During the entire history of the macrocosmic creation and its animate speciology (Including humans), every scripture was written with the help of the physical and subtle vehicles and thus these are the greatest scripture of creator … These subtler vehicles are eternally resting within the physical vehicle itself (we shall be discussing these in later topics) …
Without the assistance of the physical vehicle (and the subtle vehicles that rest within the physical vehicle), no scripture could have ever been told or discussed or written or propagated by anyone …
Thus the physical vehicle (and the subtle vehicles that rest within it) is the greatest scripture ever written … This greatest scripture is of the creator (Brahman) itself …
Unless the physical vehicle and its subtler counterparts (which rest within the physical vehicle itself) are utilized, nothing can ever be told or written or done by anyone …
Even the egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) need their representatives to enter a world, adopt a physical vehicle and thence transmit their knowledge systems … Thus in such a case also, the greatest scripture of the creator (i.e. the physical and subtler vehicles) has to be utilized by these egoistic Gods, but through their representatives (i.e. prophets) so as to convey their texts (or systems) to humanity …
Without utilizing the greatest scripture (i.e. physical and subtler vehicles which rest within the physical vehicle), nothing is ever possible to be done within any of the physical and/or subtler worlds because even when resting within the subtler worlds, the aspirant needs to adopt an appropriate vehicle for resting upon that subtle world*** …
*** Explaining *** of above paragraph … Basis my own “almost” eternal evolution that has been still now and also basis my experiences of resting within the subtler planes, it is very clear that “the ratio of grossness or subtlety of the physical vehicle (that is adopted for residing upon any world) to the grossness or subtlety of the world (where that physical vehicle resides) is an eternally constant value across the macrocosmic creation” … This means that as we keep evolving and thus we keep entering an ever higher (or subtler) world, the physical vehicle that we hold whilst we rest there, is also correspondingly subtler … And this aspect is also a part of the greatest scripture that is ever written and that too, by the Maker itself …
Scripture of creator
The greatest scripture of creator is the corpus of all of the following …
- Physical vehicle …
- Siddha Sharira (The accomplishment vehicles) …
- The five sheaths (which in Sanskrit language are also called as Pancha Kosha) …
- The eternal bodies that are talked about in many religious Lore’s where there are statements like “God would grant an eternal (or deathless) body to its true adherents” … Such bodies are also a part of the same greatest scripture and are like the individual chapters which relate to the specific plane (or heaven) of these Gods who claim suchness in their own texts …
- All these vehicles are present within the physical vehicle itself and are like chapters of the same greater scripture that was ever written and which itself is the scripture of the creator of allness (i.e. great-grandfather of allness or Pitamah Brahma Ji) …
Greatest scripture and self realization
Unless this fact about the greatest scripture is appreciated, related to and rested in, no self-realization is ever possible …
All angels, divine beings, Preta, spirits, ghosts, Djinns and all other parts of the macrocosmic speciology are also related to one or another part (chapter) of the same scripture of the creator … Thus depending upon which chapter of this greatest scripture is related to (or it reached or is evolved to) is the type of physical vehicle you adopt … And this adoption of a specific type of the physical vehicle is also dependent upon your own evolutionary standing within the vastness of the macrocosmic hierarchies of gross and subtle aspects … Depending upon your own evolutionary standing, is the chapter of the greatest scripture that you relate to and this is what becomes the reason for the specific physical vehicle that you adopt for resting within a specific world so as to continue your own “almost” eternal evolutionary existence …
Every Avatar has also had to utilize the same greatest scripture (i.e. physical vehicle and its inner subtler vehicles) so as to do the jobs for which that Avatar had arrived to the world … This is because of the fact that without resting within the appropriate chapter of this greatest scripture (i.e. without adopting a specific physical vehicle so as to enter a world) even an entry within a world is an impossibility … Thus is the importance of this greatest scripture of the creator and so is the need to rest within it so as to self-realize one’s own real nature …
