Law of real nextness, Law of next of nextness and Law of Est’ness

Here we discuss the law of real nextness (or the law of real next) and the Law of next of nextness (Law of next of next), both of which relate to stages of evolution (or process of evolution) … These two laws are related to one’s progress in the evolutionary process which in turn leads to an ever higher state of one’s evolutionary existence … And here we shall also discuss the Law of Est’ness and the harm (chaos) that it eventually causes after its effects get manifested within a world …

This discussion is based upon my own experiences as have been during my almost timeless existence that has already passed by after I was originally begun as a microcosm within the supreme genius that itself is of the Maker’s Makings and which as such was around 156 trillion human solar years ago (but this figure is as per the unitary value of time that relates to the middle stage of axial precession of earth’s axis and which has always been used in all Vedic mathematics and calculations) …

I have passed through effects of these laws more than a few times and thus what is written here is as per my personal experiences and not as per some bookish aspect which has been corrupted by humanity or their useless egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) and/or their equally useless propagators …

Since I am a Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta (i.e. one who knows all that has been with him or experienced by him, and which he can recall with a certain meditative effort), so whatever is written here is as a crux of that experience … And due to this reason, the terms that have been mentioned in the header of this topic would not even be available in any scripture (because I have made these terms basis the knowledge of my own evolutionary path and existence within the Makers Makings) …

This discussion also relates to an earlier topic of “Principle of eternal evolution” in addition to relating to another later topic that that would have the header of “Principle of eternal existence” …

And this discussion is also an extension of the path that leads to an earlier topic that had the headers of “Brahmatva, … Buddhatva, … Brahmavadhuta, … Shivatva” and this itself is in addition to another earlier topic that had the header of “Types, aspects and path of Mukti” …


AA) …

Law of real nextness … Law of real next …

This law could be thus told …

Step by step aspect of evolutionary process is denoting its real nextness, whose perfect maintenance is clause paramount of macrocosmic nature

Non-compliance to this law leads to loss of inner and outer peace in the world … From the point of view of macrocosmic mother nature, this is one of the most important law for prevention of evolutionary stagnations …

Thus, real nextness means a step by step progress of one’s evolutionary path which in turn leads to absence of stagnations within ones evolutionary process and which itself is the reason for entering into an ever higher state of existence …

Unless this aspect of evolutionary process is maintained, the evolutionary process would only lead to re-entering or returning back into those lower states of existences, which were missed out during ones evolutionary process and which itself was due to entering into next of nextness of evolutionary progress (and which means, missing out of real nextness of evolution) …

And this is what some of those ancient Vedic sages had told as rebirth upon the same world where you as of now are existent (or in other words, where a soul has already resided once and thence that soul also returns back to the same world again) … Unless all real next’s that relate to a world are passed through (i.e. evolved from), a future return back to that same world would always remain a probability and which may even take place after eons of eons of time spans have passed after the real next of evolution which relates to that world was bypassed (due to the aspirant getting into next of nextness of evolution and that too whilst that aspirant was resting within that world during the earlier stages of its evolutionary progress) …

But this re-entry which the ancient Vedic sages had told about could also be in a subtle form i.e. as a spirit (or as a soul) and which is also told about in many scriptures that came by after the great grandmother of al philosophies (i.e. Sanatana Dharma) had entered into her long cyclic sleep of about 9 millenniums, on/around 6990 BC (+/- 2.7 years) …

And this is why many scriptures of this degenerate age cycle or Kaliyuga (which started on/around 3102 BC, +/- 2.7 years) say that after de-incarnation, the aspirant would have to await for redemption and where this waiting would also have to be till the end of time and where this wait would continue whilst these believers of such scriptures are lying in the graves …

All this is due to non compliance to the Law of real nextness (or Law of real next) because after 3102 BC (i.e.; start of Kaliyuga), “all scriptures and all ways of life” that came by, invariably lead to next of next nextness as is discussed below …


BB) …

Law of next of nextness (Law of next of next) …


This law would be told as follows …

Missing of evolutionary real next is what leads to nextness of nextness, which macrocosmic nature can never tolerate


Next of nextness always becomes a reason for all sorts of cycles of chaos and peace that come by across ways and walks of life and which itself is due to ignorance of those intermediary real next’s that have been missed out during the earlier stages of that aspirant’s evolutionary progress

Thus, next of nextness denotes the jumping of (or missing out of) real next’s …

This jumping of real next’s (and thus entering into next of next of evolutionary process) always happens within all of the following cases and aspects …

