Law of cosmic hierarchy

Here we discuss the law of cosmic hierarchy, where parts of that hierarchy are also evolving and thus ever changeful and which in turn leads to the state where that cosmic hierarchy remains within and also becomes the base for the pluralistic monist state of the macrocosmic creation … This could also be termed as the law of hierarchies of individualities, Law of individualities, Law of individual states, Law of hierarchy of individualities, Law of corpus, Law of hierarchical corpus, Law of hierarchy of corpuses, Law of cosmic corpuses, etc., …

It was due to the self-realization of this Law of hierarchy, its universal nature and its eternal nature that Vedic sages had laid down the pluralistic monist path of ways of life …

This topic continues from the previous one that had the header of “Law of eternal Sssexing” …


AA) …

Basis of cosmic hierarchy … And its presence within Vedic systems …

Unless there is a hierarchy within the macrocosmic creation and unless this hierarchy is also ever changeful, the macrocosmic creation would only end up coming in the wrong side of her own Law of non sameness, in addition to coming on the wrong side of her own law of stagnation

Cosmic hierarchy is an ever changeful entity, which also ensures the continuity of non stagnating flows and dynamism within the cosmic creation and thus ensures her continued existence

This is why during those extremely ancient times as were of my earlier incarnations and also those further transmigrated incarnations (i.e. incarnations that were gained by adopting the path of transmigration of soul and which is also told in Sanskrit texts as Parkaya Pravesh), the self-realized, all realized Vedic sages has also based the entire humanity into the following primary aspects of the cosmic hierarchy …

  • Varnashram Vyavastha (Varnashrama Vyavastha or simply Varna) … This divides the society into the same four primary parts, which are also present within the cosmic hierarchy and irrespective of whether that hierarchy is related to animate, inanimate, supra-inanimate or even supra-animate realms … Thus, even Gods (Devi and Deva) and their divine worlds (Deva Loka) come within this hierarchy due to which these entities also are based within this hierarchy of Varnashrama … As a matter of fact and as far as the qualities of anything that exists within the Makers Makings, is concerned, the truth remains that all aspects of Ma Prakriti (all microcosm’s that exist within the vast envelopes of macrocosmic nature or mother nature) are also based within the same Varnashrama and thus, to bring humanity in line with the eternal mother of allness (Prakriti), this system was adopted …
  • Gotra Parampara … Each microcosm and irrespective of whether that microcosm is animate, inanimate, supra-inanimate or supra-animate, is based within the same Gotra that itself has seven parts … And where the parent of that Gotra (i.e. Gotra Pravartak Rishi) also cyclically changes so as to ensure diversification within this aspect of hierarchy and which also becomes the reason for generation of many subtle aspects …
  • Gram Parampara … The village tradition … Specific tradition were laid down for specific villages and thus each colony of humanity (villages) had their specific deities (Gram Devi and Gram Deva) who itself were the primary deities of that area …
  • Kula Parampara … The family tradition … Each family has its own timeless lineage, which itself is as per that families accumulated merit (accumulated merit of a family also continues from all earlier forefathers that ever were) … And thus, each family also has its own specific bandwidth of subtlety or grossness of their emanated flows … And due to this, was established the tradition of a Kula Guru (Guru of that family lineage) and whose own family lineage (which includes the accumulated merit or Sanchit Karma of the family) was capable of ensuring a long term guidance to that family lineage …
  • Triguna … Three cosmic attributes … Three cosmic qualities or three qualities of Mother nature … Everything that is as macrocosm and microcosm is based within these three attributes of mother nature … And since these qualities are also such, that they are self opposing and also self-balancing, so this is why this concept was self-realized and made to relate to by self-realized, all-realized sages … And this also assisted in keeping the Vedic lore in its necessary pluralistic yet monist way of life …
  • Kaal, Disha, Dasha and Akasha … Everything is acting within the requirements of the three amongst the four primary dimensions i.e. everything acts within the purviews of Kaal (which means as the time and its eternal cycles), Disha (which means as the ways of life and their cyclic changes) and Dasha (state or conditions of life and existence and their cyclic nature) … Thus, everything that ever is or could ever be related eternally-remains within the purviews of these three cosmic dimensions … And the fourth dimension, which as such is of Akasha (infinite space or Akasha Mahabhuta) is the one which envelopes these and thus keeps their intrinsically pluralistic flows and dynamism to also remain within an essential monism, especially when it (i.e. Akash or Akash Mahabhoot) unites with the primordial macrocosmic dimension of time (or Kala) …