As far as this physical world is concerned, this greatest scripture is the physical vehicle itself … And even when the physical vehicle is of an attributed form (i.e. Sagun Sakaar) yet within it are resting many other aspects which are of attributed-formless states (Sagun Nirakaar) and in addition to these, is the presence of the attributeless-infinite (Nirgun Nirakaar) within it … Thus the greatest scripture (i.e. physical and subtler vehicle) is naught but a complete scripture that each aspirant is blessed with and from within the supreme genius of the Maker’s Makings … Unless you relate to all the chapters (i.e. all the subtler vehicles which rest within the physical vehicle and the parental macrocosmic states of these vehicles) there cannot even be a self-realization …
Thus basis above, unless allness and her each part is related to, self-realization cannot ever be arrived by any aspirant … So only those aspirants who utilize the complete state of this greatest scripture (physical vehicle and its various subtler parts) can qualify to self-realize …
To be self-realized, all chapters of this greatest scripture have to be related to and this in turn means, the aspirant shall have to be based within “oneness to allness and her each part (i.e. )” …
Brahmand Dharana and scripture of creator
Unless Brahmand Dharana is adopted, this greatest scripture of the Maker cannot even be related to in its essential fullness … Unless the essential fullness of allness of this scripture is related to, there cannot even be a self-realization … Since the self itself is the self of allness, so unless allness itself is related to, self-realization is never possible …
The greatest scripture of the supreme creator (i.e. physical vehicle) also holds the entirety of macrocosmic creation within it because all the macrocosmic states are present within this greatest scripture itself (these macrocosmic states are present within an impressional energy state or Samskarik-Divyata and are self-realized as the accomplishment vehicles that rest within the physical vehicle itself) … This is why it is the greatest scripture ever written because no text in any history has been able to hold the entirety of the knowledge-conscious-activity-veiling-unveiling principles within it …
Greatest deity is within the greatest scripture
Your own greatest scripture also holds the greatest of deity within it … That greatest deity is your own innermost essence (Atman) which itself is “Brahman or the essence of allness and her each part (i.e. it also includes the essence of all your Gods)” … Due to this reason, the greatest temple is also your own physical vehicle only because it holds greatest divinity (Atman) within it and where your own innermost divinity (Atman), which itself is the absolute-divinity (Brahman) … Those aspirants who know it such and that too through a direct realization, are liberated …
Those who understand the reality of this greatest scripture i.e. they self-realize the subtler parts which make it, are the knower’s of the entire macrocosm which rests within their own microcosm in addition to being knower’s of the their own self (Atman) to be none other than “Brahman or the self of allness and her each part” (“each part” also includes the self of the gods) …
Due to the existence of the entire macrocosmic creation in her subtler impressional-energy state within this greatest scripture, the ancient Vedic sages had told that “the entire allness rests within the each aspirant” … It was due to this realization that Yajurveda states “As is a microcosm, so is the macrocosm” … And it was from this original and very ancient Vedic philosophy, that a few of the Biblical statements were taken where the same fact is told as “kingdom of God is within you” and “As above, So below” … All such statements are relating to the same greatest scripture which is being discussed here …
This greatest scripture of the Maker is also holding the greatest of all jewels of knowledge within it … The same fact was stated by the the much-much earlier knowledge as was given by Vedic sages … This was told as follows …
“Those who leave the pristine jewel within them and then they run after external aspects, have always ended up with broken pieces of mere glasses” …
This statement is also referring to the consequences of mistake of leaving the greatest scripture of the Maker …
Some other aspects of the creator’s scripture
When any entity loses touch to its own greatest scripture, then it also loses touch to its own innermost essence (i.e. self or Atman) and in such a case, internal chaos (i.e. an inner-chaos within that entity) cannot be avoided … And as times progress, this internal chaos within the entities mind-container, eventually overflows and spills outward (i.e. spills within the world) … During the last few millenniums, all the chaos that this world’s inhabitants have passed through (and are still passing through) is primarily because of the reason which is stated in this paragraph … Thus when majority of humanity stop relating to the greatest scripture that they have been blessed with and that too where this blessing is from within the supreme genius of the Maker’s Makings where the entire macrocosm (in its very subtle impressional energy state) was placed within the human microcosm, then chaos is all that prevails …
