Here we shall discuss the transmigrations across universes … This is the process where a mega evolved one transmigrates and thence taken birth in one of the worlds which may or may not be of the universe to which that mega evolved ones non lighted etheric field is attached at that time … Transmigration across universe is the highest category of transmigration ever possible and is only undergone by those who come under the category of being the highly evolved ones within the cosmic hierarchies … And here we shall also discuss the law of migration within a universe (Migrations across universe or Migration across universes) which as such are undergone by those aspirants who are still evolving (i.e. evolving ones) …
This is how any Avatara (i.e. a direct descent of the supreme being) is born in a world … Thus, this law can also be termed as law of birth of Avatar (Law of birth of Avatara or law of advent of Avatara or law of advent of Avatar) … And this can also be termed as law of return of god (in a human or other forms) and also as the law of advent of godly beings (in a human or other forms) …
But above doesn’t necessarily mean as the law of birth of awaited ones (law of birth of prophesized ones or law of advent of prophesized ones or law of prophesized ones), Law of birth of greater ones (law of advent of greater ones or law of greater ones), the law of return of awaited ones (law of awaited ones) …
Note: Prophesized ones as written above do not in any way mean an Avatara … And the same is also applicable to awaited ones, greater ones, etc., as has been written above, because every greater one or awaited one or prophesized one is not necessarily an Avatar …
This topic continues from previous one, that was of “Path of Atimanava … Vishuddha Aham is Brahman … I within is I of all that is” …
AA) …
Explaining transmigration across universes, Migration across universes and Migrations within a universe …
Even when these two sound somewhat similar, but there is a sea of difference in them as far … As the state of evolution which is needed to undergo through them is concerned, there is a sea of difference in these two laws …
These two laws could be thus described …
AA-1) …
Law of Transmigration across universes … Transmigration across spheres …
Transmigration across universes is primarily by that mega evolved one who has undergone cessation of its flows and dynamism and where that cessation is also within process … Thus, it is primarily undergone by the mega evolved one who acts as the preserver of allness …
But this type of transmigration can also be rarely undergone by other categories of mega evolved ones, who are resting in cessation of principles (i.e. the mega evolved one who acts as the creator of allness) and laws (i.e. the mega evolved one who acts as the rejuvenator of allness) …
This kind of transmigration is done by those who rest within the scopes of applicability and thus within purviews of the law of mega evolved ones as was discussed in an earlier topic …
This kind of transmigration can never be done by an evolving aspirant …
Further to above …
Even when some highly evolved ones could also undergo this kind of transmigration, but this can only be in those cases where what is needed to be done, can be done by them and thus the need of recall of a mega evolved being is not there …
Such highly evolved one are like sages from Sadashiva, about who we have already discussed in an earlier topic …
But as far as some of those very few highly accomplished sages of Sadashiva, are concerned, they can also hold most of the capabilities like these mega evolved ones …
But this is only if these mega evolved ones have been their guru … Some sages who come back directly from one of the five faces of Sadashiva (and not one of the five divine worlds that relate to these five faces of Shiva) can be of this category (which is of almost sameness to the capability of these mega evolved one) … But suchness is a very rare thing as not many sages of Sadashiva have such a capability …
But if this is the case, then that highly evolved being would also need an affirmative from the mega evolved one, who is then chosen to oversee him (or her) prior and after that highly evolved being undergoes through this aspect of transmigration across spheres …
And where that transmigration is also assisted by these mega evolved ones and some higher cosmic divinities, because only these cosmic divinities and mega evolved ones hold the accomplishment (Siddhi) of this kind of transmigration …
Note: As was discussed in an earlier series of topic on transmigration, the process which relates to the concept of transmigration of souls, which in Sanskrit lore is also called as Parkaya Pravesh and which loosely is also called as virgin birth, is not related to the present law of migrations of souls within a universe that keeps happening and is also called as reincarnation and rebirth …
Note continues: The transmigration of soul is arrived when a soul of certain higher evolutionary standing within the cosmic hierarchy, takes over the physical body of another soul, but after agreement with the donor of that physical vehicle … And once taken over, that transmigrating soul is also bound to the agreement which was made to the donor of the physical body …
