Here we shall discuss the primordial root of philosophies of any of the triple times to be none other than the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) … And all later originated philosophies have directly or indirectly been influenced by the same root of philosophies of any of the triple times … All philosophies of any of the triple times, have interdependently originated from the same great grandmother …
This topic continues from the previous one, “Eternity of allness” and it discusses cycles of loss and restoration of knowledge …
9-AA … Sleep and wakefulness of great grandmother of all philosophies …
During each phase of precession cycle and when human degenerate age (Manav Kaliyuga) is about to arrive and until 9 degrees precession arc beyond the Nadir point of precession is crossed over, the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) always enters into her cyclic sleep of about nine millenniums …
Thus basis above and the science of cycles of time (or Kaalchakra) the last time when the great-grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Dharma or Sanatan Dharma) had entered into her cyclic sleep was around 5694 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Her sleep continues until the stage arrives where 9 degrees precession arc beyond the Nadir point (of 1434 AD) is about to arrive …
Her time to enter sleep is around 108 years from the stage when she enter into her divine bed … From the stage of entering into her divine bed, she takes around 108 years to reach her stage of sleep … Within the present precession cycle, this time was as stated below …
5694 BC + 108 years = 5586 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)
At above stage i.e. from 5694 BC till 5586 BC (Both are with a time range of +/- 1 to 2.7 years), a Yogi who is to proceed (or evolve) into Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva (Tatpurusha is also the same as the one who is addressed as Maheshwara, who is also the Lord of Yoga and is also Okar of Yoga and Vedas) always arrived to a world … That Yogi was me and at that time I was addressed by a name which if translated in English would mean “Reverence to the divine leaf” … In that Incarnation I was of the Aghora Marg (or in other words, the path Aghora or the path that is of and thus relates to Aghora face of Sadashiva) …
And when the same precession cycle reaches a stage which is 9 degrees precession arc “minus” 108 years after crossing past the Nadir point of precession, then only does the great-grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) begin waking up from her long-slumber of almost 9000 years … The process of her waking up also takes about 108 years (as per currently applicable Nadir time units) … During he current precession cycle, this stage when the great-grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) had started waking up, was crossed over as per below calculation …
Time of transit of 9 degrees precession arc after Nadir point of precession is 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
So the time of start of process of waking up of great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) was as follows …
2082 AD – 108 years – 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)
9-BB … Effects of sleep and wakefulness of great grandmother or the root of philosophies …
There is no philosophy whose root is any different from the great grandmother … Due to this reason, the great grandmother is also the primordial root of philosophies …
When the great-grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) is sleeping, individualism rises and expands in the world … And since individualistic systems only lead to conflicts with other systems, so this is also the stage of an expansive state of a cyclic chaos …
And when the same great-grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) is awake, then the pluralistic monism becomes re-manifested within the world … Since the great grandmother is of all philosophies, so her pluralistic monism is also rooted in Brahmand Dharana (i.e. oneness towards allness and her each part) in addition to being based upon macro-equanimity (which means as a state of equanimity towards allness and her each part or in other words, Sarva Samta) … And due to presence of suchness, when she is already awake, then it also is a stage of inner calm (within inhabitants of a world) and outer peace (within the world) …
Thus when she begins her process of waking up, then pluralistic monism, oneness towards allness and her each part and macro-equanimity slowly and steadily begin manifesting in the world … But this is also a part of the vast spread of Vedic paths only …
9-CC … Upon waking up of great grandmother …
When the grandmother is awake, then highly evolved sages from across world systems also begin entering this world … And since these sages may not even be wearing a specific robe or having specific external signs and yet since they all would begin rendering a specific knowledge system, so this would eventually lead to a stage of manifestation of pluralism within the world … And since each of these knowledge systems are relating to the same truth, so there also is a monism which gets manifested within the world … This itself becomes a reason for pluralistic monism to remain present within the pluralistic ways of life that always are of any of the age of sages … But as of now when I write this topic, this stage of fuller manifestation of pluralistic monism is nowhere as close as it may seem to be from this discussion …
Depending upon the evolutionary standings of these sages, those who are highly evolved and thus are unable to take a regular birth (i.e. birth from the womb of a physically present mother, would also be entering this world through the process of transmigration (which in Sanskrit language is told as Parkaya Pravesh) which we already discussed in an earlier category of topics on “Transmigration … Parkaya Pravesh”…
Note: Transmigrated incarnation as discussed in above paragraph means an incarnation that is arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
And as the age of sages (or Guru Yuga) would progress through its destined time span of about 10 millenniums, eventually this world would be resting within an Absolute Monism of Absolute Non-dualism i.e. a way of life that relates to Advaita Vedanta …
As far as the current individualistic systems of this world are concerned, to make humanity reach a perfection of pluralistic monism (i.e. a pluralistic monism which is of sameness to the macrocosmic creation) would take a time span of many-many centuries because of the fact that a change from individual-dualism to pluralistic monism is a very slow process … And even slower is the process of change from pluralistic monism to Absolute monism which itself is the way of life that leads to the absolutely non-dual attributeless infinite being (who in Vedic lore is addressed as Brahman, who itself is the one whom evolved sages have described as Nirgun Nirakaar) …
Continues …