Siddha Sharira and Siddha Loka

In this topic we shall discuss the terms like Siddha, Siddha Sharira, Siddha body, Siddha Loka and Siddha world …

Siddha means a fully accomplished one i.e. a sage who has accomplished all that is needed to be accomplished and there remains nothing more to be ever attained by that sage …

For any Siddha, following are matter of fact …

  • There cannot be a Siddha who is not a Yogi in the first place …
  • There cannot be a finality of Yoga within any Yoga Tantra, which is other than that which was told by Vedic Rishi’s … Thus the finality which a Yogi self realizes is the same as that which was fold by Vedic Rishi’s …
  • There cannot be a Vedic Rishi who was not a Yogi in the first place …
  • Thus basis above, there have been many Siddha’s who have also been addressed as Rishi’s in Vedas … And there also have been many Rishi’s who have also been addressed as Siddha’s in Siddha Lore’s …

Sharira means body or vehicle …

Loka refers to all the gross worlds and also the divine worlds … But because we are discussing the Siddha’s, so this discussion only relates to divine worlds of Siddha’s (or the subtle worlds of fully accomplished ones or simply, Siddha Loka) …


Thus basis above …

  • Siddha Sharira means “Siddha bodies (or accomplishment vehicle)” …
  • Siddha Loka means “Siddha worlds (worlds of fully accomplished ones)” …


GG-1 … Types of Siddha Sharira (Siddha body) …

Since there are many categories (or types) of Siddha bodies, so in this topic I shall only be discussing a few main ones which directly or indirectly relate to Panch Mukha Sadashiva (or in other words, the five faces of Sadashiva) and/or their ancillary states and where these discussed ones are directly related to the path of final liberation

This is because to discuss all Siddha bodies would be an utter impossibility … Plus some of these have already been discussed in earlier topics, so those ones would not be touched upon in these discussions …

Each Siddha body relates to a specific Siddha world … There are many Siddha worlds …

As many are the macrocosmic parental, primary, principal and principal states, so many are the Siddha worlds and so many are the types of Siddha bodies … Thus it is practically impossible to discuss all of these within a single chapter or even a single text … Due to this reason, I shall only be discussing the main ones which relate to the five faces of Sadashiva


GG-2 … Who is a Siddha …

An aspirant who has attained the ultimate state of being a Siddha, is the one who is free of all dualities, including those of liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) and bondage, God and Satan, right and wrong, do’s and don’ts, good and bad, heaven or hell, etc-etc … Such ones are also free of concepts of all these including concepts of liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) and bondage and these are the ones who are also free of that which is told in any scripture of the triple times … They are the ones who have gone beyond the scopes of all scriptures and their divine entities (i.e. Gods of those scriptures) … And since attainment of such a state is also pretty rare, so a fully accomplished sage (i.e. a Siddha) is also a very rare sage to be found within any gross world (like this one) and especially during the time spans of a divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) as it now is … Thus to find a Siddha in such a lower world (like this one) is also a pretty rare thing and thus not many of these Siddha’s have ever walked the human civilizations that have ever been on this planet …

A Siddha rests only within himself and thus a Siddha only walks within the essence of “Himself within Himself” … For a Siddha there is nothing more to be ever known during any of the pending time spans of existence of allness or her any part (including Gods) …

As a matter of fact there has never been nor can there be a Guru better than a Siddha … For any aspirant there is no initiation higher than that which is rendered by a Siddha … But for Siddha to accept an aspirant as a Guru, is also a very remote thing as these Siddha’s never accept anybody as their disciples (well, unlike the Yoga teachers and the so called self acclaimed Siddha’s of today) …

And even then Siddha is an accomplishment of a sage, yet unto any sage who becomes a Siddha, this attainment (of being a Siddha) is always blessed by Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva (who is also addressed as Maheshwara or Great Lord) …

Maheshwara himself is the “only and only” Lord of Yoga (Yogeshwara), King of Yoga and Yoga Tantras (Yoga Samraat), Guru of Yoga (Yoga Guru), teacher of Yoga Tantras (Yogacharya or Acharya of all Yoga Tantras), Lord of all Siddha’s (Siddheshwara), Supreme Siddha (Param Siddha) and thus was the reason for Maheshwara to be addressed as Maheshwara, which means the “Great Lord” … But since within the purviews of the Vedic lore there can only be one Great, so the term Great as is used here, only means “Supreme” … Thus the word Maheshwara literally means “Great Lord) and the same term Maheshwara eventually means the “Supreme Lord” …

