Sri Vishnu (because Sri Vishnu being the deity of eternal cycle of time or Kaal Chakra) is also the deity of the triple times, i.e. each past, each ever changeful present and each future … And even after dissolution, the macrocosm only ends up merging to Sriman Narayana (i.e. Sri Vishnu) …

And in that final dissolution which is termed as the state of great dissolution of allness (or Mahapralaya), Sriman Narayana is also in his utter formless state as zero infinite (i.e. the zero which is infinite or Shunya Ananta) which simultaneously also is as infinite zero (i.e. infinite which itself is zero or Ananta Shunya) … And this is why, Sri Vishnu  has ever been and would ever be as the primary deity of every path of evolution that ever manifests across the eternally moving and thus ever-changeful triplicity of times … And this is why, I address Sri Vishnu as the eternal guide (Sanatan Gurudeva) …

  • During the end state of the path of final liberation … No microcosm can ever miss its relation to Shiva, who denotes eternal auspiciousness and is also as the final Guru (or Param Guru or supreme Guru) of all that has ever begun and thence has rested within the Makers Makings … In that finality of path of liberation, Shiva has always been and would ever be as the final deity … And this is why, Vedic lore also says, that after the macrocosmic creation was self-originated out of Brahma, Sri Vishnu had requested Shiva’s presence within the macrocosm and which itself is due to the fact, that, without Shiva, there can never be a relation to eternity … Without relation to eternity, there also cannot be a final liberation (i.e. Kaivalya Moksha, which means as a full, final and permanent isolation from all that is as Makers Makings and her each part and which also denotes a state of going beyond the entirety of Makers Makings) … And this is why, I address Lord Shiva as supreme guide (Param Gurudeva) …

And then Shiva obliged by self-manifesting himself in all aspects that were discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT eventually became” and additionally, Shiva also self manifested himself as a Lingam (i.e. a Shiva Linga) … The Sanskrit word Lingam or Linga means symbol … And with Shiva also came three aspects of Shakti (i.e. three aspects of pristine divinity), that were of divinity of knowledge (Gyan Shakti), divinity of consciousness (Chetan Shakti) and divinity of pristine activity (Kriya Shakti) …

These three divinities that came with Shiva flooded the macrocosm and ultimately were present within an omnipresent state … And since these three divinities also relate to the absolute auspiciousness, so this is why the Sanskrit word Shiva was chosen for naming that divine being who came into the macrocosm upon the request of Sri Vishnu, because this word (of Shiva) only means “pristine auspiciousness” which itself is related to his three primary divinities …

And where Shakti (divinity) in her three aspects as discussed above (three divinities) also came with Shiva because of the fact as stated below …

Shakti is Shiva … Shiva is Shakti … Shiva Shakti are the same Absolute being

Those who thus know Shiva and Shakti, really know Him as Her and Her as Him

One who thus knows, goes beyond genders & variations of forms and non-forms

Such ones who go beyond this primary hierarchy of genders, are liberated

  • The macrocosm and each microcosm, who itself is a creation of Brahma, can never miss its relationship to Brahma … However since Brahma is neither related to the eternal nature of time (i.e. finality of time) not to the eternal cycle of time (or wheel of time of Kalchakra), so no microcosm ever needs to worship Brahma for continuing within the process of evolution nor is Brahma’s worship needed for attaining the state of final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) …

This is because the deity of the path of evolution is Sri Vishnu who denotes the Process of Makers Makings and the deity of the final liberation is Shiva, who denotes the laws of Makers Makings … And this is also the reason, that in this series of topics on principles process and laws of Makers Makings, I have restricted the knowledge of principles (which as such are related to Brahma) to a bare minimum …

And yet since the process and laws are eventually related to the principles of Makers Makings, whose deity is none other than Brahma, so even when nobody would worship Brahma, yet because the end result of the path of process and laws (i.e. path of worship of Sri Vishnu and Shiva respectively) is none other than a knowledge of their governing principles (whose deity is Brahma), so in the end stage of evolution, that aspirant would definitely self-realize Brahma (creator and grandfather of allness) and that too in his own pristine world (i.e. Brahma Loka) and which in Shaiva Lore’s (i.e. paths that relate to Paramguru Shiva) is also addressed as Sadyojata face of Shiva


