Offset of human ages

Here we shall discuss the Offset of Human ages with a direct or indirect brief reference to the following Nadir point, Zenith point, Offset Nadir point and Offset Zenith point …

This topic continues from the previous one of “Time spans of human ages” …

Above figure shows the human age cycles if there was no offset of human ages

But since there is an offset, so this offset of human age is to be discussed here …

Since it is clear in both of “above and below figures” that as of the present stage of time (or present year) the precession cardinal point of Nadir is the closest one, so the Nadir point of precession is also the cardinal point which is effective as of now … Thus in this topic I have utilized Nadir time units of precession …

Due to reason stated in above paragraph, all below calculations are basis “unitary value of time” of Nadir point of precession …

Thus basis above discussion, in all below calculations, I have used the value of 72 years per degree change of precession


Proceeding further …

Below figure shows human age cycles with offset of 9 degrees of human ages …


Offset of Manvantar (which in English can also be called as Age of Manu) also gets reflected in all age cycles which run within its (i.e. Manvantar) time span … This offset of 9 degrees arc is of present Manvantar

So basis above, the same offset also gets reflected within each divine and human age cycle which is running within the present Manvantar and thus, above figure is drawn with the offset of 9 degrees precession arc …

Due to this offset being applicable to current Manvantar (Age of Manu), so the same offset is also found to be applicable to “that part” of the much larger cycle of current Surya Samvatsara (Mahakalpa) which is running concurrently with the current Manvantar …

So, basis above, that part of present Surya Samvatsara which relates to the time span of present Manvantara, would also be seen to be having the same offset of 9 degrees arc (of its own time span) inherently placed in it … Surya Samvatsara as stated here itself is the Maha Kalpa as has been told (and also described) in some Sanskrit texts …


37-AA … Universal nature of 9 degrees offset for current Manvantar …

The offset of 9 degrees arc is originated due to the Manvantar Chakra … Thus this offset of 9 degrees arc is primarily of the Manvantar Chakra (Cycle of Manu) … This fact has been discussed in the topic of “Offset of Manvantar” …

And this offset of 9 degrees arc, which primarily is of the present Manvantara, also gets reflected (or becomes applicable) within “all age cycles” which run within the time span of the present Manvantar

Thus, basis above, this offset is a universally applicable one …


Proceeding further …

By the term universal, I mean it is applicable to all cycles of time, right from that of a the “Age of Manu (Manvantar)”, till divine age cycles (which in Sanskrit language can be called as Deva Yuga and it can also be called as a Mahayuga Chakra) and until the cycles of human age (which in Sanskrit language can be called as Manav Yuga Chakra) …

And this offset of 9 degrees arc is also applicable to that part of the much larger cycles of “Surya Samvatsara (60 full cycles of sun which esoterically are within the mathematical symbol of infinity)” which is running within the time spans of present Manvantar …

Thus, all cycles of time which run within the time spans of the present Manvantar, are also bent by a similar arc of 9 degrees of their own values

This other aspects of offsets of age cycles are also discussed in the topic of “Offset of Sri Krishna’s departure”, and was discussed the topic of “Offset of Manvantara”, and was discussed the topic of “Offset of solar cycle”, and was discussed the topic of  “Time spans of various offsets”, and was discussed the topic of  “Other offsets of human ages” and finally was discussed the topic of “Applicability of offsets” …

Since the current discussions also relates to above mentioned topics, so the discussions of this topic, is also be somewhat applicable to discussions of above mentioned later topics …


Proceeding further …

As was discussed above, since within the current Manvantar, this offset is also applicable to all cycles of time (applicable to all above mentioned cycles of time), so it is also a universal one …

And due to being a universal one, each of the below mentioned cycles of time are also offset by 9 degrees arc of their “respective” cycles of time …

  • Human age cycles … Since human age cycles run within the cycle (or within the circle) of precession of equinoxes, so all human age cycles are bent (or offset) by 9 degrees precession arc …
  • Divine age cyclesDivine age cycles are also offset by 9 degrees arc of their own (i.e. divine) cycle (or circle) of time …
  • Age of Manu (Which in Sanskrit language was told as a Manvantar) … This offset is of the Manvantar only, so Manvantar has to be bent by 9 degrees arc of its own (Manvantar) cycle (circle) of time …
  • Surya Samvatsara … If that part of Surya Samvatsara which as of now is running concurrently with present Manvantar (Cycle or Age of Manu) is studied, then it would also be found to be offset by the same value of 9 degrees arc of its own cycle (or circle) of time …

