Law of centers and Law of eternal shifting

Here we shall discuss the law of centers (law of center or law of centers of ways of life), law of eternal shifting (law of eternal shifting of centers or Law of shifting of centers or Law of changes in ways of life) …

These laws relate to the ways of life (i.e. a way of life or path of religion or way of faith or path of belief or even the ways of a system or paths of code of life) and are also applicable across the triple times and irrespective of when that way of life enters into (comes to) a world …

Thus, the corpus of these laws can also be termed as the law of way of life (or law of ways of life) or law of path of evolution (law of evolutionary paths) or Law of evolutionary progress (or law of process of evolution) or law of paths to liberation (or law of path to liberation), etc., …

This is because, irrespective of the religion, belief, faith, system, codes, constitution, etc., which anyone (or any entity) may be relating to, the subtle presence of the effects of these law’s would always be there …


Proceeding further …

Vedas that we know of today, are barely two percent of the entirety of corpus of Vedic lore that was present during my previous incarnations … And the same was also during those those vast times that relate to those series of further transmigrated incarnations …


Note: Transmigrated incarnation is that type of incarnation which is gained by adopting the path of transmigration of souls … This is what was also called as taking birth without sex and thus it was also loosely named as as virgin birth … And within the Vedic lore (and also in many other ancient Sanskrit texts) the same process of taking a birth (i.e. the process of transmigration of soul) is also called as that the path of incarnation through Parkaya Pravesh … This Samskrit word of Parkaya Pravesh means, that process where through an agreement that takes place within subtle worlds between the donor of the physical vehicle (i.e. the donors subtle body or astral body) and the one who would be transmigrating into that physical vehicle, the donor (or the physical body) agrees to donate his (or her) own physical body to the transmigrating person and thus the one who transmigrates, becomes the recipient of that physical body which is donated by its original inhabitant (i.e. the original soul who was inhabiting that physical body till the transmigration takes place) and thence the one who transmigrates ends up takes over the functions of that physical vehicle, but only after the donors soul leaves it …

And I know this fact because I also am a Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta … A Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta can recall all that was during his earlier incarnations and thus I remember many things that were during my previous incarnations and also during those further transmigrated incarnations


Note: The word Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta (or simply the word, Yoga Bhrashta) means that true Yogi who though is standing on the doorway of final liberation or doorway of Kaivalya Moksha (the word doorway as used here, is stated symbolically and not literally) has not attained to the finality, that itself is of a final liberation (i.e. Kaivalya or Moksha) … This could have either been due to not been able to attain to it (i.e. unable to attain to the liberated state) or it could also be because of a prior commitment that remains pending its fulfillment and which as such needs to be completed prior that Yogi can enter into his (or her) final liberation (Mukti) …

Note continues: But I am of the later type (as told above) and the process of fulfilling of this commitment has been continuing ever since the Swayambhu Manvantara (i.e. about 1.96+ billion years as per the middle or Yogic or Vedic unitary value of time) …


Proceeding further …

This topic is in continuity with the previous one that had the header of “Law of excess and under, Law of cosmic balance, Law of meeting points, Law of wise one” …


Note: Due to a severe lack of words to name some aspects of this topic, I have used my own words, because these words (which I have used in this topic) best describe the discussed state philosophically and implicitly … Thus, even when some of these words which I have used in this topic don’t explicitly describe the state which is discussed here, yet they definitely are appropriate pointers to all that is subtly referred within the discussions of this topic …


AA) …

Law of centers … Law of center point … Law of center of evolution … Law of centered entities …

A center is that which is ‘pointed to’ and through appropriate means and paths … Thus, a center can never be explicit in the text that is of it …

And also that, a center would also have to be as a way of life … Due to this reason, if it’s not a way of life, then it’s not a center …

Thus, a center could be anything and right from a …

  • Scripture … Or text that is considered higher or is considered as a path of liberation and/or as a path to entering into a specific divine world (Deva Loka) or even the worlds of accomplished ones (i.e. the worlds of Siddha’s or Siddha Loka) …
  • System … Like the constitution of nation, Law of a land, or codes of a land, codes of a path of evolution or even a system … And it could even be as a generally accepted system of a group of humanity and which may even be related to the specific knowledge that is gained by the specific geographical and other natural characteristics of the place in which that group of humanity resides … Basically, anything that is a system, would also have its center (or even a group of centers) …
  • Codes of society or culture …
  • A destination of a path of progress … I.e. the final destination of a way of life (like a religion, a sect, etc.,) …
  • Greater entity … Any greater one that people may relate to (or believe in) …
  • Centered entity of a belief … Like a God (or even a Satan) of a religion …
  • Sage who has attained to the finality and thence that sage takes over the role of being a Guru to others (so other aspirants can also attain to that finality of liberation or Moksha) …
  • Anything that is resting within the purviews of the word Saguna Sakara (i.e. that which has attributes and also has a form) … An example of this is a human being who becomes the center (like a great king, a fully accomplished sage or Siddha, a Yogi who has known the reality in its utter non duality, a God of form which can even be a human form, etc.,) …
  • Anything that is resting within the purviews of the word Saguna Nirakara (i.e. that which has attributes and also is formless) … An example of this could be a divine world, a formless God (who also holds attributes or specific qualities), etc., …
  • Any of the pristine divinities of the multi-universe …
  • The mother like state of nature (i.e. mother nature of Ma Prakriti) …
  • And finally for any aspirant … The final center can only be the self (Atman) of that aspirant and where that self is also the self of all (i.e. Brahman) …
  • , etc., … You can keep adding as you like …


AA-1) …

Utilities of centers …

As a matter of fact …

  • Without a center, how would anyone or anything proceed anywhere …
  • Without a center, how would anything get regulated on a mass level … Absence of a proper center and its path (i.e. directionality which is also provided by a center) would only lead to recurring chaos …
  • Without a center, how would anyone evolve …
  • Without a center, how can there be an effective process of evolution
  • Without a center, how can there be a path to a specific state of evolution (including any of the divine realms) … And thus, each of the divine realms and divine entities, have always had a center that is specific to them and it is to such a center that their path (or religion, faith, belief, etc.) always relates and proceeds to …
  • Without a center, how would anything get a directionality in the evolutionary process … Thus, to attain to a correct directionality of evolutionary path, each path of evolution has always had a specific center of itself …
  • Without a center, how would the evolutionary process lead to a specific state of evolution, that is related to that center and where that center is also related to that specific evolutionary standing only …
  • And thus, as an aspirant evolves higher, a newer center is needed to center that aspirant unto that path which would lead that aspirant to an even higher state of evolution … Thus, at such a state (or time), the earlier center which that aspirant had been associating to would have to be left by that aspirant … A center only serves till a specific state of evolution and when the aspirant attains to that specific state of evolution, to which the center was leading, then a newer center is needed by that aspirant to make it (aspirant) continue further within the purviews of the principle of evolution that has already been discussed earlier on in this text …
  • , etc., … You can expand this discussion to whatever aspect you like, because this law is a universal one (and the same is also applicable to (every other principle, process and law that is discussed in this text)…


AA-2) …

Definition of a center …

This could be thus defined …

Anything that can be centered in, centered with or centered upon is a center


This means anything that could be rested in, related to, associated to or banked-upon during the entire process of ones entire evolutionary progress, is a center …

And since the evolutionary process also continues in states which are beyond the macrocosm, but since beyond the macrocosm, only allness remains, so beyond the macrocosm there remains no center other than that of allness and where that allness is also in its unfractured and thus partless state, within which all other centers are found to be residing …

Due to above stated fact, whenever any aspirant enters into a state of his (or her) inner oneness towards allness (i.e. oneness to allness or Brahmand Dharana), then state of an inner ‘oneness towards allness (i.e. oneness to allness or Brahmand Dharana)’ becomes the path of exit from the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation itself …


BB) …

Law of eternal shifting … Law of shifting of centers … Law of cyclic shifts …

Here we shall discuss the law of eternal shifting of centers …


BB-1) …

Regarding the need of declaring this law …

Unless I enter the world during the time spans of a Sandhikaal (intermediary time span between any two ages), I normally don’t declare this law … This is how it has been during many of my earlier transmigrated incarnations … But because, this time around I have entered this world at the time of change of age and that too, within intermediary time span (Sandhi) of the presently outgoing degenerate age cycle and the incoming human age golden age cycle, that would be none other than being an Age of Sages (Guru Yuga), so in this text I also remain with no option but to declare this law to all …

But during the intermediary time span that falls between any two age cycles (i.e. Yuga Sandhi), since the need of declaration of this law stands paramount, so this law is discussed here … This need to declare is also due to the fact that the presently underway process of change of age would be leading to a complete vanishing of many of the presently applicable centers (and thus, their systems) from this world …

Since most of the present day centers of this world are related to individualism (monotheism) and since the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) is an age of pluralistic monism (Bahuvadi Advaita) whose ways of life could be stated as “all roads lead to the same home”, so as this process of change of human ages (Manav Yuga) continues, almost all present day centers which as such are related to the outgoing age cycle and thus are unfit to move into the incoming age cycle, would be vanishing from this world …

And since majority of humanity of today is relating to such individualistic centers which have no place during the incoming human golden age cycle (Manav Satyuga), so as the process of a final end of time of these present day individualistic centers (monotheistic ways of life) comes to a close, all adherents of these individualistic centers (and also their followed systems) would start becoming internally chaotic and ultimately their internal chaos would also begin reflecting in the outer world …

This is because, monotheism is unfit to move into the incoming age cycle and also a fact, that, monotheism always come and goes with a bang …

