This topic discusses Shunyata or emptiness or voidness … The same is also addressed as Shunya, Sarva Shunya, Shunya Tattva if various sects of Dharma …
ॐ द्यौः शान्तिरन्तरिक्षं शान्तिः
पृथिवी शान्तिरापः शान्तिरोषधयः शान्तिः ।
वनस्पतयः शान्तिर्विश्वेदेवाः शान्तिर्ब्रह्म शान्तिः
सर्वं शान्तिः शान्तिरेव शान्तिः सा मा शान्तिरेधि ॥
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
Om Dyaouh Shaantir-Antarikssam Shaantih
Prithvi Shaantir-Aapaha Shaantir-Ossadhayah Shaantih |
Vanaspatyah Shaantir-Vishvedevaah Shaantir-Brahm Shaantih
Sarvam Shaantih Shaantir-Eva Shaantih Saa Maa Shaantir-Edhi |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||
AOM may there be peace is the sky; peace in space between heavens and earth,
May there be peace in earth; peace in water; peace in herbs (plants),
Peace in vegetation; peace in nature’s divinities; Absolute peace of Brahman,
Peace pervades allness; inner-peace alone is outer-peace; May we be that peace,
AOM peace peace peace.
AA … Shunyata, Emptiness, Sarva Shunya or Shunya Tattva …
From within the Shunya Brahman (as was discussed earlier) and which itself is the original self-expression of the attributeless-infinite being, was self-originated the macrocosmic voidness and where that primordial nature (or macrocosmic voidness) was an intrinsic part of that Shunya Brahman which as such was the intermediary state which was in between the attributeless infinite and macrocosmic voidness …
Macrocosmic voidness is the primordial state of macrocosmic nature and it also is denoting voidness of allness of macrocosmic creation and thus is also termed as Sarva Shunya … This also denotes the essential Zeroness (emptiness) of the macrocosmic creation that was yet to be at this stage which is being discussed here and thus it was also termed as Shunya Tattva … This is the primordial state of the macrocosmic creation and thus could even be told as Zeroness of allness of macrocosmic creation, that was yet to be at this stage … It is from within the macrocosmic voidness that the entire macrocosmic creation is self-emanated …
The macrocosmic voidness (Sarva Shunya) is the primordial nature of the infinite attributeless being and this is also the primordial state of the macrocosmic creation that was arrived after the process of Maker’s Makings was just about commenced through its original self-expression (i.e. Shunya Brahman) …
Shunya Brahman is not a part of the macrocosmic creation because it only stands as the original self-expression of the attributeless-infinite being (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm of Vedas) … And because it is the original self-expression of the Absolute which itself was prior the macrocosmic creation had even commenced through its primordial origination process (i.e. prior macrocosmic voidness or voidness of allness) thus Shunya Brahman denotes a state which was prior the stage when the primordial nature was even arrived at … Thus Shunya Brahman is definitely a part of the allness of Maker’s Makings, even when it fails to prove itself to be a part of the macrocosmic creation which only commences from her own primordial state which as such was of macrocosmic voidness only …
Nasadiya Sukta of Rig-Veda states a term “non-lightness enveloping non-lightness”, which is also denoting the same state of our discussion i.e. the macrocosmic voidness (Sarva Shunya) …
Continuing with above paragraph … In the above mentioned statement of Nasadiya Sukta, the former non-lightness refers to Shunya Brahman and the latter non-lightness stands for the Sarva Shunya as is being discussed here …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus Sarva Shunya is that state which is nothing but of non-lightness, which itself is enveloped by non-lightness and this is what was referred to within the Nasadiya-Sukta of Rig-Veda …
This is the primordial state of macrocosmic creation and thus it has been termed as primordial nature within this text … And this as such is the second aspect of the Maker’s Makings (as the first aspect was of the original self-expression of the Absolute, i.e. Shunya Brahman) …
And macrocosmic voidness is also the “second-last intermediary state” that is realized by any aspirant who subtly-moves unto the path of self-realization of the attributeless infinite being (i.e. the Absolute who is also addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar and is also addressed as Brahm in the Vedas) … The phrase “second-last intermediary state” is stated here, as the last intermediary state prior self-realization of the Absolute, is of Shunya Brahman itself …
This macrocosmic voidness is the “uncaused-cause and the uneffected-effect” in addition to being the “uncaused-effect and uneffected-cause” of Shunya Brahman and this has been stated in a variety of ways that always are within the intrinsically-pluralistic and yet essentially-monist lore’s like that of Sanatan Dharma …
What the attributeless-infinite being is within the path of fullness of allness of the Absolute, the same is what the macrocosmic voidness is within the evolutionary paths which relate to macrocosmic nature …
The paths of the Absolute relate to fullness of allness as this fullness itself is of IT’s own innermost reality and the paths of the macrocosmic nature relate to nihilness of allness as is of her own primordial state (i.e. macrocosmic voidness) which is being discussed here …
And the unity of these two paths is through Shunya Brahman who as such denotes “emptiness of fullness and fullness of emptiness” and which has been stated in the Vedic Upanishads as “Nihil of Nihilists is full of Fullists” … This is also the reason why the learned ones of Buddhism have been correctly stating that emptiness is also full within its own innermost nature and all such statements are only referring to the same Shunya Brahman of those very-ancient Vedic times as were of my much earlier incarnations …
Thus due to above, even when the path of macrocosmic nature is adopted and where this path also leads to a realization of emptiness of allness (macrocosmic voidness), yet this path also continues further so as to lead to the further direct-cognition of the same Shunya Brahman … This realization of Shunya Brahman itself is due to the fact that eventually the aspirant always sees the fullness of the emptiness which was earlier realized by it …
And Shunya-Brahman itself leads to the finality of self-realization which as such is of the attributeless infinite Absolute being (who in Vedas is also addressed as Brahman) but at the same time, this realization of the attributeless-infinite being is only arrived by a very-very less number of aspirants because of the fact that prior to this stage, the aspirant needs be based upon a fullness of renunciation of allness and her each part, which itself is a very-very long drawn inner-process and thus not even a handful of aspirants have ever been able to arrive at an evolutionary ripeness and rightness which itself is a prerequisite to self-realize the attributeless-infinite being (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) …
Thus those who are based upon knowledge systems which relate only to macrocosmic nature, are also the ones who ultimately say that voidness (emptiness) is the final state … But this statement only stands valid until that same aspirant evolves further and thence cognizes Shunya Brahman … Thus when that which is stated here actually happens, then such aspirants shall know that eventually voidness is not the last stage of self-realization … This continuity of evolution is also due to the fact that the final of any-now is a final only until its real-next finality is arrived at and where the real-nextness of every further finalities only terminate in a state where the realizer itself is the realization and realized … Thus it is only after this stage where the seer is the sight and seen that the evolutionary process finally ends … Thus the final state of realization is always within the Nirvikalpa Samadhi or absorption within That who has no alternates and thus is the perfectly-non-dual-real one and thus is the one who has been addressed as attributeless-infinite being in Vedic Lore’s … Until this stage is arrived, evolutionary process never stops continuing in its real-nextness, for which the macrocosmic creation is also very firm …
Buddhism terms this state of Sarva Shunya as emptiness (Shunyata) … And the original name of it was of Shunya Tattva or the essentially-empty … This name of Shunya Tattva was arrived due to self-realizations within the Shunya Samadhi (i.e. absorptions within emptiness) as were undergone by sages and from where the philosophical concept of Zero has originally come and which in turn was the reason for the mathematical number of Zero to get evolved …
Thus due to the pervader (permeator) of emptiness, which as such is the same absolute fullness (of the attributeless-infinite being or Parabrahman), in reality “emptiness is also a state of fullness because unless it is full, nothing can ever self-emanate (self-manifest) out of it … Well, this is where the original concept of Shunya-Brahman (as was discussed in the earlier topic) comes into its application to Buddhist Lore’s also …
Continuing with above paragraph … Shunya Brahman denotes a state which is of “Zero Infinite, Infinite Zero” or in other words “emptiness of fullness, fullness of emptiness” (i.e. a state where Zero is Infinite and Infinite is Zero) … Thus it is to Shunya Brahman that those Buddhist texts which term emptiness to also be full, are eventually referring … And those knowledge systems who consider emptiness to be empty, are only referring to the Sarva Shunya that is being discussed here …
As also a fact that during ones evolutionary process, unless the stage of Sarva Shunya (i.e. macrocosmic voidness or voidness of allness) is crossed over, Shunya-Brahman cannot ever be self-realized during ones evolutionary path …
The same Sarva Shunya was stated as “Shunya Samadhi (or meditative trance of emptiness or voidness or the Zeroness) in Yoga Sutras” which also are an intrinsic part of the vast ranges of the Vedic Lore’s only …
