Zero infinite is infinite nature of zero, real nature of zero

When a Yogi begins searching for what is zero, then the path leads to Yogic mathematics, that passes through Samadhi, where the innermost nature of Zero or real nature of zero, as infiniteness of zero or infinite nature of zero, is elf-realized … So with all that is discussed here (In previous topics) as a background, we shall discuss the essence of this principle of zero infinity, i.e. self-realization of infiniteness of zero, which itself describes the infinite condition of primordial nature …

This topic is the tenth one in this series of Zero and Infinity (or Infinity and zero) and it continues from the previous topic that had the header of “Primordial finality, Brahma Sangha, Narayana Sangha, Maha Samadhi” … Hence please read all of those previous topics prior this one …


0 + 0 + 0 … Endlessly = Zero … Zero infinite through Shunya Samadhi … What is Zero …

Shunya Samadhi was discussed as the absorption in primordial nature, which itself is of macrocosmic voidness in the state of a Bindu and thus it denotes the pinpointed state of zeroness (pinpointed singularity of zeroness) …

In that stage of Shunya Samadhi, where zero is a pinpointed darkness, observe that standalone zero through its realized zeroness … And this is where the zero that is apparent, may not be as it seems to be the standalone zero there is visible at that time, but it actually a sea of infinite number of zeros itself and where all these zeros that are seen as a sea of zeros within that standalone zero itself and those zeros that are within that earlier singular zero, are all residing in one another and thus are within their state of a non-dual union to one another … And yet are visible as the same zero that was standalone one and which was used as a base of this further self-realization (or sea of zeros) …

This is where all those zeros that make the seas of zeros are found to be residing within their non-discriminatory oneness to one another, and that too, while these seas of zeros rest within the same individual zero that is visible or realized at that time and was utilized as a base for these further self-realizations …

Thus, the aspirant would know that each zero which is visible within that sea of zeros that rests inside the same standalone zero that itself was the one which  was used as a base of this self-realization, is in fact a sea of zeros also …

And where all the other zeros are intrinsically residing within the same zero, as is visible or is arrived at by the aspirant in the state of Samadhi that is being discussed here …

Thus, just as the standalone zero is having a sea of zeros in it and yet is visible as the standalone zero itself, so is each zero of that sea of zeros that have been self-realized as per above discussions …

This is the state of self-realization of the zero-infinite state of zero, which as such is the infiniteness of zero or infinite nature of zero … Thus is the self realization of above stated equation … 0 + 0 + 0 … Endlessly = Zero


0 + 0 + 0 … Endlessly = Zero … Path of self realization of Zero Infinite … Innermost nature of Zero … Real nature of zero … Infinite nature of zero …

So basis above discussed self-realization, is a further realization which could be told as follows …

  • In reality, any Zero is having a sea of zeros inherently present in it and yet that singular zero is still visible as the same zero which was used as a base of this observation …
  • And in the same reality, each of the zeros that are present within that sea of zeros, are also having a further sea of zeros within each of them …
  • Thus, in same reality of mathematical aspects of zero, zero is actually resting in its own infinite nature and where that infinite nature of each zero, is its real nature …
  • Thus is the self-realization of the innermost nature of zero, that itself is the real nature of zero … And is stated as Zero Infinity, which itself leads to the further self-realization of Infinite Zero, that denotes the zero nature of infinity (root nature of infinity or zeroness of infinity) …


Zero infinite and concept of Shunyata of Gurudeva Gautama Buddha …

Gautama Buddha, who was the Gurudeva of my preceding transmigrated incarnation (i.e. the previous incarnation, that was also arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, just as the present one) had thus told …

