Unitary value of space

This topic shall discuss the unitary value of space, which means as the Unit space, Space unit, Unit of space, Units of space and as a Space unit …

This topic is in continuity to the previous one of “Calculate gravity on earth” …

In this topic we shall also be utilizing values of earlier topics and thus wherever needed, these topics shall be referenced in below discussions …

This topic is to calculate the “space unit (or unitary value of space)” at any single time … These unitary values of space are directly related to Manav Yuga (i.e. human ages) which run within the circle of precession of equinoxes

Above figure is without 9 degrees offset, but this topic can also be discussed 9 degrees offset as final-values won’t change …

Thus in this topic we shall be discussing the relation of unitary value of space to the human ages (or in other words, relationship to the precession of equinoxes) through the knowledge of Kaalchakra or eternal, beginningless and thus endless cycle of time which runs within the eternal timeless being (i.e. Bhagwan Mahakaal) and which is propelled by the pristine divinity of that eternal timeless being (i.e. Maa Mahakaali) and where this propulsion if only effected through their eternally unioned condition which we had discussed in an earlier topic of “Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga” and which actually denotes the culmination stage of all Yoga Tantra of the entirety of triple times …

Thus this topic shall be for discussing the changeful nature of unitary values of space as per human age cycle and just as it is when this aspect is observed from this world system …


73-AA … Present human age of Manav Tretayuga … Base of current unit space …

As per above figure, it is pretty clear that as of now the human age of trinity (Manav Treta Yuga) is still continuing and is also about to end on/around 2082 AD (+/- all that we had discussed in earlier topics) …

The  current Manav Yuga Chakra or human age cycle (i.e. human age of trinity or Manav Tretayuga) has a time span of 3600 human solar years (as per middle time units of precession), which translates to a time span of 3,888 human solar years (as per Nadir time cycles or the currently applicable cardinal point of precession) … These two values have already been derived in section 36-BB-1 and section 36-BB-2 of an earlier topic of “Time spans of human ages” …

And due to the fact that the currently applicable cardinal point of earth’s axial precession is of Nadir, so we shall have to consider Nadir time units of precession within our calculations which relate to the current stage of “unitary value of space” …


73-BB … Breakup of human age of trinity … Base of calculation of unitary value of space 

If the movement of time is seen through above figure, then it would be found that as of now this world system is moving into Manav Satyuga (or Human golden age or human age of truth) which itself is the “Age of Sages (which in Sanskrit can also be called as Guru Yuga)” because that human golden age which falls within the larger time spans of a divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) is an age of sages only …


The break up of 3,888 human solar years of Manav Tretayuga is as follows …

10% (setting in time) + 100% (set time) + 10% (exit time)


So basis above, this time span becomes as follows …

324 (setting in time) + 3240 (set time) + 324 (exit time)


Above is the same value which was derived in section 41-BB of an earlier topic of “Breakup of human age cycles” …

And it is also pretty clear from above figure that as of now this world is in the “324 years of exit time” of the current human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) …


73-CC-1 … Calculate unitary value of space or one space unit …

This calculation is of the unitary value of space (or one unit of space) at current stage of precession i.e. that stage of precession which relates to the current human age cycle of Trinity (or Manav Tretayuga as is shown in above figure) …

We had also discussed earlier that the “expansion and contraction of space is inversely proportional to the increasing or decreasing state of “unitary value of time (and where these units also increase and decrease within the human age cycles”) …

As of now, unitary values of time are decreasing and thus the space should be increasing its expanses … This is in line with discussions in an earlier topic that the changes in “unitary value of space is inversely proportional to changes in unitary value of time” …

Thus if we see the the figure of human age cycles as was shown in an earlier topic of “Shukla and Krishna Paksha”, then unitary values of space would be increasing in the lightness half (Shukla Paksha) of precession cycle which had started around 1434 AD, which led to coming of saints like Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and his Panch Sakha (five friends), Guru Nanak Dev Ji and others …

And the reverse would happen in the much later stage (around 11-12 millenniums from now) when the non-lightness half of the precession cycle shall again be reached by this world … Thus unitary values of space would be decreasing in the non-lightness half (Krishna Paksha) of the precession cycle …

Above is the basis of space constant as is calculated by below method …


{(Sandhikaal time of current age at closest cardinal point of precession / Devaraja Indra’s Ashwamedha number) / time taken for one degree precession at current stage of precession } x time taken for one degree precession arc at the closest Precession cardinal point


So this calculation becomes as follows …

{(324/100) /71.6} x 72 = 3.2581008 “units of distance in space”


And if we round-off above figure, then it becomes as follows …

3.26 “unit distance in space”

This is the unitary value of space (or this value denotes one unit of space) at current time units of precession (i.e. present stage of Agragaman) …