As also, at the time of end of all monotheistic ways of life, if majority of humanity is relating to one or another aspect of monotheistic ways of life, then that bang would also be of huge proportions and thus would also be of a state of wide spread chaos


Thus, basis above …

Since we already are living in the intermediary time span of change of ages (I.e. Sandhi Kala) and because the systems of the outgoing age cycle and the incoming age cycle are totally different (because systems of outgoing age are monotheistic and on contrary the systems of incoming age are of pluralistic monism), so the incoming times would be related to vast aspects of chaos …

This vast incoming chaos on whose doorway this world already stands at the time when I write this topic, would be of a manmade, natural and also of a divine nature and humanity of those incoming times (and also their outgoing systems), won’t even have the time to know what hit them, from where did it hit them and how many times were they hit …

And because this time around I have entered this world during the times that are just prior to manifestation of such a widespread chaos, that ultimately would be entering into all ways and walks of life of not only humanity, but also of all other parts of cosmic speciology which inhabits this world, so out of no choice I am declaring this law for the benefit of those, who would be able to understand it and thence comply to it, prior they qualify to move into the next or incoming human age cycle (Manav Yuga Chakra) that itself is of the age of sages (Guru Yuga) …


BB-2) …

Explain how this chaos would manifest and spread …

There are four Purushartha’s in Vedas … And these are …

  • Dharma …
  • Artha …
  • Kama …
  • Moksha …

Purushartha is also denoting the four legs of Vedic Gau Mata …

The name Vedic Gau Mata literally means the ‘animal cow’, and in a greater sense it means the giver of all nectars because all Devi and Deva (i.e. all divinities or all Gods and Goddesses) reside in Gau Mata …

Thus, Gau Mata is mother earth (i.e. Bhu Devi, who is also my Kula Devi since Swayambhu Manvantara, which had manifested about 1.96+ billion years ago) …

And the same word of ‘Gau Mata’ also denotes mother nature (Ma Prakriti) … The same Gau Mata of Sanskrit lore’s is also the one who is addressed as addressed as ‘Gaiya Mata (the giver of nectars of life) and who is also the same ‘Mother Gaia’ of western lore’s … In fact, animal cow, is the microcosmic manifestation of Mother nature (Maa Prakriti) itself …


Proceeding further …

Of these four Purushartha’s, only Artha (as stated above) remains in a degenerate age (i.e. Kaliyuga) …

Artha in gross meaning (i.e. in physical realms or its relation to gross aspects) means economics …

Thus, during this process of end of degenerate age in which this world has already entered, when this world would begin seeing economic chaos which is related to the very existence of humanity across lands of this planet, then know for sure, the present age is changing …

And prior this chaos, would be the stage of start of a global health chaos, that would be manifesting on/around 2020.24 AD (March 27th 2020 AD) and which as such would be related to the earlier discussed topic on “Diseases of Sandhikaal” …

And after this stage, would be the start of isolated quarrels, then isolated fighting’s and wars between the following …

  • Religions … Beliefs … Faiths … Color, creed, races, etc. …
  • Fights (and wars) due to need of resources …
  • Wars and chaos due to leaders trying to divert attention of their people from core issues that their nations and religions face …
  • And finally those wars between nations … This would only come after the chaos after fourth amongst the “diseases due to Sandhikaal” has already come by and has already left its mark in this world …


Proceeding further …

These wars and their consequent chaos would primarily be because of leaders and that too because none of these leaders know the process of change of age and how to mitigate its effects …

Plus, since all the leaders of a Sandhikala (intermediary time span between two ages which are changing) would be trying to divert attention of their people from core issues, so they themselves would be creating situations that lead to chaos … Thus, there would be a rise of chaotic nationalism, chaotic religious aspects and also chaotic aspects that relate to geographies at such a time when this process of change of age is reaching its climax stage on/around 2028.74 AD, +/- 7 years and a further +/- 2.7 years …

And when this stage comes, then every human who had ever voted or supported their religious and political leaders would be held at fault by mother nature (Ma Prakriti) who as such is the pristine divinity of the absolute being (Brahman) …


And I say so, because of the following facts …

  • In monarchy … The following statement applies …

As is the King, so are the subjects

This is because subjects always copy the styles of their king … And since subjects don’t choose their king, so the subjects are also not responsible for the faults (or mistakes) of the king …

Thus, in Vedic monarchy, the king was always chosen by self-realized, all-realized sages … And thence these sages also ensured, their their future lineages of these kings are also rendered proper education and knowledge, to ruling through righteousness …

This system of Vedic monarchy also ensured that only a very-good person was needed to be chosen as the first king and since the future generations of that king would also be educated by other self-realized, all-realized sages of that time and prior the kings heirs would be elected by these sages only (but provided these heirs are fit to righteously rule), so this system of Vedic Kingship also ensured that the subjects also remained righteous as per the inner meaning of above statement …


  • In democracy … The following statement applies …

As are the subjects, so is the king (leader) who gets chosen

This is because in democracy, the subjects choose their leader(s) and thus the subjects would only end up choosing someone who is of their kind and type …

And since the subjects only choose their leader, so these subjects also bear the brunt of bad karma of their leaders …

So, if I were to say in a nutshell, then I can only say … If you chosen somebody as your leader, then you bear the brunt of bad karma of that leader …

As also, since in degenerate ages, majority of subjects have nothing to do with righteousness of way of life, so the chosen (or elected) leaders invariable are highly corrupt, deceptive and thus unrighteous ones …

And this is why, in my entire life I have never voted in any type of election because I had already known that in degenerate ages, righteous kings (or leaders for democratic setups) don’t exist …

As also, since after voting a leader, I would also be responsible for the mistakes (or bad karma) of such unrighteous leaders of Kaliyuga and which I don’t want to bear, so I have never voted in this transmigrated incarnation

As also, since all democratic leaders only get elected (or chosen) by majority of votes and since all these election candidates are basically liars, corrupt, self-serving and unrighteous ones (this is how it has been found after I study their impressions or Samskaras, which are residing in their own consciousness orbs or Chitta of their causal bodies of Antahkarana), so I have never ever voted in this transmigrated incarnation …

I also think … Why bear the brunt of lower (or bad) karma of such stupid ones just to satisfy some others or a manmade useless constitution, which serves nothing as far as compliance to the four Purushartha’s (i.e. Purushartha Chatushtaya) is concerned …

And basis my own timeless existence, I also know the fact, that if it doesn’t serve serve the universal requirements of the four Purushartha, then is not worth relating to because it would never ensure righteousness during evolutionary progress

Plus, I have never supported an unrighteous system of its followers during any of my incarnations and those further transmigrated returns that have also been across the multi-universal macrocosmic creation

Due to above, this time around I decided that I would not spoil my accumulated merit (Sanchit Karma) which as such is earned across the eternity of my existence as a microcosm within the supreme genius, that itself is of the Maker’s Makings

I know many wouldn’t believe what is written here, but this is because they have neither known the process of change of age nor do they know its mitigation and they also don’t know ……………….

Those who wish to know “some of” my past incarnations (as I cannot list all, due to the fact, that this text is only my Guru Dakshina or return gift that a student renders to his Guru and that too in a way that is exactly the same as was asked for by his or her Guru), can read in the already discussed topic of “Rarity of knower’s of the 8th plexus” …

And I will not spoil a merit to comply to a temporary useless manmade constitution, that is made by thieves and rogues … I only believe in the divine constitution about which I shall write when the appropriate time comes …

I know majority (including leaders of today) wouldn’t believe what is written here, but this is because they have neither known the process of change of age nor do they know the path of mitigation of its severities and they also don’t know ……………….


BB-3) …

Explaining the law of eternal shifting … Law of shifting of centers … Law of cyclic shifts …

At every stage of evolution, the aspirant always relates to the codes of one or more centers that are necessary to be associated at that particular stage of evolutionary process …

And where the course of evolution of each microcosm also makes that aspirant to pass through all realms of existence that are within the Makers Makings and thus the course of evolution also makes each aspirant (microcosm) to also associate to the specific centers that are of those realms of existence (and also the centers that are to be related to at that specific stage of evolution of the aspirant) …

But since this association to a specific center is only for a specific stage of evolution, so as the aspirant evolves, a newer center would also have to be associated to by that aspirant and where that newer center is also the one which is apt for the then evolutionary standing of that aspirant …

As also, since during the course of progress within that long drawn and thus almost undefined path of the process of evolution (which itself is a part of the earlier discussed topic of universal process) each microcosm (aspirant) would ultimately be passing through the entirety of cosmic hierarchy, which is also of the states of existences, their evolutionary paths and their centers … This is what leads to a state where as the aspirant keeps evolving, an ever newer center also keeps manifesting for that aspirant and to which that aspirant also relates …

This entire evolutionary process and its ever changeful centers eventually takes that aspirant out of the purviews of the entirety of principles process and law of Maker’s Makings … Thus, ultimately each aspirant would be reaching into a state which is free of the entirety of principles, process and laws of Makersmakings … And where the end stage of evolution is always of accomplishment of detachment to allness (i.e. Tyaga) …


Moving on …

But since the process of evolution would be taking every aspirant through the entirety of macrocosmic hierarchies, so this also makes the evolutionary process to be none other than being multi-world, multi-planic, multi-universal, multi-realm and also multi-dimensional …

When the characteristics of the state of evolution of that aspirant gets coupled with the characteristic of the realm or state of existence in which any aspirant resides, are a set of centers that are available to that aspirant … Depending upon the then evolutionary requirements, the aspirant can associate to any single or multiple centers all of which are related to and thus are resting within the ever-same vastness of macrocosmic hierarchy


