Rate of expansion of universe

This topic shall discuss the rate of expansion of universe, which means as the rate of expansion of space of the universe … This is also called as Hubble’s constant and as Cosmological constant (I came to know this aspect of my below discussions and calculations, sometime prior to publishing this topic) …

This topic is on continuity to the previous one of “Observable universe” …

This discussion shall be on rate of expansion of universe which itself is due to the energy component and non-lighted inertial mass (which in other words, can also be termed as an Inert matter) of the universe …

We had termed this as inert macrocosm which is composed of innumerable numbers of (or countless numbers of) inertial masses that are made of highly-compressed energy-fields and which also move as if they are swimming in the macrocosmic oceans …

Inertial mass (or Inert matter) was already discussed in an earlier topic “As IT progressed” and this inert macrocosm is an intrinsic part of the four main states of the macrocosm which were also discussed in above linked topic …

If we were to calculate the rate of contraction of universe then that value would also be governed by the same method of calculation that is done here …

But when the final contraction of a universe (I mean collapse during the stage of dissolution of the universe into its base energy state) happens at the “end of destined lifetime of the current creator (i.e. when the present Brahma’s lifetime of 311.040 trillion human solar years completes) then this contraction of universe would only be in multiples of the rate of expansion of universe as is calculated here …

The rate of expansion of universe is also dependent upon the ever changeful unitary value of time (I mean the units of time  keep changing during the progress of precession of equinoxes, which in other words can also be called as the Precessional circle, within which are eternally running the human age cycles) and thus to say that the this rate is constant, would only be a lie …


Proceeding further …

This knowledge is direct cognized through the science of Kaalchakra which itself is based upon the genius of mathematics of universe (or mathematics of creator) and that too through the by what was told in Vedas and Yoga Tantras as “Shunya (which means as the Zero or emptiness or voidness) and Ananta (Infinite)” and their unioned state which in Vedic lore’s was addressed as of Shunya Brahman (Zero Infinite which simultaneously is also self realized to be as Infinite Zero) and was also addressed as “Asamprajnita Awastha (of Asamprajnita Samadhi)” within which everything begins, within which everything rests during the entire time spans of their almost eternal evolutionary existence and to which everything ultimately returns back to …

Shunya Brahman is the original self expression of the attributeless infinite Absolute being (who in Vedic texts is also addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm in addition to being addressed as Brahm and also as Brahman) is also the one who has also been addressed as Pancha Mukha Sadashiva  and also as Sriman Naaraayana (within Vaishnava Lore’s) and also as Pancha Mukha Shiva (within the Shaiva Lore’s) and also addressed as Bhagwan Vishvakarman (in Vedas) and the same being is also addressed as Pancha Brahma (within the Vedic Upanishad that is called as Pancha Brahma Upanishad) …

And the same was also addressed as Shunyata , but only within those parts of Buddhist Lore’s which state that “emptiness is also fullness” and which itself is a concept that is taken from the much earlier Annapurna Upanishad i.e. Upanishad of my Maa Annapurna who herself is the Divine Mother who gives both the “gross food (for ones sustenance in an incarnated state) and subtle food (i.e. knowledge of path for one’s final liberation)” …

Maa Annapurna also is one of the manifestations of my Kula Devi who is also reverently addressed as “Bhu Devi in Vedas (Bhu Devi means mother of earth or deity of macro-elemental earth or deity of Bhu Mahabhoot or simply Mother Earth and Mother of all gross and subtle aspects of earth element)” and she is also addressed as “Gau Mata and Gaiya Maa (both these words mean that cow who is a giver of nectars of life)” in Vedic lore’s and she is also the same deity who is addressed as “Mother Gaia” within the much-much later western lore’s …

All of above names and their deities are rooted in Vedas because Vedic sages were the ones who had originally given this knowledge to humanity who was resting upon this planet during those timelessly ancient times as were of my much-much earlier incarnations and also of those further transmigrated incarnations … Transmigrated incarnation means an incarnation that is arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth


75-AA … I just came to know …

After already writing this topic some years back, I just came to know that what I have written as “Rate of expansion of universe” is the same as what modern science calls as the “Hubble constant” …

Well, I agree to word “Hubble’s” but not to the word “constant” because of the fact that within the macrocosmic creation and her each part, following is what is the eternal truth …

An eternal change is the only eternal constant

So all those scientific terms which say or use the word “constant” are not correct … I say so because all of those “so called constants” of physical, astronomy, astrophysics and every other science can never be constant when all these “so called constants” only relate to and thus rest within the envelopes of the eternally changeful macrocosmic creation …

So I shall be using this term in below discussions so as to bring this topic in line with the current stage of progress of modern science … And this itself is because the knowledge of Kaalchakra has been the base of many knowledge systems, including those of astronomy …

But at the same time, I don’t agree to the word constant as is used in any of the modern sciences, including the name of “Hubbles constant” … “Hubble’s less the nonsensical word of constant” is what it actually is …


75-BB … Base of discussion on expansion of universe or expansion of space of  universe …

This part of discussion is to build up the base of later discussion and that too through as many aspects as are reasonably possible to incorporate in it …


75-BB-1 … Effects of four dimensions or Chatush Ayaam and acts of Pramiti …

We has discussed these four primary dimensions (or Chatush Ayaam) in an earlier topic (this is also linked here) … These were told as follows …

  • Kaal and Kaalchakra … i.e. dimension of time and cycles of time …
  • Akasha or space of ether and and its eternally cyclic nature (i.e. Akashchakra) … This directly relates to and is a knowledge of the dimension of space (or ether) and and it also includes the cyclic changes of space (i.e. cycles of expansion and contractions of space) within the macrocosm and her each microcosm (microcosm means right from a universe till the smallest atom) …
  • Disha or directions of life or paths of evolution and its eternal cycle (i.e. Dishachakra) … i.e. dimension of directions (ways of life or paths of evolution) and it also includes the cyclic changes in ways of life of microcosm’s and also the cyclic changes that also keep taking place within the macrocosmic creation …
  • Dasha or state or condition of existence (i.e. grossness and subtlety of existence) and its eternally cyclic nature (i.e. Dashachakra) … i.e. dimension of state (gross and subtle states) and cycles of changes of gross and subtle states (i.e. change of a subtle parental state to a gross form during process of origination and change of a gross or physically originated state to a higher subtlety during its process of evolution … This is as evolutionary process is the opposite of the origination process) …

And we had also stated earlier that time is the primordial dimension of the Maker’s Makings and the other three (i.e. space, direction and state) are the three primary dimensions of the same Maker’s Makings

And since time itself is the macrocosmic primordial dimension, so as time keeps moving in its cycles and thus the unitary value of time changes, then all of these other three primary dimensions also adjust themselves so as to come in line (i.e. enter into a harmony) with the changed state of the dimension of time … And since the state of time which is present within the macrocosmic creation, is eternally moving (i.e. eternally changeful), so everything else is also found to be resting within an eternally and continuously changeful state … Thus it is also due to this reason that …

