In this topic we shall discuss Khakaar Naad or the sound of Kha (or Kh of Sanskrit language) and where this sound also denotes Maa Adi Parashakti as Maa Sita, who herself is Yoga Maya, Yoga Mata and Yogeshwari within her state of being the Param Yogini inside the aspirant and that too whilst she is as the Pot of consciousness (or in other words, the Chetan Kalash or Amrit Kalash) that rises up to the 8th plexus …
LL-1 … State of self realization of Sound of Kha or Khakaar Naad …
When the white pot of lighted butter or the consciousness pot (which in previous topics has also been termed as Chetan Kalash) which itself is the pot of nectar (in this text, the pot of nectar is also termed as Amrit Kalash) that is eternally present in each aspirants microcosm (or physical vehicle) finally goes beyond the four petalled 8th plexus then a very strange sound is heard … This sound is of the Sanskrit letter of Kh (or Kha) …
LL-2 … Khakaar Naad … Sound of Kha … Sound of Maa Adi Parashakti …
The self realization of above mentioned state and sound denotes and leads to the following …
- This sound denotes that the aspirants innermost nectar (or consciousness pot) has merged to the vast fathomless nectar (or consciousness) of the Maker’s Makings … And since the Maker’s Makings are none other than being a self expressed, self manifested self presence of the same Absolute Being (Brahman), so such an aspirant is also no other than the same and is just like a drop of nectar of consciousness gets non-dually merged to the vast timeless, fathomless, realizable yet indescribable ocean of nectar of consciousness (Chidakash or Amrit Akash), which itself is the Absolute being …
- Above realization also denotes that such an aspirant has already arrived at an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to return back the entire subtle impressional macrocosmic creation (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) to the same Maker’s Makings in which that aspirant’s microcosm resides … This subtle impressional macrocosmic creation (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Awastha of Brahmand) is that which has ever been present within the aspirant and that too, ever since the aspirant had originally begun as a microcosm within the supreme genius of the Maker’s Makings, many (uncountable) mega-eons (or Mahayuga) ago …
- Such an aspirant has already arrived at an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to walk the last last path (i.e. the last pathless partless path), alone, so as to be finally free of allness and her each part … Thus after the macrocosmic states which are present in the aspirants microcosm are returned back to their respective macrocosmic principal states, then that aspirant also begins independently transiting the final path (i.e. last pathless partless path), alone and freed of the hold of entirety of Maker’s Makings …
- Thus such an aspirant is the one who eventually qualifies to exit out of allness and her each part, but after the subtle macrocosmic states which are present within the aspirant have already merged to their respective greater macrocosmic principals …
- This is the sound of Maa Adi Parashakti who itself is the divinity (Shakti) of eighth chakra … Thus this sound denotes the Naad or Shabd of Maa Adi Parashakti, or in other words, the Nada Brahman is also one of those many aspects of Maa Adi Parashakti (or Devi Adi Parashakti) …
LL-3 … Characteristic of Sound of Kha …
When this sound is initially heard after the white pot of lighted butter exits out of the 8th plexus (or Niralambasthana) for the first time (as is depicted in above painting), then this sound is also found to be like clouds are coughing a pleasant yet thunderous sound of Kh (or Sanskrit syllable of Kha) …
LL-4 … Khakaar Naad and the subtle Yogic conquest of dimension of direction (i.e. Disha Ayaam) …
In earlier topics we have already discussed that the white pot of lighted butter goes out of the four petalled lotus of the 8th plexus (or Niralamba Chakra) for three and half times …
And during each of those three full transits (of the white pot of lighted butter) and when this white pot is resting in a state which is beyond the 8th plexus, the same Khakaar Naad (or Sound of Samskrit syllable of Kha) of our current discussion, is heard three times …
Thus an aspirant hears this sound three times during each of the three exits of the white pot beyond the Ashtama Chakra or 8th plexus (and thus a total of 9 times is this sound heard during the three full transits of the consciousness pot beyond the crown plexus) …
And during the half exit of the white pot, this sound is heard only once …
Thus in total, during the entire process of transit of the white pot for three and half times beyond the 8th plexus, the sound of our discussion is heard for a total of 10 times … i.e. 3 + 3 + 3 + 1 = 10 …
This number i.e. 10 also denotes a subtle Yogic conquest over all of the ten primary directions as are stated below …