Proceeding further …

But during the long drawn course of evolution, as the aspirant evolves to a higher evolutionary standing, then the earlier centers are also found to be shifted … This is how it is when these earlier centers (that have already been evolved from) are observed from a higher evolutionary standing …

This shifting can also be in a state, where a newer center would manifest to satisfy the then evolutionary needs of that aspirant …

Thus, the phrase “shifting of centers”, as used here “doesn’t only mean” that the earlier center would be seen as shifted … In reality, this phrase “shifting of centers” also means that the earlier center would no longer be applicable and thus in such a case, a newer center would have to be utilized (and thus associated to or related to) so as to further continue within the process of evolution, and which itself is a part of the vast applicability of the macrocosmic “principle of eternal evolution” and also the vast applicability of the “law of cosmic hierarchy”, that we have already discussed in earlier topics …


Thus, basis above …

  • As the relative position of an aspirant within the macrocosmic hierarchy changes, the ways of life that were relating to the earlier center would become invalid … This much is sure …
  • And at the same time, that center may not be totally invalid if it is one of the main centers of the Makers Makings
  • These main centers are those which are related to any of the five faces of Sadashiva (i.e. they relate to any of the aspects of Panch Mukha Sadashiva) … And these main centers are always those which are of the five faces of Shiva and their five divine worlds (i.e. Panch Deva and their Loka) …
  • Thus basis above, if an earlier center was related to any of the five divine worlds as are of the five pristine divine beings (Panch Deva), then that center would never become invalid until the aspirant finally exits out of the entirety of allness and which itself is through the direct cognition of the fact, that the aspirants self (Atman) is none other than the self of all (Brahman) …
  • Thus, if it is a center that relates to any of the five faces of Shiva (Pancha Mukha Shiva) or Pancha Deva (five pristine Deva), then that center would remain valid all along that aspirants evolutionary process, which itself is none other than being multi-world, multi-planic, multi-universal, multi-realm and multi-dimensional …
  • And even when those centers which relate to the any of the five faces of Shiva (or five faces of Brahma, call them whatever you want), would remain valid across the evolutionary process of an aspirant and until the aspirant enters into the direction cognition of the fact, that, the aspirants Atman is Brahman, yet that aspirant would also see that their paths are changeful … Thus this would render the direct cognition of the fact, that centers also change in their characteristics and ways (or paths of evolution) even when that center may remain valid across the entirety of that multi-world, multi-planic, multi-universal, multi-realm and multi-dimensional evolutionary process of the aspirant …



Thus, basis above we shall not try to understand the meaning of the phrase that is used in the header of this topic, and which as such is of “Shifting of center or eternal shifting of center” …

A center is deemed to have shifted if it …

  • Becomes invalid for an aspirant’s (or a group of aspirants) state of existence (or current realm of existence) …
  • Becomes of a state which is different from its earlier state and thus its earlier aspects that relate to its ways of life (or codes or path) …
  • When it becomes invalid to the evolutionary standing of an aspirant … I.e. when an aspirant evolves to a higher evolutionary standing within the cosmic hierarchy, the center always shifts in one of above listed ways … This is because, an upwardly evolution path, can never keep relating to the same ways of life of the same center unless that center is of any of the five Brahmas (Panch Brahma) and who are also the ones, that in Shaiva lore’s are also addressed as five faces of Shiva and also as five faces of Sadashiva (or simply as Sadashiva) …


BB-4) …

Shifting of centers is an eternally continuous process …

The proof of this fact, could be explained as follows …

  • All modifications of religious texts, their paths and codes is a proof that the center of that religion, is shifting … This could even be a proof that the center of that religion has already shifted at some point in its history … During and after a center shifts, the earlier scripture (text) would also need to adapt and thus modify itself as per the shifted aspect of that center (of that particular religion) …
  • And the reverse of above stated fact is also true, that the centers also evolve and this evolution of the center is also the reason for modification of that religious text (which relates to that center) … Evolution of centers is also within the purviews of the law of cosmic hierarchy and the principle of eternal evolution
  • Change of laws of a country or modification of the country’s constitution is also a proof that the center to which that country was relating, has already shifted or has started shifting …
  • Change of codes of societies, organization is also rendering the same proof that the center(s) to which they had been relating to till then, has already shifted or has started shifting …
  • The same applies to everything else that comes under the purviews of the phrase, “all that is of ways and walks of life” …


BB-5) …

Reason for shifting of centers …

Some of the reasons for eternally cyclic shifting of centers are as follows …

  1. Primary reason for centers becoming invalid and thus shifting … When an age changes …

Change of an age cycle always leads to a state where many of the centers of the earlier age cycle, become invalid … This condition of invalidity of centers is particularly there for those centers which cannot satisfy the requirements of the next (i.e. incoming) age cycle …

This change of age could be of anything, including but not limited to …

  • A divine age cycle, which is termed as an age of Deva or age of divine beings and is also named as a Deva Yuga (and additionally this is also the one called as a Mahayuga or great age or great eon or a Maha Yuga) …
  • An age of the father of cosmic speciology i.e. an age of Manu and where this age is also termed as a Manvantar (or Manvantara) …
  • A solar age cycle which relates to the eternally moving cycle of revolution of sun around the center of the the Milky way galaxy (and which in modern astronomy is also called as a galactic year) and also that part of the age of sun which relates to the 60 full cycles of sun (i.e. a Mahakalpa) which proceed within the path that looks like the mathematical symbol of infinity and which is also called as the Surya Samvatsara (and which is also termed as a Maha Kalpa) …
  • An age that relates to the grandfather and creator of allness and which includes the time span of a day of Brahma (i.e. Brahma Kalpa) and also includes the time span of a night time of Brahma (i.e. Brahma Ratri) and which also includes that ever longer time span which is of a year of Brahma (i.e. Brahma Varsha) … This time span of year of Brahma (i.e. Brahma Vatsara) is also the same as the time span of one revolution of Milky way
  • , etc., …


  1. Other reasons where a center becomes invalid and thus shifts …

Some of these reasons are listed below …

  • When the ways of life of a center or its centered entity can no longer manage to comply to any of the earlier discussed laws, like the Law of stagnation, Law of non sameness, etc., …
  • When the evolutionary process of inhabitants is about to reach or has already started reaching a stage where the need of that center is no longer there … I.e. the stage where a center has already reaching a state where its need for the people of the world (where that center is manifested and associated to) is no longer there and which itself is because the evolutionary standing of the masses (or majority of people) of that world is already such that they have gone beyond the scopes of ways of life of a center …
  • When that center has already done all that it had to do in a world and thus, from the cosmic point of view, its presence is no longer needed …
  • When the association of inhabitants of a world or adherents of a center, to a center is such that, the center or its centered entity can no longer can relate to the adherents of that center (or inhabitants of that world), then in such a case, the centered entity only begins withdrawing that center from that world …
  • When due to evolution of any microcosm (aspirant) the earlier center in its earlier ways of life is no longer applicable to it … Then in such a situation also, the center has to change itself for that microcosm (aspirant) or all such microcosm’s (i.e. all such aspirants who have reached to such a state of evolution) …

Note: As such, due to this reason, as the followers of a center evolve, that center also has to evolve suitable codes that can remain applicable to the then evolutionary standing of those adherents (or followers) of the center and thus account for their different relative positions with respect to the earlier center that they still relate to (or believe in) …

  • When the world, or plane of existence (like a Galaxy or even a divine plane) or universe can no longer maintain its flows and dynamicity in a state which is different from all earlier states that ever were during the history of Makers Makings … In such a case also, the center also has no choice but to exit out (of that world or plane of existence or the universe) …

Note: Since allness is eternally resting within the principle of eternal evolution, so all parts of allness also evolve … This statement also includes a world, plane of existence (including the divine planes) and also the universe … So, when a world’s (or plane’s or universe’s) etheric evolves, then also either the center has to change itself to account for their evolved states … And in condition of absence of this change, that center has to end its existence (upon that world or plane or the universe, as the case may be) …

  • When the final macro-neutrality of the final resultant of macrocosmic creation is threatened by a center and/or its flows and dynamism, then that center either has to change its state to ensure the macro-equanimity of the macrocosmic resultant … And if that center cannot do such, then also it has to end its existence within the entire macrocosmic creation (i.e. that center shall have to completely dissolute) …

Note: Above is the reason for a final and permanent end of a center in the multi-universe … And this is what denotes a final end of time of that center and it’s adherents …

  • , etc., …


BB-6) …

Centers of Anatman always shift …

Note this carefully … Because this is a matter of fact …

  • If a way of life or anything else does not relate to the fullness, wholeness and completeness of the self (Atman), which itself is the self of all (Parabrahman or simply, Brahman), then it would always have a center that would also be within the process of its eternal shifting and where these shifts would also be cyclic … Such a center is only relating to and thus is of one or another aspect of non self (i.e. Anatman) …
  • That which does not relate to Atman, is naught but one or another aspect of Anatma (i.e. Non self) whose centers are the one that continue within the process of ever-shifting and which itself is due to the subtle effects that are rendered by this discussed law of eternal shifting and many other already discussed macrocosmic laws (like the law of non sameness) …


CC) …

Pluralistic monism is the eternal center even when it is changeful …

Pluralistic monism ultimately means “all paths lead to the same home (i.e. all paths lead to the absolute being or Parambrahma)” …

This means, irrespective of what may be believed in, which text is related to, which way of life may be followed, all ultimately relate to the same truth that is pervading (permeating) and enveloping all that is as allness and her each part …

Pluralistic monism is the way of life of macrocosmic creation … And it is also the way of life of Vedas …