And the same inner fullness of emptiness was also stated as Shunyata in the knowledge systems that were given by the Gurudeva of my previous incarnation, whom the world addresses as Buddha Avatar …
But sadly some of the current knowledge systems only end up restricting the reality of emptiness to its empty state alone and because this is only a half-truth and thus it also denotes a half-untruth of today’s times … In those ancient times which are often referred to in this text, those who were not self-realized, all-realized Sages never took the job of being a Guru and because this basic requirement went missing in this degenerate age cycle, so the Guru’s who came by only ended up corrupting the originally pristine knowledge which was given by a self-realized, all-realized one during earlier times of human history … Most of the corruption of the original knowledge has been due to the reasons which have been stated here and which primarily lie in misinterpreting the inner essence of words which were given by a self-realized, all-realized sage during earlier times of human history upon this planetary system itself … A possessed man cannot ever be a Guru and a Guru who can only be a self-realized, all-realized never gets possessed or posses anything …
A full liberated one (i.e. a Jeevanmukta or liberated whilst alive) is even liberated from the concepts of liberation and bondage and such a one is also liberated from attainments of the divine-worlds to which such concepts apply (i.e. such a one is also free of divine worlds and their divine controllers) and it is due to this reason, such ones also hold no Siddhi’s (abilities or attainments of beyond) … And a fully accomplished one (i.e. Siddha) is never fully-liberated because to be finally liberated, one also needs to be liberated from all attainments (Siddhi’s) …
Thus basis above, a Siddha (accomplished one) has nothing to do with Moksha (which in English language means as Liberation) as such a Sage is already is a fully attained one … Due to this reason, there has never been a Guru who could be better than a Siddha or in other words, Siddha’s are the better of all Guru’s … Within those worlds where Siddha’s are in abundance, the conditions are also much subtler as compared to those worlds where these Siddha’s go missing … Such ones hold all knowledge of the innermost of all paths (i.e. the better of all paths) which lead to the doorway of liberation …
Continuing with above paragraph … And on the contrary a Mukta (i.e. a fully liberated one or one who rests in and thus has already attained to Jeevanmukti) has nothing to do with Siddhi’s (attainments or accomplishments) as such a sage is also liberated from all attainments or accomplishments (Siddhi’s) and where this liberation also includes a liberation from even the concepts of liberation and bondage … Thus such a sage only holds “one final non-attainment” which as such is of a “final isolation from allness and her each part (i.e. Kaivalya Moksha)” … It is also due to this reason, such ones are the holders of the knowledge of the pathless-partless path of Kaivalya (or Moksha), which as such is of supreme-detachment only … It was due to this reason, the Vedic Sages had stated that the aspirant who self-realizes and then also gets stationed within the finality of all cognitions (i.e. the attributeless-infinite being or Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm), is holding no accomplishments (Siddhi’s) as such an aspirant is the fully detached one (Poorna-Sanyasi) and thus is also detached from all attainments or accomplishments (Siddhi’s) … Such are the ones who let-go of all their earlier and current attainments (which as such are Siddha bodies, that shall be discussed at a later stage of this text) into their respective primordial and principal macrocosmic states and thus walk alone, into their final freedom from “allness and her each part” and whilst keeping to the path of “Itself within Itself” and simultaneously resting within the essence of the wise words that “there eventually is nowhere to go, nothing to do, nobody to be” …
Continuing with above paragraph … And that Siddha who also becomes a Mukta (or that Mukta who was a Siddha during his current or earlier incarnations), is the rarest of rare one within any of the world systems of any of the parts of the macrocosmic creation … I have had Guru’s from all above categories, all of who are the best of Sages there ever are or could ever be … This path also passes through and thence goes beyond the same macrocosmic voidness (i.e. voidness of allness or Sarva Shunya) which is being discussed here …
BB … Self realization of voidness or emptiness …
Now we shall discuss where all is this macrocosmic-voidness realizable within the microcosm of an aspirant …
- Where 100 sub-channels which make the three main energy channels of the body meet in the heart area … These three main energy channels in the subtle body are as follows …
- Pingala Naadi … This is right hand channel … This is a hotness channel and thus it has been termed as Surya-Naadi (Sun channel) also … This is also the channel of heat-brilliance-luminosity within the aspirant and thus it has been termed as Tejas Naadi also … This is the 99th sub-channel of the 100 sub-channels which are being discussed here … This is the channel of Rudra Deva … As a matter of fact, Rudra is the rejuvenating aspect of my Paramguru (or supreme Guru) Bhagwan Shiva … At much later times, the same Rudra Deva was addressed as Buddha ALA (I say so because of the fact that ALA is the seed syllable of this 99th sub-channel and of Rudra Loka also) and the same Rudra also addressed as Allah Tala in Islamic Lore … We shall be discussing this in a later topic and that too with paintings as ALA also happens to be my Gurupita (i.e. Father-Guide and Guiding-Father) within this current transmigrated incarnation, in addition to being one of those many-many attributed-formless states (Sagun Nirakaar Awastha) as are of my Paramguru Bhagwan Shiva …
- Ida Naadi … This is the left channel … This is the coldness channel and thus it has been termed as Chandra Naadi (Moon channel) in Yogic texts … This is the 100th sub-channel …
Continuing with above paragraph … Without the divinity of this channel, there is no inward path because this channel directly relates to the “Ruler of divine worlds (who in Vedas is addressed as Devaraja Indra)” who was also addressed as “Idandra Deva (or ruler of Ida Naadi)” and it was due to this reason, that the subtle channel of our discussion was named as “Ida Naadi” … Indra is not a degenerate divine being as some scholars have claimed him to be during history and which probably was to satisfy their own self-deviated ends or the ends of something that they were relating to … In fact Idandra Deva (i.e. Indra Deva or the divine ruler of the divine worlds) is the holder of an accomplishment which relates to the 100th transit of the 8th plexus (as is stated in the chapter 10 of Atharvaveda) and it was due to this rarest of rare accomplishment, that Indra became the ruler of divine worlds …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus during those ancient times Sages used to say that Indra is the only being who has ever completed 100 Inner Ashwamedha Yajna, which is also related to the Yogic accomplishment of a 100th transit through the 8th plexus (or in other words, Ashtama Chakra) … During those ancient times, the same Inner-Ashwamedha Yajna (I.e. Aantrik Ashwamedha Yajna) was also described as the “inner sacrifice by virtue of one’s own galloping intellect” and it also meant an “inner sacrifice by virtue of resting within the galloping consciousness” … In a later topic, we shall be discussing this with paintings …
Continuing with above paragraph … During the entirety of history of the Maker’s Makings, very-very less percentage of Yogi’s have ever attained the status of being a ruler (or Indra) of the divine worlds because of the fact that to transit the 8th plexus for a 100th time, itself is a “near-impossible” task unless the aspirant maintains a continuity of efforts towards this accomplishment across the incalculable number of incarnations that shall be needed so as to lead to this accomplishment … And it was only because humans stopped relating to Devaraja Indra (Ruler of divine worlds) who itself is the base of all Inward-paths (i.e. paths which lead to self-realization), the earlier very subtle inward-paths were slowly vanished from this world because Indra itself is the controller of Ida Naadi (moon channel which is being discussed here and thus he is also the Guru of all Inward paths) …
- Sushumna Naadi … This is the central channel … This is a neutral channel … Inside this is the 101st sub-channel which as such is not a part of our current discussion, so it shall be taken up in later topics …
- Each of these 100 sub-channels have their specific energies, seed-sounds (Moola-Naad or root sounds) and colors of divinities that they hold within them … When the aspirants consciousness enters into any of these 100 sub-channels and thence it travels through that particular channel and then it finally exits out at the end point of that channel (this end point is in the heart area) … This is where macrocosmic voidness is realized by that aspirant … It really does not matter which sub-channel is entered into, as they all lead to the same realization of macrocosmic voidness only … It is due to this reason, that Bardo (Tibetan Buddhism) says that there are 100 Buddha’s and meditation upon any of them only leads to realization of the same emptiness (Shunyata) …