  • In all paths or scriptures that came during Kaliyuga … i.e. after 3102 BC, +/- 2.7 years …
  • In all those modes of transfer (of scriptural or other knowledge or ways or paths of evolution) where material and/or immaterial gains of a person or entity (organization) are accounted for or are the base of that propagation of knowledge or path …
  • In all ways or paths which claim for a faster evolution of its adherents …
  • In all ways of paths which claim that if an aspirant doesn’t blindly believe in a scripture, then either that aspirant would get no benefit or would get reverse benefit (i.e. would end up in Law of reverse effect) or would be doomed into hell …
  • In all paths that claim to convert all human inhabitants of a planet to the path (or scripture) of a believed entity …
  • In all paths which claim that liberation and redemption is only through such and such path and all other paths are leading to anything but the final liberation
  • In all paths that relate to individualism (monotheism of any sort, be it religious, economic, social, cultural, societal, governmental or political, geopolitical, geological, security or military, health, safety, that which relates to habits, ways of life, race, creed, sex, etc.) …

Note: Individualism invariably leads to manifestation of vast numbers of real next’s within ones evolutionary process and this is why all monotheistic texts say, that their adherents would have to await till the end of time for their final redemption … Thus, all monotheistic paths have this fault due to which these individualistic paths always lead to manifestation of next of nextness of sorts in their adherents and which in turn becomes the reason for these adherents of monotheistic paths to be naught but instruments of cycles of chaos and peace in the world …

  • In all supersonic evolutionary means (i.e. those paths that claim a quicker evolution) …
  • In all ways of evolutionary progress, where one is expected to pay upfront (or after completion of training) and where that amount to be paid is also fixed and/or is decided by the one who imparts that evolutionary training …

Note: It is due to this reason, all ways of imparting education of our times, invariably lead to manifestation of a series of next of nextness and this is why education of today is actually counter-productive as far as the evolutionary progress of any student (or aspirant) is concerned … Education must be free, but at the end of education, the teacher can ask for a return gift (Guru Dakshina) from the student and where that student would need to render that Gurudakshina in a way and amount that is exactly the same as was asked for by the teacher (after the teacher had completed the students education process) …

Note continues: And in those cases where the teacher doesn’t ask for any Gurudakshina, then it is the obligation of the student (and the students family) to render a donations (and not on a fee) as per the uppermost limit of their own capabilities and where these donations must be given under free will (as far as the amount donated and time of donating it is concerned) … These donations have to be given by the family of the child who is being educated and to the institution (or group of persons or a person who is a teacher) … And where as a matter of fact, there is nothing like a forced or mandatory donation (as it also is these days) …

  • And many more suchness of aspects are also the reason for manifestation of next of nextness within ones evolutionary process …


Proceeding further …

Within the better ages, their scriptures and their ways of life there was no such aspect that led to next of nextness and thus such ages were also free of an inner chaos (within humanity) which in turn was the reason for absence of an outer chaos (i.e. an absence of chaos in the outer environment and thus the world) … When the inner chaos is present within humans (or any other part of macrocosmic speciology which inhabits that world), then only does an outer chaos manifests (in the outer world) … Due to this reason, the presence of an outer chaos (i.e. chaos in outer environment, which also includes the world) is also a proof of an inner chaos already being present within the macrocosmic speciology which at that time is residing upon that world …

Only when the five sheaths (or Pancha Kosha) which as such are universal sheaths of each animate microcosm begin getting into an inner chaos, does the outer chaos manifest within the outer world … These five Vedic sheaths (Vedic Panch Kosha) have already been discussed earlier on and have been told as follows …

  • The physical body, which in Sanskrit Vedic texts is termed as Annamaye Kosha (or Annamaya Kosha) …
  • The sheath of vitality … Or in other words, the vital air sheath, which in Sanskrit texts is also called as Pranamaya Kosha (or Pranamaye Kosha) …
  • The sheath of mind … Or in other words, the mind sheath, which in Sanskrit Vedic texts is termed as Manomaya Kosha (or Manomaye Kosha) …
  • The sheath of knowledge … Or in other words, the knowledge sheath or Buddhi, which in Sanskrit Vedic texts is termed as Vijyanmaya Kosha (or Vijyanmaye Kosha) …
  • The sheath of bliss … Or in other words, the bliss sheath or sheath of ignorance or Causal body or Karana Sharira and which in Sanskrit Vedic texts is also termed as Anandamaya Kosha (or Anandmaye Kosha) and is also called as Antahkarana and also as Antahkarana Chatushtaya

But as a matter of fact, this manifestation of inner and outer chaos, is always related to one or another aspect of an earlier manifestation of next of nextness of evolutionary progress … Thus it is always related to the Law of next of nextness which is being discussed here …


CC) …

Law of Est’ness … Nonness of Est’ness …

Est’ness is arrived after attaching the suffix of “Est” to anything, like greatest, biggest, largest, strongest, etc. …


This law could be told as follows …

Est’ness is that which denotes the attainment of summit even when that summit is still very far and this is what leads to stagnation of evolutionary process of that entity, who gets into its effects

All that exists within any part of the Makersmakings, is evolving and evolving entity cannot be based in any sort of Est’ness … Due to this reason, Est’ness doesn’t exist anywhere within the entirety of Maker’s Makings … All that is believed or told with the suffix of Est, is naught but a lie … There cannot be an entity who exists (or acts) within or relates to the Makers Makings and yet be based upon Est’ness … Thus, all scriptures who describe their greater entities within purviews of this term of Est’ness, are basically proving their ignorance towards this macrocosmic law …