AA-1) …

Parts of cosmic hierarchy …

This hierarchy is based upon the following aspects primarily …

  • Evolutionary standings … This is of its various parts (i.e. all microcosm’s) and which is also ever changeful and which further ensures an eternal non sameness of the flows and dynamism that any microcosm emanates at any point of time of its evolutionary process … And where that hierarchy also falls under the purviews of the principle of eternal evolution and it also comes within the purviews of the principle of dependent origination, due to which it also falls within the purviews of the Law of cause and effect
  • States of existence … Depending upon the states of existences where anything (or anyone) resides, is what types and quantum’s of flows would be emanated by that thing … And since these states of existences are also within their ever changeful conditions, thus, this also ensures that the emanated flow and dynamism stays ever changeful … And where that hierarchy also falls within the purviews of principle of eternal existence
  • Grossness and subtlety of microcosmic states … This ensures the macrocosmic creation to also be based within hierarchy of grossness and subtlety of macrocosmic states and thus permits a vast hierarchy to be present within the macrocosm and where that hierarchy is also a part of the Law of pervader and pervaded
  • Sizes of macrocosmic parts … Greater is the dimensional expanse, greater is that states (or microcosm’s) capacity of generating a higher quantum of flows … And since, as far as this aspect is concerned, nothing is of sameness to any other, so the quantum of flows can never be the same as any other that was emanated by any other microcosm … This is what brings this aspect (of sizes of macrocosmic parts) to also be a part of the cosmic hierarchy …
  • Dimensional existence of parts of allness … Depending upon which dimension is resided in, is the ability to emanate specific types and quantum of flows and dynamism … And since the four primary dimensions (i.e. Chatush Ayama) also have their sub-parts which itself is due to the cyclic nature of these dimensions, so this in turn generated a very vast hierarchy …
  • , etc., …

But even when all above is a fact, yet the utter vastness of this hierarchy is primarily generated from and also related to the evolutionary standing of parts of allness (i.e. microcosm’s) and which itself is within the cosmic hierarchy …


AA-2) …

Universal nature of cosmic hierarchy … Hierarchy is universal …

Everything that is ever begun within the Maker’s Makings, is based within the same cosmic hierarchy and due to this reason, each microcosm emanates a specific type of flow and dynamism that is apt for its stationing within the cosmic hierarchy … And where that emanated flow and dynamism is based upon the specific subtleties or grossness which itself is as per the microcosm’s evolutionary standing within the same cosmic hierarchy …

Highly evolved ones, emanate a subtler flow and dynamism out of their own microcosm’s … And reciprocal is the case for lower evolved microcosm’s … Thus, as is the evolutionary standing of a microcosm within the cosmic hierarchy, so is the subtlety or grossness of its emanated flows and dynamism


BB) …

Differences, their balancing nature and eternal continuity of cosmic creation …

This cosmic hierarchy and placements of various microcosm’s within it, is also such that it ensures that each of the emanated cosmic flows and dynamism of microcosm’s eventually are such that they are balancing another microcosm’s flows and dynamism (or flows and dynamism of a group of microcosm) …

Thus, within this cosmic hierarchy, each microcosm needs another microcosm to balance its own individualistically emanated flows and thus bring these flows to a state which is closer to neutrality

As such, all individualities and corpuses that exist within the macrocosmic creation, are eventually ensuring the maintenance of Law of hierarchy within the macrocosmic creation … And in their finality, they also are ensuring the net neutrality of the macrocosmic resultant, due to which they also are complying to the law of equanimity of macrocosmic corpus (or in other words, the law of final equanimity, which we have already discussed earlier on) …