Proceeding further …

As also, since in reality, principles are the governing entities of process and laws, so even when nobody would worship Brahma (i.e. deity of cosmic principles), yet because the relationship of an evolving aspirant (or any other microcosm) is always there to the universal process and also to the cosmic laws, so an indirect relationship is always maintained to the cosmic principles (and thus a relation is always there to Brahma because Brahma itself is the deity of principles) …

And this is also why, Vedic sages had restricted the worship of Brahma (because it anyways would be maintained as long as any aspirant is resting within the creation of Brahma, i.e. the Makersmakings) …


AA-3) …

No aspirant can miss a mega evolved one during the path of final liberation …

Since a mega evolved one is the one who has already exited out of the universe and thence only exists as flowless etheric which is also attached to the etheric of the universe, so as an aspirant evolves and thence attains his (or her) ripeness and rightness to escape out of the universe, then that aspirant would always travel within the same diamond white colored universal etheric field (which is the only path to escape from or exit out of the universe) and this is where such an aspirant would always see (self-realize) and may even begin associating to (relating to) these mega evolved ones who rest out of that universe and exist as vast sized non-lighted etheric fields …

Thus, no evolving aspirant who attains to the requisite ripeness and rightness of evolutionary standing to exit out of the universe, can ever miss the self-realization of mega evolved ones who are attached to (or unioned to) that universe’s etheric fields (in which the aspirant resides at that time when he or she evolutionarily qualifies to exit out of the universe) …


BB) …

Concept of Great Leap … Giant Leap … Supersonic evolution … Its results and consequences …

Here we shall discuss the ‘giant leap of evolution or great leap of evolution” … This is an age old concept, which due to the effects of the present underway degenerate age cycle (or Kaliyuga) is already forgotten …

The mega evolved one who rests in cessation of flows, also rests within the zero infinite (i.e. Shunya Ananta), which itself is the infinite zero (Ananta Shunya) … This state is also termed as Shunya Brahman in this text and which also means as that “zero which is full (fullness of zeroness) and which simultaneously also is the infinite which is zero (zeroness of infinity)” and which also means as the state where “emptiness is full and simultaneously it also is denoting the state where fullness is empty’ …

When any aspirant who is not resting within an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to enter into ‘zero infinite (i.e. Shunya Ananta) that by itself is the infinite zero (Ananta Shunya)’ and is told as Shunya Brahman in this text, then that state of evolution which gets arrived after this, is a great leap of evolution (or a giant leap of evolution) …

Such aspirants stay within that zero infinite which itself is infinite zero, is temporary … And thus, such aspirants always return back to the same state from where they had started off (prior they entered into those supersonic paths of evolution, that relate to the attainment of this concept of great leap of evolution or giant leap of evolution) …


Proceeding further …

These are those aspirants who enter ‘zeroity of infinity and infinite zeroity’ even when these aspirants are not ready within their ‘evolutionary real nextness’ to enter this state of ‘zeroity of infinity and infinite zeroity’ …

And where these aspirants just enter into cessation while these unqualified aspirants are just following a wise aspirant who is to enter (or is already entering) into this state (or zero infinity, infinite zeroness) …

Note: Thus, basis above, all concepts which relate to statements like, such and such wise one (greater evolved one) would come and take so many (or such number) of aspirants with him, are naught but untrue as they all relate to the same compliance to the law of real next (or evolutionary process) … Thus, all those religions who say that their greater one would be doing suchness, are sadly going to be very sad in future because of the fact, that no highly evolved being would ever contravene the requirements of principles, process and laws of Makers Makings …


Proceeding further …

Thus, even when these aspirants are not evolutionarily ready to enter cessation, yet they manage to enter into that state of cessation with another wise aspirant …

And where this non readiness to enter a state of cessation of flows is also reflected within the impressions (Samskara) that reside within the consciousness orbs of the causal body (i.e. Antahkarana) of such aspirants (who have entered into this state of ‘Giant Leap’) …

But for such aspirants, their stay within that state of cessation is a pretty temporary affair because such aspirants invariably return back to the same state existence from where they had undergone the great leap …