Just as the macrocosmic creation is based within the same eternity that itself is of (and also denotes) the supreme being (Param Brahma or Parambrahma), so is eternal the intrinsically pluralistic yet essentially monist way of life of the cosmic creation …

Any center other than the one which includes allness in all of its forms and non forms, also remains with no choice but to keep changing …

And any center which is based upon the intrinsic pluralism and essential monism of the macrocosmic creation, has also remained with no choice, but to keep changing during the course of eternity as is of the macrocosmic creation … And yet since macrocosmic pluralism also includes all individualities and corpus of aspects (and there ways of life) that have ever existed in the Makers Makings, so even when the ways of life within pluralistic monism would be seen to be changeful, yet the pluralistic monist center would continue to exist whilst it envelopes and permeates such changeful aspects …

Above is because of the fact, that everything rests within the same allness that itself is based in pluralism and yet is the same allness that is also monist in its essential nature … Thus, changes have never and would never affect the workings of a pluralistic monist center and it is due to this reason, that pluralistic monism is the only eternal system (or way of life or belief) … As also, since only the path of Vedas is related to pluralistic monism, so this is why the ancient sages had named the vast corpus that makes the Vedic ways of life as Sanatana Dharma, which means, the eternal Dharma or eternal law or eternal way of life

The pluralistic monist center relates to the entirety of Makers Makings, so it also includes all that has ever been during the macrocosmic history and also includes all that could ever be during any future time of existence of the macrocosm … So as far as the ways of life of a pluralistic yet monist center are concerned, even when they would be seen to be changeful, yet that center of pluralistic monist ways of life would remain as the same center that ever was and would ever be of the Makers Makings … This is because of the fact that all parts of allness (that ever was or could ever be) and which also includes the ways of life of those all parts of allness, are in fact resting within and thus are as parts of the same pluralistic monist center of the macrocosmic creation …

Thus, since that intrinsically pluralistic yet essentially monist center can account for the entirety of allness and her ever changeful parts, so that center always remains as the eternal center within the Maker’s Makings … This is why the ancient sages had named it as Sanatan Dharma, which means the eternal law or eternal way of life or eternal dharma …

Since all individualistic aspects and their groups (i.e. all corpuses of individualistic aspects) are one or another parts of and are also resting within the the envelope of intrinsic pluralism of Makers Makings, so they all are a part of the vast purviews of macrocosmic pluralism and this is why the macrocosmic center due to its unlimited pluralistic ways, can account for all of them and their eternal changes (as these changes keep taking place, they still rest within the same all enveloping pluralism of the macrocosmic center) …

Continuing with above paragraph … And at the same time, since the macrocosmic center is also related to monism, so even when there are differences within the individualistic centers, yet they all remain as essential parts of the same macrocosmic creation and her macrocosmic center … This is what leads to the end state of essential monism within the ways of life that relate to allness of Makers Makings …


Proceeding further …

Thus basis above, any center that is based upon the intrinsic pluralism and essential monism of the macrocosmic creation, ends up staying eternal … And such a center is also capable of rejuvenating itself whenever, wherever and in whatever ways that may be required to make it suitable to any microcosm and across the triple times … Thus, irrespective of the evolutionary standings of any microcosm, that microcosm can continue to rest within the macrocosmic center of pluralistic monism …

And on contrary to above, the individualistic centers usually have only one way or path (from the time of their manifestation till their dissipation), so after the adherents of such a center evolve to a state where they can no longer relate to that center, they the center also remains with no choice but to exit out of the world … This is why the individualism is non eternal, i.e. it has a time or point of origin and is also has an end time philosophy already incorporated in it …

After the stage of this loss of synchronism between the adherent’s evolutionary state and the divinities of a center arrives, then either there is a great chaos or there is a mass apostasy in such beliefs (of individualistic centers and their centered entities) … And in either of these possibilities, that belief always ends … This is why there is always an end time philosophy within all individualistic (i.e. monotheistic) beliefs and which itself is contrary to a philosophy of cyclic nature of time (i.e. ever moving wheel of time) that always is of the macrocosmic pluralistic yet monist center … The center of pluralistic monism being eternal can never have an end time philosophy …

This world is already approaching that state of chaos which is referred in above discussion and where that chaos would only leading to an end of all individualism (and their individualistic centers) in this world … And where that end would also be as per the call of the incoming cycle of time, which would be leading this world into that which was told as Apocalypse within the individualistic beliefs … The word Apocalypse actually means, “revelation of that which has been hidden for long” …

When this revelation of truth which has been hidden for long, actually happens, then the present degenerate age (i.e. Kaliyuga) would begin ending in this world and simultaneously the divinities of the next age cycle (i.e. Guru Yuga) would begin entering into this world …

As this process of change of ages speeds up (around 2028.74 AD), this world would also remain with no choice but to leave individualism (monotheism) and their individualistic (monotheistic) centers and slowly start moving towards the eternal center of macrocosmic creation, i.e. pluralistic monism as a way of life …

As also, since only Vedic lore (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) is relating to pluralistic monist ways of life of the macrocosmic center, so mark my words, that within the next few decades, that part of humanity of this world (i.e. those humans who would be surviving that severe process of change of present divine degenerate age to the incoming human golden age) would majorly be resting within the eternal macrocosmic center of Dharma (Hinduism) …

Note: A center can never be perfectly based in pluralistic monism unless it has many paths which lead to the same home … And where these paths also are of a varied interpretations that relate to Theism, Theistic-Atheism, Atheistic-Theism in addition to accounting for all aspects of Atheism and similar … And this is why, if someone would study the fullness of Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) then such a person would know what pluralistic monism actually is in its utter diversity of ways of life …

And since pluralistic monism is such, so even when the ways of life that relate to this pluralistic yet monist center keep changing, yet the center remains the same … This is because, all changes that can ever take place had already been incorporated within the macrocosmic center right from the instant the Maker had commenced his Makings …


CC-1) …

Maintenance of synchronism between the adherents and the center …

Unless the synchronism between the evolutionary standings of adherents of a center and ways of life of a center is there, that center can never be of any benefit (to any of its adherents) …

But since evolution is a continuous and eternal process, so evolution of adherents of a center can never be stopped or avoided by the divinities of a center … Plus, since the principle of evolution and law of universal process (i.e. one process there only is, as evolution of all that has ever begun within the Makers Makings) are also applicable to the center (and its ways of life), so as times progress, the center also evolves and thus also ends up changing its characteristics …

And since evolution eventually leads to a state, where the earlier codes and ways of life cannot be followed and thus newer codes and ways of life would be needed for that evolved standing of adherents of a center, so when such a situation arrives, the center itself self-generated newer codes and ways of life, then that center also chooses an appropriate instrument (an appropriate person) who is made to enter that world so as to lay down the foundations of the newer codes which would be accounting for the evolved state of the adherents of that earlier center …

Above is why there are cyclic amendments in the codes of all centers (way of life or beliefs or faiths or religions) and these cyclic amendments are irrespective of whether that center is a political one or it is a religious one or it is any other (like those which relate to geographies, economics, social structures, etc.,) …

All amendments that are made in the codes of any system of any center, are always as per above discussed reason …

Note: But due to restrictions of subtlety bandwidths of monotheism and its individualistic centers which as such can never relate to the fullness, wholeness and completeness of all that is within the macrocosm, within all individualistic centers a state always arrives where the center can never modify itself to a state where it could account for the evolved state of its adherents … And this is also the stage, where that centers entity (i.e. centered entity or God of that center) decides to call its day … This is why monotheism always has an end time philosophy already incorporated in it and where this incorporation is also right after that individualistic center gets established within the world …


CC-2) …

As is demand of a cycle of time, so is the characteristic of center which arrives …

Time is the primordial dimension of Makers Makings … Thus, all that ever is manifested and existent anywhere within the macrocosm, always follows the demands of the cycle of time (or Kaalchakra) during which it manifests and/or exists …

Everything rests in the purviews of the dimension of time (Kaal) and thus everything that has ever existed in the Makers Makings, is resting within the womb like state of time …

As a matter of fact, following is how time is self-realized …

  • Within the inward path … When we self realize the dimension of time within our own microcosm, then the time (or Kala) is as our own self (Atman), who itself is self-known to be the self of all (Para Brahman) …

Continuing with above bullet point … Thus, when any aspirant would self-realize time (Kaal) within his (or her) own physical vehicle, that that aspirant would see time as his (or her) own innermost self (Atma) and where that Atma is Brahma (i.e. the self of aspirant would be known as self of allness and her each part) … Thus, self-realization of the dimension of time within the aspirant leads to the state where the aspirants self, itself is found to be the finality of dimension of time, i.e. eternity (or the eternal nature of time) …

  • Within the outward paths … Within paths that relate to outwardly aspects, i.e. paths of egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) or paths that relate to anything but the self of the aspirant, the same dimension of time would be seen to be eternally cyclic and where those cycles of time would also be permeated and enveloped by an unknown entity, which such aspirants also term as eternity (or God) … Thus within outwardly paths, time is seen to be cyclic in its nature and where these cycles have been continuing since the timeless eternity of the Makers Makings …

Continuing with above bullet point … And yet since the monotheistic beliefs cannot ever simultaneously relate to all of those vast numbers of egoistic Gods that actually are existent within their respective heavens (all of which are one or another part of the same pluralistic yet monist nature of Makers Makings), so these beliefs are also incapable to relate to cyclic nature of time … This is why all monotheistic systems always have an end of time philosophy inherent in them …


Proceeding further …

All centers that get manifested anywhere in the macrocosmic creation, are only those which can cater to the demands of the then cycle of time (or Kaal Chakra) …