- At the top of brain, is the thousand petalled lotus (i.e. crown plexus or Sahasrara or Brahmarandra Chakra or the 7th plexus of Yoga Tantra) … Inside the thousand petalled lotus there also are three smaller plexus’s … Out of these three smaller plexus’s which reside inside the thousand petalled lotus itself, the uppermost one is the six petalled mind plexus (i.e. Manas Chakra) … When the consciousness of the aspirant rise up and reaches this six-petalled mind plexus and thence it escapes out of this mind plexus, then also the same macrocosmic voidness is realized … It was due to this reason that some sages had termed the mind plexus (Manas Chakra) as Shunya Chakra (or the plexus of emptiness) … And in addition to this, since the mind plexus denotes the uppermost level of the thousand petalled lotus, so some other sages had even termed the crown plexus (i.e. 7th plexus or the Brahmarandra Chakra or Sahasrara) as the “plexus of emptiness (i.e. Shunya Chakra)” …
- Within the real-middle of the meeting points of opposites … These opposites could even be of opposite energy fields or even the masculine and feminine aspects or even the masculine and feminine principles (i.e. Purusha and Prakriti or Yang and Yin of Chinese Lore’s or even Shiva and Shakti of Vedic Lore’s or even Bhadra (i.e. Shiva or Lord of allness) and Bhadri (i.e. Shakti or divinity of allness) of Buddhist Lore’s as all these terms only denote the same) …
- Above were the “two plus one” primary places where macrocosmic voidness (or voidness of allness) is directly realized by the aspirant … Here I have written “one separately from two” because one which is referred to here, is of vastly pluralistic nature and that too where it resides within many of the knowledge systems of today … So the word “one” only denotes a vast variety of ways in which this concept which original was based upon Purusha (Shiva) and simultaneously based upon Prakriti (Shakti) has been utilized during human history that has been till now…
CC … Intermediate states of emptiness (voidness) …
Now we move to the next stage of the topic at hand, which as such shall be through a short discussion upon “intermediary states of emptiness” …
Actually there are 21 main states of emptiness, but if I write about all of them here, then it would be a waste of effort as nobody would understand them if the base as is being laid down here, is not there …
Of these 21 stages of emptiness, 20 are the lower emptiness and the 21st is the great emptiness which was termed as Mahashunya*** during those very ancient times …
*** Explaining *** of above paragraph … The word Mahashunya literally means the great-void … But within its esoteric (or inner of all meanings), this term (i.e. Mahashunya) only means the supreme-void because of the fact that within the Vedic knowledge systems, there can only be one-great and thus the great-void which is stated here, only means the supreme voidness …
The 21st state of emptiness which was termed as Mahashunya (or the great-emptiness) is the same as Shunya Brahman which has already been discussed in an earlier topic …
Continuing with above paragraph … And this 21st state of emptiness is also the same as Mahapralaya (the great-dissolution) which happens when one Brahma (i.e. one creator) completes its designated time span of 311.04 trillion human solar years (as per middle time units of precession) … Thus when any aspirant realizes Shunya-Brahman and thence he (or she) gets stationed within Shunya Brahman, then this stage also denotes a stage where the aspirant (i.e. Sadhak) enters into an “Aantrik Mahapralaya (i.e. an Inward great-dissolution which happens within the physical and subtle microcosm of the aspirant itself)” and this is also related to the transit of Ashtama Chakra (8th plexus) …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus because of the Aantrik Mahapralaya (the Sanskrit word of Mahapralaya, means the stage of great dissolution) which happens within with physical and subtle microcosm of the aspirant, such an aspirant is already deemed to have gone from the entirety of Maker’s Makings, which may even be when he may still be incarnated upon a physical or subtle world … And due to this reason, if anybody would ask any of the controllers of divine worlds of the macrocosmic creation or her any part (i.e. any divine being or God etc.) about the whereabouts of such an aspirant, then the reply shall invariably be “He earlier was, but now he is not” …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus when such ones return back, then nobody knows about their arrival except the supreme-being and its own pristine-divinity, both of who are the same Absolute being only … It was due to this reason, that the Biblical lore has statements like “He shall arrive like a thief in the night” and “Nobody knows about his arrival, except the father himself” … These Biblical statements are related to the much earlier Vedic lore where there are descriptions of an Avatar of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu entering a world and even the controllers and divine beings of that world did not know that the Avatar has already arrived and thus is already residing within their own controlled worlds only … Thus in such a state also, only Sriman Naaraayana (My Sanatan-Guru Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) whose Avatar was arrived, was the only one who knows about such arrivals … And due to this reason, until such an Avatar declared himself in the open, even the Gods and divine beings did not know about his arrival into the world, which they only control …
Continuing with above paragraph … When any aspirant passes past the 8th plexus (which is mentioned in one of the Mantras of Atharvaveda Chapter 10 and which shall be discussed with paintings at a later stage of this text), then this Mahashunya is self-realized … In any condition which is other than this transit through the 8th plexus (or Eighth Chakra), Mahashunya can never be self-realized by any aspirant …
Continuing with above paragraph … When an aspirant passes through the state which is termed as Mahashunya within the Vedic Lore’s, then that aspirant is already deemed to be undergone through the final dissolution i.e. the dissolution of the “subtle or energy macrocosm” which is within the aspirants microcosm or physical vehicle itself … This is because of the fact that after the 8th plexus is entered into, the macrocosm which rests within microcosm of the aspirant, is returned back to the greater macrocosm within which that aspirants physical microcosm itself resides at that time …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus at this stage, it is up to the aspirant to accept its liberated state or not, because this state is of a freedom from all principles, process, processes, centers, centered entities (Gods-Satan’s etc.) and laws of the Maker’s Makings … Thus the aspirant arrives at a state which is also of freedom from the liberation and bondage alike, in addition to being of free from even the concepts of liberation and bondage … Such are the ones who lose their right to take a regular birth (i.e. birth from the womb of a physically present mother) and thus such aspirants are also the ones qualify to undergo through the process of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit language is also termed as Parkaya Pravesh) which as such is also termed as Virgin birth … But at the same time, this process of transmigration is also having its different stages, which shall be discussed in a later topic …
Continuing with above paragraph … And if that aspirant chooses no-liberation, than that aspirant becomes the one who is “already gone, but is still ungone and yet the permanently gone one” and simultaneously that aspirant also is the one who is “never gone, but still is the one who is ever-gone and yet is the permanently ungone one” …
Continuing with above paragraph … This entry into Mahashunya leads to self-manifestation of the entirety of macrocosmic states which were present within the microcosm of the aspirant and then these macrocosmic states which self-manifest within the aspirants microcosm (i.e. physical vehicle) also begin self-uniting to their respective macrocosmic primordial and principal states … This is from where all of the concepts of Siddha Sharira (accomplishment vehicles or alchemical vehicles or Buddha-Bodies) had originated during those ancient times which have been referred often in this text … We shall be taking up a few of these primary accomplishment vehicles and their macrocosmic principals within later topics when we begin our discussions upon one of the Vedic Great Statements (which in Sanskrit language mean as the Vedic Mahavakya) of Yajurveda which goes thus, “As is a microcosm So is the macrocosm, As is the macrocosm So is each microcosm” and which is also stated in the much-much later Biblical Lore’s as “As above, So below” … All these knowledge systems were also based-upon and thus were rooted-in the knowledge that was rendered by the self-realized, all-realized Yogi’s of those very ancient times as were of my much-much earlier incarnations …
And each of the lower 20 states of emptiness are related to one of the 20 worlds which comprise “Brahmaloka (or the Abode of Creator)” … And due to the characteristics of this Abode of Creator, it could also be stated as the “macro-neutral (or macro-equanimous) attributed-formless abode of Maker (or in other words, Sarva-Sum Sagun Nirakaar Brahmaloka)” … And the same Abode was also stated as Sadyojata face of Sadashiva within the Shaiva Agamas of Sanatan Dharma … And in Buddhism, at much later times these 20 worlds were also termed as 16 Brahma worlds and 4 upper worlds of Mahabrahma … These 20 worlds shall be discussed with appropriate paintings in a later topic i.e. when this text arrives at a stage of ripeness and rightness to do so …
Thus because this concept of intermediary states of emptiness is a very vast and complicated one, so to simplify it I have categorized these intermediary states of emptiness as per the characteristics of the primary macrocosmic states, to which they relate … These principal macrocosmic states shall be discussed in the next topic …
Thus basis above, following are the primary intermediary states of emptiness …
