DD) … Now we shall discuss the term “Naad or Nada” … This is also known as Shabd or Shabda … Thus Nada Brahman or Nada Brahm or Naad Brahm or Nada Brahma can also be addressed as Shabd Brahm or Shabd Brahma or Shabda Brahma or Shabda Brahman … Naad is Shabd or Shabda which means pure – loud – clear sound …
We had already discussed this in brief, so this is a slightly detailed discussion …
Naad or Shabd is the Absolute as Shabda Brahma or Shabda Brahman
Sound is the Absolute only because sound is originated out of the conscious-knowledge-activity principle of the Absolute being itself … That which is of the Absolute due to its relation to the conscious-knowledge-activity principle of the Absolute being, is the Absolute itself …
Sound also is as primordial and timeless as the self-expression of the Absolute-being itself is and due to this reason, sound is also as primordial as the Maker’s Makings …
Due to the same reason, the Vedas also have statements like “Naad Brahm, and also statements of Shabd Brahm or Shabda Brahman, or Nada Brahm, Shabda Brahm, or simply Naad or Shabd, and Nada Brahman etc.” …
Due to the same reason during those very ancient times, many of the indigenous civilizations of this planet used to state that “the Word, is the child (or son) of the Supreme being (Parambrahma or simply, God)” because the word (or sound) was also the first proof of timeless existence of the Absolute and that too, within IT’s own self-expression as the word or Shabd or Nada (which means as the sound or Naad) …
Since sound (or word) is of the Supreme being itself and since Vedic seed-sounds relate to the current discussion, so the sages who had known this fact had termed the Vedas as “Shruti or that which is heard” … Thus the sages who had given the knowledge of Vedas to humanity were those sages who had head these … Even the Upanishads are a Shruti only (or that which is heard) …
Those sages who heard the Veda-Mantras, were addressed as Mantra-Drashta Rishi (or one who hears the words of Absolute) and since these words were of the Vedas only, so these Rishi’s were also addressed as Veda-Drashta (or the seer of the Vedas or the one who hears the Vedas) … As also, because the Vedic sound itself is the language of the Absolute (I.e. Brahm) so these Rishi’s (Sages) were also addressed as Brahm Drashta (seer of the Absolute) and Brahmarishi (hearer of the sound of Absolute) in the Vedas … During a much earlier incarnation, I was one of these Rishi’s whose name was of the “Peepal tree” and even when he primarily was a Shaiva (or in other words, the worshipper of Paramguru Bhagwan Sadashiva) he still was one of those very few Veda-Rishi’s who had given knowledge of three different streams (or main-paths) during that incarnation itself …
Every vibration is having a sound … Sound is Shabd Brahm or Shabd Brahma
Everything has a vibration and every vibration has a specific sound which as such is its “seed sound (or seed syllable)” … Within the entirety of Maker’s Makings, there is nothing which does not have a vibration and thus there also is nothing which does not have the word (or sound or Naad) inherent within it … That inherent sound is also the proof of the presence of the Absolute principle within it i.e. the sound is the proof of the presence of the knowledge-conscious-activity principle … And since it is a fact that allness and her each part has its own specific vibration and since vibration itself is as a subtle-sound, thus just as the Absolute is omnipresent, so is the sound (or Naad) of the Absolute also omnipresent within the entirety of Maker’s Makings and her each part … This was also one of the reasons for sages to tell phrases like Naad Brahm and Shabd Brahm …
And yet because the attributeless infinite Absolute-being is a vibrationless, soundless, aspectless, colorless and attributeless-infinite one, so the original self-manifestation of IT as the word (or sound or Naad) and that too from within its own original self-expression (i.e. within Shunya Brahman as was discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT self expressed Itself”) in turn became the first proof of its existence as the future macrocosm and microcosms, which at the stage of manifestation of original-word (i.e. Brahmanaad) were yet to be self-manifested within the Maker’s Makings …
And since this first proof itself was as the word (i.e. sound) and since the word itself was even prior the macrocosmic creation has begun through its origination process, so the Vedas also state that “the word is the primordial one” …
Sound is the original self expression of the Maker (Absolute) within its own Makings
And since the sound is the original self-manifestation which happened due to the original self-expression (i.e. Shunya Brahman as was discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT self expressed Itself”) of the Absolute being, so the Vedic lore also states phrases like Naad Brahman and Shabd Brahm both of which primordially relate to the original sound of Maker’s Makings which was also termed as the endless sound of Ummmmm (or Brahmnaad) by the ancient sages … But since Brahmnaad itself is a part of “OM Naad (which in English language would mean as the sound of OM)”, so both these were considered the same during ancient times …
And since sound was the proof of the existence of Absolute (i.e. Parabrahman), so sound also denoted the continuity of lineage of that Absolute (Paramatman) and due to this reason, the same endless sound of Ummmmm (i.e. Brahmnaad) was also addressed as the “lineage holder or child of the Absolute” by all indigenous civilizations of ancient times …
