End result of Brahmpath is the stage of attainment of Jeevanmukti or liberated whilst alive … And this can also lead to those attainment which make an aspirant to simultaneously be Siddha, Avadhoot, Kaivalya Mukta (fully liberated one) and also a Buddha (i.e. a Knower of all) … All these are related to the same Brahmanpath (or last path) itself … If such an aspirant returns back to an incarnated state (actually he can only return back in a transmigrated state), then he comes back as a Brahmavdhoot (i.e. an Avadhoot prior to being born or Avadhoot prior to being incarnated) …
Such an aspirant walks away (or in other words, goes beyond) all individualism, including of Gods and religions as he knows the fact that ultimately all roads lead to the same home … And thus such an aspirant also knows that all these titles are useless due to the aspirant resting in s state which is also liberated from all the nonsensical differences of such names and their nonsensical interpretations by those who have not attained them personally …
This topic is in continuation to the previous one which had the header “Tyaga … End stage of Brahmpath” …
Until now we had discussed the various aspects of Sadashiva Pradakshina and at some places we have also used the term Brahmanpath (or the Last path which an aspirant walks prior to an exit from allness and her each part) … But we never concluded the Pradakshina … So this topic is to conclude it …
This path is through two base self realizations …
- “Pinda as Brahmand” … I.e. self realization of macrocosm within the aspirants microcosm and thus a knowledge of the fact that microcosm (or Pinda) is Brahmand (macrocosm) …
- The self realization of a Vedic Mahavakya, which relates to the fact that Atman is Brahman … And after above there also is a further self-realization of “Atman as Brahman” i.e. this is the stage of self realization that the “innermost essence of the aspirant (i.e. aspirant’s Atman)” itself is the “innermost essence of allness and her each part (i.e. Brahman)” …
Within this path and as a matter of fact …
- Brahmpath or Last pathless partless path is also the path of Sadashiva Pradakshina …
- Sadashiva Pradakshina itself is the path of completion of Brahmpath (which in English can also be called as Last path) …
- These two are like Siamese twins because each is a partless part of the other … And they both relate to Pancha Mukha Sadashiva itself …
GG-1 … Completion of Sadashiva Pradakshina … Completion of Brahmpath …
And after completion of all earlier discussions and the absorption’s which were discussed there, that Yogi walks free of “allness and her each part (i.e. the Yogi walks free of Brahmand and Pinda)” … This is as he is already “fully liberated (liberated from all that ever is or could ever be and this also means attainment of Kaivalya Moksha)” even when he is still seeming to be incarnated … Such a Yogi is in “Jivanmukti or is liberated whilst alive” …
And yet because that Yogi’s Siddha bodies which denote the presence of macrocosmic states within that Yogi’s own microcosm, are also as eternal as is the eternity of existence of these five faces of Viraat Parabrahman Sadashiva and since all of these Siddha bodies (or in other words, Siddha Sharira) of that Yogi are already absorbed into their respective principal causes, so these absorbed bodies also continue to live within their respective principal causes (i.e. five faces of Sadashiva or their further originated states) until the fathomless time span which remains pending of the eternity of Maker’s Makings …
And due to the reasoning which was discussed in above two paragraphs, even when that Yogi is liberated (i.e. Yogi attains Kaivalya) whilst still incarnated (i.e. that Yogi becomes a Jeevanmukta), yet that Yogi is also simultaneously existent due to the fact that his own Siddha bodies would only continue to exist (within these five faces of Sadashiva and the further states which have self originated from the same Panch Mukha Sadashiva) until fathomless pending eternity as is of the supreme genius of Maker’s Makings …
Thus due to above reasons, that Yogi is the eternally liberated one, yet that Yogi is also the permanently existent one and where his existence itself is within all of the principal states of the Maker’s Makings (i.e. within the five formless faces of Sadashiva and simultaneously his existence is also within all other principal states which are self originated from these five faces of Sadashiva) …
Thus this is the state of existence of that Yogi, who rests within a union to allness and her each part (Brahmand Yoga) and yet simultaneously rests in freedom from allness and her each part … This is the stage of being beyond both bondage and liberation in addition to being beyond the concepts of bondage and liberation (or Moksha) …
GG-2 … State of a Yogi who completes Sadashiva Pradakshina … Avadhoot …
So basis above, the condition of such a Yogi, could be thus told …
- Already fully liberated whilst alive (Jivanmukta), yet eternally existent within allness and her each part … Thus such a Yogi is the all present yet beyond allness itself …
- Such a Yogi only continues his destined pending lifetime (of that incarnation where all earlier discussions were accomplished) to naturally bring it to its destined end …
- And after the destined ending of that incarnation, that Yogi continues as the eternally existent one (as these surrendered Siddha bodies continue to exist eternally within their respective macrocosmic principal states) and thus that Yogi is the one whose presence itself is within allness and her each part … And even when this discussed part is true, yet simultaneously that Yogi is also fully free of allness and her each part (as these Siddha bodies were detached and thus are no longer of that Yogi) …
