Yogic aspects of zero and infinity

Here we shall discuss the Yogic aspects of mathematics which relates to zero infinite, but whilst taking support of zero and infinity and prove the Yogic applicability of this concept, which relates to infinity and zero to vast sphere of life … Here we shall discuss the facts, that zero pervades numeral, zero in a state of sea of zeroness within numerals, each zero is a sea of zeros, zero in numerals and thus discuss Vedic mathematics which itself is rooted in Yoga and Samadhi

Zero infinite is the first part of self-realization of Shunya Brahman, which as such is that which itself is the infinite zero … Shunya Brahman is self-realized through Asamprajnita Samadhi

Asamprajnita Samadhi is the stage of ‘absorption within non-lighted state of the Absolute being (Parambrahma)’ and where non-lightness does not mean darkness, as is of that Shunya Samadhi and which is as an absorption within the primordial zeroness (or zeroness of allness or emptiness of allness or primordial nature) that itself is infinite …

Since this a a very vast discussion, so I have divided it into parts … Please read the previous parts of this topic prior reading this one …

This topic is the fourth in this series of Zero and Infinity (or Infinity and zero) and it continues from the previous topic that had the header of “Tirthankara and Sadyomukta” … This topic is also the first in this series of self-realizations within the “Yogic aspects of zero and infinity” as is the header of this topic …

Since this a a very vast discussion, so I have divided it into parts … Please read the previous parts of this topic prior reading this one …


  • 1+0+0 … Endlessly = 1 … Numeral is pervaded by a sea of zeros … Zero and infinity …

Here we would discuss zero as a pervader of each numeral and the entire macrocosm … And were the pervader itself is as the parent of the pervaded (permeated) state … Thus, is the presence of zero inside numeral, which relation to zero and infinity …


Zero Infinity … Sea of zero pervades numerals … Presence of zero in numerals …

To start with, let’s take Numeral 1 (to signify an aspirant or any individual microcosm) …

Numeral 1 is ‘pervaded’ by subtler zeros, which as such are present inside it … And even when these zeros are eternally present within this numeral 1 (as its subtler pervaders), yet these cannot be known unless the aspirant gets into the state of being a numeral 1 (individual) and thence arrives at the sameness of subtlety (sameness of state) of these zeros, so as to realize these zeros, which as such are there in this numeral 1 as its base (or support) and yet are invisible when we observe these zero’s from the plane of numeral 1 …

Thus, even when the numeral 1 (microcosm of aspirant) is apparent as a standalone numeral (microcosm or aspirant), yet it really is not a standalone numeral … This is what comes to fore when we see its pervader i.e. see those zeros which as such are existent within the numeral 1 itself and where these zeros are as it’s pervaders …

And after this direct cognition, the aspirant shall also realize that these zeros are also residing within their infinite numbers (infinite number of zeros) within the same apparent numeral as is visible from a grosser plane (i.e. grosser plane of the numeral or individual-microcosm) … The same is also a fact when we consider any microcosm (any aspirant) …

As also is a realization that these zeros have already been added to the numeral 1 which are eternally residing within it, and that too from that stage which was even prior the numeral 1 was discovered or became a part of mathematics …

Thus, even when the state is like “1+0+0+0 … endlessly” and thus is like an endless sea of zeros residing in (or attached to) the numeral 1, but yet from our grosser plane of existence (i.e. from our individualistic plane of existence), numeral 1 is all that would be seen and that too as a standalone numeral … This is the same as what is there inside any microcosm, as even when these zeros are resting inside the microcosm, yet that microcosm is all that is visible when we view this fact, whilst we rest at the plane of that microcosm …

This only means that numeral one, as is apparent a standalone numeral, is in fact pervaded by infinite number of zeros and it still retains its character as numeral 1, when we observe the numeral from its own plane (i.e. the grosser plane of numeral 1 or grosser plane of existence where that numeral one is manifested) …

But when we observe the same numeral from the plane of its pervader (i.e. the plane of pervading zeroes), then we see the reality of the numeral 1 (Numeral 1 denotes any individual microcosm) which as such is holding a sea of zeros in it and it yet is visible as the numeral one only …