Basically Est’ness is that aspect which is generated through imaginary world of mind (i.e. Manoloka) and which has no reality in itself … As such that which is unreal, can also not be as a path to self-realization of the real …

Thus basis above, all scriptures of those greater entities (all those Gods) who relate to Est’ness of any sort, are basically generated through Manoloka (i.e. imaginary world of mind) of the ones who wrote them … And due to this reason, these scriptures have no place in eternity, which in turn is the reason for all these scriptures also claim an end of (their) time …

And on the contrary, those paths (or scriptures) which don’t relate to above stated Est’ness, always have the knowledge of eternal cycle of time stated in them and where those cycles of time are also like a wheel of time that keep moving eternally and repetitively … Thus, such scriptures (or paths) also have the concept of cyclic nature of time (Kaalchakra) in addition to holding the aspects of finality of time, which as such is none other than a timeless and thus beginningless and endless aspect of eternity …


CC-1) …

Discussing some aspects of Est’ness …

  • Est’ness is arrived in the path of (or scripture of) any greater entity (or God) who claims himself (or herself) to be based in Est’ness of any sort …
  • Any greater entity (i.e. God of a scripture or path) or scripture that claims itself to be the highest or biggest or best or greatest or strongest or largest or is based upon any other type of Est’ness is the one who falls in purviews of this law …
  • This is because, any kind of Est’ness always leads to next of nextness within the evolutionary process of the adherents of that path of that entity (or scripture) which rests in any aspect of Est’ness
  • Est’ness is one of the primary reason for next of nextness to get manifested in most of humans who rest in any world and during any of the triple times (i.e. any earlier time span, any ever changeful present and during any future time span) …
  • Since Est’ness is non-real, so it is also related to the macrocosmic hierarchies and thus it is also based upon all sorts of relativities and comparisons to others, which itself makes it a dual entity …

Note: The reality being incomparable to any other, is the only non-dual and thus is the real is also the one who is free of all hierarchies, relativities and comparisons … Thus, Vedas have also stated that the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) is the incomparable one who is beyond hierarchy and relativity, and thus is also non-dual being who as such is the finally realized reality and which as such makes Brahman as the realizable yet an indescribable one (as far as its fullness of descriptions are concerned, Para Brahman remains as the eternally indescribable one) …

  • That is within the purviews of systems of the divine degenerate age (Kaliyuga) is always based upon some sort of Est’ness …

Note: Est’ness is an utter non-reality and thus it is naught but a lie … This is because of the fact that in reality of the Maker’s Makings, there is nothing which can ever be based upon or within Est’ness because all that is existent within the Makers Makings, is naught but an evolving entity who as such can never be based upon fullness of Est’ness …

Note continues: When we make anything based upon the higher aspects of Est’ness, then that entity has no scope to evolve any further and thus that concept of Est’ness itself becomes a hindrance upon the evolutionary progress of that greater entity who then rests within the purviews of those terms which relate to or are based within one or another aspect of Est’ness …


CC-2) …

Est’ness is only of Egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) and their individualism …

Any aspect of Est’ness only manifests after the manifestation of Ego (Abhimana) because in absence of ego (Anabhimana), Est’ness also ceases to exist …

Thus, the scriptures and paths of only the egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) hold  Est’ness within them and this itself is because, Est’ness is only of the Egoistic ones (or Egoistic Gods) …

And due to this reason, such Gods can only become as centered entities of individualistic or monotheistic paths (i.e. individualism or monotheism) and not of paths that relate to intrinsic pluralism and essential monism of the Maker’s Makings …

On the contrary, the paths of non-egoistic Gods (Anabhimani) are only based upon one or another aspect of Pluralistic monism, that itself is of the ways of life, in which the entire macrocosmic creation rests …

And being Egoistic, the paths of such Gods also have no capability to generate a long term peace in the world and this statement is irrespective of what that egoistic God (Abhimani Devata) may claim about itself … It was due to this reason of absence of long term peace in the world, that the Sanskrit speaking ancient Vedic sages had warned humanity about such Egoistic Gods and their chaotic (monotheistic) paths …

In lieu of paths of these Egoistic Gods, some of those ancient Samskrit speaking Vedic sages had also advised humanity to enter into paths of non-egoistic Gods (or Egoless Gods or Anabhimani Devata) …

One of the ways of avoiding of chaos that is always caused by paths and adherents of such egoistic Gods, is to meditate on any of the five elements (Panch Mahabhuta), the three qualities of Maker’s Makings (Triguna or simply, the three attributes of macrocosmic creation), Vedic Pancha Kosha (Vedic five sheaths), Prakriti and Purusha, etc. … This path was told by those self-realized, all-realized sages because these paths would also end up yielding better results as far as direct cognitions of allness and her each part, are concerned …