The numbering of these intermediary states of emptiness is as per the evolutionary process only and thus if the origination process of these intermediary states is to be considered, then my below stated numbering needs to be reversed … This is because the evolutionary process of any microcosm itself is the reciprocal of its own origination process as was when it had originally begun as a microcosm within the Maker’s Makings and the same fact is also applicable to the macrocosmic creation and her each part …
- 1st intermediary stage of emptiness … This is of emptiness of individual’s-individuality … When any two individualities meet each other (this meeting is also related to the meeting of their individual flows and dynamisms or energy fields) then in the real-middle of these meeting points, is realized this 1st intermediary state of emptiness …
Continuing with above paragraph … This 1st intermediary state of emptiness is the proof of eternal need of the intrinsically-pluralistic yet essentially-monist nature of the macrocosmic creation as this 1st intermediary state of emptiness of our discussion itself is a by-product of the intrinsically-pluralistic and yet essentially-monist nature of the macrocosmic creation …
Continuing with above paragraph … Unless there is a presence of a vast number of individualities, which itself are an intrinsic part of the pluralistic-nature of macrocosmic creation and yet these individualities are also based upon their wholeness, which as such is the part of essential-monism of the same macrocosmic creation, neither can there be any of the individualities nor can they ever meet each other … And in such a case, this 1st intermediary stage of emptiness shall also be found to be non-existent because of the fact that this state of emptiness is only “based upon and is rested in” the real-middles of the meeting point of any two individualities …
Continuing with above paragraph … This 1st intermediary stage of emptiness is the primary path of exit from the eternally changeful flows and dynamism as are of the begun macrocosm (or cyclic existence or Samsara or the macrocosmic matrix as we have termed it within this text) …
Continuing with above paragraph … And because the begun part of the macrocosmic creation is holding “close to infinite number of individualities” as are of “close to infinite number of gross and subtle hierarchy of microcosm’s” and their “close to infinite types of flows and dynamism” (due to the fact that each microcosm emanates a specific type of flow and dynamism from itself and where the type of flows is also dependent upon its evolutionary signature or evolutionary identification number within the macrocosmic hierarchy) so due to this reason, the begun part of the macrocosmic creation is also having “close to infinite number of path of exit” for each microcosm that has ever begun within this very supreme of geniuses of the Maker’s Makings …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus since there are “close to infinite number of individualities (i.e. individual microcosm’s)” which rest within the begun part of the macrocosmic creation, which itself leads to a state of there being “close to infinite number of differences***” within the begun part of the macrocosm (i.e. Samsara, which can also be termed as cyclic existence) and which itself leads the further state of there being “close to infinite possibilities of permutations and combinations” of their meeting points and which further leads to a condition that there are an “almost infinite number of possibilities” of manifestation of the 1st intermediary state of emptiness during the course of evolutionary cyclic-existence any of the begun microcosm’s and which further leads to a stage where there also are an “almost infinite number of paths of exit” from ever changeful and thus eternally non-constant nature of cyclic existence (i.e. begun part of the macrocosm) …
*** Explaining *** of above paragraph … From the point of view of the begun macrocosm, a stagnation is also arrived “due to sameness of any now to any earlier nowness” that ever was of any other microcosm during the history of the macrocosmic creation … And also a fact, that any stagnation always leads to death of the stagnated entity due to loss of inner vitality of that entity … Thus from the macrocosmic point of view, she also knows the fact that “if she ceases to be dynamic, then she shall only be deemed to be stagnated within her own eyes and thus in such a case, she would also need to end her own existence” … This itself is due to her own “law of stagnation”, which she herself follows very diligently, prior she even ensures its compliance by her each microcosm …
Continuing with above paragraph … Macrocosmic laws and keepers of macrocosmic laws are not like human laws and their keepers which can deviate and thus can end up favoring a few, at some point of time of their existence … Macrocosmic laws hold no prejudice to the originator of these laws or the keepers of these laws and thus a sameness of end effect of these laws is ever there upon the macrocosmic creation and also upon her each part (i.e. each microcosm) …
*** Continuing with above paragraph … This requirement within the law of stagnation, itself is the reason for eternal non-constancy of the begun part of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. begun macrocosm or cyclic existence) and her each part (i.e. each microcosm) … And since within a very subtle energy state, the same macrocosm creation is also existent within her each microcosm, so due to this presence of the subtle or original macrocosm within each microcosm, she also ensures the compliance to this fact by her each microcosm … This itself is the reason for the fact that “an eternal change is the only constant” within the begun part of the macrocosmic creation and her each begun-part …
*** Continuing with above paragraph … And it is due to this reason, there is a presence of close to infinite number of microcosm’s within her and where each microcosm holds its own hierarchical evolutionary standing within her own envelopes, so as to render her with close to infinite options or possibilities to ensure an eternal existence due to an eternal non-sameness of her any-now to her-any earlier nowness that ever was during the entirety of her own history and the history of her each part (i.e. entirety of existence of her each microcosm) …
*** Continuing with above paragraph … Those parts who do not follow this law, are based upon individualisms of sorts and because individualism is a very strict and restricted system as far as do’s and don’ts , good-bad aspects stand, so it also leads to a lessness of subtlety bandwidth of its knowledge systems which in turn leads to an earlier arrival of sameness of its now to any earlier nowness … And this itself is the reason for all sorts of cyclic chaos and end time prophecies within all forms and formless states of individualisms that ever are or could ever be … Thus it is due to absence of continued or unbroken compliance to this macrocosmic law of stagnation, each individualism has never been and cannot ever be a reason for continued or unbroken state of peace within a world …
Resuming again from where we had last left … Above mentioned stage of an “exit from cyclic existence” is because of the base fact that an entry into the 1st intermediary state of emptiness is only denoting the condition of an exit from the eternally changeful and thus eternally moving state of the begun part of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. cyclic existence)… And thus, this discussion itself is describing one of those uncountable numbers of geniuses of the Maker’s Makings because of the fact that when we consider the totality of this discussion, then there actually happen to be an “almost infinite number of possibilities” of exit from the cyclic existence (i.e. Samsara) …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus all those recent knowledge systems (i.e. those who came by during the last few millenniums) who as such say that only their only path is correct and/or all other paths are wrong (i.e. only they shall be liberated and all other are doomed) and also those knowledge systems which claim that only their Godhead is true and rest all are false (or Satan) have only been proving their utter ignorance to the supreme genius of Maker’s Makings which is being discussed here and which could be summed up as follows …
Continuing with above paragraph … “Close to infinite microcosm’s which rest within the macrocosmic creation only lead to close to infinite possibilities of differences within their flows and dynamism (as per their own differences of ways of life which itself are as per the current evolutionary standings) which itself leads to close to infinite paths of a final exit from Samsara” … I don’t think there is any proof better than this as far as the supreme genius of the Maker’s Makings is concerned …
Continuing with above paragraph … Since this 1st intermediary state of emptiness is related to the eternally changeful and thus eternally moving state of the begun macrocosm, so during those timeless times as were of my much earlier incarnations, this very 1st intermediary state of emptiness was also termed as “Chalit Shunya (or the emptiness which eternally resides within the eternally moving macrocosm and her own eternally evolving and thus eternally changeful microcosm’s)” … And since each microcosm within its begun state is eternally moving (I mean evolving), so the Chalit Shunya (or emptiness of individuality of flows and dynamism) is also related to emptiness of individualities as was stated earlier …
And finally for this discussion on the 1st intermediary state of emptiness and the way it relates to the evolutionary process of each begun microcosm, is the below discussion …
During the course of the long-long evolutionary process as is of each microcosm (including of the aspirants who read this text) as you keep resting within one or another of the vast uncountable numbers of individual aspects that exist within the begun macrocosm, you also arrive at an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to know the non-real nature of that aspect (In which you rest at that time) … This is when you also realize the dual or non-real nature of that aspect to which you have been relating till then and this is what leads to a state where you detach from that individuality which was found to be non-real by you (as no aspirant ever wishes to associate to any non-reality and that too, after its non-real nature is already known) …