- North …
- Northeast …
- East …
- Southeast …
- South …
- Southwest …
- West …
- Northwest …
- Nadir …
- Zenith …
Proceeding further …
And since the subtle Yogic conquest over these ten primary directions also denotes a conquest over the entire macrocosmic dimension of direction (i.e. Ayaam or dimension of directions of Disha or simply that dimension which also denote the direction or paths of evolution which would be discussed in a later topic of Chatush Ayaam) so this state only denotes a conquest over allness of paths of evolution (i.e. conquest over all directions and their directional approaches or paths of evolutions or in other words, all religions) …
Due to this reason such a Yogi is the one who could be termed thus …
Having read none, Yet knowing all
And due to the subtle Yogic conquest over these ten primary directions, he is also the one who has no directional approach (i.e. he believes in no fixed path of evolution) …
Above itself is due to the fact that he is only resting in the omnidirectional truth (i.e. Brahman) because he already knows the basis fact as is stated below …
All paths eventually lead to the same final home (i.e. Supreme being)
Thus due to above, such an aspirant could be described thus …
One who relates to all the paths of evolution, yet holds attachment to none
Thus due to above reasons such a Yogi has no religion other than the final realizable yet indescribable truth (i.e. Attributeless Infinite being (who in Vedas and Yoga is also addressed as Parabrahman) …
And his path is also not based upon texts, for he knows that the greatest scripture of the creator itself is his own microcosm (i.e. physical vehicle and subtler vehicles which reside within the physical vehicle itself are the greatest scripture of the creator) …
He only relates to the greatest scripture i.e. his physical and subtler vehicles, which for him are none other than a divinely written scripture of creator itself and through which ever other scripture of history was told and/or written and/or distributed by anyone who was macrocosmically chosen to do so …
And due to this reason, irrespective of what political, social, economic, religious and intellectual hierarchy is held by anyone, he calls a spade a spade …
He is the lone ranger who fearlessly walks all the divine macrocosmic fields, without pride and prejudice as he holds none to himself due to already gone beyond foolishness of suchness …
His path and end of path are the same final attributeless infinite Absolute being (i.e. Brahman) that he himself knows to be none other than his own innermost essence (i.e. His own innermost essence or innermost essential nature or Atman) …
His path is based upon the pristine divinity of the highest knowledge-conscious-activity principles (i.e. Jnana, Chetan and Kriya Shakti) all of which are of the supremely auspicious being (i.e. Shiva) to whom he has non-dually united and thus become one with Shiva (i.e. supremely auspicious one) …
And since Shiva itself is Shakti, so he is also non-dually unioned to Maa Shakti …
Due to above stated reasons, the self realization of Khakaar Naad (Sound of Kha) is a proofs that the aspirant shall shortly be entering into the final path of liberation i.e. the path of supreme isolation from allness and her each part (or in other words, the state of Kaivalya Moksha) …
LL-5 … Khakaar Naad and Ramayana from a Yogic point of view …
This conquest over 10 primary macrocosmic directions also subtly denotes the same as that which was told in Vedic history text of Ramayana, as “Bhagwan Raam winning over the ten headed Demon King Ravana and his entire kingdom …
From a Yogic inward point of view, both Lord Rama and the Demon King Ravana are present inside each aspirant … Lord Rama denotes the better half of righteousness and Ravana (Demon King) denotes the aspects of unrighteousness … Thus basis this, that Yogi who through the transit of the Eighth chakra ends up winning over the demon King Ravana (i.e. unrighteousness, which also subtly resides within each Yogi’s microcosm), only ends up entering into the path of Lord Raam (or in other words, the path of Dharma or righteousness that is beyond comparison) …
This is the accomplishment that is arrived at after self realization of Khakaar Naad of our current discussion …
LL-6 … Khakaar Naad, Ramayana and Sita Maa entering into the womb of earth … But from a Yogic point of view …
Ramayana states that after Lord Raam returned back to his kingdom and was crowned as King, his wife Maa Bhagwati Sita entered into the state of “absorption inside the womb of earth (i.e. Bhu Samadhi)” so as to prove her chastity for the time she stayed with the demon king Ravana and in his demonic kingdom …
And because both Lord Raam and Maa Bhagwati Sita are present inside each aspirant, so from a Yogic point of view this is how it happens …
After the white pot of lighted butter transits the 8th plexus for three and half times, then it returns back to the crown plexus …