And this also means that, even though each numeral (i.e. aspirant or entity) is seeming like a standalone individual (when we view it from its own or current plane of existence), but then also, the subtler fact does not change that the numeral (aspirant) is pervaded by the zeros …

The same is with each microcosm, right the world, plane of existence (Galaxy, etc.), universe and also every other smaller or larger microcosm, including the human microcosm and also their form or formless Gods …

This fact can also be utilized to realize the presence of zeroness within the aspirant itself (aspirant is also like the numeral 1 only) …


Evolutionary standing is determined by the quantum of zeroness within you …

As a matter of fact …

  • Higher are the number of aspects zeroed out during ones evolutionary process, higher is ones inner detachment to aspects of macrocosmic creation (Makers Makings) …
  • Higher is ones inner detachment to aspects that relate to the macrocosm, higher is the evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies …
  • Quantum of zeroness (emptiness or Shunyata) that an aspirant holds, is the proof of quantum of detachment to material and immaterial aspects, that is accomplished by that aspirant …

Thus is a realization, that, the quantum of zeroness that an aspirant holds towards aspects that relate to the macrocosm, is also a deciding factor for determining the evolutionary standing of that aspirant within the macrocosmic hierarchies …

  • Zero is subtler than any numeral (individuality and also an individual corpus), thus if a higher number of macrocosmic aspects are zeroed out (i.e. evolved from or evolved beyond) during ones evolutionary process, then higher shall be one’s inner subtlety … Higher is one’s inner subtlety, more is one’s capability to link to and/or relate to those beyond subtler states of existences (like divine worlds, divine beings, etc.)…

Unless one is resting in an inner sameness to the state which is to be self-realized, that state can never be self-realized … This is because, self-realization of any beyond subtlety (and also beyond divinities) can only happen after we ourselves have manifested an inner subtlety, which is of sameness to the subtlety of that self-realized state (or state which we desire to self-realize) … Thus, the self-realization of anything is also a proof of what was discussed in an earlier topic of “You are what you have self realized” …

Just as the fact, that, when we enter this physical world, we need a physical vehicle which is appropriate to this world, so is the case of self-realization of any subtle and divine world …

This self-realization of any subtle and/or divine world only happens after we ourselves are holding an inner subtlety and divinity which is of sameness to that subtle or divine world … Thus, if there is a self-realization of subtlety or divinity, then this self-realization is also a proof that we in our own inner nature, are already resting in sameness to that self-realized state …

And the path of attainment of subtlety, is of an inner detachment from gross aspects and realms … As also, when we inwardly detach from any grosser state, then in our own consciousness is manifested a zeroness impression for that state which is detached …

Higher are the numbers of zeroness impressions (Shunya Samskara) that get manifested within an aspirant, higher detachment that aspirant holds from grosser aspects of macrocosm and microcosms and this itself denotes a higher evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies …

Thus, within your inner nature, if higher is the zeroness of aspects that relate to microcosm and macrocosm, then higher is the quantum of zeroness that you hold and thus, higher subtlety of macrocosmic divinities your inner-being rests in, and higher is your evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies …

This is because, in such a case, higher would be the number of individual aspects that would have been detached from, by you …


Outer attributes hold no consequence …

Even though any two numeral 1’s (any two individuals) may look the same (especially when these two are of the same part of macrocosmic speciology), but their inner subtleties and thus their evolutionary standings within the macrocosmic creation, may very well be pretty different …

This difference of subtlety of any two numerals (or the difference of evolutionary standings of any two microcosms) and the consequent difference of their evolutionary standings, is primarily due to the amounts of individual zeros or the quantum of zeroness (emptiness of individual-duality and individual corpus’s) that each of the numerals hold…

And since the inner subtlety is also governed by innumerable (countless) permutations and combinations that are possible due to countless aspects which can be zeroed out during ones evolutionary process, so due to this reason, a near infinite state of zeroed aspects and their permutations and combinations (of aspects zeroed out due to detachment from them) is possible within the same universe …

