Aghora in later systems

In line with that which is referred many a times within these discussions on Aghora, until this topic it is already pretty clear that Aghora face of Sadashiva is also the base of many knowledge systems that had come by to this world during the last few millenniums … All differences in understandings of concepts of Atta and Anatta in relation to the much earlier concept of Atman and Anatman of Vedas is also related to the same fact of non realization of five faces of Shiva of which the first self realized one is always of Aghora face only …  This topic is to discuss this part only …


Aghora and Buddhist Lore … Atta and Anatta …

LL … The Gurudeva of my previous incarnation i.e. Gautama Buddha, to whom I had gone as a little child of less than seven years old had stated the same facts which are stated in Vedic Mahavakya … One of these was told through the statement of Brahm’Bhu’Tu which means “You too Brahma (or Thou also That)” … But this statement is no more used as of now …

This statement is also referred to the innermost essence only as it shows the union of the innermost essence (I.e. Atman) to the essence of allness itself (Brahman) itself … This statement itself is a mirror image of a mega-statement of Samaveda which was told by sages as “Tat Tvam Asi or Thou Art That” … But this is not the end of the story of likeness between the much-earlier Vedic Lore’s and Buddhism …

The same statement also relates to Ahum Brahmasmi (or Aham Brahmasmi) of Vedas which means “I (or in other words, the Atman) Am That (Brahman)” … This statement also relates to Aghora face of Shiva (as it is of Yajurveda) …

Buddhism says everything is interdependently originated and since this is a universal principle, so it is also applicable to philosophy … Thus for any philosophy also, there needs to be an earlier base of another philosophy … Due to the fact that at the time when Gurudeva Gautama Buddha (or the last Buddha Avatar) had arrived to India, Vedas were the only philosophy, so we also find many similarities of the much earlier Vedic and later Buddhist concepts and this is also because of the fact that Buddhism is only a sect of the Sanatan Dharma

Buddhist claim that they do not believe in system of natural hierarchies (i.e. Varnashram Parampara) of Vedas and thus they do not follow it … But when we look at the reality of following of the Vedic Varnashram Vyavastha, then it is also pretty clear that the same Buddhist say Shakyamuni (i.e. Gautama Buddha) was of the Kshatriya Varna (i.e. Military clan) and the next Buddha whom they address as Maitreya shall be of a Brahmin Varna (i.e. Priestly clan) … Thus this is also a duality of the Buddhist belief system as far as its current state is concerned and this is what happens when the other-wise ones take over a philosophy instead of the traditional ones who hold the essences of Sampradaya, which itself are of the Parampara of Bharata … I can list hundreds of such deviations and thus hundreds of dualities within the concepts of the present day Buddhism can be stated here, but this is not the intention … The intention here is to prove that Buddhism is a part of the vast number of lore’s of Dharma only and that too through the knowledge which as such is of the much-much earlier concept of Sadashiva (i.e. the ever-all-auspicious) …

And Gurudeva Gautama Buddha had also given the concept of “Anatta (of Pali language)” and this was the primary concept which led to divisions between the earlier Sanatan Dharma and Buddhism and this division was even when the concept was related to the vast lore’s of much-much earlier Vedas only …

This is also a fact which shall be described in below mentioned bullet points (so as to make it concise and crisp otherwise it actually is a discussion of a few dozen pages and with 32 paintings of its intermediary states) …

