Aspects of Age of Pisces

This topic continues from the previous one of “Vedic and other values” … This topic shall discuss the start, progress and end of phases Offset-Nadir, Zodiacal Age of Pisces (Piscean age), present day independent state of Christianity and Bible, and Nadir phase of precession …

Since Bible was written for the Age of Pisces, so this topic shall also have to discuss the stage of those of ways of life that relate to this independent state of Bible …

Unlike how it now is, prior to the stage when the divinities of Age of Pisces had entered this world, Bible was not an independent scripture as it was a part of the much vast ancient lore’s of Nigama and Agama paths of Sanatan Dharma

However, this breaking up of knowledge through specific scriptures (and their systems or ways of life) is also a characteristic of both the Offset-Nadir and Nadir phases of precession … This is because both these phases are related to divisions …

These divisions at Offset-Nadir and Nadir phases of precession are due to increase in strength of individualism (which in other words, can also be termed as Monotheism) which itself is due to the reduction in strength of the primary system which relates to the ways of life of Maker’s Makings, i.e. pluralistic monism


Proceeding further …

If aspects of these two lore’s (Nigama and Agama) were taken out of the Bible, then there would be nothing substantial remaining in it …

Bible was written prior to the advent of Jesus … Unless the Bible was already written prior to the birth of Jesus, three wise men could not have even known about his birth …

Most of the religious scriptures are written prior to the advent of the main person of that scripture and Bible is no different …

Since this discussion also relates to the Nadir cardinal point of precession, so we would be using Nadir time units here …


125-AA … Cardinal and Offset-Cardinal points of precession and various ages …

As was discussed in earlier topics, far as the human age cycles which in Sanskrit language can also be called as Manav Yuga Chakra) are concerned, following is a fact …

  • Human age cycles also relate to the same Offset-Nadir and Offset-Zenith points of precession of equinoxes
    • Zodiacal ages relate to human age cycles and thus to Offset-Nadir and Offset-Zenith points of earth’s axial precession
  • And even when above is a fact for all human and Zodiacal age cycles, yet the time units that stay applicable during that part of precession cycle when the world is passing through the Offset-Nadir and Offset-Zenith phases of precession are of the closest cardinal point i.e. Nadir or Zenith points (as applicable) …
  • And the same is also applicable when the world is transiting the Middle point and its opposite point of precession (i.e. opposite point of Agragaman) …

This discussion would primarily be related to Offset-Nadir point and yet the time units, which we would use, would be of Nadir point itself …


Proceeding further …

And on contrary to above, as far as divine and other greater cycles stand, following is a fact …

  • Divine ages only relate to cardinal points of precession i.e. Zenith, Nadir, Middle or point opposite to Middle point of precession or Ahaata (as may be applicable at that time) …
  • Solar ages also relate to cardinal points of precession and not to the offset-cardinal points … And same is for Manvantar Chakra (which in other words, means as the Age of Manu) …


125-BB… Nadir and Offset-Nadir phases of precession and Age of Pisces …

Since Zodiacal ages are human ages only and also since during any human age cycle, the Offset-Nadir point is the one that remains effective, so in this discussion we would primarily be relating Offset-Nadir point only …

In an earlier topic of “Offset of human ages”, the effectiveness of Offset-Nadir and Nadir point was told as follows …

  • Offset-Nadir phase … This was told as 18 degrees precession arc around the Offset-Nadir point of precession which this world had passed in 786 AD … So the time period of effectiveness of this Offset-Nadir phase is as follows …

18 x 72 = 1,296 human solar years (as per Nadir time units of precession) …

  • Nadir phase … This was told as 9 degrees precession arc around the Nadir point of precession which this world had passed in 1434 AD … So the time period of effectiveness of this Offset-Nadir phase is as follows …

9 x 72 = 648 human solar years (as per Nadir time units of precession) …


Thus basis above …

  • Prior and after the Offset-Nadir point of 786 AD, the previous and next 1296 years was the stage of time when this world was running within Offset-Nadir phase …
  • Prior and after the Nadir point of 1434 AD, the previous and next 648 years was the stage of time when this world was running within Nadir phase …

And since Offset-Nadir phase denotes deviations of human age cycles (which also include the Zodiacal cycles) so this was why humanity had stayed deviated from all the better ways of life, which eventually relate to “Brahmand Dharana (which in English language would translate to a state of oneness to allness and her each part)” …

And this is why during the time span of the Offset-Nadir and Nadir phases, the earlier unity of humanity got divided into all sorts of nonsensical aspects which related to individualistic state of religions, geographies, politics, economics-trade-business, social aspects and aspects which also related to color, creed, race, sex, intellectual aspects, military-security, etc. … And this was also the time when humanity started losing their relation to divinities of Maker and IT’s Makings due to loss of Gotra and Varna Parampara (which literally means as a timeless tradition) and Vedic Sampradaya

And this phase of Offset-Nadir was also the stage of origination of all sorts of nonsensical and thus deviated individualistic religions, which were proceeding on a reciprocal course to Pluralistic monist ways of life, i.e. primordial ways of life of entirety of Maker’s Makings

This is what became the reason for a cyclic state of chaos in this world whilst the Offset-Nadir and then the Nadir phase was transited through by humanity of this world system …


Proceeding further …

In addition, at a later stage when the Nadir phase had also arrived in tandem with the already underway Offset-Nadir phase, then ways of life of humanity only went into a downward spiral as far as their real nature and path of self-realization was concerned …