Any center that gets manifested within a world, only gets manifested to serve a cycle of time (or a stage of Kala Chakra) … Each center manifests and serves a specific cycle of time (or Kalchakra) and when that cycle of time (or one part of the wheel of time) ends, then the center which had manifested for it, also remains with no choice but to end … But this end of a center is only if it is incapable to serve the requirements of the next age cycle …

Thus basis above, when the cycle of time reaches a stage of change and if the center which was serving the earlier cycle of time, cannot serve the requirements of that incoming cycle of time, then that existing center always enters into a chaos at that stage of time, which is intermediary between the two cycles of time (i.e. the intermediary time span between the outgoing and incoming cycles of time) … This is why, there is always a severe chaos during the ‘intermediary stages of change of ages (i.e. Sandhikaal)’ …

As of now this world is already resting in the end part of an intermediary time (Sandhi Kaal) that relates to the presently ending and next human age cycle (Manav Yuga Chakra) and due to this reason, the coming years (and decades) would definitely be leading to all sorts of chaos that would be related to manmade, natural and also to divine causes …


And as a matter of fact …

  • A pluralistic monist center always modifies itself during the Sandhi Kala (intermediary time of change of ages) … So, during the coming decades, this world would definitely be seeing changes in codes of sects of Sanatan Dharma (i.e. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and also Adivasi sects) …
  • And contrary to above, an individualistic center always ends during the same intermediary time (or Yuga Sandhi) of change of ages …
  • And since the next human age cycle (i.e. the next Manav Yuga, which as such is the Age of Sages of Guru Yuga or Age of Vyasa Peetha) has no scope for existence of individualism (i.e. monotheism of any sort) so due to this reason, during the coming years, this world would be seeing the end of monotheistic centers in all their forms and non forms and which also include but are not limited to religious monotheism, political monotheism (political individualism), economic individualism, social individualism, cultural individualism, geographical individualism, geopolitical individualism, military and security based individualism, health and safety based individualism, maritime individualism (like the presently marked imaginary maritime boundaries), color-creed-sex-race based individualism, etc., etc., …
  • But this process of end of individualism across all ways and walks of life, would also be extremely chaotic … When individualism ends, then chaos of vast proportions would also be seen across all walks and ways of life of humanity of this world …
  • This chaos would only end, if majority of humanity adopts the pluralistic monist ways of life and that too, as a willing whole …
  • The final part of this change of ages and then the later stages of widespread chaos would be activated after advent of the fourth of the diseases of Sandhikaal (i.e. this would happen around 24 AD as per my Kalchakra calculations) and which in one form or another, would be staying in this world until 2028.74 AD (+/- 2.7 years)

Rest of this knowledge of chaos that always comes by during the stage of change of human ages shall be discussed in a later chapter on ‘Laghu Brahmastra (i.e. the miniature state of weapon of creator)’ …


CC-3) …

As is a center that gets manifested, so are the humans who enter that world …

The type of center and its ways of life are as per the cycle of time (or in other worlds, an age cycle) … This we have already discussed …

Within the macrocosmic creation, everything is within its own specific flows and thus is based in its own specific dynamism … The same is applicable to all centered entities of beliefs, faiths, religions and systems of ways of life …

The subtlety or grossness of this dynamism is also specific to the evolutionary standing and this fact is also applicable to each center (and thus is also applicable to each centered entity or God of that center) …

Thus, each center needs its specific types and quantum’s of flows and dynamism … And due to this reason, each center also needs its adherents, who would relate to it and thus maintain its subtle flows and dynamism …

As anyone relates to a way of life (path of worship) of a center, that person also emanates specific types of subtle flows and dynamism within that center itself (i.e. the center gets the emanated flows and dynamism from the person who relates to it) … And this maintains the flows and dynamism in that center and thus keeps that center operationally valid (or operational) …

But when an age changes, then a newer center needs to get manifested upon that world, so as to serve that next age cycle … And that newer center also needs to have specific types of adherents so as to maintain its specific types and quantum of subtle flows and dynamism …

But, if the world in which that newer center is to be manifested (so as to serve the requirements of the next or incoming age cycle) doesn’t even have those types of persons whose evolutionary standing can serve that center, then souls from other worlds (or planes or realms) are needed to be transferred to the world where that newer center is getting manifested (so as to serve the requirements of the incoming or next age cycle) … And this is what leads to transfer of souls, from one world to another within the same universe …

All these transfers are thus as per the call of time cycles and which also start when a newer center is to be manifested within a world where the age is changing and when the present humans are unfit to serve the needs of the next age cycle and its newer manifesting center …

And simultaneously when souls from other worlds are being transferred to the world where the age is changing, the inhabitants (humans, etc.) of that world who wouldn’t be able to serve the requirements of the next age cycle, would be made to exit out of that world (where the newer center is manifesting to serve the needs of the next age cycle) …

Thus, in the world where the age is changing, if the existing humans are those who would not be able to serve the needs of the incoming age cycle and its center, then these humans are always made to exit that world …

This exit is through many reasons, but all of these come in three types which are of manmade causes, natural shifts and divine interventions …


Proceeding further …

There are four ages and the sequences of their manifestations are as follows …

  • 1st … Age of truth … Or golden age … Or Satyuga … Or Kritayuga …
  • 2nd … Age of trinity … Treta Yuga …
  • 3rd … Age of duality … Dwapara Yuga …
  • 4th … Degenerate age … Age of cyclic chaos … Kaliyuga …


Thus, basis above …

During change of ages, the bigger of problems always come by when the degenerate age cycle (i.e. the 4th age as listed above) is ending and this process of end of degenerate age is directly leading to the golden age cycle (i.e. the 1st age as listed above) … As also a fact, that, within the divine age cycles (i.e. Deva Yuga or Mahayuga or Maha Yuga), such a change of divine ages (Mahayuga) this is also the stage of widespread chaos across all ways and walks of life …

And as far as the human ages (Manav Yuga) are concerned, the same state of widespread chaos comes when the Nadir phase of precession of equinoxes (or in other words, the nadir phase of axial precession of earth’s axis) is leading to the human golden age (Manav Satyuga or Age of sages) which relates to the stage of precession cycle that is of the middle time units of axial precession of earth axis …

This is because, in both above told stages of change of ages, the lower of all cycles is directly leading to the upper of all cycles … Or in other words, the stage of degeneration and recurrent chaos is directly leading to the age where the final truth can be directly cognized and thus such a condition of change of age cycles is also bypassing the two stages of 2nd and 3rd age as listed above …

When this change of age from the lowest age cycle (i.e. 4th age as listed above) happens directly to the higher of all ages (i.e. the 1st age as listed above), then because the two intermediary ages are bypassed, so this change always leads to a stage of imbalance within the divinities of time and its cycles …

And since time itself is the primordial dimension of macrocosmic creation, so when an imbalance comes in time, then this imbalance also becomes the further reason for all other imbalances within all other aspects … And thus, the chaos at such a change of age (i.e. from the 4th directly to the 1st age) is very deeply rooted and is also of very vast proportions …


Proceeding further to discuss the present condition of change of human ages …

Since majority of humanity of today, their systems and centers that have been present during the presently ending Kaliyuga, are mostly unfit to relate to the center of the incoming golden age, so in that chaos (which this world would be entering into on/around  2020.24 AD) that within that chaos that would be coming when the degenerate age changes directly to the golden age, majority of humanity of that time would be made to exit out of this world …

Thus, during the coming times, this condition of need of evicting the unfit ones out of this world, would also be leading to mass destructions of human civilizations, their ways of life and this mass destruction would also be seen across all their walks of life …


Proceeding further …

Those who are not able to accept the systems of Guru Yuga (i.e. systems as per the center of the incoming human golden age), would be exiting out of this world during the next few decades itself …

And that “coming exit” would majorly be of the adherents of individualistic centers (i.e. monotheistic ways of life) because the next age cycle (i.e. Age of Sages of Guru Yuga) is devoid of individualism (monotheistic ways of life and Gods) …

The next age cycle is of pluralistic monism (i.e. it is of Vedic ways of life) … Thus, those who are inwardly incapable of adopting pluralistic monism, that itself is the way of life of the center of the incoming age cycle, would be slowly and steadily exiting out of this world … And after they exit, they would be transferred upon that world, who has a center which can serve their ‘then evolutionary needs’ …

And since at present times, within this world, majority of humanity is unfit to enter into that pluralistic yet monist center of the incoming Guru Yuga, so be sure that this world is about to enter a stage, of full cleansing prior the divinities of the incoming age cycle (i.e. golden age or age of truth) reach a stage, where they are higher in quantum as compared to the present ending degenerate age cycle …

And as this cleansing of the unwanted, undeserving and unacceptable keeps taking place, those who are wanted, deserving and acceptable to the center of the incoming age of sages, would be made to enter this world (i.e. they would be taking birth on this world) … And where this process would also speed up as this world keeps approaching 2028.74 AD (+/- 2.7 years) …

And by the time this reaches the year 2082 AD, +/- 27 years and a further +/- 2.7 years, individualism (monotheism) in all its forms and non forms, would have already exited out of this entire world system …

And after above stated time and during the further 432 years (432 years is as per the nadir time units, that are applicable as of now), the world would have already forgotten individualism in all its forms and non forms …

All this is as per what was told in the sub-header of this discussion, that, “as is a center that gets manifested, so are the humans who enter that world” …


Note: The coming few years and also those further decades, are really the end time that is told in individualistic systems (monotheistic religions) …

Note: As compared to any of the individualistic centers of this currently ending degenerate age cycle, the incoming age cycle, its center and its divinities, are very subtle … Subtle is that, which relates to fullness of the phrase “Inner oneness to allness and all parts of allness” and where the word allness, includes everything that ever is originated within the Makers Makings (i.e. it also includes the entirety of macrocosmic speciology) …