Above realization of the non-real nature is what leads to an inner-detachment from the non-real which in turn becomes the reason for manifestation of 1st intermediary state of emptiness which relates to that individuality whose non-real nature is already self-realized by you … This is applicable to all microcosm’s who have ever begun within the Maker’s Makings …
And as you evolve through these vast number of individual aspects through which your own evolutionary process passes, which itself takes a very-very long time span of a cyclic mode of existence, you eventually keep expanding the emptiness of individualities that were already evolved-over (or gone-past) by you … This is what leads to the 2nd intermediary state of emptiness i.e. emptiness of corpus, as is discussed below …
2nd intermediary state of emptiness … This is realized within the unbegun macrocosm … This is the emptiness of individual-corpus … This is what acyclic existence actually means …
As a microcosm evolves through the individualities that exist within the begun macrocosm, there is an incremental state of numbers of 1st intermediary state of emptiness within its own consciousness orb (Chitta) as is of its own causal body (which in other words, can also be called as the Bliss sheath) … As these emptied individualities keep increasing, they keep forming a corpus within the aspirants consciousness orb itself … This is what leads to the 2nd intermediary state of emptiness, which as such is the emptiness of individual-corpus that was formed by all the individualities which have been emptied out during the course of evolutionary process of that microcosm (i.e. aspirant) …
Thus this is the emptiness of individual corpus that is arrived at after the first intermediate state is evolved over and this is such that it only relates to one or more of individual corpuses only … And this is such, that the relationship of this state to one or more of individual corpuses of emptiness, itself denotes that there still is a non-relationship of the further stage of “voidness of allness and her each part (i.e. macrocosmic voidness or Sarva Shunya)” which was discussed earlier in this topic itself …
Since this relates to the unbegun macrocosm which as such is the eternally unmoving macrocosm, so this could also be termed as “Achalit Shunya (or immovable emptiness or the emptiness which relates to that part of the macrocosmic creation which has no movement and yet is not the final state of evolution)” …
But even in this state the emptiness is still an individuality of corpus only and thus that emptiness only ends up as a lesser or greater part of the further stage which as such could be termed as “emptiness of allness (or in other words, Sarva Shunya or macrocosmic voidness)” …
And even when this stage is of a corpus of emptiness but yet that corpus is such that it is only manifested due to the individual aspects which have been evolved over by the aspirant and thus they have been emptied out during the course of evolution of the aspirant … So this stage definitely does not denote emptiness of allness (i.e. macrocosmic voidness or primordial nature or Sarva Shunya) as allness of macrocosmic creation is still not emptied at this stage of evolution where that microcosm is only resting within the 2nd intermediary state of emptiness that is being discussed here …
As such when already stationed within at the 2nd intermediary stage of emptiness, even when that microcosm (aspirant) has entered into an acyclic mode of existence, yet its existence is still continuing and due to this reason, this stage of acyclic existence as is within the unbegun part of the macrocosm is not even denoting the final state of liberation, which as such is only of the stage where the aspirant gets fully and permanently isolated from allness and her each part, including from macrocosmic voidness (which as such is being discussed here) … This stage of full and permanent isolation from allness and her each part, including from macrocosmic voidness, was termed as Kaivalya Moksha in Vedas …
It is at this stage the aspirant realizes that each individual aspect which was emptied out during the course of an almost eternal evolutionary process that has been since that aspirant had originally begun as a microcosm, is also no different from the corpus of these individually emptied aspects which has been arrived at … And this realization is also due to the fact that the aspirant realizes that even the corpus is naught but an individuality only … But even in such a state, the aspirant realizes that the corpus is holding a larger quantum of subtlety as compared to the individualities which had united to each other, so as to make that corpus apparent to the aspirant …
And this itself leads to a further realization that the corpus of empty aspects which were evolved over during the during the course of one’s eternal evolution, is also as empty as the individuality of empty aspects which were realized earlier (so as to arrive at this second intermediary state) … And thus, this eventually leads to a state of detachment from the corpus itself, as the corpus itself is found to be non-real within its individual state as a corpus … This itself is realized due to the separation of that corpus from voidness of allness (i.e. macrocosmic voidness or Sarva Shunya) within which this corpus is also found to be resting i.e. when the much subtler and vastly spread enveloper of that corpus (i.e. voidness of allness) is seen by an aspirant, then that aspirant also realizes that the corpus cannot be the final reality and thus such aspirants have always ended up detaching to that corpus also … And this is what makes them enter into the next primary state of emptiness, which as such was termed as macrocosmic voidness during our earlier discussions …
This emptiness of corpus (i.e. 2nd intermediary stage of emptiness) is also of various types … These types are as follows …
- “Non-lightness enveloping darkness and lightness” … This is the above discussed 2nd intermediary state of emptiness, which as such is within the unbegun macrocosm … The realization of this stage is like the night sky where stars are shining forth … This denotes the stage of realization of the subtle Antariksha (i.e. the space between heavens and earth) which is also within the aspirant …
- “Darkness enveloping lightness” and where lightness also has a subtle blue light around it … In this phrase of “darkness enveloping lightness”, the word darkness is related to the emptiness which rests within the 2nd intermediary state (i.e. within the unbegun macrocosm) and the word lightness is denoting the diamond white colored state is of macro-neutrality which separates the unbegun macrocosm from the begun macrocosm … This was also told as union of Buddha Samanthabhadra and Buddha Samanthabhadri and this is also the same as what used to be termed as a union of “attributed-formless state of Shiva to the attributed-formless state of Shakti (or simply a union of Shiva and Shakti)” …
- Neither dark nor light and yet is a corpus of both … This could be termed as a state of very light grey color … It denotes stage of exit from both the begun and macro-neutral macrocosm’s and thus it also denotes that state which is intermediary between the 2nd intermediary state of emptiness and the macrocosmic voidness …
- Neither light nor darkness and yet is an united corpus formed by unioned individuality of both … This is like a dark envelope within which vast numbers of silvery white light are shining … And at this stage, the silvery white lights do not have a blue envelope (as was stated in earlier category) … This state is realized only within the causal body as I did not find it anywhere else till now … And when a colorless envelope is also found to be around it, then this stage denotes the final union to the entirety of the root of Maker’s Makings … This stage is also denoting the union of the aspirants consciousness to the great-time (Mahakaal) to its own pristine divinity, who is addressed as Maa Mahakaali (the great-divinity of the great-time) which itself happens inside the causal body of the aspirant … And this stage is also denoting the union of the aspirants consciousness to the Akasha Mahabhoot (or the limitless partless space which exists beyond the all underworlds, earths and the heavens) …
After this stage is arrived the realization of the macrocosmic voidness as was already discussed earlier … And we shall be discussing some of these within later topics (and with appropriate painted sketches) …
DD … Self realization of Sarva Shunya or Shunya Tattva or macrocosmic voidness …
Now we move onto the next discussion on the conditions where a self-realization of emptiness of allness (i.e. macrocosmic voidness or Sarva Shunya) can take place …
The main conditions of this discussion are as follows …
- When masculine and feminine principles meet each other, is self-realized the non-lighted state of emptiness of allness … This is from where the concepts of Purusha and Prakriti manifested in Samkhya philosophy and the same was also the reason for ancient sages to state that “within the union of Purusha and Prakriti, is self-realized the emptiness” … As also a fact that the Samkhya philosophy itself was the root philosophy of Chinese philosophy of Yin Yang and Buddhist philosophy of emptiness … We shall be discussing this with paintings in a later topic …
- When any two opposites meet each other, then in the real-middle of their union, is self-realized the non-lighted state of emptiness …
- When lightness and darkness meet each other, then in the real-middle of their unioned state, is self-realized the non-lighted state of emptiness …
- When any two macrocosmic flows and dynamism meet each other, then in the real-middle of their meeting point is self-realized the non-lighted state of emptiness …
