Principle of plane of cosmic consciousness … Chitta Kaya

Here we would discuss the cosmic plane of consciousness (i.e. Plane of cosmic consciousness or Chitta Kaya or Mahat Chitta or Principle of consciousness or the conscious principle) … And here we would also discuss most of the aspects that relate to this topics header, “plane of macrocosmic consciousness” and its study, like the one which these days is known as the Akashik record … This topic can also be termed as sky of consciousness, consciousness sky, Chidakasha, Chitta Akasha, Chid Akasha, infinite sky of consciousness, sky of infinite consciousness, etc., …

Note: Above painted sketch shows the plane of cosmic consciousness which being one of the four continuous planes of the Maker’s Makings, extends across all that is as the lighted and non-lighted part of Makers Makings … The dots as shown in above painted sketch are the impressions of various colors that reside within the plane of cosmic consciousness …

Note continues: Depending upon the subtlety or grossness of desires (i.e. Ichha), emotions (i.e. the feelings or Bhava), thoughts (i.e. Vichara) and deeds (i.e. the acts or Karma) of microcosm’s are the subtlety and grossness and thus the colors (and their shades) of these generated impressions which are seen to be residing within the various hierarchical levels of the plane of cosmic consciousness … Thus, depending upon how these impressions are generated by a microcosm’s are the characteristics (colors and their shades, grossness or subtlety, etc.,) of the impressions that reside within the plane of consciousness (Chitta Kaya) … And the same is how it is in all parts of the plane of consciousness, i.e. consciousness planes of all that is as world, plane of existence (Galaxy, etc.,), consciousness orb (Chitta) of causal body (Karana Sharira) of each aspirant …

This topic continues from the previous that has the header of “Law of heartbeat … Law of time span of existence” …


AA) …

Plane of cosmic consciousness … Law of consciousness … Chitta Siddhanta …

The plane of consciousness could be thus described …

That part of Makers Makings where entirety of impressions (Samskara) reside


Or in other words …

That in whose envelopes the entire corpus of impressions (Samskara) that are ever generated by each microcosm, are residing, is plane of consciousness


AA-1) …

Plane of consciousness and impressions … Chitta and Samskara …

The plane of consciousness (or Brahmic Mahat Chitta) is that plane which holds in itself the entire corpus of subtle impressions (Samskara) …

These impressions are like seeded states of all desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds that are or could ever be undergone by any microcosm during the entirety of the triple times (i.e. all times that are of the past, present and future) …

The original impression was of the Maker’s divinity of desire (i.e. Ichha Shakti of Pitamah Brahma) and this was the one what manifested with the creators desire to originate the macrocosm and microcosm’s …

This led to generation of the original impression (Prachin Samskara or Adi Samskara) which by itself was the subtle impressional state of the macrocosm (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) …

This impressional state of macrocosm is thus the original state of macrocosm and is just as it was prior any of the subtle and gross macrocosmic states were originated within the Maker’s Makings … This impression is also the parental impression of all impressions that have been existent or could ever exist within the plane of consciousness …

And after the gross and subtle microcosm’s were originated within the Makersmakings, then they also started generating their own impressional seeds (which itself was through their own desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds) … These seeds also began residing within the same macrocosmic plane of consciousness (or the plane of macrocosmic consciousness) …


AA-2) …

Parts of the cosmic plane of consciousness … Consciousness is continuous across the Makers Makings …

As is in the macrocosm, so is within each microcosm … This is because, the microcosm is none other than a microcosmic state of the macrocosm …

Thus, basis above …

  • If an aspirant cannot find something within his (or her) own microcosm, then it also doesn’t exist within the macrocosmic creation … And where, that which is within the aspirants microcosm is the subtle impressional state of that which is within the greater macrocosm …
  • And if it can be found within the macrocosm, then it would also be seen within the aspirants microcosm itself … As also, that which is within the greater macrocosmic creation, would also be seen within its subtle impressional state inside the aspirants microcosm …
  • These entirety of macrocosmic aspects ( i.e. the entire macrocosm) in their subtle impressional states are ever present within the aspirants microcosm … But this subtle impressional state of the macrocosmic counterpart would only be known through a meditative cognition and not through other grosser means … Thus unless the inner-subtle eye of knowledge gets activated, the macrocosmic states which are present within the aspirant’s microcosm, would never be realized by that aspirant …


So, basis above discussions …

As is the macrocosmic plane of consciousness … So is the consciousness of each microcosm


And due to above, the same consciousness (Chitta) is also present within all that ever is begun within the Makersmakings … And basis this fact …

  • The universe has its own consciousness plane which itself is a part of the macrocosmic plane of consciousness …
  • Each part of the universe, like the galaxies, planets and their planetary systems, etc., also have their own consciousness planes … These are such that the consciousness plane of a galaxy is a part of the consciousness plane of the universe and the consciousness plane of a planet or a planetary system is a part of the consciousness plane of the galaxy in whose purviews that planet resides …
  • Each that is supra-animate (like a divine world or a divine being) and supra-inanimate (like a religion, way of life, codes of a society, etc.,) also have their own consciousness planes which are also a part of the same plane of consciousness …
  • Each inanimate part of cosmic speciology, like matter, vegetation, etc., also has its own consciousness which is also a part of the same plane of consciousness …
  • And each animate part of macrocosmic speciology also holds its own consciousness orb (Chitta) which itself is a part of the consciousness plane of the planet or planetary system within whose purviews that part of macrocosmic speciology resides … And where that consciousness orb (Chitta) is also an intrinsic part of the causal body (Antahkarana Chatushtaya) of that animate state of macrocosmic speciology …

Thus, basis above stated bullet point, the causal body (i.e. bliss sheath or Antahkarana or Anandamaya Kosha) of any aspirant is also directly or indirectly related to the same plane of macrocosmic consciousness …

Thus, in reality, each aspect of consciousness of each microcosm (i.e. right from a universe until the smallest microcosm, let’s just say an atom) ultimately is a part of the same cosmic plane of consciousness …

And it is due to this reason, the consciousness is like an omnipresent and continuous (unbroken or partless) plane that exists across the entirety of Makers Makings …


BB) …

Regarding impressions that exist within the Chitta … Akashik record …

Here we would discuss the impressions that exist (or reside) within the consciousness …


BB-1) …

Generation of impressions (Samskara) …

Every microcosm has kept generating impressions since the moment it was originated during those timeless times of original origination of the Makers Makings …

These impressions are generated through “any and all” of the below stated means …

  • Through desires (Ichha) …
  • Through emotions and feelings (Bhava) …
  • Through thoughts (Vichara) …
  • Through deeds or acts (Karma) …

Note: In fact, all four aspects as stated above are a part of Karma only … And where all these Karma only manifest as visible Karma (visible deeds or acts) after the earlier stages of Ichha, then Bhava and then Vichara are transited through … Thus, only after the stages of first three bullet points as stated above, are transited through, does the stage of visible state of Karma arrive …

Note: Each of these four leads to generation of a subtle seed like impression within the consciousness orb (Chitta) of the bliss body (i.e. the bliss sheath or Antahkarana or Anandmaye Kosha) of the aspirant …

Note: Since consciousness is a universal entity within the Makersmakings, so these impressions are also generated by all animate and inanimate matter and their impressions are also reflected within the same plane of consciousness … The impressions that exist within the plane of consciousness are also of all four states of macrocosm … These four primary macrocosmic states have been discussed in an earlier topic and were named as the unbegun macrocosm (Sanatan Brahmand or in other simple words, eternal macrocosm), macro-neutral greater whole (i.e. macro-equanimous macrocosm or Sam Brahmand), Inert matter (or inertial mass or inertial macrocosm or Tam Brahmand) and begun macrocosm (i.e. cyclic existence or in other simple worlds, the Samsara) … All that is a part of these four primary macrocosmic states ultimately takes part in generation of these cosmic impressions and the types of those generated impressions are also as per their respective evolutionary capabilities (i.e. as per their state of evolution and thus their standing within the cosmic hierarchy) …


BB-2) …

Eternally changeful state of allness is due to the eternally changeful state of impressions …

As an impression gets generated through above stated means, it rests within the consciousness orb (Chitta) of the aspirant’s bliss sheath (Anandamaya Kosha) … Here it awaits its ripeness and rightness to fruit further …

This fruiting is through further desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds … Thus, as any of the impressions that exist within the consciousness arrive at their ripeness and rightness to fruit further, the aspirant (or any microcosm) that has it, gets into specific desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds that would be necessary to fruit that impression … After fruiting that impression also turns subtler and thus becomes a cause of that aspirants unbroken continuity of evolutionary process

And where these desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds also lead to generation of specific (further) impressions, in addition to fruiting of a specific impression for which they were generated within the aspirant …

Note: During any act, we have desires, emotions, thoughts manifested within us … These also lead to generation of a specific impression … Thus, our desires which were from fruiting of an earlier generated impression (Samskara), in turn lead to generation of further impressions … Due to this reason, during the existence of any microcosm within the macrocosm, the number of impressions that exist within the consciousness plane, also keep increasing … But this increase eventually leads to a state, where they all fruit simultaneously and in tandem (this aspect shall be discussed at a later stage of this discussion) …

And as that specific impression fruits, it also turns subtler … Thus, the process of repetitive fruiting of these earlier impressions also keeps making them more and more subtler and this is what would be observed during study of these impressions, especially if this study is conducted over a certain longer time span …

And since impressions ultimately relate to the original impressions that was generated through the Ichha Shakti (divinity of desires) of the grandfather and creator of allness (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji), so these impressions are also as the base state of all that exists within the Makers Makings …

As and when these impressions which denote the the base state of Makers Makings, change (during fruiting of these impressions), the other states which relate to these impressions, also change …

This is also what keeps allness and her each part in an ever changeful state and which we have already discussed in an earlier topic of “Change is the only constant” within the Makers Makings …

Thus, it is also due to the processes which relate to impressions, that, within the Makers Makings, ultimately the fact of “eternal change is the only eternal constant” is also related to these impressions which are generated by each part of the macrocosmic speciology …

Any otherwise than above, neither the part of Makers Makings could have be originated nor could the originated state ever continue within its eternity of change …

And in such a case of nonness of eternal change, the maintenance of non sameness of flows and dynamism within the Makers Makings wouldn’t have been possible … This would have also led to a non compliance to the cosmic “law of non sameness and also a further non compliance to the earlier discussed law of eternal change of parts of corpus” which have already been discussed in earlier topics …


Note: And the same also happens for each impression that exists within the entire plane of consciousness and its each part, including the orb of consciousness (Chitta) of the bliss body (Anandamaya Kosha) …


BB-3) …

Relationship of subtle and gross impressions …

To some extent, we have already discussed this in an earlier topic of Law of pervader and pervaded

Basis this law …

  • The pervader permeates the permeated (pervaded) and thus rests within the pervaded
  • The pervader being subtler also has larger expanses than the pervaded and thus, the permeated (pervaded) eventually originates within the envelopes of the pervader (permeator) and also continues to rests within the same envelope of the pervader …
  • And where this rest of pervaded also continues until the pervaded stays grosser than the pervader (I.e. until the pervaded evolves and reaches the sameness of subtlety of the pervader, it would continue to exist within the envelope and permeation of the pervader) …
  • Once the pervaded reaches the sameness of subtlety of its pervader, then it merges to the pervader and thence becomes the pervader itself … This fact was also discussed with a subtle reference in an earlier topic of “drop is the ocean” …


Thus, basis above …

  • The pervader is subtler than the pervaded …
  • The pervader permeates the pervaded and which leads to a state, were the pervader is seen to be resting within the pervaded itself …
  • And simultaneously, the pervader also envelopes the pervaded and thus the pervaded is also seen to be resting within the envelope of its own pervader …
  • Thus, the pervader rests within the pervaded and simultaneously the pervaded rests within the pervaders envelopes …
  • This makes a state, where the pervaded is controlled by its own pervader …
  • And this relationship of pervader and pervaded is also such that, the pervader stays detached to the one which it pervades …
  • And simultaneously with above aspect, during its entire evolutionary process, the pervaded always keeps trying to reach the sameness of subtle state of its own pervader, so as to eventually merge to its pervader and thus be its own pervader itself …

The same relationship is also there within the subtle and gross impressions …

And this relation of all that ever is as a microcosm, was also subtly discussed in another earlier topic of “Law of eternal Sssexing” … And where this law of Sssexing also applies to all that is as gross and subtle component of Makers Makings, including the impressional counterpart as discussed here …


Note: The same relationship is also of each of the subtle and gross components of each microcosm and the macrocosm, because the macrocosmic laws are non discriminatory and thus non prejudiced to all that exists within the Makers Makings … Thus, even when the higher of beings (like Ati Manava, etc.,) return back to an apparently incarnated state within any of the worlds or world systems (which mostly is via the path of entering into an incarnated state through transmigration of soul), then they are also bound by the same macrocosmic principles, process and laws … And this is why Vedic sages had told, that when an Avatar returns back, then he also doesn’t break or bypass his own laws (i.e. laws of Makers Makings) … The same aspect is also applicable to each part of Makers Makings, right from the largest microcosm (i.e. a universe) and until the smallest microcosm (let’s just say an atom or cell) …


So in a nutshell … Each that is subtler is basically the driver of its immediate grosser part … And simultaneously with this, each subtler is also the home of each that is grosser than it … And where these subtler and grosser’s also have their own hierarchies as per the effects of the law of cosmic hierarchy (which we have already discussed earlier on) …


BB-4) …

Concept of Samskara and its relation to specific types of Karmic impressions …

Vedic sages had told regarding impressions (Samskara) …

  • Each aspect has its own specific impressions …
  • Thus, each aspect of desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds have their own specific types of generated impressions …
  • These impressions are generated as per the types of deeds (Karma) that were undergone during history of a microcosm or its lineage …
  • Thus, each family lineage also has its own impressions … This is what came to be known as Parivarik Samskara …
  • On similar lines, each scripture (of each religion, faith, etc.,) also has their own specific types of impression generation capability … And the same is also applicable for each constitution of each nation, codes of societies, ways of life, etc., …
  • Each Mantra has its own impression generation capability …

During my earlier incarnations and also those further transmigrated impressions (i.e. incarnations that were attained by transmigration of souls or Parkaya Pravesh), these were called as Mantrik Samskara (impressions due to Mantras) …

It was due to this reason, Mantras also had their own categories, which itself were based upon the subtlety or grossness of their generated vibrations and thus their generated seeded impressions (Beeja Samskara) …

  • Each place also has its own impressions … These were known as Desha Samskara … This was also a part of the dimension of state (i.e. Dasha Ayama) …

This is why for specific paths and practices, some specific places are valid and other specific places are forbidden …

It is due to this, Vedic Brahmins don’t travel the sea and it is also due to this reason, Vedantin’s (those who follow Vedanta) preferably don’t leave the boundaries of lines that are drawn by connecting the Vyasa Peetha (with exception of some specific auspicious places like Kailash Parvat, etc.,) …

  • Each cycle of time (or each part of the ever moving wheel of time or Kaalchakra) also has its own impressions …

Knowledge of this aspect is what led to origination of the concept of the eternally moving cycle of time (i.e. the eternally changeful state of the wheel of time or Kaal Chakra) … The impressions due to this, were referred to as Kaal Samskara …

  • Each way of life (i.e. each directional aspect or Disha) also has its impressions … Thus, was the concept of facing specific directions during specific meditative practices adopted in Yoga Tantra and also in Vedic lore … This was based upon the concept of Disha Samskara …
  • Most of above stated and those which I have intentionally not stated here are based upon the same concept of impressions (Samskara) which related to a direction (Disha), place (or state or Dasha or Desha), cycle of time (Kala Chakra), etc., etc., …


BB-5) …

Transfer of impressions across generations of each microcosm … Existence and death of a microcosm from the point of view of impressions …

The impressions which are discussed here include the original impression that was generated by the divinity of desires (i.e. Ichha Shakti) of the grandfather and creator of allness, who in Vedas is addressed as Chatur Mukha Pitamah Brahma …

Since Pitamah Brahma Ji is a four headed being who is equanimous to all that is originated within the Makers Makings, so due to this reason, during the extremely ancient and already forgotten times of my much earlier incarnations and also those further transmigrated incarnations (i.e. those incarnations that were attained through the process of transmigration of soul), Brahma Ji was addressed as “Sarva-Sam, Saguna Sakaar, Chatur Mukha Pitamah Brahma Ji (which means as macro-equanimous, attributed-form, four-headed grandfather and creator of allness and her each part)” …


Proceeding further …

Once the impression is generated by any part of cosmic speciology (including the original impression which was generated through the divinity of desires or Ichha Shakti of Brahma), then that impression continues to exist within it’s originally originated state or even within its further fruited state …

And these impressions (i.e. right from the original to all further generated impressions) keep getting transferred from one generation to another of each part of macrocosmic speciology …


Proceeding further …

But above stated fact need further explanations, so below is an example with reference to a cell (But the same also happens during each parent child relationship, including of all parts of cosmic speciology) …

During cellular progeny, following gets transferred from the parental cell to its offspring …

  • Mind (Manas) … As is the mind of the parental cell, so is the mind of the child cell … This transfer also leads to transfer of components of the Manomaye Kosha (Mind sheath) of the parental cell to its own offspring …
  • Buddhi (Vijyana or knowledge) … As is the Buddhi (knowledge) of the parental cell, so is the Buddhi of the child cell … This transfer also leads to transfer of components of the Knowledge sheath (Vijyanmaya Kosha) from the parental cell to its child cell …
  • Consciousness (Chitta) with its specific impressions is also transferred from the parental cell to its child cell …
  • I’ness (Ahamkara) with its specific subtlety or grossness (i.e. oneness to allness or state of individuality respectively) is also transferred from the parental cell to its child cell …
  • Aspects of vital airs (i.e. vitality or Pranamaya Kosha) with its specific types of flows and dynamism is also transferred from the parental cell to its child cell …


Note: And the same also happens during birth of a child as that child is holding all above from the parents and also from that parental lineage … This is what led to the concept of Parivarik Samskara (familial lineage system) within the Vaidik lore and this was also the reason for Vaidik Varnashrama Vyavastha to be based within aspects of family of birth of a child …

Note continues: Thus, all those who say that Varnashrama Chatushtaya is not right, have actually not know the functioning of macrocosmic nature within whose envelopes they reside and where the same mother nature is also residing within their own tiny microcosm’s … If any microcosm comes in perfect synchronism with the mother nature (Ma Prakriti) in whose envelopes it reside and who also resides within that microcosm, then it would lead to peaceful stay within the macrocosmic creation … And this itself was the reason for Varna to be based on family lineage (i.e. family of birth was considered as a part of known the Varna of any person) …

Note continues: As also, al those who say that they don’t believe in Vaidik Varnashrama are basically already abusing their own familial ancestors and such ones always have a fault which Vedic sages had named as Pitra Dosha … Such ones would never be able to go beyond the Pitra Loka (i.e. the subtle states of their own ancestors) and it is due to this reason, that the systems of those who don’t believe in Vaidik Varnashrama Chatushtaya (i.e. four Varnas) always have concept of awaiting liberation till the end of times of the world …