Note: But because the time span of a complete Surya Samvatsara is much longer that the time span of a Cycle of Manu (i.e. Manvantar) or a divine age cycle (i.e. Chatur Yuga) or a human age cycle (i.e. Manav Yuga), so during this study of Surya Samvatsara, only that part of Surya Samvatsara which runs within the current Manvantar Chakra (i.e. cycle of Manu or Age of Manu) would be the one which would be offset by 9 degrees arc of its own cycle (circle) of time …

Note continues: And due to this reason, that part of the much longer cycle of time of Surya Samvatsara which “was prior to and which would be after” the time span of current Manvantar, would not be found to be offset …


37-BB … Effects of offset of human ages …

This discussion shall be in a few parts as are listed below …


Zenith and Nadir points remain at same position on the precession circle …

As is noticeable from above figure, the Zenith and Nadir points are shown at the same location on the Precessional circle

This is because these two points of precession (i.e. Zenith and Nadir) do not shift even after the start and end points of all age cycles have shifted due to the effects of offset of 9 degrees arc of Manvantar, which gets reflected unto the precession cycle and thus becomes as an offset of 9 degrees precession arc itself …


Shifting of start and end points of human ages due to offset …

As is noticeable from above two figures, that, due to this offset of 9 degrees arc of precession of equinoxes, following happens to human age cycles (i.e. Manav Yuga Chakra) …

  • Start and end points of human ages (i.e. Manav Yuga) get shifted and thus the human age cycles itself gets bent by 9 degrees precession arc … As per Nadir time units, this value is of 648 human solar years (i.e. 72 years per degree precession x 9 degrees precession arc = 648 human solar years) …
  • So due to this offset, there is a shifting of “start and end time of all human ages” which are running within the precession cycle …
  • Due to this reason, in the second figure as shown above, start and end points of any single human age which commence from Manav Satyuga (human age of truth or human golden age) and which end at human degenerate age (Manav Kaliyuga) have been shown as shifted by 9 degrees precession arc …
  • Thus all human ages would be coming 648 years prior to their destined times (i.e. if there was no offset, then all human ages would have manifested 648 years prior to how it currently is) …
  • By above I mean, that if there was no offset of the present Manvantar reflected in the precession cycle (human age cycles) then all human ages (as shown in above figures) would have manifested 648 years earlier to what it now is (with the 9 degree offset present within the human age cycles) …
  • When we try to draw this offset on the precession circle (as shown in second figure of this topic), this is is seen that this offset leads to shifting of dates (or times) of Zenith and Nadir points of precession … This shifting is even when Zenith and Nadir points of precession, remain at the same place within the precession circle …


Shifting of times of advent of Zenith and Nadir phases of precession …

  • And even when above happens, yet the Zenith and Nadir points of precession remain at the same place within the precession circle i.e. the point of Nadir and Zenith remain at the same point within the precession circle as was prior to this offset come into play during the present Manvantar …

Due to this reason, in both above figures, Nadir is shown exactly at the lowermost point of precession circle and the Zenith at the uppermost point of the precession circle …

  • Even when Zenith and Nadir points remain the same, but due to shifting of human age cycles by 9 degrees arc (as was discussed above), the time when Nadir point arrives is shifted from 786 AD to 1434 AD within the present precession cycle … This can be known by comparing above two figures …
  • Thus there is a shift of 648 human solar years of time when Nadir point arrives (or becomes effective) in the world … And this is what becomes a fact when we try to give it a date of any sort …
  • And above shifting of time of arrival of Nadir is even when the Nadir point of precession has remained at the same place, even after this shift of 9 degrees precession arc has taken place …
  • And the same shifting also applies to the time of advent of the Zenith point of precession, whose year of arrival would also be calculated to have shifted by the same amount of 648 years (as per Nadir time units of precession) … This is because Zenith is opposite of Nadir and thus when the time (or year) of Nadir shifts, then Zenith also gets proportionally shifted …


Changes in the precession circle due to shifting of times of Zenith and Nadir

This leads to the following conditions …

  • The position of original Nadir point (which is written as Nadir in above figures) remains the same …
  • But due to the 9 degrees shifting of start and end of human age cycles and thus the consequent shifting of dates of advent of Nadir and Zenith point, there is stage where “Offset Nadir point and offset Zenith point” get manifested …
  • Thus in second figure of this topic, I have written these offset-ed Nadir and offset-ed Zenith points as “Offset Nadir” and “Offset Zenith” …