The same is also applicable to attainment of any higher state of evolution, including but limited till the one which is told as Shunya Brahman (i.e. zero infinite, infinite zero or in other words, Shunya Anantah, Ananta Shunyah) … If any unqualified aspirant somehow manages to attain that higher state for which that aspirant is still not evolutionary ready, then that is also considered as a giant leap of evolution and which invariably would lead to a return back of that aspirant to the same state of evolutionary existence from where that aspirant had taken that great leap of evolution …

Even when within this topic, the great leap is discussed it from the point of view of Shunya Ananta, Ananta Shunya (i.e. zeroness of infinity and infiniteness of zeroness), yet this discussion is applicable to all higher evolutionary standings, including of cessation of flows (which as such is the main header of this topic) …


Reason for a giant leap …

Each higher knowledge and each aspect of higher (or esoteric) knowledge must only be provided (i.e. given or told or disclosed) to those who are appropriate vessels for it and this is why, the wise have always followed this aspect (and this was also discussed in the earlier topic of law of wise one) …

But during the history of Makers Makings, there have been cases where some aspirants who were not evolutionary ready, managed to gain that knowledge and also managed spontaneously attain to its finality …

This is what leads to a an evolutionary condition that in this discussion is termed as the giant leap (or great leap) …

This condition of giant leap (or great leap) of evolution can arrive in any of the following cases …

  • When an aspirant who is not evolutionary ready, attains that knowledge through the words of wise, which the wise is telling to the deserving aspirants … To prevent this state, the holders of such knowledge systems have always tried to remain in isolation from the deviated sounds of human civilizations and their societies and whilst believing, that the deserving ones would anyways find them (i.e. the evolutionary ready aspirants would anyways reach the wise one) … This is the concept from where the statement which is told as “When the student is ready, the master shall appear” comes from …
  • When a wise inadvertently discloses it to an undeserving and which may be due to any of the reasons, like Karuna (compassion), Daya (pity), Mamta (motherly or elderly love), Samta (equanimity), etc., which any of the wise ones always have …

To prevent this, the Vedic sages never told things directly … They only referred to the thing which was told by them … Thus, even Brahman is never described in Vedas as IT (Brahman) is only referred to in Vedic knowledge systems …

And this is also why, the following (as written below) which was told by such self-realized, all-realized Vedic sages, also becomes as a matter of fact …

Those who know IT and believe they know IT fully … Are not the knower’s of IT

Those who have known IT and yet believe they don’t know IT … Really know IT

Thus basis above,

Those who directly cognized IT, tell about IT … But only as far as they know IT

Those who have not known IT, keep blabbering about IT’s ITs’ness … Endlessly


Note: In above statement, IT means Brahm (Brahman) and that too in IT’s attributeless infinite state (i.e. Nirguna Nirakara Awastha) … Thus, the word IT as stated above, only relates to Nirguna Nirakara Brahman

Note continues: Remember above stated facts, as far as listening to (or attaining to or learning) the knowledge of IT (Parabrahman) is concerned … These stated facts would assist you in knowing who really knows IT, and who doesn’t … And based on above stated facts and thence upon your further deeper observations, you would be surprised, that during present times, majority of those who talk about IT (Para Brahman) and/or portray themselves as knower’s of IT (Param Brahma), have not even known IT through their direct cognitions … In fact, majority of today’s teachers, are not even in an evolutionary closeness what is needed for knowing IT (Parambrahma) …

