Principle of God and Satan … Controlling entities

Here we discuss the principle of God and Satan (or Gods and Satans) … Irrespective of what anyone may think about these greater entities, this topic is discussed just as it actually is … These entities are of two categories … As egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) and as non egoistic Gods (Anabhimani Devata) …

This topic continues from the preceding one of “Law of corrective sameness across macrocosm … Law of cosmic corrections” …


AA) …

Process of origination of allness …

This process of origination could be thus described …

This part of the discussion relates to an earlier discussed topic of Pancha Mukha Sadashiva (five faced Sadashiva) …


  • In the initial stage as was prior to self-origination of anything like macrocosm or its microcosm’s

When inert matter was resting in its state of severe inertia and which itself was within the non-lighted envelope of unbegun state of macrocosm, it was neither knowing itself nor was it aware of anything else …

Then as that inert matter continued in its state of severe inertia, at some later stage of its existence it realized the calm state of its existence … This was the stage of inner bliss inner bliss and in this particular state that inertial mass continued for a very long time …

Since bliss is a state of calm, which in turn relates to the ‘I within’ and which in turn relates to the Anugraha Krityam (act of unveiling of truth or act of blessing), so this inner bliss is what led to a state where within that inert matter, the act of unveiling of truth was effective … But in this act of unveiling, the inert matter also realized that it existed in a severely compressed state of inertia …

This blissful state is the root of all Godly forces that were yet to manifest within the macrocosm and which at this stage was yet to be originated …

Since prior the process of origination was commenced, the Anugraha Kritya (act of unveiling or act of blessing) was the first Kritya (i.e. the first divine act) to be activated and since, the path of evolution which ultimately leads to liberation (Kaivalya Moksha) is reciprocal to the path of evolution, so it is due to this reason, so during the path of liberation (Mukti Marg), the same Anugraha Kritya is the last one that any aspirant attains …

Since the Anugraha Krityam is directly related to and is also of the Ishana face of Sadashiva, so during origination process the same Ishana face of Shiva is actually the first face to be self-manifested amongst the five faces of Shiva that any microcosm rests in and where this stage of resting in Ishaan face of Shiva is also prior anything was even begun as a microcosm, within the Makers Makings …

And since the process of evolution (i.e. universal process) is reverse of the process of origination, so during ones path of evolution which ultimately leads to the final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha), the same Anugraha Krityam that is of Ishaan face of Sadashiva is the last one to get activated (or attained) by any microcosm (i.e. any aspirant) …

And since Anugraha Krityam that itself is of Ishaan face of Shiva was the first Krityam to be activated, so this same Krityam would also be the last that would be attained by any evolving aspirant …

And this is also why sages had told that Anugraha is the final Krityam that is activated for any aspirant who becomes arrived at a state of ripeness and rightness to be liberated … And this is why Anugraha is also the Krityam that sages had associated to the finally liberated state (or Kaivalya or Moksha) …

And since the aspect of Pancha Deva who relates to Anugraha Krityam is Ganapati Deva (i.e. Bhagwan Ganesha) and since Anugraha is the first Krityam to get activated within the yet to be manifested state of macrocosm (which at this stage is naught but inert matter), so this is also why the self-realized, all-realized sages had said that prior every prayer and also prior calling any deity whose prayer is to be done, Lord Ganesha is to be called … This is why the practitioners of the Vedic lore call the name (or Mantra) of Lord Ganesha prior commencing any prayer (or Mantra) session …

This was the stage of self-origination of ether (Akasha Mahabhuta) …


  • Just prior process of self-origination of macrocosm and microcosm had commenced …

Then after realizing that severe inertia, the inert matter had its original desire, which as such was as a desire to “be liberated” … This desire was primarily of “being liberated” from its then severely inertial state …

Thus, the original desire of inert matter (and thus of all microcosm’s too) was the base of all origination that at this stage was just about to commence as the macrocosm and her each microcosm …

But, as soon as the inert matter had this original desire, it reached a stage which was intermediary of its earlier unbegun and later begun state (i.e. begun state is as macrocosm and each microcosm) …

This, was when the inert matter began resting in a condition of confusion, which related to the state of being neither unbegun nor begun …

Thus at this stage, the cosmic veiling principle (Tirodhana Krityam) got activated …

Since the Tirodhaan Krityam is of Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, so this was also the stage when Tatpurusha face of Shiva was activated within that inert matter (or inertial mass) which at this stage was still resting within the unbegun state of macrocosm (i.e. the original state of macrocosm and which itself is the eternal macrocosm) …

And since Tatpurusha face of Shiva is a cardinal face of Shiva, so this is why sages had told that the first cardinal face of Shiva  to be self-manifested was of Tatpurusha

As also, since Tatpurusha face is the one whom Vedas have addressed as Hiranyagarbha Brahma, which literally means as the primordial  golden womb of creation and which also means as the golden egg (i.e. egg of golden color) within which the macrocosmic creation was originated and has also remained placed (i.e. has been resting ever since it had originally originated), so this is also why Hiranyagarbha holds a very prominent place in Vedic lore as it denotes the state in whose enveloped and within whose pervadement the entirety of macrocosm and each microcosm eventually rests … And this is also the reason, why Vedic sages had told that the entire macrocosm (Brahmand) rests within the womb of creator deity (Brahma Ji) …

As also, since Tatpurusha is the first face of attributes (Saguna Swastha) to be self-originated, so the same Tatpurusha face is also the one whom some sages had addressed as Maheshvara (i.e. Maha Ishvara or the great lord of allness) …

Note: Within the Vedic lore’s, even when the Sanskrit word of Maha literally means ‘great’, yet it only refers to the word ‘supreme’ and this itself is because of the fact, that there can never be two greats at the same time and that too within the same Makers Makings … So, due to this reason, the word Maheshwara, which literally means the ‘great lord of allness’, eventually means the ‘supreme lord of allness’ …

This was the stage of self-origination of the air element (Vayu Mahabhuta) …


As soon as Tirodhana Krityam (or Nigraha Krityam) got activated within inert matter, the inert matter was again unaware of its condition of being neither begun nor unbegun …

And to a certain extent, this condition led to stability within that inert matter that rested in its then state of being neither unbegun nor being begun …

This stability is what was termed by ancient sages as Stithi Krityam (act of preservation) …

Thus, the cosmic act of preservation of allness (i.e. Stithi Kritya) was self-originated within the state that itself was prior to the origination of macrocosm and its any microcosm …