Eternal change is the only eternal constant within the macrocosmic creation


This statement is followed by everything, everyone and everywhere as if is a universal statement which described the Sanskrit word “Jagad (or Jagat)” … Jagad is made up of two words, “Ja and Gad (or Gat)” … Ja means that which is born or originated (Ja is the opposite Aja, which means unborn) and Gad (or Gat) means that which eternally moves, eternally changes and thus is the eternally unsteady one …

So, Jagad means that who is born and changeful (or that who is born and moves or that who is born and is changeful or that who is born and is unsteady) … This word is thus describing the same fact as was written in bold (in above statement) …

And the same fact was told in Vedas as follows …

Brahm Satyam Jagad Mithya

Which means …

Brahman (eternally un-changeful) is truth and Jagad is untrue


Proceeding further …

As cycles of time change to their next stage, then their unitary value of time also change accordingly … This fact is already discussed in the earlier topic, which you can see here

And we had also discussed in earlier topics, that these unitary values are dependent upon the celestial time which is applicable to that world and this celestial time is also governed by the precession of equinoxes (i.e. Precessional cycles) which also are the root of the vast tree of human age cycles (which in Sanskrit language is also called as a Manav Yuga Chakra) …

As time is continuously moving in cycles, so time units are also continuously changeful …

And as units of time (i.e. celestial time) which is applicable to a world changes, then the other three dimensions also adjust themselves as per changes in dimension of time … This adjustment is as follows …

  • The dimension of ether or infinite space (or simply, it can be termed as the boundless Akasha) expands or contracts so as to come in harmony with the changed state of dimension of time … This expansion of space is within each microcosm and this is just in line with the expansion of space within the macrocosm … Thus this expansion could also be termed as follows …


The ratio of expansion or contraction of space in a universe with respect to dimensions of that universe (at that time) to the expansion of inner space of a microcosm with to the dimensional expanses of that microcosm (at that same time) is an eternally constant value …

This is because all these follows the same codes as are of the mathematics of the creator (or mathematics of universe) on whose base this multi-universe was originated from its original state of zeroness, which progressed through the earlier parental (or subtler) state and then to the grosser (or manifested) states of macrocosm and her each microcosm …


  • The dimension direction (i.e. Disha) of life (or ways of life or paths of life or philosophies of life or evolutionary process) of humanity also adjust themselves i.e. they change as per demands of time and its cycles and thus a newer knowledge gets implanted upon that world for the incoming Manav Yuga Chakra or human age cycle (or incoming stage of the precession cycle, because human age cycles are also running inside the longer time spans of Precessional cycles itself) …

The knowledge which gets implanted is dependent upon the unitary value of space … These unitary values are discussed in another topic which has the same header (i.e. unitary values of space) … And since in the incoming human golden age cycle (i.e. Age of Sages or Guru Yuga) the space component is much higher, so the knowledge of that Guru Yuga (human golden age) can never be restricted to individualistic and egoistic Gods (i.e. Abhimani Devata) and since this change of age to Guru Yuga itself needs a knowledge which is rooted in intrinsic pluralism and simultaneously also rooted within the essential monism of the macrocosmic creation, so that knowledge  cannot even be any other than that which is rooted in Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma (or in very simple words, this is what is meant by the name, Sanatan Dharma) …

Thus as these currently underway times progress towards the inauguration phase of the incoming Age of Sages (i.e. Guru Yuga or human golden age), the ways of life which are rooted in Vedas (i.e. all enveloping and all pervading ways of life of Sanatan Dharma) would also keep rising and simultaneously all individualistic, egoistic and self serving ways of life would keep getting more and more chaotic and eventually exit out of this world … Thus the coming times which itself are leading to the inauguration phase of the incoming age of sages are also denoting the stages of end of all individualism (i.e. all forms and non forms of monotheism) on this planet … Thus all forms and non forms of individualism which relates to either or all of religions, knowledge, military, security, geographies, politics, geopolitics, economic, trade, business, social, health, services, cultural, civilizations, societal, race, color, creed, sex or anything else, would slowly and steadily die out within this world due to the fact that incoming human age of truth (or Guru Yuga) is a human age cycle which is rooted in pluralistic monism itself and thus it is a Vedic age cycle (or an age of Vyasa Peetha) …


  • The state of existence also changes i.e. depending upon the demands of time cycles, humanity enters into a subtler state of existence (or that state of existence which is based upon non prejudiced and thus unbiased “oneness towards allness and her each part”) or into a grosser state of existence (or that state of existence which is based upon competitive, individual-dualistic philosophies) … These changes are also as per demands (or requirements) of time and its eternal cycles (or in other words, Kaal and its own Kaalchakra) … The coming times which are leading to the inauguration phase of the incoming age of sages are only leading to the former condition (i.e. non prejudiced and thus unbiased “oneness towards allness and her each part”) and this fact shall be seen within this world during this approach to the inauguration phase of the incoming Guru Yuga (or human age of truth) …


Proceeding further …

And since time is an eternal entity and is also continuously changeful, so all three of above primary macrocosmic dimensions are also eternally and continuously changeful as they keep adjusting themselves as per the changes that keep taking place within the cycle of time

This is what leads to changes in ways of life (or approaches to life or directions of life) and this itself is the reason for changes in state of human existence (on this planetary system) within the various human age cycles (which itself are running within the cycles of precession of equinoxes as are applicable to this world at such times) … Thus everything depends upon time (Kaal) and its eternal cycles (i.e. Kaalchakra) …


Proceeding further …

As are the demand of cycles of time, so is the knowledge which gets manifested upon the world …

This implanting of a knowledge system which would be apt for the incoming human age cycle (Manav Yuga Chakra) is also effected at the time when the last part of Sandhikaal (i.e. intermediary time between any two human ages) is commenced … Within this world this last phase began around 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) and this last phase itself was in continuity to the commencement point of the same Sandhikaal which had originally commenced around 1758 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) and which itself led to the coming in of the industrial revolution on this planet … I shall shall be discussing these two times in a later topic …

And within a divine degenerate age cycle, 108 years prior to this time (of the last phase of Sandhikaal) Mother Nature chooses her appropriate (I mean chosen) instrument, but this choosing is through her Shakti (i.e. divinity) which is reverently addressed as Maa Mahakaali (Mahakaali means pristine divinity of Great-Time or Eternal-Time, who in Vedic lore is addressed as Bhagwan Mahakaal) … And because that chosen instrument is is blessed by Maa Mahakaali, who is one of the Nav-Durga (i.e. Nine primary manifestation of Maa Adi Parashakti or Maa Durga) and she is also one of the and Dus-Mahavidya (i.e. divinities of 10 primary knowledge systems), so that chosen instrument also holds the divinities of all these Devi’s (i.e. the chosen instrument holds all forms and formless aspects of the nine divine mothers and also the divinities of their ten primary knowledge systems) …