This is what leads to a highly pluralistic state of zeroed aspects and yet since they are only related to the same zeroness of individualities and corpuses of aspects, so this is also the reason for an inner monist nature to be maintained within the evolutionary process of each microcosm …

Thus, the entirety of evolutionary process and especially when we see it from the macrocosmic point of view, is monist and yet on an individual level (i.e. level of a numeral or microcosm), it stays pluralistic …

This is also one of the basic aspects for pluralistic yet monist nature of Maker’s Makings, where there is an intrinsic pluralism as far as individualities are concerned and yet there always remains an essential monism as far as the entire macrocosm is concerned …

Thus, evolutionary standing of any aspirant (microcosm or numeral) also translates to the capacity of holding zeroness and which itself depends upon the inner detachment that any aspirant holds towards grosser and/or subtler aspects, which itself are a part of the vast macrocosmic hierarchy … And this by itself is one of the governing factor for gauging the evolutionary standing of any numeral (microcosm or aspirant) …

Higher is the quantum of zeroness which is held by any aspirant, higher is its state of evolution due to a manifestation of a higher inner subtlety and thus higher is that aspirants macrocosmic standing …

And this is also such that, even though that aspirant may look like a regular human from an outer point of view (physical bodied state) but if that aspirant has arrived at the essence of zero infinity (i.e. infiniteness of zero), then that aspirant may well be holding that macrocosmic standing which is also respected by all macrocosmic speciology, including the macrocosmic divinities, like those of Gods (and Satan’s) of any of the triple times … And such aspirants may well be holding a substantial part of what was subtly told through the header of this sub-part of the topic i.e. 1+0+0 … endlessly = 1


  • 1/0 = Infinity … Zero as a base for self-realization of Supreme being …

Here we would discuss the utility of mathematical zero, which denotes the primordial nature (i.e. empty state of nature or voidness of allness or emptiness of allness or Sarva Shunya) as a base realization for the end realization of the attributeless infinite absolute being (Parabrahman) …

Thus, unless you are empty of all nonsense that relates to your microcosm and everything else that makes and rests within the macrocosm, no realization of the supreme being (Brahman) can ever be arrived by you …

And the only way to be empty of all nonsense as stated in above paragraph, is via the path of detachment …

As also a fact, that unless detachment itself is to allness, there really is no detachment in the real sense … And only when the inner detachment of any numeral (microcosm or aspirant) is to allness, does the path which leads to the infinite being (Para Brahman) open up for that aspirant …

Since, zero which also refers to detachment, is not denoting a fullness of zeroness, unless it is holding the entire sea of macrocosmic zeroness within it (i.e. it is detached from allness itself), so is the case with detachment, which is also not detachment in the real sense, unless it is to allness of Maker’s Makings


And now read this carefully …

When all that is as Makersmakings, becomes inwardly invalid (i.e. absent) for an aspirant, then only does that aspirant enter into the last pathless path (i.e. Brahmanpath) which through some intermediary stages, eventually itself leads to the self-realization of the attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahma) …


Thus, the fact remains as stated below …

Be zero … To be the infinite

And basis this fact …

Unless you are zero … You can never be the Infinite

And this itself is the basis of zero infinity which is being discussed here …


Thus, basis above, a fullness of detachment from allness which itself leads to primordial zeroness (as is of the primordial nature), remains as the base for self-realization …

This also means, to shed that extra baggage which relates to the macrocosmic creation, so as to self-realize that attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahman), who also is as the final detached pervader and enveloper of the entire macrocosmic creation (Brahmand or macrocosm) …

But as a matter of fact, that macrocosmic creation (Brahmand or macrocosm), is within your own microcosm and it is also the same within which your microcosm rests … Due to this reason, even when the detachment is an inward state of an aspirant (numeral), yet it leads to detachment from the entirety of allness …


1/0 = Infinity … Zero as the base for knowing the infinite …

If we try to divide (cut to sections so as to analyze) the finite aspect of nature (like numeral 1) with its own parental primordial non-nature (or an imperceptible or a beyond aspect or a much subtler aspect of nature), then the finite quantity (i.e. the individual state … or that which is measurable by perception of mind or dimensions) would even become infinite in its end state …