And this is why, during those extremely ancient and almost forgotten times that were of my previous incarnations and also those further incarnations that were arrived at through the process of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit language is termed as the path or process of Parkaya Pravesh), most of the sages used to meditate on above stated aspects instead of meditating upon an egoistic or egoless god …

And as a matter of fact, these paths of Egoistic Gods and also of those Non-Egoistic gods are mostly present within lower ages (i.e. the three lower ages of the degenerate age or Kaliyuga, age of duality or Dwapara Yuga and the age of trinity or Tretayuga) … These paths of Egoistic and Non-Egoistic gods are totally absent during any Satyuga (i.e. the age of truth or the Kritayuga or golden age cycle) …

As also, since as of now (when I write this topic), the presently underway divine degenerate age is being ended and since the next human age cycle which would be taking over in a few years is not a degenerate one (as it is of the golden age cycle of man, which would be running within the much longer time span of the divine degenerate age and thus would be as an Age of Sages or Guru Yuga), so during the coming golden age of man, the paths of these gods would also slowly keep fading away …

Within that incoming Guru Yuga (Age of Sages), there would be nothing like worship of those Egoistic Gods that came by during the last 5100+ years of the presently ending Kaliyuga … Thus basis the knowledge of eternally cyclic nature of time (Kaal Chakra), as far as these present day individualistic (or monotheistic) paths of egoistic Gods are concerned, all of them are already in the stage of breathing their last breath during the presently underway cycle of human age (Manav Yuga Chakra) that itself runs within the Agragaman Chakra (i.e. the cycle of precession of equinoxes) …


CC-3) …

Est’ness leads to stagnation of the entity … Stagnation causes death …

This could be explained as follows …

  • Everything, everyone and all that ever is existent anywhere within the Makers Makings, is naught but a self-expression, self-manifestation and self-presence of the same attributeless infinite absolute being (i.e. Nirguna Nirakara Brahm or Para Brahman) …
  • Even when the self-expression is an intrinsic part of the self-expresser of it, yet that self-expression doesn’t denote the fullness of the self expresser … So, due to this reason, even when the self-expression is the self-expresser of it, yet it doesn’t denote the fullness of the self expresser … This is because, the self expression is only denoting a partial state of the self expresser …
  • Thus, basis above, even when the Makers Makings are naught but the attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakara Brahman or Parabrahman), yet they don’t denote the fullness of Maker (i.e. it doesn’t denote the fullness of Parabrahman) …
  • That which doesn’t denote the fullness of the attributeless infinite supreme being (i.e. Brahman or Param Brahma) can never be based in Est’ness …
  • And that who actually is based in Est’ness, is naught but attributeless infinite supreme being (Parambrahma or Brahman), who as such is never fully describable, because it is impossible to describe IT within its that state, which is also beyond the Makers Makings and that to, in a condition where the describer of it is only resting within one or another part of the Makers Makings (i.e. the self-expression of Nirgun Nirakaar Brahma) …


Proceeding further …

  • Everything that exists within the Makersmakings is evolving within the principle of eternal evolution and dependent origination and thus is also within the purviews of law of cause and effect (or the law of deeds and fruits) and thus such an entity is cannot be the one who is Karma and Karma Phala, due to which it is not denoting Karmatita Mukti (liberation from deeds and fruits) …
  • Above statement also includes Egoistic and non egoistic Gods alike and it also includes their divine planes (heavens of these Gods) … And it also includes the paths (scriptures) of these Gods … Thus, none of these egoistic and non egoistic Gods are denoting the state that is beyond Karma and Karma Phala and it is due to this reason, their scriptures very clearly advise (or instruct) their adherents regarding deeds (better deeds, as defined in those scriptures) and their better fruits (which these scriptures claim as liberation that is defined as entering that Gods heaven) …
  • But all above described aspects are only possible within the purviews of Makers Makings and not beyond the Makers Makings, as beyond the Makersmakings, only the attributeless infinite being (i.e. absolute being or Parambrahma or Parabrahman) exists …
  • Thus, this also means that these Gods (both egoistic and non egoistic Gods) are existent within the purviews of Makers Makings and due to this reason, all of them (i.e. egoistic and non egoistic Gods) are only denoting that state of liberation, which falls within the purviews of Karma (and thus falls within the purviews of Karma Phala) … Due to this reason, their liberation is only related to Karmadhin Mukti (i.e. liberation whilst still resting within law of deeds and fruits) which as such doesn’t even denote the finally liberation (or Kaivalya Moksha) …

Note: Final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) is of being in a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part (i.e. isolation from entirety of self expression of Brahman and thus an isolation from entirety of Makers Makings) and thus this final liberation is also that which is free of Karma and Karma Phala (cause and effect) because suchness only exists within the Makings of Maker …