After this the white pot of lighted butter stops at the third eye plexus … At this state the Agyarandra (or the secret crevice of the third eye plexus) is self realized by that Yogi … This secret crevice is discussed in a later topic and with a painted sketch of same which interested aspirants can utilize as a reference …
After this the white pot returns back to the Guru Chakra (i.e. the plexus of Guru Tattva) which is located at the top of palate … At this stage, the Guru Chakra is self realized by an aspirant … This plexus is not discussed as my eternal guide (Sanatan Gurudeva Sriman Naaraayana) had told that he is temporarily (i.e. for the current transmigrated incarnation) taking away the Guru Tattva (i.e. essence by which an aspirant can be a Guru of others) from me and thus he told me that I cannot be the Guru to anyone … And he said that this Guru Tattva shall be activated in the Peethadheeshwar of Aamnaya Peetha (s) instead and thus they would be doing the job, which I was supposed to do in this transmigrated incarnation … Transmigrated incarnation means an incarnation that is arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
After this the white pot keeps lowering its position in the aspirant’s body and finally stops about 2-3 finger breadths below the navel (i.e. it reaches its original position) … When at above paragraphs location, the white pot spills its nectar …
And a part of that nectar reaches the pit of spine (i.e. base of coccyx) which as such is symbolically denoting the earth element and whose plexus is root plexus (Mooladhar chakra) and whose lord is the creator and grandfather of allness (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji), the aspirant sees a white light rising up the spine …
And soon after this, the aspirant enters into Samadhi (meditative trance) i.e. the aspirant breaks the barrier which was preventing him to enter into an absorption within the root cause of allness i.e. the grandfather and creator of allness (or Pitamah Brahma Ji) …
Thus from a Yogic point o view, Maa Sita entering into an absorption in womb of earth itself is the nectar which reaches the pit of spine …
From a Yogic point of view, above is what subtly means as Maa Bhagwati Sita entering into an absorption in the womb of earth and just as it is stated in Ramayana …
LL-7 … The beauty of Vedic scriptures …
Vedic scriptures can be interpreted from outward paths as well as inward paths …
Within the path of any of the Vedic scriptures, due to a fullness of applicability of their concepts within and beyond any aspirant’s microcosm, an aspirant can place an idol and worship that deity or he can see that deity within his own microcosm itself (through the inward path of Yoga) …
And in either of above cases the end result (i.e. self realization) would just be the same …
Thus what a highly evolved Yogi achieves through very tough penances in isolated places of caves, mountains, snow caps and forests can be achieved by an ordinary aspirant by just worshipping of the same deity and through that deities Archa Vigraha (or simply an object or idol or worship) …
This is because within the Vedic lore, nobody is left out from achieving the same final result (i.e. self realization) …
So irrespective of the path which that aspirant may take, all aspirants would only reach the same final result as is of self realization and a realization of the deity …
And this itself is the greatest beauty of these scriptures …
LL-8 … Maa Bhagwati Sita of Ramayana is the “pot of nectar (Amrit Kalash)” …
From above discussions, it is absolutely clear that what we have told as the white pot of lighted butter and also as pot of nectar (Amrit Kalash) and as the pot of consciousness (Chetan Kalash) itself is the divinity of Maa Bhagwati Sita who is present inside each aspirant’s microcosm …
Thus basis above discussions and from a Yogic point of view Maa Bhagwati Sita is the eternally pristine divinity (i.e. Param Shakti or Atma Shakti) of Lord Raam (i.e. the innermost essence of an aspirant or Atman) …
And thus Maa Bhagwati Sita is none other than Atma Shakti (i.e. divinity of the innermost essence) whose final stage itself is of 4th state of consciousness which is termed as that of Samadhi (i.e. absorption or Turiya) and which itself leads to the 5th stage which is termed as Turiyateet (which we have already discussed) …
And since from a Yogic point of view, the pristine divinity (inner divinity or Atma Shakti) of Lord Rama (i.e. God within or the innermost essence or Atman) itself is Maa Bhagwati Sita, so it was due to this reason Ram Bhadra was addressed as a complete or full Avatar (i.e. Poorna Avatar) of Sriman Naaraayana …
Thus from a Yogic point of view, since Lord Raam (who is also present inside each aspirant) is the innermost essence (or Atman) of each aspirant, so his pristine divinity who is addressed as Maa Bhagwati Sita in Ramayana, is none other than the pristine divinity of the innermost essence (or Atman Shakti) whose self manifested state is as the pot of nectar (Amrit Kalash) which is present inside each aspirant …