  • Emptiness is full …
  • This was told due to the fact, that zero itself is Infinite in its final nature …
  • And the reason for this is just as discussed earlier on, in this topic …
  • This is what was meant by Gurudeva when he had used the word Shunyata, to describe it …
  • Thus, Shunyata as was told by Gurudeva Buddha Gautama, actually means fullness of emptiness or infinite nature of zero, which as such is the same as what is described here as Zero Infinite (or infiniteness of zero or infiniteness of zeroness) and which eventually denotes macrocosmic voidness (macrocosmic state of voidness) and thus it denotes the emptiness of allness (or Sarva Shunya) which was prior to the stage of self-origination of macrocosm (Brahmand) and which Yogic texts have named as Shunya Tattva (elemental emptiness) …
  • Brahmand Yoga can also lead to self realization of Shunya (voidness or emptiness) …
  • And the same can also be cognized through the path and knowledge of Maker’s Makings, which itself denotes the macrocosmic state of the Maker and thus can also be termed as Vishvarupa Brahma (Vishvaroop Brahma) and which literally is as the Maker’s macrocosmic self-expression, self-manifestation and self-presence as the Makers Makings …
  • And basis above, if any aspirant follows the path and knowledge of Makersmakings, then also that aspirant can self-realize whatever is told in this text, by this Little student of the Absolute being (i.e. the one who as of now, is writing this text and that to, as per the instructions of his eternal guide, Sanatan Gurudeva, whom this world addressed as Sriman Naaraayana and who resides in one of the inner caves of heart, of each aspirant) …
  • And in addition to above, this text is also written as per the instructions and requirements of Gurudakshina, of the Gurudeva (of my preceding incarnation) and whom this world reverently addresses as Buddha, Buddha Gautama and as Buddha Avatara


Zero infinite … Path of Shunya Samadhi till Asamprajnita Samadhi …

Where zero is infinite, which itself is the base of self-realization of the state where emptiness is fullness (Emptiness is full), is what was told in Vedas and also in Yoga Tantra as Asamprajnita Samadhi (absorption in non-lightness) …

In Asamprajnita Samadhi, Zero infinite is only the first part of the realization … And the second part is of Infinite Zero, which shall be discussed in further topics …

In Asamprajnita Samadhi, following is what gets self-realized …

  • Differences in self-realizations of Zero of Shunya Samadhi and Asamprajnita Samadhi and the knowledge of reality of Zero … In reality, Zero is not having consciousness (Chetna), knowledge (Vijyana or Vijnana), vitality (Prana), mind (Manas) and only I’ness (Ahumkara) remains in it and where that I’ness (Aham Bhava) is also pinpointed and thus is also as zero itself …

Thus, since zero denotes Shunya of Shunya Samadhi, so none of these except I’ness (Ahamkara) exist and where that I’ness (Ahum Bhava) is also in a pinpointed state, which is of sameness of zero …

And where that I’ness (Ahamkara) is also such, that, initially it seems non-existent within that Shunya Samadhi … But later on can be seen as existent …

This later stage is as soon as the aspirant gets into observational analysis of Shunya Samadhi and thus begins proceeding into the infiniteness of zero (Zero Infinite) …

Thus, when just about stationed in Shunya Samadhi, zero is not having I’ness of a state, which is other than the pinpointed state of zero … And this is why, sometimes I have told that zero is not having I’ness … This denotes the initial stage of accomplishment of Shunya Samadhi …

But when the same aspirant sees that zeroness of zero (or Shunya Samadhi) and thence just about begins analyzing it, then that aspirant sees that I’ness of zero  in its pinpointed state … And this is the stage, where that aspirant begins entering into the next stage, which as such is the infiniteness of zero … This is why sometimes I have told zero is having I’ness …

And the fact still remains, that within zero, consciousness mind (Manas), (Chetna), knowledge (Vijyana or Vijnana), vitality (Prana) are absent … So due to this reason, the aspirant knows it as zero (emptiness), but cannot describe it until that aspirant sees its infinite nature of it (zero) …

So, until the infinite nature of zero is self-realized (which itself is as zero infinite, that is the first stage of Asamprajnita Samadhi), zero cannot be analyzed or described …

