This topic shall discuss the term Buddhata, which in English language means as Buddhahood … After attaining this state, is when an aspirant may become (or act) as a Sam Sam Buddha (which means a teaching Buddha) …
HH-1 … Explaining the word “Buddhata” …
The term Buddhata means “Buddhahood” … And it also means as innermost Buddha nature, innermost fully and eternally awakened nature and as ones real nature …
But here the term Buddhahood means Sam Sam Buddha or a teaching Buddha …
And the phrase Teaching Buddha can only be applicable to that aspirant, who has already known primary and principal states of allness in addition to knowing her primordial state and all this is in addition to knowing the presence of all these macrocosmic states within the aspirant’s microcosm itself … Thus the knowledge of such an aspirant is a complete one that holds the fullness of allness that itself is within and is also the same allness that is beyond that aspirant …
Thus such an aspirant also knows that what is within the greater macrocosm itself is within that aspirant’s microcosm and what divinity is within that aspirants microcosm, itself is present within the greater macrocosm … And beyond …
Thus such an aspirant is like the entire macrocosmic plane of knowledge (i.e. Brahmic Vijyanmaye Kaya or Dharmkaya) which has self manifested itself in a microcosmic physical bodied form of that aspirant …
If I were to define Buddhata in a single statement, then it could be thus told …
“Having read (or learnt) none … Yet knowing all”
And where “knowing all” is only through a direct cognition (self realization) of allness and her each part (i.e. primordial, principal and primary parts of allness) and also a direct cognition of that which is beyond all these states …
Proceeding further …
The Sanskrit word “Buddha” is derived from the Sanskrit word “Buddhi which means knowledge” and where the base of all knowledge is none other than a direct cognition of the aspirant or someone who was present prior the aspirant and whose knowledge that aspirant learns …
But a Buddha does not learn anything that was told by others because he knows it himself and that too through a direct cognition (or self realization) of that which the Buddha knows … And that the Buddha knows by which he attains the status of being a Buddha itself is none other than allness, her each part and beyond and that too as these are within and beyond the Buddhas microcosm …
Since knowledge itself is emanated out of the macrocosmic plane of knowledge (i.e. Brahmic Vijyanmaye Kaya) which itself is the parental state of the knowledge sheath (i.e. Vijyanmaye Kosha) of each aspirant, so basis this the word “Buddha” only means that aspirant whose very subtle yellow colored knowledge sheath (or Vijyanmaye Kosha) rests in a non dual unity to the very subtle yellow colored macrocosmic plane of knowledge (i.e. Brahmic Vijyanmaye Kaya) …
So basis above, the discussed unity itself is via the path where the aspirant’s knowledge vehicle (or knowledge sheath or Vijyanmaye Kosha or Buddhi) becomes non-dually absorbed into the macrocosmic plane of knowledge and thus the aspirant’s knowledge body loses its own bodied form so as to become the same as the formless macrocosmic plane of knowledge …
That aspirant who does not comply to what is stated above, cannot be deemed to have arrived at Buddhata or Buddhahood which is discussed here … And it is due to this state of absorption that such an aspirant (i.e. Buddha) is like the entire plane of knowledge which has manifested in a human bodied form … Thus is the highness of a Buddha which is always respected by all the inhabitants of the entirety of the triple worlds …
HH-2 … Relation of Buddhata or Buddhahood to the 8th plexus …
Earlier on we had discussed the following …
- Each full transit of the 8th plexus is the one which denotes a successful completion of one “Inner Ashwamedha Yajna (or Aantrik Ashwamedha Yajna)” …
- After the first successful transit of the 8th plexus, the aspirant can choose to be liberated … This is what most aspirants choose after this first transit of the 8th plexus … Thus extremely few aspirants actually continue beyond this stage of first successful transit of the 8th plexus (or the stage of successful completion of the 1st Inner Ashwamedha Yajna) …
- After any aspirant successfully transits the eighth chakra for a 100th time during the course of his (or her) entire evolutionary existence, then that aspirant becomes a challenger to the position of the ruler of divine worlds (i.e. Devaraja Indra) … This is because of the fact, that, Indra is the only Deva who has completed 100 transits of the same 8th plexus and it was due to this accomplishment, that Indra took over the job of being a “king of all the divine worlds” …