Thus from a Yogic point of view, the pot of nectar (Amrit Kalash) which rises beyond the 8th plexus is denoting is denoting the same pristine divinity (Atma Shakti) who is reverently addressed as Maa Bhagwati Sita in Ramayana …
That Yogi who has thus self realized, always lays down a path of righteousness and which as such is also based upon the highest of paths of Yoga as is of the 8th plexus …
Such a Yogi is Lord Raam and Maa Bhagwati Sita who have non dually united to each other within that Yogi’s microcosm itself …
Whenever above self realization is arrived at by any Yogi and during any of the triple times, then over a few decades the world always returns back to righteous ways of life (I.e. Sanatan Dharma) …
And this time also it won’t be any different … Because above stated is an Absolute fact …
LL-9 … Mantra of Khakaar Naad …
8th plexus has four petals … Three are on one side and one on the other side …
And the white pot is in the middle and facing upwards …
Thus in such a condition, the white pot only denotes the pristine divinity of Ishana Face of Sadashiva and whose divinity (or Shakti) is none other than supreme mother of allness (i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti) …
Thus in the finality of things and just as they actually are from a Yogic point of view the white pot is none other than the supreme consciousness of the upward looking centrally placed Ishaan face of Sadashiva and whose divinity is Maa Adi Parashakti …
Thus basis all above discussions, if we find the crux of these discussions then is it absolutely clear that from a Yogic inward point of view, Maa Bhagwati Sita is none other than Maa Adi Parashakti only …
When Maa Adi Parashakti came in a human form and as the consort of the Lord Ram (who himself was the human form of Absolute being), then Maa Adi Parashakti had herself manifested as Maa Bhagwati Sita only …
So basis above, I state the Mantra of Khakaar Naad i.e. Sound of Kh (Kha) …
ॐ ख
Salutations Maa Adi Parashakti
Salutations Bhagwan Sadashiva
This Mantra denotes the following …
Eternal non dual union of my Param Gurudevi to my Param Gurudeva,
Eternal non dual union of my Ishta Devi to my Ishta Deva,
The divinity of Zero which itself is the divinity of Infinite
The divinity of the Infinite which itself is the divinity of Zero
In this Mantra …
Maa Adi Parashakti is Maa Bhagwati
Maa Adi Parashakti is Maa Nav Durga
Maa Adi Parashakti is Maa Tripura Sundari
Maa Adi Parashakti is Apra, Para and Avyakta (i.e. Maya Shakti)
Maa Adi Parashakti is Utpatti, Stithi, Samhara, Tirodhaan and Anugraha Shakti
Maa Adi Parashakti is Ichha, Kriya, Jnana, Para and Chetan Shakti
Maa Adi Parashakti is Paramdevi, Parmeshwari, Mahakaali and Sarva Mata
Maa Adi Parashakti is Yoga Maya, Yoga Devi, Yoga Mata, Param Yogini and Yogeshwari
Maa Adi Parashakti is the eternal-allness and the unfathomable, beyond allness …
In above Mantra …
- The three syllables of AOM are the divinity (Divyata or Shakti) of the three petals on one side …
- And the Sanskrit syllable Kh (or Kha) is related to the divinity (Divyata or Shakti) of the singular petal on the opposite side …
- This Mantra has the capability to wreck havoc on unrighteousness, lawlessness and chaos causing elements of both subtle and grosser realms of the macrocosmic speciology …
- If a substantial part of humanity chants this Mantra, then in a few short years all unrighteousness causing aspects of gross and subtle realms and all those aspects that have been causing a chaos in this world during the last few millenniums, can be uprooted and evicted out of this world …
- And thus in just a few short years, through the divinity (Divyata or Shakti) of this Mantra which ultimately relates to Maa Adi Parashakti, this world can be restored back to a righteous way of life (i.e. Dharmik ways of life) …
But chanting of above Mantra needs to be done loud and clear …
When chanting this Mantra, do not consume animals as food, alcohol as drink and other women (or men) as your own … If this is not complied, then the effects would only be seen to be reverse (or degenerative) …
This is my Supreme-Accomplishment (Param-Siddhi) of Maa Adi Parashakti, which I leave in this world for the current and all future generations of true aspirants who would also be coming to this world during the time spans of the incoming Guru Yuga …
And when that incoming Guru Yuga (or the Age of Sages) is about to complete its destined time span of about 10 millenniums from around 2082 AD, then I shall again come back in a subtle (or hidden) form and take back this Param-Siddhi of mine, so as to again give way to unrighteousness and Kaliyuga to slowly but steadily begin taking over this world … Yet again … And just as it is to be after incoming Guru Yuga is completing its destined time span within this world …
The topic continues …