  • Infinite and Infinite nature of zero … And on the contrary, the infinite can also be self-realized whilst utilizing the original self-realized zero as a base … This leads to self-realization of the infinite nature of zero (or zero infinity) and this state of zero infinite, is having all of consciousness (Chitta), knowledge (Vijyana), vitality (Prana), mind (Manas) and also also an infinite state of I’ness (Ahumkara) within it … This is Asamprajnita Samadhi, where zero is infinite and thus the consciousness, mind, vitality, I’ness and knowledge are of an infinite state … And because these are such, so contrary to Shunya Samadhi, self-realizations during Asamprajnita Samadhi can be described in much detail … And this is why when Infinite is seen within Zero itself, the same Shunya Samadhi it is named differently and as Asamprajnita Samadhi …


Note: After entering into Shunya Samadhi a few times, but due to this pinpointed state of zeroness, the aspirant initially may think that zero is devoid of consciousness, knowledge, mind, I’ness and vitality … And only during a later analysis, does the aspirant know what is told otherwise here … Thus, some have told that Shunya has nothing, where as other have told that Shunyata has everything …

Note continues: And this is what had happened to this little student also during those early years, when this text was just about being written and which itself was more than a decade from now when this text is being finally edited basis further self-realizations that had happened during this long course of time … But at the same time, one fact is certain, that some would see one aspect of zero (as is told here) and other would see another aspect of zeroness (which is also told here) because of the fact, that demarcation line of Shunya Samadhi and Asamprajnita Samadhi is always based on suchness as discussed here …


And since Asamprajnita Samadhi has already been discussed (in whatever details that were necessary to be discussed) in a few earlier topics, so I would not waste time by discussing it again …

Plus, as far as Yogic Samadhi stands, it has always had limitations of disclosure i.e. we cannot disclose it openly because such kind of knowledge is only for deserving aspirants or in other words, those aspirants who have already arrived at their evolutionary ripeness and rightness to know it and thence self-realize it (or in other words, directly cognize it) …


Describing Zero infinite through union of zeroness and infiniteness …

As a matter of fact …

  • When we see the zero (voidness) as an individuality, we see its non lighted (non luminous or dark) pinpointed state …
  • And on the contrary, when we study that pinpointed zero and that to with our own pinpointed condition of I’ness (Ahum) that is when we rest in Shunya Samadhi, then only do we see the infiniteness of zero …
  • As also, since Infinity is of Brahman, who itself is the self luminous one, so the same zero becomes the self-lighted (self-luminous) infinite, but is a realizable yet indescribable state …


Note: Self luminous, which means Swa Prakash and Swayam Prakash, and which denotes Parabrahman, only means at that, which illumines all, and yet it stays hidden within and beyond all, that it illumines … Thus, self luminous does not mean that which illumines itself …

Note continues: Thus, self-luminous can be directly cognized as a colorless light, and where that colorless light (Nirguna Brahman) is the one which illumines all that is as lighted and non-lighted condition, and within the entire macrocosm … Thus, based upon my own cognitions, even when I disagree to what some knower’s of Vedas say as, the “self-luminous cannot be self-realized”, but yet I agree that the “self-luminous cannot be self-realized in a state, where it can be fully known and/or analyzed and/or described” … And as a matter of fact, the self luminous is the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) …


Further to above …

  • When zero is individually seen … Then it is seen as a dark state … Even when I have used the term dark state here, yet it actually is a non-lighted state, because darkness can never be there when it still has its own specific I’ness (or its own Aham Bhava is present in it) and even if that Ahamkara (I’ness) is in a pinpointed state (Like a Bindu) … Thus, in this state (of Shunya Samadhi), only the Mahavakya of Aham Brahmasmi (which in simple worlds, means as ‘I Am That‘) of Yajurveda, remains valid …
  • When infinite nature of zero is seen … Then even when it is still like a vast fathomless non-lighted state, yet it has a colorless light (Nirguna Prakash) within it and which is the source of illumination of that vast fathomless state of zero … By illumination I mean, that which illumines the non-lightness of zero and yet keep itself hidden (for most who enter this state of self-realization) … Thus, in this state, the Mahavakya of Aham Brahmasmi (which in simple worlds, means as ‘I Am That) of Yajurveda and the Mahavakya of Prajnanam Brahma (which in simple words means as ‘Self luminous is That’), remain valid … And then is even when Yajurveda Mahavakya supersedes …