As also, since stability (or preservation) is related to Vamadeva face of Sadashiva, so this was also the stage when the Vamadeva face of Shiva (or Vaikunth)  got activated within that inert matter, which at this stage was resting in a condition that was neither begun nor unbegun and thus was resting within a state that was intermediary to its earlier unbegun and the later (and thus yet to be) begun condition … That begun condition is of macrocosm and its each microcosm …

As also, since Stithi Krityam is of Sri Vishnu, so this was also the stage where the Sri Vishnu Tattva got activated in inert matter that was resting in the intermediary state of being neither begun not unbegun …

Since from Vamadeva face of Shiva was self-originated the blue colored state which had silvery lights within it and whom Vedic sages had addressed as Ardhanarishvara and had also addressed as the ‘attributed state of innermost essence (i.e. Saguna Atman)’ and who by itself is Sri Vishnu, so this is why Sri Vishnu is also addressed as Atman which itself is Para Brahman

This is also why Sri Vishnu is addressed as Atman of all that ever is or could ever be … And since Atman of all that ever is, is none other than what is meant by the Samskrit term of Paramatman (Supreme Atman), so this is also why Sri Vishnu is addressed as Parmatman … Due to being such, Sri Vishnu is also addressed as Jyeshtha (i.e. the elder) amongst all the Five Deva (Pancha Deva) …

As also since Atman is Brahman (i.e. the innermost essence of any microcosm itself is the innermost essence of allness), so this is also why some sages had addressed Sri Vishnu as Parabrahman

This was also the stage when the fire element (Agni Mahabhuta) was self-activated in inert matter and within that fire element (or light element or Prakash Mahabhuta) was self-originated the water element (Jalam Mahabhuta) so as to balance the heat of fire element (or the heat-luminosity element or Tejas Mahabhuta) …


  • When inert matter had its desire to begin (i.e. original cause was entered into by inert matter) …

To get out of that strange intermediary state which was neither begun nor unbegun, the inert matter had its desire to begin, which as such was the original cause of all beginnings (of anything that was and could ever begin in the Maker’s Makings) …

This beginning was immediately commenced from the same moment that was of the stage when that inertial mass entered into that original cause (i.e. desire to begin) …

As soon as the original cause was resided in, the inert matter was immediately struck by the macrocosmic etheric field …

That macrocosmic etheric field permeated inert matter and caused the initial stirring of those highly compressed energies of inert matter, so as to bring that inert matter out of its then condition, that itself was of being neither unbegun nor begun …

This was the stage of activation of the process of beginning of macrocosm because at this stage, was initially activated the Utpatti Krityam (act of origination) …

And since the Utpatti Kritya is of Pitamah Brahma Ji, so this was also the stage of activation of divinities of the creator grandfather of allness (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji) …

Since Utpatti Krityam is of Sadyojata face of Sadashiva, so this was also the stage where Sadyojata face of Shiva got activated within that originating inertial mass …

This was the stage of activation and self-origination of the earth element (Bhu Mahabhuta, which in Sanskrit lore is also addressed as Prithvi Mahabhuta) …


  • After initial cutting-in of the origination process …

Since inert matter is naught but the highly compressed and thus a pinpointed state of the vast universe, that at this stage was yet to be originated, so as and when the Utpatti Krityam got activated, then to get the inert matter out of its then inertial state, its highly compressed energies had to be released (i.e. made uncompressed) from it …

To get these energies out of their severely compacted pinpoint state, that compacted state had to be destroyed prior the manifest state of universe could be activated from within that same inert matter which itself was nothing but a highly compressed or pinpointed state of a vast (unimaginable) quantum of cosmic energy …

Thus, at this stage the act of rejuvenative destruction (Samhara Krityam) got activated … This was activated to destroy the inertia (or Tamoguna) of inert matter so as to make that inert matter to enter into action (i.e. to make that inert matter enter into cosmic attribute of action or Rajoguna) …

Since Samhara Krityam is of Aghora face of Sadashiva and since that Samhara Kritya (or Aghora face of Shiva) was lastly activated amongst these five divine acts (Panch Kritya), so this is why Aghora face of Shiva is also termed as the younger of all faces of Shiva …

As also, since the deity of Samhara is Rudra, so this was also the stage were rejuvenative destructive aspects of divinities of Rudra Deva got activated within the self-originating universe …

This was also the stage when the fire element was self manifested … Even though the fire element was already self-activated when the water element was self-manifested ), but that fore element was still not self-manifested within the originating macrocosm until this stage of our discussion …

Note: Above is how it was during the self-origination of the original universe where the same macrocosmic etheric was the one which acted in a way that it fulfilled the requirements of activations of all of the five divine acts (Pancha Krityam) … This was also the stage where the macrocosmic etheric field was acting as (or carrying out the roles of) the primary five deities (i.e. Panch Deva) of the macrocosmic creation and this was even when the macrocosmic creation was yet to be fully formed …

Note: And as was discussed in some earlier topics which related to ‘mega evolved ones (Atimanava)’, during all later originated universes, the above five divine acts (Pancha Kritya) were done  specific mega evolved ones (Ati Manava) … Thus, in later originated universes, these five divine acts (Pancha Kritya) are carried out by one of these five divine beings (Panch Deva) and not by the macrocosmic etheric field (because the macrocosmic etheric field only self-originates the first universe within the macrocosm and after this stage, that macrocosmic etheric rests until eternity) …


Proceeding further …

As above kicked in, then at some later condition was the stage of self-manifestation of Gods and Satans that is to be discussed in this topic …


BB) …

Matter of facts regarding any God or Satan (Gods and Satan’s) …

God is not the opposite of Satan … It is …

Satan is not the opposite of God … IT also is …


As far as characteristics of Gods and Satan’s are concerned, below listed ones are also matter of facts …

Any single God is also not the opposite of another God … It also is …

A Satan is not the opposite of another Satan … It also is …


And even when God (Gods) and Satan (Satan’s) are higher evolved ones, yet …

A God is not beyond the entirety of evolution and existence

A Satan is also not beyond the entirety of evolution and existence

That who is such, is still not resting in a finally liberated state (Moksha)

An entity who is not yet liberated also has no capability to liberate anyone else

Thus due to above, God and Satan are naught but “evolved yet evolving ones”

What use is relating to such ones, is what I sometimes think about


And thus are below listed facts …

Kaivalya (liberation) is of being in isolation from entirety of Makersmakings

Thus, that who is fully liberated, also cannot act as Satan or God for anyone else

Thus, a fully liberated entity would also not be able to act as God or Satan

So, if it still is as God or Satan, then it actually it is an “evolved yet evolving one”