This hierarchy also continues until an aspirant (microcosm) finally exits out of the entire macrocosmic creation and also exits out from the primordial nature (macrocosmic voidness or Shunya Tattva or Shunyata) … Only after this state, is the microcosm finally freed of the effects of this law of cosmic hierarchy …


BB-1) …

Perils of incompleteness or loss of fullness and absence of cosmic hierarchy …

If there remains no hierarchy, that all microcosm’s would arrive within a state of sameness to each other and this sameness would also be reflected within their emanated flows and dynamism …

Such a sameness would further lead to a state where the dynamic existence of all parts of cosmic creation (i.e. universes, its planes of existence, worlds and all other microcosms) would cease to exist in their apparent independence to each other and also in their actual interdependence to each other, would come to an end …

This would in turn lead to absence of differences of parts of the macrocosmic creation, which would only lead to a state of non compliance towards the law of non sameness and which in turn would lead to coming on the wrong side of the law of stagnation and which in turn would lead to merging of all such states (which have arrived at a sameness) to each other and this would also be a very destructive process that can even empty an entire universe of all its parts (i.e. all microcosm’s) and thus end the existence of the entire universe …


Proceeding further …

This is because in such a condition where individualities cease to exist in independence of each other and where such a state manifests within the entire multi-universe, then there would be no dynamism to run the macrocosmic creation … No flows to continue any further would eventually lead to a nonness of dynamism and thus lead to an end of existence of the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation …

Such a condition would also lead to an end of the ‘entire universal process (i.e. the one process there only is, as evolution)’ of each microcosm that has ever begun and thence has rested (or has continued to rest) within the Maker’s Makings

Thus, in order to maintain an unbroken continuity of existence of all that is existing within the Makers Makings, the need for manifestation of this multi-dimensional and thus multi-state and multi-existence aspect of cosmic hierarchy was there during the original origination process of the macrocosmic creation … And this itself was because, without this vast nature of hierarchy, the existence of macrocosmic creation can never be ensured until the timeless eternity that was to be as per the implicit meaning of her “first desire (i.e. first desire of nature)” …

And additionally, due to this nonness of guaranteed existence that would be in absence of the vast number of aspects and parts of cosmic hierarchy, the perils that the entire macrocosmic creation and her parts would get subjected to at cyclic intervals, cannot be avoided on a cosmic scale … Thus, in absence of the vast multi-dimensional, multi-state and multi-aspected nature of cosmic hierarchy, the entire macrocosmic creation would get subjected to regular perils (and which as such is not the case, when hierarchy is of a vast state because in such a condition, these perils would only be of a microcosm state and can never be of cosmic proportions) …

Thus, to ensure absence of perils of a cosmic nature, a vast variety of flows and dynamism was needed to be emanated out of the microcosm’s that exist within the macrocosmic creation and which in turn needed a vast nature of cosmic hierarchy in which such microcosm’s could be placed across the entirety of their evolutionary existence

And this placement of microcosm also was such that, each individuality was different from every other individuality, even when they apparently looked the same and such that close to infinite types of ever evolving flows and dynamisms from each evolving microcosm would eventually exist within the macrocosmic creation and thus ensure its non stagnating flows and dynamism, which shall further ensure its eternal existence as a fuller whole and even when its individual parts (i.e. all microcosm’s, right from an atom to a universe) would keep originating and dissoluting …

And this brings us to another aspect of maintaining the macrocosmic existence through cosmic hierarchy and which could be thus stated … As far as the macrocosmic creation is concerned, following is what stands out as a matter of fact …

If she ceases to be dynamic, she shall cease to exist


And further to above …

If her any part ceases to be dynamic, that part shall immediately cease to exist


And where loss of dynamism is also deemed to be present when, anything reaches a sameness to any earlier state (i.e. its own state or state of any other microcosm that had ever existed within the macrocosmic creation) …


BB-2) …

Ever-changeful state of hierarchy and pluralistic monism of cosmic creation …

Due to the peril as described above, is the eternal need of maintaining of differences of parts (microcosms) within the Makers Makings …