Note continues: This concept of awaiting liberation will the end of time of the world is due to the fact, that such systems neither relate to Varna Chatushtaya (four Varnas of Vedic lore) nor do they relate to Sapt Gotra (i.e. lineage of seven original sages of ever Mahayuga or divine age cycle) … Those systems (or religions or faiths or ways of life) who believe in neither of these two, always get stuck in the spirit worlds and thus can never get liberated (i.e. they never attain to Kaivalya or Moksha) until the age in which they and their system (or way of life) was born and existent, comes to an end … And this is why such systems always have a concept of end time and the final judgment day …

Note continues: And due to above, such systems neither have a fullness of state of the concept of Videhamukti (immediate liberation upon de-incarnation) nor do they ever have concepts of Jeevanmukti (liberated whilst alive) … Unless you follow the Varna Chatushtaya (concept of four Varna) and Gotra Saptam (seven Gotra), these concepts would be totally missing in your ways of life, here and beyond …

Note continues: And since these are an intrinsic part of mother nature (Ma Prakriti) herself, so such a system would also not be related to the divinity of Makers Makings … This condition would in turn make that system and its adherents go astray from the pluralistic monist ways of life of macrocosmic creation, within which that system, its godhead, its heavens, text and ways of life, its followers and propagators itself live as mere microcosm’s …

Note continues: And this is also the reason for all those ways of life which don’t “at least” adopt Varnashrama Vyavastha, to always enter into monotheism and thus such a system always end up on ways that don’t come in line with the pluralistic monism of Makers Makings within whose envelopes that system itself rests … And this is what makes that system to be cyclically chaotic (i.e. it would have cycles of peace and chaos) …

Note continues: And those systems which don’t adopt Sapt Gotra in their ways of life, ultimately lose memberships of their civilizations due to their birth rates falling below 2.01 babies per couple …


Now basis above, we move further with this discussion …

There is a transfer of consciousness (impressions) and knowledge (knowledge is a grosser manifestation of inner intrinsic wisdom of an entity) from each cell to its successor and then to its further successor and then again and again and yet again to their further successors …

This transfer is as and when the predecessors cells keep rolling out (dying) during the course of the lifespan of the physical vehicle …

The original cellular structure when the embryo formed and thence led to the formation of the baby and its birth, was full of original knowledge and the consciousness (that was at the time of conception in the womb of the mother and till its state of being born in the physical realm of earth) …

And this as such was of a pure nature due to the fact that it was not even cluttered by so many of those additional impressions, that always get manifested due to the desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds of the person (after it starts working its ways of life and that to, after being born as a physical vehicle) …


Proceeding further …

As far as the birth of anything within the physical or subtle realms stands, it originally is originated as a neutral state of pure wisdom (Sattva Guna) …

Even the first state of the manifest macrocosm, was of the quality of neutrality (i.e. Sattvaguna) only …

After the start of origination process, as the entity continues through its origination process, it keeps turning grosser and grosser until it reaches a sameness of grossness to the state of existence where it is to be born as a physical microcosm (which holds a physical body) …

And during the process of turning gross, it continues to have desires, emotions, thoughts and also does some deeds that are applicable at its each state of transformation to the physical state (i.e. of a physical vehicle) …

And due to the subtlety or grossness of those desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds that are done by an entity and as are applicable at its each state of transformation to the physical state (i.e. of a physical vehicle) and during the further time span of evolutionary existence of the physical vehicle, many subtle and gross impressions get generated and thence these impressions begin resting within the consciousness orb (Chitta) of the bliss sheath (Anandamaya Kosha or causal body or Karana Sharira) of that born and thus existent entity …


Proceeding further …

If the deeds, thoughts and emotions are of a subtler nature, then subtle impressions would get generated … Subtlety has a higher vibratory bandwidth and thus it also has a greater spread within the macrocosm … And reverse is what is applicable for grossness …

Subtler being of higher expanse (or spread within the Makers Makings) leads to lesser cluttering … The same is also applicable for subtler impressions … And reverse is for grossness and/or grosser impressions …

But grossness also leads to a higher cluttering of of impressions, which further leads to a higher deviation from the subtle flows and dynamism of the Makers Makings in whose envelopes the grosser entity (including grosser impression) resides …


As a matter of fact …

  • In this discussion, I have used the reference to the consciousness orb (Chitta) of the aspirants causal body (Bliss sheath or causal sheath) … But the same discussion is also applicable to all that is as the consciousness plane of each microcosm, right from the universe to a cell (or atom) …
  • As compared to grossness, subtlety has a higher spread within the macrocosm … And thus, subtlety also has a higher cosmic volume and thus a higher vibrational spread within the cosmic creation, which in turn denotes its higher ranges of vibratory bandwidth within the macrocosm …
  • So, due to above stated facts, lesser number of subtle impressions would be able to bring the consciousness to its optimum bandwidth … And due to this reason, when there are subtler impressions then their numbers would also be lesser …
  • And additionally to above, since subtlety has larger expanses, so subtler impressions have a larger spacing between each beat and due to this reason, lesser number of deeds would need to be done by those aspirants, who hold subtler impressions …


Thus basis above …

  • The time span of subsequent fruiting of subtler impressions would be higher … And thus, as compared to grosser impressions, lesser number of desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds would be needed over the same time frame …
  • Due to this reason, those aspirants who hold subtler impressions (which itself were generated earlier on due to being based in a higher aspect of “oneness towards allness or Brahmand Dharana) also have a higher inner peace …
  • When we have subtler impressions residing in our own consciousness orb (Chitta), then since subtler impressions have a larger spacing between their subsequent heartbeats, so this also leads to lesser number and also lesser variations of desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds that would be needed to be done by us and this is what leads to lessness of turbulences in our mind (Manas), vitality (Prana), knowledge (Buddhi or Vijyana) and and in such a condition our I’ness (Ahamkara) is also more based in allness …
  • This is what leads to lessness of inner turbulences and thus moreness of inner peace …
  • Those aspirants who have more inner peace, also have a higher peace in their immediate environment (i.e. people they know, their homes and work places, etc.,) …
  • Since subtlety is of a higher bandwidth, so lesser number of subtler impressions would be needed to exist so as to bring the vibration to its optimum limits …
  • Optimum limits are also dependent upon the state of evolution and where higher states of evolution have a higher subtlety and thus have subtle vibrations (and thus also have a higher bandwidth or vibratory spread within the macrocosmic creation) … And reverse is what applies for lower (or grosser or individualistic) states of existence …
  • Since subtler has a higher spread within the vast expanses of the Makers Makings, so subtler aspects are less cluttered (congested) … And reverse is for grosser aspects …
  • Subtler is an impression, lesser it would clutter the consciousness orb (Chitta) of the aspirant and thus, lesser it would interfere with the subtle flows and dynamism that exist within the consciousness orb (Chitta) of the aspirant in whose causal body (Causal sheath or Antahkarana) that impression resides … And reverse of this is for grosser impressions …
  • Due to above, subtler aspects cause lesser attenuation (and thus loss) of those flows and dynamism which relate to and thus are of the vitality (Pancha Prana), mind (Manas), knowledge (Buddhi), I’ness (Ahumkara) and consciousness (Chitta) … And reverse is what applies for grosser aspects …
  • Due to lesser attenuation of these, the subtler also has lesser beats per unit time as compared to grosser and this is what makes the subtler microcosm to exist for longer durations (as compared to the grosser) …

Note: And was discussed in the earlier topic of “law of heartbeat”, the total number of heartbeats of any entity who is born in a time which is other than that of a Yuga Sandhi (intermediary time between any two ages or Sandhi Kaal), the total number of heartbeats would always be of a value which totals to 270 crores (2700 million) …

  • When any aspirant is based upon individualistic and thus self-serving and further thus, grosser deeds, then grosser impressions get generated and begin residing within his (or her) consciousness orb (Chitta) of the causal body (Antahkarana Chatushtaya) …
  • Since grossness has a lesser bandwidth or spread in macrocosm, so grossness has a higher constriction on the mind, vitality, knowledge and I’ness (Ahamkara) of that aspirant …
  • Due to this, to utilize the fuller vibratory capacity (i.e. bandwidth) of the consciousness orb (Chitta) that aspirant needs a higher number of such grosser impressions to be present within his (or her) consciousness orb …
  • This leads to a state where higher number of gross types of seeded impressions would be seen to be residing within the consciousness orb of that aspirant …
  • As also, since grosser impressions have a lesser time span between their each subsequent fruiting and since fruiting of these impressions can only be done through specific desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds of that aspirant, so higher number of these (desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds) would be needed to be undergone by such an aspirant who holds grosser impressions within his (or her) orb of consciousness (i.e. orb of Chitta) of the causal sheath (or causal body) …
  • Higher number of desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds would also lead to a higher quantum of inner turbulence within such an aspirant …
  • As also since grosser impressions need grosser deeds to be done so as to fruit them and since grosser deeds are those which are based upon one or another aspect of individualism (self serving and thus greed based), so those aspirants who hold grosser impressions also need to undergo larger number and variations of desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds, which in turn keeps them further from their own inner divine nature …
  • It is due to this reason, individualism (monotheism of any sort, be it political, geographical, societal, economic, social, health or security, etc.,) is against the inner peace and this is why monotheism has never been and cannot ever be as a way of life to long lasting peace …


Now with above as a base, we move further …

Here we would discuss the process of transfer of knowledge, consciousness, vitality etc., between a parental cell and its offspring and thus, there is also a transfer of impressions of these from the parent cell to it’s own child (and the same also happens between each parent and child relationship, across the makers Makings) …

  • As the cell enters into the process of its progeny, then there is a transfer of all above discussed aspects (i.e. knowledge, mind, consciousness, I’ness and vitality and thus their impressions) from the parental cell to its own offspring …
  • If the aspirant has grosser impressions in his (or her) consciousness orb (Chitta), then the same is also reflected in the consciousness orb of the cellular mass of his (or her) own physical body …
  • And since grossness of impressions needs to also have larger number of impressions to be present in the consciousness orb, so this also leads to a state, where during transfer of above discussed aspects (i.e. knowledge, mind, consciousness, I’ness and vitality) from the parental cell to its own offspring, there is also a higher attenuation of these … This higher attenuation means, there is a greater loss in the process of this transfer …
  • This attenuation is because, when the flows and dynamism of these above discussed aspects (i.e. knowledge, mind, consciousness, I’ness and vitality) pass through the consciousness orb of the cell where those grosser impressions reside, then they get attenuated to a lesser or larger extent depending upon the subtlety or grossness of impressions respectively …
  • This attenuation leads to some deviations getting manifested within the process of transfer and which is commensurate to the quantum and grossness of impressions that reside within the consciousness orb (of the cellular system) … And thus what was transferred by the parent cell is not exactly the same as what finally reaches the child cell …
  • But since some amount of attenuation of information (i.e. flows and dynamism) is always there during such a transfer, so this also maintains some differences between each cell and its offspring and where these minor differences are always there even when all these cells are residing in the same physical vehicle …
  • And the same is also applicable to all microcosm’s that exist within the Makers Makings and this is also what maintains the Speciological diversity of all that exists within the Makers Makings and which itself is in compliance to the law of non sameness (that has already been discussed in an earlier topic) …

Note: When the subtle component of flows and dynamism is different, then the gross can never be the same … This is because, as far as the process of origination is concerned, the subtle was originated prior the gross had even been manifested (and where the gross was only originated from the earlier subtle) and thus, the gross is naught but an offspring in the family lineage of the subtle …

Note continues: Since in Vedas, the most-subtle who is beyond origin is named as Vasudeva (i.e. the divinity within all that exists), so this is why the Vedic statement of “Vasudeva Kutumbakam”, which means “Everything is the part of the same family of Vasudeva (Lord of all)” came by … But this statement also has deeper meanings, which as such are not necessary to be told in this discussion …


Proceeding further …

As this cell continues its life journey and arrives at the stage of roll over from its then incarnated state, it hands over this original knowledge to its successor (which is born out of it and thus is resting within the purviews of the principle of interdependent origination) …

During this transfer of knowledge, there is a slight attenuation of information that is passed over between the parent and child cellular structure and this attenuation itself is dependent upon the grossness or subtlety of impressions that the consciousness of this cell holds within itself (higher the grossness, greater is the attenuation … And vice versa of this statement is also true) …

And as this slight or slightly higher attenuation keep taking place repeatedly within each and every cell of the body and during each transfer of knowledge from a cell to its successor (as is during stages of progeny of cells), the above discussed aspects (i.e. knowledge, mind, consciousness, I’ness and vitality) keep arriving at an ever higher final attenuation …

This repeated attenuation across the generations of cells of the physical vehicle, is also the reason that leads to a stage where during the time span of incarnation of the physical vehicle, the original information that was with the parental cell structure of the newly formed embryo, keeps getting lost as that embryo grows into a baby and then that baby reaches adulthood … And this loss of information due to multiples of attenuation, is what leads to a state, where the growth rate of the body keeps reducing as the age of that physical body keeps increasing (Unless there are some other issues, this is exactly how it is for any physical vehicle) …


Proceeding further …

If during lifetime, that aspirant is also involved in acts of higher individualistic and thus grosser nature, then as that aspirants lifetime progresses, the attenuation of above stated aspects (i.e. knowledge, mind, consciousness, I’ness and vitality) keeps increasing during the further progenies of that aspirants cellular system …

And as that aspirants incarnation keeps progressing, this further incremental cellular attenuation leads to a stage where there comes a condition of loss of vital information that is needed for the very existence of the cells …

And as that aspirants incarnation further progresses, a stage arrives where some cells of some specific organs have already lost that vital information (during those series of earlier progenies of cellular system that have already passed by place within the aspirants physical microcosm) …

This is the stage where the body is no longer able to maintain in its earlier vitality and thus, this is the stage when the old age begins setting in … This is also the stage when the degenerative process which had commenced as soon as the physical body was born, is higher than the regenerative process of that physical vehicle …

This is the stage, where the vital air sheath (Pranamaya Kosha) begins diverting its vitality to important organs (like heart, etc.,) and which leads to a further congested state of vitality in these areas, that eventually leads to errors in normal operation of these organs …

As this vitality gets diverted, some organs become deficient in their vitality and thus all the elderly people have those age related problems which they usually have …

And as times of that aspirants incarnated state progresses, this attenuation begins reaching a stage where even the vital information is no longer available in its fullness …

This leads to furthering of the subtle disease, which was already present since a few years, but was not yet visible in its fuller form … This is the stage where the physical body is detected to be in some dis-ease, to to some disease …

This dis-ease leads to the stage where the body being in discomfort of sorts, also ends up entering into a stage of more number of acts to save itself and which itself leads to generation of corresponding those excesses of desires, emotions and thoughts … But since these are generated due to some discomfort, so these impressions are of a grosser nature (impressions generated during suffering are of a grosser nature as compared to impressions that are generated during joyful states) … This only increases the number of grosser impressions, which further leads to moreness of attenuations within the subtle flows and dynamism that exists within the cellular structure of the physical vehicle … And thus, due to this, the capacity of the cellular structure to undergo regenerative restoration also keeps decreasing over time …

And eventually a stage arrives where the vital information also starts getting lost (due to attenuation within those excesses of impressions that get manifested at this stage in larger numbers) and where this loss is also to such an extent, that the vital organs can no longer be capable to continue the physical vehicle … This is the stage after which the body de-incarnates (the aspirant rolls over from that incarnation) …


BB-6) …

Some methods to maintain a better united condition society basis the knowledge of impressions …

One of the ways to have a better society, is related to the mother and that too from the time when the womb is just about animated …

After this stage if she gets into grosser processes, then the baby who resides within her womb also begins adopts her impressions and thus arrives at a corresponding grossness right from the time of its stay in her womb …

If during her pregnancy, she consumes lower forms of life as food, or those foods which grow in darkness, or intoxicates herself, then also these lower impressions begin acting upon the baby …

If that mother has food that has impressions of pain (like animal meat, etc., where the impressions of pain of that animal are present in the cellular mass of that meat), then also it leads to buildup of grosser impressions within the babies consciousness orb (Chitta) of the causal sheath (Karana Kosha or Antahkarana) …

As also, if she has sex after the baby has reached her womb, then also it leads to lowering of subtlety of the original impressional fields which are ever present in the cellular structures of the baby who is developing within her womb …

Mothers of degenerate age not taking above discussed basic aspects into their consideration whilst bearing their babies in their wombs, is one of the primary reasons for expansion of grossness in this world and during the last few millenniums of this Kaliyuga (degenerate age cycle) …

Unless the basics of pristine nature of origination of life are related to and which state, that, everything is rooted in macrocosmic quality of neutrality (Sattva Guna) and which means a balance between the macrocosmic quality of action (i.e. Rajoguna) and the macrocosmic quality of inertia (i.e. Tamoguna) and which also needs to be maintained within the mother’s womb itself, the progeny would never be humane in its ways of life even when that progeny would definitely hold a human body … And this is what leads to an expansive state of degeneration in the world where such mother’s reside in an absolute majority …

If all mother’s to be, begin changing to this basic aspect, then we shall see the subtler changes in humanity which even the keepers of faiths have not imagined and thus not taken effort to control degeneration from its root stage, i.e. when the mother bears her baby in her womb …


Note: During those much earlier and already forgotten times as were of my incarnations and also those transmigrated incarnations (I.e. incarnations that were attained through transmigration of souls, which in Sanskrit texts is also named by the term of Parkaya Pravesh), the humans were a distinct parts of cosmic speciology which resides on this planet … By a distinct part, I mean, human bodies were distinct from bodies of other human like speciology, like Rakshas (demonic people) and this was maintained as human mothers of those days used to take care of above discussed aspects (and also of those aspects which I have not discussed above) prior to and after bearing the womb and for a further duration that was at least until the child was on mother’s provided nectar … But as this degenerate age arrived, suchness was not complied with by the mother’s, and thus these Rakshas (demonic entities) found their ways into the womb of such mothers and eventually got born with human bodies … This is how Kaliyuga (degenerate age) had expanded on earth and during the last few millenniums …

Note continues: And to counter this, is also every mother’s responsibility … And where that responsibility starts just prior bearing the womb and until the baby stays on her provided nectar of life … If this basis aspect which relates to the maintenance of human values (divinities of human values) is not complied with, then no matter what your scriptures or Gods claim regarding future better times, those better ages of man wouldn’t ever manifest, even if your awaited one arrives to this physical realm …

Note continues: You as generations of humanity created the mess of all yesteryears that led to today, then why would anybody else come to clean it … Just like after crapping, you need to clean your butt and your commode, so shall you be doing it as far as cleaning that mess of last few millenniums is concerned … I say so, because your awaited one is definitely not a sweeper of that house, which your only messed up due to your incorrect desires, emotions, thoughts, deeds and their consequent grosser impressions that have kept getting generated within the consciousness plane of this world during the time spans of the last few millenniums of progress of this divine degenerate age cycle (Kaliyuga) …

Note continues: And the sad part is that as of now, these grosser impressions which are residing within the consciousness plane of this planet are already like seas of seas of them … Which itself means, that even the consciousness plane wouldn’t be able to hold unto or manage the present condition for long … And this means, that if humanity as a fuller whole doesn’t get into this cleanup, then they should be ready for that type and quantum of chaos, which even their forefathers had never imagined and where this stage is also approaching faster than what humanity of today can even imagine …