This is always so if the finite quantity (or numeral or individual or microcosm) is divided (cut into sections, so as to analyze) by primordial nature (i.e. zero) …

And basis this, if primordial nature, i.e. emptiness of allness (which as such is of zeroness of allness or macrocosmic voidness or Shunya Tattva) is used as a base to analyze any lesser or greater part of macrocosmic nature, then the infinite (absolute being) would be the one who would be arrived at as a final self-realization …

And since the attributeless infinite absolute being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahma), is the eternal undefined, so that final realization would also not be definable by words or symbols or any other aspect that is available within this or any other world of the entire macrocosmic creation …

This is why the self-realized, all-realized Vedic sages had only referred to the absolute being, through those statements, which came to be known as Vedic Mahavakya (i.e. Vedic Great statements) … And as a matter of fact, these Mahavakya (Great statement) do not describe the absolute being, but they only ‘subtly refer to (or subtly point towards)’ IT …


1/0 = Infinity … Vedic mathematics of negation … “Neti Neti” of Vedic lore …

The same concept of final-realization is also applicable to each individuality … And this is why Vedic sages had also referred to statement of “Neti Neti (which means Not this Not this)” and which as such is a method of negation of all that is non-real (individualities and individual-corpuses), so as to reach that stage where allness in its manifested (i.e. Apra Prakriti), non manifested and thus beyond (i.e. Para Prakriti) and neither manifested nor present state (I.e. Avyakta Prakriti) is finally negated …

And this is what opens the path to the attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahman) …

The basis of Neti Neti is when the aspirant has consciously negated allness and her each part, then only the infinite remains …

And the entire process of this negation is based upon the mathematics of 1/0 = Infinity and where infinity itself is Parabrahman


1/0 = Infinity … Analyze individualism by emptiness to know infinite … During every change of human age cycle …

This also means, that, when we try to divide ‘the’ individual (monotheistic) beliefs, nature, systems and processes with ‘a’ belief that holds that greater truth of zeroness (emptiness or Shunya) and thus relates to the primordial state of nature (Shunya), that is zeroness, in its infinite state, then the end result is of the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahm), of Vedas …

This is why, after the process of change of the present human age cycle (Manav Yuga Chakra) had kicked in on/around 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years), that the Yogic, Vedic and Buddhist lore began spreading in this world and those lands which were related to individualistic ways of life (monotheistic religions) accepted it the most … This itself was because of the fact, that the next human age (Manav Yuga) is a Vedic age cycle (Guru Yuga or Age of Sages) whose relation would majorly be to the attributeless infinite being (Brahman) of Vedas …

And to ensure this change, Yogic and Buddhist lore’s which as such are related to Shunya (zeroness or emptiness of allness) had to spread in this world and especially wherever individualism (monotheism) was rampant since quite a while … This is because, after the spread of “ways or paths of zeroness” when the followers of individualism would analyze their own individualistic ways, which also would be after they have passed through a chaos that is divine, elemental and manmade, then they would also be returning back to the same infinite being, who is addressed as Parabrahman in Vedas … And this process of change of human age is also be based within the same Vedic and Yogic mathematics which relates to 1/0 = Infinity as is being discussed here …

In every change of human age cycle (Manav Yuga chakra) and especially when the next age cycle is of the human golden age (Manav Satyuga), the same process is followed to inwardly effect this change in some inhabitants of that world who then become as seeds of a further change which they would get manifested in the world and through their propagated ways …

And when that human age cycle (Manav Yuga Chakra) is leading to the Guru Yuga (or age of sages) itself, then this change is also more rapid, and thus is more countered (more people are against it), due to which it is also based upon a higher quantum of chaos …

The age of sages (or Guru Yuga) is that human golden age (Manav Kritayuga) which falls in the larger time span of a divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) … And this Guru Yuga has always had a time span of 9,600 years as per middle unitary value of time (which has always been used by Vedic sages) and the same also becomes as 10,368 years as per the currently applicable cardinal units of the nadir phase of precession of equinoxes