What use can such an entity be to any Mumukshu, is what I think about

Note: The Sanskrit term Mumukshu literally means, “one who only desires a final liberation” and nothing else …


Now note these facts …

Evolved yet evolving ones have no capability to ensure subtlety of ways of life

Absence of subtlety is the reason for cycles of chaos and peace within a world

So is the reason for chaos, after humans started relating to Gods and Satan’s

Now read this carefully …

Everything, everyone is a self expression is the same absolute being (Brahman)

That supreme being (Para Brahman) is also as your innermost essence (Atman)

And that supreme being (Parambrahma) is also as your Gods innermost essence

Thus, the Atman of God or Satan you worship, is also your Atma

So, in your innermost essence (Atman), your God and you are the same being

So I wonder, why not just relate to your own Atman, instead of Satans or Gods


Note the following also …

Your Atma is Brahma … And so it is of everyone else (including God, Satan)

If relate to your Atma, then you relate to Atma of all (including of God, Satan)

This relation is to allness, as it is free of individualism (including of God, Satan)

That which is free of individualism, is also free of cycles of chaos and peace

Path of Atma is Brahma, is also a path to accomplish oneness to allness

Such a path never leads to anything, but long term inner and outer peace

This path doesn’t contradict any other path, as your Atman itself is Atman of all

So with above as a base, we commence the discussions in this topic …


CC) …

Regarding God and Satan …

Here we would be discussing some root aspects of the concept of Gods and Satans …


CC-1) …

Nasadiya Suktam … Nasadiya Sukta of Rigveda … The hymn of creation …

Naasadiya Sukta (or Naasadiya Suktam) is the Hymn of creation as given in the 129th Sukta (Hymn) of 10th Mandala of Rigveda …

Nasadiya Suktam denotes a very subtle expression of absolute monism (i.e. Advaita Vedanta) that is also expanded in other Vedic texts …


नासदासीन्नो सदासीत्तदानीं नासीद्रजो नो व्योमा परो यत् |
किमावरीवः कुह कस्य शर्मन्नम्भः किमासीद्गहनं गभीरम् ॥ १ ॥

Then there was nothingness, neither existence nor non-existence,
Then there was neither any air (universe) nor the space (heavens) beyond.
What covered it? Where was it? In whose keeping it was?,
Was there then the cosmic waters, in depths unfathomed?.


न मृत्युरासीदमृतं न तर्हि न रात्र्या अह्न आसीत्प्रकेतः |
आनीदवातं स्वधया तदेकं तस्माद्धान्यन्न परः किञ्चनास ॥२॥

Then was neither death (temporary-existence) nor immortality (eternity),
nor was there then anything like the torch of night and day.
The Sole-One breathed breathlessly, by its own impulse (self-sustaining).
Then there was only that Sole-One, and there was no other.


तम आसीत्तमसा गूहळमग्रे प्रकेतं सलिलं सर्वाऽइदम् |
तुच्छ्येनाभ्वपिहितं यदासीत्तपसस्तन्महिनाजायतैकम् ॥३॥

Firstly there only was non-lightness enveloping non-lightness (darkness)
All this was only as the non-illumined cosmic water.
That One who came to be, enclosed in nothing,
arose at last, born of the power of heat (knowledge).


कामस्तदग्रे समवर्तताधि मनसो रेतः प्रथमं यदासीत् |
सतो बन्धुमसति निरविन्दन्हृदि प्रतीष्या कवयो मनीषा ॥४॥

Desire descended on the Sole-One, in the beginning,
that was the primal seed, born of the mind.
The sages searching their hearts with wisdom,
know that which is (eternal), is bonded to that which is not (non eternal).


तिरश्चीनो विततो रश्मिरेषामधः स्विदासीदुपरि स्विदासीत् |
रेतोधा आसन्महिमान आसन्त्स्वधा अवस्तात्प्रयतिः परस्तात् ॥५॥

 And they stretched their cord across voidness of then,
and know, was there an above? and was there a below?.
Seminal powers made fertile mighty forces.
Below was strength, and above was impulse.


को अद्धा वेद क इह प्र वोचत्कुत आजाता कुत इयं विसृष्टिः |
अर्वाग्देवा अस्य विसर्जनेनाथा को वेद यत आबभूव ॥६॥

But, after all, who knows, and who can say
Whence it all came, and how happened the creation?,
The gods themselves are later than creation,
so who truly knows whence it has arisen?


इयं विसृष्टिर्यत आबभूव यदि वा दधे यदि वा न |
यो अस्याध्यक्षः परमे व्योमन्त्सो अङ्ग वेद यदि वा न वेद ॥७॥

Whence all creation had its arising,
the Sole-One, perhaps fashioned it or perhaps He did not.
The Sole-One, who looks upon it, from the highest,
Only He knows, or maybe even He does not know.


CC-2) …

Origination of Gods and Satan‘s within the Makers Makings

We shall discuss this in three plus one stages … These are as follows …


  1. Five godly aspects (Pancha deva) which relate to the same three cosmic attributes (or Triguna) which are also resting within inert matter and inert matter is also resting within their (i.e. Triguna’s) envelope

Whilst within that inertia and prior that inertial mass had the original desire (i.e. the desire to be liberated), it rested in extreme calm and consequent bliss of that state …

The energies of this blissful state relate to absolute freedom from suffering … Bliss is the state of final liberation also and which itself is a blessing due to it being free of cause and effect (i.e. finality of liberation can neither be caused nor be effected) …

Thus, the deity of that energy field was related to Anugraha Krityam … And it is this energy field, whose form in Vedic lore’s is addressed as Lord Ganesha …

Since this was the original condition of inertial mass, prior any additional desire was manifested within it, so this itself is the reason for Vedic sages to say, that prior any prayer, worship Ganesha …

And thus, above discussion is also the reason for Ganapati Deva to be worshipped prior worshipping any Vedic deity … This also leads to a state where act of blessing (i.e. Anugraha Krityam of Lord Ganesha) is initially manifested during the act of any prayer or Mantra chanting …


Proceeding further …

At the stage which was prior to when inert matter rested within the purviews of the original desire (i.e. desire to be liberated), that inert matter was in a state of severe inertia and where that inertia itself held the action within it, but that action itself was so restricted due to inertia, that it could no longer act …

Thus at this stage, even when action was inherently present in that severely compressed state of inertial mass, yet due to the severity of inertia, that severely strong inertia was completely overpowering action, so action could no longer act in independence to or in interdependence of inertia of that highly compressed and pinpointed state of inert matter …