Note continues: And basis that sea of seas of grosser impressions that already exist in the consciousness plane of this world system and which mostly are due to humans not doing that for which they were placed upon this world system, unless humans begin in the process of cleanup of this mess, know for sure their existence would be coming in all sorts of perils that shall be manmade, natural and also related to divine aspects … And if what I see coming due to above stated reasons, actually comes by, then trust me humanity as a whole wouldn’t even know what hit them, how many times were they hit in tandem, from where all were they hit and for what all were they hit … This would be a stage of utter chaos like the earth flipping over for humanity as a whole (I.e. the mother earth saying, I don’t want you humans anymore, so get lost from my envelopes) … And since Mother earth (Bhu Devi) is the eternal consort of Vasudeva, so whenever during cosmic history, Bhu Devi has said, enough is enough, then even the gods don’t interfere with her natural and divine workings, both of which are also placed within your own microcosm …


BB-7) …

Ageing of the body … With reference to processes of impressions …

When a baby is born, the consciousness has lesser number of impressions of grosser natures (due to the impressions unseeding within the greater reality that was where the entity was residing, prior it took birth or was incarnated) … Thus, at this stage the inner subtler flows and dynamism within the physical vehicle of the baby are more pristine (i.e. more uncorrupted or less attenuated) …

Thus, after the immediate stage of birth of a baby, the cellular system grows rapidly which in turn leads to doubling of the size of that baby rapidly … This is the reason for new born babies to grows at a faster rate …

But as that baby keeps growing, there is a buildup of impressions due to the baby entering into specific desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds … This leads to an expansive state of attenuation of flows and dynamism within the babies five aspects of these five aspects (i.e. knowledge, consciousness, mind, I’ness and vitality) …

After birth, as this attenuation keeps increasing, the growth rates of the physical vehicle also slow down … This in turn is due to the fact, that as the attenuation of inner flows and dynamism keeps increasing due to build up of impressions within the babies consciousness orb (Chitta), the cells keep getting deficient of the original pristine state of the same five aspects (i.e. knowledge, consciousness, mind, I’ness and vitality) which earlier on were in fullness with the baby (and which itself is due to higher attenuation that takes place when the subtle flows of these five pass through the impressions) … As this happens, the cellular growth and progeny also keeps slowing down after each subsequent progeny of a cell … Plus with this buildup of impressions and the consequent attenuation of the subtle flows and dynamism that takes place within the cells of the physical vehicle, even the proper functioning of cells is hampered, but only to the extent of build up these impressions and their types (i.e. gross or subtle impressions) …

And by the time that person arrives at old age, the original pristine state of these five aspects (i.e. knowledge, consciousness, mind, I’ness and vitality) is no longer there due to that series of attenuation that has kept taking place as the baby reached the old age …

And where that attenuated state already starts interfering with the fundamental harmonic (the fundamental vibration) of the physical, that itself is the same as was of the new born state of that person and which still remains with that elderly person …

Thus, at this stage when attenuation increases, some problems come by which are of the old age and these are due to those series of attenuations that have already taken place from the time when that person was born in an incarnated frame …

When this stage is arrived at, the body not only stops growing, but also starts to decay faster as compared to the growth (or rejuvenative) rate of the cellular system … This is due to the decrease in replenishing ability of each cell …

At this stage, the skin gets wrinkled, body parts start to give in and this all is only due to multiple attenuations of original cellular knowledge that has already taken place during those vast number of generations of cells that have come by and gone since the time of birth of that person … This leads to lack of luster in the body of that elderly person …

And eventually a state arrives where the vital information of these five aspects (i.e. knowledge, consciousness, mind, I’ness and vitality) is also missing in its fullness … This is the time when the inner subtleties (i.e. subtle body and causal body) of that aspirant decide to call it a day …

And thus this is also the stage, when the physical body of that aspirant rolls over, but after these inner subtleties decide to move on into the greater reality that lies beyond the physical realms …


BB-8) …

Original concept of plane of consciousness and its impressions in relation to the much-much later concept of Akashik records …

During those very ancient and already forgotten times as were of my earlier incarnations and also those further series of transmigrated incarnations (I.e. incarnations arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which originally was called as Parkaya Pravesh and which later on came to be loosely termed as virgin birth), there was the science of meditative study which related to these consciousness impressions …

Basis this study, the aspirant could know the most probable future …

And by this same science of study of consciousness impressions, the sages used to also know the past which was there till then …

Thus, this science was also termed as the science of three times (Trikaal Gyan) … And the divinity of this science was addressed as Ma Trikaali who as such was the divinity of Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, who in Vedas is also addressed as Hiranyagarbha Brahma (which means, the golden womb of creation or the celestial golden egg) …

During present times, the same ancient and already forgotten science is the one that is termed as study of Akashik records …

This Akashik record is naught but the science of most probable happening in future and the exact happenings that have taken place during the past times …

This science directly relates to the knowledge of cycle of time (or wheel of time or Kaal Chakra) …


CC) …

Parts of plane of consciousness … Science of impressions (Samskara Vijyana) …

Here we would discuss some of the aspects that relate to the parts of macrocosmic plane of consciousness …


CC-1) …

Study of unity of the cosmic plane of consciousness and its parts …

Now, we shall discuss the macrocosmic plane of consciousness and its sub-parts, which as such are the consciousness planes of microcosm’s that reside within the Makers Makings …

These sub parts are like the consciousness planes of each universe, each of the planes of existence (Galaxies, etc.,) and their worlds and are also of their inhabitants …


Proceeding further …

The plane of consciousness is basically the entire corpus of …

  • All the consciousness planes of all the universes …
  • All the consciousness planes of all the planes of existences (like, Galaxies, etc.,) that exist within any of the universes …
  • All the consciousness planes of all the worlds and world systems that exist within the planes (Galaxies, etc.,) …
  • All the consciousness orbs of all other microcosm’s which reside within any of these and their gross, subtle and divine worlds …
  • And there also are consciousness planes of supra-inanimate aspects, like religions, scriptures, faiths, codes of conduct, ways of life of societies and civilizations, constitution of ands, etc., …


And this unity is also such that …

  • The microcosm’s on any of the worlds are connected via their own consciousness orbs to the consciousness plane of that world … Until this connection remains, that microcosm continues to reside within the subtle and/or gross aspect of that world system …
  • The consciousness plane of the world and its world system is connected to the consciousness plane of the plane of existence (Galaxy, etc.,) … Until this connection remains, that world and world system continues to reside within the subtle and/or gross aspect of that plane of existence …
  • The consciousness plane of the plane of existence is connected to the consciousness plane of the universe in which that plane of existence resides … Until this connection remains, that plane of existence continues to reside within the subtle and/or gross aspect of that universal system …
  • The consciousness plane of the universe is directly connected to the macrocosmic plane of consciousness … Until this connection remains, that universe continues to reside within the subtle and/or gross aspect of that macrocosmic system …

Only those aspirants who have already accomplished a direct cognition of all above, are the real knower’s of the “knowledge of impressions (Samskara Vijyana)” and such are the aspirants also know the past happenings and best probabilities of future happenings …


Proceeding further …

These aspirants can also pinpoint the persons and world(s) from where any impression and/or the critical mass of impressions, was generated …

This is because, when we have a desire, emotion, thought and thence we undergo the deed based upon these three, then an impression forms in our own consciousness orb (Chitta) of the causal body (Antahkarana or Karana Sharira) …

After forming within our consciousness orb, the same impression also gets reflected within the consciousness plane of the world where we reside at that time …

And further to this, that same impression also gets reflected in the consciousness plane of the plane of existence (Galaxy, etc.,) of which that world is a part …

And further to this, that same impression is also reflected within the consciousness plane of the universe of which that plane of existence (Galaxy, etc.,) is a part …

And the same impression also gets reflected within the plane of the system or way of life or civilizational or societal codes of conduct, where that generator of that impression, was residing at the instant when that impression was generated by its generator …

Thus, basis this science of impressions (i.e. Samskara Vijyana), the aspirant who know the finality of this science, can pinpoint the origination condition and state of any impression and/or its impressional critical mass …

And such an aspirant ultimately becomes the one who can render prophecies regarding those distant future times …


CC-2) …

Hierarchy of impressions that exist within the cosmic consciousness …

This could be thus told …

  • The consciousness holds impressions …
  • These impressions are having their own hierarchy … This hierarchy relates to subtlety and grossness …
  • This hierarchy is such that subtler impressions reside at higher levels of the plane of cosmic consciousness …
  • Thus, higher levels of cosmic consciousness are more peaceful (this is written basis earlier discussed facts) …


CC-3) …

Concept of critical mass of cosmic consciousness … Critical quantum … And coming of newer Gods and godly systems (Religions, faiths, ways of life, etc.,) …

This could be thus explained …

  • Critical mass is that consciousness impressional quantum (or impressional critical mass) after manifestation of which whatever was desired for to generate that impression, would be self-manifested within the same world (or plane or universe), from where that desire was generated (so as to generate its corpus impressions that have reached their critical mass) …
  • Each aspect of subtlety and grossness has its own specific critical mass …
  • Subtler aspects have a higher critical mass … Grosser aspects have a lesser critical mass …


Thus, basis above …

  • To manifest subtlety within a world, more work over a longer time span would be needed to reach the critical mass of consciousness impressions which relate to manifestation of that higher subtlety …
  • Above also means, that to manifest subtlety (like a subtler way of life, subtler path of evolution and subtler anything), more number of consciousness impressions would be needed to be generated so as to arrive at that specific subtlety’s critical mass …
  • And the same is also there if the worlds inhabitants request for an Avatar to arrive to that world …
  • Higher placed is a soul in the cosmic hierarchy, higher would be the critical mass that would be needed to make that soul to enter a lower world (like this one) … Thus, longer shall be the time frame and more would be the subtle requests (through desires of that worlds inhabitants) that would be needed to reach such a high critical quantum that is needed to make that highly evolved soul to enter into a lower world (like this one) …


Proceeding further into some other aspects of this discussion …

  • As and when these impressions arrive at their specific critical masses, they also end up forming their own sub-plane which also is as per specific bandwidth of subtlety that these impressions hold within themselves …
  • When this happens, then some evolved entity (may not be a highly evolved one) comes by to take over that sub-plane of consciousness impressions (which has formed at that stage or time) and thence that higher entity also begins acting as its controlling entity (God) …
  • And thus at such times, some newer systems, beliefs, laws or codes of conducts which relate to the subtlety bandwidth of that sub-plane of consciousness (which has formed and thence is also taken over by its controlling entity) are also evolved and thence placed upon one or more worlds which are evolutionary ready to enter into such systems …
  • This is how various consciousness planes are evolved within the same omnipresent macrocosmic plane of consciousness … And this is also how specific religions and faiths come by at such time (as discussed here) …


CC-4) …

Mass fruiting of impressions when their critical mass is manifested … Defining critical mass (including critical mass of consciousness) …

As more and more inhabitants of a world consciously and/or subconsciously want an effect (or fruit) to manifest within a world, then their desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds eventually lead to a buildup of impressions within their respective consciousness orbs (Chitta) and thence these impressions also start getting projected unto the consciousness plane of that world (where these inhabitants reside) and ultimately reach the state of sea of them to be present within the consciousness plane of that world …

This projection is through the reflections of the impressions which are generated within the consciousness orbs (Chitta) of the causal bodies (Karana Sharira or Causal sheath) of those aspirants who had that desire (for that specific fruit) … And after these generated impressions of vast number of inhabitant of that world, get projected unto the consciousness plane of that world and thence begin reaching the condition which is like a sea of impressions for the same desire and then as this process continues further and further, these seeded impressions also begin reaching their critical quantum …

After the critical levels of such impressional fields have already been built up within the consciousness plane of a world, then these seas of seas of impressions are auto-fruited in tandem …

As this mass fruiting happens, then the effects which were desired for or were to be caused through desires, emotions, thoughts of that group of aspirants who had participated in buildup of that critical mass, shall also be seen to be manifesting within the physical world …

If the thoughts are based within a higher desire (i.e. desire based on oneness or allness) then subtler effects manifest and if these desires are based within grosser aspects (i.e. based within one or another aspect of a specific individuality or a specific individual corpus), then grosser effects would be seen to be getting manifested within the physical realms …

As such, irrespective of the gross or subtle types of impressional mass, whenever the mass of these impressions which is critical for them to fruit, gets arrived, then a manifestation of that particular type of fruit (or effect) upon the physical world (or even for a aspirant) shall actually happen …

This state where the results begin to show up within the physical planes, is referred to as the critical mass for that particular type of vibration (i.e. grossness or subtlety) of impressions …

As compared to the grosser effects (fruits that relate to an individuality or an individual corpus), the critical mass for any desired subtler effect is higher … Thus, if a subtler effect is desired, then many aspirants over a larger time frame shall need to undergo those same desired, emotions, thoughts and deeds so as to get the desired subtler effects to get manifested within the physical realms …


So, basis above we shall now define the “critical mass”

That mass (of anything, including of impressions) which if reached, would auto-manifest that desired thing within the physical realms, is its critical mass


And further to above …

And where that critical mass of impressions is as a ratio of the corpus of allness of a consciousness plane of a world to the mass of built up impressions

When this ratio reaches the value which is stated below, then the desired effects would get auto-manifested within the physical realms …

(Total mass of impressions within a consciousness plane of a world / Total mass of impressions that have been built up by the inhabitants of a world) = Celestial time that is applicable to that world


As we had discussed in an earlier topic that related to the knowledge of cycle of time (Kalchakra), that, the celestial time of a world is that time span which is of one degree change of precession of equinoxes of that world …

So this also means, that the time taken for that world to move through one degree axial precession of its axis, and by this is found the  celestial time that is applicable to that world …

Thus, if any aspirant would study the effects of this stated equation, then it would be pretty clear, that, the critical mass that is needed to manifest subtler effects, would be higher as compared to the critical mass that is needed to manifest grosser aspects within a physical realms …


Proceeding further …

Here we would discuss the critical mass needed for a complete dissolution (or destruction) of the universe …

And as far as the science of impressions stands for the universe as a whole, then when below stated ratio gets complied, there would come a complete destruction (total dissolution) of the universe …

(Total mass of impressions within the plane of consciousness plane of universe / Total mass of impressions that have been built up by the entirety of  microcosm’s that reside within any part of the universe) : (Average subtlety of the consciousness plane of universe : Average subtlety of impressions that have been built up by the entirety of microcosm’s that reside within any part of the universe) = Unity (numeral 1)


And the same equation is also valid for each of the galaxies and worlds … To know this equation, just substitute the word “universe” with the word world (or galaxy, as the case may be) …


Proceeding further …

That state where a mass fruiting of impressions takes place, is due to a fact that none of the sub-planes of consciousness can even hold that particular impressional mass (or seeded vibratory field) beyond a quantum that is higher than its critical value (or critical mass) …

Note: Sub-planes of consciousness are all parts of the plane of cosmic consciousness, which include but are not limited to consciousness orb of any aspirant or the consciousness plane of a society or consciousness plane of a land mass (like a country, continent, etc.,) within the world or consciousness plane of a the entire planet or consciousness plane of a plane of existence or consciousness plane of the universal sphere … And this discussion also includes consciousness planes of aspects like faith, religion, culture, civilization, constitution of a country, ways of life, codes of societies and civilizations, etc., …


Proceeding further …

Whenever above stated value(s) shall arrive for that particular desired subtlety or grossness, then the results shall be immediately manifested within the physical planes …

This is because, after attaining to the critical mass, there manifests a mass tandem fruiting of impressions within that impressional mass itself … And this fruiting is what renders results that were desired so as to generate that impressional mass in the first place …

As such, for each type of vibration (i.e. each type of subtlety or grossness), the predetermined critical value or critical mass is already pre-set … This value of critical mass is dependent upon the subtlety or grossness of the vibratory field and is such that, the critical mass of a particular vibratory field is not the same as is the critical mass of another type of vibratory field (i.e. critical masses for differing states of subtleties and grossness, are different) …

Grosser aspects being heavier would reach their critical mass earlier than subtler aspects (which as such are lighter) …

This means that the critical value is different for each of those various subtleties and grossness of impressions, which are generated through the thoughts, desires, emotions and deeds of each of the parts of cosmic speciology of a world …

As also, if anybody would study above stated equation for fruiting of the critical mass, then it would be clear that even when the corpus of vibrations of any critical mass is in sameness, but still the number of impressions which shall be required to arrive at that critical corpus, shall be different for each type of vibration (i.e. subtlety or grossness) …


Proceeding further …

None of the types of impressions can ever accumulate beyond their respective critical quantum as is preset for that particular type of impressional field …

And thus, whenever that critical mass shall arrive, then there happens a spontaneous fruiting of all (or most of) the impressions within that particular vibratory bandwidth (which has reached its critical mass) and this in turn brings these impressions to a further subtlety (fruiting causes the real next state of subtlety to be arrived at within the impressions) …

And as soon as the impressional fields that have already arrived at their critical mass, begin to fruit, then they turn subtler due to which the mass of impressions goes below their critical mass …

Once the impressional vibrational corpus falls below their critical mass, the further fruiting of that critical mass also stops … This is why mass scale events that relate to the fruiting of impressions, only happen for short durations (say a few whatever time span)  …


Proceeding further …

In relation to the critical mass, when the value of impressional mass of a specific subtlety or grossness (i.e. a specific vibratory field or bandwidth) falls below below stated equation, then the earlier stage of mass-tandem and auto-fruiting of impressions would also stop …

Thus, the earlier developed critical mass also stops fruiting when the impressions that make it, ultimately fall to the value as told in below equation …

Critical mass value of an impressional field / 1.08(33)

Note: Number 33 as written above denotes 33 types of divinities of Makers Makings … And number 108 as written above denotes the cosmic ratio about which we have already discussed in some earlier topics …


Proceeding further …

And when the fruiting stops after above value is reached, the impressions that still remain within the consciousness, would remain as they are until the following conditions re-arrive …

  • The one who generated an impression, that remains un-fruited from that earlier critical mass, fruits that impressions through his (or her) further desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds …
  • The society as a whole undergoes specific acts that would fruit the impressions (s) that still remain un-fruited from that earlier critical mass of impressions …
  • That same critical mass gets built over some further or future times span …
  • The controller of the plane of existence takes over that balance of impressional mass which still remain un-fruited from the earlier developed critical mass of consciousness impressions …

Note: Controller of a plane as stated above means, the Godhead of that consciousness plane which relates to the world whose inhabitants had participated to bring the consciousness impressional mass to its earlier state of critical quantum …


Proceeding further …

The critical mass cannot be exceeded for any type of impressional field … This nonness of possibility of getting to a value which is beyond the critical mass is due to the fact, that, any accumulation which is higher than the critical mass (that is applicable to the particular type of subtlety or grossness), shall in turn disturb the equilibrium of the cosmic plane of consciousness, which the plane of cosmic consciousness cannot ever allow due to the fact that the plane of consciousness rests in a net macro-equanimous resultant of the entire hierarchy of all subtle and gross impressions that are present within it …

And it is due to this reason, that, there is a preset value for every aspect of vibration, in relation to the sum total quantum or corpus of vibrations of the plane of consciousness, would never get exceeded … The effects for this are based on many aspects, but only some are listed below …

  • A correct maintenance of a vastly diversified state of intrinsic pluralism and yet presence of an essential monism within the the ways of life of macrocosmic creation …