- Whenever any two systems (or beliefs) meet, then in the real-middle of their unioned state, is self-realized the non-lighted state of emptiness … Thus even those aspirants who rest within any form or formless state of individualism can enter into emptiness, if they “inwardly try to merge” their own individualistic system to another individualistic system … By the phrase “inwardly try to merge” I mean they try to find a common ground between the two systems … In such a case also, that aspirant shall self-realize emptiness and thus get out of the hold of the cyclic existence, so as to enter into an acyclic mode of existence … The same acyclic existence is also stated within some statements like “God would provide you with an eternal body (that eternal body denotes the same acyclic existence only)” …
- The same emptiness is also after doing lower deeds like arguments, fighting and wars and the temporary calm which manifests after such lower deeds is also due to the flows and dynamism of the adherents of both sides have merged to each other and thus the emptiness has manifested within the unioned state as is at their meeting point …
- All parts of nature also follow the same thing … For example, the eye of a storm is a place of a perfect calm which also denotes emptiness at the real middle of the winds which are emanating out of the peripheries of eye wall of the same storm … The real-middle of meeting point of hot and cold air’s in fronts (frontal depressions) is also an area of a perfect calm … When two sea waves meet each other, then after they have entered into the splash (which as such is denoting the ecstasy of their union) the water just bobs up and down for a short while, which also denotes a lull or an empty state … Thus this concept of emptiness at meeting points of differences or opposites is a universal phenomenon and can be seen across the macrocosmic creation, including within the non-lighted center of each galaxy (I mean this is seen during subtler astral travels only, because I don’t think that center is clearly visible from this world as of now … This non-visibility is due to presence of intermediary cosmic objects and particles in the direct line of sight of that center from this planet) …
As IT progressed … Some more discussions
EE) Now we shall move unto the next part of this discussion which as such relates to the self-recycling nature of emptiness … I.e. the essential nature of emptiness by which it self-recycles everything from itself, within itself, into itself and that too, by itself …
Everything that we see as the macrocosmic creation and her each microcosm has originated from emptiness of allness (macrocosmic voidness) only … And as the originated states keeps evolving, their evolutionary process only makes them to return back to the same macrocosmic voidness itself … Thus is the self-recycling nature of emptiness …
FF) Now we come to the next part of this discussion which as such is of an eternal constancy of corpus of emptiness … This is in continuity with (EE) above …
And because everything originates from emptiness, rests within the vast envelopes of emptiness and eventually returns back to the same emptiness, so the subtle corpus of emptiness never changes …
Thus irrespective of whether anything (i.e. any microcosm) is originated or is existent within any part of the macrocosmic creation or it finally exits out of the macrocosmic creation, which itself makes it to return back to the same emptiness from where its own origination process had originally commenced, the corpus of emptiness never changes …
This itself is because of the fact that since all these originations, evolutions and return back are only happening within the vast envelopes of emptiness which are surrounding the macrocosmic creation, so the corpus of emptiness cannot ever change during the eternity of existence of the macrocosmic creation or her any microcosm …
And since the macrocosmic creation was self-originated from within the same emptiness, so this characteristic of constancy of corpus of emptiness was also transferred to the macrocosmic creation …
Thus as a matter of fact, the macrocosmic corpus (i.e. the corpus of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation) also rests within an eternal constancy as is of its own pervader, i.e. macrocosmic voidness … And this is an absolute fact even when the microcosm’s which rest within the same macrocosmic creation are constantly changing their corpus and where these eternal changes of microcosmic corpuses are only due to the effects of the macrocosmic principle of eternal evolution (we shall discuss this principle later on) …
Since everything originates, exists and evolves within the same macrocosmic creation, so irrespective of the evolution which keeps taking place for all that has begun within the Maker’s Makings, the macrocosmic corpus never changes because all these originations and evolutions are only happening within the vast envelopes of the same macrocosmic creation itself …
All that happens during evolution is that a portion of the eternally constant macrocosmic corpus gets transferred to the evolving microcosm … But since the macrocosm itself is existent within the vast envelopes of the macrocosmic creation itself, so the macrocosmic corpus never changes …
And also a fact that when any evolving microcosm finally qualifies to exit out of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. it qualifies to enter into its liberated state) then it also has to surrender the macrocosm which is within itself, to the greater macrocosm within which it is has been residing till then … Only after this process of surrender of all the macrocosmic states which are within the microcosm, is fully completed, can any microcosm qualify to exit out of the entirety of the macrocosmic creation … Thus the final path of exit out of allness cannot be any other than that of “walking alone and fully-isolated” from allness and her each part, including the allness which is within the aspirant also …
It was due to this reason, Tyaga (surrender and detachment or let-go) was stated within the Yogic Lore’s … Unless you are free of the excess baggage’s, all of which are only related to one of another aspect of “allness and her each part”, you can never fly higher than allness and her each part and in such a case, you also cannot escape out of and go-beyond allness and her each part … Thus if the aspirants consciousness has to fly higher than allness itself, then the baggage has to be emptied out fully … And thus is the reason for Tyaga (detachment or surrender or Let-go) to be an important aspect for each Mumukshu (i.e. one who only seeks liberation and nothing else) …
This process of surrender of the macrocosmic states within the aspirants microcosm to their respective macrocosmic principals, is what leads to self-manifestation of Siddha bodies (i.e. accomplishment vehicles or Buddha Bodies) … And at this stage when the Siddha bodies (i.e. Siddha Sharira) begin manifesting automatically within the aspirants microcosm itself (this itself is arrived only after the self-realization and thence an entry of the aspirants consciousness within the vast envelopes of emptiness of allness), if an absolute detachment is maintained at these times, then these Siddha bodies also begin merging to their respective macrocosmic principal states …
And only after these Siddha bodies (which are denoting various macrocosmic states which are present within the aspirants microcosm) have already merged to their respective macrocosmic principals, is the baggage lightened enough to make the consciousness of the aspirant to fly into “That Supreme being” who as such is well beyond all that is termed as beyond in any knowledge system … In a later topic of Siddha bodies and their principal macrocosmic states, we shall be discussing this surrender of subtle macrocosmic creation that is within the aspirants microcosm, into the greater macrocosmic creation …
Thus irrespective of whether a microcosm is originated or it evolves or it enters into its own final liberation, the macrocosmic corpus never changes from what it originally was when the Maker had commenced its Makings …
GG) Now we move unto the next discussion which as such is of the fact that emptiness is its own pervader and enveloper …
Macrocosmic voidness (i.e. emptiness of allness) pervades its own lower (or intermediary states) and is also pervaded by its next higher state which as such is of Shunya Brahman … Thus in reality, emptiness itself is its first pervader and first enveloper …
And since emptiness of allness is a strictly non-lighted state (as was discussed earlier, the term non-lightness does not mean darkness), so it was due to this reason that Naasadiya Sukta of Rig Veda has stated a phrase “Non-lightness enveloping non-lightness” … This phrase is denoting the same voidness of allness (or Sarva Shunya or macrocosmic voidness or primordial nature) which is being discussed here …
HH) And finally, we shall discuss the original self-manifestation of emptiness within the Maker’s Makings and its importance within all knowledge systems, in addition to its presence within all Yoga Tantra (systems of Yoga) …
Within the Absolute and prior anything like the Maker’s Makings had commenced, only the Absolute being (Paramshiva) and its own divinity i.e. Adi Parashakti (Pristine-Divinity) were existent and where both these were denoting the same Absolute itself due to their perfectly non-dual union to each other and where this union was also such neither could be distinguished from the other and this state of indistinguishable union was just like the sun and its light cannot be distinguished from each other (I mean one is denoting the other only) and where the innermost meaning of this perfect-union was “exactly as the infinite cannot be distinguished from real meaning of space” …