The change also speeds up when 108 years are remaining for the change of human age towards the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) and this is why this change had speeded up closer to 1074 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …

And since this change is towards the infinite state, which itself is of the attributeless being (Nirguna Brahman), who itself is of the Vedas, so the end result of this vast spread of Yoga and Buddhist lore, would also be leading to the manifestation and acceptance of Vedic ways within the incoming Guru Yuga (Age of sages) …

And due to the call of times in which we currently live, as times progress and get closer and closer to the middle state of this change of human ages, which as such is the time span of 2028 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years), the humanity of this world and also in those subtle realms, would know the chaos and would also know the need to accept it’s end result that is being told here …

Time is a weapon of mother nature (Maa Prakriti) which she never shares with anyone, including any god or goddess, so when the call of time, which itself is through the weapon of time (Kaalastra) of mother nature, arrives, then all gods and goddesses become helpless to stop the change …

This process of time as a weapon, was begun around 23 to 25th January of 2019 and was speeded up on Vijay Dashmi of the same year … And the end result of this would be the same change to intrinsically pluralistic yet essentially monist Vedic ways of life, that need to be and would also be the primary way of life, within the incoming Guru Yuga …

And those who are unfit to enter into that incoming age cycle, would also be evicted out of this world system, within that severe chaos that would also come by after the process of this change of human ages fully cuts in this world and whose path would also rest in 1/0 = Infinity, as is being discussed here …

Within the incoming change of human ages, every system, land, microcosm would be passing through this process of change, for nobody would be left out …


Absence of paths of 1/0 = Infinity, leads to degeneration and individualism …

Basis above discussions as long as outward natural aspects are used to analyze other outward natural aspects and while the aspirant is also utilizing outward (individualistic) systems and their means (i.e. aspirant is not based in detachment), individualities keep growing … This is always the case in every divine degenerate age (Kaliyuga) which itself is the divine age (Deva Yuga Or Mahayuga) that currently is underway on this world, and ever since 3012 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …

Thus, outwardly ways leads to individualism to get manifested in that society … And since individualism only leads to dualistic ways that are based upon superiority complexes such as “my Papa strongest, my path best” and the further degenerate state which could be told as “those who don’t follow what I follow, don’t have a right to exist”, so individualism due to its inherent dualism, always leads to cycles of chaos and peace in the world …

And once the stage of manifestation of individualism arrives, then since it essentially is dualistic towards others, so the chaos due to individualistic systems also keeps manifesting across one or another way of life, like politics, geographies, geopolitics, economics, societies, cultures, race, creed, sex, security, safety and military aspects …

And ultimately, by the time humanity knows this fact, it is already late to save them from that stage of time, which is denoting the end of all individualism and individualistic systems … This is the stage in which the this world rests as of now …

This world has already entered into such times where humanity who would pass through that chaos, and then they would definitely do an introspection and retrospection, so as to finally know the truth of whatever is told here …

And after that introspection, that part of humanity who would do this introspection and retrospection, would definitely be leaving all individualism and individualistic systems, as they would have know the severities of perils of individualism as was given to them by their utterly ignorant forefathers and the so called sages of their individualistic systems …

And as times would keep progressing and thence humans of that time would enter into the Guru Yuga, which as such is an age of Pluralistic monism (that essentially is of the Vedas) then they would have also realized, that individualism can never and would never be an instrument of peace …

Individualism has ever been and would ever be an instrument of cyclic chaos … And this is why individualism is majorly manifested within a divine degenerate age cycle (Kaliyuga), which is also an age of cyclic state of chaos, which also keeps spreading and manifesting across all ways and walks of life as the degenerate age progresses … The times that have passed during this divine degenerate age cycle, have proved this fact, but the times that are approaching this world would be so chaotic and to that extent that humans would undeniably accept the truth of whatever is written here …

And the basic reason for this could be told as follows …

  • Absence of detachment is a characteristic of individualism …
  • Attachment to the ever changeful world and its systems, is characteristic of individualism …
  • Superiority complex due to the dualism that is inherent in individualism, even when we don’t see it, is also a characteristic of individualism …
  • Dualistic ways of individualism only lead to clashes, fights, wars and thus cyclic chaos …
  • And all this is because of absence of paths which are related to 1/0 = infinity, as is being discussed here …