And simultaneously that chosen instrument of Mother Nature (who actually is a sage of very high order, if the knowledge of a Guru Yuga or Age of Sages is to be implanted on a world) is also agreed to by all manifestations of the Absolute being (who in Sanskrit language is also addressed as Brahman) about whom we had discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT eventually became” but this knowledge is attained through the aspect of Bhagwan Mahakaal (i.e. one of the universal manifestations of Paramguru Bhagwan Shiva, who is addressed as the “Lord of Great-Time or the Lord of Eternal-Time or simply the Lord of the timeless-time who is also addressed as Akaal Purukh within Guru Granth Sahib Ji or the 11th Guru who denotes the 11th Avatar of Lord Shiva and who is also addressed as Bhagwan Hanuman in Vedic lore’s) …

And it is through this instrument of Mother Nature (i.e. the highly evolved sage who is made to enter that world) that the Mother Nature used her “Kaalastra (which in English language translated as a weapon of time)” and that too at a state of time which is closer to the end stage of change of age cycles …

Kaalastra is a weapon of time which only Mother Nature holds and uses and that too at the last and final phase of change of an age cycle (Yuga Chakra) and Maa Prakriti (i.e. Mother Nature) never shares this “weapon of time (or Kaalastra)” with any of the Egoistic Gods (i.e. Abhimani Devata) …

So due to this reason, when Mother Nature uses this exclusive weapon of hers, i.e. “weapon of time (Kaalastra)”, then all Egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) are powerless to counter it … This inability to counter this Kaalastra (or weapon of time) of Mother Nature is because of the fact that none of the Egoistic and thus individualistic Gods have ever held the knowledge of this weapon of time, so they also don’t know how to counter this weapon of time when Mother Nature actually begins using it to change an age cycle to the next one …

And since these Egoistic and thus individualistic Gods have already known this fact, that eventually a stage would arrive where they shall have to succumb to this weapon of time, so it is also due to this reason that all systems of all Egoistic Gods (i.e. monotheistic knowledge systems) have always had end-time prophecies …

That chosen instrument (who actually is a very highly evolved sage) is also the one who becomes the “weapon of time (Kaalastra)” for Mother Nature … During very ancient and forgotten times, such a chosen instrument of Mother nature (who actually is a very highly evolved sage) was addressed as Pramiti

A Sage who is Pramiti is only called in if a “Human Golden Age cycle (i.e. Manav Satyuga)” needs to be brought back even whilst the much-much larger “Divine Degenerate Age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga)” is still underway upon a world … This means that a sage who is granted the connotation or designation (Upadhi) of being the Pramiti (this designation is granted by the Maker’s Makings itself) is the one who ultimately installs a knowledge which leads to a state of manifestation of a human golden age within the much larger time spans of the then underway divine degenerate age cycle …

And he is the one who aligns the three other primary dimensions (or space, directions and state) to the dimension of time as it would be during the incoming age of sages, so this is also why he always arrives during the last and final phase of Sandhikaal (intermediary time span between any two human ages or Manav Yuga) of the two subject age cycles which are changing i.e. he arrives at that stage when the outgoing age cycle is already resting at its last and final phase of change and thus the divinities of the incoming age cycle are to be “subtly” brought into that world where this change of ages is taking place …

Once this alignment is completed in the subtle realms, then the age cycles just turn within a certain time span (which I don’t want to declare in this text) …

When above is completed, then all concepts of the earlier (or outgoing) age cycle become invalid and thus they also fail to deliver “better fruits (or better effects or better results)” onto humans and all other parts of macrocosmic speciology which inhabits that planet …

This is what leads to a stage of let go of such older systems and then only is the subsequent stage of coming in of systems of the incoming age cycle … Once this subtler aspect is completed by Pramiti, then the change of age cannot ever be avoided on that world and this statement is irrespective of who or what anybody may believe or do to change the fact as is stated here …

As the systems (or ways of life) of the outgoing age cycle begin exiting out of a world, then the relative-vacuum subtler flows and dynamism which takes place is the one which automatically leads to coming in of ways of life of the incoming age cycles (so as to fill in that relative vacuum which gets created due to exit of divinities of the earlier cycle of time) …

When two age cycles are turning i.e. when divinities of one age cycle are going out of a world and simultaneously the divinities of another age cycle are coming into that world (so as to keep filling in the vacuum of flows and dynamism which has gotten created at this time and within that world) then some amount of collision always taken place between these two divinities (i.e. divinities of the two subject age cycles) …

This subtle collision of divinities of the two age cycles is the one which leads to a widespread inner chaos within humanity and as times progress this chaos eventually spills outwards (i.e. into the physical world system) … And from the ashes of the systems of the earlier age cycles, are risen up the systems of the incoming age cycle …

This world and its all inhabitants are already living in the times that have been discussed above and due to this reason, very soon the individualistic systems of the earlier human age cycles shall be remaining with only two choices …

  • 1st choice shall be to willingly let go of the earlier individual and thus dualistic ways of life which relate to individualistic and thus egoistic Gods … And then adopt those intrinsically pluralistic yet which remain as essentially monist ways of life as shall be within the incoming Guru Yuga (Age of Sages) i.e. adopt Sanatan Dharma (or eternal way of life) as a Guru Yuga is a Vedic age cycle or an age of Aamnaya Peetha
  • 2nd choice shall only kick in if the 1st choice (as stated above) is not willingly complied with … This shall be the reason for chaos across all walks and ways of life … So if humanity needs to save this chaos, then they better willingly adopt 1st choice as their primary and only choice …

Continuing with above bullet point … But at the same time, since individualism is related to egoistic Gods, so it is also very binding and due to this reason, at such time all staunch followers of individualistic systems always become internally chaotic prior their inner chaos spills out in the world … Thus at such times the chaos shall always be present in all those societies which relate to individualism and especially in those societies (and systems) which claim thus …

“My Papa is bigger than yours”, “My Papa biggest, greatest, best”, “Follow my Papa or else burn in eternal hells” and also those which claim “My Papa is the one true Papa and rest all are fraud and thus all others either need to be brought into envelopes of my Papa or be eliminated” etc-etc … Such ones shall be seen to be more chaotic during the coming times of change of human age cycles and it is at those times of chaos that this worlds inhabitants would realize that their so called all powerful Papa actually ditched them as he was powerless against the weapon of time (Kaalastra) of Mother Nature and that all powerful, biggest and greatest Papa only ended up changing his systems as per the demands of the incoming age cycle …

