Raam Naad (or Ram Naad) is the Sound of Raam (or Sound of Ram) which itself is the Taraka Mantra (liberating Mantra) of Bhagwan Shiva … This sound is subtly denoting Bhagwan Ram (or Bhagwan Raam) who is also present as the innermost essence or Atman of each aspirant) …
This topic shall discuss the stage of commencement of the process of a final awakening …
But the stage which is discussed here is only arrived after passing through a few intermediary stages … A few amongst those important intermediary stages have already been discussed in earlier topics and the rest would be either be taken up in this set of topics (of Shiva Taraka Mantra) or in later topics …
BB … Explaining the Sound of Raam (i.e. Sound of Bhagwan Ram or Bhagwan Raam or simply Raam Naad) …
Raam Naad itself is Shiva’s fully liberating Mantra (i.e. Shiva Taraka Naad) …
Sound of Raam is subtly denoting Bhagwan Raam (or Bhagwan Ram) only … And this is what would be discussed here …
BB-1 … Composition of Raam Naad (Sound of Raam) … When Raam Naad is self realized and which itself is whilst transiting the Vajradanda (i.e. the golden staff of lightening) that is placed above the 100 petalled crown plexus at the top of brain, then Ram Naad is found to be made up of two distinct yet fully unioned parts …
These two parts are as follows …
- Sound of “RA” … This is the first part of the “Sound of Raam (Raam Naad)” … This “Sound of RA” is a nerve shattering, consciousness shaking, totally overpowering, fully purifying, very-very subtle yet extremely loud sound of RRRRRRAAAAAAA that is heard within the physical vehicle itself … This sound is such that its beginning or end stays untraceable and thus this also is an eternal sound only and thus has been added in this main topic of “Naad Brahm … Naad Brahm (or Nada Brahman) means as the Sounds of Absolute” …
- The sound of M … And when this “Sound of RA” is proceeding inside the physical vehicle, then at that time there is also a second sound which is simultaneously heard … This second distinct sound is the endless sound of “Mmmmmmmmmm” (i.e. Brahmanaad or Sound of M or in other words, Makar, which has already been discussed in an earlier topic) …
- Sound (of Raam) … When above two sounds are simultaneously heard, then it is the sound of Raam (Raam Naad) which as such is the Shiva Taraka Mantra that is being discussed here …
- So this is what “Raam Naad (Sound of Raam)” actually is from the point of view of the inward path (or Atma Path or the path of self realization) …
BB-2 … Significance of Raam Naad (Sound of Raam) … As discussed above, the word Raam is made up of two parts of “RA and M” … Each of these two seed syllables are based upon and are denoting the following …
- RA … This is the sound of the golden colored channel that rises up from the front of heart and goes till the 7th plexus (thousand petalled lotus) which is present at the top of brain … And then the same channel also proceeds beyond the 7th plexus because this golden channel is eventually terminated at a point which is below the 8th plexus (8th plexus shall be discussed in the next set of topics) …
From the stage when this golden channel just about begins going past the 7th plexus and until it reaches its termination point which is just below the Eighth plexus, is also the stage where the “RA Naad (or sound of RA)” is heard and that too, inside the aspirants physical vehicle itself …
Thus basis above paragraph, when the aspirants consciousness is residing at a level which is below the 7th plexus and when it reaches a level which is above the 8th plexus, then this sound of RA is not heard by the aspirant …
So basis above, the sound of RA (or RA Naad) is only heard whilst the consciousness of the aspirant is still located in between the 7th and Eighth Chakra and when the consciousness is positioned in between these two plexus’s then the sound of RA shall be heard inside the aspirants microcosm (i.e. inside the physical and subtler vehicles of the aspirant) …
Other than above discussed fact, in no other condition can the sound of RA be heard by any aspirant …
- M … This sound denotes the primordial sound of macrocosmic creation i.e. the sound which was prior anything had even commenced through the process of origination of Maker’s Makings … We had discussed this earlier and had stated that this is the sound of the “original and pristine elemental state of Maker’s Makings (in other words, Makar itself is the Brahmatattva)” …
And what we had not discussed earlier is as stated below … The presence of this sound extends from pristine eternal-lightness of Brahma Tattva (this has already been discussed in an earlier topic of “Makar” (which in other words can also be told as the Sound of M”) until the eternal-non-lightness of “Zero-Infinite, Infinite-Zero (i.e. Shunya Brahman)” as was discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT self expressed itself” …
And in addition to what is discussed above, since the state which is discussed here is also pervading each originated state of Maker’s Makings, so the same sound is also present within each originated grosser (and subtler) microcosm, of here and beyond …