Other than Maheshwara, nobody else can ever use the names which have been listed in above paragraph and if a Yogi uses them or his followers (or disciples or students etc.) use these names for a Yogi (i.e. their Master) and yet that Yogi does not stop them from using these names for him (i.e. the Yogi), then it also means that such a Yogi is a fraudster in the real sense as these names have only been addressed for Maheshwara …

And also a fact that at that high evolutionary stage when a Yogi attains the blessing of Maheshwara and thus that Yogi becomes “like” Maheshwara within his (or her) incarnated state (just like a drop of water becomes the ocean when united to the ocean) but even in this state and even when that Yogi knows that he (or she) is a manifested state of Maheshwara, that Yogi never uses these names for himself and also never allows these names to be used for himself by anybody else … This is because such a Yogi knows, that our above listed names are only of Maheshwara …

And this is even when that Yogi would say (so as to teach or tell other) that one who attains Maheshwara, becomes Maheshwara … And one who attains Maheshwara, is none other than a Siddha …

Thus that Yogi who has not attained to Maheshwara, is never a Siddha in the real sense …

And that Yogi who has attained to Maheshwara and thus is a Siddha in the real sense also never uses the words which have been listed in above paragraph, for himself (or herself) … Never in history of other better age cycles has any Siddha or Rishi addressed himself or has allowed other to address himself by those names which have been listed in an earlier paragraph of this discussion …


GG-3 … Siddha Bodies … Macrocosmic states within the aspirant (Microcosm) …

Siddha bodies relate to various macrocosmic states … These macrocosmic states are eternally present within each aspirant, but within an aspirant these are in their subtle impressional states (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Awastha) … Each macrocosmic state has its own specific Siddha body within each aspirant …

The fact still remains that the entire macrocosm is present within the aspirant and thus basis this the entirety of macrocosmic states are also eternally present within each aspirant, but these states are in a dormant condition whilst they continue to rest inside the aspirant’s microcosm itself … And this stage of dormancy continues until the aspirant arrives at an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to self realize these macrocosmic states which are present within his (or her) own microcosm and that too as his (or her) own Siddha bodies …

During the long incalculable course of evolutionary existence as is of any aspirant (any microcosm) eventually when the entirety of macrocosmic creation (i.e. all macrocosmic states) which are present inside the aspirants microcosm get self activated (this self activation is only due to the evolutionary ripeness and rightness of an aspirant) then such an aspirant would also self realize uncountable number of Siddha bodies within his (or her) own microcosm … At such a time, these Siddha bodies would be also be seen to be present inside the aspirant’s microcosmic physical vehicle itself …


GG-4 … Activation of macrocosmic states within the aspirant (Microcosm) …

As discussed earlier, the entire macrocosmic creation is present (i.e. the entirety of macrocosmic states are present) within any aspirants microcosm, but this macrocosmic creation cannot get activated until the aspirant arrives at his (or her) evolutionary ripeness and rightness to merge these macrocosmic states (which are present inside the aspirant’s microcosm) into their respective macrocosmic principal states …

And whilst these macrocosmic states are resting in a dormant state inside the aspirant’s microcosm, they are existent in a “very subtle impression condition” … By the phrase “very subtle impression condition” I mean that the entirety of macrocosmic states which are present inside an aspirant’s microcosm are existent within their “Sookshma Samskarik Awastha” … And due to this reason, even when these states are eternally present within an aspirants microcosm, yet these cannot be seen by the physically present eye of the physical vehicle of any aspirant …

As also is a fact that even the present instruments that humanity utilizes to observe subtleties that are within and beyond any aspirant’s microcosm, are not evolved enough to study these subtle impressional macrocosmic states …

Thus as of now these subtle impressional states (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Awastha) can only be observed through the inner eye (divine eye) that each microcosm (i.e. each aspirant) is blessed with and that too from within the genius of Maker’s Makings … But for this to happen that subtle eye shall have to be activated through hard penances (i.e. Tapas) in addition to entering into Ashtanga Yoga Marg (i.e. the path of eight fold Yoga Tantra) …

When any subtle impressional macrocosmic state self activates, then it is seen as a Siddha body …


GG-5 … Microcosm is the self manifested microcosmic state of the macrocosm …

The microcosm (aspirant) is only a self manifested microcosmic condition of the Maker’s Makings (i.e. macrocosmic creation or simply the macrocosm) so eventually it is the macrocosm that has self manifested itself as the microcosm of each aspirant …