DD) …

Important stages and process of laying down a newer center …

The stage of time when a newer center is being placed and simultaneously an earlier center is being evicted out of a world, is very peculiar … This state could be thus told …


DD-1) …

Relationship of placement of a newer center and rise in world’s population …

When a newer center is to be placed, then the divinities of macrocosmic creation always choose an appropriate instrument to carry out this job …

An appropriate instrument means a soul who has the requisite evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies, that are needed to place a very subtle yet strong foundation of the ways of life of that newer center in that world (and which is also placed as per the call of time and its eternal cycles) …

Whenever that appropriate instrument gets chosen by the macrocosmic divinities to install the subtle yet strong center of the incoming cycle of time in a world, then all those souls who are evolutionary ready to associate to that would be placed center, always begin hearing this subtle roar … The same roar shall also be heard by those souls who have been awaiting for that knowledge which would be installed by the chosen instrument of macrocosmic divinities …

Thus, this subtle roar is always heard by the evolutionary ready souls, wherever they may be residing within the macrocosmic creation …

This subtle roar is of the continuous sound of MMMMMMMMMM … And thus it is of the primordial sound of allness, that is also termed as Brahmnaad (or Brahma Nada) in Vedas …

As also, for the souls who are evolutionarily ready to enter into the path of that newer center for whose placement an appropriate instrument is already chosen and placed upon a world, this sound of Brahmanaad (or Brahma Nada) also heard continuously (or endlessly) until they finally enter the world where the newer center is to be placed …

Through this Brahmanada (i.e. continuous sound of Mmmmm) the evolutionary ready souls trace the world from where it originates and thence also enter it (i.e. they take birth on that world) …

As this process of entry of evolutionary ready souls is continuing, other souls who also reside within the same universe and who relate to the ways of life of the center which is ending its existence on that world, also begin entering that world … This entry is to counter and thus save ways of life of their followed center from ending …

And as this process continues, the world’s population (where the newer center is being placed by the chosen instrument of divinities of cosmic creation) also expands at a rate which is faster than normal … This is what happened after 1974 AD (+/- 2.7 years) and a further minus 108 years … A further minus 108 years is written here as the sage of Maheshvara who has come to lay down the extremely subtle yet strong foundation of the center of the incoming human age of truth (Satyuga) had actually entered the galactic plane of this world, at this time (i.e. 108 years prior 1974 AD, +/- 2.7 years) …


DD-2) …

Some aspects of rise of world’s population when centers are shifting …

  • Larger the shift of center is to be, greater is the attraction within all other worlds (for souls of other worlds, who desire to born on the world where this change or shift is to take place) …
  • Higher is the subtlety of the newer center, greater is the attraction within all other worlds (for souls of other worlds, who need to be born on the world where change or shift is to take place) …
  • Higher evolved is the one who gets chosen by macrocosmic divinities to shift the existing centers or to implant a newer center, then greater is the attraction within all other worlds (for souls of other worlds, who desire to born on the world where this change or shift is to take place) …
  • Closer is the newer center to the original center of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. the pluralistic monist center of cosmic creation), then greater is the attraction within all other worlds (for souls of other worlds, who desire to born on the world where this change or shift is to take place) …
  • Fuller is the center as far as its unity to allness and its essence is concerned, then greater is the attraction within all other worlds (for souls of other worlds, who desire to born on the world where this change or shift is to take place) …
  • And finally, if that newer center leading to the knowledge of self (I.e. Atman) to the self of all (i.e. the essence of allness, which as such is the attributeless infinite being or Brahman), then the attraction that this would be there in other worlds of the universe, would even begin developing much earlier than the chosen instrument (or cosmic divinities) actually arrives to that world (where it is to take place) …

Above in turn leads to a very vast attraction for souls who reside in many-many other worlds … Thus these souls get attracted and eventually begin taking birth on the world where this change or shifting of centers is to take place as per the call of time and its eternal cycles …

At such times, even the demi-gods take birth and simultaneously with this, most Gods and Satan’s (i.e. the evolved yet evolving ones) would have also marked that world i.e. they would also have already arrived to that world, in a gross or subtle form or even a formless state … Even when they may be residing upon the world in their subtle states, yet they would also be participating in the process of change or shifting of centers …

Note: All above is because, at this instant of placement of a center, the essence of that center shall be the most clear (i.e. the essence would be pristine and thus free of deviations that eventually would also get built up in that center) … In such a pristine state of that center which always is soon after the shifting or placement of that center takes place, the innermost essence of that center (i.e. attributeless infinite being or Parabrahman) would also be pristinely realizable in a much shorter span of time, as compared to any other time span that would come by after the center has already begun its process within that world … And this aspect of attraction is even more if the center of the next age cycle is related to the original pluralistic yet monist center of the Makers Makings …


DD-3) …

Chaos always starts soon after the center is placed and is being propagated …

As long as the sage who is the chosen instrument of macrocosmic divinities is preparing the initial ground of that center, doesn’t actually begin installing the subtle yet strong foundation of that center in the world, the chaos would mostly be of a normal nature (just as it is to be for that stage of the then underway age cycle) …

But after that sage (i.e. chosen instrument of cosmic divinities) has already installed the subtle yet strong foundation within the subtle, divine and impressional realms of the universe, he also needs to distribute the knowledge of that center to a few suitable aspirants, and who later on would become torch bearers of that center and its ways of life … Thus, that center also needs to be distributed in that world … When this process of distribution starts, then within half a year (i.e. half of a Vedic year or 180 days), the chaos also starts manifesting in the world where that center is distributed after being placed …

This chaos starts as the inhabitants of the subtle and gross realms which relate to the outgoing center (ending center) always try to save their existence in that world (where the divinities of the newer center are being propagated after the chosen instrument has laid down a subtle yet strong foundation of the newer center) … Thus starts a subtle clash between the divinities of the outgoing center (of the outgoing age cycle) and the subtle divinities of the newly placed center (which is of the incoming age cycle) …

Whenever any age cycle ends and the newer age is about to begin (within a few years or decades), the divinities of the two age cycles collide in the subtle realms and then after some time (a few years) the same collision is also seen in the physical realms and between the adherents of the outgoing centers (and also these clashes could be with the adherents of the incoming center) which as such is the primary reason for manifestation of chaos during the process of change of ages … And where that chaos is always related to …

  • Manmade causes … Health problems, which lead to economic issues and ultimately to internal and external chaos in nations, including a slowly expanding political chaos, which begins leading to religious, social, geographical and geopolitical chaos …
  • Natural causes … This is through the elements as mother nature (Ma Prakriti) who herself is the first and full self-expression, pristine divinity (i.e. Shakti), foremost messenger (Dooti) and the eternal consort (wife or Ardhangani) of the Absolute being (Parambrahma) … At the time of change of ages, Maa Prakriti (Mother nature) is also the leader of the process of change of ages and their centers and she begins this change through the path of violence of her five elements … The sequences of this change is as follows …


1st stage of change … This is of the sequence of natural disasters related to air … This is through the Vayu Mahabhuta (Air element) … This Air element becomes active and starts causing some isolated destruction … There is also a subtle change inside the “manifested air part” of the air macro-element … And the stage of kicking in of this part of the process of change of age is always firstly shown by mother nature through the primary Vedic temple of the age which is ending (in our present case, this temple is of Jagannath Puri, in state of Odisha of present day India) … Air element is told here, as this element is of the Rigveda, whose temple is the eastern temple of Jagannath Puri and which is a partless part of physical-manifestation of the East facing, Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva … And once this part of the change kicks in, then it never stops (i.e. it keeps continuing in stages across all continents) …

Note: I add this during editing this topic in 2022 AD … This sign was given by mother nature through the super cyclone called Fani that hit Odisha in 2019 AD …


… 2nd stage of change … This is of the sequence of natural disasters related to next grosser element of fire (i.e. Agni Mahabhuta) … Thus, this is through the Agni Mahabhuta (Fire element) which is also the light element of the universe (Prakash Mahabhuta) and which is also the luminous heat element of the universe (I.e. Tejas Mahabhuta) … This fire (or light or heat luminosity) element becomes active and starts causing some destruction and where that destruction would also be somewhat manifested across the continents … There is also a subtle change inside the “manifested fire part” of the fire macro-element … And the stage of kicking in of this part of the process of change of age is always firstly shown by mother nature through fires across the continents … And once this part of the change kicks in, then it never stops (i.e. it keeps continuing in stages across all continents) … But the start of this process of change in Agni Mahabhoot (fire element) is always in the continent which is on the South side of the place where the 1st stage of change was projected by mother nature … South side continent is told here, because the fire element is of the south facing Aghora face of Sadashiva … Since fire is the middle amongst the five elements, so once this middle element (of fire) cuts into action, the process of cutting in of other elements is also speeded up …

Note: I add this during editing this topic in 2022 AD … This sign was given by mother nature after the above stated sign of 2019 AD (i.e. during 2020 AD) and was through the vast spread of fires across this planet … And simultaneously, the air element as discussed in ‘stage 1’, also stays active at this time …