Note continues: As also, this path of transmigration can only be passed by that soul, who due to a high evolutionary standing has already lost the right to take birth from the womb of a physically present mother on that lower realm (where that highly evolved soul transmigrates) … During the process of transmigration, some divine helpers are also required, just as was discussed in the earlier topic of “helpers of transmigration” …
AA-2) …
Law of migration within a universe … Law of migration across universes …
These are two different laws and this is what would be discussed here … And yet they both relate to the same concept of return back to a grosser realm, which is also called as that of a rebirth …
1st … Law of migrations within a universe …
Migration within universe is when evolving ones keep keep moving from one world to another, but within the same universe and thus such ones come under the purviews of the law of migrations within a universe …
These souls are the ones who come under the purviews of the terms rebirth and reincarnation and are always born from the womb of a physically present mother on that world (where they reincarnate) …
No evolving aspirant can ever move beyond the universe where it has begun as a microcosm and that too, during the time of beginning of that universe …
2nd … Law of Migrations across universes …
But at the same time, when the universe dissolutes, then depending upon the evolutionary requirements of souls who rest within that dissoluted state of universe, they may be given a path to enter into other existing universes … And where that path is also rendered by one of the mega evolved ones only …
As also, no soul can ever enter into a universe unless it gets an affirmative from the mega evolved one, who relates to that universe …
Thus, due to this reason, this law of migrations within universe and Law of migrations across universes, are resting within the purviews of law of transmigrations across universes …
And where that transmigration across universes, can only be undergone by a mega evolved being and not by any other evolving being …
Note: Evolving being as stated above, also include the Gods of specific worlds and planes (Galaxies) who as such are the controllers of their specific worlds and planes … In reality, such controllers of one or a group of worlds are naught but “evolved yet evolving ones” … This means, that they have evolved high enough to be as controllers (Gods) of their own controlled world and plane, but within the macrocosmic hierarchy, they still are naught but evolving ones … This is because of the fact, that, they have still not attained to the summit of the entire cosmic evolutionary process (i.e. universal process or the one process that only is as evolution, of all that has ever begun within the Maker’s Makings) …
BB) …
Discussing transmigration across universes and migrations within a universe …
Amongst all the microcosm’s, only a mega evolved-one holds the capability to independently and without any external assistance (like, from other divine beings or sages) undergo through the transmigration across universes …
And other categories of aspirants mostly undergo transmigrations that are within the various worlds (and planes of existences) of the same universe …
And at the same time, such evolving aspirants can be assisted by the mega evolved ones so as to make them enter into other worlds of other universes, but such a condition is also a very rare …
Thus, even when the evolving ones can be born within other universes, yet their migrations across universes can never be termed as transmigrations across universes …
Note: In an earlier topic, we have already discussed this aspect, where a mega evolved-one lets go of the excess and under which earlier on were absorbed by it and where this let go is also within a universe which is other than the one from where these excesses were absorbed … And where this let go also includes all those floating etherics (which have been discussed in the earlier topic of law of cessation of flows and dynamism) …
BB-1) …
Return of mega evolved one … Aspects of transmigrations across spheres …
As far as its flow and dynamism is concerned, since a mega evolved being is like the universe who is ceased and since in a ceased state, that mega evolved being is like a lifeless non-lighted etheric which hangs out of the universe, so whilst still in a state of cessation, the return back to physical realms by such mega evolved ones, is not possible …
To return back to one of the universes, they would need to re-begin their flows and dynamism because without existence of flows and dynamism within a microcosm, no universe can never accept them … Unless there is a compliance with law of flows and dynamism, the universe would never accept anything (or anyone) to reside within its envelopes …
Thus, for a mega evolved one to transmigrate into a universe, some amount of flows and dynamism would have to be accepted by it (i.e. resumed by it) … But at the same time, because these mega evolved beings are like a universe within universe, so they would also have a serious limitation as far as resumption of their fuller quantum of flows are concerned, whilst they exist as animate beings within a universe (this part was already discussed during our earlier discussions on great burst of universe) …