- But after this 100th transit of the 8th plexus (or Niralamb Chakra), when that aspirants Siddha body or Siddha Sharira (i.e. the accomplishment vehicle) enters into Indra Loka (i.e. worlds of ruler of divine worlds) then the assurance of the Maker (Brahma Ji) which was given to the position of Indra (i.e. ruler of divine worlds) comes in the way of that aspirant agreeing to oust Indra from his position of Devaraja (i.e. ruler of divine worlds) … This is even when as per macrocosmic laws, Indra offers his position to that aspirant … Thus to ensure that the assurance of Brahma to Indra is not compromised or nullified in any way, that aspirant only self-decides to let go of a part of his accomplishment so as to not come in the way of Brahma’s assurance to Indra (This was already discussed in an earlier topic of “Trisanku Yogi”)…
- And since such an aspirant can no longer stay in divine worlds nor can he return back to earth nor can he reach the nether worlds, so that aspirant hangs in the middle of nowhere and thus becomes a Trisanku as we had discussed in an earlier topic of “Trisanku Yogi” …
- And that aspirant continues as a Trisanku Yogi till millions and millions of years and until he can again transit the same 8th plexus for a 101st time successfully and thus get out of his evolutionary standing of being a Trisanku Yogi …
- After he transits the 8th plexus for a 101st time, then he no longer stays in non compliance to the assurance of Brahma which was given to Indra and thus only after the discussed accomplishment does that aspirant walk free and thus he goes beyond the earlier state of being a Trisanku …
- But this transit through the 8th plexus for a 101st time itself needs a successful completion of transit through (i.e. accomplishment of) all the six main paths of the Sanatan Dharma, which itself is the reason for million and further million of years that it takes to transit the 101st plexus for a 101st time after being a Trisanku Yogi …
- Only after all the six paths of Dharma are successfully transited through does that aspirant evolutionarily qualifies to transit the same 8th plexus for the next time (i.e. 101st time) … This is what makes that aspirant to be a Buddha …
- Thus basis above, Buddha is that sage who has successfully transited the 8th plexus for a 101st time during the course of his entire evolutionary existence and right from the instant when he was begun as a microcosm within the supreme genius as is of the Maker’s Makings …
- Due to above stated reason, Buddhata (or Buddhahood) is nothing but accomplishment of transit through the same 8th plexus (Niralambasthana) for a 101st time and that too via the golden colored Vajradanda (i.e. 101st channel or the channel of Hiranyagarbha Brahma or the channel of golden womb of macrocosmic creation) …
- And since that aspirant has already transited through the 8th plexus for the 101st time and that too via the 101st golden colored channel (i.e. the Vajradanda chakra) and since the 101st channel itself is of the golden womb of creation (i.e. Hiranyagarbha), so due to this reason, this 101st transit of the 8th plexus also denotes the successful completion of the 101st inner Ashwamedha Yajna (or the 101st Aantrik Ashwamedha Yajna) …
- Such an aspirant qualifies to act as Hiranyagarbha also, but not many aspirants have ever chosen to act such because after the 101st transit of the 8th plexus, the detachment to such aspects is naturally there within the aspirants …
- And doing the act of Hiranyagarbha (or the golden egg) as is stated here means, that the aspirants becomes the divine controller of the golden womb of macrocosmic creation itself … The term Hiranyagarbha Brahma (i.e. golden womb of macrocosmic creation) means that formless being who had successfully completed 101 transits of the 8th plexus and that too via the 101st channel …
- Beyond this stage is that which cannot be discussed in this text, as it relates to the states which are beyond the purviews of the Maker’s Makings … Thus there also are further transits of the same 8th plexus, but that transit does not relate to any of the accomplishments which come within the purviews of the Maker’s Makings … Due to this reason these further transits won’t be discussed here or anywhere else in this text as they can even be accomplished whilst being based in the divine worlds or even whilst resting in the 8th plexus itself …
Proceeding further …
Due to above reason, since a Buddha is that sage who has completed the 101 transits of the 8th plexus for a 101st time and that too via the 101st golden channel and since this transit cannot ever be completed by bypassing the earlier state of being a Trisanku, so there cannot ever be any Buddha who was not a Trisanku during the course of his earlier evolutionary existence …