When the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) went into her cyclic sleep of about nine millenniums (around 6990 BC, +/- 1 to 2.7 years), this Offset-Nadir of Precessional circle (human ages) was the one which led to origination of all sorts of outward moving, nonsensical, imaginary and dualistic aspects, like there being a god and Satan, heaven and hell, right and wrong etc., instead of the earlier ways of life which were inwardly moving i.e. were related to the “science of soul (or Atma Vijyana)” …

And as the time progressed after sleep of the great grandmother and then this world kept coming closer to the Offset-Nadir and Nadir phases of precession, then even an lower aspect of this nonsense came by … These nonsensical aspects related to the concept of a  believer of such kinds of nonsensical individualistic systems and a non believer …

And then after this world entered into the Offset-Nadir phase (i.e. 786 AD – 18 degrees precession arc + 1.5 degrees precession arc = 402 BC, +/- 1 to 2.7 years), there was the further stage of expansion of this individualistic nonsense …

And then was the advent of divinities of the Zodiacal Age of Pisces (around 78 BC, +/- 1 to 2.7 years as calculated below) which also ran within the Offset-Nadir phase of precession and then the later run of same Age of Pisces within the Nadir phase of Precession cycle

Then was the stage of advent of the Nadir point of precession (i.e. around 1434 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years) …

Since all above stated three phases are degenerate ones only, so this in turn led to advent of severities of individualism … Thus when we study the precession cycles, Offset-Nadir led to Age of Pisces and then to Nadir point of precession … This is why this world has stayed within one or another chaos across the entire times span of Offset-Nadir, Nadir and the Zodiacal Age of Pisces …

But as per knowledge of Kaalchakra, as of now these three phases of time are already resting within their end-times and the next human age cycle (Guru Yuga) and next Zodiacal cycle (which as such is the incoming Age of Aquarius) both of which are related to inward paths (i.e. paths of science of soul or Atma Vijyana) are already knocking upon this worlds door …

And in addition to these three cycles of time, this world is also resting in that stage of time when the great grandmother of all philosophies (Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma) has already started to wake up …

As per science of Kaalchakra, this process of waking up was started around 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) and it would be lasting for the next 108 years (i.e. until 2082 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years) when the next human ages (or Age of Sages) begins …

Due to these reasons, all systems which were related to those stages of time after the great grandmother of all philosophies went into her cyclic sleep (i.e. around 6990 BC, +/- 1 to 2.7 years) would be entering into their end times and this ending would be due to these systems merging to the pluralistic yet monist ways of life of system of the ever-same great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Dharma or Sanatan Dharma) …


Proceeding further …

All these systems which originated after sleep of great grandmother were rooted in fantasies of some of the people of that time who portrayed themselves as the wise-ones, even when they were naught but the other-wise …

Since fantasies only lead to deviation from the eternal unity that relates to intrinsic pluralism and simultaneously relates to the essential monism of ways of life of macrocosmic creation within whose envelopes all these “systems of fantasies” also rest, so after this deviation is arrived at, there also was the further advent of individualism of all sorts of lower-evolved egoistic entities (Abhimani Devata) who began portraying themselves as propagators of individualistic Gods of those times …

But the time span of such nonsense was only destined to last for the following time span …

  • 18 degrees precession arc minus 108 years” prior and after the Offset-Nadir point …
  • So above time spans becomes as follows … from 402 BC (510 BC – 108 years) till 1974 AD (2082 AD – 108 years), both are +/- 1 to 2.7 years …
  • Thus, as far as the time of existence of nonsense of individualism is concerned, it already is living in end stage of its existence within the present precession circle
  • But since individualism always comes in and goes out with a bang, so the chaos of this bang would also be heard during the coming times …

And since as of now, the impressions (Samskaras) of individualism also exist in this worlds consciousness plane (Bhu Chitta), so the chaos of end time of individualism would be of following types …

  • Speciological chaos … i.e. human originated chaos which relates to existence as a part of speciology …
  • Divine chaos … That which is related to divinities of Maker’s Makings … When mother nature used her weapon of time (which in Sanskrit language can also be called as Kaalastra), then would be the advent of this chaos in the form of all sorts of subtle and gross dis-eases of humanity and other parts of speciology which inhabits this world …
  • Natural chaos … That which is related to elements of Mother nature (who in Sanskrit language can also be addressed as Maa Prakriti) … When the elements start changing their inner divinities to the requirements of next age cycle, then would be the advent of this chaos …

Prior to and after above stated time range (i.e. from 402 BC till 1974 AD), is the phase of Pluralistic Monism … This phase denotes an equanimity (or perfection of balance) between the fatherly or masculine principle (Purusha) and motherly or feminine principle (Mother Nature or Maa Prakriti) … It eventually is to that perfect balance that this text of Maker’s Makings primarily relates …

And since next human age cycle (i.e. Age of Sages or Guru Yuga) is also an age of pluralistic monism (Bahuvadi Advaita) where all roads lead to the same home, so the current time span which denotes the run up to that incoming age of sages is also denoting an end of all forms and formless aspects of individualism (monotheism) …

And due to this reason, as far as individualistic (monotheistic) systems are concerned, the current phase of time, is their end time … As also, the current phase of time denotes the end of Precessional offsets as were discussed above …