Since pluralistic monism itself is a way of life within the Vedas, so this also ensures the eternal existence of Vedic ways of life and which itself is the reason for Vedic systems (or ways of life) to be called as Sanatana Dharma (i.e. eternal way of life or eternal law) …

Irrespective of the cyclic spread and cyclic constricted state of Vedic ways of life that itself are governed by the eternally moving wheel of time (i.e. the eternal cyclic nature of time), these Vedic ways of life never vanish from the macrocosm and this is why these ways of life (i.e. Dharma) are termed as eternal (i.e. Sanatana) …

  • Cyclic changes in ways of life … This aspect is also dependent upon the demands of a cycle of time, and thus, within any of the worlds, as are the requirements of a particular cycle of time, so are the ways of life manifested on that world …
  • Cyclic changes of states of microcosm’s …
  • Cyclic changes that take place within the paths and process of evolution
  • Cyclic changes that take place with respect to origination, diversified ways of sustenance of parts of allness (which also include sustenance through the process of great dissolution or Maha Pralaya) and the cyclic stages of rejuvenative destructions that also come by …
  • Cyclic changes of sizes of microcosm’s (height, capacity to do work, etc.,) …
  • etc., … Cyclic changes of anything else …


Proceeding further …

All above discussions also apply to each microcosm (including each aspirant …

However this discussion doesn’t apply to that aspirant who has already arrived at (or attained to) an impressionless state of consciousness orb (i.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) …

And since this impressionless state of consciousness orb (i.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) is only arrived through Nirbija Samadhi (i.e. the seedless absorption or absorption in the seedless self-expression of the absolute being or Brahman), so once any aspirant has attained to (or successfully accomplished) the Nirbeej Samadhi, then that aspirant goes beyond our currently discussed principle of plane of consciousness …

After attaining to the Nirbija Samadhi, that aspirant also evolutionarily qualifies to walk beyond the purviews of entirety of principles, process and laws of Makers Makings …


CC-5) …

Impressions and conditions of free choice of choices and no choice of choices …

As discussed above, when the consciousness orb (Chitta) of the causal body (Anandamaya Kosha or Antahkarana) becomes impressionless (Samskara Rahit), then that aspirant also qualifies to go beyond the entirety of Maker’s Makings and her principles, process and laws …

This is also the evolutionary condition where that aspirant is already resting in an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to “be liberated”, just as was desired from within the “original desire” of each microcosm …

At this stage, that aspirant is also standing beyond the earlier condition that was of “No choice of choices” …

The phrase “No choice of choices”, means, that the aspirant had no option from any of the probabilities of the then available evolutionary choices, to not return back in an incarnated physical state and thus is unable to continue any further within subtler (or better) realms in which that aspirant resides prior being born in any of the physical planes …

Thus, it eventually is within this condition of “No choice of choices”, that an aspirant keeps returning back to one or another of the lower realms of existence and that too, as an evolving microcosm …

But after attaining to this state of impressionless consciousness, that aspirant also begins residing in a condition that is free of (or beyond) the earlier condition of “No choice of choices” …

And if in this condition of freedom from the earlier state of “No choice of choices”, if that aspirant still doesn’t desire a final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha), then that aspirant walks into the state which could be told as that of “Free choice of choices”

“Free choice of choices” is that condition where even when that aspirant can self-decide to not return back to any of the lower realms of existence, yet that aspirant can freely choose to return back whenever it may be needed to assist other evolving inhabitants of any of the animated worlds that exist within the Makers Makings …

Thus, in this evolutionary condition of “Free choice of choices”, an aspirant keeps returning back to one of the lower realms, but where these returns are only to assist other aspirants and that to, where that assistance is only for their (i.e. the other aspirants) evolutionary needs …

And where such returns are also after build of a critical mass, where a specific evolutionary assistance is requested for (by the inhabitants of a world) and which that returning aspirant can provide (or is evolutionarily capable to provide a solution to the problem for which the worlds inhabitants has asked for a divine intervention and thus have built up the critical mass regarding their request or desire) …

Such returns of the ones who have attained to “free choice of choices” are usually through the path of birth from womb of a physically present mother on that world … And thus such returns of the ones who rest in the condition of “Free choice of choices” are not necessarily through the path of transmigration of soul (i.e. path of Parkaya Pravesh or in other words, path of virgin birth) …

Above is because, an aspirant who rests in (or has already attained to) the state of “Free choice of choices” may or may not be “that evolved a being” who stands beyond the evolutionary condition from where birth from womb of a physically present mother on that world (or return back) can take place …

Thus, basis above, within the discussed condition of free choice of choices, even when the evolutionary stature of that aspirant is high, but yet it is not high enough to make him (or her) qualify to return back through the process of transmigration


CC-5) …

Impressionless consciousness as path to going beyond birth and death …

Impressionless consciousness (Samskara Viheen Chitta) denotes the state of going beyond principles, process and laws of Makers Makings … And yet this condition doesn’t make an aspirant qualify to return back as a birth-less being …

The word, birth-less being means that aspirant who even though seems to be born in a world, yet is birth-less because he (or she) was never born in the real sense …

And even when he (or she) was not born, yet he (or she) manages to return back to an incarnated state by adopting the process of return through the path transmigration of souls …

And where this return back to an incarnated state is by taking over an already developed physical body of another person, but only after having an agreement is made with that person … Such an agreement is through the subtle body (astral body) of that person …

And since that being who though has returned back to an apparently incarnated state, is actually a birth-less return, so that being is also a deathless one …

This is because of the fact as told below …

If he (or she) were not even born, then how can he (or she) ever die

To die there must be an earlier stage of birth, which as such is absent during a return back that is via the path of transmigration


Proceeding further …

But all aspirants who attain to the evolutionary state of “Free choice of choices” are not necessarily those who have gone beyond birth and death …

And yet for any aspirant to go beyond the condition of birth and death, the earlier evolutionary requirement of being within the condition of “Free choice of choices” stands absolutely paramount …

Such an aspirant is also the one who stands as the birthless being and thus also remains as the deathless one … And where this is even when he (or she) may choose to return back to a lower realm of existence and that too as an apparently incarnated one, but by taking over the physical vehicle of the another person who was already born, prior his (or her) physical vehicle is taken over by the transmigrating one (who animates that physical vehicle via the path of transmigration of souls and where this animation is soon after that same physical vehicle is vacated by its original inhabitant) …


Proceeding further …

Only when the following conditions are fulfilled after attaining to the earlier evolutionary evolutionary status of resting in “Free choice of choices” can an aspirant walk free of birth and death …

  • The astral body (Sookshma Sharira) of such an aspirant is already non-dually merged to its own principal cause. i.e. Aham Nada

Within the vastly pluralistic yet monist Vedic lore’s, Aham Naad is also addressed the south facing, blue colored Aghora face of Shiva

And within the Buddhist lore’s (as were given by the Gurudeva of my preceding transmigrated incarnation, whom this world addressed as Gautama Buddha and also in Vedic lore’s is also addressed as Buddha Avatara), that same Aghora face is also the one who is addressed as primordial Buddha Samantabhadra

This leads to a state where that aspirant is a gross-less one i.e. one who exists subtly and yet can return back to the dross of gross as is of a lower world system (like this planetary system) …

  • The causal body (Antahkarana) of such an aspirant is already merged to its own principal cause and thus that aspirant is no longer having a causal body (Antahkarana Chatushtaya or Bliss sheath) …

This leads to a state where that aspirant remains as the causeless one (i.e. one who has no cause of existence and yet exists until he or she desires to exist within the Makers Makings …

  • His Siddha bodies (i.e. Siddha Sharira), which actually denote Sambhoga Kaya (i.e. bodies of divine enjoyments) are also merged to their respective macrocosmic principals …

Thus such an aspirant also stands beyond the stage of being a Siddha (a fully accomplished one) even when he may adopt one or more of his earlier accomplished bodies (Siddha Bodies or Siddha Sharira) so as to facilitate the process of returning back as a birth-less and thus a deathless one …

And since his Siddha bodies (Siddha Sharira) are merged to their respective macrocosmic principals (Siddha Loka) which as such are formless divine planes, so he actually is a formless being, even when he returns back and thus is apparent in a human (or any other) form

  • His impressional microcosm (i.e. Samskarik Pinda) which he still holds, is the entire parental or root macrocosm …

That root macrocosm is the subtle impressional macrocosm (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) from which the causal, divine, subtle and gross macrocosm were manifested within the genius of the Makers Makings …

And where that subtle impressional macrocosm (i.e. Sukshma Samskarik Brahmand), itself is the one that was self-originated through the divinity of desires (i.e. Ichha Shakti) of the creator and grandfather of allness (I.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji) …

Thus, such an aspirant also denotes the pristine Ichha Shakti (divinity of desires) of the grandfather and creator of allness (i.e. that aspirant denotes the original impressional state of the self-expression of creator, from which the process of origination of Makers Makings was commenced) … Such an aspirant is thus like the creator of allness, even when he (or she) is seen to be holding (or existing in) a physical bodied form …

And since within the Makers Makings, the impressional macrocosm (to which that aspirant has attained) is the immediate original and only (singular) unborn (begotten) child of the creator, thus, for him, the creator of allness (Brahma) is none other than the father (Pita) of allness …

And above is even when for all other microcosm’s that exist within the Makers Makings, the same creator of allness, is none other than the grandfather of allness (Pitamah) …

  • Etc., etc., … Which I really don’t want to write down (declare) in such a degenerate (very-lowly) world like this one …


Those who arrive back by adopting the path of transmigration (i.e. after they have already attained to “Free choice of choices” and thence also completed all that is listed above and also completed those accomplishments which I have intentionally not told in above discussions due to reason already told in above bullet point), always enter into lower worlds due to the attractions from the developed critical mass of consciousness (about which I have already discussed earlier on in this topic) …

And where those entries within an apparently incarnated state (through the system of transmigration of soul) are actually birthless and thus are also deathless … And thisness is even when their physical vehicle were definitely born (prior they had taken over that physical body) …

Since that physical vehicle which is taken over by such a birthless and thus a deathless one, was definitely born, so that physical vehicle would also be dying at some later stage of time … That which is born always dies, and so shall be the state of the physical vehicle of that transmigrated being who has animated it after its original inhabitant had just about left it …


Thus, basis above …

Even when that transmigrated one is birthless and thus is also the deathless one, yet his (or her) animated physical vehicle, would die when that physical vehicle completes its destined merit (Prarabdha Karma) that is applicable for that particular incarnation …

This is also because, the physical vehicle was born, and thus would definitely die out at some stage of progress of that transmigrated and thus the birthless deathless being who has animate it after the original inhabitant of that physical vehicle had left …


Proceeding further …

And such birthless and thus deathless ones, always believe thus …

  • I am the Maker, I am the preserver, I am destroyer, I am the veiler and I am the unveiler … Of all that ever is …
  • Maker never made any microcosm (i.e. including every aspirant) devoid of the fullness of divinity of allness … Thus, nothing (no microcosm) is incomplete as far as its inner allness is concerned … All that ever is, is full, complete and whole …
  • The divine Maker of allness, could never create anything that was not as divine as ITself … Thus, there is nothing within the entirety of Makers Makings, which can be termed as Not-divine …
  • The Maker of allness never made anything wrong within IT’s Makings … All right and wrong is a matter of inconsequential and evolutionary irrelevant perception of a person, a path (way of life, religion, faith, codes, etc.,), a society, a civilization or any other aspect of larger cosmic Speciological significance …
  • All that ever is, is naught but denoting the supreme genius of Maker, who has self-expressed ITself as its Makings …

Thus, all parts of Makers Makings (which also includes the process of Makings of Maker) are naught but one or another of those vast (countless) numbers of intrinsically pluralistic yet essentially monist self-expressions, self-manifestations and self presence of the same Maker of allness …

Thus, in reality of things and just as they eternally are, the Makings of Maker, itself are the Maker of allness …

And due to this, every aspect of life and life forms are also holding the same pristine divinity, which itself is of the timeless Maker of allness …

  • This itself is the supreme and eternal genius of the Maker, which itself is self realized by self-knowledge of the entirety of IT’s Makings …


DD) …

Fruiting of Impressions … Samskara Phala Nyaya … Reaping effects of earlier causes … Knowledge of impressions of consciousness within the genius of Makers Makings …

Please read carefully as this is the crux of how it ever is from the point of view of the macrocosmic consciousness (or even from the universal consciousness) …

More than what is written here, cannot even be described …


This is described under three headers so as to make this extremely complicated discussion, simple enough to comprehend …

The reaping of fruits is primarily by three means … These three means are as listed below …

  • Firstly, while within a simplicity of this aspect …

Reap individually as you sow individually

Individual fruits for individual’s deeds

  • Secondly, simple complexity is also the name of the game here…

Reap collectively as you sow individually

As also reap individually as you sow collectively


  • Thirdly, there also is the further game of complex complexity

Reap collectively here, as it was collectively sown here

And reap collectively here, as was individually sown here


And there is an ever further aspect of this complex game of reaping the fruits (i.e. effects) of earlier sown causes (desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds), which can be thus told …

Reap collectively there, as it was individually sown here

As also, reap collectively here, as it was collectively sown there

And reap collectively there, as it was collectively sown here

Note: And stages further than above are also there, but we shall not discuss those aspects, because this is a state which is free of each simplicity and each complexity of the plane of consciousness, when the impressional fields have already been unseeded from within the consciousness orb of the causal body the aspirant …

Note continues: That system of unseeding of impressions is already discussed in an earlier topic of “Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra” … This is a highly restricted topic, so it is not for the masses of humans who rest in this world … Appropriate warnings are placed in it (wherever found necessary) …


DD-1) …

General discussion related to the three types of reaping of fruits as described above …

  • Keep reaping individually and collectively till all there was then sown is individually and collectively reaped by ‘one and all’ and ‘all within one’…

This is the base cause of cyclic existence (i.e. repetitive cycles of birth, existence and death) and also is the very reason to make the cyclic mode of existence of any microcosm to also be none other than eternal, which itself leads to an unbroken continuity of the evolutionary process of all that has ever begun within the Makers Makings and which itself transits across all realms of Makers Makings …


Now read all below discussions that lead to the next bullet point, carefully …

That which was sown through the divinity of desires of creator (I.e. Brahmas Ichha Shakti) and which was prior to when it all began as a macrocosm and its vast variety of microcosm’s, is enough to make it continue eternally in its ever-unbroken cycles, but only until specific inward moving systems are followed so as to unseed the very cause of it …

If endlessness is sown while residing within endlessness itself, and which itself was the state when the creator had his divinity of desire (Ichha Shakti) to create allness and her each part, then the effect shall be of the same endlessness itself …

And where that endlessness would also be maintained within the cyclic nature of existence i.e. a beginning, then existence for a while in that begun state and then an end … And where this cycle of these stated three also continuously and endlessly keeps repeating itself until the microcosm finally qualifies to go into that which is beyond cyclic existence itself …

And also that, if it were sown prior there was even a beginning of anything like the macrocosm or microcosm, then the beginning would also be without a beginning … That which is without an accountable (or calculable or comprehendible) beginning, is also that which is unaccountable as far as its end is concerned …

As such, because the cause of a beginning was sown prior the macrocosmic creation and her microcosm’s had even begun, so the effect of the beginning is also leading the entity to the same beginningless and thus an endless state …

That which is beginningless is the endless too … And even when such an entity may exist in form or formless condition and thus may even have an apparent beginning and end, yet in reality, its essential nature would remain as the eternally unbegun and thus the eternally unending one … This means, that even when its form or formless manifestation (incarnation) may be seen to be born, yet in its essential nature, that entity is free of suchness as it stands beyond all beginnings and ends …

This is because, the cause of its beginning doesn’t even exist within the begun state of it and thus in such a condition, the reality of that beginning would only become endless, even when it may rest in the cyclic nature of existence

This is why the ancient Vedic sages had thus told …

Nature is also as eternal as the absolute being (Parabrahman) and this is even when nature doesn’t even denote the finally liberated state (Kaivalya) and this itself is when nature definitely is a path to that same absolute being (Param Brahma) to whom all paths eventually lead and terminate into


This is why Vedic sages have never termed the universe as eternal even when they have said that, mother nature (Ma Prakriti) is an eternal entity, due to her being the first and full self-expression of the supreme being (Parambrahma) to who all paths eventually lead, when they also enter into their endlessness of end state … And this is also why, some sages have also stated as follows …

Prakriti is Para Brahman

And also the below told fact …

Prakriti is Brahm Shakti


Now understanding above statement and its innermost meaning …

The original beginning (or root of beginning or root nature or Mool Prakriti) was within the unbegun state …

That unbegun state is also the unending one (because of the fact, that, how can that which is still not begun, ever end) …

Thus, the original beginning (or root nature or Moola Prakriti) is also unending one …

It is to this state of “root nature (i.e. Moola Prakriti)” that above statement of Vedic sages eventually relates (to know more about this statement, read Brahmasutras from a qualified Vedantin who is related to Amnaya Peetha) …


Note: Cyclic nature of existence is a state of birth, then continuity for a certain time span and then an end of that begun state … And where these cycles of beginning, existence for a while and end also continue endlessly … This is also because of the fact, that, the cause of beginning was only sown prior that beginning even manifested … Thus, since the cause of any beginning of allness, is only resting in its own earlier unbegun state (that was prior the beginning) and since the unbegun itself is the one which is unending, so that beginning is also unending, even when it may be seen to be cyclic in its nature …


Proceeding further …

This is how it was for the meditatively perceived state of beginning, where it all actually happened in a state which was prior to the originally begun state …

This means the macrocosm and microcosm was also existent prior they even began in their ‘then’ form or formlessness, that was self-adopted, but only after they were originally begun as the macrocosm and microcosm’s …

And since it originally was such, so it cannot ever be any other than an endless entity …

This is exactly how the microcosm and macrocosm have remained even when we see their cycles of existence …


Proceeding further …

In reality, the real beginning was within the unbegun state and not within a begun state of the macrocosm … And were this real beginning itself as much prior to the stage where its perceived beginning could ever be known …

Since that which is unbegun is also unending and since all that was begun as a macrocosm or microcosm was originally begun within the unbegun state of macrocosm and thus was naught but an unbegun state only, so neither can the macrocosm nor the microcosm’s ever end …

Thus, in reality, everything that is created by the Maker as IT’s own Makings, is beginningless and is also endless as far as the root of allness (or root nature or Moola Prakriti) is concerned … And this root nature (Moola Prakriti) is thus described as the pristine divinity (energy) component of Shakti of the absolute being (Parabrahman) as follows …

Moola Prakriti Durga

Which means …

Root nature is the invincible, unconquerable divinity of mother of allness


Proceeding further …

And above means, that when we would try to see the original origination stage of the macrocosm, then we would definitely hit a block in our search for that beginning, and which itself is due to the fact, that the original beginning of the macrocosm and its each microcosm, was within the unbegun state of macrocosm, that itself is free of cycles of time (as the unbegun only rests within the finality of time, that is none other than the beginningless and endless eternity) …

That which is free of cycles of time (Kaal Chakra) is also the incalculable one, because in such a state, all that remains of time, is the partless unbroken omnipresent eternity of time (which as such is incalculable due to there being nothing like a defined unit of time) … This is why the Vedic sages had thus told …