And now, note below stated facts …

  • In individualism, there is nothing like detachment … Detachment is the path to inner peace from where the peace in our environment manifests …
  • If detachment is not to allness, then it is a mere un-attachment to one of another individuality or an individual corpus …

And also note …

  • Absence of detachment to allness, leads to outward ways, that relate to the ever changeful state of the systems within the world … This is because such systems which don’t hold a detachment in its fullness, which itself is to allness, only relate to the statement “Eternal change is the only eternal constant” in nature …
  • And above is even when they don’t accept it as far as their ways of life (religion etc.) are concerned …
  • And this is what goes against the eternally changeful nature of mother nature, within which all systems and their adherents rest … Which in turn makes these individualistic systems and their severely restricted adherents to become instruments of cyclic chaos

As a matter of fact, detachment is always to the corpus of allness … So, if any system is not based in such a detachment, then it actually is incomplete …

And depending upon its percentage of incompleteness, would be its individualistic and thus chaotic capability (or tendency) …

Since as of now, most of humanity is based upon and within one of another aspect of incompleteness of detachment, so almost all humanity is in one or another way individualistic … And thus, during the the coming times of the presently underway change of human age (Manav Yuga), they would have to enter into some sort of severe chaos

The basic problem which I know after roaming almost all lands of this planet, is that, it’s the majority who is in non-compliance …

And so its very easy to know, that very soon and due to the currently underway phase of change of human ages, the coming chaos, would also be multilateral, multifaceted and based upon multiple of factors, all of which would be rooted in one of another aspect of dualism that is inherent in every form and formless state of of individualism and which as such is the primary reason for individualistic systems and their adherents to become chaotic at such phases of change of human ages (Manav Yuga) …

The finally detached state is what Kaivalya (or Sanskrit language) refers to …

Kaivalya means a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part, and thus the Sanskrit word Kaivalya, also means “detachment to allness and her each part” … The same Kaivalya is also stated as Keval (alone or isolated or independent of allness), Kaivalya Moksha, etc. …


Incompleteness of concept of 1/0 = Infinity … Path of Anatman …

As a matter of fact, following is what stands true …

  • Anatman as told in Vedas, is not Anatta of Buddhist lore …
  • That which is not Atman … Is Anatman of Vedas …
  • Atman is Brahman (infinite) … Vedas state so through various ways …
  • Thus, Anatman also means, that which is not Brahman (infinite) …

If any numeral is analyzed by anything other than the primordial zeroness state of nature, the final result would never be that infinite (Brahman), which essentially is the undefined absolute being (i.e. attributeless infinite absolute being), who itself is your own Atman

In such a case, the end result would only be of ‘one or another aspect’ of the vast scopes of the Samskrit term, of Anatman …

Thus, unless the numeral (aspirant) self analyzes itself through the primordial zeroness of nature (i.e. numeral zero, which itself is infinite), the end result would never be any other than Anatman, i.e. the end result would never be that of the aspirants Atman, and which itself is the undefined infinite or the attributeless infinite (Brahman) …

Thus, in this analysis of 1/0 = infinite, the numeral can be anything, but the tool of analysis of it, would have to be primordial nature …

And due to this reason, the evolutionary standing of an aspirant (i.e. the numerals state) is immaterial, because as long as that numeral is analyzed with the primordial nature (zeroness), the end result would only be as Infinite, which denotes Brahman, who itself is the Atman (of the aspirant) …

Thus, the analysis which relates to the concept of 1/0 = Infinity, can never be between a gross or subtle state or any other hierarchy of macrocosmic nature, it shall have to utilize her primordial state (i.e. primordial zeroness) …

If this is not followed, then the final result would only be of Anatman, instead of Brahman (attributeless infinite, omnipresent yet undefined being) …


Note: Anantam is discussed in next topic, and that too, from point of view of Yogic mathematics …


Continues …







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