Paramshiva (i.e. the Supreme being or Absolute being) denotes the conscious principle and Maa Adi Parashakti (i.e. the Pristine-Divinity or Absoluteness) denotes the activity principle and their union itself is denoting the eternally-uniting knowledge principle which at that time was only as the knowledge of allness and her each part “that was yet to be” in addition to being the knowledge of the Paramshiva and Adi-Parashakti, both of who are no other than two different names of the same Absolute being that only is as the final reality …
Thus basis above paragraph, that knowledge which does not lead to manifestation of the essential “oneness to allness and her each part and a simultaneous oneness to That-Absolute who pervades and envelopes allness and her each part” cannot even be termed as knowledge from the point of view as eternally is of this reality of knowledge principle (i.e. supreme knowledge) as is of the unioned state of the Absolute and its own Absoluteness …
And that knowledge which does not relate to this finality of knowledge, is also the reason for manifestation of individualism (i.e. monotheism) which itself becomes the primary reason for a later chaos … As also, individuality of any form or formless state always leads to divisions between the essential innermost unity that eternally is of all parts of speciology to each other and to allness within whose envelopes these speciological parts itself live … And this loss of unity, which itself is due to incompleteness of knowledge, in turn becomes a further reason for future clashes at one or another time or stage of progress of individualism within the world … Thus irrespective of what these individualistic systems may state about their capabilities, when we study the effects of individualism, then they always have elements of a cyclic chaos …
When Paramshiva and Adi-Parashakti are unioned to each other, then the state was like the self luminous (Paramshiva or Divine-Being or Absolute) pervading and enveloping its own self-luminosity (i.e. Adi-Parashakti or Pristine-Divinity or Absoluteness) … And because it was a perfectly non-dual state of union, so simultaneously the self-luminosity of pristine-divinity (i.e. Adi-Parashakti or Absoluteness) was also enveloping and pervading the self-luminous being (Paramshiva or Divine-Being or Absolute)” … Thus in such a state, neither could be distinguished from the other, as both were the same Absolute-being (Parambrahma) …
But when the Absolute self-expresses itself, which itself is through the instrument of its own Absoluteness, then a portion of that Absoluteness separates out of the earlier unioned state … And since Absolute being (Parambrahma) is the omnipresent and so is its Absoluteness (Adi-Parashakti), so even after this self-expression, they still stay united to each other even when they seem to be separated out …
But because this self-expression is also a state of individuality which sets in the eternal union, so this condition leads to a state where the masculine and feminine principles are separated out temporarily and thence they are re-united to each other … This re-union of the masculine and feminine principles is what leads to an immediate self-manifestation of Shunya Brahman or the state where Zero Infinite is Infinite Zero and which denotes the original self-expression of the Absolute being … And it was from Shunya Brahman that macrocosmic voidness is self-emanated outwards as the primordial state of manifest and non-manifest nature that as of this stage are yet to be self-manifested within the Maker’s Makings … This is the state where Zero is Infinite and Infinite is Zero …
Thus macrocosmic voidness is not an originated state as it anyways was existent within the earlier original union as was of Paramshiva and Adi-Parashakti, but was not apparent at that time due to their perfectly monogenous-union and thus their perfectly indistinguishable state from each other …
And since the macrocosmic voidness (or voidness of allness or Sarva Shunya) itself is the primordial nature as was of the primordial void state of macrocosmic creation (i.e. mother nature) and that too of a stage that was prior the manifest and non-manifest states of the macrocosmic creation was even originated, so this is also an incalculable state due to absence of individualities of four primary macrocosmic dimensions within it (i.e. at this stage, there is an utter absence of unitary values of time, space, direction and state) …
Due to absence of individualities of the four primary dimensions within this stage when macrocosmic voidness was just about self-manifested, following was the condition of dimensions … The dimension of time was of the timeless-eternity, dimension of space was of the undefined-infinity, dimension of direction was of the pathless-omnidirectionality and dimension of state was of the partless-omnipresent … And it was due to this state of dimensions, that the time when this self-manifestation had actually happened can only be calculated as eternal, infinite, omnidirectional and omnipresent … Thus state the Vedas that macrocosmic nature is also an eternal entity …
It was also from this union of the original self-expression of the Absolute being (Parabrahman) which led to the self-manifestation of IT’s own Pristine-divinity (Adi Parashakti) as the primordial nature (Sarva Shunya), that the primordial all-enveloping, all-pervading divinity (or energy or Shakti or Devi) was self-manifested within her own plurality as was of her self-adopted eternally-changeful activity-principle and this itself led to a later origination of the non-lighted matter (i.e. non-lighted inert matter or inertial masses which float in all universes and planes of existences) which as such became the original or base building blocks of manifest states of the macrocosmic creation, which was yet to be at this stage …
Continuing with above paragraph … This non-lighted matter was nothing but a highly condensed (compressed or compacted) state of the energy fields of this stage of the Maker’s Makings … Thus the inertial masses are naught but highly compressed state of the primordial divinity of the divine being, who as such is addressed as Maa Shakti (Devi Maa) within the Vedic lore … She is the originally self-expressed state of Adi-Parashakti (or primordial-beyond divinity of the being there only is) and she is the same Absolute due to the fact that she itself is the pristine divinity of the Absolute being or Paramatman (because divinity cannot be separated from the divine, so the divine is divinity and divinity itself the divine) …
The Parashiva (or attributeless infinite Absolute being or Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) who denotes the conscious principle and the Pristine-beingness of the Absolute-being who denotes the activity principle and in their eternally unioned state is the knowledge principle which belongs to both, is the base of all that happens within the Maker’s Makings … Thus state the Vedas that Shiva (i.e. the Ever-Auspicious-All principle) has three primary divinities i.e. Chetan Shakti (divinity of supreme consciousness or conscious principle), Jnana Shakti (divinity of supreme knowledge or knowledge principle) and Kriya Shakti (divinity of supreme activity or activity principle) …
This eternally unioned state was where one was the other and same condition of their union is also within the Maker’s Makings (i.e. macrocosmic creation or Brahmand) … Thus even within the macrocosmic creation, Shiva (divine) cannot be known separately from Shakti (divinity) …
Thus basis above and as far as Shiva and Shakti are concerned … If you know one, then the other is already known to you … And if you say that you don’t any-one of these two, then it only proves that neither is known to you …
Due to this reason, the final knowledge cannot be any other than that which leads to the eternally unioned state of the Absolute-Being to its own Pristine-Divinity, which can only be as a knowledge which relates to the entirety of Maker’s Makings i.e. right from the time when the Absolute-being had originally self-expressed itself (or in other words, right from Shunya Brahman) … Due to this reason, the final knowledge about these two cannot be any other than that of the same Maker’s Makings …
As also, without knowledge of Maker’s Makings, neither can the knowledge about the secrets of Maker’s Makings (i.e. macrocosmic creation) be arrived at nor can the further self- realization of the Absolute Being (or Brahm) and its own Pristine-Beingness be arrived at by any aspirant … And in absence of such a condition, the eternally unioned state of conscious-knowledge-activity principles also cannot be manifested within the aspirants microcosm …
As also, because the Maker’s Makings are only based upon the an intrinsic pluralism and simultaneously based on an essential monism, so unless the knowledge itself is based upon pluralistic monism, nothing fruitful can happen during any path that the aspirant may follow within this text of Maker’s Makings …
Due to this reason, individualistic knowledge systems and their paths (i.e. any form or formless state of monotheism) cannot ever lead to a final realization of the supreme being and it was due to this reason, that after individualism entered this world about nine millenniums ago, all subtlety as was of the knowledge systems which were based upon the unioned states of knowledge-conscious-activity principles, also started vanishing from this world, which itself led to a severely gross state (i.e. individualistic or self-serving) of ways of life of inhabitants of this world …
From the supreme ecstasy as was of this union of the Absolute being (Parambrahma) to its own Pristine-Absoluteness, was self-originated the original state of nature whom we have addressed as the primordial nature … And from the vast envelopes as were of the primordial nature, the macrocosmic creation has emanated out …
And since this union of Absolute to its own Absoluteness is eternal, so the ecstasy of this union is also eternal and due to this reason, the macrocosmic creation is none other than a self expression of that ecstasy that ultimately was started during those timeless incalculable-times and would also be lasting till the unfathomable eternity of times that are to follow from any nowness of now that is ever considered as a base to calculate the time spans of existence of the macrocosmic creation …