At this stage some amount of that vastly compressed inertia and action, met each other … And at their meeting points, was originated the quality of neutrality (Sattvaguna) of the macrocosmic creation (but the macrocosmic creation was yet to be manifested at this stage) …

This stage of cosmic quality of neutrality (Sattva Guna) was also such, that the quality of neutrality was also restricted to a state which was within the boundaries (or parameters or envelopes) of that severely compressive forces of inertia … This quality of neutrality was the root cosmic attribute of Maker’s Makings and it eventually was from this state, that the ninth sphere of mother nature, which in Vedic texts is also addressed as Para Prakriti (which means, beyond nature or finality of nature as is self-realized during ones evolutionary process) was self-originated, but only after the process of self-origination of the macrocosmic creation was commenced within the genius of Makersmakings

The deity of this ninth sphere of mother nature, is the one whom Vedic sages had addressed as Ma Adi Shakti (i.e. the primordial divinity) … And the same ninth sphere of mother nature is also the one whom Buddhist sages have addressed as cloud nine … And the same Adi Shakti is also the one whom Buddhist sages have addressed as white colored Primordial Buddha Samantabhadri

This was the first divinity of Makers Makings, who held within herself all there is as the cosmic quality of inertia (Tamo Guna) and the cosmic quality of action (Rajo Guna) …


Proceeding further …

As also is a fact, that, the deity of quality of inertia (Tamoguna) is the bearer of Stithi Krityam because inertia which holds neutrality (i.e. that part of inertia which is also the bearer of neutrality) is a part of the preservation principle (act of cosmic preservation) and thus it is of Sri Vishnu itself … And it is this deity whom Vedic sages have addressed as Sri Vishnu and also as Ardhanari

And since Vedic sages had only considered the white colored neutrality (i.e. Sattva Guna), so such sages have even said that Sri Vishnu is related to the macrocosmic attribute of neutrality (Sattvaguna) and yet they depict Sri Vishnu in a blue color, which itself is the color of the cosmic quality of inertia (Tamoguna) …

As also, since at this state of our discussion, within inertia is also present the red colored action, so some depictions of Sri Vishnu also have a light-reddish colored hue within the primary blue hue of his body …

And it eventually was the union of the white colored neutrality to the blue colored inertia, that became the base of a further Buddhist concept of Bhadra Bhadri Union (i.e. the eternal union that ever is of Primordial Buddha Samantabhadra to Primordial Buddha Samantabhadri and which is also commonly known as Samantabhadra Samantabhadri union) …


Proceeding further …

And also is a fact, that, the deity of quality of action (Rajo Guna) is the bearer of Samhara Krityam (act of destruction) because action is a part of the destructive rejuvenation principle (act of cosmic destruction, which holds within itself the rejuvenation principle too) … And it is this deity whom Vedic sages have addressed as Rudra …

As also, since at that time of self-manifestation of divinities of Rudra, the actional state of divinities of Rudra Deva are of a Tawny-reddish color (Pingala color of action) which itself are unioned to the dark blue color (of inertia), so this is why Vedic sages had named Rudra Deva as Krishna Pingala (the Dark Tawny aspect of the pristine divinity of the absolute being) …

The same same concept of Krishna Pingalam aspect of Rudra became the base of another further Buddhist concept, where the red colored Samantabhadri is united to the blue colored Samantabhadra and which as such is related to the accomplishment (or Siddhi) of Krishna Pingala Sharira (Dark Tawny siddha body) …


Proceeding further …

And since the red colored macrocosmic attribute of action (i.e. Rajoguna) stands as the base of this process of origination, so its deity was related to the creator of allness …

This is why some of those vast number of Vedic sages had eventually addressed Brahma as a red colored being, and which itself denoted the red color of Rajoguna (cosmic attribute of action) … Such sages had considered Brahma as the rejuvenating aspect of the act of rejuvenative destruction (i.e. Samhara Krityam) of Rudra …


Proceeding further …

Thus, above was how Panch Deva were and have ever been based since those times which itself were prior to the original origination of the first universe within the Makers Makings  …

These Panch Deva (five divinities or five divine beings) are also told as timeless, because during those times when only the inertial masses were existent within the empty space of that unbegun macrocosm, time itself was free of its unitary values (i.e. unitary value of time were missing at that stage of our discussion) … And this itself was as due to the fact, that, at this stage, the time was within its state of eternity, that itself is partless, pathless and which itself makes it devoid of any beginning and thus was also devoid of any end …

All that existed at this stage was also in sameness to beginningless and thus endless and thus partless or undivided state of time …

And since the Pancha Deva Tantra originally relates to this stage, so this is also the reason for Vedic sages to state, that these Pancha Deva are beginningless, endless and thus are naught but timeless beings who denote the five primary self expressions of the attributeless infinite absolute being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) within the supreme genius of Makers Makings …


  1. Godly aspects which relate to inertia … This was the stage when inert matter was resting in a state of inertial bliss …

The energies of this state were thus of blissfulness and thus this condition also related to that state where there was an absence of sufferings …

Thus, the calm vibrations of this state became the root of all Godly aspects that ever are of all philosophies of any of the triple times …


Proceeding further …

Further godly aspects were also self-originated at the instant when the inert matter had its original desire (i.e. desire to be liberated) … And within that one moment of time that was in-between the stage of desiring the original desire and getting its effects (i.e. entering into that state which was neither begun nor unbegun), the entirety of Godly aspects of cosmic energy had gotten self-originated within the Makersmakings …


  1. Satanic aspects … As was discussed earlier on (in some previous topics), that, when inert matter got pervaded by the macrocosmic etheric field, the lattermost Krityam of Samhara (rejuvenative destruction) started within the same pinpoint like state inertial mass …

This process quickly led to let go of inertia by that inert matter …

As the inertia was let go, the inert matter which as such was nothing but a highly compressed state of energy, also started expanding in size and thus began entering into a much larger state and that too within a very short time (i.e. there was a vast and rapid expansion of inertial masses) …

As the inertia was being let go, this process was of that stage when vast quantum of implosions and explosions started within inert matter … These vast implosions and explosions in turn led to matter getting spread across the vast empty space of the macrocosm, which as such was all that was existent at that time …

The rapidity (spontaneity) and quantum (power) of this expansion was also such, that nothing ever compared to it prior to that time and nothing could also be comparable to it at any further time than the one discussed here …


Proceeding further …

As inert matter that was nothing but a highly compressed energy started imploding and exploding whilst the process of let go of its earlier severely inertial pinpoint like state was underway (so as to self-originated the universe out of that same pinpoint like highly compressed energy state of inert matter), that matter also started crying in pain (due to the severity of that process) …