Proceeding further …

Thus, basis above, the effect of this Offset-Nadir phase was started as follows …

786 AD – 1296 years = 510 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years and a further +/- offset of Sri Krishna’s departure) … And after 108 years (i.e. 402 BC) was the real advent of this phase …

In an earlier topic, this time was also told to be of “Exit of Deva’s” from this world (as was discussed in an earlier topic of “Exit and return back of Deva”) …

Thus, it eventually is due to the degenerate (individualistic) effects of Offset-Nadir, which itself are reciprocal to the pluralistic yet monist ways of life of macrocosmic divinities (i.e. Vedic Devi and Deva) that all these divinities exit out (i.e. all Deva’s exit out) of the world just prior the Offset-Nadir phase of precession starts …

This exit of Deva from the world is what calls for an Amsha-Avatar of Shiva (i.e. Partial-Avatar of Shiva) to enter the world and prepare the Vedic society for a later transit of the Offset-Nadir and then the Nadir points of Precessional circle (human ages) …

The last Amsha-Avatar of Shiva was the sage whom this world addresses as Adi Shankaracharya who had also arrived within the above-derived time span of 510 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …


Proceeding further …

And the degenerate effects of this offset would also be finishing off at the time span that is calculated below …

786 AD + 1296 years = 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years and a further +/- offset of Sri Krishna’s departure) … And 108 years prior to this stage (i.e. from 1974 AD) was the stage when start of exit of Offset-Nadir, Age of Pisces and Nadir phases began in this world …

And coincidentally, 108 years prior to 2082 AD (i.e. from 1974 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years), is also the stage when there is slow yet steady return back of Deva (i.e. return back of divinities) to the world …

So this also means, that, the return back of divinities into this world is because of reduction (and a later absence) of degenerate effects of the Offset-Nadir and Nadir phases which are being discussed here … This return back of Deva’s was also discussed in the earlier topic of “Exit and return back of Deva” …


Proceeding further …

And as was calculated in another earlier topic “Age of Sages and Polaris”, the same time of 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years and a further +/- offset of Sri Krishna’s departure) is also the stage of the inauguration of Age of ages (Guru Yuga) in this world …

And in another earlier topic of “Sage from Maheshwara” we had discussed that “108 years +/- 1 to 2.7 years” prior to inauguration of “Guru Yuga (Age of Sages)” in 2082 AD (i.e. 1974 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years), is the stage of birth of a person who has to prepare an appropriate physical vehicle for the later advent of the Sage of Tatpurusha … The advent of this sage shall have to be through the process of transmigration of soul and this is due to the fact that since he is temporarily returning back from Tatpurusha face of Shiva, so he would have already gone beyond that evolutionary standing from where a regular birth (i.e. birth from womb of a physically present mother would be possible) …

1974 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years is also the stage when the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma) enters into her last 108 years of sleep, which by this time has already lasted for almost nine millenniums … This is the stage of time when the great grandmother of all philosophies just about begins her the process of her waking up which also lasts for 108 years after 1974 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years …

This Sage from Tatpurusha is the one who would be laying down a very subtle yet strong foundation of the incoming age of sages in this world and thus in an earlier topic we had addressed him as the Sthapak of Guru Yuga (in other topics, this sage has also been addressed as Yuga Sthapak) …

As also, since this sage is from Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, so he would have already gone past the evolutionary standing from where birth from womb of a physically present would be possible for him … Thus, he would need a readymade physical vehicle to enter this physical realm through the path of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit language is also termed as path of Parkaya Pravesh) …

As per Kaalchakra, the time range of this advent of the sage of our discussion, which shall have to be by the path of transmigration shall also be within below stated time range …

1974 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years and a further +/- 7 years

So, this leads us to the time range of …

From 1977 AD until 1984 AD


Above time span of his advent of the Sage of Tatpurusha denotes the “speeding up of process of ending” of the following time cycles …

  • Offset-Nadir phase of precession …
  • Age of Pisces …
  • Nadir phase of precession …
  • End time of all systems that originated after the great grandmother of all philosophies went into her cyclic sleep around 6990 BC, +/- 1 to 2.7 years …

Since the time of advent of this Sage of Maheshwara has already elapsed in 1984 AD, so as of now he should already be present “somewhere” in this world …

And his advent also denotes the last stage of effectiveness of Offset-Nadir and Nadir phases of precession and thus this advent also denotes the stage of time, when all individualistic systems (monotheistic systems of any sort) would be entering into an incremental chaos

And by the time “one degree precession arc (i.e. 71.6 years ~ 72 years) from the time of his advent as stated above, is crossed over, this world would already be getting ready to welcome the incoming age of sages … This stage shall be latest by 2055 AD (i.e. 1984 AD + 71.6 years = 2055 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years) … Prior to this time denotes the stage of expansion of chaos …

As per Kaalchakra calculations, above time of 2055 AD is also related to the last part of end phase of change to the incoming age of sages (or in other words, human age of truth) … We shall discuss this in a later topic …

Thus, the time of advent of Sage of Tatpurusha also denotes the last part of the final end of the currently ending human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) and simultaneous expansion of divinities (or effects) of the Age of Aquarius … And this time also denotes the final stage of existence of Age of Pisces within the present Zodiacal cycles …


125-CC … Effects of Offset-Zenith and Offset-Nadir points of precession …

As was discussed in an earlier topic of “Uttarayan and Dakshinayan Marg” and was also discussed in another earlier topic of “Shukla and Krishna Paksha”, in relation to the human age cycles as shown in above figure and this discussion, following is what comes to fore …