3rd stage of change … This is of the sequence of natural disasters related to next grosser element of water (i.e. Jalam Mahabhuta) … Thus, this is through the Jal Mahabhuta (water element) which is also the “element of life in the universe” and which is also called as Ap Mahabhuta in Vedic lore … This water element (or life giving element) becomes active in a reverse manner and starts causing some destruction and where that destruction would also be somewhat manifested across the continents … There is also a subtle change inside the “manifested water part” of the water macro-element … And the stage of kicking in of this part of the process of change of age is always firstly shown by mother nature from the continents that are north of the place where the Vedic temple of 1st stage of change is present … And once this part of the change kicks in, then it never stops (i.e. it keeps continuing in stages across all continents) … And the start of this process of change in Agni Mahabhoot (fire element) is always in the land which is on the North side of the place where the 1st stage of change was projected by mother nature … North side continent is told here because water is the element of the north facing Vamadeva face of Sadashiva … Since water is the life source and it also binds the earth element together, so once the process of change of age kicks in through the element of water, the earth element (Prithvi Mahabhoot) also starts becoming hyperactive, slowly …

Note: I add this during editing this topic in 2022 AD … This sign was given by mother nature after the above stated sign of 2020 AD (i.e. during 2021 AD) and was through the vast spread of floods across this planet … And simultaneously, the air element (as discussed in ‘stage 1’) and the fire element (as discussed in stage 2) also stay active at this time … Thus this stage is of the combination of severity of activities of air, fire and water elements …


4th stage of change … This is of the sequence of natural disasters related to next grosser element of earth (i.e. Prithvi Mahabhuta) … Thus, this is through the Prithvi Mahabhoota (earth element) which is also the “element of existence in the universe” and which is also called as Bhu Mahabhuta in Vedic lore (this name was given to the earth element, because the root syllable of earth is of the Sanskrit word of “Bhu”) … This earth element (or existence giving element) becomes active in a reverse manner and starts causing some destruction and where that destruction would also be somewhat manifested across the continents … There is also a subtle change inside the “manifested earth part” of the earth macro-element … And the stage of kicking in of this process of change of age is always firstly shown by mother nature from the continents that are west of the place where the Vedic temple of 1st stage of change is present … And once this part of the change kicks in, then it never stops (i.e. it keeps continuing in stages across all continents) … West side continent is told here because earth is the element of the West facing Sadyojata face of Sadashiva … But since the divinity of Sadyojata is directly related to opposite side of the globe (i.e. Native Americans) so this sign can also come from this area (i.e. either from land or sea or both) …

Note: I add this during editing this topic in 2022 AD … This sign was given by mother nature after the above stated sign of 2021 AD (i.e. during 2022 AD) and was through the vast spread of earthquakes and volcanoes across this planet … And simultaneously, the air element (as discussed in ‘stage 1’), fire element (as discussed in stage 2) and water element (as discussed in stage 3) also stay active at this time … Thus this stage is of the combination of severity of activities of air, fire, water and earth elements … Since the combination of earth, water, fire and air is in a volcano and since earth is bound together by water, so this is also the time of start of volcanic activity under the sea …


5th stage of change … This stage leads to ether element (i.e. Akasha Mahabhuta) getting active … The ether element (or Akash Mahabhuta) is also the source and home of all energy (including the primordial energy of sound) … Energy is transmitted through ether (or Akasha Mahabhoot) … So when this becomes active in a negative way during the process of change of ages, then is the stage of wars (internal and external) in nations … But this stage approaches slowly (very slowly) and thus the wars which would start at this time, would continue until the process of change of ages is over and done with … And in the present context, this would be starting on/around 2022 to 2023 AD … And it would be expanding around 2024 to 2025 AD … And it would be culminating within 2.7 years of 2028.74 AD … It can start from anywhere because it relates to the omnipresent, central, colorless crystal like, upward looking (i.e. skyward looking and thus liberation giving) Ishana face of Sadashiva, and where Ishana also denotes the fullness of Sadashiva (i.e. Sadashiva literally means, Eternal auspiciousness and thus is also denotes a final end of that which is temporary and changeful) … But know for sure, once it starts, it would be both internal at some places and external at some other places, and it would only stop when the present degenerate age and its center is exhausted of all its energies and thence is fit to be ended … This would lead to all sorts of problems, like economic, social, geographical and political, etc., because ether element (Akash Mahabhuta) is the first element to originated within the Makers Makings and thus when this element cuts in its processes for rendering the path to change the present age cycle, then that chaos would only be of varied types and forms …


  • Natural causes continues …. Combined works of elements during last phases of change of age … This starts from the above discussed 2nd stage and is as follows …

Combined 1st and 2nd stages … This leads to continuity of storms and fires, both of which come inland and cause destructions at various places i.e. storms in one part and fire in another …

Combined 1st, 2nd and 3rd stages … This leads to storms as some places, along with flooding at other places and fires at yet another set of places …  And this is the stage which could be thus told (through a mercantile marine statement) … Fools push weather and Ice for the wise navigators sit back and observe (as they already know the change of age has started kicking in), whilst fools continue pushing against all odds …

Combined 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th stages … This leads to storms as some places, along with flooding at other places and fires at yet another set of places and earth rumbles at some places across continents … This leads to increase in frequency of rumbles of earth element and thus manifested earth element also begins shakes at a higher frequency … And because the united condition of these four elements (i.e. earth, water, fire and air) is only through volcanic activity, so that volcanic activity would also have to be underwater so as to comply to this stage and would also be denoting the arrival of this stage of process of change of ages …

Combined 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th stages … I don’t wish to write this in as much detail, as it is nothing but slowly progressing worldwide disaster and exit of a major part of humanity, which would lead to a final end of individualism (monotheism of every form and non form and also individualistic ways of life) and simultaneous would be a greater spread of pluralistic monism (Vedic way of life) in this world …

Note: I can also relate this discussion to the five divine works (Panch Krityam) of five faces of Shiva or five faces of Sadashiva (i.e. Pancha Mukha Shiva or Panch Mukha Sadashiva) in addition to relating to all other aspects under the sun moon and stars, because these five faces of Shiva or five faces of Sadashiva (i.e. Pancha Mukha Shiva or Panch Mukha Sadashiva) are the base of allness … But I also expect the interested aspirants to do some research and thus this further discussion is omitted here …


  • Divine causes … If in this stage and if the next or incoming age is a Vedic age cycle (i.e. age of pluralistic monism, as is the case during our present times), then during the 4th stage of natural causes (as discussed above), the Vedic divinities begin leaving their temples and thence also begin return back to the world … And simultaneously, local divinities (divinities of localities or Gram Devi and Gram Devata) enter back into their temples … The Vedic divinities carry out the outer world cleansing whilst rendering support to the local divinities of all localities of the world … At this stage, if the next age is a Guru Yuga, then all accomplished ancient warriors, accomplished sages (Siddha, Rishi, Paramhamsa and Avadhoot) are also recalled back either in a subtle realm (that pervades and envelopes this gross worldly realm) or even in the gross physical realm … Slowly but steadily, this stage is already kicking in since 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) about which we have already discussed in an earlier topic of “Exit and return back of Deva” …

Note: I add this in 2022 AD whilst editing this topic … And this stage has also speeded up a bit on the night of Vijay Dashmi of 2019 AD when Ma Chamunda lifted her blessings from the world (and thus I knew the advent of the disease of Sandhi Kaal is just around the corner) and thence was the stage where Maa Shamshan Kaali (i.e. divinity of cremation or charnel grounds) entered this world about 2 days prior Diwali of 2019 AD (and thus I knew some reason for mass deaths would be there in coming times) along with destruction of economics (because Ma Shamshan Kali is also Ma Alakshmi, or goddess of lack of abundance) and this would also be along with increase in widows in this world (because Ma Alakshmi is also Ma Dhoomavati of Dus-Mahavidya Tantra, who is the eternal widow) …

Note continues: As times progressed, I saw many Devi and Deva (goddesses and Gods) of Vedic lore re-entering this world … And they slowly started taking their positions … This was also the stage when many accomplished ones (Siddha), Vedic sages (Rishi, etc.), ancient warriors had already returned back to this world and had also started taking their positions … This was also the stage of return back of Panch Vidya (five root divinities), Dus-Mahavidya (ten great divinities), Ashta Matrika (eight mothers) with their consorts (Ashta Bhairava), Chausat Yogini (sixty four Yogini) and their consorts (i.e. sixty four Yogi Bhairava), Akasha Bhairava and other Bhairava of the primary 24 aspects (primary parts) of mother nature … And many others … But even with all above, Dus Mahavidya (ten great knowledge or majesties) were leading and still are …

Note continues: And then, on the night of 21 February 2022 AD (i.e. the night between 21st and 22nd Feb of 2022 AD) whilst I was doing my Sadhna on the banks of a river, I heard the call of Ma Mahakali (who came in a formless state) to all Deva and Devi to leave their forts (temples) and return back to earth so as to participate in the last few stages of the process of change of the presently ending degenerate age and the incoming age of sages (Age of Vedas) … That night I came to know that Ma Mahakali is the leader of the present underway process of change of age …


Proceeding further …

Rest I don’t wish to declare …

But as an end note of this part of the topic, all this is also a part of the shifting of present centers to other realms and the simultaneous placement of the center of the incoming human age cycle (Manav Yuga Chakra) that would be as an age of Vedas (or Age of Vyasa Peetha) which as such would be as an age of sages (Guru Yuga) … And the systemic consciousness and knowledge shift which is about to come to this world (through a manifestation of vast quantum of chaos) would be so vast and high, that most humans of today would debunk it as a myth or hallucination of sorts …


EE) …

Atman is center-less, so it has no center and thus is also free of shifting …

Atman is center-less and thus there are no shifts (or changes) in it … Atman by itself is its own center-less center and thus it never needs to undergo through any shift (or change) … Everything (including all centers, their propagators, texts and adherents) is a self-manifestation and self-presence of the same Atman (self) which itself is the self of all (Para Brahman) …