So basis above …

  • When we see zero through Shunya Samadhi … It is found to be like a non lighted state …
  • And when we see infinite that is present within zero itself and that too via the path of Asamprajnita Samadhi, then we know that the infinite is actually a colorless infinite state, that was told as Nirguna Brahm (within the Vedas) …
  • Some sages say, that Brahman (i.e. that who is colorless or attributeless and simultaneously is infinite) cannot ever be known … I basis my own experiences within Asamprajnita Samadhi, beg to differ as the colorless light was seen after transit through the eighth chakra (Ashtama Chakra) … But even when one may self-realize Parabrahman (attributeless infinite being), and that too as his (or her) own Atman, yet Brahman remains indescribable, except through some subtle terms and vague statements … Thus, an aspirant can self-realize IT, but it’s impossible to fully describe it …


Thus, basis above discussions …

  • Zero remains describable only in those aspects that relate to I’ness (Ahamkara) … This is because in zeroness is a state of an “apparent absence” of consciousness, mind, vitality and knowledge and thus these four cannot be utilized to describe zero …
  • And on the contrary, the infinite, who itself is colorless or attributeless, can be self realized, but it still remains indescribable as far as fullness of its description is concerned …


Yogic mathematics of Zero infinite through union of zeroness and infiniteness …

Thus, as far as zero and infinite in zero infinite stand, following is how it is …

  • Mathematically Zero is describable as a standalone zero …
  • And infinity as remains the eternal undefined in mathematics … The symbol of infinity as is used in mathematics, is only denoting the Zero Infinite, who itself is the infinite zero and not the finality of fathomless infinity of Brahman …
  • That Zero infinite, which itself is the Infinite Zero, is what the symbol of infinity also refers to … The same is what the symbol of infinity, as is of Ouroboros also means …
  • Since Infinite is not a part of Maker’s Makings and since infinite is also the one to whom all numerals (i.e. all higher and lower microcosm’s) are proceeding to, so Infinite has never been defined in its totality whilst the one who tries to define it is still existing within the Makers Makings and thus is only able to use those instruments (equations, numbers, languages) which are absent in the attributeless infinite being (Brahman or Infinite) …
  • That (Brahman infinite) who has nothing like a sound, language, path and means of communication, numerals or anything else, cannot be defined when one is using these aspects, all of which are of the Makers Makings and not of that who is beyond (i.e. Para Brahman or Brahman) …
  • And even if one tries to define (or describe), that Parabrahman would still continue having a much vast undefined-ness that relates to it and which itself is beyond the entirety of macrocosmic creation and thus is the eternally indescribable aspect of Brahman (attributeless infinite being) …


Zero of zero infinite is the primordial nature, which has been termed as emptiness … And infinite of zero infinite is the realizable yet indescribable Brahma … So, due to this reason, as far as the fullness of its description or definition is concerned, Brahman (infinite) remains as the eternal undefined, even when its self-realization is definitely possible (but only for some extremely rare aspirants) …

And that too, where even if the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahma) is self realized, then also to fully describe it, is an utter impossibility … This is because attributeless Brahman (Nirguna Nirakara Brahm) being infinite, also has that which is beyond knowing … And this is why the self-realized, all realized Vedic sages had told as follows …

Those who know IT and believe they know IT, don’t really know IT

Those who know IT and yet believe they don’t know IT, really know IT

Zeroness, zero infinite, subtlety, evolutionary status … And beyond …

Since the macrocosm in which these aspects reside, is also present within us, so allness of aspects of Maker’s Makings are also present within our own microcosmic physical vehicle …

As we evolve, we keep detaching ourselves from grosser aspects … After we detach to any aspect, its zeroness (voidness) manifests within us …