  • The aspirant (including those in subtle realms) follow (i.e. get inwardly attached to) a mega evolved one who at that time is entering into cessation of flows and thus some undeserving aspirants also end up in cessation of flows and dynamism
  • When the one to whom the wise one had disclosed, ends up disclosing it to others, then also these other aspirants can attain to the same evolutionary condition as is of the giant leap or great leap of evolution … Thus, self-realized, all-realized Vedic sages never render knowledge to undeserving ones (or ones who have still not attained the requisite evolutionary ripeness and rightness to attain that knowledge) …
  • When some larger number of aspirants are evolutionary ready to enter into a state of liberation (or even in cases where a certain larger number of aspirants of a world or plane of existence are evolutionarily ready to exit into a higher state of evolution), then the plane of existence in whose middle resides that same “zero infinity, infinite zeroness” can also give way to these aspirants to enter into that zero infinity, infinite zero (or a higher state of evolution) … And with such aspirants, some other ones who are not evolutionary ready, could also enter into that zero infinite, infinite zero (or a higher state of evolution, as the case may be) and where their entry would also come under purviews of being none other than a giant leap or great leap of evolution … It was due to prevent such a condition, that those who are evolutionary ready, invariably decide to enter into isolation from the sounds of human civilizations of that time … And this itself was the reason for installation of the Vedic Ashrama concept of Vanaprastha (leaving the family and thence proceeding into wilderness) and the concept of Sannyasa (final stage of life which relates to an isolation from all) …


BB-1) …

Role of mega evolved ones in granting final liberation to deserving aspirants …

When certain number of aspirants are evolutionary ready to exit out of the physical and/or the subtle and/or the causal and/or the impressional realms and where this readiness is also visible within the subtle seed like impressions (Samskara) that reside within the consciousness orbs (Chitta) of the causal bodies (i.e. Karana Sharira or Antahkarana or Anandamaya Kosha) of such a group aspirants, then at such a time and for a very short time, the divinities of the plane of existence (like a Galaxy, etc.,) where the world on which such aspirants reside, render the path of exit for such a group of aspirants … A subtle example of this was discussed in the earlier topic of cosmic conjunctions (see section DD of that earlier topic) …

At such a time, a mega evolved one always enters that world … But for such a job, that mega evolved one may not necessarily be physically manifested (or incarnated) upon that world because such a mega evolved one can also enter that plane of existence (Galaxy, etc.) as a ceased non-lighted etheric which connects itself to the central non-lighted part of the plane of existence …

And through this connection, that mega evolved one absorbs such aspirants impressions and thence transports them to their deserving beyond-state of evolution or if these aspirants are evolutionary ready to enter into their finally liberated state (i.e. Kaivalya or Moksha or Nirvana, call it whatever you want) then that that mega evolved one can even render for them, the path of final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha or Nirvana, call it whatever you want) …

Such aspirant who evolutionarily qualify to attain to the final liberation, always self-realize emptiness (Shunyata) and thence the Shunya Brahman (i.e. fullness of emptiness and emptiness of fullness) prior their final liberation which itself is within the self realization of the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakaar Brahman) …

But irrespective of what is told above, the mega evolved one can also arrive into the the physical realms and where such entries of mega evolved ones are always through the path of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit texts is also termed as taking birth through Parkaya Pravesh and which in English texts is also called as being born through a virgin birth) … Such ones also don’t get born out of the womb of a physically present mother of the physical realms as they are evolutionarily beyond the stage of taking such a birth (from the womb of a physically present mother on the world where these mega evolved ones enter) …

Thus, prior to that stage time of opening up of planes for giving way to the ones who are ready, one or another highly evolved aspirant always ends up arriving upon (entering into) each world of the planes of existences which are due for this opening up … And where this entry is not necessarily of a physical form (as it can also be in a subtle form) …

But if a mega evolved one arrives (instead of highly evolved aspirant, as discussed in above paragraph), then the same mega evolved one can project himself (or herself) across all such planes (which are getting due to open up so as to provide the path of liberation or higher evolutionary standing to the deserving aspirants) and also project himself (or herself) across all their gross and subtle realms prior the mass liberation takes place … Ad these entries are also to ensure absence of giant leaps during such mass liberations upon those planes (which open up to render the path of liberation (Mukti Marg) to deserving ones who reside upon those planes and/or their worlds) …


BB-2) …

Giant leaps always happen during mass evictions and mass liberations that cyclically keep happening within each world …

These times when there are mass liberations in a world, are also the times when chances of great leap (or giant leap of evolution) are very high because along with the ones who would be liberated (i.e. emancipated), some other other aspirants who are not evolutionary ready, could also enter into their liberated states …

