Law of corrective sameness across macrocosm … Law of cosmic correction … Law of universal corrections

Here we discuss the law of cosmic corrections (or Law of cosmic correction or the law of corrective cosmic sameness or law of corrective sameness across the macrocosm or law of cosmic corrections or Law of universal nature of cosmic correction or Law of universal corrections) …

This topic continues from the previous one that had the header of “Law of collective cosmic introspection … Law of eternity of macrocosm” …


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Law of corrective sameness across macrocosm …

This could be thus described …

All cosmic corrections are universally applied and thus are in sameness to the type and quantum of fault of that time


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Explaining the law of cosmic correction … 

This could be thus explained …

  • Basis this law, meaning of the term “corrective sameness” eventually leads to a condition, where, any macrocosmic correction for any act by any microcosm or a group of microcosm’s, is in sameness to that particular fault or aspect …
  • Above in turn means, that, when the cosmic intervention takes place, then the correction that shall be applicable for anything that deviates from what it must be, is the same correction for that act, irrespective of which microcosm had done it and this correction is also irrespective of which plane of existence that act of deviation is done …
  • Thus, irrespective of which which microcosm (and thus also irrespective of the evolutionary standing of that microcosm) who had caused a deviation, the macrocosmic corrective action remains the same for that deviation …
  • This sameness itself is due to the fact, that the macrocosm which itself is present within each microcosm remains in its eternal sameness and thus, there is no bias as far as the macrocosmic correction is concerned …
  • Thus, irrespective of who has caused that fault and where that fault is caused, the correction for that particular fault, is always in sameness across the macrocosm …
  • And depending upon the quantum of deviation, is the quantum of correction that is rendered by the greater macrocosm and that too, from within the microcosm’s physical vehicle itself … This is because, the subtle impressional macrocosm (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) that by itself is the grandparental macrocosm, itself is resting within each microcosm … And it eventually is from within this grandparental state of macrocosm, that the correction is universally applied across the entire macrocosmic creation and her each microcosm …


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Effects of this law of universal corrections …

The above term of “corrective sameness” also means that …

  • Each microcosm who sets on a deviated course to what must be for its current evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchy (and thus evolutionary requirements), is rendered only that type and amount of correction that is necessary to bring it back on its correct path of evolution
  • Thu, basis this fact, even when the same correction is applied for the same fault across the macrocosmic creation, but yet the quantum of correction would be different and this correction would also be dependent upon the quantum of deviation …
  • This correction is also to restore the correctness of evolutionary process and not for any other reason …
  • And even when the the time span of correction is the same for all microcosm’s, yet because the microcosm holds different evolutionary standings within the same cosmic hierarchy, so their evolutionary requirements also also different and this is what leads to a state where the the type and amount of deviation is not the same for all microcosm’s …
  • Thus, even when these corrections are cyclically rendered and are also the same for the same fault within the microcosm’s evolutionary process, yet the types and quantum of these corrections are different on different microcosm’s …
  • It eventually is due to such cyclic corrections, that there also are cyclic destructions within each of the planes and worlds …
  • At those stages of cycle of time when such corrections manifest, these cosmic corrections universally apply to all parts of cosmic speciology even when the types and quantum of corrections are different … This means, that when these corrections get manifested, then these macrocosmic corrections apply to all that is as animate, inanimate, supra-inanimate and supra-animate microcosm …
  • When these corrections manifest, then there always is a collision of divinities of the present ways of life (which as such are deviated and which itself led to that correction to get manifested) and the desired ways of life … And where this collision is within each microcosm and also where the extent of that collision is also dependent upon the quantum of deviation in which that microcosm rests …
  • And because these collisions happen within the microcosm’s physical and subtler vehicles itself, so it invariably leads to an inner chaos, which ultimately spills out (i.e. within the outer worlds) …
  • And usually these corrections manifest in above mentioned state, during the stages of progress of Sandhikaal (I.e. they manifest during intermediary which comes during the stage of change of ages) … This is why the time spans of a Sandhi Kaal are always of chaos …

Note: Since as of now, this world is already resting in the last and final stage of the Sandhikal of the present underway age cycle and the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga or Satyuga), so during the coming years as are to be from the time when I write this topic, the inner chaos that would get manifested within the macrocosmic Speciological parts of this earths ecology, would definitely be leading to that later stage, where the inner chaos would also begin spilling out and into the outer worlds …

Note continues: As also, since the divinities of the incoming human golden age (i.e. the golden age of man or Manav Satyuga or simply, the age of sages) are totally different from the presently ending human age (Manav Yuga), so the coming times would also be of a vast quantum of chaos which ultimately would enter into all ways and walks of life of the cosmic speciology that inhabits this planet as of now … And where that chaos would only start after the stage of coming of the fourth amongst the “four diseases due to Sandhikala” (about which we have already discussed in an earlier topic) … But all this is a part and parcel of those subtle corrective effects that always come by due to the universal applicability of the presently discussed law of corrective sameness across the macrocosm …


Continues …

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