And as a matter of fact, Trisanku of Vedas is the one whom the Buddhists address as Bodhisattva i.e. the divine being who has delayed his evolutionary process which leads to Buddhahood and that too for the benefit of all sentient beings …
Those highly evolved beings whom Buddhists call as Bodhisattvas, are is naught but the ones who hold the achievement of being a Trisanku Yogi as is told about in the Vedic lore …
Thus the entire Mahayana which as such is based upon Bodhisattva’s is a part of Vedic lore itself and especially the historical text of Ramayana which itself is a part of the Atharvaveda …
As also a fact that there cannot ever be a Trisanku who is not a Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta … Thus since a Bodhisattva itself is that sage who is stuck in the state of a Trisanku, so even a Bodhisattva is that being who is a Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta as is told about in Vedic lore …
Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta means that aspirant who has not reached the summit of Yoga Tantra or has delayed the arrival at summit of attainment of a self realization and realization of allness, but is still a very diligent aspirant in addition to being the one who holds the knowledge of making the state of death into a state of sleep … Thus when that Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta returns back in a human form, then he remembers everything that he ever was and that too right from the time when he became had originally become a Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta …
I have been a Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta much-much prior I attained the state of being a Trisanku Yogi (or Bodhisattva of Buddhist lore) …
And I don’t say so because of reading or imagining anything, but by virtue of what I have been during the course of my earlier evolutionary existence …
HH-3 … What Buddhata … What does the term Buddhata signify or denote …
In this part we shall discuss as to what does the achievement of Buddhata (or Buddhahood) actually denote from a subtle point of view …
Thus this topic is to clear the misconceptions that have built up about Buddhata or Buddhahood being the highest of all states and Buddha being the highest of all beings … And this topic is also to shed some light on the most strange misconception of my Gurudeva of previous incarnation (i.e. Buddha Avatar) being even higher than the creator of allness (i.e. Buddha is higher than Pitamah Brahma Ji itself) as is currently told by some Buddhist lore’s …
To see the strangeness of such concepts, aspirants can just imagine this … Buddha rests in the Maker’s Makings to be a Buddha and yet becomes higher than the Maker itself … All these are concocted stories which came by after the Pujya Gurudeva of my previous incarnation (i.e. Gautama Buddha) had already left this world centuries ago … Thus they hold no solid foundation as far as the extremely high state of achievement of Buddhata (or Buddhahood) actually stands in its innermost meaning …
And I say so because an aspirant can never be a Buddha if he is still resting in such nonsensical aspects that relate to hierarchies of here, or beyond …
Thus none of the Buddhist folks are actually doing any justice towards the concept of Buddhata (i.e. Buddhahood) if they begin relating Buddhahood to hierarchies of here, or beyond …
Buddhata or Buddhahood is definitely a hierarchical state because it actually is an accomplishment, but at the same time in the innermost essence of this term of Buddhata, it is totally free of hierarchies of here and beyond … And this is what I would be discussing here …
HH-3-A … Buddhata from the point of view of Merits (Karma) …
This rare evolutionary standing of Buddhata (or Buddhahood) which not even a handful of aspirants have ever achieved during the entire course of history of the Maker’s Makings denotes that stage where the aspirant has already unseeded all impressions (Samskaras) that relate to three of the four primary merits +++ …
+++ Explaining +++ these merits as marked in above paragraph … We had already discussed these merits earlier, so this is an extension of the same discussion but only to the extent which is applicable to the achievement of Buddhata (or Buddhahood) …
- Destined merit … Prarabdha Karma … This is the merit which is applicable to the current incarnation … This cannot be unseeded as it is the base reason for entering into and continuing within that incarnation and thus only when this merit ends or completes, does any aspirant de-incarnate … Thus this merit is deemed to be applicable to (or held by) a Buddha until that Buddha stays incarnated in a physical bodied form (i.e. attributed form of the physical vehicle or in other words, a Sagun Sakaar Awastha) …