Such a return back of any mega evolved one (i.e. Ati Manava) also has its limitations as stated below …
- Since the universe can never hold the fullness of flows and dynamism of a mega evolved one (as such a condition would be like having a universe (i.e. mega evolved being) within the universe (i.e. the universe into which that mega evolved being returns back), so when such mega evolved beings return back into a universe, they have to willingly accept residing within a state where their own quantum of flow and dynamism are much lesser than their actual capacity …
- And if that return back is in a state of form (like a human form), then additional limitations of the human physical vehicle shall also have to be adhered to … This is because of the fact, that, the physical vehicle would not even be able to hold those vast flows that actually are as per the high incomparable evolutionary capability of any mega evolved being …
Proceeding further …
But above stated aspects also put the following limitations upon the mega evolved one who returns back from his (or her) state of cessation and thence enters into a universe so as to do certain specific jobs, which all the inhabitants of the universe (Including the divine beings and those so called Gods) have been repeatedly failing in doing …
- If the return back of a mega evolved one is in a formless state … If the return back of the mega evolved one is in a formless state, then that mega evolved being can have certain higher quantum of flows and dynamism as compared to a return which is in form (like a human form) … This is due to the fact, that during a return back within a formless state, the manifestation of that mega evolved one would have larger expanses (as compared to the return back in form) and thus a higher quantum of flow and dynamism would be able to be handled by that returning mega evolved being after it transmigrates to a universe and that too whilst that mega evolved one is in a formless state …
- If the return back of a mega evolved one is in state of form … If the return back of a mega evolved one is in form, then because a physical body which that mega evolved one adopts would be severely limited in handling those higher quantum of flows that could have been if there was a return in a formless state, so with such a limitation, the flow and dynamism which could be handled by the physical vehicle of that mega evolved being would be severely restricted (as compared to the actual capability of the mega evolved being, who as such is like the entire universe within the universe, to which it transmigrates) …
To counter above limitations, a mega evolved one always returns back in following conditions …
- A state of return back in form, which holds the subtle formless state … In such a condition, both these aspects (of being in form and yet formless) simultaneously are of the mega evolved one … This is how it normally is when any Amsha Avatar returns back in a human (or any other) form …
But the formless state that is told here, is not fully present within that mega evolved one’s physical vehicle (i.e. physically present form) and instead that formless state is to which that mega evolved being’s inner subtle vehicles remain connected …
So, in such a condition, even when that mega evolved being is seen to be in form (i.e. seen as a physically present being who holds a physical body), yet the capability of that mega evolved being is of the formless state, which also is his (or her) only …
Note: This is how the sage from Maheshwara, the time of whose advent is to be during our generation, would most probably be … I wrote most probably here, as he being the sage from Tatpurusha, would also be the holder of Tirodhana Krityam (Tirodhaan Krityam) which as such is the capability of cosmic veiling, due to which nobody can ever be sure about him … But the fact still remains, that this sage from Maheshvara (or Sage of Tatpurusha) would definitely be the Yuga Sthapak, i.e. he would be the one who would lay down a very subtle yet strong foundation of the incoming age of sages (or Guru Yuga) …
- A state of return back in formless condition, which holds the many subtle forms within it … In such a condition of return back, even when both these aspects (of being in a formless state and yet being in many forms) are present within that mega evolved one, yet that mega evolved one can simultaneously take many forms (i.e. it can create many physical vehicles) all of which shall remain connected to his (or her) greater formless state …
And of these many forms (many physical bodies) in which a mega evolved one returns back and that too whilst primarily being formless, one main physical form (i.e. a physical bodied state) remains as the primary form … That primary physical vehicle of that mega evolved one, is the one which gets addressed as the Purna Avatara (or fullness of a direct descent of the absolute being) …
This is how a Poorna Avatar (a full manifestation of the supreme being) eventually is … Sri Krishna was one classic example of this aspect and so was Sri Rama …