Note: At the time when I write this topic, this world system is already standing on the doorway of that time and situations, where mass evictions would be starting to liberate those who are evolutionary ready and also grant the paths to those who are evolutionarily ready to enter into one or another higher realm of existence … This would also be a time of chaos, as mass evictions on a lower world like this one, would not merely be through peaceful or blissful means especially for those humans, who are not resting within the Ashrama’s of Vanaprastha and Sanyasa …


Proceeding further …

But even when above is true, yet such non-ready aspirants who end up in that mega evolved etheric (of a mega evolved one) would ultimately get stuck within that mega evolved etheric field and thus, such aspirants would never go beyond that vast etheric fields of the mega evolved one …

And because such aspirants are not evolutionarily ready, so ultimately after some time of stay within the vast sized etheric of that mega evolved one, they would be returning back to the same state of evolution, from where they had last left during their earlier giant leap …


Proceeding further …

This state of entering into a great leap of evolution (i.e. giant leap) is something  like the condition when you enter a room, then the micro-organisms that are attached to your body (or clothes) and thus are not your physical vehicle that is entering that room, also end up entering that room …

The same is the condition within any giant leap of evolution, where the ones who are not evolutionarily ready, also end up proceeding beyond the universe by attaching themselves (i.e. inwardly attaching themselves) to the one (or a group of such ones) who are evolutionarily ready to go beyond the universe or even go beyond the entirety of allness of Makers Makings

But such attached souls ultimately get stuck within one or another of those mega evolved etherics (or those mega evolved ones) who are resting out of the universe and whilst they remain attached to the etheric of the same universe within which they had attained to their mega evolved statures within the cosmic hierarchy


Proceeding further …

As also a fact, that, this Giant leap can happen in all states, except that of Samadhi (i.e. Yogic absorptions or simply, the state of meditative absorption) …

Thus, during the state of a Yogic Samadhi (i.e. Yogic meditative absorption) the giant leap can never take place …

And this is why the Yoga Tantra (i.e. the process of Yoga or systems of Yoga) of all that relates Sanatana Dharma, has always concentrated on paths that lead to Samadhi (Yogic absorption) because within such a path, the Yogi can never become the reason for giant leap of any other aspirant …


Proceeding further …

And as a matter of fact, most of the paths (and scriptures, etc.,) that came by during those last “almost 9000 years” of sleep of the great grandmother of all philosophies (where this sleep time also began around 6990 BC, +/- 2.7 years) ultimately relate to this Giant leap where their adherents await someone who would take them into their finally liberated state (which mostly is a specific heaven of that belief) …

And this aspect is even more so in individualistic (monotheistic) beliefs because the end time concepts of all such beliefs, ultimately refer to a Giant leap (or supersonic evolution) only …


BB-3) …

Mediumship is only from those who have undergone a giant leap …

Those aspirants (or etherics of those aspirants) who pass through the giant leap ultimately get stuck (ceased) within the vast non-lighted etheric field of the mega evolved one who is resting out of the universe (as a ceased etheric field) and that too whilst that mega evolved one also remains attached to the etheric field of universe (as shown in above painted sketch) …

Thus, even when some evolutionarily unqualified aspirants who enter into their own Giant leaps may manage to escape out of the entire universe where they were residing till then, but after their great leap they would only end up getting ceased within the state of cessation of flows that exists inside the vast non-lighted etheric of the mega evolved one … And due to this reason, the aspirants who take the giant leap would also be unable to travel any further that the etheric of that mega evolved one …

And within that etheric of a mega evolved one, these aspirants (who also would reach their etheric like state only) would also get ceased and so would their evolutionary process also get temporarily ceased, until they again return back to the same state of evolution, from where they had taken their great leap of evolution …


Proceeding further …

And because such ceased etherics of unready aspirants (i.e. aspirants who are not evolutionary ready to rest in cessation) cannot continue till eternity within their ceased states, because they would want some flows and dynamism within them … This want of some flows and dynamism is due to the fact, that if they don’t attain such flows and dynamism, they they would completely dissolute after some longer time of rest within their ceased states (and whilst they rest within the ceased etheric of that mega evolved one who rests out of the universe and whilst that mega evolved ceased etheric is also attached to the same universe within which it had evolved to its mega evolved stature) …