- Accumulated merit … Sanchit Karma … This merit gets fully unseeded when any aspirant achieves Buddhahood (Buddhata) … Thus for a Buddha, all accumulated merits (i.e. all past Karmas and their fruits) are no longer valid and it is due to this reason, a Buddha escapes out of the law of cause and effect and its governing principle, i.e. macrocosmic principle of interdependent origination … But this exit out of the discussed law and principle is only to the extent where it does not contravene the destined merit (Prarabdha Karma) of the current incarnation, which as such is still applicable to a Buddha until he stays incarnated in a human bodied form …
- Future merit … Agami Karma … This is the merit which is applicable to future stages of progress of that incarnation in which Buddhata (or Buddhahood) is achieved … This is also unseeded fully and thus as far as Buddhata stands, the future is none other than that of a final emancipation (i.e. final liberation or Parinirvana or Nirvana) … Due to this reason, a Buddha can act the way he deems fit during compliance to his destined merit (as was discussed earlier), yet he would not be reaping any merit out of his actions as his future merit is already extinguished …
- Currently underway merit … Kriyamaan Karma … This merit is applicable only for that last Karma which was undergone and which ultimately led to the achievement of Buddhahood for that aspirant …
Continuing with above bullet point … But even when the fruit of this Karma is achieved, it cannot be used for anything other than that of making evolutionary readied aspirants to enter into the path of self realizations (or direct cognitions) which ultimately leads to attainment of Buddhata (or Buddhahood) that is being discussed here …
Continuing with above bullet point … So due to this reason, if Buddha happens to have a student (Shishya or disciple) then that disciple can very well know that he (or she) shall eventually become one of the Buddha’s of near or distant future … And it is due to this reason, there has never been nor can there ever be a disciple of a Buddha, who does not become a Buddha in a near of distant future … The very fact that Buddha accepted him (or her) as his disciple itself is an assurance of achieving Buddhahood during a distant or near future … And finally for this paragraph, there has never been a Buddha who himself (or herself) was not a disciple of an earlier Buddha …
Continuing with above bullet point … As also a fact about the currently underway merit (i.e. Kriyamaan Karma) … This matter of fact is that if this merit also extinguishes, then the Buddha cannot be a teaching Buddha (i.e. a Sam Sam Buddha) … And since in most aspirants, this merit also gets unseeded, so most of the Buddhas have never been teaching Buddhas … It was only due to this reason, that Gautama Buddha (i.e. My Pujya Gurudeva of previous incarnation) had told that Sam Sam Buddhas (i.e. teaching Buddhas) are extremely rare in any of the parts of the macrocosmic creation …
Continuing with above bullet point … Of the innumerable aspirants who attain to Buddhata, very-very few aspirants end up with this merit still intact after all conditions of all above merits are already achieved and thus there have also been very-very few teaching Buddhas (Sam Sam Buddhas) during the entire history of the Maker’s Makings …
Continuing with above bullet point … But this merit also extinguishes fully after the aspirant has already done what this merit stands for within the accomplishment of Buddhata i.e. after that aspirant had already distributed his knowledge, then this merit extinguishes fully …
Continuing with above bullet point … And even when this merit stays applicable to a teaching Buddha (Sam Sam Buddha), this merit is not associated to by that Sam Sam Buddha because of the fact that such a Sam Sam Buddha is not holding it himself … This not holding of merit by a Sam Sam Buddha itself is due to the fact that this merit is a macrocosmic one and thus is not associated to the microcosm of that Buddha … The Buddha only relates to this merit without even holding it as this is a macrocosmic merit and thus is not related to the microcosm of a Buddha …
Continuing with above bullet point … Thus as far as this merit stands, it is the one which is held and thus stays applicable but only from the macrocosmic point of view and not from the point of view of the Buddha because as far as Buddhata is concerned, this merit is already extinguished for that Buddha and thus this merit is no longer of that Buddha …
Continuing with above bullet point … This was one of the reasons why Buddha Gautama had said that “he is gone, yet not gone, yet permanently gone and yet he is the eternally un-gone one” …
HH-3-B … Buddhata from the point of view of impressions (Samskaras) …