  • But since these egoistic Gods and their scriptures never tell such kind of liberation which is free of deeds and fruits (i.e. free of cause and effects), so they also prove themselves to be resting within the purviews of Karmadhin Mukti and not Karmateet Mukti
  • And since they only rest within Karmadheen Mukti, which itself is only and only possible within the divinities of Makers Makings, so such egoistic Gods are also not deemed to be resting in a state that is beyond the Makers Makings … This is why they (egoistic Gods) also don’t denote Karmateet Mukti which itself is that liberation which is beyond the scopes and purviews of the Makers Makings …
  • That which exists within the purviews of Makers Makings, is not a fully liberated one (i.e. a Kaivalya Mukta) and this statement is applicable to every egoistic God irrespective of what its scripture or anything else may claim about itself …
  • And as a matter of fact, such egoistic Gods are always based within one or another aspect of Est’ness …
  • If anyone or anything relates to any aspect of Est’ness, then it is also somewhat relating to hierarchies and relativities that only exist within the macrocosmic creation and this by itself is also proving that such an entity has still not evolved to that, which which is free of hierarchies and relativities … This in turn proves that such an entity has still not exited out of the entirety of Makers Makings …


As a matter of fact … If any God or any centered entity of a scripture or any greater entity …

  • Exists as a centered entity of a scripture, then it still exists within the purviews of the Makers Makings …
  • That who still exists within the purviews of Makers Makings, is still not fully liberated because of the fact, that, the final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) is denoting that state which is well beyond the scopes and purviews of Makers Makings …
  • In reality, the final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha) only denotes that state which is finally, fully and permanent detached from allness and her each part and thus is denoting a state which is also detached from the entirety of Makers Makings …
  • Thus, the final liberation can never be related to anything that is within the Makers Makings, including but not limited to the principles, process and laws of Makers Makings and due to this reason, such a final liberation is also free of Karma and Karma Phala (cause and effect or deeds and fruits) …
  • If a God says that it grants something to its followers or takes away something from its non-followers, then also it is still existing within the purviews of the Makers Makings … And thus in such a case, that greater entity also doesn’t denote the state of freedom from deeds and fruits (cause and effect) due to which it also doesn’t denote the final liberation (Kaivalya) that is termed as “beyond deeds and fruits (i.e. Karmatita Mukti)” where there is nothing like Karma (deeds or cause) and Karma Phala (fruits of deeds or effects) …
  • That which still is within the purviews and scopes of Makers Makings, is also within the principle of evolution and thus, can never be termed as fully liberated (Kaivalya Mukti or simply, a Mukti) …
  • And these stated facts are irrespective of what that Egoistic God, its scripture, propagators and followers may claim about it (i.e. the egoistic God) …
  • Such egoistic Gods don’t denote the final liberation, which is beyond deeds and fruits and thus such egoistic Gods also cannot be deemed to be beyond the principle of dependent origination (i.e. beyond principle of interdependent origination) …


Basis above, we would now discuss the harm of getting into Est’ness of sorts …

  • When anything (or anyone or any state) gets based in Est’ness, then it evolutionary process stops …
  • This is because, when resting in the meaning of Est’ness, there remains no scope to evolve any further …
  • This loss of evolution is even when one is still resting within the scopes and purviews of Makers Makings and this also becomes as a further reason for buildup of a series of stagnations of evolution and existence alike within the entity who gets into Est’ness of any kind and which in turn causes an inner chaos in that entity or system … And as times progress, eventually this inner chaos of that greater believed entity (i.e. an Egoistic God) also gets transferred to its adherents, who also become inwardly chaotic prior their inner chaos spills into the outer worlds at regular or cyclic intervals …

Note: This chaos always happens in the world where these Egoistic God are related to … This is because, such Egoistic ones have still not gone beyond the purviews of Makers Makings and yet if enter into Est’ness of sorts, then it would only lead to buildup of stagnations within their evolutionary paths … Stagnations always lead to an inner chaos within such greater entities (Egoistic Gods) and eventually this inner chaos of these greater entities also begins getting transferred to their adherents … When this transfer takes place, then these very adherents start becoming instruments of chaos in that world … It also was due to this reason, that Vedic sages had warned about worship of or relating to these Egoistic Gods …


CC-4) … Est’ness and buildup of stagnations and death …

When any greater entity becomes based in Est’ness of sorts, like being the best or being the greatest, largest, strongest, etc., then the scope of continuity of its evolutionary process also begins ending …

This leads to a state where that entities evolutionary process and existence becomes deviated when viewed from the scopes of applicability of the principle of eternal evolution and principle of eternal existence …

Thus, Est’ness also leads to manifestation of some deviation within the evolutionary existence and this deviation is also due to the buildup of stagnations as far as the applicability of the principle of evolution and eternal existence are concerned … When ones evolutionary existence becomes stagnated, then an inner chaos always manifests prior that chaos spills into the outer environment and world …

This stagnation is such, that after being based in Est’ness, that entity can no longer evolve further and this is even when it is still resting within the scopes of the principles, process and laws of Makers Makings … This causes a loss of synchronism of that entity with the principles, process and laws of Makers Makings, within which that entity, its text, followers and heavens also reside …