  • When the aspirant self-realizes the eternal union of its “own essence (i.e. Atman)” to the “essence of allness (I.e. Brahman)”, then is the realization of the Mahavakya of Atharvaveda which was told as “Ayam Atma Brahma or This (i.e. the essence within or Atman) is That (essence of allness or Brahman)” …
  • But after the stage where the “essence within (i.e. Atman)” is already self-realized to be eternally merged to “essence of allness (I.e. Brahman)” then the essence within (I.e. Atman) that aspirant ceases to be the individual essence that it earlier was (because it is no longer told as Atman as after the realization which is discussed here, the essence within is already known as Brahman) …
  • This is because of the fact that when the aspirant realizes the eternally unioned state of the “essence within (i.e. Atman)” to the “essence of allness (i.e. Parabrahman)” then there remains nothing like an essence within that aspirant because that aspirant would only believe that there is no Atman (i.e. essence within) because at this stage of evolution, only Brahman remains valid for that aspirant …
  • Thus, it is at this stage of evolution, that the aspirant knows the meaning of Vedic Mahavakya of Atharvaveda, which was told as “Ayam Atma Brahma” and which in English language means as “This is That” and in simple words, this also means as “Atman is Brahman” …
  • Above also leads to (and/or passes through) the self realization of other Vedic great statements (or Vedic Mahavakya) like those of “Tat Tvam Asi (which in English language means as That Thou Are) which as such is of Samaveda and also the self realization of the mega statement of Yajurveda which was told as “Aham Brahmasmi (which in English language would translate as I Am That)” …
  • Thus after such a self-realization, if that aspirant would try to see his (or her) own innermost essence (i.e. Atman) then that “essence (Atman)” would be found to be missing (because that essence or Atman is already self-realized as Brahman and thus it in fact is Brahman only for such an aspirant) …
  • Due to this reason, the existence of “essence of the aspirant (or Atman)” in its independence to Brahman (essence of allness) is no longer there for such an aspirant … This is the same as drop of water entering into a non-dual union to the ocean and thus becoming the ocean itself and in such a case, there remains nothing like a water-drop-consciousness because only the ocean consciousness remains within that water drop …
  • Thus for such an aspirant who has already self-realized the eternally unioned state of its own innermost essence (i.e. Atman) to the essence of allness (i.e. Brahman or Paramatman), the concept of having an individualistic-essence is no longer valid … And this itself is just like that drop of water, which ceases to be the drop of water that it earlier was (i.e. prior it had actually merged to the ocean and thus began holding the ocean consciousness) …
  • Thus such an aspirant who has already self-realized the eternally unioned state of its own essence to the essence of allness, would only say there is nothing like an essence-within (i.e. there is nothing like an Atman) because his (or her) essence is already self-realized as Brahman (i.e. essence of allness) …
  • So basis all above, when “This is That, which denotes the stage when the self-realization of Ayam Atma Brahma (of Atharvaveda) is already arrived at then “This (essence within or Atman) ceases to be “The This” that it earlier was because it is only found to be That (i.e. Brahman) …

This is because of the fact that when “This (i.e. Atman)” is already realized to be none other than “That (i.e. Brahman)” then its earlier “This ness” also ceases for such an aspirant because in such a stage of evolution, That (i.e. Brahman)” is all that remains for such an aspirant …

And this is exactly what was told as the concept of “Anatta (in Pali language)” by the revered Gurudeva of my previous incarnation, i.e. Gautama Buddha …

But sadly at a much later time span (from when it was originally stated by Gurudeva Gautama Buddha) it got totally misinterpreted as it somehow was related to the Vedic (i.e. Sanskrit) concept of “Anatman (i.e. the concept of that which is not the truth)” …

The Sanskrit word “Anatman” means that which is not the truth (Atman) within the aspirant …

And on the contrary the Pali word of Anatta as was told by Buddha Avatar (i.e. Gurudeva Gautama Buddha) is also only referring to the Mahavakya

  • The word Anatta only means the nonness of individual existence of soul (Atman) because of the fact that the soul (Atman) of an aspirant is no longer valid (or is no longer there for that aspirant) after it is already self-realized to be the “soul of allness (or Brahman) …

And on the contrary, the Sanskrit word Anatman only means “That which is not Atman or that which is not the truth …

Thus these two words do not denote the same thing …

  • Thus was the origin of the concept of Anatta (of Pali) which a actually was told to mean the same as “Ayam Atma Brahma or This (Atman) is That (Brahman)” of Atharvaveda … As also, when “This is already That” then when we look for this, then it is only found to be missing and this is exactly what was meant by the Pali term of Anatta … Anatta shall be detailed in a few later topics …

Thus basis above, the concept of Anatta is not exactly the same as Anatman of Vedas and yet the concept of Atta of Buddhism remains the same as Atman of Vedas and where that Atman is either in its Sagun Sakaar Awastha (Attributed form state) or the Attributed formless state (or Sagun Nirakaar Awastha) and thus is not in its final state which as such is Nirgun Nirakaar (attributed formless) …


Proceeding further …

And also a fact that the concept of Brahm’Bhu’Tu as was given by my Gurudeva Gautama Buddha was actually meaning the same as is referred to within the great statement of Samaveda, which was told as “Tat Twam Asi (which in English language means as That Thou Are)” by much-much earlier Vedic sages …


Self realization of Atta and Anatman through Aghora and its Mahavakya 

Basis above, I shall describe the path which was taken during the current transmigrated incarnation

However during earlier transmigrated incarnations, the path was not in the same sequence as it is stated here …

Since those paths of earlier incarnations were based upon different sequences of realizations, so when I see many of the previous incarnations, all of which were through the path of Parkaya Pravesh, which in English is also called as  transmigration of soul, it is pretty clear that any sequence of the self-realizations of the five faces of Sadashiva (as are discussed below) only lead to the same end result … Thus all paths and their varied sequences eventually lead to the same final-home …