37-CC … Times of effectiveness of Zenith and Nadir points …

This discussion shall be in two parts … These two parts are …

  • Basis their offset condition …
  • Basis their original condition …

Within the human age cycles, the times of effectiveness of original Nadir and original Zenith points is of 9 degrees arc …

But because Nadir and Zenith points gets shifted (offset-ed), so even when the effectiveness of original Nadir and original Zenith (these are written as Nadir and Zenith in second figure above) point stays the same as 9 degrees arc, but due to the shifting, the effectiveness of Offset-Nadir and Offset-Zenith becomes 18 degrees precession arc

Due to this change of effectiveness of offset-Nadir, the time span of nadir phase also becomes longer than what it normally would have been, if there was no offset applicable …

And this is what we would be discussing here …


37-CC-1 … Time span of effectiveness of offset-Nadir and offset-Zenith points …

As was discussed earlier, that, Zenith and Nadir points of precession are effective till 9 degrees arc of planetary axial precession only … This is how it would have been if there was no shifting of human ages, due to offset that is being discussed here …



But due to the shifting of Nadir and Zenith, both of the offset-Nadir and Offset-Zenith points which are manifested within the precession circle, end up having an effectiveness “18 degrees precession arc” and where this arc is calculated (or drawn) from the exact offset-Nadir and offset-Zenith of precession (i.e. whichever point is considered in calculations) …

From above figure it is clear that the currently applicable cardinal point of precession is Nadir point only …


So basis above, the time span of total effectiveness of offset-Nadir phase (and also of offset-Zenith phase) would be as follows …

18 degrees precession arc x 72 years per degree change of precession = 1296 human solar years

Note: The value of 72 years is directly taken from an earlier topic of “Unitary value of time” …


Thus, until 1296 years around the offset-Zenith and offset-Nadir points of precession, would be the phase where effects of these two cardinal points (of offset-Nadir and offset-Zenith) would be applicable to this world …

This value of 1,296 years is only applicable to offset condition of precession circle (and not to the original condition that is discussed in 37-CC-2 below) …


Proceeding further …

Thus, the total time span of effectiveness of offset-Nadir point is as follows …

1296 years from 786 AD


So, time range of Nadir phase becomes as follows …

510 BC till 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)


Note: Since 108 years prior to advent of Guru Yuga (108 years prior 2082 AD =  i.e. 1974 AD) is also the start point of “last phase of Sandhikaal of the presently ending human age cycle (Manav Tretayuga)” so time after 1974 AD also denotes “commencement of end of time of effects of offset-Nadir and Nadir points” …

Note continues: And the effects of Offset-Nadir would be completely finishing off when Guru Yuga (i.e. human golden age) starts in 2082 AD (+/- some years as discussed in other topics of this text) …


Proceeding further …

And the total time span of effectiveness of Zenith phase of precession can also be calculated in a similar manner basis the year (or date) of Zenith as shown in above figure …


37-CC-2 … Time span of effectiveness of Nadir and Zenith …

This part of discussion is basis the original condition condition of Nadir and Zenith points …

Actual time span of effectiveness of both the Nadir and Zenith point is of “9 degrees precession arc” and since we are considering the original condition of Nadir and Zenith, so the same 9 degrees arc would apply to our discussion …

From above figure, it is clear that the currently applicable cardinal point of precession is of Nadir, so we shall have to utilize Nadir time units only …


So basis this, the time span of effectiveness of Nadir phase (and also of Zenith phase) would be as follows …

9 degrees precession arc x 72 years per degree change of precession = 648 human solar years

Note: The value of 72 years is directly taken from an earlier topic of “Unitary value of time” …


Thus, until 648 years around the original-Zenith and original-Nadir points of precession would be the phase where effects of these two cardinal points (of original-Nadir and original-Zenith) would be applicable to this world …

This value of 648 years is only applicable to original condition of precession circle (and not to the offset condition which was discussed in 37-CC-1 above) …


Proceeding further …

Thus, time span of effectiveness of Nadir point basis and basis original condition of Nadir (i.e. basis original-Nadir) is as follows …