And due to this reason, many other beings who seemingly come with that mega evolved one, are actually a part of that mega evolved ones return back in a formless state …
Thus, in such a case, that primary physical body would have many adherents of itself and where in reality, all these adherents are naught but its own formless state’s self manifestation as a form …
It is due to this reason, a Purna Avatara always has many aspects of the plays which he does after his apparent return back, which itself is seen to be in a form (human or any other physical bodied state) …
Note: I am not sure if that sage from Maheshvara whose advent and coming to fore is due during our present times, would be of this category … And due to this reason, I had told earlier on that he would not be an Avatar, even when many may address him so … This state of not being sure is because, sages of Maheshwara relate to Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, whose divine act is veiling (hiding of truth) …
Note continues: But at the same time, this sage who would be coming from the Tatpurusha face of Shiva, would definitely be the same being, who in an earlier topic was addressed as Mahatam (or one who holds the great darkness in him) and as Mahashunya (Great emptiness) … This is because, to lay down the path of next human age cycle (Manav Yuga) and that too within the presently underway dark age of Kaliyuga, he would need this accomplishment (or great darkness) to counter the degenerate effects of Kaliyuga (degenerate age) …
Note continues: And where this accomplishment (or great darkness or Maha Tamas) would even be when he wouldn’t even be relating to darkness … This is due to the fact that he has returned back from the state which as such is of the golden womb of creation, who in Vedas is also addressed as Hiranyagarbha and in Buddhist lore is addressed as Amitabha Buddha (i.e. Buddha of infinite eternal limitless light), and who is also the same whom Vedic sages and Yoga Tantra, have addressed as Ukar (i.e. the sound of O, which can also be termed as Okar) …
- Any one of above two can be chosen by the mega evolved one … But at the same time, the mega evolved can also choose any one of above conditions and this choice would also be as per the requirements of the job for which that mega evolved being has to return back into flows and dynamism … And where both of above would be based within the purviews of the presently discussed law of transmigration across universes …
BB-2) …
Effects of transmigration across spheres on a mega evolved one …
Here we discuss some of the effects that the mega evolved one has to willingly accept and thus undergo some changes, so as to return back after adopting the path of transmigration across spheres …
- Willful reduction of capability by a mega evolved one …
In both above discussed cases, the fullness of capability of that mega evolved one (Maha Manava) would never be utilized (because of reasons told above and also in the earlier topic of Law of mega evolved ones) …
Thus, transmigration across universes is that process of transmigration of soul where the mega evolved-one arrives to a state of form or even a formless state or both these (as have been discussed above), but ends up holding a capability which is much lesser than his (or her) actual capacity …
And due to this reason, transmigration of mega evolves one always leads to a lesser etheric capacity as compared to his (or her) actual capability of handling or causing or absorbing flows and dynamism …
But this lower etheric capacity of the transmigrated mega evolved one is only for adoption of the incarnated state (of form or formlessness) and where the adoption of the incarnated state is only until that mega evolved being completes his (or her) job, for which he (or she) had returned back to the universe … And once the job is well done, then that highly evolved being would again return back to its own original state and thus either re-arrive at its original etheric capacity or again enter into a state of cessation … And where that state of cessation would also continue, until another job which requires resumption of flows and dynamism, comes by …
Thus, the state from where that mega evolved being arrives (to carry out specific jobs) and the state to where it finally goes (after completing those jobs) are one and the same and due to this reason, there really is no change in the evolutionary hierarchy of that mega evolved one …
And this is because, the mega evolved being is already resting within a state that is beyond the principle of evolution and yet is within the principle of existence (both these have been discussed earlier on in this text) …
Note: But above is against what happens when there is a migration across universe and this is also against what normally happens during a regular process of transmigration of soul … This is because, both these transmigrations are resting within the law of eternal evolution and are also resting within the purviews of the law of eternal existence … So, all such ones can evolve to a higher cosmic hierarchy after they complete their respective jobs …