  • After crossing Offset-Zenith point during descending cycle of human ages (Uttarayan Marg) … The knowledge-conscious principles reduce in their effects and thus scientific and metaphysical discoveries of the earlier cycle of time begin ending …

The time when this world had gone past this Offset-Zenith phase was as follows …

2082 AD – 12,960 years = 10,878 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) as per Nadir time units of precession …

This year of 10,878 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) was also 1,296 human solar years (or 18 degrees precession arc) after the last Offset-Nadir point was crossed over in 12,174 BC … Thus this year also denotes the “end of effects of Offset-Zenith point” …

The initial effects of the Offset-Zenith phase (i.e. 18 degrees precession arc around the Zenith point of precession) also begin showing up “108 years prior its start and end” … The value of 108 years as stated here is as per the currently applicable Nadir time units of precession …

And since the Offset-Zenith and Offset-Nadir points are 180 degrees precession arc away from each other, so the stages of “end of effects of Offset-Zenith point” and “end of effects of Offset-Nadir point” are also 180 degrees precession arc from each other …


Proceeding further …

At the currently applicable Nadir time units, 180 degrees precession arc is having a time span as is calculated below …

180 degrees precession arc x 72 years = 12,960 years

Note: In above calculation, the value of 72 years is directly taken from an earlier topic of “Unitary value of time” …


So basis this, the end of effects of Offset-Nadir point would also be as follows …

10878 BC – 12960 years = 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …

In many earlier topics, we had discussed that 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) denotes inauguration of Guru Yuga (Age of Sages) within this world …

And we had also told that our earlier discussed offset of Sri Krishna’s departure would also apply to this time span of 2082 AD because this year denotes the change of a human age after the advent of the last Poorna Avatar of Sri Vishnu (I.e. Sri Krishna) … This offset of departure of Sri Krishna would continue for the entire divine degenerate age cycle (I.e. next 426,000 human solar years as per middle time units of precession) and until the next Avatar of Sri Vishnu (i.e. Bhagwan Kalki) comes at the end of the currently underway divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) …


Note: Unlike what is told by many deviated scholars that as of now the divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) is ending and advent of Bhagwan Kalki is at hand, in reality the stage of advent of Bhagwan Kalki is still much-over 4 hundred thousand human solar years away from now … Advent of Avatars of Sri Vishnu is as per divine age cycles (which in Sanskrit texts is also called as Deva Yuga in addition to being called as a Mahayuga) and not as per human age cycles (Manav Yuga) …

Note: No Avatar of Sri Vishnu ever comes in within a divine degenerate age … But within the same divine degenerate age and as per call of time, some sages come by to restore order in human civilizations and these advents are also as per demands of human age cycles and not as per divine ages …

Note: During Offset-Nadir and Nadir phases, some representatives of individualistic and thus egoistic Gods come by and their advent is as per those cyclic calls of time that relates to precession cycles …

Note: And Sages from Sadashiva who have already been discussed in an earlier topic, come by as per demands of human golden age cycle (which during a divine degenerate age cycle are also addressed as Age of Sages or Guru Yuga or simply, the human age of truth) …

As of now this world is resting in the time of Sage of Maheshwara … Since Maheshwara itself is Ukar, so this sage can also be addressed as a “Sage of Ukar” … As also, since Ukar has the seed syllable of Okar, so this sage can also be addressed as the “Sage of Okar” (or in other words, the Sage who descends from the Sound of O) …


There also are many other aspects to the Offset-Zenith point, but this is not the topic for such discussions and thus I would proceed further with what needs to be discussed here …


  • After crossing Offset-Nadir point of ascending human age cycles (or Dakshinayan Marg) … This phase of degeneration lasts until “18 degrees precession arc” beyond Offset-Nadir point “less” the “last phase of Sandhikaal” of the human age cycle in which the Offset-Nadir point is present …
  • So this stage had lasted until the time which is calculated below …

In above figure, the Offset-Nadir point is present in the human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) of the ascending cycle of human ages (i.e. Dakshinayan Marg of Ahaata chakra or in other words, Dakshinayan Marg of  Agragaman Chakra) …

As was discussed in an earlier topic of “Time spans of human ages”, the human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) has a time span of 3,888 years as per Nadir time units …

So now we shall calculate the phase of Sandhikaal of this age cycle …

The method of breakup of this time span was discussed in an earlier topic of “Breakup of human age cycles” and was also discussed in another earlier topic of “Breakup of divine ages” and the same method is used here …

10% (Setting in time) + 100% (Set time) + 10% (Exit time)


So 3,888 years of human age of trinity become as follows …

3888 = 324 (Setting in time) + 3240 (Set time) + 324 (Exit time)


As shown in above figure, human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) had started in 1806 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years), so its exit time had started as follows …

1806 BC + 324 (Setting in time) + 3240 (Set time) = 1758 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)

This stage was the “commencement of end of effects of Offset-Nadir” and due to this reason it also was the “start point of restoration of scientific ways” in this world … This is what led to start of the industrial revolution …

And the same civilization (i.e. land, culture and society) which had started the process of degeneration many millenniums ago when the Offset-Zenith point was crossed over by this world was the one from where this industrial revolution had started …


