Light of ALA Naad within

LL-1 … Above  painting shows the light that forms at the top of brain and inside the skull bones after the aspirant has already successfully transited through the direct cognition’s (i.e. self-realizations) of earlier parts of this topic … This is the Light of ALA Naad or Light of Rudra that is eternally present within each aspirant … This is also the light which has been termed as Noor of Allah Tala in Islam (Because Sound of ALA or Rudra Deva of Vedas itself is Allah of Islam) …

This light that manifests at the top of skull (inside the skull bone) at a location which is in between the Shivarandra (Crevice of Shiva at the middle part of the area of top of head) and Vishnurandra (Crevice of Sri Vishnu) …


LL-2-A … Light of ALA Naad or Light of Rudra and Randra …

Inside the aspirant’s microcosm, this light is present in between the Shivarandra and Vishnurandra … These Randra are briefly described below …

There are seven main Randra or secret doors or secret crevices of exiting out of allness …

These are discussed in brief here and detailed discussions shall be in another later topic …

  • Shivarandra … This is the secret crevice of my Paramguru and Ishta Deva, Bhagwan Shiva … It is located at a point where a line drawn upwards from the middle of eye brows meets the line which joins the front and back lobes of skull bones … Thus the secret crevice of Shiva is at the real-middle of top of head … The sound after transiting this crevice is of Raam Naad i.e. Sound of Raam, which itself is the Taraka Mantra (or the liberating Mantra of Bhagwan Shiva) …
  • Brahmarandra … This is the secret crevice of Pitamah Brahma Ji (i.e. the grandfather of allness or the creator of allness) … This is placed at a point where the lines drawn upwards from the temples cuts (or intersects) the line drawn upwards from the middle of eyebrows … This is the point where a beating pulse is seen in new born babies … This is the largest of crevices and it is full of wonders of all kinds …
  • Vishnurandra … This is the secret crevice of my Sanatan Gurudeva Sriman Naaraayana (Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) … This is of a semi-lunar shape and is located where the top of head meets the back of head … It is like a very thin semi-circular line which illumines in a diamond white color after full the rise of Kundalini is affected within the aspirants microcosm itself … This crevice looks like a third/fourth day moon and through the middle of this crevice a diamond white starry light is projected outwards from the skull (Just look at the symbol Islam and you shall know how it looks like) …

Continuing with above bullet point … In depictions of Shiva, the half moon which is shown at the back area of Shiva’s head, is also denoting an activated state of Vishnurandra … Thus an aspirant cannot attain a Shiva Swaroop (i.e. an aspirant cannot attain the status of being a manifest or incarnated state of Bhagwan Shiva) prior becoming a Vishnu Swaroop (i.e. an aspirant has to attain the status of being a manifest or incarnated state of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) … And this means, prior anybody can attain the status of being Bhagwan Shiva in an incarnated state, attaining the status of being Sri Vishnu in an incarnated state, is a must …

  • Additionally there also is the Devirandra (at the top of head and is located at the front of Brahmarandra), Agyarandra or Ajnarandra or Trinetra Randra (mid-brows area), Hridayarandra (heart area) and Nabhi Randra (navel area) …
  • At a later stage, all these except the “secret crevice of Navel (Nabhi Randra), shall be discussed in detail … The secret crevice of Navel (Nabhi Randra) cannot be discussed, as it leads to origination of a newer subtle universe, which if originated, shall eventually materialize within a physical reality … And because I really do not want later aspirants experimenting on such stupidities over which they have no control, so within this world I shall not be distributing the knowledge of this secret crevice of Navel (i.e. Nabhi Randra) …


LL-2-B … Light of Rudra within, Noor of Allah and secret knowledge of Randra …

And since Rudra also denotes the power to know anything about anything and that too by just looking at that thing (i.e. Asmita) so unless what was discussed in this entire topic till now (i.e. all parts of this topic on ALA Naad that we have covered till now) is entered into, even if above Randra’s are seen by an aspirant, that aspirant would still not know their entire knowledge systems …

Plus those aspirants who fully known these Randra’s, their secretive paths and their knowledge systems never declare more than what a worlds inhabitants can take in their evolutionary strides …

As also, because this knowledge is highly secretive, so my approach in rendering this knowledge shall also not be any different … Basically establish the root and let the fuller tree bloom internally within those aspirants who are standing at an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to self-realize it …

And the same approach was also adopted for the current discussions on Rudra Deva (ALA Naad) because ultimately what I have told or would be telling in this text is not even an iota of what was self-realized across all my earlier incarnations and thence the vast number of transmigrated incarnations (incarnations that were arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth) that have been till now … But that untold part happens to be that highly secretive knowledge which cannot be openly disclosed within a highly gross and thus a totally corrupted world system, like this one …


That’s all for this part of the discussion …

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