Note continues: But since a mega evolved one rests beyond evolution and its principle, so there is no further evolution ever possible of that mega evolved one … All that can happen is that the mega evolved one who earlier on was ceased in principles (i.e. was the creator of allness) may at a later time span become as the mega evolved one who is ceased in process (and thus such a one would then be the preserver of allness) … And further to this, that mega evolved one who is ceased in process, can at some much later stage of time, be the mega evolved one who is ceased in laws of Makers Makings (and thus such a one would then be the destructive rejuvenator of allness) … And in all these conditions of changes in jobs which they would be doing (as per the then adopted state of their cessation), the evolutionary standing of that mega evolved one, would not change … This is why, in Vedas it is also subtly told, that, even when in reality, the creator (Brahma), preserver (Vishnu) and destroyer (Rudra) do different jobs, yet as far as their real standing within the cosmic hierarchy goes, it is of being one or another primary self-manifestation of the same attributeless infinite absolute being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) …
Proceeding further …
Willful reduction of etheric flows is only to get into a grosser body or a grosser physical vehicle (because the physical vehicle can never take more than a certain amount of dynamism) …
This entry into the physical realm is only after the consciousness impressional mass has already been built to its critical quantum within a world (by the requests for a divine intervention and that too by physical and subtle inhabitants of that world) … And where the requirements of that critical mass of impressions can never be fulfilled by anyone other than a mega evolved one …
Proceeding further …
Unlike transmigrations that also happen within a universe and where the etheric capacity of a aspirant undergoing transmigration remains unchanged, during the process of transmigration across universes, the etheric capacity and hence the capacity of three macrocosmic attributes (i.e. Triguna or qualities of neutrality, action inertia) always undergo a change to their lesser state … This reduction is so that the mega evolved-one could adopt an apparently incarnated state …
And because the mega-evolved-one is very different in its evolutionary standing from the other inhabitants of that world (or plane or universe), so such mega evolved-ones mostly stay as loners after adopting a physical vehicle … Thus, until they really have to come in front of others, they would never show up in the open … And when they find a need to show up to others (so as to execute those jobs for which they has returned back to the world) then there really is no power which can stop them from doing so …
However even while residing in a lesser dynamism as compared to the actual capacity, a mega evolved-one is still holding a much higher etheric capacity than all others who reside within that world (i.e. all that is as a physical being, subtle being or even a divine being of that world) …
CC) …
Reasons for transmigration across universe …
The reason for transmigration across universes are many … So here we would list out some of them …
- To turn an age as per the needs of an incoming cycle of time (or wheel of time or Kaal Chakra) … This turning of ages are through variety of ways, which relate to amending the gross and/or subtle and/or divine and/or impressional component of that world (or plane of existence or even the universe, as the case may be as per the need of the universe where the age is changing) …
Note: Whenever these components are amended by a mega evolved one, then these amendments are also on a wide spread level and across dimensions … This sudden amendment is what leads to all sorts of chaos, right from manmade (i.e. made by the Speciological component), natural (i.e. chaos which is made by natural component or mother nature) and it even has a divine component (i.e. amendment in divine worlds which at that time are related to that world) … This is what leads to rise of all sorts of nonsense of individualism, which relates to geographies, geopolitics, economics, social-cultural, religious, political, racial, societal, military-security, health-safety, etc., etc., in that world where a mega evolved one is amending above stated components …
Note continues: Thus, whenever an age changes, since a mega evolved one (or even some other higher being) arrives to that world (or plane or universe, as the case may be) where the age is turning, and that higher being also amends as per what is discussed here as the need of those incoming times and their cycle … So due to this reason, as the process of change of age progresses, it keeps getting more and more chaotic and ultimately that chaos also begins entering into all ways and walks of life of all parts of speciology who inhabit that world, from where such amendments are made … This fact was discussed in an earlier topic of “Chaos at change of age” …
- To render a wisdom that is apt for that coming age cycle and thus install its subtle yet strong foundation …
- To correct the systems that have gotten degenerated and bring their paths towards righteousness … This is through amendments which have been discussed above …
- To restore the original wisdom (i.e. Vedas) of macrocosmic creation …