And since everything is a vibration, so those sounds can still be heard by that aspirant, who holds the subtle ability to know these …

These sounds which reflected severe pain and suffering that the inert matter was passing through at that time, became the base vibrations of origination of Satanic (trouble causing) aspects within the Maker’s Makings …

And it eventually is from these root vibrations that relate to suffering of inert matter and that too at that stage when it was passing through that extremely severe process of let of of its earlier inertia (i.e. process of implosions and explosions in inert matter) so as to self-originate the entire universe out of itself, that the root states of all that is ever termed as Satanic in any of the lore’s of any of the triple times, was self-originated …

Thus, basis above, during those severe explosions and implosions and the consequent sufferings that were experienced by inert matter during the process of its origination as a universe, became the base of all Satanic aspects (trouble causing aspects) …

Since everything that is ever experienced or undergone through, always leads to generation of a subtle impression (Samskara), so the Samskara of that suffering of inert matter also got self-originated during the origination process of Maker’s Makings … And these particular Samskara are the root of all that is addressed as Satanic within any of the lore’s that ever get manifested during any of stages of progress of the triplicity of times …


  1. 33 Types of divinities (33 Koti Devi Devata) … From above was the further stage of completion of self-manifestation of the 33 Koti Devi Devata (33 types of Devi Devata) as are told in the Vedic lore …

Inside the human microcosm, these 33 types of divinities are within the 33 vertebrae …


CC-3) …

Gods and Satan are not originators of allness … Godly and Satanic forces and beyond …

Thus, basis above is the relation of Godly and Satanic forces …

  • There is an eternal balance between opposites (Godly and Satanic, etc.,) to ensure the net neutrality of final resultant of macrocosmic creation … This could be thus told …

As powerful is corpus of Godly aspects … So powerful is corpus of Satanic ones


And which ultimately leads to the state of …

Corpus of Godly and Satanic aspects are balanced in a state of macro-neutrality


Thus, above also rests within the purviews of the law of final equanimity …

  • Neither any God nor any Satan created allness … And yet they were present at that time when allness was self-created …
  • These so called Godly and Satanic were a part and parcel of origination of allness, whose process was the one that led to their (i.e. God’s and Satan’s) self-creation …


Regarding falsity of Gods (or Satans) being the originator of allness …

This could be thus told …

  • How can that which is a byproduct of creation process, be the creator …
  • How can that which only adopts specific aspects from the process of creation, denote the creator in IT’s absolute fullness …
  • How can that who was not even existent at that time when nothing was existent within the Makers Makings, be ‘That’ which was prior to this stage of time …


Proceeding further …

It eventually was to resolve this problem of origin of allness that ancient sages had told as follows …

Each of Pancha Deva are timeless self-expression of the same absolute being


And which also means as follows …

To carry out the five divine acts (of creation, preservation, destruction, veiling and unveiling) within the macrocosm and it’s each microcosm, the attributeless infinite absolute being (Nirguna Nirakaar Brahman) has primordially self-expressed ITself as Pancha Deva (five deva) and where that self-expression itself was prior to the state when there was anything like the Makers Makings


Thus, basis above …

That attributeless infinite being (Para Brahm) is the one who is self-manifested as Pancha Deva (five divine beings) and due to this reason, Pancha Deva (five divinities) are also a direct path to self-realization and thence a further union to that ever-same absolute being (Param Brahma), to whom all paths of evolution and states of existence, eventually lead


And basis above, following is also what becomes true …

Thus, That attributeless infinite being (Parambrahma or Parabrahman) to whom all paths of evolution and existence eventually lead, is also the one who is self-present as Pancha Deva … And this itself is in addition to the fact, that  the same supreme being (Brahman) also being self-present as the macrocosm and each microcosm


So above stated facts are basis of root path of this text which is thus described …

The macrocosm and its every microcosm (including every aspirant) is none other than one or another of those vast number and types of self expressions, self manifestation and self-presence of the same absolute being (Brahman)

And where that supreme being (Brahm or Brahman) itself is as innermost essence (or Atman) of each microcosm and the entire macrocosm …

And basis above …. Where every microcosm (including every aspirant) is also none other than being the same innermost essence’s (Atman’s) self expression, self-manifestation and self presence …

Thus, in the last stages of any of the paths of evolution, as is just prior entering into a final isolation from all that is as Makersmakings, no aspirant can ever walk a path that is any other than what is written below …

Himself in Himself (or Herself in herself, as the case of gender may be)

And where within this path, ultimately leads to the stage of going beyond all that is as God or Satan, because within this path (of Myself within Myself) the aspirants Atman itself is the Atman of these Gods and Satans that have ever come by during any of the timeless triple times as ever are of the pluralistic yet monist existence of Makersmakings …

Thus, only in that path where the aspirant begins walking within the essence of the statement of ‘Myself in Myself’, does that aspirant qualify to go beyond any of the vast number of aspects which relate to any of the God’s or Satan’s, of any of the triple times …

Unless the aspirant walks the above stated path, the need of associating to such Godly (or Satanic) aspects would never cease … And since these greater entities (i.e. God’s and Satan’s) also are none other than “evolved yet evolving ones” who have still not attained to the final liberation, so once this association starts, then it also remains for a countless amount of time and until that aspirant self-knows that to be liberated, the path shall have to be that which is free of all suchness of any of the God’s and Satan’s and which itself is within the essence of the wise words that, there eventually is “nowhere to go, nothing to do, nobody to be” except to be as you essentially are and have ever remained as “your own innermost essence which itself is the essence of all (including of God’s and Satan’s)” …

Once any aspirant would associate to his (or her) own essence (i.e. Atman), then this path would also not clash with any of the paths of any of the God’s or Satan’s, because of the fact, that, the aspirants innermost essence (Atman) is also the innermost essence of any of the God’s and Satan’s …

Only in such a state can unity be maintained to allness and her each part and which by itself is denoting attainment of fullness of one’s essential state of being and which by itself is the condition where an aspirant evolutionarily qualifies for  walking beyond all that is as the limited aspect of God or Satan of any of the triple times …


CC-4) …

Self-Origination of Gods and Satans …

This could be thus described …

  • After the process of self-origination of macrocosm and its macrocosm’s had commenced and whilst that allness which was still in its process of origination and still was existent in a subtle form, those originating entities which got attracted to the severe energy field (i.e. the energy field which was related to the sufferings and cries of the forming matter and thus its impressions) became those who related to sufferings and thus these are the ones who are known as Satanic … These sufferings of inert matter were due to the implosions and explosions that were taking place at the time of origination of macrocosmic creation …
  • And those microcosm’s (macrocosm’s (aspirants) or entities) who got attracted to the blissful energy field of the forming macrocosm, became as Godly aspects within the same macrocosm …