And this loss of synchronism in turn leads to buildup of various types and aspects of evolutionary and existential stagnations within that believed greater entity … Stagnations always lead to chaos …

Since evolutionary and existential stagnation ultimately leads to other types of stagnations also, so ultimately (each few decades or few centuries as the quantum of Ego may be of that entity) such entities always find themselves trapped inside their own evolutionary and existential stagnations …

As also, since Mother nature (Ma Prakriti) and her self-manifestation as divinities (powers or energies or forces) of Makers Makings, doesn’t allow this buildup of stagnations beyond a certain limit that can be tolerated by her, so if that greater entity cannot release itself from its own evolutionary and existential stagnations, then that greater entity eventually remains with no choice but to let go of its own way of life, that it had installed (through its original propagator) … But sooner or later, this told stage always arrives for all egoistic entities (egoistic Gods) and their scriptures (paths as laid down by them) … And thus, the scriptures of such entities always have prophecies of an end time …


Proceeding further …

And being egoistic and thus individualistic (Monotheistic), these greater entities (Egoistic Gods) also cannot relate to Pluralistic monist ways of Makers Makings, in whose envelopes they, their followers and propagators and their texts eventually reside … And over a longer period of time, this in turn leads to loss of synchronism between them (i.e. these egoistic Gods, their followers, propagators and texts) and the Makers Makings, which also becomes a further reason for cyclic build up of stagnations …

These stagnations also get transferred to their followers, which in turn makes these followers to do lower acts to clear these stagnations and which in turn makes these followers of Egoistic Gods to be nothing but instruments for manifestation of cycles of chaos upon that world (where such adherents of Egoistic Gods reside) … Due to this reason, the individualistic ways of life (monotheism) of such greater entities (egoistic Gods) have never been and cannot ever be as paths to long lasting inner and outer peace in any world …

These cycles of chaos keep taking place in individualistic systems (i.e. monotheistic faiths) as are of each of these Egoistic Gods, who mostly manifest within their fuller strengths in the divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. Kaliyuga) only and this is why the Kaliyuga is also termed as an age of recurring chaos … Thus Kaliyuga which itself is the age of Egoistic Gods, is also termed as an age of recurring (or cyclic) chaos …

But as Kaliyuga progresses, the inhabitants of a world invariably come to know that the reason for all chaos is their association to these Egoistic Gods and their monotheistic systems … After this knowledge, the memberships of these egoistic Gods also begins reducing and ultimately their individualistic systems also end on that world … Only after this end of individualism (Monotheistic paths of egoistic Gods), is the golden age of man arrived … And to prior to this time …


Proceeding further …

Since as of now, the Kaliyuga is ending, so all individualistic paths (Monotheistic faiths) of these egoistic Gods would also be be ending within the process of ending of Kaliyuga … This worlds inhabitants would see this ending within the next few years from the time when I write this topic (in 2015 AD) …

But the process of end of paths of egoistic gods (i.e. end of all sorts of monotheism) is also a pretty chaotic one because the chaos which gets caused is not just a manmade one (i.e. made or generated by the adherents of these egoistic gods) but it also has those vast components of natural and divine chaos in it …

And due to this reason, at the end few stages of Kaliyuga (In which this world has already entered), even when the destruction that gets caused is of a vast scope and nature, but yet it is in stages (and thus is not all of a sudden) and where these stages eventually pass through all ways and walks of life, which include but are not limited to all individualistic (or monotheistic) aspects of ways of life of humanity, like those of religion, economic, social, military and security, health and safety, cultural, societal, political, geopolitical, geological, elemental, race, creed, sex, etc., etc. …

The inhabitants of this world would definitely see that vast quantum and type of chaos that would be manifesting soon … And within a few years from the time when I write this topic …

And all this chaos would also be due to this worlds inhabitants being based upon or directly and indirectly relating to Est’ness of sorts …

And ultimately after that vast destruction that would take place during the coming end of Kaliyuga and thence the later stage of coming in of divinities of the golden age of man (or Age of Sages or Guru Yuga), humanity would as a whole know the following …

  • Harm of associating to egoistic Gods and their laid down systems …
  • And thus the harm that individualism (monotheism of any kind) eventually leads to, would also be known to humanity …
  • Thus, humanity would also know the severities and harm that is eventually caused after being based in Est’ness (of any kind) and for a considerable amount of time …

And mark this paragraph … After the presently underway Kaliyuga ends and thence the next human age cycle (or human golden age) starts and progresses within this world, there would not remain any trace of these Egoistic Gods and their individualistic systems (or ways of life) due to which there would also not remain any Est’ness of any sort within this world …

Thus, during that incoming human golden age (i.e. Guru Yuga or Age of Sages or human age of truth or Manav Satyuga) there would only be those ways of life that are related to the intrinsic pluralism and yet are based within the essential monism, both of which are of the Makers Makings …

I know, humanity of today wouldn’t be able to digest above, but I also know, that their future generations would see it as a matter of fact …