And since differences only lead to a pluralistic state of the cosmic creation, so is she intrinsically pluralistic … And yet, since each of the parts (microcosm) that exist within the macrocosmic creation, are also existing as intrinsic partless parts of her, so this itself becomes the base of her essential monism


Example of above fact: Just like organs, etc., are intrinsic partless parts of the parts of the physical body, so is the relation of all microcosm’s to the the macrocosmic creation … Just like the entire corpus of parts of the physical body (like individual cells and their clusters in the form of various organs, etc.,) are none other than the physical body, so are the entire corpus of microcosm that exist within the macrocosmic creation, none other than the macrocosmic creation … Just as the physical body is made up of individual organs, so is the macrocosmic creation made up of individual microcosms … Just like individual cells cluster together to form the individual organs of a physical body, so do the individual microcosm’s cluster together to form the worlds, planes of existences (like galaxies, etc.) and universes … Just like the body has its systems like circulation system, digestive system etc., so does the macrocosmic creation also have … Just like the cells keep forming and dying within the physical vehicle and during the lifetime of the physical vehicle, so do the microcosm also exhibit sameness to this fact when they rest within the macrocosmic creation … Etc., etc., … And irrespective of whether it is the physical body with its cells and organs or the macrocosm with its individual and corpus of microcosm’s, both stay in an intrinsic pluralism and yet remain in an essential monism as is referred to within this discussion …


Proceeding further …

Thus is the eternal need to ensure differences of lesser and larger proportions between all microcosm’s as long as they exist within the Maker’s Makings because suchness of vast number and types of differences also ensures a vast probability of maintenance of dynamism of the macrocosmic creation …

And since every microcosm is evolving due to the effects of the principle of eternal evolution, so which evolution also ensures an ever changefulness within the microcosm’s and which itself ensures the compliance to law of non sameness and also ensures coming on the wrong side of the macrocosmic law of stagnation … And this itself ensures her existence within those fathomless times that itself are of her existence …

Differences between her parts (i.e. all microcosm’s) and their eternal evolutionary process also lead to their compliance towards the principle of evolution and the law of real nextness, which in turn ensures an eternity of every changeful flows and dynamism within her parts and which would further ensures the eternity of existence of the macrocosmic creation even when her parts rest within a cyclic nature of existence (i.e. they are originated, stay for a while and then die out of that incarnated or manifested state) … The need for ever-change of all evolving individualities and corpuses within the macrocosmic creation, in turn led to the need for manifestation of this law of hierarchy because this law also ensures their independent existence, even when they also remain within the purviews of their dependence upon each other …

Irrespective of the evolutionary standing of any microcosm, each begun microcosm is only resting within this principle and this also is due to the need of the macrocosmic nature, to ensure its eternal existence even when she (macrocosmic creation) is in her begun, and thus ever changeful and eternally dynamic state …

Thus all that is ever begun, is resting within the principle of hierarchies because without hierarchies, the compliance to other macrocosmic principles and their laws would be an impossibility … And such a state also needs differences of microcosm’s from each other and where such differences are not only of states of their existence, their dimensional existence, their sizes or other aspects, but also have to be of subtlety and grossness … This is because, the lattermost told aspect, is the one which leads to presence of hierarchies across all aspects of Makers Makings …


Proceeding further …

All hierarchies that we see in societies of humanity and other parts of macrocosmic speciology who resides upon this planet, is also there to ensure compliance to this law …


BB-3) …

Hierarchy as a base of pluralistic monist state of cosmic creation …

Since hierarchy is generated from individual microcosm and their individual corpuses, which itself are seemingly independent from each other and yet remain in their dependence to each other, so this is what leads to the pluralistic yet monist state of the macrocosmic creation …

And since everything is evolving so this also leads to an ever changeful state of the pluralistic yet monist cosmic hierarchy …


BB-4) …

Need of individualities and individual corpuses within cosmic hierarchy …

Without an individuality (individual microcosms) and individual corpuses (all groups of individual microcosm’s like those which live within a universe, plane of existence or world or even within the ambit of a religion, belief, faith, land, society and family, etc.) the cosmic hierarchy cannot exist …

