Helpers and other specifics

It is not possible to undergo through the process of transmigration without helpers … Thus if there is a transmigration, then for it to be successful there have to be helpers of transmigration … Transmigration is loosely termed as Virgin Birth … The evolutionary standing of helpers is directly related to the evolutionary standing of the one who is transmigrating …

In any other way, transmigration of soul would only be a disaster for the one who transmigrates and also for the donor of the physical vehicle (i.e. the one who donates his or her physical vehicle to the one who transmigrates to that physical vehicle) …

In Sanskrit language, Transmigration of soul is also called as Parkaya Pravesh


KK … Helpers of transmigration … 

In this part we shall discuss the helpers of transmigrations and the types of helpers that are needed for some of the types of transmigrations …

These discussions shall relate to returns of transmigrating ones from various states of the Maker’s Makings and the types of helpers that are needed for the transmigrations from various states …

If the transmigrating one is from those states which are “beyond the beyond” or the transmigrating one is returning from any of the five faces of Sadashiva, then the controlling entities (or egoistic controllers of planes or Abhimani Devata) or their angels cannot do much to assist because these transmigrations are beyond their capacities …

The non-usefulness of entities of that plane (or world) to assist during the process of transmigration or essence transfer is due to the fact, that when the differences between the relative subtleties of the plane from where that transmigrated entity comes and the plane where that entity transmigrates to, are very large, then this condition only leads to a state where assistance is needed from macrocosmic deities (I.e. original deities of Maker’s Makings) so as to complete the process of transmigration successfully and thus not end up killing the donor’s physical vehicle during the process of transmigration itself … If this aspect is not considered then the physical vehicle may even rollover during the time when the process of transmigration is underway (i.e. the time when the process of transmigration start and until it ends) …

And above discussion is also applicable during the time when the essence transfer of the transmigrated entity from its own plane to the plane of transmigration, is underway because this stage also needs helpers to complete properly …

In this discussion, I shall only be writing the superficial knowledge so as to not leak those highly hidden secrets of this knowledge, which cannot even be disclosed within a lower world like this one …

Anything more than what is stated here more would lead to interference for entry and exit of the future transmigrated ones within this or any other world … Even the egoistic controllers (i.e. God or Satan) and their primary-people (i.e. angels) of this or any other plane (and world system) have not known these secrets and thus these secrets need to be preserved … So the stated knowledge is only a superficial one like the waves on the surface of the ocean …


Who can be the helpers for transmigration of soul 

During any of the higher transmigrations, assistance is always provided by the following …

  • Amanava Purusha … This term means the “non-human man” … These are like hands which come out of nothing, then that hand lifts that aspirant and places that aspirant into the required state …

Continuing with above … Amanava Purusha always assists in all transmigrations that are from those states which are higher (or subtler) than “Avyakta Prakriti or that nature which itself is non-manifest-non-present” (non-present is only as far as the plane upon which the transmigration takes place, is concerned) … Assistance of “Amanava Purusha (i.e. the non-human man) is very common during all higher transmigrations because without them, these higher transmigrations cannot even start … These Amanava Purusha are also not present in all states of Maker’s Makings as they are only available in very few macrocosmic states of beyond all beyond … Due to this reason, these Amanava Purusha are very rare within the macrocosmic creation …

  • Sages of Tapoloka … Tapoloka means the plane of those sages who have done severe-penances and this plane is just adjacent to the abode of the Maker … The same Tapoloka is also termed as Mahahimalaya (or greater Himalaya), Sookshma-Himalaya (or subtle Himalaya of beyond), Sumeru Parvat (or Mount Sumeru), Meru Shikhar (or the topmost point of Meru) … This is also present within the spinal column and thus the spinal column was also termed as Meru-Danda (or staff which leads to Meru or the staff of Meru) …
  • Original Deities of Makers Makings … These are those Vedic deities who have been ever since the Maker had originated the Maker’s Makings … These are non-egoistic ones (i.e. Anabhimani Devata and Anabhimani Devi) because they only rest within their oneness to allness itself … Without such Deities, transmigrations from any of the five faces of Sadashiva (and also from those beyond the beyond states) cannot ever happen …
  • Trinity … Trideva (three primary divine ones) and Tridevi (three primary divinities) who as such are related to each other  … Without their agreement, no one can transmigrate …
  • There are some transmigrations from beyond the beyond, which need assistance of Brahm Rakshas (or the supreme-demons of the macrocosmic creation) … There are only six of these entities within the entire macrocosmic creation and they all live in a state which is intermediary of the abode of Maker (i.e. Brahmaloka) and the yellow world of ruler of divine beings (i.e. Devaraja Indra) … These entities hold the highest of powers and thus their assistance may be sought if the transit of the transmigrated one passes through their own state of existence (as without their clearance, nobody can transit their state of existence) …
  • And finally … The Mahamanava … These are the mega-evolved-ones … These shall be discussed later on …