- Very few sages have ever held the capability to install the path of a pluralistic wisdom, that is also monist in its essential state … These sages are mostly those who return back from one of the five faces of Sadashiva … And the one who is supposed to do this job for the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) would be a sage from Maheshvara and would be the one returning back from the golden womb of macrocosmic creation (i.e. Hiranyagarbha Brahma) … There is no other aspirant in any of the higher states of the macrocosmic creation, who holds the wisdom of allness and can still return back in a physical vehicled state, because other than the ones told here, rest all who hold this wisdom, always escape out of all the modes of existences (i.e. they enter into a final liberation or Kaivalya or Moksha) …
- To absorb the excesses and under’s from the universe (or plane of existence or worlds) …
- To resume the original center (i.e. resume paths of pluralistic monism) of the macrocosmic creation within any world or plane of existence and where this need is also reflected within the demands of a specific cycle of the eternally moving wheel of time (or in other words, the eternally moving cycle of time or Kaalchakra) …
- To restore the processes and centers or their systems to a state as they must be at that stage of cycle of time (or in other words, the eternally moving cycle of time or Kaal Chakra) …
- To dissolute a systems (of redundant belief or faith or governance or economics, etc.,) etheric field and thus render the system impotent so as to replace it by a better system that would be apt for the incoming cycle of time (Kala Chakra) …
But above is only after the mega-evolved-one transmigrates to a world and then finds that the situation of that system is beyond repair or beyond the point of no return …
And once this is known, then that systems etheric connection to the macrocosm is cut off … This renders the system impotent and thus make it fail, so as to replace it by a better (or more apt) system (or way of life) … This state may not need a mega-evolved-one to come in forefront (or rise to fore) on that world …
Unless a newer path is to be installed and also propagated, the need to come to fore in the world where that mega evolved one transmigrates, never arrives … Thus, if only a subtle foundation is to be installed, then in such a case also the need for the mega evolved one to come to fore in that world, never arises …
- To dissolute that world … Prior to this time, all above also have to fail … And prior the mega-evolved-one could do this, it would need to roll over the physical vehicle and then get back into its earlier etheric state, from where it then builds up its flows and dynamism and then directs these flows to that world, so as to make it enter into all sorts of imbalances due to excesses, and thence when that worlds etheric cannot take it anymore, it would dissolute itself …
- The same thing, but to a lesser extent is what would be done when a way of life (faith, belief, religion) is to be ended … But at such a time, the need to de-incarnate would not be there (as told in above bullet point) … This is because, to end a religion, is a very minor job as just that religions etheric connection to the macrocosm needs to be cut and after this, the followers of that religion would become chaotic and ultimately it would lead to loss of memberships and death of that religion …
Note: During the future times, not very far off from the nowness of now when I write this note, three major religions would end … And the chaos which would be due to this end, would also end-up exterminating four other religions … And after this process completes (in a few decades from now), only Vedic lore would become as the intrinsically pluralistic yet essentially monist and thus the universal way of life … This is because, rest all would be naught but an already forgotten entity during the history that would be from a much distant future …
Note continues: These seven ending religions, would be known as the seven devils of degenerate ages (Sapt Rakshas of Kaliyuga) in that future Vedic scripture which would then be known as the “third history text (Tritiya Itihasa Grantham)” … And just for your knowledge, the first two histories are of Ramayana and Mahabharata …
- To re-begin the process within an originating universe, plane of existence or world or to end the process of a universe, plane of existence or world (but this is only if the time is ripe and right to do so) …
- To assist those who have ‘not done it, but were true aspirants’ prior a universe had dissoluted, to get transmigrated to another universe and thence resume their evolutionary process exactly from where they had last left (when the universe where they were residing at that time, had dissoluted) … Thus this relates to the law of migrations across universes …
- In fact, the mega-evolved-one who is within cessation of process has such vast scopes of jobs, that to know these fully, is nearly impossible for anyone who is not a mega-evolved-one …
- Basically these mega-evolved-ones who are within cessation are none other than masters of all and jacks of none …
As also …
Fuller flows cannot even be built up within the same universe to whose etheric field that the mega evolved-one is attached and whilst it rests within its cessation of flows …