Thus, within the Makings of Maker, was felt the need of these individualities and corpuses and that too in a state, where each individuality could simultaneously also be a part of multiple individual corpuses … And where these corpuses could also be of differing states of subtlety and grossness … And this is what makes the cosmic hierarchy to be none other than a multi-universal, multi-planic, multi-world entity which is also multi-level within its multi-dimensional state …

Note: Just deeply think about above stated fact and its truth would be revealed to you …


CC) …

Evolution of hierarchical states …

As a state evolves, then it can only evolve under the following conditions …

  • As far as the individual evolution is concerned … During evolution of any microcosm (or state), there is a maintenance of its ratios of subtleties and grossness to its own real next state …

This means, that if one state evolves to a higher subtlety, then the state which is of its real next subtlety would also have to correspondingly evolve … Thus, evolution of a single state, eventually leads to evolution of its real next state and which in turn leads to a chain reaction to set in all other real-next’s of all further states that ever are resting within the macrocosmic hierarchy …

But this chain reaction of evolutionary progress can only happen if the others are already resting in their real nextness of evolution that is also leading them to their real next evolutionary state (and thus real next state of subtlety) …

Thus in a system, if a single microcosm evolves, then that evolution would always be beneficial to all other microcosm’s, but provided those microcosm’s have also reached their own readiness to enter into their real nextness of evolutionary standings (and thus their real next subtlety can be attained by all of them) …

And this is what leads to evolution of the individual corpus of which that microcosm (who has evolved) is a part …

  • As far as the evolution of an individual corpus is concerned … When an individual corpus evolves, then its evolution is also such that it maintains its ratios of subtlety and grossness to its real next corpus of individualities …

Thus, when an individual corpus evolves, then that evolution can also lead to an evolution of its real next and further next corpuses … But this can only happen if that real next corpus and those further real next corpuses are resting in an evolutionary readiness to evolve to their respective real next state of evolution and subtlety …

And whenever any individual corpus evolves, then all the individualities that make it also have to evolve and this itself is because that individual corpus is eventually made of the group of individualities that make it …

  • If above is not possible to be complied with (due to absence of factors which could lead to it) … But if suchness of real nextness (as described above) is not there, then that individual state would only end up makings its own hierarchy and where that newer hierarchy that manifests within the macrocosmic creation, is also granted to that individual state (or corpus) by the divinities of Makers Makings itself … This is the reason for origination of newer universes, planes of existences and worlds and is also the reason for coming in of a newer religion and way of life …


CC-1) …

Hierarchy is also of Karma, Karma Phala and their Samskara (impressions) …

More is a deed based within “oneness to allness” subtler is a deed and subtler would be its fruit … And reverse is for deeds that relate to individual (person, etc.) or even those deeds that relate to an individual corpus (like a planet, country, state or city or village, society, family, faith or belief or religion or way of life, organization, etc.,) …

And since our specific types of desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds and their fruits also lead to generation of their specific types of impression (i.e. impressions with a specific subtlety or grossness), so this also puts these generated impressions (Samskara) within a state of hierarchy that it related to subtlety and grossness …


CC-2) …

Non compliance to cosmic hierarchy always leads to non eternity …

This non-compliance is seen within all aspects that relate to a state of non sameness of their ways of life to the state of Makers Makings, within which they (systems, their adherents, texts etc.) itself reside … This includes below listed aspects, but is not limited to what is told here …