Prior to the origination of Maker’s Makings, there was the state of Mahapralaya (or the great dissolution) where nothing existed except the Supreme Being and IT’s own Pristine Divinity both of who were one and the same as they were like the sun and its light which cannot even be deemed to be as separate entities … Thus was the non dual unioned state of the Absolute Being and its own Pristine Beingness Or in other worlds, the non-dual union of “IT to IT’s own ITs’ness” which could even be stated as a non dual union of “That to its own Thatness” …
Since the Supreme Being is the unborn so the Supreme Being (Parambrahma) is also the undying and thus is the eternally existent one … And so is IT’s own Pristine Divinity, as they in fact are one and the same as far as their finality or reality is concerned …
When the Maker (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji) had originally commenced the Makings, then the Maker had utilized his “Ichha Shakti (i.e. divinity of pure desires)” which itself was the base of his “Utpatti Shakti (i.e. divinity of creation)” …
And it was from this divinity of pure desires (i.e. Ichha Shakti) that the entire macrocosm and her each microcosm got created in a then impressional state (i.e. Samskarik Awastha) …
Thus eventually the entire macrocosm (i.e. Brahmand) and her each microcosm (microcosm is what the term Pinda really means) was originated out of the Ichha Shakti (or divinity of pure desires) of the creator (i.e. Brahma Ji) …
And from these impressions (Samskaras) was originated the further subtler and grosser states of Maker’s Makings i.e. all subtle and gross states of macrocosm and her each microcosm (including the human microcosm) were originated from these impressions (or Samskaras) of creator deity (or Brahma) who as such is the grandfather of allness (i.e. Pitamah) … Here the term grandfather means father of the later father Gods who were also originated out of the same Ichha Shakti of the creator deity (i.e. Brahma Ji) …
As the microcosm’s got originated, these originated microcosm were also rooted in the same impressions (Samskaras) as have been discussed above and these impressions are eternally resting in the Chitta (i.e. consciousness orb) of the aspirants causal body (i.e. Karan Sharira or Karana Sharira or Antahkarana Sharira or the bliss body or Anandmaye Kosha) …
As such, if any aspirant (i.e. microcosm) can unseed these impressions, then that aspirant has already gone beyond the stage of the original origination of the Maker’s Makings itself … And this stage of going beyond the entirety of Maker’s Makings is also denoting the stage of Nirvana (or final emancipation) …
This stage of going beyond the entirety of Maker’s Makings is through the un-seeding of all impressions (Samskaras) that relate to the four above discussed merits, except the destined merit (because destined merit only ends its effects after de-incarnation of the aspirant) … But at this stage also, one last and final impression (i.e. Antim Samskara) still remains within that aspirants consciousness orb (Chitta) of the bliss sheath (Antahkarana Chatushtaya) …
This last and final impression can also get evicted out of an aspirant and that too whilst that aspirant is still alive, but this eviction of the last and final impression only happens in very rare circumstances and only for those aspirants who are already in an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to enter into Buddhata (or Buddhahood) …
And at that evolutionary standing when the last and final impression is evolved over, it gets evicted out of the top of skull bones of that aspirant and thus is also unseeded as it is no longer applicable to that aspirant …
But prior to this stage, the below discussed stages are always passed through … Here we shall be discussing from that stage where only the last and final impression remains and all other impressions are already unseeded … Thus this discussion is whilst an aspirant is already standing at the last state of accomplishment of Buddhata (Buddhahood) as was my case prior to transmigrating to this world …
In such a state, that aspirants consciousness orb (Chitta) only holds this one last and final impression (i.e. Antim Samskara) which as such is like an octahedral transparent (could even be of a translucent white color) crystal that is pointed at one end …
And once the white pot reaches that state which is beyond the 8th plexus and is described in above figure and that too for the 101st time via the 101st golden channel (which in siddha sciences has also been called as Vajradanda) then that last and final impression (i.e. Antim Samskara) also gets evicted out of the skull bones of that aspirant … This eviction is through the Shivarandra (i.e. secret crevice of Bhagwan Shiva which shall be discussed at a later stage of the current set of topics on 8th plexus itself) …