Proceeding further …

And as was discussed in an earlier topic of “Arcs of Age cycles” since the human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) has “three units”, so the last phase of its Sandhikaal had also arrived as follows …

1758 AD + {(324 years / 3) x 2} = 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)

Thus, the stage of time when the effects of earlier degeneration had reached the last phase of its final ending in this world was in 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …

And this is what became the reason birth of the person who was to prepare an appropriate physical vehicle for the later advent of the Sage from Maheshwara … Into that readymade physical vehicle would the Sage of Maheshwara be entering through the process of transmigration (i.e. this sage would be entering this world by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language can also be called as the path of Parkaya Pravesh) and where this entry of the Sage of our discussion is “only and only” to install the subtle yet strong foundation of the incoming age of sages … Thus this sage would be the Sthapak of Guru Yuga as was discussed in a an earlier topic …


125-DD … Effects of divinities of Zodiacal signs …

We had discussed the length of precession cycle in an earlier topic of “Precession of equinoxes” and then the same discussion was expanded in another earlier topic of “Calculating precession” and this was further expanded in another earlier topic of “Precession at various points” …

And in above stated topics, we had calculated the the time of one precession cycle as 25,920 human solar years (as per currently applicable Nadir time units of axial precession of Earth’s axis) …

Since this world is still resting in the Nadir phase of precession, so as far as cardinal points of precession are concerned , Nadir time units are the ones which are applicable as of now …


Proceeding further …

There are 12 Zodiac signs in each precession cycle …

The time span of effectiveness of divinity of a Zodiacal sign is of 1/12th the time span of entire Precession cycle …

Thus, as per currently applicable Nadir time units of precession, the time span of effectiveness of divinities of each Zodiacal sign is as follows …

25920 / 12 = 2,160 human solar years


And the arc of each Zodiacal sign is as follows …

360 degrees precession / 12 = 30 degrees precession arc

Thus, basis above, each Zodiacal sign has an arc of effectiveness of 30 degrees precession …

So basis above, we proceed forward with our discussion on start of Age of Pisces in this world … And this discussion also relates to the start of Christianity within its present state or ways of life …


125-EE … Start, progress and end point of Age of Pisces and Christianity …

In this part we shall also discuss some aspects related to Age of Pisces, so this discussion shall have to have a few parts …

This discussion is on Zodiacal signs and thus it only relates to human ages (and not to divine ages) …


Divinities of Zodiac signs w.r.t. their extent or ranges on the celestial sphere

  • The divinities of each of the 12 Zodiac signs govern 30 degrees precession arc … So 12 Zodiac signs govern entire precession cycle (30 degrees x 12 = 360 degrees precession arc) …
  • 30 degrees is the limit of arc within which the effectiveness of divinities of that Zodiac sign are effective in the world … Neither beyond this arc nor prior this arc can these divinities of Zodiacal signs exist within the world …
  • So the duration of time of each Zodiac sign is of 30 x 72 years = 2160 years (as per nadir time units of precession) … Value of 72 is directly taken from an earlier topic of “Unitary value of time” …
  • Above stated arc (of 30 degrees precession) and time span (of 2160 years as per Nadir time units) is denoting the duration when the divinities of each Zodiac sign remain effective in the world and that too as per the currently applicable Nadir time units of precession …
  • And due to this reason, the stated arcs and time span is definitely not of the sign which is visible on the celestial sphere … But this is also where the sciences of astronomy and astrology contradict each other and this contradiction is even when these stated arcs actually denote the unity of these two … The stated arcs denote the unity of extents of the physically visible Zodiacal sign and the effects of the divinity of that Zodiacal sign …
  • Thus even when all Zodiacal signs have different arcs of their extreme ranges (as visible on the celestial sphere) yet the effects of their divinities are fixed for “30 degrees precession arc” which becomes as 2160 human solar years (as per currently applicable Nadir time units of precession)” …


Present day Christianity only relates to the currently underway Age of Pisces

Prior to this time of commencement of effects of divinities of Age of Pisces, the ways of life of present Christian world were pretty different from what it now is …

This was because the Bible that we know as of now was not as an independent text …

Independent state of Bible is only due to the coming in of divisive and thus degenerate effects of the divinities of Age of Pisces (because Age of Pisces is an age of divisions and thus a consequent chaos) which got mixed up with the further degenerate effects of the Offset-Nadir and Nadir phases of precession …

Thus, prior to this stage when divinities of Age of Pisces had entered this world, the Bible was not as an independent text … And so shall it also be after the effects of divinities of the currently underway Age of Pisces, Offset-Nadir and Nadir phases have already exited out of this world (on/around 2082 AD) …

Prior to coming in of divinities of the Age of Pisces, the present day way of life which relates to Bible were a part of Vedic and Agama Lore’s … And so shall it also be after the divinities of Age of Pisces have already exited out of this world (on/around 2082 AD) …

Thus, Bible and Christianity becoming an independent text and religion was “only and only” for the time span when divinities of Age of Pisces were still present in the world …

And due to this reason, once the divinities of Age of Pisces exit out of this world, Bible would also merge back to its own great grandmother i.e. Nigama (Vedic) and Agama lore …

Biblical ways of life are derived from the ways of life of Essenes (i.e. the rag bearing sages) who had been existent since times that were much-much earlier to the stage when the Bible was even written in its present independent form …

These rag bearing sages who were addressed as Essenes in the west were the same sages who were addressed as Kaulacharya’s in India …