And sometime prior to this stage of change of systems by each of such Papa’s and which itself gets effected by each of these grossly inflated (concepts of) Papa’s themselves, their places of worship  are always closed down for a while (as this is how a change of age has ever been and this is to clearly show to all these all powerful Papa’s of each individualistic system, their correct place within those vast unfathomable levels of macrocosmic hierarchy, all of which are belonging to Mother Nature herself) …

  • 3rd choice … This choice is no longer valid as the time of this choice has already expired when the last phase of Sandhikaal had kicked in this world, around 1974 AD )+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …


And finally for this part of the discussion …

Once this change starts (once it has already been initially initiated in this world) then there is no power in the entirety of allness or beyond, which can stop it from reaching its finality …

So humanity of this planet should rest assured, that better times are definitely coming and yet because the current change is of the human age cycles (Manav Yuga chakra) only, so the choice of choosing their path of change (as per 1st and 2nd choice as is listed in above bullet points) also rests with humanity and whilst humanity takes that choice “as a fuller whole” …

And as of today when I write this paragraph, all above discussions and changes are already underway within the subtle realms of the Chatush Ayaam or four primary dimensions of Maker’s Makings which are applicable to this part of the universe …

Once you change your Disha (or direction of life or ways of life) to the requirements of the incoming age cycle, then your Dasha (your condition or state of existence) automatically improves … And as far as the currently underway change of ages to the incoming Guru Yuga is concerned, is pluralistic monism is adopted as a way of life, then this would be further leading to a rise of (or expansion of) your own inner space (Akasha or ether) and which aligns you to the changed state of cycle of time (Kaalchakra) and cycle of space (i.e. Akashchakra) of the incoming age cycle and which shall be manifested soon in this world (soon means, within a few decades) …

Above is the only way of peace during these times of change of the current human age cycle of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) to the incoming human age of an age of sages (Guru Yuga) …

Other than this path which originates from change of directions (or ways of life) towards ways which relate to pluralistic monism (I.e. Sanatan Dharma) and which was discussed in an earlier topic of “All roads lead to the same home”, all other paths that you may adopt would only found to be chaotic in one way of the other … This addendum to this part of the topic was also written to make it come in line with a much earlier topic of “Why this text” …


75-BB-2 … Relation of space and time …

Prior I can move forward with this discussion, the relation of space and time would need to be told …

When we observe space whilst stationed at any planetary system (or when stationed in the vast expanses of space that is present around that planetary system) then the primordial dimension of time (and its cycles) which is applicable to that planet, is also applicable to the space which is enveloping that planet …

This primordial dimension of time (which also leads to the adjustment of space as per the changes in time units) is the one which becomes like subtle-goggles through which we see everything (or observe anything) … These subtle goggles are always there irrespective of which stage of time cycles are present on a world … And only an aspirant who has known the “Tirodhan Shakti (divinity of veiling)” of the golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva is the one who can see through this veil of goggles of space and time and due to this reason, such an aspirant is also the one who knows how to correct it (by rendering a different directionality or way of life, which pervades this veil) …

Thus as are the colors of these subtle-goggles of time and its movement (or stage of cycle of time) so shall be found the values of any dimension which is observed from that planet or plane and the same shall also be if we are stationed in with surrounding space of that planet (or plane as the case may be) whilst we make our observations … And as a mater of fact, the applicability of aspects of dimension of space which relates to this planetary system extend “well into and beyond” the sea of small and large sized floating rocks that is enveloping this planetary system … During ancient times, when these rocks used to fall on earth, then they used to be turned into Vedic Shivalingam … And if these Shivalingam’s are properly consecrated as per those timeless Vedic rites, as they eventually lead to expansion of subtler vitalities in those aspirant who just sit near them (These rocks also lead to expansion of genetic pool and thus prevent a genetic stagnation in all parts of speciology which inhabits this planet) …

Thus whatever we observe from any planet, plane or their surrounding space has  always had the subtle components of time and its cycles present in it and it is through the subtle-shades of these subtle components, that we observe everything …

So due to above, as is the cycle of time and its unitary values, so shall be the value of our observations also be because there is no way by which the subtle goggles of time and its cycles (as are applicable at the state from where we observe anything) can be escaped by us and that too whilst we are still resting within that place (i.e. planet or plane or space which is surrounding these two) …


The same is also applicable when we observe space and time …

As far as the relation of time and space is concerned, following is how it ever is …

  • Wherever the unitary value of time (i.e. celestial time values) are reducing, the space is found to be expanding …
  • Wherever unitary values of time (i.e. celestial time values) are increasing, the space is found to be contracting …
  • Thus basis above, following is a matter of fact …

Cycles of units of space are inversely proportional to cycles of units of time


Or in other simpler words …

Changes in units of space are inversely proportional to changes in unit of time


And at the same time, following is also a fact … So please carefully note this …

  • If unitary values of time reduce, then unitary value of space increase and thus the space is found to be relatively expanding at this time … But simultaneously when what is stated here is happening, then there also is seen a reduction of “rate of expansion of universe per unit space” so as to keep the universe in a state of relative-balance across all its hierarchies …
  • If unitary value of time increase, then unitary value of space reduce and thus the space is found to be relatively contracting at this time … But simultaneously when what is stated here is happening, then there also is seen an increment of “rate of expansion of universe per unit space” so as to keep the universe in a state of relative-balance across all its hierarchies …
  • As of the current stage of precession of equinoxes, space is expanding and thus the rate of expansion of space is reducing … And this shall continue until the unitary value of space shall reach that of the incoming Guru Yuga …
  • Unitary value of space is calculated in another topic (see here) … And rate of expansion is calculated in this topic itself …


75-CC … Variations in values of  Cosmological constant or Hubbles constant derived by various agencies …

From now onwards I shall be amending this written matter (which was written a couple of years back) to incorporate the term which modern science utilizes to discuss the “rate of expansion of universe” and which they term as Hubbles constant …

Depending upon the unitary value of time which itself depends upon the stage of progress of precession of equinoxes (or Axial precession of earth) is the value of rate of expansion of space which is observed by anyone …

This rate of expansion of space, is the Hubble constant


And at the same time, this rate is also “incremental with expansion of space” … i.e. this rate is incremental with increase in numbers (or multiples) of unitary value of space for which it is observed …

Thus basis above paragraph, as we increase the distance of our observation, the rate of expansion of universe is also proportional and in multiples of increase of that unit distance of space (or unitary value of space) …


Proceeding further …

Thus depending upon which stage of precession (and its unitary value) is utilized to find the Hubbles constant, is the value of Hubbles Constant that would be observed or derived by anyone … And where this Hubbles constant (i.e. rate of expansion of universe) shall also be proportional to the numbers of (or multiples of) space or distance that is observed basis the “unitary value of space” …

So if we use a value of a certain stage of precession of equinoxes, then the value of Hubbles constant (or rate of expansion of space) would also be synchronous to that stage of precession and its unitary values of time (which is used in such observations) because space is is eternally related to time (we had discussed this aspect above, that the changes of space are inversely proportional to changes of time) … And these changes are in fractions or multiples of units of space for which these values are used …