Countless Brahmas and their countless universes have come and gone till now


So, basis above …

Neither is current Brahma or his universe, the first … Nor would it be the last


And since vibrations (including those of seeded impressions) eternally exist, so above also means …

This (the present) universe and its Brahma also has impressions from countless earlier universes and their Brahmas, from which the present universe was recreated by the present Brahma


Thus, basis above …

To know the time of the original-origin of the originally-first impression (Prachin Samskara), which was self-originated through the Ichha Shakti of the first Brahma of this multi-universal macrocosmic creation, is an utter impossibility


And yet, those rarest of rare, self-realized, all-realized sages who rest in that nonness of state which is beyond all that is beyond cosmic interdependence, vibrations, ecology and speciology and the evolutionary existence, can know this fact …

But even when this can be known, yet to calculate it is an utter impossibility, because within that original origination state and time, the unitary value of time was not the same as it now is …

Thus, basis above it is pretty clear … That …

It can be known through direct cognitions … But can never be calculated

It definitely is self-realizable … Yet is remains as the eternally indescribable


And since that original state is the root of all that came after it, including the present universe and its microcosm’s, so that state is omnipresent in this universe itself … And yet it is as follows …

It is omnipresent … Yet beyond the capabilities of knowing by mind

It is omnipotent … Yet is beyond the capabilities of vitalities

It is omniconscious … Yet beyond capabilities of consciousness orb (Chitta)

It is omniscient … Yet beyond the capabilities of knowledge sheath or Buddhi

It is the original pristine I … Yet beyond the capabilities of I’ness of any aspirant

It ever is, so it can never be not … It is not-knowable to most, yet it ever-exists

Above statements apply both to the creation and the original creator of allness …

And they also equally apply to the originally first impression, as was of the originally first creator of allness …


Proceeding further …

As such, all those states which were prior the apparently begun state (apparently begun is that which can be observed or seen or known), cannot even be perceived while taking support of those factors which only manifested after the stage of perceived beginning was already arrived at within the Makers Makings …

This is exactly how it was for each begun microcosm, which only came to realize its apparently begun state, after it had already begun as a microcosm whilst it rested within the same unbegun macrocosm …

And this realization itself was much later than its original beginning that itself was as the “unbegun microcosm” and which at that timeless time, was also existing within the original unbegun state of macrocosm

Original beginning as such happened for the macrocosm and each microcosm much prior it had commenced to begin or had arrived at its begun state … And this beginning itself was in the state that we have termed as the acyclic existence … Acyclic existence is the characteristic of existence when resting in purviews of  the unbegun macrocosm (or original state of macrocosm) …

As also and simultaneously with above discussed fact, from the point of view of the begun state of macrocosm and microcosm’s, there also was no beginning for the begun state, prior to when it actually began … Thus, in its originality, everything was unbegun and thus was also endless, which itself made it nothing short of being timeless and incalculable …

And since the beginningless entity is also endless, so there also cannot be any ending to whatever is begun within the Makers Makings, because of the fact, that the cause of each beginning is only residing within the earlier unbegun state … Unless the cause is destroyed, how can anything ever end …

And this is why, following facts come to fore …

  • When resting within the envelopes of the universe, when we observe the actual beginning of the universe, then we only know that it is beginningless and thus endless even when its existence is nothing short of being endlessly cyclic …
  • And when we observe the same beginning of the same universe, but whilst resting outside of the envelopes of the universe (i.e. when we subtly travel beyond the universe) and thence rest within the envelopes of the creator of the universe, when we know the real age of the universe, by knowing the real age of its creator …


Thus, basis above …

  • To know the age of universe, firstly be the universe … I.e. self-realize the impressional universe that resides within your own microcosm …
  • And then from this state, know the creator of that universe … The path of this always passes through the first impression (Prachin Samskara) which as such is the subtle impressional macrocosm, which rests within your own microcosm …
  • And from there, proceed beyond the universe and its first impression (which was self-manifested by the Ichha Shakti of its Brahma), so as to know what you desire to know and which as such is never possible to be known whilst you still exist within the envelopes of that universe (in which you reside at the time of such a knowing) …
  • This path is told so, because that which is beyond the envelopes of the universe, about which the universe itself doesn’t know, can never be known whilst existing within that universe …
  • Thus, to know such a thing, you would need to move out of the limited envelopes of the universe … Limited envelopes is written here, as during subtle travels, it only takes a split of a second to move beyond the universe … Thus, it was also basis this fact, that we had told that, speed of light is not absolute (there are other subtle aspects and entities which travel much-much faster than the limited speed of light) …

Proceeding further …

And it is due to this reason, that, until that cause which resides within the unbegun state of macrocosm, is nullified (or evolved over), the existence keeps continuing within a cyclic or even an acyclic mode for the macrocosm and also each microcosm which has ever begun within the ever-same supreme genius that itself is and shall ever remain of the Makers Makings …

Thus if we think the end of cyclic existence (and even end of our own cycles of existence) would come from within the begun state (of macrocosm), then this thought is incorrect, because of the fact, that, the ending is from where it was originally begun and which itself was the unbegun original state of macrocosm …

And due to this reason, the final ending of us as a microcosm cannot be from any state which is any other than the unbegun original state the macrocosm …

Unless we self-realize (i.e. meditatively attain to) the unbegun state, our existence in one or another form, would keep continuing … Endlessly …

Since the cause of beginning of macrocosmic creation is eternally resting within the earlier unbegun state of the same macrocosm, so the ending cannot even be from the begun state of the macrocosm (or from any microcosm) …

So basis this, if any aspirant has to reach the ending of all future beginnings, then a self-realization of the original unbegun state of macrocosm, stands paramount … Other than this, there is no way to go beyond your currently begun state (of being a mere microcosm) …


Now read this very carefully …

So above also means … Since it actually began prior it even realized that it was begun, so it can never cause and effect its future ending, even if it tried from within its later begun states …

Since in reality, the cause of its beginning rests within its earlier unbegun state, so there also cannot even be an end to it, prior it self-realizes that unbegun state and thence non-dually unites (or merges) to it, so as to proceed further than it …

Above is written because, unless you are consciously united to something (i.e. you already know that unity), how can you consciously detach from that thing …

Thus, to move beyond the unbegun, a prior union to that unbegun would have to be directly cognized by the aspirant …


Proceeding further …

Now we shall connect above discussions to the subject impressions, that was to be discussed here (but got left out as we entered the unbegun state of macrocosm) …

We had discussed in an earlier topic of “universal nature of cosmic laws”, that, cosmic laws apply in sameness to all that ever is as macrocosm or microcosm … So above discussions also apply to the impressions of our current discussion …

We would only keep sowing and reaping until the impressions within our consciousness orbs are finally unseeded or have returned back to their original unbegun state …

This as such is the reason for the final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha) to not be arrived when we are still relating to deeds or their fruits (could even be any earlier deed of any earlier incarnation) …

This is because of the fact, that the final liberation (Kaivalya) is a state which is free of cause and effects (i.e. it is free of deeds and fruits) and thus is also free of impressions (of those cause and effects) …

So, since that final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) is such, so it is also free of impressions that were generated as subtle seeded effects (fruits) of the earlier undergone causes …

These deeds and fruits (i.e. merit) would only take the aspirant to a state where it arrives at the doorway of exit, but not into the final exit …

This is because of the fact, that, the final exit is free of doings (or causes) and thus it is also free of all reaping (or effects or fruits) …

And it is due to this reason, the final liberation is also causeless (free of desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds) and thus is also free of effects (merits or fruits and their impressions) …

And this is what makes the final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) to be none other than free of impressions (impressionless) …


So basis above …

  • The currently discussed simplicity could be thus explained …

As we act, so shall we benefit

  • And the currently discussed complexity could be thus explained …

As we act in a group, so shall we be benefitted as members of that group


And where even when these benefits (reaping) shall ultimately lead us to the gateway of that final exit, these these shall definitely not be leading us into and beyond the gateway of final exit …

This is because, that final liberation (Moksha or Kaivalya) is that which is beyond doings and reaping and goings and un-goings … One can never attain to that final liberation through causes which only lead to their further effects …

This is because, the final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) is also free of al earlier causes and their effects … Unless one is liberated from all earlier causes and effects, what liberation is that person talking about …

One can only “be liberated”, just as per the “original desire” of each microcosm and which itself was manifested prior that microcosm had even begun within the Makers Makings …

And contrary to above, getting liberated needs cause and effects, which denote an endless bondage within then … This endless bondage is because, of what is written below …

Even prior to state when cause is caused, Cause holds the effect in it

Cause leads to the effect, which itself becomes the cause for the next cause

Effect has the cause in it, yet it stays invisible until it is actually caused


Basis above, it is clear that cause and effect are in their endless cycles where following is how it actually is …

Cause leads to effect, which in turn becomes the cause for the next cause

And that next cause, itself leads to the next effect

This is an endless cycle of bondage of cause and effect … Beyond it is liberation

Thus, basis above …

Liberation is free of cause and effects and thus is an uncaused-uneffected state

Due to this, you can only “be liberated”, and not “get liberated”

To “Be liberated” is to be as you ever are within the genius of Makers Makings

To “Get liberated” is by your belief in those who themselves are not liberated


Being truly liberated, is also being liberated from deeds, fruits and their impressions … There is no other way for it during any of the triple times …

Unless the final liberation is also free of allness and her each part (which also includes doing of merits and reaping of their fruits and also their impressions), that liberation would never be a final liberation, which as such is of being in freedom from all that ever is or could ever be (and which also includes freedom from all cause and effect and also their seeded impressions) …

As also, it is at the gateway of final exit, that all the accumulated merits (or all earlier cause and effects as were during our entirety of existence, here or beyond), shall have to be let go, so as to walk free of entirety of allness (and its each individual-dual part) …


Thus, basis above …

Even though cause and effects (deeds and fruits respectively) do not lead to a finally exited state, but still these do assist in leading the aspirant to the doorway of a final exit (i.e. at a state of evolution where only the last and final impression remains within the consciousness orb of the causal body of the aspirant) …

And final liberation is also a state of freedom from all past impressions …


DD-2) …

Further explaining the first two points … Simplicity and complexity …

This as such brings us back to the aspect of our earlier stated simplicity and  complexity

We all enjoy the fruits of our own deeds, if the deeds are done on an individual level …

And at the same time, we all enjoy the fruits of our collective deeds, but only if the cause was a collective cause i.e. if the cause was generated by a group of aspirants (which could even be a society or of a land or could even be of a particular belief system), then the fruits shall be available to the same group of aspirants and all those who are associated to that group’s societal and/or geographic and/or spiritual plane which also exists within the cosmic hierarchy …


As an example of above …

All employees working for any organization are benefitted individually for their individual efforts which they mostly put in for their own gains … And simultaneously with this, when we consider the full organization then we also see that the same employees are also benefitted on the collective level of their organization …

The same is also applicable for the individual inhabitants of a planet or even the universe … This is due to the aspect of simplicity and complexity of sown causes and their effected reaping …

However, this aspect does not apply when the consciousness orb is already freed of impressions (or has only the last or final impression or Antim Samskara residing within it) … This final impression or the last impression has been discussed in earlier set of topics, that were on Raam Naad (Sound of Raam, which is the same as Shiva Taraka Mantra) and the other topic category of topics that was on the eighth chakra (Ashtama Chakra) …


Now coming to the simple complexity which we have also touched upon in above discussions, but only in brief …

In this discussion, we would consider the case where the cause is sown collectively on another plane of existence, but its effects are reaped here (i.e. on this plane of existence) … And this discussion is also applicable in its vice versa …

If any group of impressions are generated here and thus are sown in this consciousness plane of earth (which itself is through the desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds of inhabitants of this world), but if the critical value for manifestation of effects upon this plane is reached after the critical value of the same impressional mass (or corpus of that type of vibration) on another plane, then the effect would be visible on the other plane, instead of this plane (where it was originally sown) …

Thus, basis this, even if the generation of impressions which have arrived at their critical masses was on any-one of the realms of existence, but if these causes are such that their critical quantum arrives on another plane of existence (instead of the plane of existence where it was caused), then the effects of that cause would be manifested on the other plane of existence …

This state of effect manifesting on a plane which is other than the plane which caused it, is because of the fact that the plane of cosmic consciousness is a continuous and unbroken and thus a partless entity … And in addition to this, the plane of consciousness is also non-discriminatory and non-prejudiced due to being based within a final resultant macro-equanimity of all that rests within it as an impression …

And due to being such, the effects which were generated within one plane could even be manifested within another plane, prior those effects can even get manifested within the plane which generated their causes …

And this is also due to the fact, that irrespective of the sub-parts of the cosmic plane of consciousness (that we have briefly discussed earlier on), the plane of consciousness traverses in a partless state through the entirety of allness of Makers Makings and that too where its resultant is macro-equanimous (i.e. its final resultant is eternally based within Sarva Samta) which leads to a state that its various parts don’t matter and thus it essentially is due to these reasons, that the effects of any cause could manifest anywhere in the macrocosm and where that place of initial manifestation of effects would be that, where its critical quantum firstly arrives …

As this plane of consciousness is unbroken and continuous, thus it would give effects at that time or place or dimension, whenever and wherever it could first manifest the effects (results) and which may be even be on this or another plane of existence … This is the reason, that the effects of any of the causes that are generated by any microcosm could get manifested upon a plane of existence which was not even involved in generation of those causes …

So, even when the effects that may be experienced by a world system would definitely because the critical mass of impressions of a particular cause is arrived at on that world system prior to its arrival on the plane which generated it … The same is also applicable for each individual microcosm because the microcosm’s also experience effects for those causes which are not even generated by them (as these causes may have been generated by another microcosm or a group of microcosm’s) …

Thus, basis this fact, the fruiting of an impressional buildup to critical quantum could even be on a plane of existence (or its one world) which did not even participate in the building of that impressional mass to its critical levels …

And this is also why during cosmic history there have been cases where some of the worlds which had faced severities, were those which never even participated in buildup of the consciousness impressional mass to its critical levels …

But even when such cases have been there during macrocosmic history, yet they have always been pretty rare … This is as I see after a subtle study of the cosmic plane of consciousness and its impressional masses …

I know that most of the intellectuals and spiritualists wouldn’t believe this aspect, but this is how I saw within that subtle study of the plane of cosmic consciousness and so, this is what I shall have to write here …


Example of above fact …

As it was sown there, so it is reaped here

A classic example of this is the modern scientific progress during the last 100 years or so, where the aspirants prior the last 100 years or so, even did not know that there was something like progress in such and such fields …

The rapidity of this in the last 100 years or so, could not have been possible, unless the cause was implanted upon a plane which is higher than this plane of existence and where it was so caused there, that the scientific progress took place upon this world …

Just in case you still don’t believe, compare the last 5000 odd years to the last 100 years … Right from horse, bullock or camel carts for thousands of years and straight towards space traveling in rocket propelled engines …

Well, this is as, the cause implanted was elsewhere (i.e. upon a higher evolved plane) and since this plane of existence was the lower plane of existence as compared to where the cause was originally generated or implanted, ended up within a vacuum of such aspects, which in turn led to the effect to manifested here even when the causes was not even implanted by the inhabitants of this world …

Thus if I were to tell this fact bluntly, then I can only say that … The scientific progress that has taken place during the last couple of centuries is caused by inhabitants of those planets which humanity of today calls as alien and alien worlds …

But since we were the ones who got benefitted in the bargain (the word ‘bargain’ is written here because we never even sowed the cause of these effects that relate to this rapidity of scientific progress), so we actually have been reaping the fruits of those seeded impressions that actually are alien to us (i.e. our planet) … And this is why, the scientific progress is also alien to this world, even when we have pretty nicely used to to our mostly selfish ends …

And since we have borne those trees of fruits for the seeds that were planted on a far off world and much higher evolved world system, so the inhabitants of that greater evolved world system can also be addressed also gardeners of this planet and the inhabitants of this planet, their own planted seeds …

Note: In fact, during the first Manvantar of this currently underway day time of Brahma (i.e. Kalpa), which was called as Manvantara of Swayambhu Manu, the Arya race of humanity was originally placed upon this world … This placement was by transporting those humans from other distant and evolved worlds … And as times progressed, more and more races of humanity were placed across lands of this planet and these races were also transported from other distant evolved worlds …

Note continues: This is why, almost all ancient races have related to a specific distant star system (or constellation) and they also used to also say, that this (or that) star system is where they actually belong, because their lineage ancestors reside there (and that star system is where they would be returning back after they complete their incarnations here) … And the reason for this is, that, they were transported to this world from that particular star system itself … So, this was how various colors, creed and races of humans arrived here … So, as far as evolution of human microcosm is concerned, Darwin was wrong …

Note continues: As far as Arya Race of humanity is concerned, their seven lineage fathers are from the seven stars of Great bear constellation (Ursa Major) … And as far as my family’s lineage is concerned, we belong to lineage father who at present is the sage of star called Dubhe … We don’t belong here and thus we only are as temporary visitors to this planet … Even I have entered this world many times during history, but those entries are only as per the wishes of my lineage father, who also happens to be the one, whose mind born son I was during the Swayambhu Manvantara … In this Brahma Kalpa, after the first incarnation when I was a student called Ganit (which means “divinity of mathematics”) of Swayambhu Manu Maharaaj (who himself was the mind born son of Pitamah Brahma Ji), I never took birth from the womb of any mother and thus my existence has been as the unborn and thus the undying one, even when the bodies which I have animated during history (and also during this incarnation), were born and thus had also died … And there have been many such returns during the present Brahmas Kalpa itself …


Resuming our discussion from where we had left it …

And this manifestation of the effect was here because there was a lower critical value for that particular effect as far as this world is concerned and thus that effect would get manifested here instead of getting manifested elsewhere (within another world system where its cause resides) … This is how it could be understood in a better way and without getting into complications that also are of what is being discussed here …

Whenever and wherever there is an “under” of a particular aspect within any of consciousness plane of a world, then the critical value for that aspect is temporarily lowered for that plane or world … Thus, if mankind is still living in primitive ways of life here, then as far as modern scientific progress is concerned, there is an ‘under’ of it here …

And due to this reason, any seed of consciousness which is related to scientific progress, would arrive at its critical mass faster upon this world, as compared to any other higher world system (i.e. the world which is already in a progressed in relation to this world) …

This is also one of the means by which macrocosmic creation maintains her non-prejudiced state of intrinsic pluralism and which itself is whilst she always maintains her essentially monist state …


Proceeding further …

But there needs to also be a balance within mother nature (Ma Prakriti) and her pluralistic yet monist ways …

So, it eventually was due to this balance, that all those countries which kept getting scientifically advanced, ended up being more and more materialistic and thus also atheistic (because grossness of materialism is inversely proportional to the subtleties of divine aspects, to which theism relates) …

Thus, subtler ways of life which were mostly prevalent and which related to a higher aspect of oneness within the people of those countries which materially progressed, also began vanishing after those lands developed in their scientifically materialistic ways …

And as machines kept taking over jobs that earlier were done by humans and their animals, people also got more lethargic for physical labor and thus came the stage of lifestyle diseases … Lifestyle diseases denote a deviation from the divinities of ways of life of macrocosmic creation and thus these diseases also denote that the microcosm is no longer in perfect synchronism with the divinities of Makers Makings, within whose envelopes that microcosm itself resides …