These Kaul’s were a part of that knowledge which primarily related to Agama ways of life and yet finality of their ways of life was same as that of Vedas …

As such, since the Bible relates to such sages, so due to this reason, the root of Biblical ways of life is of that part of Agama lore, which had the same finality as that of Nigama (Vedas) …

Due to this reason, after the divinities of the present underway Zodiacal Age of Pisces end on/around 2082 AD, Bible would only end up merging to her own mother i.e. Agama …

And after this stage, as times would progress, this united condition (of Bible to Agama) would be merging to their own root which itself is the ever-same great grandmother of all philosophies i.e. Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma (or simply, the Vedas) …


Calculating start of Age of Pisces

Pisces sign of Zodiac is the 6th sign from end of effects (or divinities) of the cardinal point which relates to the Offset-Zenith point of precession of 10,878 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …

Thus, if we calculate the time of start of effects of divinities of Age of Pisces, then it would be as follows …

10878 BC – (2160-2160-2160-2160-2160) = 78 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …


Around the above-calculated time of 78 BC was the stage when the Bible was written in its present independent state because prior to this stage of time, Bible was not an independent document …

78 BC was the time of start of effects (or divinities) of the the Zodiacal sign of Pisces …

When divinities of Age of Pisces get mixed up with degenerate effects of both the Offset-Nadir phase and Nadir phase, then the Age of Pisces only becomes as an age of pitch darkness i.e. age of lessness of effects of knowledge-conscious and activity principles of Maker’s Makings

And since darkness cannot manifest unless chaotic individualistic (monotheistic) and thus divisive systems come by, so  the Age of Pisces is also rooted in individualism which eventually lead to all sorts of chaotic divisions of humanity …

And as per the science of Kaalchakra, it is also clear that just prior to this stage of manifestation of divinities of Pisces (i.e. “108 x 2 years” prior to 78 BC) was the stage when writing of the Bible in its current independent state should have commenced …

Note: In above calculation, the value of “108 x 2 years” prior 78 BC has been used because the human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) to which this discussion relates has a breakup which ratio of 2:1 (Prior transit Offset-Nadir : After Transit of Offset-Nadir point) … This breakup was discussed in an earlier topic of “Breakup of ages at Zenith and Nadir” …

 Note continues: And since the stage of writing Bible in its present independent state was “Prior transit of Offset-Nadir point”, so “2 times 108 years” has been used here …  Thus basis this, initial writing of the Bible in her current independent state should have started on/around 294 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …


Coming in of degenerate state of divinities of Age of Pisces

78 BC was also the start point of the phase of peaking of effects of Age of pieces … And since this time was within the Offset-Nadir phase of precession, so it only led to an incremental state of degeneration …

The peaking of degeneration was also destined to happen after a time span of 108 x 2 = 216 years was passed from 78 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) i.e. this peaking was to happen in 138 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …

As we had discussed in the earlier topic of “Crucifix of Jesus”, after Jesus on went on the cross (in 30 AD, +/- 108 years) was the stage from where “within the next 108 years (i.e. 138 AD)”, the degenerate forces were to take over the world i.e. become a dominant force in this world …

And as we had also discussed in that earlier topic of “Crucifixion of Jesus” that at the end of these 108 years from 78 BC, was the stage of Crucifixion of Jesus (stage of Jesus on cross) in 30 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …

Thus basis above, following is a fact …

  • Crucifixion of Jesus was in the middle of 78 BC (i.e. Start of Age of Pisces) and 138 AD (i.e. when divinities of Age of Pisces mix with degenerate aspects of Offset-Nadir phase and thus degeneration begins taking over the entire world) …


Exit of degenerate state of divinities of Age of Pisces

Since this stage of 78 BC denotes the start point from where the divinities of Age of Pisces had entered this world and since the divinity of a Zodiacal age cycle only lasts for 2160 years (as per currently applicable Nadir time units) so divinities of presently underway Age of Pisces cannot last more than below calculated range of time …

78 BC + 2160 years = 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years and a further +/- offset of Sri Krishna’s departure) …


Regarding end stage of Age of Pieces …

  • Until the Age of Pisces for which Christian Bible had gotten manifested, would last, Christianity in its present independent state would continue …
  • And when the end of divinities of Age of Pisces draws closer, then amendments shall have to be made in the ways of life which relate to the Bible, so as to account for divinities of the next Zodiacal Age of Aquarius … We are already living in those times when these amendments would be deemed necessary in texts of all individualistic systems (including all monotheistic religions) …
  • And because the divinities of Age of Pisces are ending in 2082 AD (+/- as written above), so the change from present individualistic ways of life to those which are related to pluralistic monism shall also have to be manifested to a certain larger extent prior to 2082 AD itself … We are already living in those times when these amendments in ways of life would be deemed necessary in all human societies (and their civilizational ways) …

And at those stages of time which are of the “2nd half of the last phase of change (i.e. after 2028 AD)” which leads to the incoming age of sages whose inauguration is on/around 2082 AD, ways of life of the current individualistic systems would also be remaining with only two choices …

  • 1st choice is to change as per requirements of the incoming Age of Sages and thus instead of present day individualism, adopt Pluralistic Monism as the primary way of life …
  • And 2nd choice which only kicks in after it is clear that the 1st choice is not taken by majority of humanity … This would lead to an exit of such individualistic systems from this world …