- Thus basis above, the sound of Raam denotes that stage which itself was prior the primordial timeless stage of the original origination of the Maker’s Makings … And this stage was even prior the Sound of M (which we have already discussed in an earlier topic of Makar) had self-manifested itself …
When we consider the origination process of Maker’s Makings then it is pretty clear that the “Sound of Raam (Raam Naad)” was even prior the stage of self manifestation of “Sound of M (which can also be told as the state of Makar or Brahm Tattva)” and due to this fact, a self realization of Raam Naad (i.e. re-arrival at sound of Raam) is also denoting a stage which was even prior the self manifestation of the “pristine elemental state of Maker’s Makings, which is also addressed through a phrase of OM Tat Sat within Srimad Bhagwad Gita (i.e. Makar or Brahma Tattva)” … And it was due to this reason that the “Sound of Raam” is denoting a fully liberated state and thus it was also told as the fully liberating sound (or Taraka Mantra) of Bhagwan Shiva itself …
This is because after the sound of Raam (i.e. RA and M) is self realized, then it means that the aspirant has already gone past the stage of Makar (or Sound of M) and thus such an aspirant is already stationed in a state which is even beyond the Brahmatattva (or pristine, beyond primordial and original elemental state of Maker’s Makings) and thus such a self realization (or Raam Naad) is only denoting a state of being liberated from all that ever is or could ever be as Maker’s Makings …
- Thus the sound of Raam (Raam Naad) itself means that sound which is of a fully liberated state (i.e. it is a sound which denotes Kaivalya) … And this itself was the reason for ancient sages to say that the word “Raam” must always be internally chanted (i.e. continuous chanting within the mind) by each aspirant who desires Kaivalya Mukti (i.e. a final liberation due to a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part) …
- And since this sound is related to golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva (i.e. Shiva in his own aspect of being the great lord or Maheshwara) so within the Vedic lore’s it was also stated as Taraka Mantra of Lord Shiva (i.e. fully liberating Mantra of Shiva) … Thus is its significance …
BB-3 … Ram Naad or Sound of Ram in “Sahasrara (The place of a thousand RA)” …
The word Sahasrara denotes the thousand petalled lotus which is located at the top of brain …
The term Sahasrara is made up of two words … The first word is Sahasra which means “Thousand” and the second word i.e. RA has already been discussed in above point (BB-2) …
Thus the term Sahasrara means the “Place or seat of thousand RA” …
This extremely subtle yet very strong sound is always heard when the aspirant’s consciousness vehicle (or subtler observing vehicle of the aspirant) just about starts rising upwards so as to go beyond the thousand petalled 7th plexus (or the thousand petalled lotus) which is present at the top of brain …
The same 7th plexus is also termed as Brahmarandra chakra (i.e. the plexus of secret crevice of creator), Mukut chakra (crown plexus), Sapt Chakra (7th plexus), Shunya chakra (plexus of emptiness) etc-etc within various lore’s of Sanatan Dharma …
And since inside the 7th plexus (or the thousand petalled lotus) this sound is so powerful (i.e. so much in strength) that it seems to have gotten multiplied in its intensity by a thousand times, so those ancient Yogic sages who had known this fact through a direct cognition, had termed the 7th plexus as “Sahasrara” which means the “Place or seat of a thousand RA” …
As was discussed earlier, the aspirant shall start hearing this sound (or Ram) at the specific stage when the aspirants consciousness (or subtler observing vehicle of the aspirant) just about exits out of the thousand petalled lotus which is situated at the top of brain and then it enters into the golden colored channel which rises upwards and goes beyond the thousand petalled lotus … And this sound (of Raam) shall also keep getting heard by that aspirant until his/her own consciousness arrives at a point which is just below the 8th plexus …
And since the golden channel is also a part of the 7th plexus itself, so due to this reason the that place inside the aspirants microcosm (i.e. physical and subtle bodies) where “A Thousand RA’s” are simultaneously heard was termed as Sahasrara (or Thousand RA) by the self realized, all realized sages of Vedic Yogic lore … This place is inside the 7th plexus itself …
BB-4 … Original concept of Ram Naad (Sound of Ram) …
Thus basis above discussions (i.e. BB-1, BB-2 and BB-3) in addition to being a Vedic concept, the word Raam of Sanatan Dharma is also a Yogic concept …
And since this sound is heard inside the Vajradanda (which as such is a very luminous golden colored subtle channel) which also symbolizes Ishvara (and Maheshwara) aspect of Bhagwan Shiva … What is stated as Maheshwara in Vedic lore is also the same as what is called as Ukar (which means as that which lifts the consciousness upwards or in other words, that which makes an aspirant evolve upwards) and this is the same as what is termed as Okar (which relates to the Sound of O) in this text …