As also basis my own experiences it is pretty clear that there has ever been a knowledge or text of any system (sect or religion) which has not related to these five faces of Shiva which are briefly discussed here (detailed discussions shall be in later topics as this topic is only related to the south facing Aghora face of Sadashiva whose sound is of Ahum) …

  • In this transmigrated incarnation, this path commenced from Ahum Naad (or south facing Aghora face of Sadashiva) which as such is related to the Mahavakya of Yajurveda that was told by Vedic sages as “Ahum Brahmasmi or I Am That” and which actually means “The essence within me, is unioned to the Absolute” and that too within all aspects that are related to our earlier discussion on “As IT eventually became” … This is the south facing face of Sadashiva which was addressed as Aghora face (which itself is the same as what was discussed in an earlier topic of  Sound of Ahum) …

Gurudeva Gautama Buddha has also termed the same self-realization with the same great statement (or Mahavakya) of Vedas only i.e. Ahum Brahmasmi as is being discussed here …

  • Then the consciousness transited through the mega-statement of Samaveda which the Vedic sages had told as “Tat Twam Asi (Which in English means as  Thou Art That)” and which actually denotes the fact that the aspirant’s “innermost essence (or Thou or Atman) is already unioned to the supreme (or That or Brahman)” and that too within all aspects which are related to our earlier discussion on “As IT eventually became” … This great statement is of the west facing Sadyojata face of Sadashiva , who in some paths of vast number of lore’s of Sanatan Dharma is also addressed as Sadyojata face of Shiva and where Sadyojata itself is same as what Vedic sages have addressed as Brahmaloka

The same self-realization was termed as Brahmbhu’tu by my Gurudeva Gautama Buddha …

  • Then the consciousness transited through the Vedic Mahavakya of Atharvaveda which was stated as “Ayam Atma Brahma ((Which in English means as This Is That)” and which actually means that “The essence within (or This or Atman) is the essence of allness (or That or Brahman)” and that too within all aspects which are related to our earlier discussion on “As IT eventually became” … This great statement is of the north facing Vamadeva face of Sadashiva , who in some paths which relate to the vast number of lore’s of Sanatan Dharma is also addressed as Vamadeva face of Shiva and where Vamadeva as is being described here, itself is Vaikunth of Vedas …


  • Buddha had termed the state which is arrived after this realization as “Anatta (In Pali language)” and which somehow was confused and misinterpreted to be the same as the Vedic concept of Anatman (which actually means, that which is non-real)  …

So, this was a major fault which came by and thus it led to division of Buddhism from the much-much earlier and its own parental system of Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma

But this stupidity always happens when those who are “not” the self-realized, all-realized ones begin taking over a philosophy so as to control it and also control its adherents … And history holds enough proofs of the correctness of this paragraph … Thus during those very ancient times as were of my much-much earlier incarnations, only the self-realized, all-realized sages were made as head-teachers of Vedic monasteries and since the time when the other-wise ones began controlling the knowledge systems, the divisions is all that happened within the earlier united humanity …

  • Then the consciousness transits through the Mahavakya of Rig-Veda which was stated by Vedic sages as “Prajnanam Brahma ((Which in English means as self-conscious is That or Self luminous of That)” … And this Mahavakya actually means that the “essence within (or Atman or Self luminous) is That (or Brahman or Self luminous)” and that too within all aspects which are related to our earlier discussion on “As IT eventually became” … This great statement is of the west facing golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva (who in some paths of Sanatan Dharma is also addressed as Tatpurusha face of Shiva, and Tatpurusha itself is the one who Vedas address as Maheshwara and the same tatpurusha is also  addressed as Ishvara) …

And it is to this fact that the Buddhist concept of Buddhahood (which in Sanskrit language is called as Buddhata) and Dharmakaya (i.e. the infinite plane of righteousness or infinite the plane of Buddha’s) is eventually related to …

So this was a brief description of the path of this little student who writes this text … Further much-much detailed discussions on these five faces of Sadashiva shall be done in later topics and that too with appropriate paintings so as to prove that all roads are eventually leading to the same home and thus prove that all religions of humanity are one and the same when we view them from their own timeless root as is and only is of Sanatan Dharma itself …

I hope this text unites humans across this world and breaks their temporary and transitory barriers due to the fact that they began resting within one or another type of individualism (monotheism of any sort) instead of what earlier was where “oneness to allness and her each part (which in Sanskrit is also called as Brahmand Dharana)” was the way of life of humanity …