Thus, basis above, both Godly and Satanic forces are self-manifested within the origination process of the macrocosm … And since these two (i.e. Godly and Satanic aspects) also relates to the primordial duality of joyfulness and suffering, so these two also cannot be any other than based within their own hierarchies of dualities …

And this is why God and Satan also denote the primordial aspect of duality of Makers Makings … As also, since the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahm) who denotes the final emancipation (Kaivalya or Moksha) is none other than a non dual one, so unless an aspirant goes beyond these Gods and Satan’s, the final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha) can never be attained by that aspirant … And this is even when, the path of final liberation (i.e. Kaivalya or Moksha or Nirvana) always passes through the intermediary state of evolution, that relates to these Gods and Satan’s and their realms (i.e. heavens and hells, as these realms are also called) …


Proceeding further …

Since these Gods and Satan’s are of that state of macrocosm, whilst it was still in its process of origination, so these equal-opposite entire-corpus of godly and satanic forces are ever present within the two primary states of existence (i.e. cyclic existence and acyclic existence) …

And since inert matter rests within the acyclic existence (or unbegun macrocosm), so the same aspects are also resting within the inert macrocosm which exists within the larger envelope of unbegun macrocosm (or eternal macrocosm or in other words, the Sanatan Brahmand) …

And amongst the four states of macrocosm, the only state where hierarchies and dualities of these Godly and Satanic forces doesn’t exist is the macro-neutral macrocosm … This is because, if anything even touches macro-equanimity, then that entity immediately becomes macro-neutral and thus ceases to exist within any of the dualities that relate to God or Satan of any form or formlessness …

If more than a certain percentage of microcosm’s which exist within the macrocosm happen to enter into macro-equanimity, then a chain reaction would set in and which ultimately would lead to a condition where the macrocosmic creation would be emptied out of all its microcosm’s …

And since this macro-neutral macrocosm is directly related to and is a part of Sadyojata face of Shiva, which in Vedic lore’s is also the one that is addressed as Brahmaloka (i.e. the pristine abode of the grandfather and creator of allness), so to prevent such a condition of emptying out of all microcosm’s (due to microcosm’s entering into macro-equanimity), the worship of Pitamah Brahma Ji (grandfather and creator deity of allness) of Vedic lore, is restricted for most aspirants …

Irrespective of which of the four primary macrocosmic states any entity may reside in, except the macro-equanimous macrocosm (which relates to the pristine abode of creator or Brahma Loka), all the other three states of macrocosm have these Godly and Satanic aspects …


Proceeding further …

These energy fields which are present (i.e. the blissful and wrathful ones) can get attracted to some microcosm’s macrocosm’s (aspirants) …

Those evolving macrocosm’s (aspirants) who get attracted to these wrathful energy fields (which were originated during the suffering part of inert matter and during process of self-manifestation of macrocosmic creation) become as wrathful entities and if fullness of these wrathful energies gets associated to, then such a microcosm (aspirant) could even be the next Satan of one or more of the world systems …

And those macrocosm’s (aspirants) who get attracted to the blissful energy fields (which were originated during the process of macrocosmic creation) could even become as gods of future times and of one or more world systems …

And this process of Godly and Satanic aspects is also such that, both end up supporting each other’s continued existence because both eventually lead to a balance within each other … Wherever their (of God or Satan) flows meet is the state where there also is a loss of the individual-dualities of both and which itself is due to the manifestation of neutrality at the meeting points of such opposite aspects (of Godly and Satanic forces) …

Both these are capable of rendering the same benefits because both intact are one and the same when we view the entire macrocosmic creation …


CC-5) …

Self balancing aspect of God and Satan …

As a matter of fact …

  • The corpus of Godly and Satanic forces of macrocosm, is self-balancing …
  • The net resultant of the entire corpus of Godly and Satanic aspects is of sameness to macro-neutrality of the macrocosmic resultant of cosmic flows and dynamism …


So basis above …

  • There can never be a situation on any of the world’s where both these Godly and Satanic aspects don’t work in tandem …
  • Thus, there really is no world system in the entirety of the multi-universal macrocosm, which is ever free of sufferings …
  • And this is why the path of my Gurudeva (i.e. Gautama Buddha) of my preceding transmigrated incarnation (i.e. incarnation which is attained by adopting the path of transmigration of soul) which itself was the process of ending of suffering, is ever valid upon all that exists within any of the triple times and in the entirety of the multi-universal macrocosm …


CC-6) …

God is Satan and Satan is God … And their evolutionary needs …

No God or Satan is directly denoting the attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahman) … Only the Pancha Deva can be the beings who directly denote the ever-same attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakaar Brahm) …

And yet they (God or Satan) definitely are as one or another of those varied self-expressions of the same attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakara Brahman) … But the same also applies to all that has ever begun as a microcosm within the Makers Makings, so there really is nothing which would be termed as special about such greater entities (i.e. God’s or Satan’s) …

All that is as a microcosm, rests within the principles process and laws of Makers Makings and where this statement also applies to all Gods and Satans …

Even when the entity is highly evolved, but if it rests within the purviews of the principles process and laws of Makers Makings, then that greater entity can only be termed as “evolved yet evolving one” and this itself is because, it still exists within the vast purviews of the cosmic principle of evolution

This is also the reason for Vedic lore to state, that, when an Avatar (of Narayana or any other of the five deities) arrives, then even he doesn’t break the codes that itself were made through his inspiration …

And above is even when that same Avatar in his supreme state of being (i.e. prior to and after the state of being an Avatara) is definitely beyond the principles process and laws of Makers Makings …

And this is why, the Pancha Deva are addressed as egoless deities (Anabhimani Devata) and all others are addressed as egoistic gods (Abhimani Devata) …

Egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) are those whose I’ness (Aham) is still not pristine as that I’ness (Ahamkara) is still based within and thus is also related to one or another individual-duality … This is even when their scriptures state they created allness and yet their ways of life relate to one or another individual aspect (like a text or a group of texts, a heaven, etc.,) … Such Gods have no capability to lead their adherents into the condition of attainment of pristine state of I’ness (i.e. Vishuddha Aham) …