Note: In above method, I have used the number of ruler of divine worlds (who in Vedic lore is addressed as Indra Deva and during ancient times, Indra was also called as Idandra Deva) because space is a domain of ruler (of divine worlds) only … All divine worlds rest in space and the space itself is the kingdom of ruler of divine worlds (I.e. Devaraja Indra) … As also, macro-elemental space (or Akasha Mahabhoot) is none other than a divine aspect of Maker’s Makings, so ruler of divine worlds is the one who stays as the ruler of space … And it is within the expanses of ether, that macro-elemental earth (which means as the Bhu Mahabhoot or all earthly celestial entities) rest and thus Indra’s number is also a universal number which is applicable to all celestial earthly entities …

Note: In above calculation I have used the reverse method as compared to other calculations of this topic of Kaalchakra) because “expansion or contraction of space (I mean changes in space) are inversely proportional to increase or decrease of unitary values of time (I mean changes in unitary value of time)” …

Note: The term “unit distance in space (as is stated in above derived value)” in relation to “units of distance” that are adopted in the present day modern sciences, is derived below (section 73-CC-2)…


73-CC-2 … Unit distance in space at currently applicable Nadir cardinal point …

In an earlier topic “Calculate Surya Samvatsara” we had derived the value of 25,920 million human solar years (as per Middle time units of precession) …

And in an earlier topic of “Precession of equinoxes” and also in another topic of “Calculating precession” we had calculated the time of one precession circle as 24,000 human solar years (at Middle time units of precession) …

And in above discussions, we had said that to derive space units from time units, the method of calculation is reverse to what was utilized in all earlier calculations of this topic of Kaalchakra (as changes in space are inversely proportional to changes in time) …

And since distance of space is of the distance that “manifest light (or light which we see) takes to travel in one year, so “one unit of distance in space” can only be in light years …


Thus basis above,

The number of precession cycles that are present in one Surya Samvatsara are as follows …

25,920 million / 24,000 = 1.08 million human solar years …

This is the distance in space basis time which is taken by light to travel that space in one year and that too at Middle time units …


Proceeding further …

So now we shall reduce above value to Nadir time units (i.e. time units which are applicable as per the closest cardinal point of precession for the current stage of travel of this world within the precession cycle) … This is as follows …

{(1.08 million / 72) x 66.6666667} = 1.00 million human solar years


This is the time for travel of light in space or the distance that light would travel in space in 1 million human solar years (and basis Nadir time units or time units of the closest cardinal point of precession) …

Note: Values of 66.6666667 and 72 are directly taken from an earlier topic of “unitary value of time” and these are reversed in above calculation as right now we are deducing the space and not time … Reversal is as “changes in space are inversely proportional to changes in unitary value of time” …


Proceeding further …

And now we shall reduce this value to the current time units of precession (for which above values of 3.2581008 units of distance in space was derived) …

This is as follows …

{(1.00/ 72) x 71.6} = 0.9444444 million human solar years

Or in other words, 994,444.44 human solar years of travel of light


Note: Values of 71 and 71.6 are are directly taken from an earlier topic of “unitary value of time” and these are reversed in above calculation as right now we are deducing the space … Reversal is due to “changes in space are inversely proportional to changes in unitary value of time” …


Thus basis above …

Distance of unit space (at Current time units) … At current time units, the distance of unitary value of space (at current time units means at “yearly rate of change of precession of 50.28 arc seconds” which I had observed at sea) becomes as follows …

3.2581008 x 0.94444444 million human solar years that light would take to travel in space … Or simply …

3.2581008 x 0.94444444 million light years


Distance of unit space (at Nadir time units) … At Nadir time units (i.e. closest cardinal point of precession to current stage of travel of this world within the precession cycle) the distance of unitary values of space becomes as follows …

3.2581008 x one million human solar years that light would take to travel in space … Or simply …

3.2581008 million light years


Note: This value is an absolute one as it is only dependent upon time and its cycles (i.e. Kaal and Kaalchakra) and not on any hierarchies, relativities, natural variables or any other aspects due to atmospheric conditions …

Note continues: These calculated values are basis the absolute speed of light which was derived in section 71-CC of an earlier topic of “Speed of light” as 1,079,053,804 kilometers per hour (and basis current time units) …


73-DD … Changes in space units during time span of incoming Guru Yuga …

Above value is not constant as it would be seen to be increasing during future times as this planetary system keeps getting closer to the inauguration phase of the incoming Guru Yuga (i.e. around 2082 AD) and then transiting the setting in time of that Guru Yuga (Age of Sages) as is calculated below …

And as the times continue to proceed further into the the setting in phase of the Guru Yuga (or human age of truth), then ultimately these space units shall be of a value as is calculated below …

Thus as the precession cycle (I mean human age cycle) progresses, then this value shall also keep changing (increasing) correspondingly, which can also be calculated basis above stated methods and whilst utilizing the setting in time of the incoming “Age of Sages (Guru Yuga)” instead of the exit time of the current human age of Trinity (Manav Tretayuga) as was done in above calculations …