Without associating to this greatest scripture of the creator, there is no Yoga … Without Yoga there is no self-realization … And without self-realization there cannot ever be a liberation irrespective of who you may be believing in because whatever you may believe in, is only a greater or lesser part (i.e. one or another chapter) of the same greatest scripture of the Maker … Thus to be a Yogi, this scripture shall have to be referred to by any aspirant …
That aspirant who relates to the complete nature of the greatest scripture also believes that this greatest scripture is holding the entirety of Maker’s Makings … Such is an aspirant who begins upon the path of Yoga Tantra … Such an aspirant is also the one who rests within Brahmand Dharana (i.e. non-prejudiced, unbiased and partless oneness to allness and her each part) … And that aspirant who rests within Brahmand Dharana, is the one who eventually qualifies to be a Yogi …
Now I shall discuss what a Yogi really means from the point of view of different paths of Yoga, all of which eventually relate to the same greatest scripture of Maker only …
Yogi’s are of the following broad types …
That union which is to an egoistic or monotheistic god (Abhimani Devata) is not Yoga as egoistic Gods never denote oneness to allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Dharana) …
Yoga means union, and union is always to allness and her each part … So that union which is to any egoistic (i.e. monotheistic) God, is not Yoga in the real sense … This is because an egoistic-god being individualistic, cannot even relate to the allness or completeness of the greatest scripture as is being discussed here …
And since all sages and seers of Sanatan Dharma were Yogi’s, so the deities which they chose were only those who were non-egoistic and thus were non-monotheistic … This is why these sages chose those deities in Vedas, who were non-egoistic and thus were based upon oneness to allness and her each part … That deity who is based upon allness and her each part, is also the one who relates to the completeness of the greatest scripture ever written … As a few examples of this fact …
- Sun is a Vedic deity and is a non-egoistic one … So irrespective of whether you believe in it or not, it never stops you from enjoying its light … The same is with all celestial aspects which became Vedic deities like moon, Nakshatra’s (constellations), Raashi (Zodiac) etc. …
- The elements are also Vedic deities as these also are non-egoistic because of the fact that they hold no prejudice towards those who do not relate to them … As an example is Mother-Earth provides those who worship her (as Bhu Devi or as Annapurna Devi) and she also provides those who abuse her (i.e. exploit her for their own material gains) and this itself is because she is a non-egoistic deity and this was why she became a Vedic deity … The same is with other four elements of water, fire, air and ether …
- Vedic Trinity and all Devi’s are also non-egoistic because they are existent within your own microcosm in addition to existing within their own specific planes that are existing in the greater macrocosmic creation … This makes them hold no individuality and thus they became Vedic deities …
- As far as Vedic deities are concerned, they only represent allness and her each part and it is due to this reason, when an aspirant relates to these Vedic deities, then that aspirant also ends up relating to “allness and her each part”, which in turn leads to a state of entering into Brahmand Dharana through that specific deity itself … All Vedic deities were chosen by self-realized, all-realized sages only after they could prove what is discussed here because the knowledge systems of Dharma only relate to those sages who themselves were based upon below mentioned aspects of Yoga and thus their knowledge systems and deities could not have been any different …
AA) … The aspirant who rests within “oneness to allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Dharana)” is the one who commences upon the path of Yoga … Without Brahmand Dharana, there is no Yoga ever possible …
Yoga without resting in Brahmand Dharana (i.e. an inner oneness to allness and her each part), is an incomplete Yoga (union) … I say this because of the fact that unless union is to allness and her each part, it is not denoting fullness or completeness of union …
BB) … Through Brahmand Dharana, is arrived the next stage of self-realization of one’s own “inner-union to allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Yoga) …