  • Those systems which are talking out sameness of all … This leads to breach of requirement of maintenance of macrocosmic hierarchy within that system or way of life …
  • Those states which don’t relate to Varnashrama (Varna) … This leads to a breach of compliance towards the primary requirement of hierarchy of parts of macrocosm …
  • Those systems which don’t adopt the Gotra Vyavastha … This leads to such a non-compliance, that the procreative power in its followers keeps declining … Gotra was to ensure correct maintenance of procreative power in humans as without it the reproductive capacity would fail in the longer term … This is the harm of this non-compliance …
  • Individualism (monotheism) … Of any sort, also leads to a non-compliance towards the requirement of correct maintenance of cosmic hierarchy, which itself is through the maintenance of differences of ways of life … This leads to a state where the adherents (and also texts, propagators, God and heaven) of such systems come in non compliance towards the macrocosmic hierarchy in addition to a further non compliance towards the law of non-sameness of all parts of allness … And over a certain longer period of existence of such systems, this in turn makes that system non compliant towards the aspects that relate to law of stagnation and which itself becomes the reason for that systems final end in that world where it has manifested a few centuries or even a few millenniums ago …
  • , etc., …

Any way of life or a system or practice that fails to comply to the intrinsic requirements of this law, invariably ends after a critical quantum of this non compliance gets reflected within the emanated flows and dynamism (of that philosophy or ways of life or its adherents) … Thus, such systems are never found to be as eternal ones, and this is even if they may claim otherwise …

It also is due to this reason, that such systems always have an end time theory already incorporated within them … And on the contrary, a system that is pluralistic monist, and thus stays in line with the ways of life of the macrocosmic creation, in addition to its compliance towards the requirements of the currently discussed law of macrocosmic hierarchy, always has a philosophy of cycle of time (or a repetitive or recurring state of wheel of time or Kaalchakra) …


CC-3) …

Hierarchy is dependent upon ones evolutionary standing …

Evolutionary process leads to a state where the microcosm’s get placed within the cosmic hierarchy and where this placement is also as per their then evolutionary standing

Thus, irrespective of what anyone may believe or think, the process of evolution only leads to placement of all parts of allness (i.e. all microcosm’s) into the cosmic hierarchy …


CC-4) …

Types and quantum of emanated flows and dynamism is as per evolutionary hierarchical standing …

For a particular evolutionary standing, a particular type and quantum of flows and dynamism would be emanated by a microcosm and this type and flow is different from that which another microcosm  would be emanating whilst it rests at different evolutionary standings within the same cosmic hierarchy …

Thus, as the microcosm evolves, its flows and dynamism also change in their types (subtlety or grossness) and their quantum and this change in the flows that any microcosm emanates, itself leads to an ever change within the cosmic flows and dynamism and thus in turn leads to an absence of stagnation , within the macrocosmic creation … This absence of stagnation is also due to the non-sameness of these emanated flows and dynamism that are emanated from each evolving microcosm …

And this is also such that, as the entity evolves, its flow also keep becoming subtler and thus its flow emanating capacity also increases within the increment of its subtlety (as we have already discussed, subtlety has a higher bandwidth, and thus whenever a higher subtlety is arrived at, then the flow generating capacity of that microcosm, also increases …

Universal spheres, planes of existences and worlds exist only due to this eternal hierarchy and from a subtler point of view, it also is this hierarchy which is found to be the basis of eternal continuity of each manifest state that rests within the entirety of the macrocosmic creation … Each microcosm keeps resting within this principle until it realizes the differences and thus duality that this hierarchy leads to and then only does that microcosm consciously decide to let go of these individualities, so as to walk clear of and beyond this law …

As also is until we experience it and see its hierarchical standing and thus know that it is still within hierarchy and thus is not the final truth, we would keep continuing within the flows and dynamism that the hierarchy eventually leads us towards and into …

All the ever changeful dances of evolution and existence and their pleasures meet their end whenever the aspirant arrives at the knowledge of nonness of hierarchy within the attributeless infinite yet undefined omnipresent being (I.e. Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) … Unless the knowledge of the non hierarchical reality is at hand, the aspirant would only continue to be involved within the hierarchies (and thus would not be able to let go of and/or go beyond this law) …



DD) …

Self-realization of duality or non-reality of hierarchy is the path of liberation …

When this realization (or non reality and thus duality of hierarchy) arrives, then only does the aspirant begin escaping (or going beyond) this law of cosmic hierarchy …

Whilst going beyond, that aspirant also escapes from all the universes, their planes of existence (galaxies, etc.) and worlds and this is in addition to also escaping out of all states, modes and conditions of existence …