And basis above,

  • The 1st choice would lead to “end time” of present ways of life of individualistic systems of egoistic Gods (i.e. end of monotheistic ways of life) …
  • And the 2nd choice would be of a wide spread chaos (i.e. recurrent chaos which traverses across all ways and walks of life of humanity who resides on this planet) … This would eventually lead to “end of time” of individualistic systems itself …
  • There is no 3rd choice available after 1974 AD (i.e. 2082 AD – 108 years) …


Start and end of effects of divinities of age of Pisces

Thus basis above …

For all practical purposes and as far as divinities of the currently underway Zodiacal Age of Pisces are concerned, their end is in 2082 AD (+/- whatever was discussed earlier) …

And then shall start the long drawn transition phase towards coming in of fullness of divinities of the next Zodiacal age, i.e. Aquarian Age whose time span is already calculated as 2514 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) in the earlier topic of Age of Aquarius

Coincidentally, 2514 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) is also the stage of coming of fuller effects of the Age of Sages (Guru Yuga) as was also discussed in a few earlier topics …

So for all practical purposes, effects of divinities of the presently underway Zodiacal Age of Pisces are ending in 2082 AD and then shall start the slow process of a final transition towards coming in of divinities of the next Zodiacal Age of Aquarius that would also be running within the much larger time spans of the incoming Age of sages (Guru Yuga or human golden age cycle) …

But the fuller effects of the divinities of the incoming Zodiacal Age of Aquarius would only be seen to have manifested around 2514 AD and this is even when the effects of divinities of the previous Age of Pisces would have already ended in 2082 AD and the initial effects of divinities of the incoming Aquarian Age and Age of Sages would be manifesting around 2082 AD itself …

So basis above, the initial stage of simultaneous coming in of divinities of the Age of Aquarius and Age of Sages would definitely be in around 2082 AD (+/- whatever was discussed earlier) when the effects of divinities of Age of Pisces end in this world … But the fullness of presence of divinities of the Age of Aquarius or Age of Sages would only be around 2514 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …


Variations of time spans of Zodiacal ages that relate to Offset-Nadir and Offset-Zenith points of precession

Those Zodiacal ages which relate to the Offset-Cardinal points of precession have always had a larger variation of their time spans from 30 degrees precession arc (which we had discussed earlier) … And this variation is also as follows …

  • During Offset-Nadir phase … The difference of time of ending of a Zodiacal age which gets manifested during the time of Offset-Nadir phase (i.e. Age of Pisces) and commencement of fuller effects of divinities of the next age cycle (i.e. Age of Aquarius) has a time difference of “10% (setting in time) of the next human age cycle i.e. Age of sages (Manav Satyuga or human golden age) …

This value of “setting in time” of the “human golden age (Age of Sages)” is of 432 years (as per currently applicable nadir time units) … This time span has already been calculated and utilized in many earlier topics, so I shall not be deriving it again here …

It is due to this reason, that if we see the extent of sign of Pisces within the celestial sphere, then it would be found to have a longer time span than many other Zodiac signs …

Thus, basis astronomical (or visible) expanses of sign of Pisces, its arc shall be found to be much bigger than 30 degrees (as we had discussed earlier on in this topic) …

  • During Offset-Zenith phase … The difference of time between ending of a Zodiacal age which passes the Offset-Zenith point (i.e. Age of Virgo) and commencement of fuller effects of divinities of the next age cycle (i.e. Leo) would also be having a time difference of “10% setting in time” of that age cycle (sign of Virgo) “Plus” 10% of the next human age cycle (sign of Leo) …

Presence of both the “setting in times of Virgo and Leo” when at Offset-Zenith phase is due to the fact that the “Age of Virgo” would be changing during the duration of the Offset-Zenith phase itself …

And due to above stated reason, both of the “setting in times (of human age of trinity and human age of duality)” would become applicable when this world is passing through the Offset-Zenith point of precession …

Thus basis above, the difference of time between end of effect of divinities of Virgo and start of effects of divinities of Leo would be of 324 years (this time is of the ending human age of trinity or Manav Tretayuga) “Plus” 216 years (this time span is of the next human age of duality or Manav Dwaparyuga) …

And due to this reason when this world would be resting at Offset-Zenith point of precession (around 13,746 AD as shown in above figure) then because the Age of Virgo would be ending prior the end of Human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga), so the difference of time when the divinities of Virgo end and then the divinities of Leo manifest in a fuller state (within this world) would also be of below calculated time span …


Exit time (of human age of trinity) + setting in time (of human age of duality) …

So above becomes as follows …

324 years (of human age of trinity) + 216 (of human age of duality) = 540 years


This also means that time difference when divinities of an age cycle “exit out from a world” and then the fuller effects of divinities of the next age cycle “enter into the same world” is always there when this world passes through and thence crosses past each of the Offset-Zenith and Offset-Nadir points of precession …

Thus, basis above …

  • Effects of divinities of the Age of Pisces would end “around” 2082 AD …
  • Above would also be the stage of “initial manifestation” of divinities of the next Zodiacal Age of Aquarius …
  • And fuller effects of divinities of the “Aquarian age (or Age of Aquarius)” would only be apparent “around” 2514 AD i.e. 432 years (of setting in time of incoming age of sages) after 2082 AD …
  • And the same principle (but with a different time span of 540 years) would also be applicable to the change from the Zodiacal Age of Virgo to the Zodiacal Age of Leo … This is why the sign Virgo also has a larger expanse in the celestial sphere …