DD) …

Some other aspects of real nextness, next of nextness and Est’ness …

This is the end part of this topic where we would discuss these three laws together, just as they are applicable upon each microcosm that has ever begun within the Makers Makings …


DD-1) … Importance of maintenance real nextness …

Unless all intermediary states that lie within the path to the final liberation and are a part of the supreme genius of Makers Makings, are accomplished (i.e. attained to) that final liberation which literally means a stage of entering into a “full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part”, would never be attained by an aspirant … But to attain to the fullness (wholeness or completeness) of what is told here, would take its time …

And this is what makes the process of evolution and existence within the Makers Makings to be of a time span which is nothing short of being of the undefined time span … Since that undefined time is naught but of eternity, so the evolution is also told as eternal in this text and where the term eternal only means, of an undefined time span …

When we enter a state, then a subtle impression (Samskara) of that accomplishment (or self-realizing and thence entering that state of existence) forms in the consciousness orb (Chitta) of our causal body or Antahkarana or (Antahkarana Chatushtaya) … This impression (Samskara) is the proof of entering into that state and this impression (Samskara) also rests within the consciousness orb until we reach the doorway of final liberation (Doorway to final liberation is a symbolic phrase, so please don’t take it literally) …

Each intermediary state that lies within our path of final liberation, also leads to an impression that relates to that intermediary state, to form in the consciousness orb (Chitta) of our bliss sheath (or causal body or Antahkarana) …

This impression can either form if we enter these intermediary states via subtle travels (Astral travel or causal travel or even through the travels that are undergone by Siddha Bodies of the aspirant) or we take birth upon a world of that state of existence … But this impression has to be there and that too of each of the states that lie intermediary within the path to the final liberation …

Each primary state of Makers Makings would thus have to be transited through either through subtler Yogic means or by actually taking birth and thus entering that state of existence … Or as another option, this entry can also be in ancillary states of existence (which itself is a part of the vast aspects of a primary state of existence) …

Thus even when one enters into an ancillary state of existence, that relates to one of the primary states of existence, then also the impression which would form in the consciousness orb (Chitta) of that aspirants causal body (Antahkarana Chatushtaya or Karana Sharira) would only be of the primary state of existence and not of its ancillary …

If all such impressions that relate to all primary states which are intermediary to the final state of liberation (i.e. attributeless infinite being) are not present within the consciousness orb (Chitta) of the causal body (Bliss sheath or Antahkarana) of that aspirant who is standing at the doorway to final liberation, then also that aspirant can never enter that state of final liberation …

And this state of evolution, where all impressions of all of the primary states of existence that lie intermediary to the final liberation, is only attained, if that aspirant has not compromised on the Law of real nextness which as such is relating to both the evolutionary process and the states of existence …

Thus, unless the real nextness of evolution and existence is perfectly complied with during ones evolutionary process, the final liberation would only remain a distant dream …

And whilst an aspirant stands at the doorway of liberation and thence realizes that the final liberation cannot be attained because of what is told above, then this is when the harm of above discussed aspect would be known … And this is what is the basis of this topic as its based on my similar personal experiences of previous incarnations … It is at this time that the aspirant would also know the importance of what is discussed below as effects of non compliance of the law of real nextness, and which itself is due to entering into the severities of effects of Law of next of nextness …


DD-2) … Effects of non compliance of the law of real nextness …

Any path (including those supersonic paths of evolution) which leads to missing out on realness of evolutionary process, would only make that aspirant to return back to that same state of existence (to which that next of nextness relates) so as to accomplish it … This accomplishment also needs to be prior to the stage where that aspirant passes into a fully liberated state …

Thus basis above … Whichever state gets missed during ones evolution (and thus its impression which denotes its accomplishment is not present within the consciousness orb of causal body of that aspirant) would need to be returned to and this return is also such that, it is not dependent upon the current state of evolution of that aspirant …

Above also means, that, the evolutionary standing of that aspirant (within the macrocosmic hierarchies) is immaterial when that aspirant would be entering that missed out state of evolution, so as to accomplish it …

And this also means, that even if an aspirant were a highly evolved being, who has missed out a much lower state of evolution during his (or her) evolutionary process, then also that aspirant would have to enter that much lower state of evolution, so as to accomplish it … And at the instant when that aspirant enters into that much lower state of evolution which was missed out during the earlier evolutionary process of that aspirant, that aspirants high evolutionary standing would be immaterial …

And thus, such an aspirant would also have to adopt a gross physical vehicle, which is apt to reside within that much lower (or grosser) state of existence, which is entered into so as to comply to the law of real nextness and which is also to exit out of the earlier next of nextness of evolution that was attained during the earlier stages of that aspirants evolutionary process) …


Now read this carefully …

Above is the primary reason for entry of very highly evolved beings into lower worlds … And where that entry is primarily because these highly evolved beings hold a certain quantum of next of nextness within their earlier evolutionary process and where that next of nextness of evolution is also related to the same lower realm which they have to enter into, so as to comply to the currently discussed macrocosmic law of real nextness …