As many are the gross and subtle worlds within the Maker’s Makings, so many are the subtle impressional states (which relate to these gross and subtle macrocosmic states) eternally present inside the aspirants microcosm itself …

Even the divine worlds (Deva Loka) and their divine beings (Deva’s) are present inside each aspirant’s microcosm and thus to self realize these divine worlds (Deva Loka) and their divine controllers (i.e. Deva’s), all that is needed is to walk “yourself within your-self” or in other worlds “Yourself walking to your own self and that too whilst you only walk within yourself” …

Only through this inward path can those divinities (divine worlds and divine beings) which are eternally present within your own microcosm, be self realized by you … There is no other path for this self realization …

And due to the limited expanses of your own physical microcosm, your physical body also happens to be the best place to self realize the entirety of divinities that rest within the allness of Maker’s Makings (because the entirety of Maker’s Makings is present in your own physical microcosm, so your own physical vehicle itself is the best place to self realize them) …

The path of self realization of these inner divinities is the one which we have called as the path of “Myself Within Myself” which each aspirant walks “Himself Within Himself (or Herself Within herself, as the case may be)” …

As many are the divine worlds in the macrocosmic creation, so many are their subtler impressional states within your own physical microcosm … As many are the divine worlds and divine controllers of these worlds within and beyond the Maker’s Makings, so many are their “subtler impressional states (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Awastha)” within your own physical microcosm …

All the Gods that you have ever believed in (or related to) are also resting within your own microcosm, but provided these Gods are those who happen to be the original deities of the Maker’s Makings i.e. those deities who have been present right from the time when the Maker (i.e. IT or That) had originally commenced self origination of the Maker’s Makings “though ITself, by ITself, from ITself and as IT’s own macrocosmic and microcosmic self expression” …

Thus for any of the Gods to be found to be resting within your own microcosm, they would need to be the original deities of Maker’s Makings and not those later ones who came by after the Maker’s Makings has already originated in their earlier subtle non-physical states or those even later gross physical states …

Thus basis above, all those aspirants who rest in systems of those Gods who came by after our discussed stage of original origination of Maker’s Makings, would never be successful in the inward path because of the basic fact as such later Gods can never be self realized within your microcosm’s …

And due to this reason, any aspirant who relates to such later manifested Gods through inward means, is only wasting his (or her) time … I say so because when that greater entity (i.e. a later-originated-God) has not even found a place within your own microcosm, then how can that later-originated-God even be self realized or be found to be present within your own microcosm …

And since that later Godhead is not present from the stage of the timelessly primordial origination of the macrocosm, so it also cannot be found to be present within your own microcosm as your own microcosm is none other than being a microcosmic state of the macrocosm itself … This shall be a major limitation for those who associated to such later Gods (i.e. all later religions) as far as the self realization of the “utter and eternal fullness” their own inner divinities are concerned …


GG-6 … Presence of divine beings and divine worlds within the microcosm …

These inner divinities are existent within the various subtle divinity channels (i.e. Naadi’s), plexus’s (i.e. Chakras) and various subtle organs (like mind and other sheaths, etc.) that itself are present inside your own microcosm …

Thus as many are the macrocosmic states which are present within the Maker’s Makings, so many are these subtle divinity channels, plexus’s (Chakras) present and organs present inside your own microcosm and each of these also relate to their respective divine worlds and divine controllers of these divine worlds … To self realize these divine worlds and their divine controllers, the best place is to look for them within your own microcosm as those who look for them out of their own microcosm, never attain them through their own self realizations …

Those Vedic sages who had known this fact about the inward path i.e. path of fullness of self realizations, had stated thus …

“Those who leave the pristine jewel which eternally is within them and then begin running after external aspects (like Gods, heavens, texts etc.) have always ended up with broken pieces of mere glass” …


Proceeding further …

And those sages who had known this fact about the entire macrocosm present within the aspirant’s microcosmic physical vehicle itself, had also told about it in the original knowledge system (of Vedas) and that too at those times which can only be called as timelessly primordial because of the fact that this knowledge was rendered to humanity at those times which as such are none other than being “countless eons and further countless mega-eons ago” … This is why Yajurveda states thus …

यथा पिण्डे तथा ब्रह्माण्डे यथा ब्रह्माण्डे तथा पिण्डे

In English language, above statement becomes …

“Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande, Yatha Brahmande Tatha Pinde”