Non egoistic Gods (Anabhimani Devata) are those whose I’ness (Ahumkara) is pristine as it relates to allness and not to any aspect of individual duality (i.e. individual’s individuality or individuality of a single corpus) … Such Gods, their heavens and ways of life (scriptures) only lead their adherents into the condition of pristine state of I’ness (i.e. Vishuddha Ahamkara) and where that pristine state of I’ness itself is the path to and attainment of the attributeless being (Nirguna Brahman) … This itself is because, pristine state of I’ness only denotes the absolute being i.e. Vishuddha Aham is Brahman


Proceeding further …

Thus, basis above, since each of these Gods and Satans who rests within any part of the Makers Makings, are still evolving, so they also must be moving ever higher in their evolutionary process

But at the same time, the path of evolution of a God or Satan is not that where their roles remain the same as what were during their earlier evolutionary standing …

As these greater entities evolve, their roles also change as per the demands of their higher evolutionary standing … However this aspect is not applicable to Panch Deva (five divine beings) of the Vedic lore as the roles of these five divinities (Pancha Devata) are eternally related to the five divine acts (Panch Krityam) which we have already discussed in an earlier topic …


Proceeding further …

As also, to ensure the net-neutrality of the resultant of their emanated (or generated) flows and dynamism and which itself is through the entire corpus of acts of all God’s or Satan’s of all worlds (or planes of existence), they also carry out opposing roles …

And where these opposite roles are also adopted by each of these Gods and Satans of any of the world systems that exist within any part of the Makers Makings …

As these God’s and Satan’s evolve, they also adopt roles which are reciprocal (reverse) of what they earlier on were undergoing … This reversal of is also as described below …

  • God of a world simultaneously acts as Satan of that world which is immediately higher than the one where the same greater entity is acting as a God …
  • Satan of a world system simultaneously acts as God of that world which is immediately lower in cosmic hierarchy than the one where the same greater entity is acting as a Satan …
  • And whilst carrying out the dual roles (as described above), that entity also has no option but to rest at the intersection of energies of those two worlds (or planes of existence or realms of existence) where it is simultaneously executing these opposite roles …
  • This rest at intersection is to balance itself out through its own two self-opposing and thus self-balancing roles within those two separate worlds (where in one world that entity acts as a God and in the other worlds, that same entity is acting as a Satan) …


CC-7) …

Switching of roles of God and Satan … At times of change of age …

As was discussed above, the God of a world is simultaneously acting as Satan of a world system that is immediately higher (or subtler) in its cosmic hierarchy as compared to the world where that entity is acting as a God …

As any God or Satan evolves, it also evolves to the next higher (or subtler) plane of existence and at such a stage, there also is a switching of its roles …

Basis this evolutionary path that is applicable to each greater entity who due to its certain higher evolutionary standing, takes over the role of being a God or Satan of a world (or world system), following is how its evolutionary process and switching of roles ultimately progresses …

  • As the God of a world who is also acting as Satan of the world which is immediately higher (than the world where that same entity is acting as a God) evolves, that at such a stage, its own Satanic aspect takes over the role of being the God of that world which is immediately higher (in its cosmic hierarchy) as compared to the world where its current role is of a Satan …
  • And simultaneously with above, that same entities Godly aspect also takes over the role of being the Satan of that world which is immediately higher (in its macrocosmic hierarchy) as compared to the earlier world where that same entity was acting as a God …
  • This is how there is a switching of roles of God and Satan, who though are the “same evolved yet evolving greater being”, but it has neither gone beyond the principles process and laws of Makers Makings nor has that higher entity evolved to a state where it can rest beyond their own dual nature (i.e. duality of roles of simultaneously being God and Satan as was discussed earlier on in this topic) …

And thus, the Satan of one system is the God of another system and at the same time, the God of one system also is the Satan of another system … And it eventually is through these two aspects which that same greater entity simultaneously adopts within two different worlds (or realms of existence), that entity maintains its own neutrality …

Note: If this neutrality is not maintained by that entity, then it would only end up into the wrong side of Law of excess or under (which we have already discussed earlier on) … The quantum of neutrality that is generated is also directly proportional to the state of evolution of that same entity who takes over the equal opposite and simultaneous roles of being God of a world system and Satan of another world system … Thus basis this, higher evolved is a God (or Satan), higher shall be the quantum of neutrality which would be generated by that entity through its own equal opposite roles (of being God of a world and simultaneously being Satan of another world) … And to ensure that it rests in that generated neutrality, these greater entities also rest at the intersections of the two worlds (or realms) where they simultaneously act as God and Satan …


As also, the Godly-Satanic system is such that both these aspects of the same greater entity (who acts as God and Satan simultaneously) eventually lead to a state of balance within each other …

And where their existence is also such that, neither of these two opposite aspects (of God and Satan) can ensure their own existence without the balance that is provided by the other opposite aspect of the same higher entity …

This is like the typical love-hate and hate-love relationship, where both the love and hate exist within each other as they are interdependent upon each other for their very existence within the Maker’s Makings and yet these two project themselves as different states …

This aspect could be thus told …

You cannot even hate anybody unless that person comes in the way of someone and/or something you love

And you cannot even love someone unless that person assists you in a way that makes you get closer to someone and/or something you love


Thus, basis above …

Love is like a two edged sword … And so is the love of these Gods and Satans

And this is what eventually makes them as greater entities who are also egoistic (i.e. they are what ancient sages had termed as Abhimani Devata) … And this is why the paths (religions, faiths, beliefs, scriptures, etc.,) of such Abhimani Devata invariably self-praise these entities in a manner which makes their adherents believe them to be the creators of allness, even when they really are not …


Proceeding further …

As also, when such entities reverse their roles, which itself is after a few millenniums (or centuries as the case may be) of being in their current roles, then at such a time, it is also seen that the earlier believed Satan is no longer Satanic and the earlier believed God is no longer Godly …

And at such times, the deeds that the followers have been doing for a while or even for a last few centuries, would get totally reversed …

So, such a condition where a greater entity is switching its roles, invariably leads to chaos … And such a chaos invariably arrives at that state of the eternally moving wheel of time (or eternally moving cycle of time or Kaalchakra) which relates to the intermediary time span (or Sandhikaal) that always is a part of the process of change of age …

Thus, such a chaos which relates to divine aspects invariably manifests when an age cycle is turning to the next age cycle and where the stage of progress of change is such that there is an intermediary time (Sandhi Kaal) which lies in-between the two changing age cycles is underway …

This is why the intermediary time span (of Yuga Sandhi) which comes during change of any of the age cycles, always leads to chaos … And this aspect was also discussed in an earlier topic of “Chaos at change of age” …