So, if fuller flows are required for a job, then that job has to be in a universe which is other than the one to whose etheric, the mega evolved one is attached whilst it rests in its cessation …
Unless the job is to re-begin a universe or to roll over the entire universe, no mega-evolved-one is required to (or needs) to build up flows to a fuller capacity …
DD) …
Resumption of flows at some intervals is needed by each mega evolved one …
The etheric of a mega evolved-ones under cessation, cannot stay in cessation till eternity because if a state of an absolute non-resumption of flows and dynamism happens for very long durations, then that mega evolved ceased etheric would lose its capacity and ultimately dissolute i.e. it would exit out of the macrocosmic creation itself and thus would not be available at any future time span …
So, to prevent this state of exit from all modes of existence, the mega-evolved-etheric needs to resume a part of its flow capacity, even if this resumption is for short periods of time and thus prevent its final exit from the macrocosmic creation …
Proceeding further …
This resumption of flows is either by undergoing transmigration across universes or by resuming flows to a minor extent of its actual capacity so as to absorb excesses from a world or plane or Universe or by any other means, some of which have already been discussed in other parts of this current series of topics …
Just these short durations with lesser flows after eons of eons of being under cessation, is enough to make that etheric to continue for longer durations within its ceased state and until a much greater act like a origination or dissolution of a universe or a plane of existence or a world system comes by (and at such times, fuller flows are built up by that ceased etheric) …
These minor quantum’s of flows that are built up as as and when needed (the term minor is used in comparison to the actual capacity, but these minor jobs are also major ones from the point of view of any other evolving aspirant) are enough to make a mega-evolved-one to continue within its ceased state, which may even be until the timeless eternity (which that mega evolved one only chooses, and not anybody else) …
Note: This extremely ancient and already forgotten concept of Mega evolved beings continuing within the Makers Makings and that too for the benefit of all other sentient beings, is the one from which the present Mahayana concept which relates to those highly evolved beings who are addressed as Bodhisattva, originates …
Note continues: This same concept is also the basis of the concept of Vedic lore, which as of now is known as that of Vedic Trinity (creator, preserver and destroyer) … And since, these mega evolved ones are timeless in their existence, so Vedas also state that the Vedic trinity are timeless beings …
EE) …
Regarding the mega evolved one who transmigrates across universe …
- Absence of mediumship … Even if the ceased etherics of these mega evolved ones remain in their cessation and thence need some minor flows and dynamism within them to survive, yet because these aspirants don’t hold any next of nextness of evolution due to being beyond the principle of evolution itself, so they can never become as reasons for mediumship within any part of any universe …
Mediumship is caused by etherics of those aspirants who have some next of next of evolution or have taken the giant leap (as was discussed in an earlier topic) and that too, where due to their unresolved Karma, those aspirants (who become as reasons for mediumship) cannot enter into an incarnated state …
- Always try to prevent attachments to others … To prevent buildup of attachments whilst they rest within a lower world (after they undergo the process of transmigration across universe) these mega evolved ones mostly stay as loners, but only until the need of their jobs at hand, demand otherwise …
And even when they remain in societies, they never tell more than what is required to be told to anyone …
All that they do is to satisfy the requirements of the critical mass of consciousness, which itself wad the main reason for their return back to an ‘apparently incarnated state’ …
As they do their job, the critical mass of consciousness also becomes lesser … This is as, what was demanded from that critical mass of consciousness, is then satisfied …
And after this stage of their job being well done, these mega evolved one either exit out of their incarnated states or they enter into isolation from the sounds of human civilizations of those times (this is if the donor of the physical vehicle had put come conditions on their transmigration of soul, which need to be fulfilled with the continuity of their physical vehicle even beyond the stage when their job is well done) …
You would never see a mega evolved being in a physical form and still residing within the sounds of animate civilizations, after a stage where he (or she) has already completed the job for which the transmigration across universes was undertaken …
This is because such ones never relate to lower individualistic and thus deviated ways of life, as always within lower worlds, like this one …
Continues …