Thus, if a center has shifted anytime during the timeless history of the Maker’s Makings, then that center is naught but related to one of another aspects of that which is not directly the self (i.e. it is not Atman) and yet such a state which is not Atman, is also naught but one or another of those vast numbers and types of self-manifestations and self-presence of Atman (Self), as allness and her each part …

That which is the originality and is also the finality never changes and thus the Atman is free of change … But that which is not the finality (i.e. all that is as macrocosm and microcosm) needs to evolve and thus it also needs to be changeful, but only until it merges to its own “originality, which by itself is also the finality (self or Atman)” and which is none other than the self of all (Brahm or Brahman) …


EE-1) …

Shifting to center-less age … Coming age change … Vedic age … Age of Atman …

Since all constitutions of nations of the world are in fact related to one or another of the vast number of aspects of non-self (Anatma), so during the coming times as are of the stage of end of the presently underway divine degenerate age (i.e. Kaliyuga), all of these present day constitutions of nations, would eventually become invalid …

As per the calculations that relate to the already forgotten ancient knowledge of cycle of time (I.e. the knowledge of eternally moving wheel of time or Kalchakra), the initial manifestation of this stage as told here, would come within 2.7 years of 2028.74 AD i.e. between 2026.04 AD and 2031.44 AD …

The incoming human age is of the human golden age (Swarna Yuga) or Manav Satyuga (human age of universal reality or Age of Atman) and which is also called as the age of truth (Kritayuga) …

But since that human golden age (Manav Kritayuga) which has a time span of about 10,000 years (as per presently applicable unitary value of time) would only be running within the much longer time span of the presently underway divine degenerate age (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga, which has a time span of 432,000 years as per the middle or Vedic time units), so that incoming human age of truth (or simply the golden age cycle) would only be manifested as an Age of Sages (Guru Yuga) …

The human human age cycle that falls within the much longer time spans of the divine degenerate age cycle, is termed as Guru Yuga (i.e. Age of sages) … And this name (of Guru Yuga) was given to it because of the Sages of Sadashiva who descend to the world, so as to install its subtle foundations and also to run it to its destined time spans …

As of now we already are in the time span of a sage who has descended from Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva (Tatpurusha in Yoga is also addressed as Okar and as Ukar and he is also the one who in Rigveda is addressed as Hiranyagarbha Brahma, which means the golden womb of creation and the same Tatpurusha is also the one addressed as the Great Lord or Maheshvara or the Supreme lord of allness) …

That sage from Maheshwara  (or in other words, the Sage of Tatpurusha) would be the one who would be installing a subtle yet strong foundation of the golden age in this world … And as per the already forgotten knowledge of Kaal Chakra (i.e. the knowledge of eternally moving cycle of time or wheel of time) his advent should have already taken place on/around 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …

And because the land of Bharat (or in lay man terms, India) always plays a leading role in any change of age, so that sage of Maheshvara, would also firstly show up in the present day land of India (Bharata) only … As also, since in the incoming Guru Yuga, present day constitutions of nations (including the united nations) would become non-applicable, so that new constitution would also have to be rendered by that sage from Tatpurusha, who due to the job that he would be doing in this world, can also be addressed as installer of the golden age cycle (i.e. Yuga Sthapak) …

And in that golden age cycle, none of the present day centers (including of individualistic or monotheistic religions and also of the individualistic ways of life) would be there because the age of truth only relates to the center-less self (Atman), which itself is the self of allness (Brahman) …

And as far as the ways of life of that golden age (Age of truth) are concerned, they would also be in perfect synchronism to the pluralistic yet monist ways of life of Makers Makings within whose envelopes all that is begun within the Makers Makings, eventually resides …


EE-2) …

Final exit from centers … Going beyond centers …

Once the aspirant self-realizes the fact, that, his (or her) own Atman is Brahman, all the centers cease to be valid (and thus cease to exist) for that aspirant …

But for the self realization of the fact stated above as Atman is Brahman (or Atma is Brahma), that which is told as Brahman also needs to be none other than the attributeless infinite being, i.e. IT has to be self realized as Nirgun Nirakara Brahman) and not in any of the other states as were discussed in the earlier topic of “As IT eventually became” …

After such a stage where the aspirant knows his (or her) Atma as Brahma (or in other words, that aspirant knows Atman as Brahman) that aspirant also reaches a state of existence which as such is beyond the control of any of the centers that ever are or could ever be during any of the triple times of existence of the Makers Makings  …


Through various ways, the same fact was told by Vedic sages as follows …

What use are scriptures for those who have already known the finality

What use are scriptures for those who have known the inner essence (Atma)

How can a sage who knows his Atman, worship anyone other than his Atman


And above is also because of the fact, that evolution process becomes irrelevant for sage who is already stationed on the topmost point, that itself is beyond it (i.e. beyond the entire process of evolution and existence) … What is the use of evolutionary process for a sage, who has already walked into that which is beyond it …


And the same was also told through statements like …

Atman is the Atman of all (i.e. Brahman), knower of Atman is Atman of all

What use are scriptures for the one who knows his own Atman is Brahman

A sage who knows his Atman is Brahman, associates to none but his own Atman

How can a sage who knows his own Atman as Brahman, relate to Godly paths

How can a sage who known his own Atman as Brahman, relate to scriptures

And the same was also told through statements like …

What use are Gods to those, who have already known their innermost essence

What use are paths of evolution to those, who have already known their Atman

What further evolution is needed by the sage who knows his Atman is Brahman

The sage who has thus known, remains in detachment to all that is as evolution


And the same was also told through statements like …

Atman neither does nor reaps fruits of anything … Knower of Atman is Atman

Atman is Atman of all that is … Knower of Atman worships none but his Atman

What use are Gods to the sage who already knows Brahman as his own Atman


And the same was also told through statements like …

Brahman worships none, associates to none, relates to none … But ITself

Brahman is the supremely detached witness … Knower of Brahman is Brahman

That supreme witness neither does nor reaps nor is IT associated to anything


And the same was also told through statements like …

When I Am Shiva then who remains worthy of my worship

When I am Shiva, then whom can I worship … Shiva worships none, but himself

How can Shiva worship anyone else … How can allness not worship Shiva

Everyone worships Shiva … Shiva only worships his self, that itself is self of all

And finally for this part of the topic …

In everything, that is animate, inanimate, supra-animate and supra-inanimate, following is what stands out as a fact …

  • All that ever is, is none other than one or another of those vast self-expressions of the ever-same attributeless being (Nirguna Brahman) …
  • All that ever is, is ultimately proceeding to the ever-same self-expresser of all and who itself is the ever-same attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahm) …
  • As long as something or someone continues within the process of evolution, which would also be finally terminating in self realization of the eternal union to the ever-same attributeless infinite absolute being (i.e. Para Brahman), they would all be related to one or another center … Since even the Gods and their Godly paths have their own centers, to which they also relate, so even these Gods of religions are naught but evolving entities … This statement is a matter of fact, even when they actually are very highly evolved, form or formless but yet attributed beings …
  • After any aspirant self-realizes his (or her) eternal union to the ever-same attributeless infinite absolute being (i.e. Parabrahman), then that aspirant never relates to any of the Gods (or Satan’s) of any of the triple times … This is thus the stage, where the aspirant also cannot relate to any of the centers of those Gods and/or Satan’s of the triple times …
  • And the reason for above is that the aspirant who knows Brahman as his (or her) own Atman, also becomes the Atman of all (including the Gods) because in reality there is only one Atman …
  • When that aspirant already self-knows his (or her) own Atman to be none other than the Atman of all (and which is including the Atman of Gods or Satan’s) and also of their centers, then how can the aspirant keep relating to the these Gods (or Satan’s), centers (paths or scriptures) of these Gods or their divine realms …
  • The aspirant who knows his (or her) Atman, only continues as Atman, which itself is the Atman of all (i.e. Brahman) and who only is as a supreme, fully detached witness of all … That supreme, fully detached witness of all (i.e. Atman of all or Brahman) which the aspirant becomes (after knowing his or her Atman is Brahman), is neither involved with anything nor related to anything not does anything get involved or relate to IT …
  • Thus, in such a case that aspirant (i.e. Atman) also goes beyond all centers, their centered entities, their ways of life and their divine realms … Such an aspirant becomes independent of allness, including the divine realms …
  • And since the Atman itself is the Atman of all, so it is also center-less and yet is the finality that is ever attained after going beyond all centers and their associated aspects …


End note:

A newer center is only placed to make sure that the processes are refreshed and are made apt as per the demands of an incoming cycle of time … The same is when a center is shifted from its earlier place within the cosmic hierarchy …

As also, whenever any center is shifted, its pointer also needs to be shifted … The same is when a newer center is placed in a world …

This shifting is also to account for the positional changes (hierarchical change or subtleties or evolutionary standings of inhabitants of a world) that have already taken place since the time when the earlier center was placed in that world …

Thus, that newer center (or even a shifted center) also holds a newer pointer which is apt for those times of placements and where at the instant of placement, that newer pointer(s) shall only be referring to the same eternal truth as was referred by the eternal center of macrocosmic creation i.e. pluralistic monism (Vedic ways of life) …

Whenever any newer center is placed, then at the instant of placement of it, it always subtly points to the same eternal center of macrocosmic creation … This is how it is for every newer center that ever was or could ever be, even when it may not be seen to be so …

And after some time, due to the projections upon the center by its adherents, that pointer of that center starts diverting from the eternal center of the macrocosmic creation … It is at such a time, that either the earlier center is shifted (i.e. the text or path which relates to it, gets amended) or a newer center is needed to be placed within the world … And in either of these cases, the shifting of centers is there …

The same is also applicable to its reference (next topic of Law of reference) …


Continues …

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