648 years from 786 AD

So this time range becomes as follows …

138 AD till 1434 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)


Note: 1434 AD was also the stage of end of “non-lightness phase of precession (i.e. Krishna Paksha)” and a simultaneous start of the “lightness phase of precession (i.e. Shukla Paksha)” … These two phases are discussed in a later topic …


Proceeding further …

And the time of full-effectiveness of Zenith phase of precession can also be calculated in a similar manner basis the year (or date) of Zenith as shown in above figure …


37-DD… Times when effects of Zenith and Nadir are primary …

Basis above discussions of 37-CC-1 and 37-CC-2, the following time ranges are found of the real effects of the Nadir point …

  • Original Nadir (i.e. Nadir of above figure) … From 138 AD till 1434 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
  • Offset Nadir … From 510 BC till 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …


And basis above discussions it is also pretty clear that …

  • Maximum effects of degeneration (or Kali Yuga) would be at those stages of progress of human ages, when the effects of the two discussed phases (i.e. phases of offset-Nadir and Nadir) would be unioned (i.e. overlap of their times would be there) …
  • So basis above bullet point and earlier calculations, the maximum effects of degeneration would be seen from From 138 AD till 1434 AD … Coincidentally, this is also the time span of the original Nadir point of precession (But after the shift of 9 degrees precession arc has already taken place … Just as we have shown in second figure of this topic) …
  • Thus From 138 AD till 1434 AD would also be that time span when degenerate forces which relate to Nadir phase of precession, would have a totally free and fully unrestricted run on this planet … Thus this is the time when the degenerate forces, their systems and adherents would get stronger by each year that passes … And by the time 1434 AD arrives, these degenerate forces (and their adherents) would be so strong that to counter them would become very difficult …
  • And after the overlap (of the two discussed Nadir points) ends in 1434 AD, then slowly and steadily these degenerate forces would keep getting weak and eventually perish by the time 2082 AD arrives …


And basis above discussions, it is also pretty clear that for the presently underway precession cycle …

  • Total time span of effect of the entire Nadir phase … From 510 BC till 2082 AD … This time span is the same as effects of offset-Nadir point …
  • Total arc of effects of the entire Nadir phase … From 18 degrees prior offset-Nadir till 18 degrees after offset-Nadir point … This time span is the same as effects of offset-Nadir point …
  • These values are the ones that we have considered in calculations and discussions of many later topics which refer to Offset-Nadir point as a base for those calculations …


Thus basis above, it is also pretty clear that due to this offset …

  • Total time span of effects of Nadir phase has increased to 2,592 human solar years (as per nadir time units of precession) instead of 1,296 years (as per nadir time units of precession) that it would have been had there been no offset of precession cycles …
  • And this is why the degeneration lasts for a longer time span than it normally would have lasted for, if there was no offset …
  • And the same is also applicable at the Zenith phase of precession …


Note: We have discussed in other topics, that, divinities of an Age of Sages (Guru Yuga) that would be starting around 2082 AD, have the subtlety to majorly override every other degenerate aspect, including of the Nadir phase and also a divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) …

Note continues: So due to above stated reasons, after around 2082 AD, the effects of Nadir phase would be nullified by the presence of divinities of Guru Yuga (i.e. human age of truth) in this world … Thus degenerate effects of the current Nadir phase, would “mostly be absent” in this world after 2082 AD …

Note continues: This balance would shift towards Guru Yuga (i.e. human golden age) after 2028 AD … And around 1974 AD, the phase of this shifting would start (as this denotes the last phase of Sandhikaal of present human age) …


37-EE … Effects on Nadir and Zenith upon human and divine ages …

These “original and offset points” have different effects on the world …

Depending on the point that is taken, is the effect of that point within a world …

  • Offset Nadir and Offset-Zenith are the points which relate to human ages (Manav Yuga) … Thus when values which relate to human ages are to be calculated, then offset-Nadir point of 786 AD (and also offset-Zenith point) would have to be considered in those calculations …
  • Original Nadir (or simply Nadir as is written in above figure) is the point which is applicable to divine ages … Thus when divine values which relate to divine ages are to be calculated, then Nadir point of 1434 AD (and also Zenith point) would have to be considered …
  • The same fact (and method) is applicable to offset-Zenith and “original Zenith (written as Zenith in above figure)” whenever these two points would be considered in calculations …


Thus …

  • Depending upon what value needs is to be derived, we would need to choose between offset-Nadir or Nadir point (and same applies for Zenith and Offset-Zenith points) …


Continues …

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