At such a stage when the Sandhikal is running, the earlier definitions of Good-better-best and bad-worse-worst are jumbled up and thus can no longer be followed my majority of inhabitants of the world and this is what leads to an expansive state of chaos … This chaos also keeps expanding as the intermediary time span of change of ages progresses further and further towards its culmination stage …

Note: This world is already resting in such a stage … And thus the chaos as is discussed above, is just around the corner from the time when I edit this topic (in 2022 AD) that itself was written close to a decade ago …

Note continues: The next human age would also be as an age of sages (or Guru Yuga) in which Vedic ways of life would be the primary ways of life and due to this reason, all ways of life that are not Vedic would gradually become more and more chaotic and eventually would be ended in this world …

Note continues: As also, since during the time when I write this topic, majority of humanity is in those ways of life which don’t say hello to Vedas, so also know for sure that prior the start of the incoming age of sages (i.e. Vedic age cycle or Guru Yuga or human golden age), majority of present day humanity would be exiting out this world system …


DD) …

When Gods and Satans act as controlling entities … Abhimani Devata, Anabhimani Devata and Amanava Purusha (non human man) …

There are some Gods who take over the roles of being controlling entities of worlds (or planes) … These ones always adopt an egoistic state as without this condition, these Gods cannot even act as controlling entities of their own controlled planes of existences …

Such were the ones who were addressed as Abhimani Devata by Vedic sages and these sages had also warned not to associate to such egoistic Gods more than a certain limit, or else the chances of getting stuck in their planes (through their own philosophies) would be very high and which in turn would denote a restrictive state of evolutionary progress of such an aspirant …


DD-1) …

Primary jobs of Gods and Satans who are acting as controlling entities …

This part of the discussion is a part of law of cosmic hygiene that has already been discussed in an earlier topic …

These controlling entities are always egoistic and thus these are the ones who ancient sages had named as Abhimani Devata …

Only the controlling entity of a world (or plane of existence) knows the entry and exit routes from its controlled plane or world …


Thus, basis above …

  • To enter a higher world, its controlling entity is the one whose assistance is necessary as the path of entry is only shown by that controlling entity …
  • To exit from any world, the exit path can only be shown by the controlling entity of that world …


But the controlling entity never allows any aspirant to enter or exit from its world until the following conditions are satisfied …


  • Entry into their controlled worlds (or planes) … This is only allowed when the aspirants inner subtlety has arrived within the uppermost and lowermost ranges of subtlety bandwidth of that controlling entities plane …

Thus, if any aspirant doesn’t comply to this aspect, then the vibratory bandwidths of that controlling entities plane (aka, heaven) would be like a subtle wall in front of that aspirants travelling subtle vehicle (which tries to enter the heaven of that particular controlling entity) …

As such, unless your own inner subtlety is within the subtlety bandwidth of the plane (or world) which is controlled by your believed God (or Satan) who at that time is also acting as the controlling entity of that world (or plane of existence or heaven) then you wouldn’t be able to enter into that controlled plane of that entity …

This aspect is applicable to each of the gross, subtle and divine planes of any of the controlling entities …


  • Residing within their controlled planes … As long as your own inner subtlety is resting within the uppermost and lowermost ranges of subtlety bandwidth of any controlling entities world or plane, you continue to exist and evolve within that entities controlled plane … And at such a time or stage of evolution, you would also have to rest within the purviews of that entities philosophy or laid down path of evolution …


  • Exit from their controlled planes … And as you exist and continue to evolve within a controlling entities world (or plane or heaven), your own inner subtlety also keeps increasing and ultimately reaches a state which is subtler than the uppermost limit of vibratory bandwidth of that greater controlling entities plane … When this happens, then that controlling entity itself is the one who would be showing you the secret exit route from its own controlled plane …

And this process of resting within one of the controlling entities plane, then evolving beyond that plane and then the same controlling entity ending up showing you the exit route from its own controlled plane keeps happening during the course of evolution of each aspirant … This is because, these controlling entities are also based within the law of cosmic hierarchy

And when any aspirant would study the deeper meanings of what is told above, then that aspirant would also know that it eventually is through the roles that these controlling entities play, that the macrocosmic hygiene is maintained within the entire macrocosmic creation …

And it was due to this reason, that the essential state of Vedic lore was primarily kept within purviews of and thus was related to those deities which did not have inflated ego’s … These were the egoless deities of Makers Makings and the Vedic sages had named them as Anabhimani Devata (Egoless Gods) …

Note: The same aspect is also applicable for our entry into any gross or subtle world because of the fact, that as is the grossness or subtlety of a world (or plane of existence where we reside) so is the grossness or subtlety physical vehicle that we adopt to enter that particular world (or realm of existence) … But this aspect was already discussed in an earlier topic of Law of physical vehicle


EE) …

Going beyond God and Satan … Everything is as divine as creator of allness …

Maker never made anything which was incomplete or deficient of IT’s own pristine divinity … Thus, everything that was made, was also capable to be god of a specific time or a group of united-moments of times …

Thus during the course of evolution, each who was made, could choose to be as the god of future times, but provided that aspirant has already attained to an evolutionary standing by virtue of which, that aspirant qualifies to take over those greater roles of being a God or Satan of a world … But this taking over of roles of being God or Satan is only if that aspirant has evolutionarily qualified to do so …

However irrespective of what anyone may make of above paragraphs … Godhead is not the ultimate aspect there is …


Note: Additionally to above discussions, to be the creator, preserver, destroyer, veiler and unveiler of macrocosm, the requirement of being a mega evolved one (Ati Manava) stands paramount …


Proceeding further …

But since everything that was created within the Makers Makings was complete (as the Maker never made any microcosm which was incomplete), so basis this fact, we can also say that the Maker never made any beingness deficient of its own pristine nature …

And due to this reason, each that was created within the creation of creator also was “as divine as the divinity of creator ever is” …


Thus, basis above we can also know the fact, that …

The Maker never even made anything wrong …

Each right or wrong is a matter of personal perspective of an individual or an individual society or a corpus of societies as a whole … And where such judgments are also dependent upon the evolutionary standing of the person, society or civilization who judges anything …

Since the pristine divinity of the Maker of allness, is also resting within the aspirant’s microcosm, so the need to search it elsewhere is never there … Those who successfully walk this inner path never associate to the individual-dualities of any of these Gods or Satans …

And where essence of above state is attained through the path of walking into and within that, which is beyond the scopes of purviews of any of the Gods, Satans and controlling entities of any of the triple times …


Continues …

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