It only was from the word (OM) that the timeless lineage (or in other words, Parampara) of Sanatan Dharma had originally started … And it is only to the word, that the timeless-lineage (Parampara) of Sanatan Dharma has eternally been relating … And since the word itself is timeless one, whose origin cannot be known, so is the Sanatan Dharma (or simply, Dharma) also a way of life whose origin is untraceable in history … IT also is due to the countless origination-destructions cycles that the universe has already undergone through, that the actual origin of the word and thus of Sanatan Dharma cannot be traced back in history and it was due to this reason sages had told this way of life to be eternal (i.e. Sanatan) …
As old is the sound (Naad), so is the age of Shruti i.e. Vedas …
Hearing Subtle Sound or Naad …
Now we shall discuss where all is the sound (or Naad) heard …
Every subtle nerve and channel of the body holds its own specific vibration and thus is also holds its own specific seed-sound (or seeded-word) … When the consciousness of any aspirant travels through these specific channels and goes from one channel to another and then yet another, then the entire corpus of these sounds which are heard and thence are placed in their correct perspective (and sequence) became the Veda Mantras (or Vedic Chants) during much-much earlier times … This is how the Veda Mantras were originated …
And since sound is heard by the subtle mind sheath (i.e. Manomaye Kosha) which already has the five sensory organs (i.e. Gyanendriya) and five organ of action (or Karmendriya) within it, so during those ancient times, it was also told that Vedas reside in the mind of each aspirant itself … Thus was it told during ancient times that to know the Vedas to be different from the aspirant, is never possible, as each aspirant already has these Veda Mantras within himself (or herself) and yet to activate those inner-Vedas, a study (or hearing) of the Veda Mantras is necessary from a traditional lineage holding Guru …
And because the states which are within an aspirant, are also present within the greater macrocosmic creation, so the same seed-syllables are also heard in the same sequence when any aspirant travels the parental macrocosmic states (which relate to the subtle nerves and channels that are existing within the aspirants physical vehicle itself) … By the phrase “same sequence” I mean if the sequence of travel of the consciousness of any aspirant through the subtle nerves and channels inside the physical body and their corresponding parental macrocosmic states, is the same, then that aspirant shall also hear the same sounds and that too in the same sequence irrespective of whether that consciousness travels the inward path (i.e. within the aspirants physical and subtle vehicles) or within the greater macrocosmic creation … And those sages who had known this fact had also told that the Vedas are of the macrocosm and are also of the microcosm due to the fact that they relate to the knowledge which unites these two …
And these sages had also told that Vedas are omnipresent because there is no state within the entirety of Maker’s Makings which does not have a vibration (or sound or word) … Due to this reason, the multi-universe macrocosmic creation (or Brahmand or Maker’s Makings) was also addressed as Vishvaroop Brahma (or the macrocosmic self-manifested state of the Absolute being, who is also addressed as Parambrahma) …
Thus as are the sounds in the various nerves, channels and plexus’s of the microcosmic physical vehicle, so are the sounds within their macrocosmic parental states that exist within the Maker’s Makings and if an aspirants consciousness traverses these states in the same sequence, then the same sequences of sounds shall be heard by that aspirant …
As also a fact, that since the state which is present within each aspirant (i.e. microcosm) is also present within the macrocosm, so the Veda Mantras which as such are eternally related to this discussion, are also the ones which unite the macrocosm to microcosm and vice versa … And due to this unity, Vedas are also the path of unity of each microcosm, to each other microcosm …
Ahum Naad (as is shown in above panting) is one of the primary sounds of Maker’s Makings and this sound is also present within the astral vehicle (subtle vehicle or Sookshma Sharira) itself … And since the main component of the blue vehicle (i.e. subtle vehicle shown in above painting) is the mind sheath (which in Sanskrit scriptures is also named as the Manomaye Kosha or the mind which is also of a blue color), so it was also due to this reason that the Vedic sages had stated that Vedas are inherently present in the mind of each aspirant …
The mind is only searching its parental state, which as such is of Ahum Naad (i.e. Sound of Ahum) as is shown in above painting …
Thus those who wish to self-realize this fact about the word (sound or Vedas) have ever done it through their own mind sheaths and that too by adopting the Veda Mantras in their heart … There is no other way to self-realize the innermost essence of Veda Mantras …
Hearing of Naad within the aspirant’s physical microcosm
As you read, chant or hear a Veda Mantra, you keep adopting it in your heart … As and when one Veda Mantra is properly and fully adopted by you, the seed-sounds of Vedas which are inherently and eternally present within your own mind, would be heard by you … The culmination of this stage is when you hear the primordial sound of allness (i.e. you hear Brahmnaad which as such is heard like an “endless sound of Ummmmm”) and thence you self-realize the “OM Naad (the Sound of OM)” itself …
As of now, I do not want to get into the further details of the word (or sound) as this shall be taken up in many later topics …