- This is the stage of being free of both bondage and liberation (Kaivalya) …
Thus that Yogi is the one who could be thus told …
- Already fully gone, yet eternally existent and yet as the fully gone one …
- Eternally existent yet permanently free of all modes, conditions and states of existence that ever are or could ever be within the entirety of the supreme genius of the Maker i.e. the Maker’s Makings …
- Neither existent nor not existent, yet the eternally existent one …
- The eternally non-existent one, who stays free of both existence and non existence …
- Neither non-existent nor the one who exists, yet as the one who stays within both existence and non existence but only as their fully detached and only as a witnessing pervader …
- The one who is neither ever gone nor would he ever be returning back to any mode, condition or state of existence due to the fact that he has already evolved over all that falls in the purview s of the terms of going, not-going, coming and not-coming and also all that is intermediary of these four words …
Such is Yogi could also be thus described …
- The Absolutely gone, yet the eternally ungone one …
- And who simultaneously is the supremely ungone one and is yet the eternally gone one …
- He neither exists nor not exists … And he is also not in their intermediary states …
- Basis of above stated facts is his realization … He already knows that his coming was none other than an illusion and so would be his going …
- Above is as he knows that “Now he neither exists nor does he not exist” nor even does he exist in the intermediary state of these two terms …
- He is neither present nor not present … And he is also free of their intermediary states …
- He is neither liberated nor not liberated … And he is also free of their intermediary states …
- He is neither in bondage nor is he not in bondage … And he is also free of their intermediary states …
- He is the knower of all paths, conditions, states and modes of existence, of here, beyond and also that which is beyond them and is as the one who is resting in a state which is “beyond all that is considered and not considered as beyond” …
- He is the Siddha Avadhoot who attains the state of a Brahmavdhoot …
- The unmatched one of his age cycle which he comes to inaugurate in that universe …
- He is the knower of all innermost divinities of allness … He is the all knowing one, The Buddha …
- Basis all above, in reality he knows that he never came and thus he cannot ever go … He is thus the Tathagata … Thus he is the “one who Thus comes and only goes Thus” …
And simultaneously with all above … His condition is eventually as follows …
- And even when all above is true, yet he eventually remains as a Kaivalya Mukta … Since he attains to Kaivalya Mukti whilst alive, so he is the one to whom the term Jeevanmukta (i.e. one who is liberated whilst alive) eventually applies … This is what he eventually is …
- And since he eventually is a Kaivalya Mukta (i.e. one who is fully, finally and permanently liberated from the entirety of Maker’s Makings), so he is also the one who knows the essence of the four great statements of four Vedas (Mahavakya of Vedic lore) …
- And finally … Due to being a Kaivalya Mukta, he also knows that he no longer holds any accomplishments (Siddhi’s) that have been discussed in this text (and he also knows that he also does not hold those Siddhi’s, which have intentionally not been discussed in this text) …
GG-3 … The final path of a Kaivalya Mukta … Final End of Brahmpath …
The final endless path of a Kaivalya Mukta could be thus described …
When all that is as Maker’s Makings within any aspirant’s (or Yogi’s) microcosm, becomes absorbed into their respective macrocosmic principal, parental, primary and primordial causes, then that Yogi walks alone “Itself Within Itself” whilst being free of allness and her each part (including all Siddhi’s or accomplishments) and whilst he continues to rest within the essence of the wise words that “there eventually is nowhere to go, nothing to do, nobody to be” but to be that which he ever was as the eternally liberated one, due to the supreme genius of the Maker’s Makings …
Above is as that Yogi knows “That the Maker never made anything wrong” and thus that Yogi also knows that the Maker never any “bondage or liberation” because all that was made within the Maker’s Makings (including that Yogi) was none other than the Maker’s own self expressed, self manifested and self present state as the macrocosm and each microcosm …
And since that Maker’s self expression, self manifestation and self presence itself is as the macrocosm and her each microcosm and which itself is free of bondage and liberation, so no microcosm has ever been or can ever any microcosm be in any kind of bondage … Thus that Yogi knows “how can any microcosm ever get liberated” when it already and eternally is …
The knowledge of that eternally liberated state is the “end stage of walking the last path (or Brahmpath)” and this knowledge is also self realized through the Divya Sookshma Parikrama (i.e. divine subtle circumambulation) of Viraat Parabrahman Sadashiva …
So this brings us to an end of discussions on Sadashiva Pradakshina (i.e. Parikrama of Bhagwan Sadashiva) …
And this topic also denotes the “End of walking the last and final path (or Brahmpath) …
Finally …
The knowledge of that state of Kaivalya Moksha (i.e. full, final and permanent freedom from all that is as Maker’s Makings) is subtly hidden in the self realization of the innermost essence of “Vedic Mahavakya (Great Statement of Vedas)” …
So now we shall move on to the next set of topics where we would be discussing the “Great Statement (or Mega Statement or Mahavakya) of Vedas” … And that would be the last set of topic of this part of the text, which deals with self realization …