But this is what was warned by Vedic sages, like Manu Maharaja, who had said in his Manusmriti as follows …

Mahayantra Pravartanam

Which simplistically means …

With excess of use of scientific equipment’s, the divinities vanish from the world


Note: Divinities as told above also relate to spirituality that is based upon oneness of all … This word also related to many other aspects like, traditionally time tested ways of life that are based upon oneness of allness, unity of all beings, assisting other beings in need, peaceful ways of life that are more related to essentially calm nature of ones own innermost essence (Atman), and paths to accomplish these, cultures that relate less to individualistic and inflated egos and more to the essentially subtle afflictionless state of I’ness (Vishuddha Aham), etc., etc., …


DD-3) …

Explaining the third point … Complex complexity …

Now we shall take up the third part of this discussion which is related to what was told as complex complexity …

But this discussion would be done in a very subtle and indirect manner, because this world is not evolutionarily ready to know its intricacies …


As a matter of fact …

The ratios of sum total of vibratory causes to the sum total vibratory aspects of the world where the effect is desired, is always in sameness to each and every effect that manifests for any aspirant and the same is also applicable to any of the worlds or planes of existences of any of the universes

So as per this, the third part of our present discussion on ‘complex complexity’ could be explained …

The aspirants there are in higher world are the causes of the greater scientific progress which itself is their generated cause, but their effect is seen upon a lower world ‘like this one’…

Thus, even when causes were implanted elsewhere (i.e. on another world or plane of existence), yet the effect is seen here (i.e. on this world or plane of existence) …

And the reverse is also true, that the cause was planted here, but the effect would be seen elsewhere …


Proceeding further …

Now we shall consider our earlier discussion on the scientific progress in a grosser world (i.e. in a world of a lower vibratory field) …

The effect which gets manifested due to causes that are implanted upon a higher world (or a subtler world) is essentially holding the subtlety of that higher world … And this higher subtlety is even when the effect is seen to be manifested upon the physical levels as are of a lower world …

This in turn means that, the essence of that effect is subtler, than the world where it manifests … And in such a case, if the inhabitants of that lower world are not careful in handling that subtler effect, then that subtler effect would only become as a reason for furthering of chaos on that world …

This is exactly what happened as far as scientific progress during the last 100 odd years is concerned … The scientific progress which was to lead to that high subtlety of unity amongst humanity, only ended up further dividing humanity in various fractions … A classic example of this is the incorrect use of internet technology by humanity …

And this deviation is the one which led to all sorts of individualistic chaos due to the greed (and many other lower desires of all sorts) that humanity got into …

And this itself was because humanity (and also their leaders) of this world had no capability to properly handle the subtler component of science, which relates to the Vedic statement as written below …

Gyan Brahma

Which literally means …

Knowledge is Absolute (Parabrahman)


And because humanity of this world was essentially based within all sorts of individualistic aspects (i.e. self satiation, greed, one-up-manships of sorts, etc.,), so humanity was also incapable to handle the subtler aspects of science … So, due to this reason, as they kept progressing scientifically, they also kept degenerating further and ever further …

That science which was to uplift humanity to a new level, got stuck in mere scientific instruments … And this is what led to a state as told below …

Get more to get ever more

Above basically means …

Endless self-satiating greed based in ever moreness

And even if it is at expense of the bearer of all sciences i.e. Mother nature

But this state of humanity was also against the final essence of knowledge (including scientific knowledge) which has eternally rested in above stated fact (of Jnana Brahma) … And which essentially relates to what is stated below in relation to goodness for allness …

Give more to give ever more

Above basically means …

Acts of non-prejudicial rendering to all, due to an inner oneness to allness


But suchness of deviations always come by when something higher comes to a lower realm …

And just to let you know, this has kept happening during each Sandhikala (intermediary time between any two age cycles) and this is why scientific progress is always deviated from its essence if it manifests during the intermediary time (Sandhi Kala) of age cycles …

This is because of the fact, that, during any intermediary time (Sandhikaal) that falls in-between any two ages, there is a collision of the divinities of the two age cycles (i.e. one age cycle which is ending and another which is pushing it out, so as to enter and thus begin in that world) … Eventually is is this collision of divinities of the two age cycles, which always happens during each Yuga Sandhi (intermediary time between change of an age cycle to its next) which leads to all sorts of ever expanding confusion and thus ever incremental chaos …

And this is what has been happening in this world, after the Sandhi Kaal of the presently ending age cycle had commenced, as a time span as calculated below …

3888 = 324 (setting in time of present age) + 3240 (set time) + 324 (exit time)

2082 AD (next age start) – 324 years (exit time of present age) = 1758 AD

Note: All above years are within a range of +/- 2.7 years …


Above was also the stage when the industrial revolution has just about started in this world, and was as a proof of what is discussed here in reference to the intermediary time (Sandhikal) of the presently ending human age cycle, which in turn would lead to the next human age cycle around 2082 AD, +/- 2.7 years and a further “+/- 27 + 1” years (this “+/- 27 + 1 years” is due to the offset of departure of the last Poorna Avatara of Sri Vishnu i.e. offset of Sri Krishna’s departure)  …

This discussed deviation is due to not understanding the applications of sub-header of the present discussion, which as such is told as complex complexity …


Proceeding further to discuss the aspect of complex complexity in relation to an example from the evolutionary ladder …

The evolutionary ladder is not a straight one … It in fact is triangular …

To explain this, let’s just study it …

  • There are many rungs on it …
  • But in the uppermost rung, only one person can stand …

This is why the Guru of my preceding incarnation (Buddha Avatara) had asked for a Gurudakshina where he had told me to return back for one last and final time … He had then told, “At any single time within the same universe, there can only be one aspirant standing on top of the evolutionary ladder” … I had discussed this in a previous topic of “Rarity of knower’s of eighth plexus” …

  • As we keep seeing the lower rungs, we see they are larger in size and thus these lower rungs of the evolutionary ladder can accommodate more and more people … This is how it is seen when as we keep moving to the bottom rung of this evolutionary ladder …
  • Thus in lower rungs there are countless aspirants and as we keep moving upwards, we keep seeing ever lesser aspirants on those rungs of this evolutionary ladder … And in the topmost rung, there is space for only one aspirant to stand …
  • As that singular aspirant who stands on the topmost rung of this ladder, exits out (i.e. becomes liberated or enters into Nirvana), one more aspirant moves upwards and gains that spot … And as other aspirants from each of the lower rungs keep moving upwards by one level, then it creates an ever higher space in the lower rungs so as to accommodate ever more aspirants within that evolutionary ladder (because these rungs expand in side due to the effects of the evolutionary process) … Thus as times progress, the lower rungs keep slowly increasing in their width which in turn makes that evolutionary ladder more and more flat …
  • And a time comes, where it no longer reaches the top …
  • This leads to all sorts of evolutionary chaos on (or could even lead to dissolution of) the world where that ladder which doesn’t reach the summit exists …
  • Thus, each world has a capacity to hold no more that certain number of evolving inhabitants and if this capability gets exceeded, then that world always enters into endless chaos …
  • But as a matter of fact, such a chaotic condition always arrives during change of ages and especially during the intermediary time (Sandhi Kaal) that comes in-between the stage where one age cycle is ending and another is trying to begin in that world …
  • This is the stage when there is a sudden manifestation and rapid expansion of scientific methods …
  • But since humanity of such intermediary times also don’t hold the capacity to utilize that higher knowledge towards higher effects, so the same science which was to assist in evolution, becomes the reason for regression of humanity into the severe dross of gross of that time of Yuga Sandhi …
  • When a stage arrives that the quantum of dross of gross of degeneration has reached a stage which is below the current average evolutionary standing of the world system, then the same mother nature (Prakriti) who is present within the physical vehicles of the inhabitants of that world, makes them crazy and thus severely chaotic … And simultaneously there is also a natural chaos, in addition to a divine chaos that also manifests at such a stage of time …
  • From the time when I write this topic (in 2010 AD), very soon that which is told here, would start getting visible in this world … And the onset of this would be by the last amongst the four diseases of Sandhikaal of the presently ending human age cycle (Manav Yuga) …
  • And ultimately after this stage and through various intermediary stages of it, this chaos would enter into all ways and walks of life of humanity of this planet … This stage would come within 2.7 years of 2028.74 AD … And the start of this stage would also be through the onset of the last amongst the four diseases due to Sandhikaal
  • This chaos is also a part of the vast applicability of aspects that relate to complex complexity that is being discussed here …


DD-4) …

Process of buildup and dissipation of critical quantum of impressions …

Nothing can ever get manifested within the physical realms, until its subtle grandparental impressional component is brought to its critical quantum … And this is what we would be subtly discussing here …

To understand this aspect of discussion, let us consider the condition where an assistance from a higher entity is requested for …

  • Generating critical quantum for return of a higher entity, but through lower (grosser) means … If the aspirants are generating a lower impressional vibratory field (through their own individualistic or self serving acts, thoughts, emotions and desires) so as to arrive at a critical mass that is required to attract a higher entity and thus make it enter this world, then those aspirants will have to work really hard and where this hard work shall also have to be from across faiths that exist upon that world and where this work shall also have to be for much longer durations …

This is because, when we utilize lower desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds to generate an impressional mass that is necessary to attract a really high entity to this world and thus make it manifest in (or transmigrate to) this kind of lower world, then the effort that shall be required to manifest the critical quantum of impressions that is necessary to attract a really (highly) evolved entity to this lower world, would only end up being nothing short of phenomenal …

Thus, such an effort (to generate that critical quantum which is necessary to attach that higher being into this lower world) would also have to be from across faiths of humanity and that too for many-many generations of humans who reside upon that world …


Proceeding further …

And this is why, during the grosser age cycles (like this presently underway degenerate age cycle or Kaliyuga), there are needed many different religions, but where each of these religions in one way of another, always talk about their greater ones return to end that degeneration …

This divisions of Dharma always takes place during a degenerate age, as degenerate age is an age of degenerative chaos, which always needs competitions amongst things that are believed in by humanity and which in turn leads to manifestation of various divisions in the originally united condition of Sanatana Dharma, that was prior the degenerate age had manifested within a world …

And yet all these divided faiths always have a concept of some highly evolved being returning to clean up their own generated mess (of individualistic and thus divided ways of life) at that stage of time, when that degenerate age cycle ends …

And even when these religions name that greater one differently, yet that greater one is just the same-one who comes as per all these diverse philosophies of any degenerate age … Thus, this shock is always seen during times of end of degenerate of ages (Kaliyuga) …

So, ultimately when the degenerate finally begins ending and then that greater awaited one arrives, then also there would be a chaos amongst many followers of these divided philosophies, with each one claiming that greater one to be their awaited one or even his reciprocal (who is also prophesized within these divided philosophies) … The latter condition would be if that greater one doesn’t even relate to their ways of life … This state of not relating to the deviated individualistic ways of life (that came by during that degenerate age cycle itself and thus were absent prior to coming of that degenerate age cycle) is because during end of degenerate ages, the awaited one always returns back to the root philosophy of Makers Makings, i.e. the pluralistic monist ways of life, which itself are of the Vedas …

And these divisions being characteristic of each degenerate age cycle, would be compounded at the time of such a return back of the awaited one, who even though is the same one who is prophesized by all these religions, but yet he would also be termed by some, to be the reciprocal of their greater one one … At such times of end of degenerate ages, such a chaos also manifests after the greater awaited one comes to fore …

This chaos is also always there when the awaited greater one arrives to fore in that lower world where the degenerate age cycle is ending … And that greater awaited one, only arrives in the root cosmic philosophy (i.e. pluralistic monism, which itself is of the Vedic ways of life) so as to satisfy the requirements of that developed critical mass, which itself was developed by inputs from across all faiths that exist upon that world … And his entry in the root philosophy (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) is because such a fulfillment of diverse requirements of the eternal tree of ways of life, can only be if that return back is within the root of tree of all ways of life (and not when such a return back is by relating to one or more branches of that tree of ways of life) …


Proceeding further …

And if the return of an Avatar is what was desired, then that effort that would be needed to generate the critical quantum, would also have to hold inputs from all parts of cosmic speciology (including all forms of life) who inhabits that planet … This is because the Avatar is always based in the root philosophy (i.e. Pluralistic yet monist ways of life of Makers Makings) and not within individualism … And where this process of buildup may even take a few millenniums …

Note: The word, individualism as stated above means monotheism of any sort, be it religious, geographical or geopolitical or political, economic, social or civilizational or cultural, military or security, health or safety, etc., …

And as that critical mass keeps generating, then at its intermediary stages (i.e. prior the critical quantum actually arrives), many sages would start returning back to that world … This is because, at lower levels that impressional mass which would get generated, would actually be the critical quantum of those sages and thus would end up pulling them into this world …

Thus, as the process of generation of critical quantum of impressions that is necessary to attract a really high evolved one (like an Avatara), is being generated, then at some lower levels of this process, one or another of those sages who reside at that intermediary levels of consciousness hierarchy, would get attracted to that world from where that critical quantum (for a really highly evolved one) is being generated …

This is why, some sages from some higher dimensions always return back prior the real Avatar can actually return back to the world of request …

These sages are thus the fore-runners that always come back prior any Avatar returns back to that world of request … And their times of one-by-one return can continue for a few centuries prior the real awaited greater one (let’s just say, the Avatar) actually returns back to the ‘world of request’ …

Note: Here the phrase, “world of request” means, that world from where the impressional requests are generated for some cosmic or even a divine intervention …

And with the Avatar also some specific sages, who either are with the Avatar (they reside at the higher beyond plane of that Avatar) or are at intermediary states that lead to that Avatars higher plane, also return back so as to assist him …

And after the critical quantum that is needed for an Avatar (or some other highly evolved being) is built up and then the Avatar (or some other highly evolved being) completes the job for which the requests were generated by the inhabitants of a world and thus the requirements of the requests of critical mass of impressions are satisfied, then the impressional quantum also drops below the critical quantum that is necessary to make the that Avatar (or some other highly evolved being) continue to stay within that lower world of request … This is when that Avatar moves out of that world of request …

But as the critical quantum drops below those levels which are critical to keep an Avatar into a lower world, then that avatar moves out of that world …

But that lower level of critical mass is sufficient to attract some other sages who reside in some higher dimensions … This is when these sages return back to that lower world which was vacated by the earlier Avatar …

These sages are thus the after-runners for that Avatar and they assist in maintaining the foundation of way of life that was laid down by that Avatar …

This is why, after any Avatar (or any other highly evolved being) exits out of a world of request, then some higher sages keep entering that same-world for a considerable amount of time (which may even last a few centuries), after that Avatar has already exited out of that world of request …


Thus, basis above …

  • Describing forerunners of an Avatar … Prior the critical quantum that is needed to make an Avatar (or any other highly evolved being) return back to a lower world, gets arrived, some sages always end up returning to the same world of request …

These sages are the forerunners of that Avatar who enter that lower world (i.e. world of request) prior that awaited greater being (Avatar) because their critical mass is lower than that of an Avatar … And thus their critical quantum always arrives prior the critical mass that is needed to attract an Avatar (or any other highly evolved being) to that world of request, actually get arrived …

  • After-runners of an Avatar … And after the Avatar (or any other highly evolved being) completes his job, then because the requirements of the critical mass get satisfied, so that the impressional mass also drops below the critical quantum of that Avatar … After this drop below the critical quantum that is necessary to attract that Avatar and thus keep him in that lower world, gets arrived, then that Avatar also remain with no choice but to return back to his beyond plane of existence …

And this is the stage where the remaining impressional mass is actually the critical mass for some other higher sages, who would then get attracted for returning returning back to that same world … This is what always happens “as and when” the continuously dropping critical mass reaches that level which is the critical quantum for such higher sages …

Thus after any Avatar (or any other highly evolved being) there is a stage where series of sages return back to that same world of request, which has already been vacated by that Avatar … These sages are thus the after-runners of an Avatar


Proceeding further …

Above discussed aspects are the reason, that, before and after each Avatar (or any other highly evolved being), some sages of higher dimensions always enter that same world of request …

The ones who arrive before, are the forerunners of that Avatar (or any other highly evolved being) and the ones who return back after the Avatar departs that world of request, are thus the after-runners of that same Avatar … There are many examples of this during history, some of which are listed below …

  • Prior Bhagwan Raam came, many sages came (including Rishi Valmiki, who wrote the Ramayana and Brahmarishi Vashishtha, etc.,) … When Rama Avatara was there, many sages had returned back with him so as to assist him and some even took the incarnation of animals … After Ram Bhagwan left, some other sages kept entering this world for a considerable amount of time and thus Kingdom of ways of life of Bhagwan Rama also lasted for a pretty long time … The proof of these is there in Ramayana and other scriptures …
  • Prior Bhagwan Krishna came, some sages (including Brahmarishi Veda Vyasa, who wrote the Mahabharata and Brahmarishi Markandeya, etc.,) came … During the stay of Sri Krishna in this world, some other higher sages came to assist him (including this little student, who writes this text and who came as a bird so as to assist his forces during the Mahabharata war and that to, by being his hidden messenger) … And after Sri Krishna left, many other sages (including some Rishi and Siddha) had entered this world … The proof of this fact are also stated in Vedic texts …
  • Prior Gautama Buddha came, the sages who were to be his forerunners had come by … During stay of Buddha Avatara in this world, many sages came to assist him and/or be his students (I was one of them, whom Buddha Gautama has renamed by a name which when translated means as “Friend of allness”) … And after Buddha left, many Siddha’s had continued to enter this world, in stages and for a few centuries after his (Guru Buddha’s) departure from this world … The proof of these are very clearly given in Buddhist texts …
  • Thus, with every higher evolved being (like an Avatar), there always are forerunners who come prior that Avatara arrives and there also are some after-runners who arrive after that Avatara has already departed from that lower world … And the same is also when the Avatars is present in that world, where these sages arrive so as to be as the with-runners of that Avatara

These with-runners of an Avatara are the divine assistants in the mission of that Avatara, who only arrives as per the call of cosmic consciousness and which becomes very clear to the cosmic consciousness after the critical mass that is necessary to attract that Avatara and thus make that Avatar to enter into the lower world of request, is already manifested within the consciousness plane of that world … And these with-runners can be in any form, like that of an animal or fish or even an ant incarnation, as a tree in the house of that Avatara, or could even be reincarnated in that subtle realm, as is of the greater formless state of existence, that also is of of each Avatara (but this is also to assist that Avatara during his mission on the world of request) … Thus, never during history has any of the greater returned ones (including any Avatara) ever been alone within any of the worlds of requests, that they had returned back to so as to satisfy the call of cosmic consciousness of their times …


DD-5) …

Impressional masses as reasons for sufferings …

An aspirant who is a touch bit more negative that others, would become the first target of the impressional mass that gets developed for lower (or degenerate or trouble causing) aspects …

Thus as such an impressional mass gets built up, then such aspirants always end up in some amount of sufferings …

This is because, such an aspirant is an ideal specimen for such lower impressional masses (i.e. impressional masses which are related to lower or individualistic or degenerate or trouble causing aspects) …

Thus in such a case also, all those impressions which were not even generated by that aspirant, would begin acting upon that aspirant and make him (or her) enter into some sort of suffering …