This is what leads to differences of values of Hubbles constant that is derived through various means and by various intellectual ones (or various space agencies) of this planet (which I came to know after reading about it and that too, after this topic was already written some years back) …

Now note this carefully … And yet for their values to be correct, they all would need to be within the “extreme limits” of unitary values of time as are discussed in next part of these discussions on Hubbles constant or rate of expansion of space within the universe …

So this completes the first part of this discussion, and now we would move to the second part of this discussion …


Proceeding further …

And in addition to above, when viewing very very distant galaxies which are further than the limits of the Milky Way Galaxy and also those extremely distant celestial bodies are not governed by our Precessional cycles and thus are not governed by the units of time which are applicable to this part of the universe (i.e. our planetary system) then also due to the fact that we (the observers) are stationed at this world where our observations are through the subtle goggles of units of time which apply here, so in such a case also, the Hubbles constant can never be observed beyond the “extreme limits” of the unitary values of this planetary system …

So this completes the second part of this discussion, thus we shall not move to the third part …


Proceeding further …

The extreme value of Hubbles constant (as was briefly discussed above) also cannot be more than the 9 degree offset that is applicable to this entire Manvantar (which in simple words, would mean as the cycle or Age of Manu and where the word Manu, only means as the primordial Father of mankind) … This nine degrees offset of precession was already calculated in an earlier topic of “offset of Manvantar” …

And since the a Manvantar is a much larger cycle that the divine and human ages (i.e. Precessional cycles), so the same offset also applies to the human age cycles (which itself are running inside the precession circle) … We have already discussed this in earlier topic of “Offset of solar cycle”, and also in another earlier topic of “Time spans of various offsets”, and also in another earlier topic of “Other offset of human ages” and and also in another earlier topic of “Applicability of offsets” and also in many other earlier topics …

And since 9 degrees offset itself is the extreme value of precession, so all values of Hubbles constant which are calculated by utilizing extremely distant celestial bodies can never go beyond the 9 degree offset of precession …

So this completes the third part of this discussion and now we shall move to the fourth part …


Proceeding further …

This basis above, in this topic I shall be calculating Hubbles constant basis two of the above discussed aspects … Though this is a very crude way of putting things, but it is also a fact …

  • 1st aspect … This shall be without 9 degrees offset … This shall be applicable to all values which rest within our galaxy and the visible universe (i.e. universe visible to our naked eyes) …
  • 2nd aspect … This shall be with 9 degrees offset … This shall be applicable to all values which rest much beyond our galaxy and the invisible universe (i.e. universe which is invisible to our naked eyes) …

So this brings us to the end of fourth part of this discussion and now we move to the fifth part …


Proceeding further …

As long as we reside here, the values of rate of expansion of space (or Hubbles constant or rate of expansion of space) can never be out of synchronism to the unitary value of time which applies to this world (where we reside whilst observing this value of space constant) …

And since as of now the universal space is expanding (when we observe from this planetary system), so there would also be seen an “incremental rate of expansion of space which would also be proportional to incremental state unitary value of space …

Thus if we see a distance of 2 unit of space, then Hubbles constant shall also have to be multiplied by 2 … And so on and so forth …

And yet because expansion (or contraction) of space itself is inversely proportional to the decrease (or increase) of time units (I mean celestial time) so following ambiguity always takes place in calculating rate of expansion of space in this universe when we (observer) are either based somewhere upon this planetary system or its surrounding space (i.e. until and within that sea of floating rocks which is enveloping this planetary system) …

  • For current stage of universe … If we need to derive Hubbles constant (i.e. rate of expansion of space) for currently applicable time units then we need to take it for current unitary value of time … But my calculation are basis my observed value of precession change of 50.28 arc seconds per year (which denote the average of what I had observed at sea) and this value may not be fully correct (Thus please use the correct value to derive the Hubbles constant for the current stage of Precessional cycle) … I think the astronomers call this as the “distance ladder method” of observation …
  • For commencement stage of universe … If we need the Hubbles constant (i.e. rate of expansion of space) for the commencement stage of the universe (or this plane of existence) when we need to take the unitary value of time for the middle point of precession … This is because it was at the commencement stage of universe that the precession cycles were commenced due to the fact that the cycle of time of universe was only commenced at this middle stage of precession …
  • At other stages of precession, including the Zenith stage … And if we need to take the Hubbles constant for other stages of time (Precessional cycles) like the Zenith phase of precession, then just use the unitary values for that time (or stage of precession) … But to get this value directly (i.e. getting this value by observation) would be very difficult as there are no markers in space for this time (or in other words, there are no markers in space for this stage of precession cycle) … Thus this value can best be derived from values of observations that relate to above two bullet points as are discussed above …
  • Variable state of rate of expansion of universe … Depending on the stage of precession that is used within observations, shall be the the derived rate of expansion of universe (or Hubbles constant) … And this is what shall be discussed below …

With above as a base, we shall now move further …


75-DD … Calculating unitary value of time of main stages of precession circle … 

This part is to calculate the base of later discussions i.e. units values of time at various stages of precession circle


75-DD-1 … Total arc seconds of a circle, including that of precession …

Calculating the arc seconds of a precession circle …

  • Each circle has 360 degrees …
  • Each degree has 60 minutes …
  • Each minute has 60 seconds …

So arc seconds of a precession circle (and any other circle) is as follows …

360 x 60 x 60 = 1,296,000 arc seconds


75-DD-2 … Unitary values of time at main stages of precession …

Now with above value as a base, we move further to utilize this value with the values which were derived within the previous topic of “precession of equinoxes” and also in another earlier topic of “calculating precession” and the current stage of precession was calculated in section 17-CC of the topic “Precession at various points” and co-relating these values with those which were derived in  other previous topics of “unitary value of time” and also to another earlier topic of “yearly change of precession”…


The derived values of these above mentioned earlier topics were as follows …

  • At Middle of precession … The length of precession cycle was calculated as 24,000 human solar years, the unitary value of time was calculated as 66.6666667 years and yearly rate of change of precession was of 54 arc seconds per year …
  • At Zenith of precession … The length of precession cycle was calculated as 22,080 human solar years, the unitary value of time was calculated as 61.3333333 years and yearly rate of change of precession was of 58.6956522 arc seconds per year …
  • At Middle of precession … The length of precession cycle was calculated as 25,920 human solar years, the unitary value of time was calculated as 72 years per degree change of precession and rate of yearly change of precession was of 50 arc seconds per year …
  • At Current stage of precession … The length of precession cycle was calculated as 25,776 human solar years, the unitary value of time was calculated as 71.6 years and current yearly rate of change of precession was told as 50.28 arc seconds per year (Basis the average value of my own observations at sea, which may not be fully correct as ships always roll and pitch in a seaway, so please use the actual value of the current stage to get the real values for the current stage of precession or in other words, the present stage of human age cycles or Manav Yuga) …