LL … Transmigration from Hiranyagarbha or golden womb of Maker’s Makings 

Now we come to that type of transmigration which is shown in the figure of this topic …

This type of transmigration always happens when neutrality is about to manifest within a world … This neutrality manifests during the following conditions …

  • When world is about to cross over the plane of existence (i.e. the motion of a world is about to cut the plane’s plane) … Each celestial body has slight sinusoidal movements during its path around its center (another celestial body or a point) and whenever any celestial body reaches the middle of that sine wave, a neutrality gets manifested within that world …
  • When due to the same sinusoidal movements of a world system, it is about to change the direction of its path in relation to the point (or a celestial body) around which it is moving and where this change is in the opposite direction itself …
  • When due to the sinusoidal movements of a path that world-system moves to a point which is closest to the central point around which it moves …
  • And when due to the movement of a world-system, it reaches a stage when it turns towards the central point around which it is moving …

This is when neutrality manifests within that world and at such a time, all systems, beliefs and faiths which are based within individual-dualities (i.e. individual-individuality’s and individual-corpuses) start showing their chaotic face … And thus there always is a certain amount of continuous yet isolated chaos within the stages when this particular change is underway …

This is stage of change of current human age of trinity (or Manav Tretayuga) to the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga), which even though is a minor cycle of the divine ages (i.e. age of Deva’s), but it still is an important event especially when the world systems begins transiting the macro-neutrality as is of its own dual path (along the central line of that sinusoidal curve of its path) …

Just prior above actually happens and when the intermediary phase of change of human age has crossed past the beginning of the last leg of change of human age cycles, the transmigration is undergone by an instrument (a beingness) who is chosen by the golden womb of macrocosmic creation its pristine divinity …

This golden womb of macrocosmic creation was also addressed as Hiranyagarbha Brahma or Ishvara or in other words, Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva … In Yoga Tantra this state is addressed as “Okar (which in Yoga Tantra and Vedas, is also named as Ukar)” … And the pristine divinity of Hiranyagarbha was also addressed as consort of Ishvara or Devi Brahmi or Maa Gayatri or Ishvari or Kriya Shakti of Hiranyagarbha or Maa Shakti … Or simply “Akar (Akar means “first form)” …

During ancient times, the partner and consort of Hiranyagarbha in her absolute form was also addressed as “Devi Brahmini within her manifest form” … But she also was known as Brahmini in her absolute-infinite state of Adi Parashakti (but this name Brahmini is no longer used as of now) …

These two deities are also known as the Ishvara (i.e. one who holds a divine Lordship over allness or a divine being who is Lord of allness) and Ishvari (mother or divinity) within the Vedic lore … And they are also known as Maheshwara (Great-Lord) and Maheshwari (Great-divinity) within Vedic lore …

I address her as the supreme mother of sound, light and form, for she is one of the many-many forms of Devi (or pristine-divinity) …

During the times which are discussed above, she is the one who bears the transmigrating one on her womb … And thus she also happens to be my real mother …

Such transmigrations take place 180 times during each divine age cycle (i.e. group of four divine ages or Mahayuga, which run into a time span of 4.32 million years as per the middle time units of precession of equinoxes) … So there is nothing strange about them … And such a transmigration also denotes the end of Nadir phase and commencement of the middle phase of axial precession of earth’s axis … This is also denoting the onset of the final phase of change towards Guru Yuga (Age of Sages) whose time span is of about 10 millenniums …

Each time the world systems begins entering into the Guru Yuga (Age of Sages) from the earlier Nadir cycle, someone from the golden womb of macrocosmic creation and its macrocosmic divinity, always comes to the world where animated beingness’s are residing …

This is because prior this time, due to the degeneration of systems that have already taken place, the inhabitants of that world, always end up building the necessary critical mass of impressions (Samskaras) within the consciousness plane of that world and thence make that consciousness mass to reach its critical levels and this in turn pulls that transmigrating one from its own subtler plane (of the golden womb of macrocosmic creation) and then make it enter the grosser (lower) world …

But because such ones do not belong to that world, so they mostly stay isolated from the severely disturbing individualistic (or grosser) sounds of civilizations that are present within that world at those times and thus such ones invariably end up continuing within the essence of the statement “Myself within Myself” whilst they are resting within that world system …

This entry from the golden womb of creation, always happens at each 24,000 years (as per the middle of precession time units) … And the same transmigration also happens every 25,920 years (as per the Nadir time units of precession) …

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