And when translated, it becomes …

“As is the microcosm So is the macrocosm, As is the macrocosm So is each microcosm”

And the same thing was also stated in the much-much later knowledge systems of the Biblical lore, where the same thing was told as follows …

“As above, So below”

This statement is directly related to above statement of much-much earlier knowledge of Yajurveda …


GG-7 … Self manifestation of Siddha bodies within the aspirants microcosm …

Whenever any microcosm arrives at an evolutionary ripeness and rightness which is required to activate a specific macrocosmic state that relates to a specific divine macrocosmic world, then the subtle impression (Sookshma Samskara) which relates to that divine world and is present inside the aspirant’s microcosm, gets activated …

This activation leads to self manifestation of the Siddha body which relates to that particular divine world …

And since the evolutionary process is continuous and unbroken one, so as the microcosm keeps evolving, then more and more of these subtle impressions (Sookshma Samskaras) which relate to their specific divine worlds also keep getting activated and which in turn becomes the reason for self manifestations of further Siddha bodies within the aspirant’s microcosm …

And due to above stated reason, as the evolutionary process of that aspirant keeps progressing, then more and more number and types of Siddha bodies keep self manifesting within that aspirants microcosm …

And a state eventually arrives where the critical number of these macrocosmic states have already been activated and this is what leads to a condition where that aspirant qualifies to enter into Shakti Shiva Yoga (which itself is the same as a self realization of Raam Naad, which has already been discussed in earlier topics) which in turn leads to self realization of the 8th plexus (or Niralamb Chakra which has been discussed in earlier topics) …

After this stage of self realization of the 8th plexus (Niralambasthana), uncountable number of Siddha bodies are spontaneously manifested within the aspirants microcosm … Since Shiva Shakti Yoga (or in other words, self realization of Ram Naad) and 8th plexus has already been discussed in an earlier set of topics, so here I won’t be getting into the same discussions again …

This self realization of the 8th plexus is also an evolutionary standing from where an aspirant reaches an evolutionary stage where the entire macrocosm which is present within his (or her) microcosmic physical vehicle and is self manifested as vast number of Siddha body, also starts getting spontaneously absorbed into their respective macrocosmic principal states …

Thus after self realization of the 8th plexus, all Siddha bodies start getting absorbed into their respective macrocosmic principal states … This is what was told as the stage of entering into Samadhi (in Yoga Tantras) and as Jhana (in Buddhist lore) …


GG-8 … Self absorptions of Siddha bodies as a path of freedom (liberation) …

As these Siddha bodies keep getting absorbed into their respective macrocosmic principal states, these Siddha bodies leave the aspirants microcosm and thence travel to those beyond macrocosmic states …

This is the stage when an aspirant has various visions of those various divine worlds to which that aspirant’s Siddha bodies have started uniting to and thence getting absorbed into those divine worlds …

As these Siddha bodies leave the aspirants microcosm and thence travel to their respective macrocosmic principal states and thence they also become absorbed into their respective macrocosmic principal states, then this is also the stage where that macrocosmic principal state (in which the aspirants Siddha body has gotten merged or absorbed) loses its own control over that aspirant (whose Siddha body has already merged to that macrocosmic state) …

And as times progress and then these absorptions of the various Siddha bodies continues, a stage of evolution arrives where the entire macrocosm (i.e. all of those principal macrocosmic states) that earlier were present inside the aspirant’s microcosm, is already absorbed into the greater macrocosm … This is the stage where that aspirant goes beyond the control of the macrocosmic creation, which as such is naught but a state of liberation (Kaivalya Moksha) from allness and her each part … When the various states of the macrocosmic creation which were present within the aspirant, are already returned back to their respective macrocosmic principal states, then the macrocosmic creation loses her control over that aspirant …

Thus this is also the stage where an aspirant walks free of allness and her each part, which as such was told as Kaivalya Moksha … The term Kaivalya Moksha means “a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part (i.e. isolation from all that is as Maker’s Makings) … And this itself is the stage which was also told as Mukti which means, a final liberation (or emancipation) within various recent lore’s …

And if above happens whilst still alive, then it is denoting that stage which was told as “Jivanmukti (or liberated whilst alive) in Vedas …

As long as the macrocosmic states are present in their subtle impressional state (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Awastha) within the microcosm, liberation can never be complete i.e. liberation can never be from allness and her each part … Unless liberation is from al that ever is or could ever be, what liberation is anybody talking about …