So basis above values we shall not proceed further …


75-EE … Calculating rate of expansion of universe or Hubble’s constant …

For any plane of existence and world system or anywhere else from where any observation is made, the ratios of “time of one degree precession (i.e. unitary value of time)” that is applicable to that world, to the “rate of expansion of space” at the plane of observer, is the rate of expansion or contraction of universe (when this rate of expansion or contraction of space is observed from that plane or world system) and at that specific time …


Proceeding further …

Thus for any specific Precessional stage (i.e. any specific time) the value of “rate of expansion of universe” can be directly derived from the “unitary value of time” which is of that stage of human ages (or precession) to which the derived value relates …

Now read this carefully … Above paragraph is an absolute law and is applicable to all world systems and their planes of existences (because the planes of existences also precess around their own pole stars, which the future astronomers shall know and agree to) …

Thus as far as this world system is concerned … Depending upon which of the time units are used (i.e. middle, zenith, nadir or current time units of precession) shall be the rate expansion and contraction of space that would be seen or observed or calculated by anyone whilst resting at this world (or its surrounding space) …

And additionally … Because this world system has a 9 degree deviation of its own precession cycle (this was already discussed in an earlier topic of “offset of Manvantar”) so this deviation shall also have to be accounted for in the final result which relates to the rate of expansion of universe (or Hubbles constant) …

As per above depicted figure which shows this deviation, we know this deviation is towards the Nadir point of precession in the lightness phase of precession (or Shukla Paksha) and the same deviation shall be towards the Zenith point of precession in the non lightness phase of precession cycles or Krishna Paksha) … This fact can be very easily know by studying the offset of 9 degrees at all cardinal points of above depicted Precessional circle


Proceeding even further …

And 9 degrees also means a time span of 648 human solar years (9 x 72 = 648) at nadir time units of precession … So this is the time which shall have to be accounted for in all below calculations …

The deviation of 9 degrees precession arc (or the time of 648 human solar years as per currently applicable nadir time units) gives a value as discussed (and also calculated) below …

  • There are 90 degrees arc in each quadrant (including of the precession circle or the Ahaata Chakra) …
  • Within the current phase of travel through the Precessional circle, this world system has already crossed the Nadir point of precession in 786 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) and as of now this world is heading towards the middle point of precession, so as this progress continues, the time span of precession would also be changing from 25,920 human solar years (at nadir point of precession) to 24,000 human solar years (at the middle point point of precession) …
  • At 25,920 years, the yearly change of precession is 72 years per degrees precession, which as such is the unitary value of time at the Nadir point of precession …
  • And at 24,000 Years, the yearly change of precession is 66.6666667 years per degrees precession, which as such is the unitary value of time at the middle point of precession (or Agragaman) …
  • So basis above, the differences of unitary values of time as the middle and nadir point are … 72 – 66.6666667 = 5.3333333 time units …
  • Above value (of 5.3333333 time units) is the difference at 90 degrees precession arc (as the nadir and middle points are separated by 90 degrees precession arc) …
  • And thus at 9 degrees precession arc, this would be as follows … {(5.3333333 / 90) x 9} = 0.5333333 celestial time units

Thus this value of 0.5333333 celestial time units shall also need to be includes in all below calculations when we account for values of rate of expansion of universe (Hubbles constant) with 9 degrees offset … But when calculating the same rate of expansion of universal space (Hubbles constant) without this 9 degrees offset, then there is no need to allow for its value (or 5.3333333 time units) as is calculated above …

The calculations that are done here are only whilst accounting for the two primary variations as follows …

  • 1st is of middle phase of precession (which is allegorical to the origination phase of the plane of existence and universe) …
  • And 2nd is of the current phase of precession (which is of our current times and this is allegorical of the Hubbles constant observed for the current stage of the universe and of the plane of existence) …
  • And 3rd could be anything which relates to other points of Precessional circle (including Zenith point of precession) … But the problem that shall be faced in defining this point is that it has no markers in space as far as the stage of universe is concerned … The only marker of this Zenith point that is known in human history, is the birth date of Purshottam Bhagwan Raam … But I know that for most of the modern scientific community, this would only be mere hear-say history, even when it is a marker in space as far as the current divine age cycle (which in Sanskrit Vedic texts is also called as a Mahayuga Chakra or Chatur Yuga Chakra and which can also be named as a Deva Yuga Chakra) is concerned as Lord Raam being Purshottam was born at the Zenith phase of precession which came by at the end phase of divine age of trinity (Deva Tretayuga) …

Thus basis above are all below calculations …


75-EE-1 … Rate of expansion of space for re-beginning of universe …

If anyone uses the middle time units (i.e. if anyone studies the re-origination phase of this part of the macrocosmic creation and that too through its time units) then the rate of expansion of universe shall be as follows …


Without accounting for 9 degrees offset of precession

24,000 / 360 = 66.6666667 units of space per unit of time (that is applicable to the world of the observer) … And also to multiples of space units …

This is when the exact origination point is chosen as a base for observing the rate of expansion of the universe and thus within such a method, the bold values are the Hubbles constant (or Cosmological constant) …


Whilst accounting for 9 degrees offset of precession

But when in above calculated value (or observation) we adopt a method (of observation) which also accounts for the naturally present 9 degrees offset of precession, then the values change to a state which is close to reality of this value (of rate of expansion of space of a universe) …

Thus in such a case where above derived value is coupled with the 9 degree offset of precession (which we had calculated in an earlier discussion) as is when the scientific methods also begin accounting for the 9 degrees offset of precession, then above derived value (of 66.6666667 units of space per unit of time) only ends up becoming as it had been calculated below …

66.6666667 + 0.53333333 = 67.2 units of space per unit of time … This is the Hubbles constant at the time when anybody shall see the origination phase of the plane of existence (or the universe) and whilst adopting methods that account for the naturally present 9 degrees offset of precession …

This calculated value of 67.2 space units per unit time is the real value of of Hubbles constant if it is observed for the state of commencement of the plane of existence, because the offset shall have to be accounted for as it is definitely there within the “rate of expansion of space” that is applicable to this world …

Note: The value of offset (i.e. 0.53333333) is added here because it is towards the Nadir point of precession, which has a higher unitary value of time as compared to the middle point of precession … Please study above figure to know it, as this fact is absolutely clear in above figure …


75-EE-2 … Rate of expansion of space for Nadir point of precession …

And if someone uses the Nadir time units of precession (i.e. time units of the point which is the cardinal point for the current stage of precession cycle, then the value would be as calculated here …

And because the current state of precession is closest to the Nadir point of precession, so the below calculated value for Nadir point shall have to be utilized as a base to derive the value of Hubbles constant as the current stage of progress of the plane of existence (and the universe) … This value of Nadir is as calculated below …


