Raam Naad and Ouroboros


The symbols of this topic are discussed in brief and these discussion is only to the extent that relates to our current discussion … Thus whatever is discussed here is not the end of the story of this concept of Ouroboros … Some deeper discussions on these symbols shall also be taken up in later … Read more

Shakti Shiva Yoga in Plexus


This topic describes the Shakti Shiva Yoga (or this can also be told as, Shiva Shakti Yoga) that also happens within the plexus or Chakra … But here I have only described this union of Shakti and Shiva within two chakras i.e. Chakra of Third eye chakra (Ajna Chakra) and the crown plexus (Brahmarandra chakra … Read more

Raam Naad and Prakriti Purusha Yoga

Prakriti Purusha Yoga ... Commencement stage ...

Here we shall discuss the two primary aspects of Maker and its Makings … These are told as Prakriti (or matter) or Pradhana (or Primordial or primary) or creation (or feminine principle) and Purusha or Spirit or self or Absolute or eternal or creator (masculine principle) … And their eternally unioned state i.e. Prakriti Purusha … Read more

Raam Naad is of Raam Bhadra

Here we discuss Raam Bhadra or Ram Bhadra from the final fact that Ram Bhadra is Atman or in other words Rama is Atman (i.e. your innermost essence or Atman is none other that Lord Rama) …     Raam Naad of Sound of Raam is heard during those stages of Shakti Shiva Yoga when … Read more

Raam Naad … The base

Here we shall discuss Raam Naad with respect to the fact that vehicle of “Sound of Raam” is the vehicle of Lord Rama and thus it is the Raam Yana or Rama Yana or Taraka Yana … All these are different names of the ever-same fully liberating auspicious vehicle of Lord Rama (or Lord Raam) … Read more

Raam Naad … Across paths

Raam Naad ... Kundalini awakening ...

This painted sketch shall also be utilized in later sub-parts of this topic, so keep it at the back of your mind until this set of topics Shiva Taraka Naad finally ends … Here we shall discuss the meanings of words like RA, Ra, Raam, Ram, Lord Ram, Roar of a thousand lions or lion’s … Read more

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