Brahmand Yoga is the stage where the aspirant self-realizes the essence of a statement from Yajurveda which was thus told …
“Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande, Yatha Brahmande Tatha Pinde”
Which means …
“As is a microcosm So is the macrocosm, As is the macrocosm So is each microcosm”
And the same thing was also stated in the much-much later knowledge of Bible as
“As above, So below”
(This statement is borrowed from the much-much earlier Vedic knowledge itself)
An aspirant who is a Brahmand-Yogi plays within the macrocosmic fields even whilst incarnated on a world and such a Yogi can change the course of evolutionary history of everyone, all by himself (or herself) and that too by just tweaking the macrocosmic fields to his own likings …
CC) … That aspirant who walks within the statement “Myself within Myself” eventually becomes the knower of the self … Knowledge of self leads to an afflictionless state (Vrittihina Awastha) … Only after the afflictionless state is arrived, can the next stage of Atma Stithi (or resting within oneness to one’s own self) be entered into … These aspirants are the Atma-Yogi’s or those who rest within a perfect union to their own self …
But this itself is through the path of being a Gyan Yogi (based upon knowledge of self or the one who rests within the knowledge principle itself) … And since knowledge is only of allness (because that knowledge which is based upon individualities, is not even a knowledge from the point of view of Sanatan Dharma), so this path of Gyan Yoga also passes through the Brahmand Dharana (i.e. oneness to allness and her each part) itself …
DD) … That aspirant who walks “Itself within Itself” and thus is the knower of its own self (i.e. Atman) to be none other than the self of allness (I.e. Brahman), in addition to being a knower the fact that its own microcosm (i.e. the corpus of the physical and subtler vehicles or in other words, the greatest scripture) to be the entire macrocosm, is the Brahm Yogi …
A Brahm-Yogi is the one who has known its own eternal union to the allness and her each part, in addition to knowing the eternally unioned state of its own self to the self of allness and her each part … Such a Brahm Yogi knows that the entire macrocosm is present within its own microcosm and he also knows that its own Atman is Brahman …
Such aspirants also have to walk through Brahmand Dharana i.e. oneness to allness and its each part, so as to walk through the earlier stage of being an Atma Yogi, prior to being a Brahm Yogi as is being discussed here …
Thus to get to the evolutionary standing of being a Brahm Yogi, an aspirant has to rest within the initial stage of Brahmand Dharana (i.e. an inner oneness to allness and her each part), then Brahmand Yoga (an inner union to allness and her each part), then an afflictionless state of Atma Stithi (as was discussed earlier) … Only after these stages are crossed over, is the stage of being a Brahm Yogi arrived at by any aspirant …
Every path of Yoga rests within either of above discussed aspects and where each of these paths are rested within the same greatest scripture that was ever written and is being discussed here …
So now I shall discuss the paths of Yoga …
Gyan-Yoga … That aspirant who rests within Brahmand Dharana and tries to analyze its own real nature through a non-prejudiced and discriminative reasoning and thus comes to know that it itself is the macrocosm within a microcosmic form, is a Gyan Yogi … And as that Gyan-Yogi progresses, he (or she) also knows its own eternal union to allness and the pervader and enveloper of allness (i.e. such a Yogi also knows that the microcosm is having the entire macrocosm within it and also knows that the Atman is Brahm) … But at the same time, this path only leads to earlier discussed paths and whilst this path is also based upon either or all of the three below mentioned paths …
Raja Yoga … This is the path of better of all teachers of Yoga Marga (i.e. better of all teachers of the path of Yoga Tantra) … One who follows the eight limbs of Yoga rigorously and tries to know the real, irrespective of whether one is married or celibate and yet reaches the real knowledge that itself is within and beyond that aspirant, is a Raja Yogi …
A Raja Yogi never distinguishes between other paths of Yoga and their deities … Rajayogi can enter into any of the above mentioned realizations as this is a limitless path and thus it was termed as the king of paths of Yoga by sages who knew the capabilities of this path …
The greatest of sages and seers of Vedic lore were Raja-Yogi’s and there has never been a fully accomplished one (i.e. a Siddha) or an Avadhoot or a Rishi, who was not a Raja-Yogi … Raja Yoga has many limbs as it is a vast-vast knowledge system that is based upon the highest (toughest) of penances (Tapas) and the greatest of accomplishments (Siddhi’s) … There cannot be a Yoga that does not hold aspects of this path i.e. Raja-Yoga …