Without accounting for 9 degrees offset of precession

25920 / 360 = 72 units of time per unit of space (that is applicable to the world of the observer and when this particular world system is resting at Nadir phase of precession) … This is the Hubbles constant when nadir phase of precession is used as a base to calculate it …


Whilst accounting for 9 degrees offset of precession

But when above the system of observation and calculation adopts a method which also accounts for the naturally present 9 degrees offset of precession, then the values change to a state which is closer to reality of this value … And in such a case, above calculated value only ends up becoming as below …

72 – 0.53333333 = 71.4666667 time units per unit space … This is the Hubbles constant at the time when anybody shall calculate it or observe it) for the Nadir phase of precession (i.e. closest cardinal point to the current stage of precession) and whilst adopting methods that account for the 9 degrees offset of precession …

This is the real value of of Hubbles constant if it is observed for the state of Nadir phase of the precession circle, because the offset shall have to be accounted for as it is definitely there within the “rate of expansion of space” that that applicable to this world …

Note: The value of offset (i.e. 0.53333333) is subtracted here because it is away from the Nadir point of precession and which has a higher unitary value of time as compared to the middle point of precession (where human degenerate age cycle is shown in above figure) … Please study above figure to know it, as this fact is absolutely clear in above figure …


75-EE-3 … Rate of expansion of space for current stage of universe …

I think the Hubbles constant at current stage of precession is also told as the measurement by utilizing the “distance ladder” …

This is the value of Hubbles constant if anyone would utilize the current stage of precession or as the modern science calls it “the distance ladder” …

Now with above value of Nadir phase of precession as a base, we shall calculate the Hubbles constant as is when someone observes the current state of progression of the universe …

The currently applicable time units to this world system (i.e. basis my own precession yearly rate of 50.28 arc seconds per year), then the rate of expansion shall as follows …

Above value of 50.28 arc seconds per year, leads to below calculation of unitary values of our current times …

In one full circle, there are 360 degrees or in other words …

360 x 60 x 60 = 1,296,000 arc seconds


Thus, the time span of precession at the current rate of change of precession of 50.28 arc seconds per year is …

1,296,000 / 50.28 = 25775.6563 years


And the the unitary values of current time i.e. years to pass through one degree precession arc is …

25775.6563 / 360 = 71.5990453 years per degree precession


Or in other words, 71.6 years per degree precession (if we round off this value to two decimal points) …

Thus 71.6 time units per rate of expansion of space is the Hubbles constant at the current times … But this value does not account for the 9 degrees offset that is also naturally present …


So to account for the 9 degrees precession offset that is naturally present in this world system, we get into a further calculation as shown below …

71.5990453 + 0.5333333 = 72.1323786 space units per unit time


Since this value goes beyond the extreme value of Nadir of precession, so this value is an utter impossibility as it denotes an instable universe … So the real value shall be as calculated below …

Value at Nadir – (Excess from Nadir of above figure)

So above becomes as follows …

72 – (0.1323786) = 71.8676214 space units per unit time


This is the Hubbles constant at current state of precession i.e. if Hubbles constant is calculated as of now, then its value shall be as we have derived it here (but basis my own derived value of 50.28 arc seconds of yearly change of precession per year and since this value was taken at sea and since ships roll and pitch, so it may not be exactly correct … Hence please use the correct value of yearly rate of change of precession, to derive the exact value of this figure and basis the discussed method of calculation) …


Note: The value of offset (i.e. 0.53333333) is initially added and thence reduced here due to following reasons … When moving from current stage of precession and until reaching the Nadir point, the unitary value of time increases and after the Nadir point is crossed over, the unitary value of time starts reducing … So due to this reason, in this calculation the value is initially added and then excess from Nadir value (of 72.0 years per degree change of precession) is reduced in the second part of this calculation … Please study above figure to know it, as this fact is absolutely clear in above figure …


75-EE-4 … Rate of expansion of space for Zenith point of precession …

Though this is a useless calculation as there is no marker of it in universal space except of birth of Purshottam Bhagwan Raam (which itself was in divine age of trinity or Deva Tretayuga about 870 thousand years ago as per middle time units of precession) yet since this discussion is a part of the topic, so I have done it here and that too with a half heart (it would be useful in the final conclusion of this topic) …

As was discussed in earlier topics, following applies for the Zenith point …

  • 3333333 units at observers plane per unit of space, when not considering the naturally present 9 degree offset of precession …
  • And the same is 61.8666666 (i.e. 61.3333333 + 0.5333333) when the naturally present precession offset of 9 degrees is considered in the calculation or observation methods …
  • I have added the offset value here as the offset is towards the middle point of precession which has a higher unitary value of time as compared to the Zenith point of precession … Please study above figure to know it, as this fact is absolutely clear in above figure …
  • This is the value of Hubble constant for Zenith of precession …


75-FF … Concluding above discussions … Kaal Gyan is the unity principle …

As the Hubbles constant changes with change of stages of Precessional cycle that are used as a base to derive it, all of which are dependent upon the primordial dimension of macrocosmic creation (i.e. Time or Kaal), so the Hubble constant shall also be seen to be changeful …

This change of values shall also be in line with the cyclic nature of time (i.e. Kaalchakra of our discussion) … It is due to this reason that the values of this constant shall be found to be different if the same constant is checked for the stage of origination of this plane of existence (or universe) and compared to the current stage of progress of the universe (or plane of existence) or to any other stage of universe (all of which are also reflected in the same precession cycles) …

This is the reason for differences in the Hubble constant that is calculated by different space agencies … This difference is only due to differences of methods that relate to different stages of the universe (or plane of existence) which are also reflected within the precession cycles …

This is what leads to differences of unitary values of time that get applicable in such observations and on whom the “rate of expansion of space (or Hubble’s constant)” ultimately depends …

And the knowledge which unites all these theories, their observations and final calculated values is none other than the knowledge of time and its cycles (i.e. Kaal Gyan and Kaalchakra) …

As also, if someone would study applications of Kaalchakra, then it would be known that the same dimension of time also unites all other values to itself …

By all other values, I mean including every scientific, religious, philosophical value (But provided these religious and philosophical values are not based upon the imaginary world of mind or Manoloka) …


Proceeding further and final conclusion …

Since everything that is observed is viewed through the shades (or goggles) of time and since the the celestial time which is applicable at this world is none other than that of the precession cycles (i.e. unitary value of time or celestial time), so all derived values of space (and distance and force etc.) have to be in an eternal synchronous, systemic and synergistic exchange with the primordial dimension of macrocosmic creation which is applicable to this world (from where we observe anything) of here or beyond (i.e. the universe which is visible to our naked eyes and also that part of universe which is invisible to our naked eyes) …