When the last and final impression (i.e. Antim Samskara) gets evicted out of the top of skull bones and through the Shivarandra (i.e. secret crevice of Bhagwan Shiva) then the consciousness of that aspirant looks upwards and sees that which was discussed earlier as the “Zero Infinite, which itself is the Infinite Zero” and which could be termed as “Shunya Anantah, which itself is found to be as Anant Shunyah” … This is what the Vedic lore had termed as “Shunya Brahman” and this itself is the original timeless and thus eternal self-expression of the attributeless-infinite Absolute Being (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) which we have already discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT self expressed Itself” …
The same Shunya Brahman is also termed as Shunyata within the knowledge systems as were rendered by the Pujya Gurudeva of my previous incarnation whom this world reverently addresses as Gautama Buddha …
And the same Shunya Brahman is also subtly referred to in Naasadiya Sukta of Rig Veda …
And the same Shunya Brahman is the Vishvakarman of Vedas, Sadashiva as is told in the lore’s of Shaiva Marg and same Sadashiva is addressed as Sriman Narayana in Vaishnava Marg and whose divinity (or Shakti) itself is the pristine divinity (Maa Adi Parashakti) who also happens to be the supreme mother of allness (i.e. Paramdevi) …
When the consciousness turns upwards whilst resting at the 8th plexus and thus rests in a state which is free of the limitations of the physical vehicle, then at this time the aspirant inner witness (i.e. Atman, which actually means as the aspirant’s innermost essence) also looks upwards (of the 8th plexus) …
This is the stage where that aspirant qualifies to enter into the final self realization which itself is of the centrally located, upward looking, transparent (or colorless) crystal like Ishaan Face of Sadashiva … This is the stage which leads to a state where that aspirant goes beyond the principles, process and its sub-processes, centers and their laws and codes of the Maker’s Makings … And yet such an aspirant is not the lawless one because that aspirant itself becomes the law and keeper of the law at this state …
Such an aspirant neither goes not does he ever returns back … This is because he is the “eternally gone, yet he remains as the eternal un-gone one” and simultaneously “he is the eternally un-gone yet the ever gone one” … Such an aspirant is beyond the concepts of going and coming and is also beyond the concepts of liberation and bondage … He is the one who has reached the final freedom from all goings, non-goings, un-goings, comings, non comings and un-comings alike …
This is what was told by my Pujya Gurudeva as the state of Buddhata (i.e. state of Buddhahood) and not what the aspirants of today understand about this term …
HH-3-C … Uniqueness of this accomplishment (Siddhi) of Buddhata …
There can never be two fully accomplished ones of the same path within the same universe and that too at the same time …
Thus basis this to have two Buddhas at the same time within the same universe is just not possible and due to this reason, there can only be one Buddha at any single frame (or span) of time …
And since Buddhata is the final accomplishment of Samkhya Shastra, so there also cannot be two “fully realized ones of Samkhya Shastra (i.e. two Buddha’s)” at the same time and that too, within the same universe …
Thus as far as Buddhata is concerned there cannot ever be a case where you would find two aspirants who get divinely accepted as a Buddha, whilst they are residing within the same universe at the same time …
And this is what makes Buddhahood a very important, very rare and extremely unique accomplishment because in such a state of accomplishment of Buddhata, that Buddha also stands as a universal teacher of all of the underworlds, all of the earthly worlds and all of the divine worlds …
Thus was a matter of fact that told by Buddha Gautama, that he was the teacher of Gods and men and all beings of all worlds, which somehow got misinterpreted as Buddha being the teacher of the creator deity (Pitamah Brahma Ji) also …
And finally …
I can keep writing endlessly on this topic because this topic directly relates to my evolutionary process and it also directly relates to my current transmigrated incarnation (i.e. incarnation that is arrived by adopting the the path of transmigration of soul) which itself is none other than being a Guru Dakshina (i.e. return gift to the Guru) to my Pujya Gurudeva of the preceding transmigrated incarnation (i.e. incarnation that is arrived by adopting the the path of Parkaya Pravesh) and whom this world reverently addresses as Gautama Buddha …
As a matter of fact about Gurudeva Gautama Buddha, Gautama was his Vedic Gotra and Buddha was his achievement (i.e. achievement of Buddhata or Buddhahood) as is discussed here …
But this is all that I wish to tell here … And as of now …
The topic continues further …