Okar of Yoga and Vedas itself is Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva who is also denoted by the golden channel (or Vajradanda Chakra) that has already been discussed earlier) and which rises up from the front side of the heart plexus (Anahat Chakra) and goes up to the top of brain (i.e. it goes to the crown plexus) and also it also goes beyond till a point which is just below the 8th plexus (this 8th plexus would be discussed in the next set of topics), so this sound was told to be of Maheshwara (or Shiva) itself …
And since this sound makes ones consciousness to rise to the final level of the 8th plexus, which itself denotes the finally liberated state, so this sound is also was also termed as the “Shiva’s liberating sound (or Shiva Taraka Naad)” …
And since the word “Raam” is also a Veda Mantra, so this sound of Raam (Raam Naad) was also termed as the “Shiva Taraka Mantra (i.e. the fully liberating Mantra of Bhagwan Shiva)” by the ancient self realized, all realized Vedic Sages …
As a matter of fact, it eventually was from the above stated Yogic fact that the knowledge of Shiva Taraka Mantra (i.e. fully liberating Mantra of Shiva) which is told as Raam Naad (Sound of Raam) was arrived at in the Vedic lore …
And since this itself knowledge relates to “7th Avatar of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu (i.e. Lord Raam)”, so Lord Raam is also addressed as Raam Bhadra +++ by traditional Vedantin’s …
+++ In above paragraph, the word Raam is denoting Sri Bhagwan Vishnu and the word Bhadra is denoting Bhagwan Shiva …
+++ The former word (i.e. Raam or Ram) is used because it denotes that Lord Raam was the 7th Avatar of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu … And the second word (i.e. Bhadra) denotes that the word “Raam (or Raam Naad or sound of Raam)” is related to Bhagwan Shiva due to the fact that it is the Taraka Mantra of Lord Shiva …
And coincidently within the current divine age cycle, the knowledge of this sound was also rendered by Lord Raam only …
As a matter of fact … During the inward path, following is the sequence of self realizations …
- When the self realization Raam Naad (which denotes the 7th Avatar of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) is crossed over, then the aspirant arrives at the sight (or self realization) of Sri Bhagwan Krishna (i.e. who itself is the 8th Avatar of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) …
- And only after this stage of self realization of Sri Bhagwan Krishna is crossed over, can the self realization of Buddha Avatar (i.e. the 9th Avatar of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) be arrived at by that aspirant …
- And both these cognitions are only arrived through the self realization of the 10th Avatar (i.e. Bhagwan Kalki) which itself is via the path of self realization of the 8th plexus …
- So basis above stated facts, even the self realizations of these Avatars of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu follow the same sequences as are told in Vedic texts …
BB-5 … Relation of Sound of Raam to knowledge systems of ancient Egyptians (And also of the ancient Greek culture) …
Ancient Egyptian knowledge systems had utilized only the RA part of Raam …
And since RA itself is like a very highly luminous, golden colored state, so RA was also addressed as the “Sun amongst Suns” within ancient Yogic lore’s of Dharma …
And this “Sun amongst Suns” was told as “Akar which in turn led to realization of Ukar, Makar, Brahmatattva, Omkar” within the Yogic lore’s of Sanatan Dharma and which itself were the base of the knowledge of Upanishads … So, ultimately when we study the root nature of this knowledge then it is found that it (i.e. knowledge of Raam Naad) is none other than a knowledge of the Vedic Yogi’s (Vedic sages) only …
And since ancient Egyptian systems had also borrowed their root philosophy from the much earlier and much vast lore’s of Sanatan Dharma, which also included the knowledge of Raam Naad (Sound of Raam) and its two parts of “RA and M”, so it was due to this reason that the ancient Egyptian knowledge systems used to state that “RA” means the “Sun” …
And since RA also denotes a fully raised state of Kundalini Shakti (i.e. the serpentine fire or serpentine force which is within each aspirant, has been already raised till above the forehead), so all those Egyptians who has reached this accomplishment of raising their Kundalini Shakti from the base of spine till above the forehead, were also depicted to have a serpent above their forehead …
And those Egyptian sages (Yogis) whose Kundalini Shakti had risen from the back bone side and thence had reached the top of head (i.e. 7th plexus) and then that Kundalini Shakti had also descended from the front of heart and finally settled inside the pot of nectar (Amrit Kalash) which is located about 2-3 finger breadths below the navel and is also termed as the “white pot of lighted butter and the pot of consciousness” within this text, then this fact was depicted as a tubular structure which was shown to be embedded under their chin …