And the reverse of above discussions is also true for those aspirants who are more inwardly positive than others … Such ones are affected by higher aspects (or subtler or aspects that relate to higher knowledge and inner peace and evolutionary progress) …


EE) …

Further aspects of the cosmic plane of consciousness and its impressions …

Here we would discuss some remaining aspects of the cosmic plane of consciousness …


EE-1) …

Cosmic plane of consciousness (Brahmic Chitta Kaya) as the only giver or taker …

The plane of consciousness also is the only giver and taker …

Even to your God’s or Satan’s have had to eternally take and give from here and thus even these greater entities are not independent from this plane …

These entities also are not beyond the plane of consciousness, as if any entity goes beyond, then it also ceases to be as the giver or taker of anything … And in such a case, that entity also cannot continue as the centered entity of a belief (or a system or a faith) that relates to that part of the plane of consciousness (which is controlled by that entity) …

Only from this plane is something given or taken across the entirety of Makers Makings …

When any greater entity (let’s just say, a god of a belief system) gives to his adherents, then that greater entity connects to that part of impressional corpus, which holds that aspect which needs to be given … And this is from where that greater entity gives to its adherents …

And when something lower is to be provided to any aspirant, then also that greater entity connects that aspirant’s consciousness flows to that lower impressional field and thus that aspirant ends up in all sorts of sufferings (which also depends upon the impressional field that it gets connected to) …

Rest shall be discussed in a later topic where the root of concept of God and Satan shall be taken up …


EE-2) …

Constancy of impressional vibrations corpus in plane of cosmic consciousness …

The sum total corpus of the mass (vibratory corpus) of the consciousness remains is an eternal constancy and this corpus is always within a resultant net-neutrality towards all the individualities and individual corpuses that rest within it … This is exactly how it ever is during any of the triple times …

Thus, as one particular type of impressional fields build up within the plane of consciousness, then to balance this, another reciprocal (or balancing) field is also built up within one or more of the sub-planes of consciousness (i.e. in individual consciousness planes of other worlds, planes of existence, universes and microcosm’s or group of microcosm’s that may even be related to beliefs or faiths) …

This is why the resultant of the entire corpus of consciousness planes (i.e. consciousness planes of worlds, galaxies, universes and other microcosm’s) is always resting in a net macro-neutrality (Samta) …

And since this net neutrality of the plane of consciousness is a generated one, so this is what makes the color of the plane of consciousness to be of a very subtle, dull (i.e. matt) white color …

White color denotes the neutral aspect of allness … This also relates to what was discussed in an earlier topic as Samta (equanimity) and it also relates to what was discussed in another earlier topic of “As IT eventually became” and was told as the condition of “attributed attributeless state (Saguna Nirguna)” which means that which is neutral to the attributes … This is also related to the ninth sphere of macrocosmic creation, which was addressed by ancient sages as Para Prakriti (or Beyond state of mother nature) and this is also the same whose divinity is addressed as Ma Adi Shakti … In addition to these, this ninth sphere is also the one which in Buddhist lore’s is addressed as cloud nine (i.e. the ninth cloud) where many Bodhisattva reside (I say so, after subtly visiting the ninth sphere of Makers Makings) and not through any bookish nonsense …


EE-3) …

Changes in color of the consciousness …

This discussion is applicable to the entirety of plane of consciousness, which also includes its each part, like the consciousness plane of any universe, consciousness plane of any of those planes of existence (i.e. galaxy, etc.,), consciousness plane of worlds, consciousness orbs of microcosm’s …

As is the inner condition of a microcosm, so is the color that is seen of that microcosm’s (aspirants) consciousness orb … And the same is also applicable to each of the parts of the plane of cosmic consciousness …

Thus, basis this fact …

  • When any aspirant rests in an actional state, then the color of the consciousness orb of that aspirant is reddish (actually more pinkish) …
  • When any aspirant rests in an inertial state, then the color of the consciousness orb of that aspirant is bluish (actually light blue) …
  • When that aspirant rests in a inner condition that relates to knowledge based aspects, then the color of the consciousness orb of that aspirant is yellowish …
  • When any aspirant rests in an neutral state, then the color of the consciousness orb (Chitta) of that aspirant is whitish (actually very subtle white) …
  • When any aspirant rests in a state of destructive rejuvenation, then the color of the consciousness orb (Chitta) of that aspirant is maroonish brown (actually light maroon-brown color) …
  • When any aspirant rests in a state of actional knowledge, then the color of the consciousness orb (Chitta) of that aspirant is orangish red (actually light orangish red) …
  • When any aspirant rests within a state of heat luminosity (Tejas), then the color of that aspirants consciousness orb (Chitta) is crimson (actually, light crimson) …
  • When the aspirant rests in a state of perfection of macro-equanimity (i.e. equanimity towards all that is or could ever be), then the color of the consciousness orb (Chitta) of that aspirant is diamond white (real shining diamond like state) which itself relates to Sadyojata face of Sadashiva and which in Vedic lore, is also addressed as the pristine abode of creator (i.e. Brahmaloka) … Thus such an aspirant also denotes the human form of the Utpatti Krityam (action of origination of allness) of the Makers Makings …
  • When the aspirant attains to the state of being the attributed-form (i.e. Saguna Sakara) aspect of self-expression of Brahman, then the same consciousness orb of that aspirant is of a blue color that has silvery lights in them … This color relates to Ardhanarishwara (i.e. half masculine and half feminine deity, who is also addressed as Ardhanari) and thus, such an aspirant is like Ardhanarishvara in a human form, and where Ardhanarishvara who itself is the attributed-form state of that aspirant self-manifests within the aspirants third eye plexus (Ajna Chakra) … This directly relates to attainment Shivaloka (pristine abode of Paramguru Shiva) by that aspirant …
  • When that aspirant attains to the eternally unioned state of the quality of action (Rajoguna) and the cosmic quality of inertia (Rajoguna), then the color of that aspirants orb of consciousness (Chitta) is of Krishna Pingala (i.e. dark Tawny) … This denotes the attainment of Krishna Pingalam Rudra and thus such an aspirant denotes the rejuvenative destruction aspect (Samhara Krityam) of Makers Makings …
  • etc., for other aspects …


EE-4) …

State of evolution is related to the hierarchies of plane of consciousness … And the hierarchy-less state that is after going beyond the plane of consciousness …

This is how it could be described …

  • Highly evolved aspirants, are resting in higher (or subtler) levels of the plane of consciousness … So, when such an aspirant enters a lower world, then also he (or she) remains inwardly connected to his (or her) earlier higher level (or state within the hierarchies of plane of consciousness) even when he )or she) may be residing here (i.e. in this gross or physical or lower realm) …
  • And reverse is for lower evolved aspirants …


So basis above,

  • If an aspirant is not evolved high enough to make him (or her) enter into the higher hierarchy of the plane of consciousness and still that aspirant tries to force-enter into that higher level of consciousness hierarchy, then during this try, that subtle vibratory aspects of higher hierarchy would be like a subtle wall in front of that aspirant …
  • And an above mentioned case, to break-past that subtle-wall would also remain an impossibility until that aspirant ends up holding an impression (within its own consciousness orb or Chitta) which relates to the subtlety of that higher hierarchy (which is desired to be entered in) …
  • Thus basis above, unless we hold an impression (Samskara) that is either of sameness to or is of higher subtlety, within our own consciousness orb (Chitta), we would never be able to enter into those higher or subtler levels of hierarchy of the macrocosmic plane of consciousness …
  • And unless we enter into those higher (or subtler) levels of impressional hierarchy that exists within the plane of consciousness, we would also not be able to enter into the higher plane of existence, which directly relates to and thus is a part of that higher (or subtler) impressional hierarchy …
  • So, basis this, to self realize a higher state of existence (like a divine world, divine being), we would need to at least hold one impression which is of sameness to the higher subtlety of that higher state of existence … This is also in line with the universal requirements of the “Law of cosmic hygiene” which we have already discussed in an earlier topic …
  • We also cannot self-realize a higher (or subtle or beyond) realm, unless we at least hold one impression within our own consciousness orb (Chitta) which is of sameness of subtlety of that higher realm of existence … This aspect is also in sameness to what was discussed in the earlier topic of “You are what you have self realized
  • So subtler levels of impressional hierarchy of the plane of consciousness relate to higher or subtler state of existence and thus denote a higher evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchy, that also is of subtlety and grossness …
  • And due to this reason, higher evolved ones always hold subtler impressional fields which as such are also based within a higher quantum of “oneness towards allness (I.e. Brahmand Dharana)” …

And this relationship also continues, until that aspirant finally attains to an impressionless state of his (or her) own consciousness orb (Chitta) of the bliss sheath (Anandmaye Kosha or Karana Sharira) … Thus, this relationship continues until the aspirant (or any other microcosm, right from a universe to an atom or cell) attains to the state which ancient sages had subtly told as “Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) …

This impressionless state is only attained through the accomplishment of seedless absorption, i.e. absorption within the seedless being and which as such is termed as Nirbija Samadhi and which itself is the higher of all Samadhi of that particular aspect of Yoga Tantra, which ancient sages had named as Raja Yoga …

Nirbeej Samadhi leads to an impressionless state of consciousness orb (i.e. Samskara Viheen Awastha of Chitta) of the aspirant … And only after this attainment, does any aspirant qualify to walk into that, which itself is beyond the purviews and scopes of the cosmic plane of consciousness as is being discussed here …


Proceeding further …

And it is also due to this reason, that after attaining to the impressionless state of consciousness orb (Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) the aspirant can no longer relate to the plane of consciousness … And thus, such an aspirant goes beyond the macrocosmic plane of consciousness itself …

This is also the stage where that aspirant begins “walking alone”, as must be within the last path (Brahmanpath) that is taken by any microcosm prior attaining to that final emancipation which as such is of a state of freedom (or isolation) from allness and her each part (Kaivalya) …

That which is Kaivalya (or Moksha), is that which fully isolated from allness, including an isolation from the entirety of plane of consciousness … And due to this, such a state is also free of cosmic hierarchies, including the hierarchy that also is of the plane of macrocosmic consciousness …


EE-5) …

Subtlety and grossness of impressions in consciousness orb and state of evolution …

This could be thus explained …

  • Higher is ones state of evolution, more is the inner oneness to allness, subtler is the state of existence that is attained and subtler are the impressions that rest within the consciousness orb (Chitta) of the causal body (Karana Sharira or Antahkarana) of that aspirant …
  • And reverse of above is applicable for lower evolutionary standings …

Thus, basis above, as we evolve, our impressions also keep getting more and more subtle …

And this higher subtlety of impressions of a higher state of existence, itself is because our desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds also keep getting based within an ever higher quantum of the phrase “Oneness of allness” …


EE-6) …

Subtlety and grossness of impressions in consciousness plane of world and its population …

This could be thus told …

  • When the net resultant subtlety of impressions that reside within the consciousness plane of a world is high, then that worlds human population would be less …

This is because, subtler impressions have a higher bandwidth consumption of the worlds etheric capacity and thus lesser number of subtler impressions would be able to keep the world’s etheric field to its optimum levels …

And with this condition, the world population would also be correspondingly lesser …

  • And reverse is the case when the net resultant subtlety of impressions within the consciousness plane of the world, is lesser (i.e. the impressions are grosser) …


Exception to above … As is during Sandhikaal …

But during Sandhikaal (i.e. the intermediary time that falls between stages when one age cycle is ending and another is simultaneously beginning), since there is a collision of divinities of the two ages (i.e. one age which is ending and the other age cycle which is about to begin), so this collision eventually causes a lot of inner and outer confusion …

This further leads to a sudden rise of (i.e. increase of or generation of) grosser impressions due to lower deeds of the inhabitants of that world which is passing through a Yuga Sandhi (intermediary time between change of age cycles) …

This becomes a further reason for consequent chaos that always comes by during time span which relates to change of ages … We had discussed this aspect within an earlier topic of “Chaos during change of age” …


EE-7) …

Impressional fruiting causes subtlety … Impressional aspect of cause & effect …

All desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds lead to generation of a specific gross or subtle impression that corresponds to the subtlety of that undergone desire, emotion, thought and deed …

If it is subtle, then is also is based upon a higher quantum of “oneness to allness and her each part (I.e. Brahmand Dharana)” … And reverse is from grossness …

Thus, our subtle and gross action(s) lead to generation of an impression that corresponds to the subtlety of grossness of those action(s) … After generation, that impression gets places within the consciousness orb (Chita) of that aspirant’s causal body …

So in one way or another, that generated impression is like a subtle effect that is placed within the orb of consciousness (Chitta) of our own bliss body (Anandmaye Kosha) …

And then that same impression is also reflected within the consciousness plane of the world where the generator of it is resident … Thus the generated impression which begins residing in the consciousness orb (or Chitta) of the generator, is also reflected within the consciousness plane of the world where that generator resides at the instant when that impression is generated (through specific deeds, thoughts, emotions and desires of that generator) …

As also, since the effect (which itself is the impression that gets generated from the earlier cause, i.e. deeds of the generator) itself is the cause of the next cause, so due to this reason, our next action would have to utilize an earlier generated impression which until that stage (or time) was residing within the orb of consciousness (Chitta) of our own bliss body (Anandamaya Kosha) and was awaiting the real nextness as is to be of its next fruiting …

As the impressions fruit during further desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds, they become subtler after fruiting …

Thus, the earlier impression which was grosser, would turn subtler after it fruits within further desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds …

It is due to this reason, that during the lifetime of any earlier generated impression, it would keep turning subtler during its each subsequent fruiting … And since arrival at a higher subtlety also denotes the continuity of evolutionary process, so the principle of eternal evolution which we have already discussed in an earlier topic, also applies to impressional states …


EE-8) …

Understanding aspects of subtler and grosser impressions, in relation to inner peace (peace within an aspirant) …

This could be thus explained …

  • Subtler impressions have more time span in-between their subsequent fruiting …
  • So once the subtler impression is generated, the need to quickly fruit it, is not there … This is because, as if that impression is really subtle, then would only be fruiting after a few millenniums …
  • And due to this higher time span between subsequent fruiting of subtler impressions, lesser number of desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds per unit time, would be needed to be undergone by that aspirant whose orb of consciousness is only and only holding subtle impressions (i.e. that aspirant has no grosser impressions present within his or her consciousness orb) …
  • And in absence of those ever changeful, recurring and inwardly activating desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds, the inner peace of such aspirants would also be higher …
  • And this is why some evolved sages had also told thus …

Be calm to know your real nature

Be calm to know the I within

And this itself is the reason for Maun Vrat (Sacrifice related to keeping quite for prolonged durations) that is adopted by many aspirants, because this practice also leads to reducing inner turbulence and thus leads to subtler desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds which in turn leads to generation of subtler impressions, that can then be taken as a base, to accomplish further self-realizations …

  • And reverse of above discussions also stands true for grosser impressions …


EE-9) …

Impressions as base for unbroken continuity of evolutionary process of any microcosm …

This could be thus explained …

  • Once an impression is generated through any of the desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds, it stays within the consciousness orb of the aspirant …
  • And this stay is also until it arrives at its ripeness and rightness to fruit further …
  • And where this process of cyclic fruiting also continues until that impression reaches such a subtlety, from where it can be unseeded …
  • This unseeding is by burning it through specific Yogic practices or evicting it out of the consciousness orb (which can even be by surrendering it to one of the primary divinities of Makers Makings, who would then adopt it, but only after that impression reaches that pristine state of subtlety, which is if sameness to the pristine divinity of that macrocosmic deity who adopts it and thus makes the aspirant free of that impression) …

It was due to above stated reason, that the concept of deities came by during those extremely ancient and already forgotten times, as were of my much earlier incarnations and also of those further returns to an incarnated state, which were attained by adopting the path of transmigration of soul …

  • Thus, after an impression gets generated and prior it is unseeded, it continues to stay inside the consciousness orb of its generator …
  • And this stay is also such, that, even if the generator of that impression dies, that impression continues to exist within that generators consciousness orb (Chitta) … This stay is even after death of the generator of that impression …
  • And when that generator return back (i.e. gets reincarnated) and irrespective of whether that return (or reincarnation) is within a gross or subtle or even a divine realm) then that same impression, which as such was a “subtle effect of the earlier causes that were undergone by that generator (during his or her earlier incarnation), in turn becomes as a “cause for the next causes “which the same generator of that impression would be undergoing in its further reincarnation …
  • This, in turn maintains the continuity of the evolutionary process of that aspirant … And where this continuity is irrespective of whether that aspirant resides within a gross or subtle or even one of those higher divine realms …
  • And this continuity is also not dependent upon the realm where that impression was generated and also not dependent upon the realm where that same impression is further fruited … Thus, this is what makes the principle of evolution and principle of existence to be naught but eternal principles … And where the base of maintenance of that eternal continuity of evolutionary existence, are the impressions which reside within the consciousness orb of the aspirant …
  • This is “also” how the evolution and its process is maintained in an unbroken continuity across all states, conditions and stages of evolutionary existences of any microcosm who has ever begun within the genius of Makers Makings …
  • And this itself is possible due to the partless and thus the unbroken continuity of the cosmic plane of consciousness (which we have already discussed in an earlier part of this topic) across all stated, conditions and realms of Maker’s Makings …


EE-10) …

Impressions and overload … Birth, existence and death of a physical vehicle …

To understand this let’s just consider the mobile communication technology as this is based upon how the aspects of this discussion actually progress within the macrocosmic creation …

  • Each mobile operator has a specific bandwidth, so to use that technology, our own cell phone bandwidth must be of sameness to that mobile operators bandwidth …

The same is when we are born in a world, as our inner subtlety has to be within the uppermost and lowermost limits of that worlds subtlety bandwidth … If this is not so, then we wouldn’t be able to stay upon that world …

  • For us to continue using that mobile operator, our cell phone also be maintained within the mobile bandwidth of that cellular operator …

And on similar lines, for us to stay within that world, our own impressional subtlety bandwidth must be within the worlds subtlety bandwidth …

  • If we were to change our cellular Simcard, then our frequency and thus bandwidth would also change and in such a case, we wouldn’t be able to utilize that mobile operators frequency directly …

The same is when we evolve and go beyond that worlds fundamental harmonic and thus in such a case we also are unable to utilize that worlds elements (and thus our earlier physical vehicle) any longer …

This is why after enlightenment, most aspirants de-incarnate within a short time after that self-realization …

  • Now, each mobile operators towers have a specific load bearing capability which is dependent upon the robustness of the equipment, type and modernity of the technology, etc., of that mobile operator … If this limit is exceeded then there are call drops or even end of that mobile operators tower, whose equipment’s would either need to be discarded and replaced or would need some maintenance …

The same is with our own fundamental harmonic and consciousness orb, as if these are overloaded by excesses of impressional vibrations and their varied states, then either we would need some medical attention or in case, if this overload is very high and sudden (i.e. there is a subtle surge within our consciousness orb) then even the physical vehicle may need to get de-incarnated (i.e. we would die in such a case) …

I hope this concept has been clarified to some larger extent as far as relation of impressions in birth, existence and death of physical vehicle is concerned …

Note: But the word physical vehicle as used here, has a deeper meaning as was explained in an earlier topic of “Law of physical vehicle” …


EE-11) …

Understanding some aspect of functioning of plane of consciousness through www …

As is the functioning of the plane of consciousness, so is it in the operation of www … This could be thus explained …