Thus, these highly evolved beings only enter into those much lower worlds (lower worlds is written here only in relation to their current high evolutionary standings) so as to clear their earlier generated next of next’s and where these lower worlds are also those where their evolutionary real nextness was missed out (i.e. during their earlier stages of evolutionary process, that lower world was bypassed and thus it has led to next of nextness within their evolutionary path of that time) … All such entries of highly evolved beings into lower worlds are also to ensure their perfect compliance to the discussed laws in addition to the Law of eternal evolution …

Thus, if during ones earlier stages of evolutionary process, there has been a non compliance to evolutionary real nextness, then that aspirant would again need to enter into that very primary state of existence (i.e. within one of the lower worlds that relates to that primary state of existence) which was missed out during his or her earlier evolutionary process …

And this missing out of real nextness (and thus manifestation of next of nextness) could even have been eons and eons ago (i.e. prior to the stage when that aspirant would be entering into it, so as to clear that next of nextness) …


And finally for this discussion …

These entries of very highly evolved ones into much lower worlds (lower worlds is written in relation to the high evolutionary standings of these highly evolved ones) are only because of the fact, which could be thus told …

  • The Makers Makings are very firm on the correct maintenance of evolutionary real nextness by her each microcosm (each aspirant) …
  • Nobody has ever escaped this macrocosmic requirement and nobody would ever be able to in any future … And this is what makes the process of evolution to be nothing short of being based within an undefined eternity …
  • And whatsoever be the reason, deviation from this law of real nextness is not allowed within the Makers Makings …
  • Thus even if there was a deviation due to getting into the law of next of nextness, eons and further mega eons ago, no microcosm has ever escaped out of its effects, which as such are none other than of a return to that same state, whose experience was missed out (due to an earlier stage of getting into next of nextness of evolutionary process) …
  • Unless there is a perfect maintenance of real of nextness of the evolutionary process, no microcosm has ever been able to enter into a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part …
  • So, Kaivalya Moksha is only possible after these two laws (i.e. law of real nextness and laws of next of nextness) are fully complied with and where this compliance is also reflected during ones evolutionary process and whose proof is of presence of a subtle impression (Sanskara) of each of the primary states of Makers Makings … This impression has to be present within the consciousness orb of causal body of the aspirant …
  • Thus, basis above, macrocosmic creation never allows any shortcut to evolution … And every microcosm, irrespective of its evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies has ever had to comply to it … Eventually …
  • Thus, a microcosm may escape out of the effects during the stages of continuity of its evolutionary process … But would eventually have to comply to the fullness of its process, when it reaches the doorway of liberation and thence realizes that it cannot enter into a liberated state, w due to the effects of these two laws (law of real nextness and Law of next of nextness) …
  • Sometimes to clear those real next’s, an aspirant may even have to take up the position of being the controller of a plane or world (i.e. God of a plane or world) … But taking up of such a role is only because such aspirants realize that, those stagnations of real next’s (due to manifestations of earlier next of nextness) can only be cleared whilst that soul, takes over such a job (or being the God of a world or plane of existence) …
  • A sage who has already attained to that final liberation (Kaivalya), can only be the one who is free of these laws i.e. has gone beyond the scopes of applicability of these laws and which itself is when he holds a perfect real nextness of his entire evolutionary process and that too, right from those incalculable timeless times, when he had originally begun as a microcosm within the supreme genius of Makers Makings …
  • When such sages of realm that is beyond the Makers Makings, return back (or are recalled back into a lower realm by the divinities of Makers Makings or their returns are as per the call of a cycle of time) then all Gods of that world and plane of existence come to their aid (i.e. these Gods leave their forts and return back to earthly realms, so as to assist that sage who has returned back as per reasons stated here …
  • And as a matter of fact, even these egoistic Gods assist and respect such sages who already are in resting within their wee or end stages of existence due to their almost fullness of compliance to these two laws …
  • And all those sages who have attained to their final liberation only denote a state of existence, that is beyond such Gods and controllers … So, when a sage of Kaivalya (i.e. that sage who has gone beyond the entirety of Makers Makings) returns back as per the call of a cycle of time, then also all Gods of that world and plane of existence come to assist him in his job because they know, he (that returned sage of Kaivalya) has only come to assist them in passing into the next age cycle … Sage of Kaivalya means, a fully liberated sage …
  • But the fact still remains that Kaivalya (final emancipation) can only be attained after a fuller compliance to the three laws as have been discussed in this topic …
  • Never during the entire macrocosmic history has anyone escaped out of the fuller requirements of these principles, process and laws of the Makers Makings and which also includes the three laws which have been discussed here …
  • That state of final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) is free of hierarchies and relativities of the Makers Makings and thus is also beyond comparisons, which itself makes that final liberation to be free of all Est’ness and all of its differing aspects …
  • And that state of final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha) is also free of nextness of any sort, including the duality of it, as was discussed here …


Continues …

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