Karma Yogi … One who sees himself (or herself) in all others and thus does all that is within his (or her) capacity so as to alleviate sufferings of others and all this without even any prejudice to anything is a Karma Yogi … So a Karma Yogi only rests within macro-equanimity towards allness and her each part (i.e. each microcosm) whilst he (or she) holds an inner acceptance that “everything and everyone is as divine as the pristine divinity of the divine being, itself is” … This path of Yoga may or may not be whilst resting in the eight limbed path of Yoga (Ashtanga of Yoga) …
A Karma-Yogi is the one who eventually builds up the greatest Sanchit Karman (accumulated merit) that could ever be possible, but provided such ones stay away from acts that lead to their personal gains (i.e. immaterial or material gains) or gains for that in which they rest their faith …
This means this is the path of personal detachment and yet being based upon a non-biased, non-prejudiced and discriminatory state of detached-attachment and an attached-detachment towards allness and her each part …
There can never be a Yogi who was not a Karma Yogi, as this path of Karma Yoga is always inherent in all above and below mentioned paths … Unless a Yogi rests within this path, there really is no Yoga in the real sense … And I say this because this path is the culmination of a perfect union of Siddha Marg (accomplished paths i.e. paths of accomplished ones or Siddha’s) and Sadharan Marg (regular paths or paths of ordinary people) …
Shraddha Yogi … This is the path of intellectual faith, intellectual belief and rational thinking which itself rests within the path of surrender (Tyaga), including self-surrender itself … Thus this is the path of meditation through an intellectual-worship (Shraddha) and surrender (Tyaga) and not of blind faith (Bhakti) because that which is blind can never make you self-cognize your own innermost pristine nature …
These days this path is told to be of Bhakti-Yoga or worship of a deity, but Vedic lore only stated the path as being of Shraddha (rational faith) …
Bhakti (blind belief) is like a two edged sword and thus was never allowed by the Vedic sages … If you keep a rational approach through a complete surrender (Tyaga) and that too until you finally merge to your deity, then this is the best of all paths because just this path alone can deliver all the entire benefits of all above discussed paths … Due to this reason, the Vedic sages had told this path to be the ultimate path within any degenerate age cycle … In fact the correctness of this fact which was told by Vedic sages is very clearly visible in our times as all later religions (i.e. those which originated during the last few millenniums of the degenerate age cycle) are primarily resting within this path itself …
But in this path if you become too attached to that which you believe in, then blind faith which comes to you, eventually leads to a severity of attachment towards the believed deity, text and system and this in turn leads to a state where you enter into all sorts of fundamentalism, fanaticism, which in turn are harbingers of one or another form of chaos for you, your society, lands and thus the world …
Thus the Vedic sages had only advised Shraddha i.e. intellectual faith and surrender (Tyaga) to be the primary way for relating to any deity and that too whilst being based upon only one intention i.e. of uniting to that deity … Once an aspirant unites to a deity, that aspirant becomes a Swaroop of that deity (i.e. the aspirant becomes a physically manifest state that deity and that too, whilst that aspirant is still incarnated) … This is something like, a drop falls into the limitless ocean and thus becomes the ocean itself and that too, whilst retaining its drop-consciousness in such a way that it is only found to be the ocean consciousness …
Unless there is Shraddha, there is no Yoga ever possible and without Shraddha (intellectual worship and understanding of the worshipped), the Bhakti (blind worship) which comes to an aspirant, only becomes like a two edged sword in the hand of a half-witted monkey … Because humanity left this fact that is discussed here, so they also entered into a chaos which itself were caused by their own religions only …
Thus the path of Shraddha is the best path as it by itself has the capability to deliver all the aspects of all above discussed paths, but this deliverance is only is the aspirant stays well clear of blind faith (Bhakti) …
And finally … All above paths of Yoga have ever been utilizing the same greatest scripture that was ever written because this itself was the scripture of the creator and grandfather of allness (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji) …
Those who believe themselves to be the greatest scripture that was ever written by the Maker and that too through the genius of its own Makings, eventually become Yogi’s of one or another path that was discussed here …