Unless liberation is from allness and her each part, that aspirant would only end up resting upon one or another of those vast numbers of divine worlds and this as such does not truly denote a liberated state … Liberation is when there is a fullness of exit from allness and her each part (which is also including those divine worlds) … Then when anybody interprets liberation to be resting within such and such heaven, of such and such God who is stated in such and such book, then it is definitely not denoting the state of a final liberation … Such a liberation is a lie and so is that greater entity (or God) none other than being a liar of the lowest order if it (he or she or even he-she) calls its own heaven as the only liberated state … Liberated is only when one is also liberated from such nonsense of competitive, egoistic and individualistic greater entities and their so called heavens … One who attains this state of freedom is a Siddha who goes beyond all such nonsense of God and Satan, liberation and bondage and also goes beyond the concepts of these dualistic stupidities of all greater entities …

And when the entirety of macrocosm (i.e. macrocosmic states) which are present within the aspirants microcosm are already absorbed into their respective macrocosmic principal states, then that microcosm attains the state which could be termed as “Liberated from allness and her each part” i.e. final liberation …

This state of final liberation is when the macrocosm loses its control over that aspirant due to absence of the subtle impressional macrocosm within the aspirants microcosm itself (as that subtle impressional macrocosm which earlier on was present within the aspirants microcosm, is already returned back to the greater macrocosm and thus in such a case, that macrocosm cannot ever hold that aspirant within its purviews) …

And due to being free from allness and her each part, that aspirant no longer remains as a part of the Maker’s Makings … Such an aspirant loses the entirety of Maker’s Makings which earlier was existent within its own microcosm and in such a state, that aspirant also qualifies to move beyond the entirety of Maker’s Makings …

This stage of moving beyond the entirety of Maker’s Makings was the one which was told as that of Kaivalya Moksha (i.e. end state of liberation due to full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part) … And other than this stage is not liberation in a fuller sense …

And if any divine or other being would ask the Maker’s Makings, the Gods and their heavens regarding the whereabouts of such an aspirant, then the reply would inevitably be as follows …

He (or She) was … But now is not

This nonness of knowledge regarding the whereabouts of such an aspirant, is the reason that there have been many Avatars of Sri Vishnu who came to this world, but even the controlling entities (Deva’s) of the worlds did not know that such and such Avatar had arrived upon and was already living upon their controlled worlds …

Since Biblical lore is also interdependently originated from Vedic, Yogic and Siddha Lore’s and thus Bible is also rooted in the much-much earlier Vedic, Siddha and Yogic lore’s of Sanatan Dharma, so above paragraph’s discussions are also related to the basic reason for the Biblical lore’s to thus state regarding the second coming of the eagerly awaited one …

“Nobody knows about his (2nd) coming, not even the angels, but only the father”


GG-9 … Path of final freedom (i.e. final liberation or Kaivalya Moksha) …

Thus if I were to describe the path of this state of Kaivalya Moksha, then it could be thus told …

“When all that is as Maker’s Makings within the aspirant, becomes absorbed into its respective macrocosmic principal, primary,  parental and primordial states, then that aspirant walks totally alone and free of the hold of allness or her any part” …

And since at this stage that aspirant cannot relate to anything that is macrocosmic or microcosmic, so this is also the stage when that aspirant knows the innermost essence of the wise words as stated below …

“There is nowhere to go, nothing to do, nothing to be”

These wise words also become the reason for such an aspirant to continue within the essence of the statement “Myself Within Myself” and where the “self of that aspirant (i.e. that aspirants Atman)” is none other than the “self allness and her each part (i.e. Brahman)” … This is the condition that was told in various great statement (s) of Vedic lore (which are also named as Vedic Mahavakya) which shall be subtly discussed in a later set of topics of this text …


Proceeding further …

All above is via the initial path of self manifestation of Siddha bodies and then the later stage of self absorptions of these Siddha bodies into their respective macrocosmic principal states …

These self absorptions also happen in an automatic fashion (they happen in a spontaneous and thus an uncontrolled manner) after transit through the 8th plexus and thence a self realization of Shunya Brahman (which itself is the reality of what was told as Shunyata by Gurudeva of my previous transmigrated incarnation, i.e. Gautama Buddha and which we have already discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT self expressed itself”) …

In above paragraph, the term, transmigrated incarnation means that incarnation which is attained by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit lore’s is also named as Parkaya Pravesh

