All celestial bodies have a sine wave path (i.e. moving in a sinusoidal path or a sine wave path or path that is based upon a sinusoidal movement) and this is what we would discuss here …
This statement is applicable to everything and where everything means everything, including but not limited to the Precessional circle, the planets, their moons, sun and even the galaxies …
But values which relate to “minor sinusoidal movement” within “main paths of celestial bodies” are discussed in a later topic …
This topic is in continuity with the previous one which has header of “Calculating solar revolution” …
60-AA … Discussing a sine wave paths or sinusoidal path of celestial bodies …
A sine wave has two parts … One part is on one side of the zero line of that sine wave and the other part is on the other side of the zero line of that same sine wave …
In this topic of Kaalchakra, I have assumed that these two parts (which are on either side of the zero line of the sine curve) are similar and this is even when I know that within the entirety of Maker’s Makings, nothing can ever be exactly same or exactly opposite (to anything else) due to the eternal applicability of the “macrocosmic principle of stagnation due to sameness” which can be described thus …
Sameness of any now to any earlier nowness (that was of any other microcosm) is also deemed as stagnation from the macrocosmic point of view …
A stagnated entity eventually remains with only two choices which are of “change the ways or paths of life or exit out from current incarnated state” as there really is no other choice for any entity who fails to comply with the above mentioned macrocosmic principle and its divine process …
60-BB … Number of sine waves in any celestial circle …
Each celestial circle (360 degrees arc) has 100 sine waves and this value is directly related to 100 Brahma-years of lifetime of each Brahma (i.e. 100 Brahma years or in other words, 1000 Brahma Varsha which make Brahma’s lifetime) …
Thus basis this fact, to find out this time span of a sine wave of any celestial bodies path and whilst that celestial body moves on its own celestial sphere, just divide that circle’s time span (i.e. time of 360 degrees arc) by number 100 …
Take note of the discussions of this topic as we would be directly using it in many later calculations of cycles of time (Kaalchakra) …
60-CC … Applicability of sine wave path to solar cycles …
As the sun moves within its path which esoterically is of the symbol of infinity, there are smaller sinusoidal waves created within this path itself … This sinusoidal movement is just the same as is shown in above figure …
As far as the sinusoidal movement of sun within its own sine wave pattern and as it moves around the galactic plane, is concerned, each half of the sine wave as shown in above figure is of 2.16 million human solar years (as per the time units of middle of precession which were utilized by the Vedic sages) … We had discussed this in an earlier topic of “Calculating solar revolution” …
And the complete sine wave which gets generated within the path of sun is equal to a divine age cycle (Deva Yuga Chakra) whose value was calculated as 4.32 million human solar years in an earlier topic of “Time spans of divine ages” …
Thus the Vedic divine age cycles are also a derivative of solar revolution cycles …
60-DD … Secondary sine waves …
But there also are secondary sine waves i.e. a smaller sine wave within the bigger sine wave … As an example of this fact is as told below …
- The main sine wave of path of sun is the basis of divine age cycles (i.e. Deva Yuga) … This is as shown in above figure and was also discussed above …
- And within that main sine wave (of divine age cycle) there is also a smaller sine wave … This smaller sine wave which runs within the main sine wave itself, is of the precession cycle … The total time span of this sine wave is of 24,000 human solar years (as per middle time units) and just as we had derived in an earlier topic of “Time spans of human ages” … And half of this sine wave has a time span of one human age cycle (Manav Yuga Chakra) and it has a time span of 12,000 human solar years (as per middle time units) …
- Number 12,000 is primarily of Manu Smriti and this number was chosen by my Gurudeva Swayambhu Manu Maharaaj, because it is applicable to all cycles of times … Thus Manusmriti is also applicable to all cycles, which means that irrespective of the cycle of time, the mode, state or condition of existence that any microcosm may be resting in, Manusmriti stays valid … This is why Manusmriti was told as a universal knowledge which stays applicable across the entirety of triple times (during the entire time spans of Maker’s Makings) …
There are 180 secondary sine waves in each half of the primary sine wave path of a celestial body … Thus there also are 360 secondary sine waves in each full primary sine wave path of a celestial body …
60-EE … Tertiary sine waves …
The same sine wave path also applies to all tertiary sine waves that are also generated within each of the secondary sine waves (of paths of celestial bodies) …
The number of these tertiary sine waves which run within the secondary sine waves is variable across various states of Maker’s Makings … But in this part of macrocosm (or the Maker’s Makings) where this planetary system rests, this number is of 100 only i.e. it is equal to the primary sine wave number itself …
60-FF … Applicability to other cycles …
This knowledge is applicable to all that is and could ever be begun as a microcosm within Maker’s Makings …
And thus, this knowledge is a universal one, which stays applicable across the triple times and across all states of macrocosmic creation due to which it also stays applicable to all cycles of time …
Thus, the same concept is also applicable to all cycles of time, right from those which relate to Brahmaloka (which in English language means as the Abode of creator) to the cycles of sun of this planetary system (i.e. Galactic year or time span of solar revolution around the bob-lighted core of the Milky Way or simply, the solar cycles) …
And it also relates to the divine age cycles (Which in Sanskrit language are called as a Mahayuga) and simultaneously it also relates to the human age (Which in Sanskrit language can also be called as Manav Yuga) …
So what was discussed here is a concept that has a universal applicability …
Continues …