Thus basis above paragraph, when the cycle of time shall be closer to the stage when the “setting in time of the incoming Guru Yuga (or human age of truth)” would be completed and at this stage, the Sandhikaal of the next human age cycle shall have to be used in above equation (and that too as per currently applicable closest cardinal point of precession) because at that stage also, the Nadir point of precession would be remaining valid due to being the closest cardinal point of precession (i.e. when the setting in time of the incoming Guru Yuga (or human golden age) completes, then also the current cardinal point of precession would be the point which would be applicable to this world) … This fact has been calculated below …


Proceeding further …

Manav Satyuga has a time span of 4,000 human solar years (as per Middle time units) and this becomes as 5,184 human solar years (as per Middle time units) … This was derived in section 36-BB-1 and 36-BB-2 of an earlier topic of “Time spans of human ages” …

But since at the stage of completion of setting in time of the incoming Guru Yuga, the applicable cardinal point would be of Nadir of precession only, so we shall have to use the time span of Nadir point only i.e. 5,184 human solar years …


And the break up of this time is as follows …

10% (setting in time) + 100% (set time) + 10% (Exit time)

432 + 4320 + 432 = 5,184 human solar years


Note: Above stated values are the same as were derived in section 40-AA of an earlier topic of “Breakup of human age cycles” …

Note: 10 percent time on either side is also termed as Sandhikaal of the human age cycle (i.e. the time when the human age begins changing) …


Proceeding further …

At those future times which would be of the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) instead of 324 years as we have used earlier on, 432 years shall have to be utilized along with the closest cardinal point of that time …

The calculation of this stage of progress of human ages (by human ages, I mean the same as a Precessional circle) i.e. that stage when the setting in time of Guru is completed, is as follows …

{(2082 AD + 432 AD) / 2} = 2,514  AD


This is time of completion of setting in phase of the incoming Age of Sages (or in other words, Guru Yuga) i.e. when the divinities of Guru Yuga would have fully manifested in this world … And this is also the time of inauguration of Age of Aquarius within this world … And this time is also as per the then applicable Nadir time units (so when the middle of Guru Yuga would be passed by, then this time would need to be reduced to middle time units, which please do it yourself, if you really want to know) …

And all these times are +/- 1 to 2.7 years and “Offset of Sri Krishna’s departure” (because Sri Krishna was last Poorna Avatar and thus his offset shall continue till next Poorna Avatar i.e. Kalki Avatar, comes to this world) …


So at those future times it would be seen that the value of space unit (or unit of space) is also an eternally changeful one … I won’t be calculating this value as then I need to declare another principle of Kaalchakra, but the fact remains that the units of space shall be found to be increasing in future and until the next about 11 millenniums as are of the currently running lightness phase (Shukla Paksha) of precession … But I shall be using this time in the next topic of “Observable universe” …

And after above time span it would again begin reducing when the Zenith point of precession is crossed over and thence this world system again enters into the non-lightness phase (Krishna Paksha) of the precession cycle …


73-EE … Conclusion … Nothing is constant …

Basis above and many earlier calculations, it is pretty clear that as the human age cycles progress, the “so called constants” also change …

And this change is universal when viewed from this planet or its surrounding space so all that is observed “upon earth and beyond earth in that limitless space” and that too whilst we (i.e. the observers) are resting on earth or its surrounding space (which actually extends to that sea of rocks that envelopes this planetary system) shall also be found to be changeful as per the changes of time cycles (i.e. Manav Yuga which is also called as human age cycle and also as the Precessional cycle) …


Basically if I were to put things in perspective and just how they actually are, then I can also say as follows …

None of the values of constants of physics, astronomy and astrophysics are really constant …

This is because constancy only leads to an arrival at sameness to the earlier state (or value) which in turn is taken as a stagnation from the macrocosmic point of view and which itself is due to the universal and eternal application of “macrocosmic principle of stagnation due to sameness” and where this sameness is such that is applies to any now to any earlier nowness that ever was during the entirety of history of the macrocosmic creation

And where sameness is also deemed to have arrived when any microcosm of any now, comes in sameness to any other microcosm of any earlier nowness that ever was during the entirety of history of the macrocosmic creation and where this aspect of sameness is also applicable to those inner subtleties of flows and dynamism that each of these microcosm’s emanate out of themselves …

And since a stagnation always lead to death of that stagnated entity, and since no microcosm ever wishes to die, so on a subtle plane, all microcosm’s always try to not arrive at the wrong side of this principle …

This is what leads to the state where within the Maker’s Makings

“An eternal change remains as the only eternal constant”


Thus, no part of the macrocosm is ever constant in its dimensional values and due to this reason, there cannot ever be anything like a constant which relates to sciences of now now or of any distant future …

As such, the term “constant” as is used in modern sciences is a fallacy … This shall definitely be realized by scientists of later times who would see their own derived values of constants to also be eternally changeful as per the Kaalchakra that is discussed here …

Even the speed of light is an eternally changeful entity and its changes are also in line with the Kaalchakra of our discussion … To know this fact, just change the value of “unitary value of time” for the current time (which I had used basis “yearly change of precession” of 50.28 arc seconds) by replacing them with unitary values of any other time and see that speed of light changing …


Continues …

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