As also, because the finality of macrocosmic creation is none other than being a self-expression of the Absolute being (who in Vedas is addressed as Brahman) and because Brahman and its self-expression are both eternal, so within the wholeness of the macrocosmic creation, she is none other than an eternal entity only …
Continuing with above paragraph … And yet because the macrocosm does not denote the finality of self-realizations, so the Brahmasutras of Gurudeva Vyasa (or Veda Vyasa) also state “Even when the macrocosmic nature is as eternal as the being there only is, yet macrocosmic nature never denotes the state of a final emancipation” and this is even when the Vedic lore clearly states that the “macrocosmic creation or Brahmand and her each part (or five-elements-qualities etc.) are also valid paths as they also lead to the same self-realization and thus the final emancipation” …
Due to above fact, irrespective of the path(s) that any microcosm may take during the course of its evolutionary existence, all these paths are only leading to the final stage as ever is of a “union to allness and her each part” … And yet the path of exit from the entirety of Maker’s Makings (i.e. the path of final liberation) itself is of a “final detachment to allness and her each part” … This reciprocal approach is because of the fact that unless you are already united to something, how can you even think of detaching to that thing … Thus prior a final liberation from allness and her each part, a prior union to allness and her each part, is a must … And this is where Yoga Tantra (i.e. paths of systems of union) of Sanatan Dharma come into their active play during ones evolutionary process …
Thus prior the final detachment to “allness and her each part” each aspirant has always had to be unioned to the same “allness and her each part” …
As such due to above paragraph …
The path of union is of evolution and the path of detachment is of liberation (Kaivalya) …
But at the same time, union has to be there prior liberation can even be arrived at by any aspirant …
Thus is the utmost significance and importance of Yoga Tantras (i.e. systems which lead to union) as these itself are the base for the later state as is of a final exit from allness and her each part …
And because the final path is of detachment (i.e. let-go or surrender or Tyaga) so the Vedic sages have stated that Sannyasa (or renunciation) is the final path that any aspirant walks through, whenever that aspirant has arrived at a state of ripeness and rightness to finally exit out of the entirety of Maker’s Makings …
And the same facts as were stated in Sanatan Dharma were also taken by all later knowledge systems (i.e. later religions) due to its universal applicability “for and upon” all that is ever begun as a microcosm within the Maker’s Makings …
II) Moving further with this discussion and getting even deeper into the subject …
Here we shall discuss if voidness is a macrocosmic condition or it a macrocosmic attribute and also discuss the path to voidness …
When we try to self-analyze the reality of macrocosmic creation (Maker’s Makings) then we only find that it was from within this initial or primordial voidness (i.e. macrocosmic voidness or voidness of allness or Sarva Shunya) of her own essential-allness, the later stage as was of the manifest-allness of macrocosmic creation and its each part, had originated … And thus the exit path from Maker’s Makings cannot even be anything other than being the exact reciprocal of what is stated here as the origination process …
Thus by this self-realization, the aspirant also knows through a direct cognition that voidness is not a state (or a condition or mode or process) but it is an attribute which holds entire-allness of macrocosmic creation within it and that too whilst keeping this allness of macrocosmic creation within its own originally void (or un-manifest) state …
Now we shall try to analyze as to how above fact actually happens within the Maker’s Makings …
When masculine (Purusha) and feminine (i.e. Pradhan or Prakriti) principles meet each other (i.e. they are unioned to each other) then the end result is of voidness (emptiness) which itself is of a non-lighted state … This fact is universal as it is applicable to all that is as a macrocosm and its each microcosm …
Thus whenever the vitalities of man and woman meet, then their unioned state is also of the same voidness only and it is due to this reason that after these two have gone through their rigorous process of union, then both enter into an immediate calm (which as such is denoting voidness of the activity principle which manifests at this stage within the two) …
Continuing with above paragraph … The same is applicable to all that is meeting each other, including meeting points of two waves which are travelling in opposite directions … When these two waves meet each other, then state after the initial splash (which denotes ecstasy of union) that is seen at the meeting point, there is also a period of lull or calm … The same is applicable to an eye of a tropical revolving storm which also is a place of Zero wind, waves and swell … And the same voidness is also present within the exact meeting line of hot and cold air as is within fronts (frontal depressions) …
Continuing with above paragraph … And it is also due to the same reason that whenever the union of divine (Samantabhadra or Shiva or simply, Bhadra) and divinity (Shakti or Bhadri) takes place within the physical vehicle, then the aspirant enters into an immediate realization of the same macrocosmic voidness (or in other words, the state of emptiness of allness, which can also be called as Sarva Shunya) … Thus Buddhist texts state that when Buddha Samantabhadra unites to its own divinity, who is addressed as Buddha Samantabhadri and where this union also happens within the physical vehicle, then the aspirant directly self-realizes voidness … And this is also a universal fact because it is applicable to all the hundred Buddha’s of Tibetan Buddhism (These Buddha’s are residing within the 100 sub channels of the central channel that are running at the back side of the body) …
Continuing with above paragraph … All above discussions are also because of the fact that when opposites meet, then at their exact meeting points is emptiness and just out of their exact meeting points (where voidness gets realized) is a very subtle diamond white colored state of macro-neutrality (which as such is denoting “equanimity towards allness and her each part” or Sarva Samta) … Due to this reason, if an aspirant has to travel to voidness, then the path to voidness always passes through intermediary state of macro-equanimity … This was the reason for my Gurudeva of last incarnation (i.e. Gautama Buddha) to put “lot of” emphasis on maintenance of equanimity within his teachings and this itself was because without the earlier stage of resting in an inner-equanimity, the later realization of emptiness can never be arrived by an aspirant … And to get at this state of equanimity towards allness and her each part, the earlier requirement of residing within an inner union to allness and her each part, is also needed most certainly …
Thus basis above …
- Without an inner “oneness to allness and her each part (which can also be termed as Brahmand Dharana)”, the later stage of an “inner equanimity towards allness and her each part (which in other words, can also be termed as Sarva Samta)” cannot be arrived by any aspirant …
- And without an “inner equanimity towards allness and her each part”, the later stage of macrocosmic voidness (Sarva Shunya) cannot be self-realized by that aspirant …
- And further than this … Without an earlier realization of macrocosmic voidness, the later state of “emptiness of fullness and a simultaneous fullness of emptiness (i.e. Shunya Brahman)” cannot be self-realized by that aspirant …
- And still further … Without an earlier realization of Shunya Brahman, the even later state of self-realization of the attributeless-infinite being cannot ever be arrived by any aspirant … Such aspirants who have not been able to self-realize Brahman, also begin claiming that there has been nobody who has self realized the Absolute (Paramatman) during history of the macrocosmic creation, but such statements only prove their own lack and not the lack of liberating effects of paths that exist within the vastly pluralistic yet monist Vedic lore …
- Thus unless an inner oneness to allness and her each part is arrived, no further progress can ever happen within the path of the Maker’s Makings …
- And finally … The beginning of this path of self-realization of the finality of Maker and its Makings, is only speeded up on an auto-mode*** from of stage of self-realization of macrocosmic voidness … Thus is the importance of this discussion …
*** Explaining *** of above paragraph … Auto-mode means, no further acts of deeds need to be done by an aspirant as far as the self-absorption of the macrocosmic states within the aspirants microcosm, to the greater macrocosmic creation, is concerned … This is how it is after macrocosmic voidness is self-realized because after this self-realization, the macrocosm within the microcosm of the aspirant keeps auto-absorbing into the greater macrocosm within which the aspirants physical vehicle resides and this itself is without any further deeds from the aspirant …
Thus those knowledge systems which do not rest within this state of “Oneness to allness and her each part” are none other than a fraud against humanity and sooner humanity realizes this fact, better it is for their future generations who shall also be entering this world system at later times, so as to continues within their own eternal evolutionary processes, exactly from where they had last left during their previous incarnations, which could have been here or even in those beyond worlds … Thus ends this topic …