Thus, basis above … Higher evolved aspirants have higher detachment from macrocosmic aspects and thus hold a higher quantum of zeroness within them and this is what leads to their higher detachment from macrocosmic aspects … as such, during the course of one’s evolutionary process, zeroness also keeps correspondingly increasing …

Higher is the zeroness that is arrived at, higher is one’s inner subtlety and thus higher is that aspirant’s evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies … This was the base reason for detachment to be an intrinsic part of evolutionary process and thus it was added in many paths of Sanatan Dharma including the path of Yoga Tantra and Vedas …

Since the quantum of zeroness that is present within an aspirant, is directly dependent upon that aspirants quantum of detachment from parts of allness, and since zero also denotes the primordial nature, so due to this reason, the the quantum of zeroed evolutionarily aspects (i.e. quantum of zeroness) that is inwardly held by an aspirant is directly proportional to the evolutionary standing of that aspirant …

The quantum of zeroness that is held by any aspirant is also dependent upon ‘how many macrocosmic aspects have been evolved over by that aspirant’ (or how many aspects that aspirant has zeroed out or evolved over, during the course of his or her eternal evolution) …

Thus due to this reason, the zeroness holding capacity also happens to be one of the governing factors for determining the evolutionary stature of any aspirant within the macrocosmic creation …

Or in other words, the standing of any aspirant within the macrocosmic hierarchies is directly dependent upon how many individualities and individual corpuses have been zeroed out (or detached from) during the course of that aspirant’s evolutionary process …

Note: So, basis above discussion, contrary to what is currently believed, that attainments or accomplishments (or Siddhi) is what determines the evolutionary standing of an aspirant within the macrocosmic hierarchies, it actually is the zeroness, which does … Due to this reason, higher evolved ones are also more detached from grossness of physical planes and due to this detachment, they also rest in subtler planes of existence (and not within this gross physical realms) … And even when they (higher evolved ones) may once a while visit this physical realm (to do some specific jobs), but even when they stay here, they don’t relate to this physical realm … This non relation is also due to the fact, that their own inner zeroness is such, that it never makes them to reach that mental state, which is necessary to relate to that gross realm (like this physical earthly plane) where they have incarnated at that time, so as to execute some specific jobs and thus correct the course of way of life of humanity (or even to render a necessary correction in ways of life of other parts of macrocosmic speciology which are also inhabiting this planet) …


Proceeding further …

However once the aspirant arrives at a realization of ‘undefined yet infinite’ attributeless being (Nirgun Brahma), the evolutionary aspects as are discussed here, cease to be applicable for that aspirant, because once what is stated here has been arrived at, that aspirant evolves over the evolutionary process itself …

And thus the Infinite nature of zero is always the finally realized nature of zero and at this state or this realization, the ‘non lighted state of zeroness’ is let go, so as to enter into the ‘undefined yet infinite, self-luminous, attributeless Absolute’…

And even when above is true …

  • The same zero remains as the essential nature of any entity …
  • But after the infinity is arrived at (or the aspirant enters into the infinite, which itself is through the intermediary stage of self-realization of zero infinite and infinite zero), then only the infinite remains valid for that aspirant … And even in this stage, the infinite cannot even be defined beyond a few words and all that can be defined is the zero infinite, which itself is the infinite zero and which also has an undefined component, just like the infinite being (Brahman) also does …

Thus, the finality of this self realization from Shunya Brahman (i.e. zero infinite, which itself is the infinite zero), is none other than the infinite (colorless or attributeless infinite being or Nirguna Brahma) who itself is that who is beyond the last defined stage of “zero infinite, who itself is the infinite zero (i.e. Shunya Brahman)” … And where that undefined infinite, is free of zeroness (voidness), zero infinite and also free of infinite zero …

Well, this is all that can be told from the point of view of union of Yogic mathematics and Yogic realizations, because words of any language always fall short, when it comes to fuller descriptions of deeper concepts …

So, we shall have to effect a premature ending of this topic, even when it would  continue in another form and within our next topic on the “Principle of Infinite Zero”, and which in this text, has also been termed as “Ananta Shunya” …


Continues …

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