And this denoted the fact that their Kundalini Shakti has not only risen till the top of head but has also descended back into the pot of nectar which is placed within them and thus such ones were deemed to have already completed a full circle of the entre macrocosmic creation which is within them (the macrocosm itself is within the microcosm) …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus this also means that such ones were the conquerors of allness which itself was within them, and which itself is the same allness in which their own microcosm resides … Such descriptions also denote a Chakravartin Samraat (i.e. a Yogi who attains the status of being the ruler of triple worlds) …
Thus basis above paragraphs, when in the sound of Raam, the sound of M is not accounted for, then it becomes the sound of RA which is heard after the aspirants consciousness reaches the golden colored highly luminous subtle channel that rises upwards from the 7th and terminates a little below the 8th plexus … And this is what the term RA of ancient Egyptian and Greek lore’s actually means …
Thus basis above and from the point of view of Yogic aspects, knowledge of Raam Naad (i.e. Sound of Raam) is same as that of RA of ancient Egypt and Greece …
BB-6 … Roar of a thousand lions (of Jewish and Christian lore’s) … The western lore’s tell about a sound which they term as the “roar of a thousand lions” …
However as far as the aspirants microcosm is concerned, the stage when this roar actually begins is only when the consciousness of the aspirant has already risen up to a level which is above the 7th plexus (or the thousand petalled lotus at the top of brain) …
And even when above is a fact, yet the place from where this roar actually begins is only located in the region of heart …
After the aspirants consciousness rises beyond the 7th plexus, but it has still not reached the 8th plexus, the Sound of RA which as such is like a roar of a thousand lions commences from the heart area of the aspirants physical vehicle and then only is it is heard in the 7th plexus …
Note: This point of commencement of the roar of a thousand lions which itself is in the heart, shall be discussed in a later topic of the “Innermost cave of heart” which as such was subtly referred in Brahmasutras chapter 4 … Discussions upon this topic are deferred as of now as it is a restricted topic and thus I shall be taking it up at a much later stage of this text …
Thus the original Yogic concept of “Sound of Raam (Raam Naad)” which originally was told as “Shiva Taraka Mantra (fully liberating Mantra of Lord Shiva) in Vedas and which itself is the sound that came to be addressed as RA in ancient Egyptian lore’s, is the one which was told as the “roar of thousand lions” in the much later western lore’s …
BB-7 … Concluding this topic on Ram Naad …
Since the “Sound of Raam” is found to be beginningless, so it is also found to be endless … That which is beginningless is also endless …
And that which is beginningless and is also endless, is naught but the eternal …
That which is eternal, is none other than the Absolute being and/or a direct self expression of the Supreme Being …
And since the sound of our discussion i.e. Raam Naad, is such, so it was due to above stated facts that it was added in the main topic of “Naad Brahm (which literally and finally means as the Sounds of Absolute)” itself …
The place where this sound is heard was termed as “Sahasrara” which means “the seat or place of a thousand RA” and which itself was told as the “roar of a thousand lions” in the later western lore’s …
When the sound of RA, which as such is like a lion’s roar which seems like that of a thousand lions is already roaring inside the aspirants little-fragile physical vehicle, then at this stage another very subtle and seemingly distant “Sound of Mmmmmmm (i.e. Brahmnaad or Sound of M or Makar or the primordial sound of macrocosmic creation) is also heard …
Continuing with above paragraph … When only the sound of RA is taken into consideration (or when sound of Mmmmmmm is not heard by the aspirant) then it becomes the concept of RA of ancient Egypt …
Continuing with above paragraph … And when both above sounds (i.e. both RA and M) are considered, then it becomes the concept of “Sound of Raam (i.e. Raam Naad), which itself is told as Shiva Taraka Mantra (liberating Mantra of Shiva) …
And since this sound of Raam (Raam Naad) is self realized when the union of Shakti and Shiva is happening inside the physical vehicle, so Shakti Shiva Yoga (which in other words can also be stated as Shiva Shakti Yoga and the same can also be termed as Bhadri Bhadra Yoga) is also leading to the self realization of the same Raam Naad (or Sound of Ram) …
As far as Sound of Ram (or Ram Naad) is concerned, its concept and its further applications are so vast that no culture during any of the triple times has ever been left out of it …
The topic continues …