Individualism is not just of a religious nature but is also of mental, emotional, karmic, geographical, cultural, gender, social, political, geopolitical and all the other such manmade nonsensical aspects … Unless the paths of pluralistic monism is adopted, there cannot ever be a state of long lasting peace within the lands of this world …

Only through pluralistic-monism is arrived the understanding of the basic fact that everything, everyone, everyway is only leading to the same home and thus all that is made within the Maker’s Makings is a divine entity only which in turn leads to the later realization that the Maker never made anything wrong … And yet appreciate the fact that the original root of everything is the same as what was stated by the timeless knowledge of Vedic and Agama sages of Sanatan Dharma …


Aghora within many paths

Deviating a bit even as I round off this short discussion …

During the extremely ancient times as were of my much-much earlier incarnations, within Sanatan Dharma which actually means “eternal righteous way of life” and which somehow is loosely termed as Hinduism even when it has no single text, propagator, way of life or path, state of existence and all other aspects, there were two primary ways to the Absolute …

The term “Ism” cannot ever be associated to that path which itself is a corpus of all sorts of paths that ever are possible to be arrived at and this itself is because such a system can only be an eternal way of life (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) and thus, it cannot ever be termed as a religion …

  • First was of the Brahm Marg (i.e. the path of Brahm or in other words the path of Absolute-fullness of the Absolute) … This path rested in the entirety of intrinsic pluralism and yet it stayed within the essential monism of the macrocosmic creation (or in other words, the Maker’s Makings) … And at the same time, this path was only leading to the “Absolute non-dualism of the Absolute (i.e. Advaita)” and that too through the intermediary state as was of the Absolute Monism of the Absolute (or in other words, Vedanta) … And as this path was based upon oneness towards allness and her each part (I.e. Brahmand Dharana), so this path was based upon the fullness of our earlier discussion on “As IT eventually became” …
  • The second path was of Abrahm Marg (i.e. the path of Abrahm) … This was a corpus of all those paths which did not account for the Absolute fullness of the Absolute and thus were only partially based upon the earlier discussion on “As IT eventually became” … Thus this “Path of Abrahm (i.e. Abrahm Marg)” was based upon all sorts of individualities of paths which also went their own way and yet they related to their own timeless root of Dharma itself … This Abrahm Marg (i.e. path of Abrahm) became the basis of the much-much later Abrahamic faiths which went their own (or respective) ways as per the state which they believed as the Absolute within their own followed systems …
  • These two paths also had many of their own sub-sects …
  • Both above paths and their followers were based near the Indu Nadi (or Sindhu river or Indus river) … This is how it was during many of my much-much earlier transmigrated incarnations, many of which also were in this world system only …
  • But then came the degenerate cycle of time and the flood which always comes at this time …
  • When I study the impressional fields of the macrocosmic consciousness (i.e. study Akashik Records) of that time, then it is very clear that the flood made the Abrahm’s to move west and the Brahm’s to move east of Indus river … And thus the two timeless brothers (Brahm’s and Abrahm’s) both of who also were of the same timeless lineage as was of the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) separated out from each other … Thus was broken the unity within the great timeless house of Dharma
  • That great man who was a self-realized sage of Abrahm Marg (i.e. Path of Abrahm) and who went west of river Indus (i.e. Indu Nadi or Sindhu Nadi) came to be known as Abrahm only … And at times progressed, that same sage of Abrahm Marg came to be addressed as Prophet Abraham …
  • However when I study the impressions of macrocosmic consciousness of the last ten millenniums, then it is also pretty clear that the first break of the timeless house Dharma, was around 6990 BC + 108 years as at this time the “great-grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma)” went into her cyclic sleep of around 9 millenniums as always is within each precession cycle (i.e. each cycle of precession of equinoxes) …
  • And due to these Abrahamic faiths also having their roots in the timeless traditions (or Parampara) of Sanatan Dharma itself, so many concepts of these Abrahamic faiths are the same as Sanatan Dharma only …
  • This is not based upon imaginations, as it is through the study of the impressional fields (Samskaras) which relate to the stated time spans and just as are present within the consciousness plane of this world system (i.e. present within the Bhu Chitta) …
  • And since during my earlier evolutionary process, I have been an aspirant of both these paths, so I know these are eventually leading to the same home only …
  • And since I have found them to be one and the same within their end result, so I thought that might as well add this discussion here itself … As also, all the states which are named here shall be discussed in later chapters and that too with appropriate paintings …
  • All these paths are also related to Aghora face of Shiva


That’s all for now …

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