This statement is also in line with a macrocosmic principle, which I have discussed at a later stage of this text and which I have named as “principle of eternal Sssexing” (or the principle of eternal synchronous, systemic and synergistic exchange between all that ever is or could ever be as a microcosm and where the word microcosm included states right from the universe till the smallest atom) …

Due to this reason, knowledge of primordial dimension of macrocosmic creation, i.e. time (Kaal Gyan) and its eternal cycles (i.e. Kaalchakra Vijyan) itself denotes the unity principle or principle of allness or principle of everything or the principle which unites every part of allness to each other and that too due to the innermost undivided state of allness itself …


Proceeding further …

Any deviation of values from above calculated ones only indicate an error of calculation and/or observation and/or errors due to movement of bodies that are observed and/or the movement of the background universe and/or errors due to environmental aspects (like naturally present refraction light in various states that the light travels from its observed source and prior reaching the observer) and/or errors due to instruments that are utilized in such observations …

And this is because of the fact that time (or Kaal) itself is the macrocosmic primary dimension and everything else follows it (I mean time and its cycles are followed by everything else) … Thus if anything gets deviated from the dimension of time, then it denotes a stage of loss of harmony to that part of the macrocosmic creation within whose envelopes that thing (or entity or object or microcosm) itself rests in a deviated state (from unitary values of time that are applicable at the point of observation) …


Now read this carefully … And such planes (or worlds) where this value is deviated are unfit for sustaining human or any other life form who resides upon this planet … This is because our human bodies are designed as per the time units of this planetary system … So if we in our current physical bodied form are transferred to such worlds (which have the deviation as is discussed here) then we wont be able to survive there (whilst we still hold our physical bodies of this world system) …


Proceeding further …

As also, all those worlds etc. (and all cases) where a deviation from above calculated values are seen, are also denoting that the observed state has gone off sync with the primordial dimension of time as is related to this world system … And if we assume that this world is in sync with the macrocosmic creation, because animate-conscious-knowledgeable-active life resides here, so the deviation as is discussed here also means that the observed world where these values are deviated, is off sync with the macrocosmic creation itself …

This off sync is always there when any celestial body is changing its state (i.e. it has reached a stage of evolution, where it needs to move into the next stage of its own evolutionary existence) or is moving into a new cycle of existence (i.e. it has evolved out of the previous cycle of existence and is settling into the next cycle of existence) or is moving into a newer state of existence (i.e. it is originating or dissoluting) etc-etc …

So at such stages as discussed in previous paragraph, the observations can never be termed as reliable as far as the characteristic of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation within which that celestial body itself resides, is concerned … This is because of the fact that irrespective of whether anything originates, exists or dissolutes within the multi-universal macrocosmic creation, the multi-universe is an eternally stable entity because such isolated disturbances as are within individual celestial bodies have no impact on the multi-universal stability as a whole … Just like the case where any single cell lives or dies has no substantial impact on your physical vehicle as a whole (as cells keep getting born and dying continuously within your physical vehicle) so is the case of a single celestial body within the multi-universal macrocosmic creation …

In fact even is a universe dissolutes, still the multi-universal macrocosmic creation stays stable due to the “macrocosmic law of an eternal balance within opposites” … Thus if any world diverts its energies on one side (i.e. it begins to originate or dissolute or change its state of existence) then the energies which are released in this process, are always utilized at some of the other points (some other plane or worlds) of the same multi-universal macrocosm

Thus the multi-universal macrocosmic creation is always stable and due to this reason, the values of unitary values of space (or Hubbles constant) can never be deviated from the extreme limits as are discussed below …


The extreme limits of rate of expansion of space (or Hubble constant)  can ever exceed below given values or else they would denote an unstable multi-universe (or instability of the universe or of the observed celestial body from which such deviated values are derived) …

At Zenith of precession … 61.3333333 time units per unit of space … This is the lowermost limit and below this limit, the celestial body can never denote stability (in relation to this planet) …

At Nadir of precession … 72.0 time units per unit of space … This is the uppermost limit that can be termed as that of a stable celestial body and thus if this value is exceeded in any celestial body, then also it denotes an unstable condition of that part of the multi-universe (or a celestial body) where such a value of observed …


Note: If any expansion and contraction of universe (and/or unitary values of time) are found to be beyond (i.e. above and/or below) the above stated limits of Hubbles constant, then that condition also denotes that the human body would be unable to survive on such worlds (or celestial bodies which have this discussed deviation) because such worlds are off sync with the unitary values of time (or celestial time) for which our human bodies (which reside on this world) are designed …

Note continues: But above note and its discussion definitely does not mean that if in distant worlds, the values are found to be in between the above stated extreme limits, then those worlds are fit for sustaining human life …

Note continues further: And I say so by direct and experiential cognition of facts as are stated in this note … Whenever I subtly travelled to those states where these values were off sync and then the travelling subtler vehicle entered back into the physical vehicle (which was resting at this world) then I always fell sick for a while … And most of my problems were either related to pains, breathlessness (heaviness of breath) or excessive (actually strange) flows in my nerves (Mostly nerves of skin, spinal column and brain) … I still have remnants of these problems and based upon experience, I also think that once you have these problems which are due to incompatible energies entering into the physical vehicle, then they  would never go away during your incarnated state … But over time you also learn how to live with them …


Thus basis above discussion, if the rate of expansion of space is not found to be resting within the below mentioned extremes of this value (of rate of expansion of space) then they need to be ignored as they only denote an instability of the larger multi-universal macrocosmic creation, even when the multi-universe as a whole, is an eternally stable entity …

A substantial part of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation was shown in the first painting of an earlier topic of “Lingams within and beyond” and this was also the topic where we had stated that each Shivalingam which is shown in that painting, is a universe which holds countless planes of existences (galaxies etc.) and each galaxy holding countless worlds (planets etc.) … This is what I saw during a subtle travel to a state which is beyond the limited expanses of the universe in which this planet rests …



And finally …

During the next 11-12 millenniums of the current underway lightness phase of precession (Shukla Paksha) …

If we observe the figure of this topic and also apply above discussions to it, then following is also found to be a fact (but times stated in above figure are basis Nadir time units of precession) …

  • The unitary value of time shall be reducing, and due to this reason, the “rate of expansion of universe (Hubbles constant)” shall also be found to be reducing only …
  • And simultaneously with above … The unitary values of time (or one single unit of time) would be reducing and thus the space shall be found to be expanding exponentially as we see larger and larger distances in space …
  • Thus basis above two points … Even when Hubble’s constant which denotes the “rate of expansion of universe” shall be reducing in this time (or next 11-12 millenniums) but yet the space shall be found to be exponentially expanding when we shall apply the Hubbles constant to ever farther distances …
  • And after 11-12 millennium when Zenith point of precession is crossed over by this world system, then space shall be found to be reducing (contracting) and simultaneously the unitary values of time and rate of expansion of universe shall be seen to be slowing down (lesser rate of expansion) …


Continues …

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