  • Many users (simile for individual fundamental harmonic) are ever logged on to many domain names (simile for consciousness planes of worlds, which are present within the plane of existence, which also are resting within the universal sphere and which itself is resting within the macrocosmic plane of consciousness) …
  • To send a message to another user of another domain name, the user must know that users email address (simile for knowing the individual fundamental harmonic as is of the other aspirant) …

This is how subtle communication actually works between impressions that exist within the different consciousness planes as are of the same cosmic plane of consciousness …

  • Also as, it is possible to have multiple email addresses in multiple domains on the www …

The same is also possible on the plane of consciousness, as the users may well be at a state where they are linking to multiple consciousness planes, while residing within any single world …

  • These multiple consciousness plane refers to differing consciousness planes as are of systems, procedures, codes of conduct, beliefs, faiths, constitutions of lands, societal codes, ways of life of civilizations and all other sub-planes that also are … And this connection to different consciousness planes would even be when that user rests in a physical vehicled state upon earth and thus is primarily related to the consciousness plane of that planet (say, this earth) …

Only difference within the consciousness, is that, the user must have the vibratory field in harmony with each of the consciousness planes where the user may be subtly connected to …

  • As also is needed the user’s mental harmony, so that the users messages (simile of impressions) will make an imprint which anyway would be registered in the users domain (simile for users individual plane of existence of the user or the users individual cord of a vibratory field that is emanated by that user, and which finds its corresponding point within the specific consciousness plane which is connected to, by the user) …
  • And this harmony must also be from where the user has opened its email address (i.e. simile for the state of existence where the aspirant has taken birth or even when that aspirant is existing within a subtler form, as always dis when existent within a subtle realm) …
  • And all messages will be sent or received only if the user could log on (simile for state when impressional capability is arrived at) through its email address (simile for individual fundamental harmonic) in its domain name (simile for consciousness plane of the world where the user currently resides) …
  • And after this, all users who are known to this user would be able to get in touch with this user … Similar aspect also happens in the plane of consciousness, but provided a user can get connected to it and/or its any part …
  • And should the need be, then all users who are known to this user could also be contactable by this user (simile for transfer of impressions, as we have already discussed) …

Above also means that when the aspirants are able to know and thence connect to the subtle fundamental harmonics of other aspirants, then impressions (Sounds or messages) can be got to and from these aspirants …

And this is also possible across the various consciousness planes (domain names), because of the existence of a common plane of cosmic consciousness (same as www) …

But this was only to discuss the plane of consciousness which as such is like a common server farm for all the information which it handles and gives direction to, while it engages within this type of transmit-receive function as is within an email server …

Whereas in reality the consciousness plane pervades a wide variety of sub planes of differing hierarchies of grossness and subtleties (but our server technology may not have this, as it based on physicality and thus may not be evolved enough to undertake subtler transactions, as ever are when we consider the plane of cosmic consciousness) …


EE-12) …

Colors of impressions … Knowing the state of existence and state of evolution of anyone, by study the impressions in that persons consciousness orb …

Here we shall discuss the colors and characteristics of generated impressions …

As a matter of fact …

  • Depending upon the aspect of vibrational characteristics of the state which is connected to by an evolving aspirant, are the colors of impressions that get manifested within the consciousness orb of that aspirant …
  • Depending upon is subtlety or grossness of desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds are the shades of colors of impressions …
  • Remember this … As it is a universal fact …


Now discussing the color characteristics of impressions (Samskara) …

  • If the aspirant is inwardly more inertial, then its consciousness impressions will be blue in color, i.e. the color of Tamo Guna (or the attribute of cosmic inertia) …

Such an aspirant is like the macrocosmic inertia manifest in a human form and thus such an aspirant has the ability to stop those flows that need to be stopped in a world …

  • If the aspirant is inwardly more actional, then its consciousness impressions will be red in color i.e. the color of Rajo Guna (or quality of action) …

Such an aspirant is like the macrocosmic action manifest in a human form and thus such an aspirant has the ability to restart or resume those flows and dynamism that needed to be brought back to life, within a world …

  • If the aspirant is inwardly more neutral, then its consciousness impressions will be white in color, i.e. the color of Sattvaguna (or attribute of cosmic neutrality) …

Such an aspirant is like the macrocosmic quality of neutrality manifest in a human form and thus such an aspirant has the ability to lay down a path that relates to the macrocosmic quality of neutrality, within a world … This is a very high attainment as it relates to the mother of all who sages have addressed as Adi Shakti (i.e. primordial energy or primordial divinity of Makers Makings) …

  • If the aspirant has already attained to a perfect inner macro-neutrality, then its consciousness impressions will be of a shining diamond white in color, i.e. the color of Brahma Loka (or pristine abode of creator) …

Such an aspirant is like the creator of allness (Brahma Ji) manifest in a human form … Such an aspirant holds the Utpatti Krityam (act of creation of allness) within himself and thus can create whatever is necessary to restore subtlety on that lower world where he or she returns back …

  • If an aspirant is related to actional knowledge, then that aspirants impressions would be of an orange color (Bhagwa color) and thus would be related to the light which is around Hiranyagarbha Brahma (golden womb of creation) when Hiranyagarbha begins acting as Karya Brahma (i.e. that aspect of creator or Brahma, who actually creates allness) … This color shall also be related to Rudra Deva who denotes rejuvenative destruction, because without this being present, no creation can ever happen …

Such an aspirant is like being the destructive rejuvenator of allness … He holds ability to destroy the subtle afflictions whilst simultaneously rejuvenating subtlety upon the world where he resides at that time …

  • If the aspirant has already attained to a perfect divinity of Brahma (i.e. Maya Shakti) who is also the one that is addressed as Avyakta (in Vedic lore) and is also the same whom Buddhists address as Tusita Loka, then its consciousness impressions will be of a light pinkish hue, i.e. the color of Avyakta Prakriti (or pristine pristine divinity of the creator of allness) … Such an aspirant is also deemed to be Maya Shakti (i.e. Avyakta Prana) manifest in a human form and thus such an aspirant also holds the ability to subtly create (i.e. create the subtle parent) of anything that is necessary to manifested within the physical realms of the world where that aspirant resides at that time …

Such an aspirant is like the cosmic Maya Shakti manifest in a human form … If this is combined with above (preceding) bullet point, then that aspirant actually becomes a matchless one …

Such an aspirant is also deemed as Vamadeva (who itself is Brahm Yagna) manifest in a human form and thus such an aspirant also holds the capability to remove all afflictions of a world (but only if needed by the demands of that cycle of time), by burning them in his own greater reality, of being Vamadeva or Yajna Kunda of macrocosmic creation

  • If the aspirant has already attained to Ardhanarishwara, who denotes the Saguna Atma (or attributed state of the attributeless infinite being or Nirguna Brahman), then that aspirant would hold a blue impression which has silvery light streaks in it … This denotes attainment of Shiva Loka (abode of Paramguru Shiva) …

Such an aspirant is also deemed as Ardhanarishvara (or Saguna Atman)  manifest in a human form … He is the final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha) and is also the entire path of liberation (Mukti Marg) manifest in a human form …

Such an aspirant is also deemed as Tatpurusha (who itself is Maheshwara or Great Lord of allness) manifest in a human form … He is the cosmic principle of veiling in a human form … He is Maheshvara in a human form, who itself is the one who sages have addressed as Yoga Guru (sole or supreme teacher of Yoga to all the real aspirants who qualify to be Yogi’s), Yoga Samraat (King of Yoga), Yogeshwara (Lord of Yoga), Yoga Rishi (Sage of Yoga), Yoga (supreme union) and Yoga Tantra (process and path to supreme union) … There are no limits for such a Yogi as he holds the accomplishments of all of the five faces of Sadashiva

Our present times are for a sage from Tatpurusha, who would be descending whilst holding whatever is told in above or below bullet points …

That sage from Maheshvara would also be executing the job of being the Yuga Sthapak (i.e. the one who would be installing the subtle foundation of the incoming age of sages or Guru Yuga) …

That sage of Maheshvara, would also be the one who would be acting as Mahashunya (great emptiness) in which  he projects himself, so as to empty out all that is not necessary to be removed prior the next age cycle of age of sages (or Guru Yuga) gets manifested …

And all this would be done, whilst he rests in the cosmic veiling principle (Tirodhana Nigraha Siddhanta) that also is of Tatpurusha face of Shiva from where he has returned back to this lower realm and where this world for him, is also none other than being a “world of request” …

  • If the aspirant has a purple colored impression, then it means that the aspirant is the one who has already accomplished ether (Akasha Mahabhuta) … Such an aspirant is also deemed as ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) manifest in a human form …
  • And the same is for other impressions that relate to other four elements (of earth or Bhu Mahabhuta, water or Jalam Mahabhuta, fire or Agni Mahabhuta and air or Vayu Mahabhuta) …
  • And the same is also for any of the other states of Makers Makings … Just keep adding them here …

And this is how we come to know the state of existence of an aspirant i.e. we come to know “where all” that aspirant resides (or is connected to) within the macrocosmic creation, by studying the colors of impressions …


Now proceeding further …

This is to discuss the level of attainment i.e. evolutionary standing, basis study of impressions …

  • If a person is walking towards in any of above states (or even those which have not been referred to, in above discussions) and thus is still like an “evolving one”, then the colors of impressions would be darker …
  • And if a person is already a highly evolved one, who continues within those subtler realms of Makers Makings, then his (or her) impressional colors would be lighter …
  • This is how we know the state of evolution of any aspirant by studying the shades of colors of his (or her) impressions …


Thus, basis above discussions …

That sage who knows how to study this aspect of impressional characteristics, can know the other persons state of existence within the macrocosmic creation (i.e. know the type and quantum of any aspirants connection to various states of allness) … And this itself is the base that is used to further know, the state of evolution of another person within the macrocosmic hierarchy …


Thus, basis above …

The sage who knows the above discussed part of knowledge of impressions (Samskara Vijyana) would know the state of existence and state of evolution of any other person, by just subtly studying that persons consciousness orb (Chita) and its impressions (Samskara) …

For when in front of such a sage who holds the direct knowledge of Samskara Vijyana, no person can lie about his (or her) evolutionary existence within the cosmic hierarchy … This is because, such a sage would know the reality of another person, just as it then is …


FF) …

Impressional aspects and proof of failing of humanity as a whole …

Now read this very carefully

What is told below is a fact from the point of view of Mother Nature (i.e. Ma Prakriti) herself … And where the term Prakriti means, the first and foremost self expression of the absolute being (Param Brahma) and who by herself is the pristine divinity (Divyata) and fullness of power (i.e. energy or Shakti) of the absolute being (Parambrahma) and this itself is in addition to mother nature (Maa Prakriti) being the eternal consort (Ardhangani) and foremost messenger (Dooti) of the same supreme being (Para Brahman) …

When I study the types of impressions that reside within the consciousness plane of this world, then as far as the human race of today stands within the cosmic Speciological standing and its base requirements, following is absolutely clear …

  • An absolute majority of the impressions which are generated by humans, during the last about 9000 years, are of grosser types …
  • And this itself is contrary to the very reason for placement of humanity on this world system, which as such was to generate very subtle impressions (i.e. impressions that are based upon oneness to allness) …
  • Humanity was placed upon the uppermost rungs of the evolutionary ladder that relates to this part of the the macrocosm …
  • Humans were rendered with the capability to generate subtlety that relates to a high quantum of their intrinsic inner oneness to allness, and that too, to such an extent that they were supposed to balance out (i.e. subtly neutralize) all grosser impressions (and their grosser flows and dynamism) that would be generated by other lower parts of cosmic speciology, that were also made to reside within this world system …
  • But during the last 9000 years or so (as were after the sleep of the great grandmother of all philosophies or Sanatana Dharma), due to humanity entering into individualistic ways of life, which as such were reverse of those subtle ways of life that relate to oneness, humans only went into generation of that severe ever-expanding dross of gross, which as such was not why humans were placed upon this world system …
  • From the macrocosmic point of view, if a part of macrocosmic speciology that resides upon a world doesn’t satisfy the basic requirement as was for its placement upon a world system, then that part of cosmic speciology is already deemed to be failing within the base or foundational reason for its existence upon that world
  • Sadly, this is how humanity of today is visible from the point of view of cosmic divinities …


Please also note below very carefully

This is how it is going to be changed prior the inauguration of the incoming human golden age (Guru Yuga) takes place on/around 2082.74 AD (+/- 2.7 years and a further +/- “27+1” years) …

And trust me by the time 2028.74 AD (+/- 2.7 years) arrives, humans would know what I am talking about here …

And by the time 2042.24 AD (+/- 2.7 years) arrives, humanity would already know what universal economics really is …

And humanity of that time, would also appreciate what is written here, as, present day economics being totally useless for the evolutionary needs of humanity as a whole …

  • If humanity as a whole doesn’t amend its ways of life to a state which is in line with the base reason for their existence upon this world system, then know for sure, that within the next few years of the next some decades, the present day human races would be majorly made extinct …
  • Above bullet point is what the root nature (Moola Prakriti) who by her fullness of self is the complete, foremost and eternal self expression of the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman), says to me …
  • That root nature is also denoting the Poorna Shakti (fullness of divinity or energy), eternal messenger (Dooti) and consort (Ardhangani) of the ever-same attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakaar Brahman) …


Now I shall list the major flaws of last 9000 years or close to this time span …

  • Individualistic religions … That religion which is not in line with the intrinsic pluralism and essential monism of the macrocosm, within which that religion, its godhead and heaven, texts, ways of life, propagators and adherents reside, always causes a deviation …

That civilization which doesn’t comply to this requirement of maintenance of fullness of pluralistic monism in their ways of life, never stands as the eternal civilization …

Such a civilization eventually becomes a harbinger of cyclic state of peace and chaos in that world, which ultimately engulfs it and thus extinguishes it to such a state, that even its trace wouldn’t be found in the distant future …

  • Geographical divisions … Maker made one undivided world … Humans divided it and thus went against the original creation of creator, as far as this world stands …

Thus, all those systems who divided this world or were or are a party to this division, never last till eternity … And during the coming times, not very far off (from the time when I write this topic), such systems and their adherents would also be evicted out of this world systems, because the incoming age of sages has no place for such manmade and thus nonsensical divisions …

Plus since the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) is already within her process of waking up after 1974 AD (=/- 1 to 2.7 years), so after she finally wakes up and starts moving around in her home of eternal time, she anyways would be correcting this fault of dividing that world, which the Maker himself had made as one united part of his Makings …


  • Economic disparities … Economic aspects relate to Artha component of Purushartha, which as such is also as the path to liberation (Mukti Marg) …

That economic system which has no capability to lead its adherents to their final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha), is considered as a useless one, from the macrocosmic point of view …

From the point of view of Mother nature, Present day economic systems are completely useless as far as satisfying the requirements of being a path of liberation is concerned …

So, as mother nature tells me, I write here … Very soon from the time when I write this topic, we would see such a crash of these stupidities of economics of today, that humans would also remain with no choice but to adopt the economic system that relates to and thus is an intrinsic part of the concept of Artha (divine economics that is as a path of final liberation), that itself rests within the greater concept of Purushartha Chatushtaya (i.e. four Purushartha, which as such are of of Dharma or the eternal way of life, Artha or divinity of economics of mother nature, Kama or afflictionless desires and Moksha or final liberation) …

That civilization which doesn’t comply to the requirements of the gross, subtle, divine and impressional aspects of the universal economic systems of mother nature (Ma Prakriti) only ends up on a reciprocal path in relation to mother nature, in whose envelopes that civilization and its economic system resides …

Since nature herself is the supreme economics, so any non-compliance to this aspect leads to a civilizational downfall of such proportions that even your Gods cannot stop or correct …


  • Social structures not in line with requirements of Varnashrama … Since Mother nature has four Varnas (i.e. she has Varna Chatushtaya inherent in her), so Vedic sages had installed them in this world …

That civilization which doesn’t comply to these four Varnas, only ends up on a reciprocal path in relation to nature, in whose envelopes that civilization resides … Such a civilization eventually becomes totally corrupt and extinguishes at the end of the age, in which that civilization has manifested … And such a civilization can never go beyond the stage of waking up of the “great grandmother of all philosophies (Sanatana Dharma)” …


  • Evolutionary process of life not in line four Ashrama’s … As is the concept of evolution based in Ashrama Chatushtaya (four Ashrama’s), so should these four Ashrama’s be adopted in ones evolutionary process …

That civilization which doesn’t comply to these four Varnas, only ends up on a reciprocal path in relation to nature, in whose envelopes that civilization resides … Such a civilization eventually loses its evolutionary progress and regresses to such an extent that it loses its memberships (and thus dissolutes) … This change always taken place at the end phase of that particular age during whose time spans that civilization had manifested …


  • Ways of families and societies not in line with Seven Gotra (Gotra Saptam) … The mother nature has nine spheres, of which the first eight are of Apra Prakriti and the ninth is of Para Prakriti … Of these eight of Apara Prakriti, who also denotes the manifestation of pluralistic nature of cosmic divinity, the lower seven relate to familial and societal aspects … On these seven were the seven Gotra based in Vedic lore and these were also named as Sapta Akasha (the seven skies) …

That civilization which doesn’t comply to these seven Gotra’s, only ends up on a reciprocal path in relation to ways of existence of mother nature and her entire family values (each microcosm is a part of the nature’s family), in whose envelopes that civilization resides … Such a civilization eventually loses growth rate and ends …

  • , etc., …

So these were a few major faults of humanity during the last about 9000 years … And trust me, these would be corrected very soon (within the next few decades itself) …


Proceeding further …

During those extremely ancient times as were of my much earlier incarnations and also of those further returns that were by adopting the path of transmigrations of soul, there was nothing like these divisive religions of egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) of today …

And yet at those ancient and already forgotten times, Dharma in its pristine state universally flourished …

And so shall it be during the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga or golden age of man), which as of now is already knocking at this world door …


Proceeding further …

Regarding the root inward path of Dharma and its self realization, ancient sages had thus told …

Those who leave the pristine jewel within them and begin running after external aspects, have eternally ended up with broken pieces of mere glasses


The condition of present day humanity as a whole, is a stark proof of correctness of above statement by those self-realized, all-realized ancient sages …


End notes:

  • Pristine jewel within (as told in above statement) … Is the innermost stainless essence (Atman) which itself is the essence of all (Para Brahman or Brahman) …
  • External aspects (as told in above statement) … Worldly ways and ways of these Gods who came by during the currently underway degenerate age cycle, their divisive variety of self-proclaiming imaginary scriptures, their self-contradictory corrupted self-satiating systems and ways of life, their egoistic and fraudulent propagation means and their utter ignorance of the non dual real, etc., …
  • Broken pieces of mere glasses (as told in above statement) … The stage of absence of truth which itself is due to ignorance of truth due to absence of a direct cognition of it (even one human doesn’t cognize it amongst all of humanity) … And which leads to all sorts of diverse and absurd (weird), imaginary interpretations of that truth, that is naught denoting the non-real dual instead of being based upon the non dual real nature of truth …


Thus, basis above statement …

If you want peace … Yourself go in Your Self … As outer worlds have none

If you want an endless cycle of peace and chaos … Go wherever else (including in your so called godly systems)


Continues …

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