Thus basis above, following is a fact …

  • Siddha (accomplished one) is the one who holds all of (or many of) these Siddha bodies within himself (or herself, as the case may be) … Siddha is the one who holds these Siddha bodies (i.e. Siddhi’s) …
  • And Mukta (liberated one) is the one who has already let go of all the Siddha bodies, so as to be free of hold of allness and her each part …
  • Due to above, Siddha always becomes a Mukta at a later stage … And a Mukta has always been a Siddha during the states of his (or her) earlier evolutionary process …
  • As also is a self realization, that as long as a Siddha stays as a Siddha, what liberation is that Siddha talking about …
  • And is also a self realization, that if a Mukta is not liberated from all accomplishments (or Siddhi’s including the Siddha bodies), what kind of a Mukta is he, is something that needs to be pondered upon …
  • And also a self realization … What has a Siddha got to do with Mukti (liberation) and what has a Mukta got to do with Siddhi (attainments or accomplishments or Siddhi’s) …
  • And a sage who is both, is a very rare being for such a sage is like the self manifestation of the Vedic trinity itself (i.e. such a sage is like the human incarnated condition of Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma itself) … The last sage who roamed this planet and was as is being discussed here, is none other than Bhagwan Dattatreya …


GG-10 … Buddha, Jeevanmukta and Siddha …

Buddha is the one who has known “allness and her each part” and that too in a condition which is of “as if he (or she) were face to face with it” … And thence Buddha’s bodies (or Siddha bodies) merge to (or get absorbed into) their respective macrocosmic principals and yet that Buddha keeps holding (or associating) to these Siddha bodies even when these are already merged to their respective macrocosmic principal states …

Jeevanmukta is the sage who is already “liberated whilst he (or she) is still alive” … He is the one who has already let go of all Siddha bodies (i.e. he or she has already detached to these Siddha bodies) and thus his Siddha bodies have merged to their respective macrocosmic principal states … And then due to no association of a Mukta to these let gone Siddha bodies, these Siddha bodies also end up losing their earlier human bodied states and thus turn formless (just like their respective macrocosmic principal states) …

A Siddha is the one whose holds his (or her) own Siddha bodies to himself (or herself) and thus does not make them merge to their respective macrocosmic principal states … Thus a Siddha continues to hold all sorts of abilities (Siddhi’s) within himself (or herself) …

But irrespective of whatever may be believed about above three conditions, they all are leading to the same liberation only … This shall be taken up in a few later topics when we discuss their similarities, which especially come to fore when we consider these from the point of view of their finalities … But this is a discussion of much later topics when we come to the discussions upon the principles (Siddhant) and process (Tantra) of the supreme genius of Maker, which as such are the Maker’s Makings (Brahmand) …


GG-11 … Siddha Bodies which have already been discussed in this text …

This is the final part of this discussion …

We have already discussed various Siddha bodies and these are …

  • Pranamaye Kosha … Which means as the Vital air sheath …
  • Manomaye Kosha … Which means as the Mind sheath …
  • Vijyanmaye Kosha … Which means as the Knowledge sheath …
  • Antahkarana Chatushtaya … Which is also termed as the Anandmaye Kosha and which means as the Bliss sheath …
  • Bodhichitta … Sheath of original (or timelessly primordial) state of union of knowledge and consciousness …
  • Sookshma Sharira … Which means as the astral vehicle or Astral body or in other words, subtle body or subtle vehicle …
  • Body of Medicine Buddha … Or in other words, Body of Christ principle and this term also includes the state of accomplishment of the ether body and blue gem body
  • Siddha body and its variations when transiting Akar, then the transit through Okar (Ukar), and then is arrived the transit through Makar and then only is achieved the Siddha body of transit through Omkar (this siddha body is not discussed in this text) …
  • Siddha bodies attainment which relates to Khakaar Naad (which means as the subtle Sound of Kha) which has not been described in this text (as I don’t find majority of humanity fit to know it) … And then the attainment of the Siddha body of Dakaar Naad (Which means as the subtle Sound of Da) …
  • Then is the stage of attainment of the Golden body which is also named as the Buddha body of reality … And this body is also named as the Hiranyagarbha Sharira in addition to being named as the body of Tatpurusha (or Tatpurusha Sharira) … This siddha body can also be termed as body which relates to the plane of Dharma (which means as the righteous way of life) or in other words, Dharmakaya Sharira
  • And various other bodies …
  • Since these are already discussed so in this topic I won’t be getting into those discussions again … Thus this topic shall only relate to that part of this knowledge, which has either not been touched up till now or is not completely discussed in earlier topics …


Topic continues …

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