This want is what leads to commencement of the mediumship by the ceased etherics of those aspirants, who though have taken their giant leaps and thus have managed to enter into their state of cessation of flows and dynamism, yet they actually are not evolutionary ready to enter into (or rest in) a state where their etheric field can stay in a ceased condition of flows and dynamism …

And due to this nonness of evolutionary readiness, all such aspirants who enter into that giant leap and thus become as ceased etheric fields even prior they are evolutionary ready, need to adopt the path of mediumship with other animate beings who reside within that same universe from where they had undergone (or taken) their giant leap of evolution …

This is the main reason for mediumship across faiths that we see now a days … And this also means, that mediumship can only happen through a giant leap … Unless there is a giant leap taken by an aspirant, that aspirant can never be the source of any mediumship …

As a matter of fact, all those believed greater ones on whose names any type of mediumship have ever happened, are those who had earlier on taken their giant evolutionary leap …

And since the aspirant who rests within this state of giant leap is not a fully liberated one, so no source of any mediumship can ever be leading to anyone’s final liberation …

As also, since the source of any mediumship is incapable to render the path of final liberation, so it also cannot comply to the requirements of the original desire of each microcosm, which as such was the desire to “be liberated” … Thus, due to this reason, invariably from the sources of such giant leaps do the imaginary concepts of getting liberated (get liberated) originate …

When the one who takes the giant leap is still not fully liberated, then what liberation or path of liberation can such ignorant one grant to anybody else … And if humanity follows such paths, then cycles of peace and chaos is what would get manifested in that world where such imaginary concepts come by …


Note: And this is exactly what has been happening in this world during the last few millenniums that have passed, after the recent religions which mostly relate to this giant leap, came by … All concepts which relate to one or another of those messiahs, prophets, etc., coming by to this world, are also related to those beings who earlier on had taken the giant leap as is discussed here … Thus, in no way and by no means, does a prophet, messiah, etc., denote an Avatar as told in Vedic Sanskrit lore’s … None of these recent religious concepts are even close to what liberation actually means … Thus, even when they have used the same word liberation in their texts, their stated liberation is not even close to what actually is as the finality that is beyond the entire evolutionary existence of all that is as macrocosm and microcosm …


Proceeding further …

Within the process of mediumship, the ceased etheric of the ones who have taken the giant leap, attaches itself to some aspirants who reside in the same world from there these aspirants (i.e. unready aspirants who had entered into the giant leap) had entered into their cessation of flows …

When the ones who had taken a giant leap and whilst these ones rest within the totally ceased etheric of a mega evolved one, attach themselves to the etheric fields of some animate aspirants, then they derive their flows and dynamism even when they are still resting within the ceased etheric field of that mega evolved one …

Unless this part of mediumship is undergone by such aspirants of the great leap, their etherics would get permanently ceased of flows and dynamism and thus they would only end up returning back to their inertial states (i.e. state of inert matter or inertial mass) and thence would have to re-begin and re-start within the evolutionary process, all over again and from scratch …

But because above start from scratch goes against what was discussed within the principle of eternal evolution, so it also cannot happen (as the macrocosmic creation would never allow a non compliance to her principles, process and laws) … And this is why such aspirants also remain with no choice but to enter into mediumship with other animate beings who reside upon the same or lower world from where they had taken their giant leap earlier on … And where the mediumship also continues until they are again born within the same world, from where they had taken their giant leap, earlier on …

Note: The concept of second coming and mediumship that currently is taking place whilst being based upon this concept, is also a proof the there being a giant leap by the one who would be returning back during his second coming … The same is of ever return that is prophesized in any religion which doesn’t hold the concept of an Avatara (i.e. a direct descent of the absolute being and that too in a human form) …

Note continues: But at the same time, due to such ones (who had taken their giant leap) resting in a much higher state of evolution (as is of the ceased etheric field of the mega evolved one), so mediumship of such ones are also very powerful as far as rendering freedom from sufferings are concerned  … But yet because the source of such a mediumship is not yet liberated, so they don’t have capability to grant the final liberation to their adherents … As also, since the final liberation is for what existence started in the first place, so due to this reason, mediumship is not meeting this primary requirement of existence and evolution of any microcosm and this is why, it is useless to be associated to any kind of mediumship …