The entire process of evolution, is only leading to the same non-hierarchical state as is of the attributeless infinite (Nirguna Nirakara) who by ITself is none other than the undefined Absolute being (Param Brahma) …

As such, any aspirant who has known this macrocosmic hierarchy as an intrinsic ever-changeful and thus a dual non-reality cannot even continue within the macrocosmic creation … This leads to a state of rejection of the dualities of hierarchical state and which in turn becomes as a path to self-realization of the eternally non-dual attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahm) …

As also a fact, that the aspirant who has already self-realized the non-reality of hierarchy is not even affected by the non-eternal and thus the non-constant nature of hierarchy …

And even when the hierarchy is apparent as an eternal eternity to all those who are yet to realize this fact, that aspirant who has realized the non-real nature of hierarchy, eventually escapes out of the macrocosmic hierarchy and thence enters in that, which is beyond the macrocosm


As matter of fact …

Even when an aspirant exits out of the macrocosmic hierarchy, the same hierarchy stays applicable to all other microcosm’s who have not realized its non-real nature …

Any aspirant who has known the dual nature of hierarchy, also remains with no choice but to let go of it and thence enter into that path which is leading to the attributeless infinite being (Parabrahman) who as such is beyond the dualities and thus non realities of hierarchy …

After the dual and thus non-real nature of hierarchy is realized, does any aspirant decide to exit out of it and after this stage the aspirant can also qualify to walk the “last and final path, which as such is a pathless partless path (Brahmanpath)” and which eventually leads to the self-realization of the attributeless infinite being (Para Brahman) … And in the finality of that self-realization (of the attributeless infinite being), that absolute being (Parambrahma) is also found to be none other than the aspirants Atman (innermost essence or soul) … Thus, the final of state of self-realization is also none other than that of “Atman is Brahman” …


DD-1) …

Cosmic hierarchy is related to Gods and their heavens …

Brahman denotes Kaivalya (final liberation due to a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part) is also infinite due to being the attributeless being (Nirguna Brahman) … Since that which is attributeless and infinite cannot be any other than being omnipresent, so Brahm is also told to be so in Vedic lore … Since the omnipresent also has its presence within all paths and this itself is in addition to the fact, that all paths eventually also lead to that same omnipresent being, so due to this reason, all paths are leading to Brahman itself …

And due to above, the final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha) can never be related to a single state or heaven and due to this reason, that final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) is also free of all hierarchies of Makers Makings and thus is also free of law of cosmic hierarchy …


Proceeding further …

But when the final liberation is reduced to an individual state (like a God or heaven) then in such a condition, even when this term (final liberation) is not related to cosmic hierarchy, yet it gets based within it … And this itself is because, the heavens of egoistic Gods are also a part of the same cosmic hierarchy …

But within the Makers Makings, to ensure the existence of this law stays firm within all parts of allness (which also includes the heavens of egoistic Gods) all the Abhimani Devata or controllers of the planes, portray themselves as the final godheads … And this is why there has never been any Egoistic God, who did not do so and where suchness is also to ensure the presence of hierarchy within their realms (heavens) that also are one or another of those vast number of parts of the genius of Makings of Maker …


DD-2) …

Stages of realization of final truth are also based within a hierarchy …

During the process of evolution, the aspirant traverses from one aspect of grossness to its further real-next subtlety … When that real next subtlety is arrived at, then it seems as the truth for that aspirant …

But since the evolution process also continues afterwards, so eventually that earlier self-realized state of truth, is eventually found to be non real … And after this further self-realization, the aspirant lets go of that earlier truth, and reaches the real next subtler state that is from it where that aspirant begins believing it as the truth …

This is an endless process and in this the earlier apparent truth always becomes the later non-truth and this also continues until the aspirant finally enters into the last pathless partless path (Brahmpath) and finally self-realizes the final truth, that itself is as the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakaar Brahman) …

Thus, all stages of progress of microcosm (any aspirant) within the universal process, are also related to the same cosmic hierarchy …


Continues …

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