Note: And the same fact about intermediary time between Zodiacal ages that relates to Offset-Zenith and Offset-Nadir points of precession, but to a lesser extent is also applicable to other two cardinal points of the precession cycle … Interested readers can calculate it themselves as I won’t be doing this calculation here …


Codes that Zodiacal age cycles and human age cycles follow

  • Arrivals of divinities of the Zodiac signs always follow their parent codes i.e. codes of human age cycles (which in Sanskrit can also be termed as a Manav Yuga) …
  • And arrivals of divinities of human age cycles always follow their parent codes i.e. codes of divine age cycles (which in Sanskrit language is also called as Chatur Yuga and this cycle of time is also named as a Mahayuga) …
  • But there are intermediary times, when the divinities of these two cycles also end up meeting each other …

As far as the change from presently running Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius is concerned, this meeting point is at the commencement of the human golden ages (i.e. age of sages) and this meeting is due to the intermediary time span of the human golden ages (i.e. 432 years, which was discussed in the earlier topic of “Age of Aquarius”) …

Thus, at such times, when the divinities of Age of Pisces end in the world, then the Uttari Dhruv (or in other simple words, this is also called as Dhruv Tara and this is the same start that modern astronomy calls as Polaris) is also aligned to its closest arc with the earth’s axis …


End of present ways of life of Christianity

This end shall be when the age of sages is inaugurated on/around 2082 AD (+/- whatever was discussed earlier on) …

But the start of ending of present ways of life as per Bible was in 1974 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years … This was 108 years prior to inauguration of Age of sages on/around 2082 AD …

1974 AD was the stage when atheism began sprouting in vast numbers of adherents of individualistic (or monotheistic) systems … After this stage was the time that saw a severe loss of memberships (most of this loss was secretive or in a hidden state) as these adherents started looking for other options, including of atheism and all its forms …

And this last phase shall also be ending in 1974 AD + 108 = 2082 AD when the age of sages would be inaugurated in this world …


The coming change

Since time is the primordial dimension of Maker’s Makings, so everything is manifested as per the call of time cycles (Kaalchakra) itself …

And later on, when time or its cycles are no longer favorable for a system or way of life or a text, then either that system or way of life or text changes in such a way that it comes in line with the demands of that incoming time cycle or it completely vanishes from the world …

But since Bible is a derivative of Nigama (Vedas) and Agama Lore’s, so it is also a part of the Sanatan Dharma (or eternal way of life) and due to this reason, it cannot end …

Thus, the “end time” which is stated in Bible prophecies, is definitely not related to the concept of “end of time” … I say so due to the fact that Bible is derived from the much-much earlier Vedic (Nigama) and Yogic (Agama) lore’s which relate to the eternal ways of life (i.e. Dharma or Sanatan Dharma) …

Since both these (i.e. Nigama and Agama) are intrinsic parts of the same great grandmother of all philosophies (Sanatan Dharma) and since the great grandmother has already entered into the process of her waking up in 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) and since this process would also complete by 2082 AD (i.e. 1974 AD + 108 years) so due to this reason, during the coming times, all of currently followed ways of life that relate to the Bible would also be seen to be merging to the ways of life of the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) …

Commencement of this process of waking up of the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) was the the stage that led to coming in of the person who was to prepare an appropriate physical vehicle for the later advent of “Sage from Maheshwara” through the process of transmigration of soul …


Thus basis above …

The present independent (individualistic) state of Bible is related to the individualistic aspects as are of the Age of Pisces …

But due to the approaching end of effects of divinities of Age of Pisces, the stage of independent state of Bible is also coming to an end …

So, during the coming times that are leading to the inauguration of the Age of sages in 2082 AD, all ways of life that relate to the independent state of present day Bible (and every other individualistic scripture) would see a vast quantum of change …

As per the demands of time which relates to “next 10 millenniums” of the incoming age of sages, this change can only be towards pluralistic monism i.e. Bahuvadi Advaita …

And due to this reason, the path of those future time spans (of the incoming Age of sages) shall also be such that “there are many roads and yet all roads lead to the same home” …

Above stated term of “home” would also not be anything other than the absolute truth, which itself is within each aspirant (i.e. Atman) and this would be in lieu of many truths of many paths, as it now is …

And due to this reason, the inward paths would be the primary way of life during the incoming Guru Yuga … Inward paths means path of direct cognition of truth (paths of self-realization) i.e. Path of Atma Gyan (Atma Jnana or self knowledge) … This means that during the incoming age of sages, the paths of evolution would be rooted in science of soul or knowledge of one’s innermost essence (or Atman) and its eternal unity to the essence of allness (Brahman) …


Merging of religions to great grandmother of all philosophies …

And by the time 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years and a further +/- offset of Sri Krishna’s departure) arrives, all systems which were originated after the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) went into her cyclic sleep (around 6990 BC) would begin merging to pluralistic yet monist ways of life of the same great grandmother of all philosophies

Thus coming times would see at least six (could even be seven) religions of today, merging to Sanatan Dharma

I know above may seem very strange to ardent followers of individualistic (or monotheistic) systems, but the fact would never change from what I have stated here …

To such people I can only say … Just wait for start of age of sages (Guru Yuga or human golden age) and you shall see the truth of whatever is have written here …


Continues …

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