Proceeding further …

If an aspirant is not ready to enter into a cessation and yet enters into a state of cessation, then such an aspirant always needs mediumship of other animate beings and which itself is to ensure that a complete cessation of its etheric flows doesn’t happen and which in turn prevents that further state where that ceased etheric of the one in giant leap, would get completely dissoluted, and which in turn would lead to a dissolution of all its earlier merits (Karma and Karma Phala) … This would lead to a state where that aspirant would turn absolutely inertial as far as its evolutionary existence is concerned …

Thus, due to this reason, I neither believe in any of the mediums or their source of mediumship … This is as none of these sources of mediumship are coming in the category of being the greater ones within the cosmic hierarchy …

Contrary to what many others may believe about these mediums and the primary or secondary source of mediumship (which they may even call as a God or angel), I know that the source of each mediumship is naught but that aspirant who had taken the great leap and thence that aspirant had also managed to enter into a state of cessation of flows and dynamism, which itself was prior that aspirant was evolutionarily ready to do so … What use is associating to such ones, is what needs to be pondered upon especially in the light of the fact, that none of these sources of mediumship have ever had or could ever have the capability to comply to the original desire of each microcosm, and which as such was as the desire to “be liberated” … As a matter of fact, that which cannot grant that final liberation which relates to the original desire, is useless to be associated to even on a short term basis …


Proceeding further …

The etherics of ones who have undergone the Giant leap, continue to attract the aspirants who reside upon the world or plane of existence from where this ‘Great Leap’ took place or even in the planes which are lower than the planes where these aspirants had taken the ‘Giant leap or the Great Leap’…

This attracting nature of these abandoned etherics (of the ones who have taken the giant leap) is the primary cause of mediumship that are seen within any world in the name of any of the greater ones … And this path of mediumship also leads to manifestation of dual-personalities within some aspirants who either refer to them (and thus attract them) or detest from them (and thus in this case also, they attract them) … Thus, one must neither attach to or reject any of the sources of mediumship …


Proceeding further …

If an aspirant has still not ended up going past the law of cause and effect and thus is still resting within the purviews of the principle of dependent origination, ends up entering into cessation of flows, then such aspirants also end up continuing within the other principles, process and laws of Makers Makings, which in turn makes them continue within the law of flows and dynamism and the law of non-sameness, that in turn needs them to be ever changeful, including the changes which must also be within their flows and dynamism …

And since within the state of cessation of flows and dynamism, above is not possible to be maintained in a natural way, so it is due to this reason that such aspirants who take the giant leap of evolution and thus enter into the state of cessation of flows, ultimately need flows so as to save themselves from getting dissoluted …

And the better of ways that are available in such a condition, is to become the source of mediumship for other aspirants because after this condition, these ceased etherics of the one who had taken a giant leap, would be able to derive their necessary flows and dynamism, from the aspirants which connect to them (i.e. their ceased etherics) whilst believing these ones (i.e. ones who had taken the giant leap) to be a God or a greater being of their faiths …

But in reality, the source of all such mediumship is none other than one of those aspirants who had inadvertently taken that giant leap … And since these aspirants are neither any God nor the wise ones nor even those sages who rest in their liberated states, so all such mediumship never lead to the final liberation …

No sage who is liberated can ever be a source of mediumship … This is because, a fully liberated sage doesn’t even need such relationship to any other microcosm due to that sage resting in Kaivalya Moksha (i.e. a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part and also resting in isolation from all concepts of all paths) …

No God can ever be a source of such mediumship, because such a God of final liberation is also free of entering into suchness of puppetry with evolving aspirants …

Thus, all such mediumship and their believers (including the puppets of the process of such mediumship) ultimately never reach their final liberation …

And this is even when, they may gain some material or even some immaterial benefits from that mediumship and its source (which as such is none other than an aspirant who comes under the purviews of process of Giant leap) …

As also is a matter of fact, that, all sources of these mediumship would ultimately be getting born in the physical realms so as to continue within their respective evolutionary existence and that too, where this continuity would also be right from the same state (or condition) which was when they had last left (their evolutionary process) due to taking the giant leap of evolution …


Continues …

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